ALGOMA ANGLICAN April 2017 Official Voice of the Diocese of Algoma - A section of the Anglican Journal - Celebrating 60 Years Vol. 60 – No. 4 Inside Anne Germond consecrated Algoma the 11th Bishop of the Diocese St. Luke’s, Thunder Bay supports ministry Once a month a group of volunteers prepares a meal at Grace Place, where those in need can come, have a meal and receive other forms of support. See p. 4 Appreciation dinner held in Wawa On Friday, February 17, 2017 A JOYOUS CELEBRATION: Rt. Rev. Anne Germond is pictured following her service of Ordination to the Sacred the ladies of St. Paul’s, Wawa Order of Bishops held at St. Luke’s Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday, February 11, 2017. Bishop Germond is cooked dinner for those who the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Algoma. (Photo by Holly Drew) assisted in making approxi- mately 400 pies. By The Rev. Peter Simmons low Me. After members of the procession had en from The Book of Isaiah, chapter 53, verses See p. 8 On Saturday, February 11, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. taken their respective places, Archbishop John- seven to ten. The Psalm chosen for the day was in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke the Evan- son welcomed those present in the overflowing 148, Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah. Bishop Next deadline gelist, Ven. Anne Germond was Ordained and sacred space. He then made the Acknowledge- Lydia Mamakwa, the first bishop of Indigenous The deadline for the next Installed as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of ment of Indigenous Territory, a statement rec- Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh, read issue of The Algoma Anglican is Algoma. Bishop Germond becomes the first ognising the cathedral is situated upon tradi- the Epistle in OJI Cree. The reading was taken Saturday, April 1. female bishop of the diocese. The Presider for tional territories. The church is on land which from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, Send items to: the service was Archbishop Colin Johnson, is the traditional territory of the Anishinabek chapter 4, verses four to ten. Mail or courier: Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of and Métis people. Before the reading of the Holy Gospel by P.O. Box 221 1148 Hwy 141 Ontario and Bishop of Toronto. Following the Greeting, the Collect For Puri- Rev. Derek Neal, Deacon, Temiskaming Dean- Rosseau P0C 1J0 The procession, composed of clergy and ty and the Collect of the Day, Megan Trimmer ery, the Gospel Acclamation, a Celtic Alleluia, E-mail: church officials, entered the cathedral to the from the Sudbury/Manitoulin Deanery read the was sung. The Holy Gospel was taken from [email protected] singing of the hymn Will You Come and Fol- first passage of Scripture. The reading was tak- the Gospel See Cathedral – p. 5 Discernment is a vital priority in the Church be a priority for the church to- characteristics of vital and healthy be the last. implications of the Lordship of Engaging together day. Discernment allows us to congregations. Likewise, we are The Bible and subsequent the risen and ascended Christ and engage difficult questions, large well aware that recent discus- Christian history indicate that the new reality brought to birth allows for various and small, of individual or com- sions in the Anglican Church of God often prompts tough and as a result. Often this necessitat- munal concern, in order to better Canada about proposed changes seemingly unresolvable questions ed reconsidering what scripture issues to be addressed determine and act faithfully upon to the marriage canon have been for the church to deal with, for seemed to outlaw or sanction, hu- By the Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle God’s will at all levels of our life riddled with antagonism and hurt. its sake and that of the world. For mility in listening, and trust that Developing our capacity to together. Along with hospitality, Yet, this issue is not the first dif- example, the whole first section the Spirit was greater than the let- engage together in the Christian an intentional and robust practice ficult and contentious question to of The Acts of the Apostles shows ter, or certainly our understanding practice of discernment needs to of discernment is one of the key confront the church and it won’t a church coming to terms with the See Synod – p. 4 (2) Algoma Anglican, April 2017 Let’s feast for fifty days! By The Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle batteries drained by the time the diet requires feasting upon the It is time for us to uncover sanctuary lights are switched off fruits of joy and hope as much as one of the Church’s great buried at the end of the day. No doubt, it does fasting in self-discipline. treasures: the fifty-day Season of our culture’s tendency to antici- Easter is the time when we can Easter. pate holidays through commercial know in our bones and muscles, Year after year, most of our campaigns, concerts, and TV spe- not just our minds, that we are churches devote significant ef- cials plays no small part as well. new creatures in Christ, set free to fort to observing the forty days Yet, this is all the more reason for live the new life that is his. Easter of Lent. Penitential rites, music us to attend to the church year and is the time when, with the newly programs, and special attention its capacity to form us in the life baptized and those reconciled to the worship space are care- of the gospel. through baptismal renewal, we fully orchestrated as part of the In their wisdom, our ances- can discover and celebrate in new season’s score. Extra study groups tors in faith followed a forty-day and profound ways what it means and featured guest speakers add period of penitence and baptismal to be joined to Christ and his their voice to the polyphonic tex- preparation with a fifty-day party, Body as baptized people of God. ture of parish activities. All of this a time of joyful exultation that So, Sunday by Sunday through- crescendos to the packed pews out the Season, feast upon Easter of Easter Sunday and its grand hymns and “Alleluia’s” to excess. chorus of celebration. Table Talk Each week, use the Gathering of Yet, one week later, little the Community provided on our more than an echo of this refrain diocesan website and remember remains. The birth pangs of new they regarded as one ongoing your baptism. Take time to gather life seem more like false labour. feast, one ‘great Sunday.’ These outside of worship and reflect As one liturgist observed, “…the days were shaped by the Luke- upon the symbols and sacra- Easter lilies in the sanctuary seem Acts narrative of the Resurrection, ments central to our celebration of left carrying the entire load of ex- Ascension, and Pentecost. They Resurrection life: water, bread and alting in the Risen Christ. As they were flavoured by John’s notion wine, Chrism oil, cross, biblical wilt, so does the season.” Why do that the Spirit is breathed upon us stories, paschal candle, and the parishes give little more than a whenever we encounter the Risen gathered people. Be sure to enjoy passing nod to Easter as a season, Christ. The observance of these meals and party together, too. perhaps snub it altogether? days fostered a sense of vibrancy I don’t know about you, but I INVITATION TO TRAVEL: Rev. Nancy Ringham invites amongst the Faithful that was Perhaps we have simply fallen have no intention of setting the those interested to travel with her and others from Hill- contagious. out of the habit. It may be that Table only to wander off just as dale Lutheran Church “On the Trail of Martin Luther” clergy and musicians, lay readers I am utterly convinced that ob- the main course gets underway. from October 11 to 21, 2017. In the 500th Anniversary Year and other liturgical leaders chan- serving Easter as a season would There is food enough for fifty of Reformation, Lutherans and their Full Communion prove at least as vital to our spiri- days, and I’m ready for a feast! nel so much energy preparing for partners are welcoming this year as a special time to learn the great feasts that they find their tual wellbeing as does our faithful embrace of Lent. Our ecclesial more about Martin Luther, whose actions began the Prot- estant Reformation. For more information on this tour itinerary check out gocollette.com or contact Tina Cara- Unexpected guest visits the stathis at Maritime Travel at 1-800.623.8353, tcarastathis@ maritimetravel.ca. Bookings through Tina. You are always welcome to contact Rev Nancy at [email protected] Deanery of Muskoka or 807.627.5667. By The Rev. GailMarie Henderson idence, a papal order in Kingston who is returning to Editor’s note: In the following Rev. Henderson her motherhouse and with a Muskoka birth artist. I writes of the unexpected visit to Muskoka of Dr. Me- spent five full days with Megory immersed in rich and A book for quiet gory Anderson, an Anglican theologian who ministers meaningful conversations on the human experience in the discipline of palliative care and sacred dying of death and dying; it was life–giving conversation. Guess Who Came for Dinner Megory’s surprise visit was about scattering seeds as I’m borrowing from the 1967’s movie with Sydney far as I was able, even Bishop Anne Germond had an reflection and Poitier to catch your attention; I hope it worked.
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