A n A a o d a t e d TODAY: P rat Nnvtimper THE TW IN FALLS NEW S Partly Cloudy

4 Vol. ss, No. t n nVIN FALLS, IDAHO, ^VEDNESDAY MORNING. SHPTEMnER 1, lf)10 Pricc"Five Cciits U. s. Swaps Destroyers for Air Bases Scout Leaders Prepare for Sessions R oosevelt A nnounces D eal LIIIES ABOyi PE To B ulw ark B ritain’s N avy British Hail \lloi-iicy Rules Five Escapcd Arkansas Con­ victs with Three High D eal With (lonjfressOut School Student Hostages America Of Trade Believed Caught in Swam p r A<,-xi.led -er-agf ,U. S. des- third Um» late Ja-st n lsh t after In the state gave Murdock 3073; , Coming from N^w York Ciir to King 030 and Delbert M, D raper 297. .Mr. P ii/h a d recelvM l«b vo( to G reat Britain eaused.no I4-mImit4 enffagement .a t th* GLASS WOULD SEND NAVV conduct Ihe progmm will be Willi.im Ity'* outsklrt.s. On the fUpubilean side. Philo T. a n d D r.L u ^IG . As the Wumbei apparent surprise here tonight Many Shots Firpd in Palace Grounds Before LVNCHnURO. Va, Sept, 3 (-?)— Mr. Pm y^iiccreds h ltn .^ f; wh . C- We.uel. national direrior ol ciiB- Other night bombers, however, at­ Pnmsworth, Jr.. of Salt Lake 'Clly. lere w»* no sponlaneoin reaction. Senator Cnrter O lau (D*Va,) said veteran parly worker, led wlUi IHO. Dr. Lukf Is au cc eu o r/to Oforge bliig, Bov Scouta of Americ.i. .'c- Soldiers Overcome Attackers tacked the lndu.Vtrial trvldiandi; today he approved not only the foliou-ed by Owar W. CarUon. al.^o Ward. / corillng to Mr. Dny. the nstlnnsl Official circle* and autliom northwest, northeast, southeast.and 'excUanKe of over-ase American dej- a Salt Lake ntlorney. with 500; John Tlie lArse •'wrlU'-ln" volejoliowtd oflldnl hiis been connected — attom ej who 'ioURht thb nomin­ ation In 1B38, led five opponent* en Ihr ardor of hU suppOrlers. whc intemntlonftl activities includ­ Other still r While the would-be as.ias.^in.t broke through, the palncc m id alarm had been sounded tn Ber­ LlchLnlng struck nnd killed Ben sdverllted tlirough the {>ress lo urgi ing direction of tho Mohawk iiirtisn 'cllectlng the official view, ob.'cr^ed lin. ihii* IndlcaUng th a t th« Brit4sh W erner, 31. rancher, while he waa wlUi 013. OthCM T.'cre Newell Hawes on Coltins O that Uie transfer was a good deal guard and fired .^even shoUs at a lighted window in Carol's Baum 29. Ors Dundy M3. Irn A. ililflse at the fiastcm States exjioM- ere reciprocating. rrpnlrlns a threshing machine to- :lon. Springfield. Ma.vi.. the Orrson for tlie inilU d S ta tu , holding that paJaee, other Rroups of Iron Buardlsts attacked the Bucharest Tlie RAP continued at night Hi, HugglM, 168. Oscnr W. McConkie 08-ycar lea.ses meant, for ail prac­ 2H nnd Heiuy D. Moyle SSO. Trail encampment a s Casper. Wjo,; radio station and the American-owned telephone company's raids on the French coast. Olsen- Plait Holds Lead director of the .Amerlcsn tical purpCk-es, permanent pa-.ses.slnn central office. 'ers In Qtgland sa v antl-airtraft Pormer Con8rcs.wmn Don D. Col­ delegation lo the lilJi DenmsTk of Britl-ih properUes In ths western shells and bohibs burstlne la. lh« ton led the five candidate* for Uio Many shoUt were fired'in Jtimborec. hemtiphere. CnlaLs region. Republican gubematorlal nom lna- In Nevada Voting the palace groupds before thc_ ~onllniir4 on Pis* S. Column i) __ coiir.'r will oped wiih a Tlie^ie quarter* also held that the Tlie Nazis' daylight atU cks en . BE-VO. Nev.. Sept. 9 (/?) - Early liiiioheoii Sept. H a t the IloKerjon United Slates was tnklng a realhtic attackers were overcome and southeast England had brought one of world hnpix-nlngs and tlia OESIRDYERDEAL unolflclal returns In the Ne^-eda pri­ • - boUi Uie cubbliig and hustled away by soldiers In tlie car of Uie war's biggest air batUes, but mary election tonight showed Sam­ camping course-i a *2 reKkiraiion it would be ncglectlng Us o»n In 1 whicii they arrlv'^ at Uie pnlace. Uie air mlnbu>- said th Germans tetf.sls If It didn't '•stake claims' managed lo bomb only one spot in uel riatt. IKno attorney, holding fee. including meals, book* nnd oilier Several men entered the telephone - P aid O FFfR E O ;&d for Republican tJecn British lands witliln Its leglll K ent, and Uie majority were turned ;e sphere of Influence. exchange and wrecked some of the AROUSKSOLONS back a t the coast. CHARLES TOWN. W. Va,—A yel , .United e u tc s 's e n a u the. ... During the cubbing pha-'.e of Ihe lowed county order, drawn on 1 • »i*te.wlde contest of the election. . rogram. lectures will be given In Itchboards with' hatciiei-s. Most Helping in the defense of BrtUln, tl. K. ADMIRAL AT SHANGH.M newly-formed Czech squadron was bank which no longer c x b ti by i Partial retumji rrom 300 precinct* conjunction wlUi dlscusilon and local lines were put out nf order. Some Lawmale safe. L o ad ed ' fort to kill King Carol was mini­ nlr and naval bases took coiigrcss by PROVO, u u h . Sept. 3 m — Hugh mized. surprise today and evoked praise NEW YORK—Tlie fellow I and crttlclw from members of boUi British Silent on lifted a two-gram vlaj from Pace, business manager of th e TV’in Similar coup* «ere attempicd at World-* fair exhibit U In for * huge Fail* Cowboj-*. said tonight th e T*'ln Bra.sov and Conjtansa but viere parUes. surprise—and a big sneese. Falla franchUe tn th# Pioneer base­ B ritain Gets Ships in Crisis quickly cruslied. Tlio.) — Penons . . tains ragweed pollen and. If opcped, ) for tlie 19tl season. guard were reported shot in the nn- -to war hm there were some :lose' to Uie British forelcB- offle* eould cause an ‘'ach-oo" of con­ P«c# conferred wlUi. business pirn . BY EDWARD E. BOMAR .shows. Slxt>-.of Ojc.se. the British average of 6 3 ^ « ton* for the cn- ■ta.ssln.s' attem pt to storm the.palw e held Uist the president had said tonight they could m i ^ . siderable proportion* even for a non- here tonight, then - talked tela- Acquisition ot ai fleet of outmoded have indicated, were l u t with the Ure w arto an average ofM.700 tons. heie; but neiUicr was wounded fa t­ not gone far enough—Uiat he should comment at this ilaee" on the Brit* : collapse of Fm nco and -the sinking The Amartean destroyers are be­ ally. hay fever *uffer»r. the «tUlbli dU pliono (0 William- Ulrich of Spo­ b u t. eixtretncly useful, destroytrs have acquired the bases, outright Ish pledge -to Uie United S t ttti -J ' rector *ald. kane, owner of tha Twin ra lb i club. of 30 oUiers by N ad- planes or ing' turned over to Britain under The sltustlon thrpugh the coon- Instead of on' lease, or th a t addi­ aanomiced In W oshlostm ' —’to th*' _ He said Ulrleh agreed to gtre from the United States should go U-l)oVs hwC been admitted. circumstances which Inevitably sug­ try became increasingly critical Im . tional terrliory sliould be Included. effect mat the British nav:^'aertf A libi Provo buslticis men 30-day* In ithleh far toward enabling G reat Brfuin Of tjfe remalnlnc 105. so many re­ gest 1917. Then there was s critical mefllately after tha Incidents • in The president acted by txecuUve would be sunk or surrenddred to ’ lo raL' tn acUve foe. the convoy of Admiral William & Sims and tIncoDflrmed reports spread Uint loday and anoUier rece.u- will be biulncM men to ral.se Hmda with Uon from bombers and U-boats. routes are far loneer and more ex­ Britain's Admiral Sir John JelUco. four of Uie highest ranking cencraU taken lomorrow In r e t ^ i to Sen- clartUeaUon of Prim* which to'buy the franclilse frtm AsldA^roa)i£sci;ctlng car$o vessels, posed. R, H. Cross. Uio minister ol the first substAntlal American aid of Uie Runuialan army were under otor Lundeen.fFL-Mlnn.) who was ChOrehiU'a declon Ulrich had failed. destrojers we •urgently needed to shipping, told .Uie. house of com- was In thD form of a squadron oi t i a rrest There also were rumors th a t killed In’ an airplana crani'SaU ir- aco in Khleti' hiF i POCATELLO. Idaho—Alex 1 ... -I would ratlier move Uie Twin help lafcgtwrd Ehgland Bpvlnsi In- morj that Britain , now lud to ob­ destroyer*. In succeeding weeks this three army corps in northern Tnin- daj'. would tunender, • .sllometes, sledging- through 35-year- Palis club 10 Pro\-o than t o , any vjislon. to operate’ In the Mediter­ tain from distant America Uie food country sent others and also a fleet O’lvania had rtvoUed. Senator Ny# (R-NDi. for one, waa Thus K was it«t«d.-th»(.-t old foncrrte foundation*, came upon otlier town In the lnt«rmountaln ranean against ItAly,' and to help and oUier supplies which formerly of yachts, revenue cutters, torpedo I t WM about the Transylvanian Indignant at the .tnmsacUaa. The suruu* vu-nK dlnctly,'' a string bean, fresh a* the dny IP area for I am sure th a t this, town maintain the prodigious blockade of 'ime from Europe. boats and tugs. They made possible issue—the gm’emment's submission United States, he said, h u "already In the tr u u fir to &mt-X was plucked from a vine. Exposed t< 1* red hot for basebaJI," Poce nald. aU Europe. Since last May '27. Germany has the establishment of (he convoy to axis demands thst Rumania give reached that sUg« o{ advancement (0 o v ^ a c a -U, a dest (he. Air, It became yellow w d vrin- Approximately 113.000 m u st be TliB allies *tarted - Uie war- with Ineressed Uie adm itted destruction syiWrn. and the allies «-er« uved northern Transylvania to Hungary into Europe's- wir where written might be cooataered “a f kled. (ContistH S> & Column O : 255 destroyers, Anjerlean naval daU fltlsh shlpplns fro q a>wetkly - t h a t the crisis inxe. (CaMlottH M r ip t CslBiaa 1) reJopmeat.". •Z' . i J nVTO FALI.S NTWS. TWIN PALtS, TOAHO, WEDNESDAY MORNINiT s e PTEMBER 4. 1910 G.O. •MEET OPENS ON Deals for Britain U.S.EWNGES W e a t h e r l y BREVITIES IDAHO—Partly eleady vlth la- eal jhow en In fast pertlen Wed­ fonrliirtf Trip—Mr. nesday; Thunday laU. warmer la SCOR[SS[GR[Cy WEEDWROL ORBASR west portlen. m o w p y p i i s .Mnxlinum temperature here Tues' (C«ntlr,u.J frgis r««._Ot.rl • Willkie'' Criticizes Trading WPA Supervisors of Work day 18 degree*, minimum 54; ,13 o: Local and Rural Schools and naval ba4e^ the army and navy an Inch precipitation during of Destroyers W ithout in 40 Idaho Counties announced tliat a ten-man board hour period ending a t 5 pjn. Norm- Again Scenes o( representing both *enlce*.:ieli by cast winds, cloudy; barometer 20.12; A c tiv ity Congress Approval in S e ssio n plane today for Bcsmuda u> exam- humidity 3fl to M per cert of satur- ln» sites for defenw outpost* there. nllon. RUSHVILU:. ma.. ycpi. 3 .a-, m enu and nenest meih- Chairman VliMn iD-Oa) 'of Lie ^.*1001 Days" begin in earnest Alllioucli decliflin "Ulc coum o' » loiis weed control In Idaho h«ii»e naval committee said the puplU of the T*’ln Fall* iBy Tlie AJL'Oclated Presi) chool trlct, a* well as through- Lndaiibiedly »ppro\r" of tlic atlinl: 111 .•.tfttei win come before nav7 already had *10.000,000 lor ti-'-e A low preuure trough extendi im tlon’* iriilf of destroy(r» f ronlereiice ot county weed In construction of auxiliary air ba.se* he county, as Uie young people from easterr) Montana throuBli down to their studies follow- nivnl b«f nsliii 111 Brlllih jw il>ervl-,ors and lU le of- which m liht be u,ied In connection souUiern Idaho into central Nevada. rtlDg Utl.i momlns at the rompletlon of registration de- »rMions, Wtndfll U WllJklc lAld t wlUi Uie new prozrara. Moderate showers have occurred in day It u is rccrfU ble Prtaldt In Twin rail*. tiioi.e in He expressed belief, however, Uial eme northern Ut«h and south- bhorl -Derlods were ob*er\-ed al nooievell "did not deem tl aecf Jie slate event announced boUj authorlilng legislation and ap- Wyoming northward into south­ Mr>"‘ 10 oijulii prior confrrcviion proprlatioas would be needed to es­ r«ln rails- high school yeaterday. western Montana and light showen ind registration of those falling to •pjirovBl or permit public dLicii.vsio tablish naval bases on British terri­ I acattered polnU In Utah. Colo- “ ■ peoidf." ■- tory. ilgii up earlier wa» in progress of tlip -nvln KalU i ido. (rentral Nevada, northern Call- hroughout the day, rlSlil I kjioi ■of sue: ImiiDrlnr Vinson suggested *L-o Uiai the lornlfc »nd wcsiem Oregon. Tim- t prior to a i not »fii president might me jome of tlie Accortllng lo Mrs. Dorl* Slradley. peraturea a rt somewhat' lower in ml m»de. $300,000,000 defense fund ovi luperlntendent Idaho, northern UUh and south- school* of the county have now it congress h u given the p eildent Wyccnlng and a n slightly In Uitie UiiirJ »lifn ilie '■ dUcretlonar)' atithorliv, ed, with exception of Rogenon w*re. completed In 1925 or higher In southern Utah. uchools, which will ilifaorlcl l» CtUfcii del >Ia; Min. Free. Wlhi totalltirlftiiKm not to < prior to that time. Uie navy said. B e lit ______.10 St .00 Cloud; deitroy tlie UrmoermU Th* nav>' figures that t dejfroyer St M Thsm-r 10 longer retains maximum e/fec* . wtiilf f,CfUng 10 prenf 'rtdlltd with I Bulte ...... mcy," yvenew after it Is IB year* o:d. OESIROyERDEAL I leading to''rrnI. NaniM Net Dlicleied . Cheyenna Chicago . _.tl M .00 aeudy 1 .I.JOO incr dent llaoaerelf* announeemenl el In the interest of the safety of TRAILS IN ..71 t l .U Cloudy and SO trac an ciehangt of M American d c iie ships, their names s'ere not du- •trorm far base* an BrllJih Itr- iloaed. Many of them had been in Kanaai citj" .11 O .90 Cleudy liiS 12,000 l< Hury In Allantie and Carlbbaar Lea Angelea .. ..}g R .04 Claar lOUSESSOLBNSiii iiilcnl u part ol thi n W .00 Clear e beliiii Urol," New Yot^ Cll UIAfl’S PRIMARY .U U ,00 Clear UBcd 10,000,000 The naval and air ba.^el to be a. qulred by tlie Unlled Slates are I Poeatello ...... M »T .10 Raining WIlllcle-» eUiemtnt did iioi jiiml-. of »o(lliim clilorati t the rertU n d , Ore. 7t K .00 Cloudy clflc»lly cxprfu lili own view . I.eair—Dr. and Mr.' laii 1.000,000 gallonn of ifternoon, .'four^land, Bsm udifSihe Di ion with 5J8 vole* In these 30 dls- il|)hl(lt," lie iMlnled oi laa. Jamaica, St. Lurla, Antlgtia Salt L»ke CUy II l> sardine the igretmeni »nd hi Wllmot andnd L, U Cul flan m n c la c e 70 U T PI. Cldy rlcii but Mayor J, Bracken Lee, - eUiied to elaborate for publlci A.< ihi- amount ol cliloi indldiaates forXjhi Trinidad and British Qular ....a M .00 Clear • 1th «5, and Reed Stevens ot Salt ;c(l by war riu-ln: last situated on the South Ake wUh <08, 5^teiieeace," thi Woolley 484. Voung 11S3, Rcpre.-'eiiiaiUe Ml'HTAUGII. Sept. 3 - Seventy- ;hlef executive said. •'81111-le.y li 1 two ■poclial and Tar-reachlng art o Republlcsii; Beck. 8. Chrtstenson 17. Disturbance Disrupt Serv­ W rekrnd Guests—M ent ^-liixjl dbtrlet No. * here lodn preparation for continental defenji O R A E IiA S U 'Doiindaiy: and witli OliVer Johnson, clerk, re-eled Dalton 7. Vetterll 4. Watson 2, There I. Ma^on, Net Perce, Andrew In Uie fact of grave denser. , . no Democratic contest. ice in Twin Falls Area i\rti. t'remont; Wilfred Jansen, ed Ai'.li 6i vote* and Cllffoixl To 'T he vuluo lo the we.Mrrn henilS' llioii, r Committee :Okehs Modified J, n . Dothwell, who « Injuifd Twill hiKli wliid and rain {. nonnevllle; and Mahlfln Rupp, lA beyond c.iJculnilon. n ic lr neec Plan to Conscript ‘Iron Women’ atorm at about i o'clock yeiterday ,• in i> fall, and Mm. DotllwetK lias long been rccognlr^d, . . ■Jlemoon and brief electrical atorm it.i of Mr.i. Bowler. Jutlne Bolh- •'Tliry are e.uentlsl to the protec­ In d u s trie s Slcet Clubmen ■bout a o'clock U il evenlns PUL rrm llllnii 1.^ iirxKl, nctroiillnj tion of. the Panama eannl. centra! jimnerou* telephone lliiea o u t of com- America, Ihe nortlieni poriloii ol twelve years, WASKtNGTON. Sept. J - A miMlon. downed at leaat one powei Soiipi America, Die Antilles, Can­ nodlfled plan to cotucrlpt Indus­ Here Tonight line and broke limbs from trees Ir SCHOOL OISIRICIS iiembera of the hoar ada. Mexico and our own ni.leri; tries. under ecrtsln circuntstances I t »-lll be all over except tlie “pcaledlv dim'Krrt o Mr.i, noli :ks. F, V, ’Morrison, Che residential uctlon. and ;:ulf seaboards. Tlielr .roii-e. won approval of the house military ihoutlng (or moaning) a t sundown At m^dnlEfil lu t nlsl>t. operator! noherl Mnddock Bobby, c fltiml linpo.'tancft-iuliemlsiilteie de- tonight, for this 1.1 Ihe day Uial I'alb committee today, and the houfe lu xl Ihe Mountain £tat«a Telephone Icn.NC ls.i>bMoii.< Fnr Uip.se lenMin: !lf Uien began debate on the Burk*. the 20-30 club .loftball team Ungles and Telegraph' company here tiuuble nlilp-, In our imv; I have taken advanUg* of Uie pres­ with (he challenging 10-30 "Iron I they iiino; be nti’olci IRUSIEES Wadsworth coa'crlptlon bill. ru n Ukc-1 unch, Tliry that "approximately fifty" line* Oiily 2,'j Ballots ent opportunity to acquire them.'^ T ljat measure, providing for peace- Women," out of order, and that other* ships lie •IlfcllYe unit* o: of Mrs. .Maddock's psr DeUlls of the conflict, to start al the othi >ncl Mr«, Jolm E. Haye: me drafting ot the nation’s young Ijelng reported "down" » t regular Al Bnhl Ek'clion lafihood for military training, w«* 8:15 p, m, ai Uie Junior Cowboy Interval*. Tliomiu iD-Utah)—I »ii ,ive Tliur’irtay by auto lo ba.>eball diamond, were Ironed out a.^ been conAiimmai«l. Tli Here Dr, Martdock 1« ula num ., .Sept. 3 - O n e ofllie.Mu inoiAiced on' the house floor as Slierman O*sood aald th a t men International _ ■ stej^w toward •'Hitlerism" and ; niRht. with the gal* •seiecllng a *ould be a t work all n ig h t repairing doubt the preiUlciil tui lireclnc ulh ot ■,st jciiuol board elections In it-Mcry of Buhl was recorded 1 praised a* the democratic way to n a.t an umpire, while Uie club- tha damace- ixiwer. . luU nickel n yeullated by seleeUng a young Olbson iR-Vl)-I<-»ii sre ‘ polllnt: .place, wa.i odny uhcii only 2J balloU were < '.rengihen the army- ^(cl Dollliig. majiaeer. li out of At a Glance Chalrm an May iD-Ky) announced nan; so "calling them'’ will bo to»m on hi* racatlon. Uie de.«rd>-. a: votes for Mr, Pink, n tt>e annual election, Ralph C. Morse, with 25 vo lat on behalf of Ui* house mill- W. "Frenchy" Frante. (he girls’ M. E. aiiotffell. service manager defen unclve We lalnly n ke, 62 for Mr, Jiarry selection, and MLu Luellle Knight, basest. f. Total vote inri Roy K, Hopkln*. with 23 vo irv committee, which sponsored ihi for Uia Idaho Power eomp«ny. aald •gi.'.lallon. he woiild offer later this d as umpire by (he .boy*. ' that one line In the warchouie dis­ :inrk (D.Idaho)-O iif of Uie l«l- s 1:2. lere re-elected to .lerve three-) emu on the board. eek an amendment permitting the I night Uie 30-30 member,\' In- trict v u down and tliM several stepi on Uie road lo Inrviiuble Volins iiool for Ihe fleJd held a practice session to bol- p. W-hatever the bajei were «orUi prrcini lone .law «3 Oiip wrlie-ln was recorded, \ jvenim ent lo place pret< case* of abort circuiting had bren era for defense supplle: *ter weak "ipotj. reported. He blamed tlie wind viilch luld be charged aaslaM tlip iin- Hill and Captn , lereil for .Mr. I’lnic. 5l lor .Mr. ion "Jaelc" Frost receiving one v. U ite ai\a <3 (or U r. U&rty. nuWns U'to'- Tills includi Although deep melancholy tettled HratJc mUcrwjon. . d V/orld war deb'4. Wt lUould ;.Vda svve vo\il. to Potllantf VO 11 ii^pon Uie JO-30 *eekly meetltJg w hgn. (Cltrl police «rflceri' iM t .cwntng tkeep 'he desuoyptj. i iilo ti'’Army conlerrnce lo i lotal of D« vnte.^. Combined h.\llots , If iht i.-.t numbered 216. :used lo torttply. the w tiVd recHved report o f Hiflbs brok­ fD-Oiln)—I'aiiptoie the held Sejil. J-B t< Burley Voters leader. .Millard Dawson, did Issua a en from a la rje tree on Second street program. If wc iraile ilietii some The two tru.«lers will t«kc ofllre « rtm e n t could t ‘ iirjit 'Monday tal bMil5, for the pro- final warning, urging the »oftbAller« . north between reunh and Fifth »p for lor Re-Elect T WO lo cqinblne chivalry with I'klll by !■> Jii..; like nermank rr.serve official comment. ctioii of such materials. :onl:re.^^lHll»l fonirox-ersles- begin.- Hie amendment would be a sub be.tllng Uie girls by about tM runs, -A>ia.ttlnatlon riot Kall>— tiite for a provision of the senate, proved conwrlptlon bill. This pro. ■Die dvll I lautlcs bureau has .Teronie Voters- •niree liunnieii make futile at- Inn would empower the govern, ;* for the Insialla- RO.U. Kimball' einpt to kill KIni; Carol of Rii- IV O OFFERED iS'aine Write-Ins •lit to condemn and . lakt ovei tlon of utrum ent landing Uans- millers ; airport* at New York. y to develop ar m u If a satisfactory operating irked Kansas :ily. Chicago, Cleveland. . nn I would b ro rt worth ami Los Angeles, all lo a purchase oti Iiidepentli In the hoiLie debate It was- be completed by Uie early part of I N FALLS CLUB • a (lay for opponenu of coi , 1941. ihree-yrar le.nr •felvrd SO v jry prace-tlme military training, icliool board, here was frequent applause/n the •rnlJed locully in order to Im ure coii' Dhel I’ho<'nlx, Slandi ra il—Rerli ackfd galleries for speeche* crlt aiructlon of a p»rk as a work: projec !■', E. Peter.'ion. ’ Gooding Voters lilitfT he program *.% unnfcessar BACK-TO-SCHOOL adQilnUtratlon undertaking. Ptci nd violative of demScratlc prlr Selection ot pen and pencil aets aald. ple.v from <100 up Undti Uie plan proposed by Bo» Choose New Men Hardly had the general dl»;us.' Bullxk, local biucball enthuslut OOODING_, Sept. 3 - Gooding I Loiidn on .lUrled when William Ken- and endomcd by biulncjj men. clvU leallv of New York. leader of i K u o i e r ' s leaders and CHamber of Commerci lln; Germ eleRatlon frpm a New York unit o. directors a t' the m erlins tonight i«n. ttto of ■ B done on DhtUh port-i and ie National Maritime union, aroK that amound would be imclervrlittl: ^-election, «er by nlBht ’ raiders, Brltl.'h I the gallery and shouted: by n or 3D busUieu men. ter, n . C. Simimer.i three-year terir ;e|)orl far'ranginc air at- •'American eonslcrlpUen U Amerl- If sufficient hscklnK U obiMneil d Dr, R, C. Mat-’oi Herb Clark, Mnndny night ranging from «n Ka.-ictsm." within the 30-ri«y perlcxl. PAce s. membeii. Charle: SI, Clmo Faith, < lay llille He wa* taken by police to thi plan* and .ipeclflcatlon for n ligh named to fill I C bombers damage tftee or the sergeanr-al-arms, but baseball park will be sent here : board. few m inutes'later w»* relea*ed. mediately »o lh«t a WPA project ba.se.\ H a uowl lliliK. Or. J. H. Cron may be launched at oner. O'Connor ole\. were elected bektth lodge n( Uit/Gusinc.v\ Indeiiendent hfhool Hollister Elects ing last eveninE »i Uie I. O. O. r. 1U> Mirceed Prank E, httU, and dcIeu#t/» to die sinte Re AllUnn nnd Jn les N. MeKle belcah aatemblM n Orangeville. Oci eetectic School 'i'rustees • Those who know cheCf tci and **« J4. were named. Roosev€l[ Returns lo White f Alliion, exquisite flavor and desmcis, cske pride Tlie meeting l.i.'i evpniiis beRin secYinj; Schilling Tt*. Com pw its a t 6:30 o'clock »lili a pot-lurk sup House with Hopes of nard of t * of per, attended By ihlrty-nliie mem high school ( :U,Nn. 2, each foi fngrant.rtfrethinggoodnejjICompirtit 8ee the parade of values b m and one guest, Mrs. Maud Continuing Travels ;liree*yp»r I t ms. In tdday'a achoot for tityjfbing you want in a cup feat r C«, It's September tlKtion.s hen t Sal« Ste\’en> of Pai.Mlrna. C alif. It wax Genrse Carter, eleet- Enjoy iJbe best - insist e« SchiUiflj Tea. the first teislon of tl W ASniNOTOS. Scpl. 3 „r. ■trlct board. Mr. o fill the unexpired term of W. sell. the lodge. ‘ W, Powell, ;l -erve on the board Delegates named ue Iftlof 28 ballow u 'or two yi 37 Chevrolet Sport Sedan Smith. Mr*. .Marie i Ora Jon E. Henslock » M Chewolet Coupe ...... Annette Mahnken anc ■lected to 34 Chevrolet Coupe ...... Haiiseii Voters jrade fchtwl board, indepi Ballantyne. ►^— Schilling 39 V -l Deluxe Coupe ...... Program committee ..... trlCl No. 6, S» V-8 TUdor Sedan ...... Thelma Dean. Mri. Edna lllock and Settle Conlesl the tea of flavor READ TRK .trW S WANT ADS, J7 V-B Deluxe Fordor ...... Mr*, n ia Cogjorll- E a r HANSEN. Sept. 3-Hnn'pn ftcliool told of her summer vacation during Coii|w .. „ the program. - Horton ill-W yol—T tiiink tru-itrci; from a U< SI L itaytU e To\ii Brdnn Relreshnicnt commlUee membe alea al an elrcth 37 DeSoto Deluxe Sedan ,. included Mrs. Smith, Mra. Cora M a.ies to avoid tlie po.ivlhilliv hlch 130 ballots RJU. Mr*. Kora Uwli, Mr». Hil, Tlo^ with 05 vot 38 Nash Sedan ...... Tarr. Mr*. Edna Block and M; 33 Chrj’sler Coupe _____ AfarguerlW O'Neal. ‘ iis elected ti 33 Dodge Sedsn ...... ^..,.$195 alone the Ohio iPld. OlhT' £ncliuid might hold nil idldatps with the ■ received by 'PRESTO! 3) Plymouth : Coupe ...... »1» _J)jriyer Denies 20od 'deal. • i iiuri»ld, « ; 35 bodge Coupe .... . t isn .Q rreu -D-Flai—I ililok 38 Dodge rickup ...... *195 Drinking Count Chevrolet Pickup, 4 speed 1221 iisphe: Praok OondUga, S3, Ca.\tleford, 37 V-8 Pickup...... «U- pleaded n o f gtllHy of & drunker rtrlTlng tharRe when a tra lg n rd be- Two Ke-KIccled 33 V-8 Pickup, 4 sp e ed ___ 8i9S fOTB Ju*tlceJl. H. StewarU Bulil. yej- ■38 V-S 1 ton E x p riss_____» i» ■terday. nnd his trial before a -*ii. Wonian Coiiviclcd To Riipcrl Board 40 V-8 Truck, 9S H. P_____49S0 man Jury w»* ‘or F rid ay at l( RUPERT, Sept, 3 - n . M- Cole and 37 V.B Truck, beet body „4J21 rs'.T:Uinbctli Coons Rcre re-elected The charge *a* pfeferred follow­ On Dilcly'filiaii'e for three-year terms on the schtxil •I .Truck, beet body ._.»435 ing a m inor accident netir Pile; M u, Clyde ntt, accined li i for Independent School DU- ‘her*, all make*. »11 Sunday. irge n( liilerfc) Riodeti, Dsn an IrrlKBtlon di:c say we didn't (ell lOJ-VKAB OLD ilUMAN DIE.S Juit fltsh your Standxrd Credit r Cord dealer (Irst • to land belonslrc ' u a v i c i l s i T DELLPLOWEn. Calif. S e p t. J UTi Carol )lariftJder, SCHOOL SHOES I Card «nd Prestol"—your c*r'§ —Mr*. B leu D. Norton, w ho cUimeu guilty at trial before Ji dee c ' a! Need attenUon now! We do the I tnvelint expentes ar^^vedl.lt't ■ abe w u 103 yean old. died .today. Bailey in probate , cniir in T»in BEST job of repalrlog and give 1 £ood 36S d«y« « year, a t h o o u and STANDARD Tour years age. Mr*. N orton mads Palls 'yeMerday. and uai •entenced you your money* worthl' M tionwidet I t’a » trig belpl . arrajigemenU for her funeral but to pay 410 fine nnd coils. Caaelln«>Unturpt«itd ilNIDNJDTORCO toid the undertaker he "neednl Sentence wa* imipeiided lor n: Eleclrlcnl devices now caiTled o hXW ERA 6II0E JIEPAIB *TASO*ro OtLCWttAKYOr C*UrO*HU "'''3 ^6 * '.'“ • hum '." as th e eipected to Uve to ,.-ar on condition that ^Mri. ficr isiKlc.tM quickly mea.\ure itrnins i Opposite Idaho Theater ■ tM 100. . J nolated no lawi during Uiat Ume, allroad mils. TWIN FALLS NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTEOTER 4. inift PAGE t h r e e ;

Burley Chamber; liclenl to pay Interest and provide Licenses Issued a sinking fund.. CANDIDAIEStlST W illie W illis ASSEiiyOPEfiS Plans Jamboree . Dozen Aj)plicaiits S IA IE SUES FOR Tlie distrlci'i truilee* nam ed‘t a , By BOBEBT QUILLEN tht* action are M. S. Knudson. El- BURLrV. 6;frd«v vvrrr CniMii T. Morrhy. H alt. C. I). Lliid.'.rlvate fiytne in Ihe United State* •llnK a *25 donation to be uvd to Boost Levy J. tYenrii. 18. l)o;ii of Tulii i-'^lls; m iio . more tlian twi BOISE. 5cpL 3 (.?r-VlrtUfllly nil cnnivan trips iidvenL'.lnt the CIui Ji.hnr.nii, Ji. and Miirnaret KIMBERLY, fiepl. 3-Am wunrr- Mn Coiitily fair niul Oregon Trn:i Dmtli rnme vrVliicliiy morning to Tlie k'.;iir nt Idaho, thio;ich th ' thi- ii;;.r).s<.;33 miir\ (io*i of iiiR SI canclldnlci who lOUtfMl menls and pl.im lor the 1510.41 Krllcm. IB, In’ll of T iln f'lill*. elate and consrculoniil odlcc nom- ic nnd trlpi nirrndy iiave bern .M:« f:U.Ml)rtli Sij.-.Hii .MrJiit ^/■iiertiiled alrlliiev academic year c.niie bclore this IniU-tliiie -IVin F:ills rrr.idei .Mrlvin C. iliin ry , ji, «nci Kath- Inttiions In Idaho's Auk. 13 prtmao' made to rurroundiiiK towns. mominB'i aMtmblv of the Kimber­ Burlry .itores will cln.-.e (lom I i linv b'Pii ir,'.l(!liin nt th r iv n McClrlinn. 13. biUh o( S.m 1-Yan- 8 l«llon had fllKl »int«menw of ly hiRh school student Ixxly. >co, ob!.->lr.r,l a tnariUKe licence campiUcn rxpcn.’fs wlUi SecfcUiry p. m . on Friday the last day nf II; her. i!iuiKh;p.'. .M:s. C. Dop.^oii. Following pre«ematIon nl the mat­ ilr In co'flperiitloii witii the fair. roulp 1. Klmln'rly, for the pint 11 iicre Moni;;iv, iiiiil Tom Kipp, 2S. of SUt/* Qcorse I!. Curtis today. ter by Joiin Norris, siudrnt body inniitii.v Caldwell, and M.irKiirrt Jlyrrf, 20. 1 9 4 1 CnndtdntM and their reported « • president, the stiidfnl.'i voled to receiiTd ii lli en s' the day be- I’nullii.: tuii-T:d nnitiiKiiiinils, pcwM liicludfdr sponsor a project to provide iiKhts Slide Blocks Ro:«l STUDEBAKER For iPtinlor—Qltn Taylor (D) ‘■.Mr. 0ro«n lj (orlr and hli the athletic field with 'flnancrs Ihi' lx«iy rr.-.i.s at th r While iniirt- rdnc.s wary, A n-rlrlrnt ol T ^ tii FMh sUu r tibOOl: O forje Dnnnrt iD) I1.0S8.- old-msld aUter u j t tlir'i ypunc*»i~ coming from stutienl body actlvltlrs, LCMiii m ii:i(tn - c i.a im s *3000 i)(HUls 1313, Mr.s M tlnlyir v,n.'. n member 10; Jamr.i n . Bothwtll (D) »1,47<.- but no fuy e rrr lei a younitr ait- payment lo come within the next Al Pavelle Lakes rn iso N K it IN m o .s t a n a ot ih. r rl Which 3i: Frniifc n. Douvjn ffl) i»30l.«: trr b o u him like IhaL" years. To exiiediie thf pro- BANKS. Idaho. Sept. 3 (/r,—Nor­ ol thf IVjn fall'. .Mrthfxllst ehureii. H0I6K. Id:illt>. Kt-pl 3 l/l’r-lle- r'.rfmill'-d and a t6un £ lvln Dulnncy (R) ll.llflJS; John ... 1, the school bojnl recently nu- mal trnftic movemriit was re.wmed She \\,s. lorn April 21. 16B0, and i:n to f5a;num. Idiiiio, of Dewpy iKfiid I Tliomn* m ) *3,6:355; Abe Oofl Uiorlred a loan so that the llehiinK lie Payrlle Lakri iilKhwny lo- rc)llu*e.ili*rs by Governor <11 iliiri's n’ll.st.nidint Iwnd* Compton I. Wlilt« (D) »53; Rex T. cludes erection nf crnmlstanrt^ and Rocks and dirt blocked the hUh- Mrlill)re, Ti l-'alU. Iln'.toKurn. l34.tXV1, n ts ll.Urd. Hen-son (R) »763J1; Edward Gaft- Washiugtoil aUiletic field ImprovemrnLs, will be ny three miles north of here, nri ilMldrs tlir dan rr. Mrs. I5o|v- Slicrllt Ili.ljrrl J.'.clv nr Lemhi !-mlll'lrvy whlrh the trustees nry (R) I593.10; Hnrry C. Pftnoai completed In time for me during the le west side of the Pnyelle rher, cmmtj' iril h n r Kxlny for Montana (D) »«2 J5 : Ira H. Ma.iLtrf) (D) football sensnn. ^er n distance of some* 40 feet. Mrlntyre, Jerome. 'srnt the refiiilMtloii. *1C9J50 valuation, li termed insuf- • »7<(!.35; Frank J. Ktcimn iD / »739; r l i ­ Harold (D) »:m,75; Hcnr^- Presldenl RoosevcU notnicil con- nn Cln.is.B foflllwli roiiiiylltlnii. DworRhftk (R) »10S. • sress of an aBreemfnl Ijy which the rather than to cnntlmie wUJi fU- FVir RoverTior—Chsse A. Clark IIM.M. phere. ' band director, MIm Alice Mar.-.li, For llrutonnnt unvcrnor-wmintn new glee club dlrecinr, snnc Hirer H. S!m ow '(D ) H7.83; N, B. Ocorce The state deparlment, announced songs, accompanied hy Mrs. H. Mil­ . (D) $2285; Donald S. Whllehtftd that Britain had Riven a.iiurances ler Proctor, Invocatlo'n wn« pro­ . (R) »7fl.03. to surrender o: sink the Bril' nounced by Rev. .M, Trelren. pas­ For BfcrcHiO' of «taK—OeorKf.H. Ssh fleet" In case the waters around tor of the KImberlv Methr>dl« CurUs (D) *54: WallJr V. Day (R) the British Isles became untenable. cliurch, and the benediction wss by »263; Pm nk F. S»«n (R) »533J3; Rev. Clive Wlllism.v-KaMrene pas­ Tile Jiousp opened drbnie or. __ tor. Jam ra W. Keallns 7; Blriicllon—C. E. RobffM (D) t7B.4W* fourth graders, 47; third. trnders, J. M. Murray iR) J232.27; L. 39;,second graders, 43; first graders, Barker . For mine In.ipeclor — Artluir Campbell (D) *150; Pelw Wllwn Licenecs Costly Lodge to Direct'' - «D) i223; Clarence A. Dj’o For operatlns motor vehicles with­ »5I.3S. . . • out drivers' licenses. Arthur Moly- For ju.Mlce ot the jiipreme court— neux. Twin Falls, and Eunice Schulz, Brocksledl Riles Jam es P. AlWile fnon-partban) route 2. Rupert, were yesterday fined Graveside riles In charRC of Twin I13U4. S5 each by JusUce H. M. Holler. Fall* Odd Felloes lodge members Tliey were cited lo appear t>y will be conduced st the Twin Fall.s Officer Lynn Randall of the sutc cemetery for Ch:ir|es Brocksledl, BO, Night-Blooming police, after beinc picked up Mon­ following servlrrs at 4 p.m. today day nlRht In Twin FalLi. at Uie "Twin F.-ills mortuary clmpel. Flower Appears wiUi Rev. H. G. McCalll.stor of the Methodist chilreli oltlciatlnc', M alntalnlns a 10-year record Castleford Girls Mr. .Brocksledl came to Twin Falls blooming once annually, a nlsht- In the early dsy.s of the community. bloomlni; ccreus at Mr«. C. W. Give 4-H Program Hb had formerly resided in Colo­ Park's home. -S43 Main avenue west, CASTLEFORD. Sept. 3-Motiier* rado and inve;ied In real estate pul on n one-nlsht performance of member* of Snappy Sewers 4-H upon comlnc here,- He' was found early this week. club were Bucst* a l tile final meet- dead in hLs inom Monday mornlnu The _event came Simclay nlRht, Ins last Wednesday al the home of from natural fnii.iej. and Bcorei oj friends were present Irma B urkhalur. All Rarmenta The late resident wa.s a Uillor' to obaer\’e the flower. *hlch, mcax- mude during Uie summer were the ea.sl before moving to Twin ured nine Inches acrovt. 11 will riot played for their ln»|)cctlon »/id ___ FalLi. and had c tliLs country reappear for another 12 monUis. Blrl modeled the dre.vi slie had made. : the I • Pt 8 from Germany. AlthouKh the pOinl Is kepi In Uie A social ftft 1 years of his re.sl- baarm rnt of th e ^ w e riurlns ' the girlfl playlnB Barnes on Uie lawn. eiiESRed In laiior- An Impromptu program was given a t which Mra. Durkliaiter sang sev­ eral sonfis In German, accompanied by her doushter. Irma; Wllmn By­ Physician Irked Rites Held for bee played a piano solo; Virginia Tsciiannen ijinR. playing her own necompanlment and La' Von Easter- Bv Spirit Rival Murtaiigli Youih day plnyed a Broup of popular n LOS ANGELJvS, flept. 3 (A>-A ru n eral «en’lcej for Albert Thom- bers. Hollywood doctor testllied In tho aa Thacker. 32, Murtailjh youUi Wilma Bybee was associate hos- trial of his divorce suit today th a t who .died by accidental dlKharco tes.1. Relre.shmenlA were served a t he was "In the throes of aRony" of .tt Bun Saturday, were held yts- the clo.se of Uie afternoon by Mr*. when he bclic\e