Bv Registered Post & AD A/wc/6oE?l2oL7 Novembe r 2N, 2OL7 24 To, Additional Principa! Chief Conservator of Forests (C), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Regiona! Office (WZ), E-5, Kendriya Paryavaran Bhawan, E-5 Arera Colony, Link Road-3, Ravishankar Nagar, Bhopal - 462OL6

Sub.: Tata Chemicals Limited, Mithapur Status of compliance of the stipulated conditions- CRZ Clearance (Pipeline and Diffuser System for Disposal of Treated Waste Water) Ref: MoEF letter F.No. L7-34/2O16-!A-lll dated July 10, 2O!7

Dear Sir,

We are here with enclosing compliance report of the stipulated conditions in CRZ Clearance issued by the Ministry for Pipeline and Diffuser System for Disposal of Treated Waste Water at Marine point.

Thanking you Yours sincerely,

For Tata Chemicals Limited

General Manager- Corporate Affairs

Copy to:

1. The Member Secretary, Gujarat Po!!ution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010

2. The Regional Director, Centra! Pollution Contro! Board, Parivesh Bhawan, Opp.VMC Ward Office No. L0, Subhanpura Vadodara -390 023

Enclosed: As above

T,ITA CHEMICALS LIMrrED Heritage - TCL House Gujarat Vidyapith Swimming Pool Road B/h Visnagar Co-op Bank Ashram Road Usmanpura Ahmedabad 380 014 Tel (079) 6603 02OO / 01 Fax (079) 6608 0267 www.tatachemicals.com Registered Office Bombay House 24 Homi Mody Street Fort Mumbai 400 001 CIN : 124239MH1 939P1C002893 TATA CHEMTCALS LTMTTED, M|THAPUR (GUJARAT)- PROPOSAL FOR TREATED WASTE WATER PTPELTNE


S.No. CRZ Clearance (MoEFCC) Conditions Compliance This has reference to your proposal No. Noted. IAIGJ/M!S/59359120t6 dated 30.09.2016 received in this Ministry for CRZ Clearance in accordance with the provisions of the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, }OLL issued under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 2 The proposal has been considered by the Expert Noted. Appraisa! Committee (EAC)- lnfrastructure Development, Coastal Regulation Zone, Building/ Construction and Miscellaneous projects, in its 165th and 17oth meetings held during January L6-L7, 2OL7 and May LL, 2Ot7 respectively. The details of the project, as per the documents submitted by you and as informed during the aforesaid meetings of the EAC are noted as under: (i) The project involves laying of treated effluent disposal Noted. pipeline from their plant to final disposal point in the Gulf of Kutch at Mithapur in Gujarat, in lieu of the existing system of conveyance through open channel disposal of treated waste water discharge. The proposed project involves installation of trestle mounted pipelines and diffuser system to marine outfall point suggested by NlO, which shall be beyond Marine Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive zone. (ii) The total length of proposed treated waste water Noted. disposa! pipeline corridor is 3756 m. The length of pipeline in Non CRZ area is 318.75 m and the length of pipeline in CRZ area is 3437.25 (iii) Waste water generation, treatment and disposal: Noted. Treated waste water of 240,000 KLD will be disposed off through the proposed system. (iv) Municipal solid waste generated disposal facility: There Noted. wil! not be municipal solid waste generation due to this improvement proposal. (v) Power requirement and source: Power requirement Noted. ln addition to this one pump will be 2x L25O KW (1 Working + 1 Standby Pump), 3.3 KV having diesel driven engine which wil! be which will be sourced TCL captive supply. operated in case of power failure. (vi) lnvestment/ Cost of the project: Rs. 229 crores Noted. (vii) Wildlife issues: Yes, The proposed pipeline corridor in Noted. parts would pass through Marine Sanctuary (viii) The project Iies within 10 kms of an Eco Sensitive Zone Noted. area


(ix) Details of Forest land: About L1.268 Ha of mangrove As per the wildlife conservation plan forests will be involved. This extent of an area has also prepared by NABET accredited, functional been declared a mangrove forest as per Draft area expert, Ecology and Biodiversity, Notification No. GVN/1999(8llJJM|t692/L6s2/K. Baseline status of vegetation suggests that Settlement order No. K/FSO /T-3/L548/20t3-L4 of FSO, the intertida! area through which the Junagarh, dated tLlOSlzOL3, which are yet to be pipeline route is proposed, has short and finalized by Government of Gujarat. sparse mangroves. The existing mangroves are sparse and short due to compacted substratum in the intertida! area. The length of the sparse intertidal mangrove is about 100 m on the route of the proposed pipeline. The proposed width of pipeline corridor is 45 m. Therefore, the total mangrove area that may be affected would be barely 0.45 ha. Pipeline will be laid on trestle to minimize the impact on local ecology. Hence, the expected impact on mangroves in particular would be temporary and it is likely that the mangroves would settle again after laying of pipeline over the intertidal zone is completed. lt may please be noted that the referred report was submitted to the GCZMA along the application for the CRZ clearance. (x) Approval for the proposed project by the NBWL has Wildlife approval has now been issued by been recommended in the 39th meeting dated 23'd Gujarat Govt. vide letter No. August,2OL6. wLPl32lBlL8L3-LBl2oL7-tB dated 01.06.20L7 (Copy attached as Annexure- 1). (xi) CRZ demarcation has been conducted by lnstitute of Noted. Remote Sensing (tRS), Anna University, Chennai (xii) SCZMA Recommendations: Gujarat Coasta! Zone Noted. Management Authority has recommended the proposal from CRZ perspective vide its letter dated 28.06.2016


3 The proposal has been recommended for CRZ Noted. Clearance by the Expert Appraisa! Committee (EAC) in the Ministry for lnfrastructure Development, Coasta! Regulation Zone, Building/ Construction and Miscellaneous projects, in its 170th meeting held during May L1, 20L7. Based on the information submitted by you as at para no.2 above and others and information made during the presentation before the EAC, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change hereby accords CRZ clearance to the above project viz 'Pipeline and Diffuser system for Disposa! of Treated Waste water at Marine outfall point at District Devbhumi Dwarka, Gujarat' under the provisions of the CRZ Notification, }OLL and amendments thereto and circulars issued thereon, and subject to the compliance of the following specific and general conditions as under: PART A SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (i) All conditions/recommendations stipulated by the Noted. Conditions / recommendations Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) stipulated by the Gujarat Coastal Zone vide its letter no ENV-10-2O76-74-E (T Cell), dated Management Authority (GCZMA) shall be 28.06.2016 shall strictly be complied with. complied with. (ii) The clearance is subject to obtaining prior approval of Complied. Wildlife Clearance has been the standing Committee of the National Board of obtained vide Gujarat Govt. letter No. Wildlife, under Wildlife (protection) Act, L972, before wLP 132/Blt8L3-t8/2O17 -18 dated commencement of work. 01.06.2017 (Annexure-l). (iii) The clearance is also subject to obtaining prior Noted. Company has applied for clearance approval for diversion of forest land (mangrove) as under the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 may be applicable, under Forests (Conservation) Act, through MoEF&CC's online portal vide 1980, before commencement of work. proposal no. FPIG UlNDl23768/2077 dated L5.O6.20L7. (iv) A2% of the cost of the project shall be apportioned for Noted and shall be complied during the marine and coastal biodiversity protection and course of implementation of the project conservation measures, to be spent by the project work. proponent towards fulfilling its Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) during the currency of the project. Proper record and account of measures taken should be maintained and should also be submitted to the CZMA every six months. (v) Consent to Establish' shal! be obtained from State Complied. Consent to Establish has been Pollution Control Board under the Air (prevention and obtained vide CTE-Amendment Order No. Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and the Water 7 07 Ot dated 01. 10.2015. (prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1974. (vi) The construction in CRZ areas sha!! strictly in Noted. lt will be ascertained that the accordance with the provisions of CRZ Notification, construction in CRZ areas is strictly in }OLL and as amended from time to time. accordance with the provisions of CRZ Notification, 2OLL and as amended from time to time.


(vii) There shall be no dressing or alteration of the sand Noted. There are no sand dunes along the dunes, natura! features including landscape changes proposed pipeline corridor. lt is assured for beatification, recreation and other such purpose. that no alteration in natural features including landscape changes for beautification, recreation and other such purpose wil! be undertaken. (viii) All waste (liquid and solid) arising from the proposed Noted. A!! waste (liquid and solid) will be development will be disposed off as per the norms disposed off as per the norms of the prescribed by State Pollution Contro! Board. There Gujarat Pollution Contro! Board and shall not be any disposal of untreated effluent in to the untreated effluent will not be released in sea/coastal water bodies. to the sea / coastal water bodies. (.x) lnstallation of the Treatment Plant should be Complied. Plant is certified by an independent expert and a report in this already in operation for treatment of all regard should be submitted to the Ministry before the sewage generated from company's existing project is commissioned for operation. Treated township. Treated sewage is mainly effluent emanating from STP shall be recycled/ reused recycled and reused within company's to the maximum extent possible. Treatment of LOO% township and surplus treated sewage is by decentralized treatment should be done. discharged into Arabian Sea as per Discharge of unused treated effluent shall conform to prescribed norms. the norms and standards of the State Pollution Control TCL has appointed M/s. Energy Projects Board. Necessary measures should be made to Limited, an independent expert agency for mitigate the odour problem from STP. operation and Maintenance (O&M). Performance report of STP is enclosed as Annexure-2. The proposed treated waste water disposal project deals only with the industrial effluent. (x) The project proponent shall ensure that no ground Noted. TCL assures that ground water will water drawal is carried out within CRZ areas without not be withdrawn within CRZ areas. prior approva! of the Centra! Ground Water Authority. Untreated will not be It shall also be ensured that untreated wastewater is discharged outside the project premises. not discharged outside the project premises. As explained under Para (ix) above Wastewater generated shall be treated in STP and is domestic wastewater generated in the reused for landscaping, flushing and HVAC cooling township is mainly recycled and reused purposes. The project proponent should also make within company's township and surplus alternate arrangement for situation arising due to treated sewage is discharged into the malfunctioning of STP. There shall be regular Arabian Sea as per prescribed norms. monitoring of the results of standard parameters of Regular monitoring of treated sewage is the effluent discharged from STP under intimation to conducted by the environmenta! the SPCB. laboratory of expert agency appointed for operation and maintenance of STP. (xi) Soil and ground water samples will be tested to This project is to upgrade existing effluent ascertain that there is no threat to ground water discharge system by disposal of treated quality by leaching of and other toxic waste water into deep sea through contaminants. pipeline and diffuser system. Soil and ground water samples will be tested 10 km buffer zone of project area for heavy metals and other toxic contaminants.


(xii) Disposa! of muck during Construction phase should not Noted. The waste generated during the create any adverse effect on the neighbouring construction phase will be disposed communities and be disposed taking the necessary following the applicable regulations and precautions for general safety and health aspects with the approva! of the competent people, only approved sites with the approval of authority. competent authority. (xiii) Any hazardous waste generated during construction Noted. Hazardous waste generated if any, phase, should be disposed off as per Hazardous and during the construction phase will be Other wastes (Management and Transboundary disposed as required under the Hazardous Movement) Rules,2OL6. and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2OL6. (xiv) Solid waste management shall be collected, treated Noted. Solid waste generated will be disposed in accordance with the Solid Waste collected, treated if required and disposed Management Rules, 20L6. in accordance with the Solid Waste Ma nagement Rules, 2016. (xv) As per of CSR activity, the project proponent shal! As a responsible corporate, CSR is an identify schemes on need based assessment and ongoing activity of TCL. CSR activities are implemented in select villages in the project area in being conducted by NGO, Tata Chemicals consultation with the village Panchayat and the District Society for Rural Development (TCSRD) Administration, Separate budget for community setup by TCL. Government & other development activities and income generating stakeholders are consulted regularly for programmes shall be earmarked. implementation of the CSR projects which include income generation schemes particularly targeted towards weaker section of the society. (xvi) The pipeline shal! be laid on trestles to minimise Noted. Pipeline will laid on trestles impact on sea bed and aquatic life. designed suitably and executed to minimize negative impacts on seabed and marine life. (xvii) Storage of raw material and camp with sanitation Noted. lt will be ensured that storage of facilities for the construction labour shall be set up raw material and camp with sanitation beyond sanctuary limits. facilities for the construction labour will be set up beyond sanctuary limits. (xviii) Treated waste water conforming to GPCB norms shall Company has already implemented only be discharged; it shall be ensure that regular effluent management system to achieve monitoring results of the treated waste water the norms prescribed by GPCB. Regular discharge conducted by an independent agency shall monitoring is also being conducted. This be submitted to the GPCB and the regional office of practice will continue after the project for Ministry. disposal of treated waste water through pipeline is implemented and monitoring reports will be submitted to GPCB and the Regiona! office of the Ministry. (xix) As committed by the project proponent, a Noted. Comprehensive survey of wildlife comprehensive survey of the wildlife and vegetation and vegetation will be conducted every 5 shall be carried out at every 5 year in buffer areas and years in buffer areas and reports will be shall be submitted to concerned authority. submitted to the Regional Office of the Ministry and the Forest Department, Government of Gujarat. This study will be started after the project becomes operationa!.


(xx) Mudflat restoration plan with specific focus on waders Treated Waste Water Pipelines system and other water birds of the affected region be shall be laid on trestles to minimize impact developed and implemented through concerned on sea bed. authority. After completion of the treated waste water pipeline project, the corridor will be cleared of debris and left-over construction materials and restored to its original gradient. lt may be noted that even at present a variety of aquatic birds use the area for feeding and roosting. (xxi) Baseline for Marine and coasta! biodiversity of Poshitra Baseline survey has been conducted by Bay should be developed and monitored bi-annually NIO and TCL submitted study report to the with specific focus on sea grass beds, and endemic Ministry along with application for CRZ species Sakuroeolis gujoratico and Anteaeolidiello clearance. After commissioning the treated poshitra. The data shall be submitted to the regional waste water disposal pipeline scheme, office of the Ministry and the concerned agency in the marine and coasta! biodiversity of Poshitra State. Bay will be studied with specific focus on sea grass beds, and endemic sPecies Sakuraeolis gujarotico and Anteoeolidiella poshitra. The reports will be submitted to the Regional Office of the Ministry and the Forest Department, Government of Gujarat. PART B GENERAL CONDITIONS (i) Adequate provision for infrastructure facilities lnfrastructure facilities including water, including water supply, fuel and sanitation must be fue! and sanitation will be made available ensured for construction workers during the to the workers during the construction construction phase of the project to avoid any damage phase of the project to the environment. (ii) Full support shall be extended to the officer of this TCL will extend full support to the Officers Ministry/Regional office by the project proponent of the Ministry / Regional Office during during inspection of the project implementation by inspection of the project implementation furnishing requisite documents/data sought and action and furnish requisite documents / data and taken reports in respect of mitigation measures and action taken reports in respect of other environmental protection activities required to mitigation measures and other be implemented. environmental protection activities, to them. (iii) The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change Noted. or any other competent authority may stipulate any additions or modify the existing ones, if necessary in the interest of environment and same shall be complied with. (iv) The Ministry reserves the right to revoke this clearance Noted. if any of the conditions stipulated are not complied with to the satisfaction of the Ministry. (v) In the event of a change in project profile or change in ln the event of a change in project profile the implementation agency, a fresh reference shal! be or change in the implementation agency, made to the Ministry. TCL shall make a fresh reference to the Ministry.


4 Concealing factual data or submission of Noted. false/fabricated data and failure to comply with any of the conditions mentioned above may result in withdrawal of this clearance and attract action under the provisions of Environment (protection) Act, 1986. 5 The above stipulations would be enforced among Noted. other under the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, L974, the Air (Prevention and Contro! of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the Public Liability (lnsurance) Act, 1991, the EIA Notification, 2006 and the CRZ Notification,ZOLL. 6 The Ministry reserves the right to add additional Noted. safeguard measures subsequently, if found necessary, and to take action including revoking of the environment clearance under the provisions of the Environmental (ProtectionlAct,1986, to ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard measures in a time bound and satisfactory manner. 7 All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for Company has obtained approval under the storage of diese! from Chief Controller of Explosives, Wildlife (Protection) Act, L972 and has Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest submitted application for Clearance under Conservation Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, the Forest Conservation Act, 1980. L972 etc.. Shall be obtained, as applicable by project Other required statutory clearances wil! be proponent from the respective competent authorities. obtained. 8 The project proponents should advertise in at least two Complied. Advertisement has been local Newspapers widely circulated in the region , one published as required and a copy of the of which shall be in the vernacular language informing same has been fonruarded to Regiona! that the project has been accorded CRZ Clearance and office of the Ministry vide TCL letter No. copies of clearance letters are available with the State AlWG/0380-A(2O77 . Pollution Control Board (SPCB) and may also be seen on the website of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change at http://www.envfor.nic.in The advertisement should be made within Seven days from the date of receipt of the Clearance latter and a copy of the same should be forwarded to the concerned Regional Office of this Ministry. 9 This Clearance is subject to final order of the Hon'ble Noted. Supreme Court of lndia in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs Union of lndia in Writ petition (Civil) No.450 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project. 10 Any appeal against this clearance shall lie with the Noted. National Green Tribunal, Western Zone, at Pune, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.

7 of22 TATA CHEMTCALS LtMtrED, MITHAPUR (GUJARAT)- PROPOSAL FOR TREATED WASTE WATER PIPEIINE tL A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the Complied. Copy of clearance letter has proponent to concerned Panchayat, Zilla Parisad/ been submitted to Taluka Panchayat, Municipa! Corporation, Urban Local Body and the Local Dwarka; Zilla Panchayat, Khmbhalia; and NGO, if any, from whom suggestions/representations, Nagarpalika, Okha vide TCL letters No. if any, were received while processing the proposa!. A/WG/380-B to D/2O17 dated October 9, The clearance letter shall also be put on the website of 20L7. Copy of Clearance letter has also the company by the proponent. been uploaded on company's web-portal:

https : //susta i na bi I itv.tata che m ica ls.co m t4 The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of Noted. Status of compliance including the stipulated conditions, including results of results of monitoring wil! be uploaded and monitored data on their website and shall update the updated in company's web-portal. same periodically. tt shall simultaneously be sent to the Compliance reports will be simultaneously Regional Office of MoEF&CC, the respective Zona! sent to the Regional Office of MoEF&CC, Office of CPCB and the SPCB. The criteria pollutant the Zonal Office of CPCB and the GPCB. levels namely SPM, RSPM, SO2 NOX (ambient levels as The pollutant levels of RSPM, SO2 NOX and well as stack emissions) or critical sectoral parameters, other relevant parameters are being indicated for the project shall be monitored and regularly monitored and displayed near displayed at a convenient location near the main gate the main gate of the company. of the company in the public domain. t2 The environmental statement for each financial year Complied. Environment Statement is ending 31st March in Form-V as is mandated to be regularly submitted to GPCB and the submitted by the project proponent to the concerned Regiona! Office of the Ministry. This State Pollution Control Board as prescribed under the information is also available on the TCL's Environment (protection) rules, 1986, as amended website. subsequently, shal! also be put on the website of the company along with the status of compliance of conditions and shall also be sent to the respective Regional Office of the Ministry by e-mail.




S.No. Conditions stipulated by GCZMA Compliance 7 The provisions of the CRZ notification of 2OL1- shall be strictly Noted. Conditions of CRZ Clearance adhered to by the M/s Tata Chemicals Limited shall be complied. 2 The TCL shall have to obtain necessary approvals from al! Required approvals from statutory other bodies for the effluent pipeline authorities/agencies under various Acts/Rules/Regulations project will be obtained. including the National Board of Wildlife before commencing It may be noted that the approval any activity has already been obtained from the National Board of Wildlife vide letter No. wLP/3218/1813-18120L7-L8 dated 01,.06.2OL7 3 The TCL shall have to take up mangrove plantation in an area Noted. TCL will take up mangrove 50 ha in consultation with the Forests Department within plantation as stipulated, in two years from the date of CRZ Clearance issued by the consultation with the Forests Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Department, Government of Government of lndia Gujarat. 4 The TCL shall prepare an emergency plan to protect existing Noted. Company has onsite / offsite environment in case of any eventuality/accidental rupture of emergency plan for existing the pipeline. lt shal! be ensured by the TCL that in such cases, operations. The plan will be the treated effluent discharge is immediately stopped till the amended suitably to include treated adequate measures are taken. wastewater pipeline and emergency actions to be taken in case of accidental rupture of the pipeline. 5 The TCL shall have to make a provision to ensure that free Noted. Pipeline shal! be laid on flow of water shall not be obstructed. trestles to ensure free flow of water. 6 All the recommendations and suggestions given by the NIO in Noted. The recommendations and their Marine EIA report for effluent disposa! point selection suggestions given by the NIO in their report shall be implemented strictly by M/s TCL. Marine EIA report for effluent disposal point selection wil! be implemented. 7 The effluent not meeting with the GPCB norms shall not be Company has already implemented discharged and shal! be stored in the Guard ponds and effluent management system to recycled back into the Effluent Treatment Plant for further achieve the norms prescribed by treatment to achieve the GPCB norms. M/s TCL shall install GPCB. Sedimentation basins are necessary facilities for this purpose and shall strictly ensure already part of effluent management the compliance with the GPCB norms, round the clock. system which wil! work as Guard Ponds as per requirements. Regular monitoring shall be conducted to ensure the compliance of prescribed norms. 8 The pipeline shall be monitored regularly by the company The effluent disposal project and it shall be ensured that there is no leak from the envisages three pipelines (1 working, pipeline. ln case of any such eventualities, the company shall L standby and one under immediately stop disposal through the said pipeline and take maintenance). The pipelines will be the corrective measures in consultation with the GPCB and regularly inspected and monitored the District Collector. and if any leak is detected the effluent release wil! be switched-


S.No. Conditions stipulated by GCZMA Compliance over to the standby pipeline and the leakage wi!! be repaired on priority. 9 M/s TCL shal! provide online treated effluent quality Noted. Online treated effluent monitoring device before it is discharged into the sea at a quality monitoring device will be point suggested by the NlO. provided as per CPCB guidelines. 10 Comprehensive Environment lmpact Assessment report shall Report of Marine Environment be submitted to this department and the lmpact Assessment study conducted recommendations/suggestions given in it shall be by NIO has already been submitted implemented. to the Environment DePartment, Government of Gujarat along with application for CRZ Clearance. 11 The construction debris and sewage generated during the The construction debris and sewage construction phase shall not be discharged into the creek, generated during the construction sea, estuary or into the cRz area. The debris shall be phase will not be discharged in the removed from the construction site immediately after the marine or CRZ areas. The debris will construction is over and shall be disposed off as per the be removed from the site after the and guidance of the GPCB. completion of construction disposed as per the guidelines of the G PCB. camp will be set-up L2 The construction camps shall be located outside the CRZ area The construction and the construction tabours shall be provided with the outside the CRZ area. The labourers sanitation, necessary amenities, including sanitation, water supply and will be provided with fuel and it shall be ensured that the environmental potable water and fuel. lt will be conditions are not deteriorated by the construction labours. ensured that the environmental conditions do not deteriorate due to construction labourers by enforcing strict discipline. groundwater during 13 The groundwater shall not be tapped to meet with the water TCL will not tap phases of requirements during construction or operation phase in any construction or operation project. case. the proposed Management L4 A Disaster Management Plan to meet with any eventualities Company has Disaster that may arise during construction and/or operation phase Plan as a part of onsite / offsite shall be prepared and imPlemented emergency plan for existing operations. The Plan will be amended suitably to include treated wastewater PiPeline. ensure 15 adoPt safetY Precautions for Noted. TCL will effective and satisfactory functioning of the pipeline and implementation of safety measures shall provide Leak Detection System and Cathodic for effective and satisfactory Protections System for the purpose. functioning of the pipeline. L6 A separate Environmental Cell with qualified personnel shall A separate environment cell with be created to implement the Environmental Management qualified personnel is functioning for Plan and a separate budget shall be provided for this implementation of EMPs. The EMPs purpose. will be amended to include the effluent pipeline project L7 The cost of the external agency that may be appointed by TCL agrees to bear the cost of the this department for supervision /monitoring of the project external agency that may be activities during construction/ operational phases shall be appointed by the Government for borne by M/s TCL. supervision I monitoring of the project activities.


S.No. Conditions stipulated by GCZMA Compliance 18 A large scale socio-economic upliftment program in As a responsible corporate, CSR is an consultation with the District Co!lector/ DDO shall be carried ongoing activity of TCL. CSR activities out. A separate budget shall be provided for this purpose and are being conducted by TCSRD setup details be furnished to this Department from time to time. by TCL. Government & other stakeholders are consulted regularly for implementation of the CSR projects which include income generation schemes particularly targeted towards weaker section of the society. Annual Report of TCSRD activities which include details of expenditures will be submitted to the Department. 19 Environmental Audit report shall be submitted every year. Noted. Environment Audit Report The report shall also cover the change in the coastal and will be submitted every year. marine environment enroute the proposed pipeline and around disposal point due to commissioning of the proposed pipeline 20 A six monthly progress report regarding the compliance of Noted. Six monthly progress report the conditions shall be submitted to this Department and regarding the compliance of the MoEF&CC, GOI conditions will be submitted as required. 2L Any additional condition that may be imposed by the Noted. TCL will comply with any Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. additional condition that may be Government of lndia/ this Department from time to time imposed by the MOEF&CC I shall have to be complied with by M/s TCL. Department of Environment, Government of Gujarat.



S.No. Conditions stipulated by SESZMC, Guiarat Compliance t The TCL shall have to obtain necessary approvals from Required approvals from statutory bodies all other authorities/ agencies under various Acts/ for the effluent pipeline project will be Rules/ Regulations including the Nationa! Board of obtained. Wildlife before commencing any activity It may be noted that the approval has already been obtained from the National Board of Wildlife, GPCB and GMB. other 2 The TCL shall have to ensure that there shall not be any TCL will ensure that mangroves damage to the existing mangrove area, if any in the than the sparse and stunted plants falling proposed pipeline corridor are not a reas in the disturbed. It may be noted that the ProPosed pipeline route passes through sparse and stunted mangroves. This may result in loss of sparse mangrove in appx. 0.45 Ha area. !t is proposed to compensate the loss of these mangroves by taking up mangrove plantation activities in 50 Ha area as per the Wildlife conservation plan. offsite emergency 3 The TCL shall prepare an emergency plan to protect Company has onsite / existing environment in case of any eventuality/ plan for existing operations. The plan will include treated accidental rupture of PiPeline be amended suitably to wastewater pipeline including emergency actions to be taken in case of accidental rupture of the piPeline project envisages 4 It shall be ensured by the TCL that in such cases, the The effluent disposal treated effluent discharge is immediately stopped till three pipelines (1 working, 1 standby and the adequate measures are taken 1 under maintenance). The pipelines will be regutarly inspected and monitored and if any leak is detected the effluent release will be switched-over to the standby pipeline and the leakage will be repaired on priority. trestles to 5 The TCL shall have to make a provision to ensure that Noted. Pipeline shall be laid on free flow of water shall not be obstructed ensure free flow of water. shall 6 All the recommendations and suggestions given by the Noted. EMP as detailed in EIA report NIO in their Marine EIA report for effluent disposal be implemented by the company. point selection report shal! be implemented strictly by M/s TCL 7 The effluent not meeting with the GPCB norms shall not Company has alreadY imPlemented be discharged and shal! be stored in Guard ponds and effluent management system to achieve recycled back into the Effluent Treatment Plant for the norms prescribed bY GPCB. further treatment to achieve the GPCB norms. M/s. TCL Sedimentation basins are already part of shall install necessary facilities for the purpose and shall effluent management system which will strictly ensure the compliance with the GPCB norms, work as Guard Ponds as Per round the clock. requirements. Regular monitoring shall be conducted to ensure the compliance of


S.No. Conditions stipulated by SESZMC, Gujarat Compliance prescribed norms. 8 Comprehensive Environment lmpact Assessment report Report of Marine Environment !mpact shal! be submitted to this department and Assessment study conducted by NIO has recommendations/ suggestions in it shal! be already been submitted to the Dept. implemented. along with application for CRZ Clearance. 9 The construction debris and sewage generated during Noted. The construction debris and construction phase shall not be discharged into the sewage generated during the creek, sea, estuary or into the CRZ area. The debris shall construction phase will not be discharged be removed from the construction site immediately in the marine or CRZ areas. The debris will after the construction is over and shall be disposed off be removed from the site after the as per the guidance of the GpCB. completion of construction and disposed as per the guidelines of the GpCB. 10 A Disaster Management Plan to meet with any Company has Disaster Management plan eventualities that may arise during construction and/ or as a part of onsite/ offsite emergency operation phase shall be prepared and implemented. plan for existing operations. The plan wi!! be amended suitably to include treated wastewater pipeline including emergency actions to be taken in case of accidental rupture of the pipeline. L1, The pipeline shall be monitored regutarly by the The effluent disposal project envisages company and it shall be ensured that there is no leak three pipelines (1 working, 1 standby and from pipeline. Incase of any such eventualities, the 1 under maintenance). The pipelines wil! company shall immediately stop disposal through the be regularly inspected and monitored and said pipeline and take the corrective measures in if any leak is detected the effluent release consultation with the GpCB and the District Co!lector. will be switched-over to the standby pipeline and the leakage will be repaired on priority. L2 M/s. TCL shall provide online treated effluent quality Noted. Online treated effluent quality monitoring device before it is discharged into the sea at monitoring device shall be provided as a point suggested by the NIO per CPCB guidelines. 13 Necessary permissions from different departments/ Required approvals from statutory agencies under different laws/ acts shal! be obtained authorities will be obtained before before commencing the construction/ pipeline laying commencing the construction / pipeline activities. laying activities. L4 Any additional condition that may be imposed by this Noted. TCL will comply with any department from time to time shal! have to be complied additional condition that may be imposed with by M/s. TCL by the MOEF&CC lDepartment of Environment, Government of Guja rat.



Ref: Gujarat Govt. letter No. wLP l32lBll813-t8l2ol7-t8 dated 0t.o6.2ol7

S.No. Conditions stipulated bY NBWL Compliance TCL not violate any regulatory 1 The user agency shal! not violate any regulatory Noted. will Act, provisions under section - g, !7 A, 27 , 29,30, 31 & 32 of provisions of Wildlife (Protection) Wildlife (Protection) Act, L972. L972. TCL ensure that its employees and 2 No damage / adverse effect shal! be caused to marine will life and its habitat by the user agency and its contractors executing the project will take establishment during the implementation of the appropriate measures to prevent negative project. The user agency or its contractor shall influence on the marine ecology outside pipeline corridor, during the implement the Project carefullY. the construction Phase. ensured that TCL and their 3 User agency or his contractor shall not use any area of It will be any area of the the sanctuary other than the area permitted for laying contractors will not use area permitted of the waste water pipeline and its maintenance' sanctuary other than the for laying of the waste water pipeline and its maintenance. with the condition during 4 5% of the cost of the project (Rs. 11.45 Crore) shall be TCL will comply of project spent for deposited for habitat improvement and the course of implementation wildlife conservation in the sanctuary area. work. discontinue discharge through 5 The user agency shall discontinue discharge through TCf will into the marine existing open channels into the marine sanctuary once existing open channels proposed pipelines become fully operational. sanctuary once ProPosed PiPelines become fully oPerational. required, TCL will obtain 6 ns a when required, the user agency will obtain When permission from the Deputy Conservator of Forest, permission from the Deputy Conservator Park for Marine National Park for maintenance of the waste of Forest, Marine National water pipeline, water pipeline. maintenance of the waste if area falls beyond the pipeline corridor, during the operational phase of the project. waste water release 7 The user agency will not pollute any of the water Once the treated a!! treated channels going to the Marine sanctuary or Marine pipeline becomes operational offshore as National Park in the area. efftuent will be released stipulated. There will not be any possibility of this treated waste water entering the water channels of the Marine sanctuary or Marine National Park in the area. made in 8 The user agency is bonded to the precautionary Noted. The recommendations measures suggested for the area on the EIA study the EIA report will be implemented. carried out. any other conditions 9 4ny otrrer conditions that may be imposed by the chief TCL will comply with Wildlife Warden / Government and or the Standing that may be imposed by the Chief Wildlife committee of the National Board for wildlife will be Warden I Government and or the strictly complied with. Standing Committee of the National Board for Wildlife.


Compliance Report of No Objection Certificate (First NOC) issued by Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) for getting CRZ clearance for proposed Treated Waste Water disposal system in Gulf of Kutch.

Ref: GMB/N/PVT- L/L678139517L24 dated L6/L7 Decembe r,2O!5

Project information: laying outfall pipeline supported on trestle to discharge treated waste water into the Gulf of Kutch at a point Lat 22" 24'36" N, Long 69" 04' 50 "E near village Padli, Ta. Dwarka, Dist. Devbhumi Dwarka.

S.No. Conditions stipulated by GMB Compliance

The project shall not cause any hindrance to navigational Noted. Pipeline shall be laid on trestles to activities nearby as well as fisheries and the other port ensure free flow of water. lt has a total led development. length of 3756 m of which 2673 m is from L Landfall point to Marine outfal! Disposal point. There are no navigation channel and movement of fishing boats in this region that wi!! be adversely affected. The Company shall have to obtain all statutory Company has obtained approvals (CRZ, permission/ clearance from the concerned Government ESZ, GPCB and Wildlife) from the Authorities viz. DoEF, MoEF, GPCB etc. and shall furnish 2 concerned authorities and submitted the copy of approvals to GMB along with application for copies along with application for second second NOC/ Constructions Permission. NOC. Company has applied for Clearance under Forest Conseruation Act, 1980. The NOC does not give any rights or direct or indirect Noted. Company has obtained Second approval to construct lntake and outfall facilities and is NOC for laying of pipeline and diffuser 3 issued only for purpose of obtaining clearance from the system for disposal of treated waste concerned Government depa rtment/ M inistry. water vide GMB letter No. GMB/N/PVT- L1L6781478/8046 dated 7 Octobe r,2OLl The Company cannot transfer this NOC to any other Noted. Company wil! not transfer this party by involving as promoter, financer, equity partner NOC to any other party by involving as 4 or merger with other group without approval of promoter, financer, equity partner or GMB/GOG. merger with other group without approval of GMB/GOG. The Company shall not use this NOC for any other 5 purpose Noted. The Company shall approach GMB for further Noted. Company has obtained Second permissions for the facility NOC for laying of pipeline and diffuser 6 system for disposal of treated waste water vide GMB letter No. GMB/N/PVT- L1767814L8/8O46 dated 7 Octobe r, 2OL7


Compliance Report of No Objection Certificate (Second NOC) issued by Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) for undertaking of pipetine and diffuser system for disposal of treated waste water at District Devbhumi Dwarka, Guiarat

Ref : G M B/N/PVT - tlL678l4t8l8}46 dated 7 Octobe r, 2Ot7

S.No. Conditions stipulated bY GMB Compliance

The project shall not cause any hindrance to Noted. Pipeline shall be laid on trestles to length navigational activities nearby as well as fisheries ensure free flow of water. lt has a total Landfall and the other port led development. of 3756 m of which 2673 m is from Disposal point. There L point to Marine outfall are no navigation channel and movement of fishing boats in this region that will be adversely affected final TATA CHEMICALS LIMITED (TCL) shall submit one Noted. TCL will submit one set of the 2 set of the final detailed drawings of the project. detailed drawings of the Project. officer, TCL shall inform to the Port officer, Okha Port, Noted. TCL shall inform to the Port 3 of the work GMB before starting of the work. Okha Port, GMB before starting out/ ihe work shall be carried out/ constructed on risk Noted. The work will be carried company' and cost of the company. The company shall have constructed on risk and cost of the measure for to take all the safety measure for the laying of the Company will ensure all the safety 4 proposed pipeline incl. construction of trestle' the laying of the proposed pipeline incl' GMB does not take any responsibility for design construction of trestle. and safety of structure. work construction TCL shall carry out the work construction work as Noted. TCL will carry out the 5 oer drawing. work as per drawing. project falls outside the limit 6 lf in future, the port limit is extended to cover area Noted. The area ensure occupied by the facilities, TCL shall pay Lease rent of port limit. However, TCL will area occupied by the facilities within the port compliance of GMB port limits as revised from limits as per prevailing schedule of Port Charges time to time. (SoPC) of GMB and as revised from time to time. Rules, 7 TCL shall abide by all the Rules, Regulations, and Noted. TCL will abide by al! the Notification framed under GMB Act, lndian Ports Regulations, and Notification framed under force Act as may be in force from time to time. GMB Act, lndian Ports Act as may be in from time to time. project 4 TCL shall implement the project within 4 (Four) Noted. TCL will implement the within years, failing which, the company shall have to (Four) years from the issue date of GMB second approval of 8 take revised approval of GMB/GoG. NOC. Company wil! to take revised GMB/GoG in case of Project is not implemented within timeline. TCL shall have to strictly follow the conditions Noted. TCL will strictly follow the conditions CRZ clearance 9 stipulated in Environment / CRZ clearance issued stipulated in Environment/ by Gol/ GoG issued by Gol/ GoG TCL shall obtain all required permission/ clearance Noted. TCL will obtain all required permission/ from various Government departments, as clearance from various Government applicable, for this project. GMB does not departments. 10 undertake any responsibility for any other statutory clearances as may be required for the facilities for which the Construction Permission is granted by GMB.


S.No. Conditions stipulated by GMB Compliance

ln future, if any development is planned by GMB TCL wil! abide by all the Rules, Regulations, and or Fisheries Department at the proposed site, the Notification framed under GMB Act, lndian L\ Company shall have to shift the structure and Ports Act as may be in force from time to time. pipeline at their risk & cost as per directives of GM B. Due to discharge of waste water, if there be any Noted. Treated waste water will be discharged siltation found in the port channel, same shall at a point selected by NIO based on impact have to be dredge to the original levels by TCL ay assessment/ modeling studies. Study report its own cost. concludes that marine outfall point has a wider channel with depths gently increasing from shoreward to offshore. Also, at this site the L2 direction of the flood currents is towards east and ebb currents towards NNW where deeper waters are available to transport the effluent away. Hence, siltation of port channel is not envisaged due to discharge of treated waste water channel. However, TCL sha!! address concern if any due to siltation its own cost. 13 TCL cannot transfer this Construction permission Noted. TCL will not transfer this Construction to any other party without approval of GMB/GoG permission to any other party without approval of GMB/GoG L4 TCL shall not use this Construction Permission for Noted. TCL will not use this Construction any other purpose. Permission for any other purpose. TCL shall have to return a copy of this letter duly Complied. TCL has submitted copy of this letter stamped and signed as a token of acceptance of duly stamped and signed as a token of the conditions set forth in the Construction acceptance of the conditions 15 set forth in the Permission within one month time form the date Construction Permission vide TCL letter of this letter, falling of which the Construction No...... dated...... Permission granted shall stand cancelled.


Comptiance Report of Consent to Establish Amendment issued by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) for proposed Treated Waste Water disposal system in Gulf of Kutch.

Ref: CTE-Amendment Order No. 7O7OL dated 1 October,2OL5

S.No. Conditions stipulated by GPCB Compliance

TH|S CONSENT TO ESTABLISH (NOC) lS SUBJECT TO THE Noted. t FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. The validity period of the order will be Five YEARS i.e. 28105/2020 Specific conditions:

lndustry shall have to obtain all necessary permission Complied. TCL has obtained permission from CRZ Authority, Wildlife clearance and Eco sensitive from CRZ Authority, Wildlife clearance, Applied for a zone as well as from other competent Authority prior to GMB and Eco sensitive zone. installation of said pipeline project. clearance under Forest Conservation Act, 1980. Applicant shall have to submit copy of approval of Noted. TCL will submit copy of updated updated disaster management plan along with onsite & disaster management plan along with a offsite Emergency plans in respect of guidelines/ onsite & offsite EmergencY Plans. directives issued/ being issued/ CPCB/ DoEF/ Hon'ble court from time to time. Applicant shall have to carry out mock drill both onsite Noted. TCL will carry out mock drill both and offsite for all possible eventualities at a regular onsite and offsite for all Possible interva! of time. For any of the disastrous situations. eventualities at a regular interval of time. a Escape route shall have to be predefined, properly marked and shall be brought to the knowledge of the concerned. Applicant shall have to provide continuous on line Noted. TCL will provide continuous on a monitoring facilities for monitoring of different line monitoring facilities for monitoring polluta nts discharge through pipeline. of pollutants discharge through pipeline. Applicant shall comply with provision of the Forest Noted. TCL will comply with provision of (conservation Act- 1980 and Rule- 1981. The Petroleum the Forest (conservation Act- 1980 and and Minerals (pipeline acquisition of right of user land) Rule- 1981, The Petroleum and Minerals Act-1962. CRZ- Notification and all Environmental (pipeline acquisition of right of user land) a Acts/Rules/Notifications and their amendments from Act-1962, CRZ- Notification and all time to time. Environmental Acts/Rules/Notifications and their amendments from time to time as per applicability The Gujarat Pollution Control Board reserves the right to Noted. TCL will implement the conditions stipulate additional conditions if found necessary. The in a time bound manner. a company will implement these conditions in a time bound manner. The treated effluent shall confirm to the norms Noted. TCL confirms to the norms prescribed in Consent Order No. AWH-54427, date of prescribed in Consent Order No. AWH- a issue 28/05/2013 and valid up to L3/O2l2Ot8 before 54427, date of issue 2810512013 before discharge into Sea (Gulf of Kutchh) discharge of treated waste water into Sea (Gulf of Kutchh). Marine Outfall of Treated waste water into sea- Gulf Of Noted. Marine Outfall of Treated waste Kutch shal! be in conformance with disposal point water into sea- Gulf Of Kutch will be in a selected by National lnstitutes of Oceanography in its conformance with disposal point selected "Marine Environmental lmpact Assessment for Release by Nationa! lnstitutes of Oceanography in


S.No. Conditions stipulated by GPCB Compliance

of Treated Effluent from Tata Chemicals Limited in its "Marine Environmental lmpact Mithapur Bay" of June 2OL2 Assessment for Release of Treated Effluent from Tata Chemicals Limited in Mithapur Bay" of June 2O!2

The Diffuser system shall be located in conformity with Noted. The Diffuser system will be the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification }OLL at a located in conformity with the Coastal minimum depth of 5 meters below low tide level and Regulation Zone Notification 2OL1, at a a with exit velocity for effluent more than 3 meters/sec. minimum depth of 5 meters below low tide level and with exit velocity for effluent more than 3 meters/sec. lndustry shall discharge its treated waste water in Noted. TCL will discharge its treated compliance to Effluent Standards for soda ash industry waste water in compliance to Effluent (S. No. 75, A. Solvay Process) notified under Standards for soda ash industry (S. No. Environment (Protection) (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 75, A. Solvay Process) notified under a zOLt vide Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification G.S.R. Environment (Protection) (Fourth

424(El dated 1't J une zOtL. Amendment) Rules, 20tL vide Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification G.S.R. 424(El datedl'tJune }OLL. The Applicant is abide to comply with any decision/ Noted. TCL will abide to comply with any order issued by Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat in the decision/ order issued by Hon'ble High matter of SCA No. 5465 of L987, Civil Application for Court of Gujarat in the matter of SCA No. a lnterim Relief No.13080 of 2009 in SCA no.25530 of 5465 of 1987, Civil Application for lnterim 2005. Relief No.13080 of 2009 in SCA no.25530 of 2006 CONDITIONS UNDER WATER ACT 1974: 3 There shall be no additional water consumption and Noted. There will be no additional water waste water generation due to the installation of the consumption and waste water generation 3.1 treated waste water discharge through pipeline and due to the installation of the treated diffuser system. waste water discharge through pipeline and diffuser system. lndustry shall provide out fall sump of size 35m x 40m Noted. TCL will provide out fall sump of with a depth of 6 meter near the exiting weir on the size 35m x 40m with a depth of 6 meter 3.2 channel after the Padli pumping station, leading to Gulf near the exiting weir on the channel after of Kutchh. the Padli pumping station, leading to Gulf of Kutchh. 3.3 TRADE EFFLUENT 3.3.1 Treated effluent shall comply with the fo!lowing norms: Noted. Treated waste water wi!! comply with the prescribed norms. PARAMETERS GPCB NORMS 5.5 to 9 Temperature 45 Color (pt.co.scale) in units 100 units Suspended Solids s00 Oil and Grease 2 mg/l Ammonica! Nitrogen 5 mg/l Bio Assay Test 30% surviva! of the fish after 96


S.No. Conditions stipulated by GPCB Compliance

trours in 1OOZ" I etFtuent. I - All efforts shall be made to remove color and unpleasant Odour as far as possible. The treated effluent conforming to the above Noted. The treated waste water environmental standards shall be discharged into Gulf of conforming to the prescribed standards Kutch through pipeline and diffuser system (disposal wil! be discharged into Gulf of Kutch 3.3.2 point selected by NtO) at point (Latitude 22" 24'36"N, through pipeline and diffuser system Longitude 69o 04' 50"E). (disposal point selected by NIO) at point (Latitude 22" 24'36"N, Longitude 59" 04' 50"E). The unit shall install meters for measuring category wise Noted. TCL wi!! install meters for (category as given in water-Cess Act-L977 schedule ll) measuring category wise (category as 3.3.3 consumption of water. given in water-Cess Act-L977 schedule ll) consumption of water. lndustry shall provide flow meter at inlet and outlet of Noted. TCL will provide flow meter at 3.3.4 out fall sump. inlet and outlet of out fa!! sump. 4 CONDITIONS UNDER THE A!R ACT: There shall be no change in existing source of flue gases Noted. There wil! be no change in existing 4.L and process emission due to installation of disposal source of flue gases and process emission pipeline. due to installation of disposal pipeline. The industry sha!! take adequate measures for control of Noted. TCL will take adequate measures noise levels from its own sources within the premises so for control of noise levels from its own as to maintain ambient air quality standards in respect sources within the premises so as to 4.2 of noise to less than 75dB (A) during day time and 70dB maintain ambient air quality standards in (A) during night time. Daytime is reckoned in between 6 respect of noise to less than 75dB (A) a.m. and 10 p.m. and night time is reckoned between 10 during day time and 70dB (A) during p.m. and 6.a.m. night time.

5 CONDITIONS UNDER HARARDOUS WASTE: Applicant shall have to comply with provisions of Noted. TCL will comply with provisions of Hazardous Waste (management & Handling and Hazardous Waste (management & 5.1 Transboundary movement) Rule-2008 as amended from Handling and Transboundary movement) time to time. Rule-2016 as amended from time to time. The applicant shall obtain membership of common TSDF Complied. TCL has obtained membership site for disposal of Haz. Waste as categorized in of common TSDF site for disposal of Haz. Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling and Waste as categorized in Hazardous Waste 5.2 Transboundary movement) Rule-2008 as amended from (Management & Handling and time to time. Transboundary movement) Rule-2016 as amended from time to time The applicant shall obtain membership of Haz. Waste Complied. TCL has obtained membership 5.3 incinerator for disposal of incinerable waste. of Haz. Waste incinerator for disposal of incinerable waste. The applicant shall provide temporary storage facilities Complied. TCL has provided temporary for each type of Haz. Waste as per Hazardous Waste storage facilities for each type of Haz. (management & Handling and Transboundary Waste as per Hazardous Waste 5.4 movement) Rule-2008 as amended from time to time. (management & Handling and Transboundary movement) Rule-2016 as amended from time to time.


S.No. Conditions stipulated by GPCB Compliance

General Conditions

ln case of change of ownership/management the name Noted. and address of new owners/ partners I directors I 1) proprietor or equipment or working conditions as mentioned in the consents form/ order should immediately be intimated to the Board lndustry shall have to display data outside the main Noted. TCL displays data outside the factory gate with regard to quantity and nature of main factory gate with regard to quantity hazardous chemicals being handled in the plant, and nature of hazardous chemicals being 2l including waste water and air emissions and solid handled in the plant, including treated hazardous wastes generated within the factory waste water and air emissions and solid premises. hazardous wastes generated within the factory premises. Adequate plantation shall be carried out all along the Noted. Adequate plantation wil! be periphery of the industria! premises in such a way that carried out all along the periphery of the the density of plantation is at least 1,000 tress per industrial premises in such a way that the 3) Hectare of land and a green belt of 5 meters width is density of plantation is at least 1,000 developed. tress per Hectare of land and a green belt of 5 meters width is develoPed. The applicant shall have to submit the returns in Noted. TCL will submit the returns in prescribed from regarding water consumption and shall prescribed from regarding water 4l have to make payment of water Cess to the Board under consumption and shall have to make the Water Cess Act-1977. payment of water Cess to the Board under the Water Cess Act-L977. The applicant shall obtain membership of common Noted. TCL has obtained membership of infrastructure for disposal of effluent/ Hazardous waste. common infrastructure for disposal of s) Hazardous waste. Treated waste water is discharged into sea as per prescribed norms. The applicant shall however, not without the prior Noted. consent of the Board bring into use any new or altered outlet for discharge of effluent or gaseous emission or sewage waste from the proposed industrial plant. The 6) applicant is required to make applications to this Board for this purpose in the prescribed forms under the provisions of the Water Act-!974. the Air Act-1981 and the Environment ( Protection) Act-1986. lf it is established by any competent authority that the Noted. damage is caused due to their industrial activities to any 7l person or his property, in that case they are obliged to pay the compensation determined by the competent authority

2L of 22 ENVERGY PROJECTS LIMITED --. 'rr\Tr\=.- O&M Reporl on Peformonce of SIP 3 MtD Plonl, Trllr\ CHEI\,,IICALS LlI\ l-rEC)

RE PORI N O.: - GCI/V/LA B/UVA - PS/ I 7- | 8/October-00/0606







October- 2017

Poge I of 25 ENVERGY PROJECTS IIMITED --- .T'\'T'Lrtt, O&M Reporl on Perlormonce of SIP 3 n tD Plont, fr Trlrr\ cH€lvllcAL.S l-ll\ l-r€D

REPORT N O. : - GCUVILAB/WA - PS/ I 7'l 8/October-00/0606


Contenl Poqe No. l.l INTRODUCTION 3 1.2 PLANT VISIT 4 Site Visit by GPCB 4 Site Visit by TCL Officers 4


1.4 OPERATING PARAMETERS 6 . Hydroulic lood to Sewoge Treotment Plont 6 . Doily treoted woter flow to Township 8 . Operoting pottern of Aerotion system I . Settlement t0 .pH 12






!t't--- O&M Reporl on Peilormonce of SIP 3 i tD Plont, 'rrNfrl Mithopur f,\-,L CHEI\/I I€ALS LTAAI-TE D l

R E PORI N O. : - GCUVltA B/WA - PS/ I 7 - I 8/October-00/0606

1.1 The performonce of Sewoge Treotment Plont is evoluoted for the month of October,20l 7. The performonce is bosed on the woste woter onolysis corried out in the loborotory of Vododoro.

. The overqge inlet hydroulic lood to Sewoge Treotment Plont is 1,431 Cubic meter per doy in Month of October,2017.

. The overoge treoted woter flow supply to town ship is 1,356 cubic meter per doy in Month of October, 2017 .

. The design hydroulic lood of STP is 3000 Cubic meter per doy. So the overoge inlet flow is 52.6 oZ owner thon the design flow.


--t|. O&M Report on Performonce of SIP 3,t tD Plont, .f,\T,Lrt!, TAt \ CHEA^!€AL.S Llrr^l-rEo

RE PORI N O.: - GCI/V/tAB/WA - ?S I 17'1 8l October-00/0606

1.2 Site Visit by GPCB.

There is no site visit bY GPCB.

Visit by TCL Officers.

Mr. Yojesh Shoh & Mr. Stonish

Poge 4 of 25 ENVERGY PROJECTS TIAAITED r-: tf O&M Repod on Peilormonce SIP 3 MtD Plont, 'rrETr\r? of Tr\t , cHEhrlt<.ALS LrI\^,-r€o T

RE PORI N O. : - GC!/V/tA B/WA - PS/ I 7- I 8/October-00/0606

1.3 Presenl Treotment Scheme

Present treotment scheme in TCL includes Septic Tonk, Equolizotion Tonk, Activoted System, Flosh Mixer, Cloriflocculotor ond Pressure Sond Filters.

The Treqtment scheme is os follows.

. The effluent from township is first received into the septic tonk. The Equolized is being used os o storoge tonk only.

. From the Septic tonk effluent is token to the Activoted Sludge System i.e. in Aerotion tonk ond then in Secondory Clorifier. . Overflow of the Secondory Clorifier is token to the flosh mixer for Alum dosing ond then to the Cloriflocculotor. . Overflow of the Cloriflocculotor, the treoted effluent, is token to the Storoge Tonk.

. From the Storoge tonk the treqted effluent woter is pumped to the pressure sond filters to remove suspended solids. . After possing through the pressure sond filter, NoOCI is odded into the treoted woter for disinfections ond it is reused in the township for flushing or dischorge into the Seo. . The equolizotion tonk hos been token in line which wos previously not in used.


r-r Peilormonce of SIP 3 f tD Plont, 'rrNrr\

RE PORT N O. : - GCI/V/IA B/wA' PS/ I 7- I 8/October'00/0606


The performonce of sewoge treotment plont depends on vorious operoting porometers viz noture of effluent, hydroulic ond orgonic lood, MLSS concentrotion in biologicol system, sludge volume index, sludge wostoge rote, bio-moss recirculotion rote from secondory clorifier to Aerotion tonk. All these operoting porometers ore briefly described in this section. l. (A) Hydroulic Lood Doily inlet hydroulic lood to STP is qs follows:

DATE lnlel Hydroulic Loqd in DATE lnlel Hydroulic Lood in (MM.DD.YY) ms/Dqy (l M.DD.YY) ms/Doy

L.LO.20L7 L448 L6.L0.20L7 L444 2.t0.20L7 L473 L7.L0.20L7 1346 3.L0.20L7 L382 L8.L0.20L7 1583 4.L0.20L7 L4t4 L9.L0.2077 L572 5.L0.20L7 L454 20.L0.2017 1509 6.L0.20L7 1528 2L.L0.2017 L293 7.L0.20L7 1355 22.LO.20t7 1s03 8.L0.20L7 1513 23.L0.20L7 L57 4 9.L0.20L7 L46L 24.L0.20L7 L473 L0.L0.2017 1359 25.L0.20L7 L328 LL.LO.2OL7 1458 25.L0.20L7 L527 12.L0.2017 L387 27.L0.20L7 L472 L3.L0.20L7 1384 28.L0.2077 1558 L4.L0.20L7 1565 29.L0.20L7 1390 L5.L0.20L7 1480 30.LO.2017 1468 3L.L0.2017 1 442

Averoge I 460 Comments:- o lnlet Hydroulic lood vories from 12?3 to 1613 m3/doy. o Averoge hydroulic lood for the month October,2017 is 1460 ms per doy. o Averoge hydroulic lood for the month of October, 2017 is 5l .3 % lower compored to the design hydroulic of 3000 m3 per doy.


i-n---. O&M Repod on Perlormonce of SIP 3l tD Plonl, TrNrr\ T'I'T'\ CHEh,,!ICA L,S LI'ViI-TE D

RE PORT N O. : - GCUVILA B/wA - PS/ I 7- I 8/Oclober-00/0606

l. (A) Hydroulic Lood

lnlet Hydraulic in m3ldaV

Hydraulic in m3/day -lnlgf

F\ N F\ f\ f\ F\ f\ f\ f\ f\ F\ f\ f\ f\ r{ rl r-.1 F{ r-{ t{ Fl d F{ r-{ F{ r-{ F{ r-.1 NNNNNNNNNNNNC!C\Ioooooooooooooo ci d ci d ci ci c, c, ci ci ci r,{ r{ r{ r-{ Fl rl F{ r{ F{ Fl cir{ ci ci c.i + d od ci c.i od Ff - - r-{Flr{r-{F{NNNNN+ d d c.i + d d


Irl,/-L O&M Reporl on Performonce of STP 3 MtD Plonl, 'rr\Tr\ Iow TrLt \ CHEAiICALS Lt,\A|-rEl>

RE PORI NO.: - GCUV/LAB/WA - PS/ I 7' I 8/October'00/0606

l. (B) fown Supply

Doily treoted woter supply to Township is os follows.

DAIE TOWN SUPPLY iN DATE TOWN SUPPLY iN (MM.DD.YY) ms/Doy (MM.DD.YY) m3/Dqy L.Lo.20L7 L373 L6.t0.20L7 1369 2.L0.20L7 1398 L7.L0.20L7 L27t 3.LO.20L7 L307 L8.LO.20L7 1508 4.L0.20L7 L34L L9.LO.20L7 t497 5.L0.20L7 L379 20.LO.20L7 1.434 6.L0.20L7 1453 2L.L0.20L7 72L8 7.L0.20L7 L280 22.L0.20L7 L428 8.L0.20L7 1s38 23.LO.20L7 t499 9.L0.20t7 1386 24.L0.20L7 1398 L0.L0.20t7 L284 25.L0.20L7 L253 LL.LO.2OL7 L387 26.L0.20L7 1.452 L2.L0.20L7 L3L2 27.L0.20L7 L397 L3.L0.20L7 1309 28.L0.20L7 1483 L4.L0.20L7 1490 29.L0.20L7 1315 L5.L0.20L7 1405 30.L0.20L7 1393 3L.t0.20L7 L442

Averoge 1385

Commenls:- .l385 o Averoge treoted woter flow for the month of October,20l 7 is m3/doY.

o The treoted woter is used in bothroom ond toilet flushing.

Poge 8 of 25 ENVERGY PROJECTS TIMITED ---- i-,- O&llt Repod on Peilormonce of STP 3l tD Plonl, TrNrr\ Trlf4l. C HEA/I l€r\ LS L! l\r1tT€O

RE PORI N O. : - GCI/v/tA B/UYA - PS/ I 7- I 8/October-00/0606

l. (B) Town Supply

town supply in m3/day

Supply in m3/day -fsyyn

2. Operollng pqtlern of Aerolion syslem. Diffused Aerotion system with the copocity of 1300 m3/hour is operoted in Aerotion Tonk for 24 hours.


!f--- lf O&M Reporl on Peilormonce of SIP 3 MtD Plonl, t\T r\ I tA?r\ C.HEl\rl !€A LS La Arrl-rE D

RE PORI NO. : - GCI/V/tA B/WA - PS/ I 7' I 8/October-00/0606

3. Setllement Aerolion Tonk A ond Aerqlion Tonk B Setllemenl from lhe Aerotion lonk in holf on houl

DATE Aerotion Tonk A Aerqlion Tonk B (MM.DD.YY) t.Lo.20L7 280 290 2.L0.20L7 260 280 3.L0.20L7 280 290 4.L0.20L7 290 290 5.L0.20L7 290 290 6.LO.20L7 270 280 7.L0.20L7 270 290 8.L0.20L7 290 290 9.LO.20L7 270 290 L0.10.20L7 260 290 LL.LO.2OL7 270 280 12.LO.20L7 270 290 L3.L0.20L7 260 280 t4.t0.20L7 290 280 L5.L0.20L7 290 280 L6.LO.20L7 260 290 t7.L0.20L7 270 270 L8.L0.20L7 280 260 L9.L0.20L7 270 290 20.L0.20t7 260 290 2L.L0.20L7 270 270 22.L0.20L7 280 280 23.L0.20L7 280 280 24.L0.20L7 280 300 25.L0.20L7 280 290 26.LO.20L7 290 290 27.L0.20L7 270 280 28.L0.20L7 280 290 29.L0.20L7 260 290 30.L0.20L7 270 280 3L.L0.2017 280 290 285 Averoge 275


lt't--. O&M Reporl on Peilormonce STP 3 MtD Plonl, 'rrNrr\ of TrL-rrL cHEA/i rc.A L.S r_rrvt a-rE D I

RE PORI NO. : - GCI/V/|A B/wA - PS/ I 7- I 8/October-00/0606

4. Settlemenl Aerolion Tonk A ond Aerolion Tqnk B

Aeration tank A 350


Tank A

50 -Aeration


Aeration tank B 350


Tank B -[s;3tion 50


Pogellof25 ENVERGY PROJECTS TIMITED t!lD--- O&M Reporl on Pedormonce of SIP 3 i,ltD Plont, 'rrNrrl fr TrNrr\ C.HEA/IICALS l-l^ a-r€D

RE PORT N O.: - GCUVILA B/WA - PS/ 1 7- I 8/October'00/0606

3. pH ifre pU of the effluent mointoined of the vorious units during October,20l7 is listed in the following toble.

Nome of the Unit. pH STP lnlet 8.0 Aerotion Tonk 7 .60 Secondory Clorifier 7.80 Clorif locculotor 7.30

pH inlet

10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 5.00 s.00 4.00 3.00 lnlet pH 2.00 - 1.00 0.00

pH outlet

10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 pl-l 2.00 -Qullst 1.00 0.00

12 of 25 ENVERGY PROJECTS TIMITED --- 'frNrr\!l,, O&M Report on Peilormonce of STP 3l tD Plonl, 'rrsrr\ c.HEA/t tc.A Ls LtI\^r-r€D I

REPORT N O. : - GCUVILA B/WA - PS/ I 7- I 8/October-00/0606


he doily consu tion for the month of October,20l Z is shown in toble os follows. DATE Alum in NoOC! in Ureq DAP Joggery (MM.DD.YY) Kg/Doy tit/Doy Kg/Doy Kg/Doy Kg/Doy L.LO.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 2.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 3.L0.20L7 l5 30 4 4 4 4.LO.2077 l5 30 4 4 4 5.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 6.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 7.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 8.LO.20L7 l5 30 4 4 4 9.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 L0.L0.2077 t5 30 4 4 4 LL.70.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 L2.L0.20L7 l5 30 4 4 4 73.10.2077 t5 30 4 4 4 L4.L0.2077 t5 30 4 4 4 75.70.2077 t5 30 4 4 4 L6.L0.20L7 l5 30 4 4 4 L7.L0.2077 t5 30 4 4 4 L8.L0.20L7 l5 30 4 4 4 L9.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 20.t0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 2L.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 22.70.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 23.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 24.L0.2017 t5 30 4 4 4 25.10.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 26.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 27.tO.20L7 15 30 4 4 4 28.tO.20L7 l5 30 4 4 4 29.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 30.L0.20L7 t5 30 4 4 4 37.!0.20t7 t5 30 4 4 4 Averoge l5 30 4 4 4


lfrt--t. O&M Reporl on Peilormonce of SIP 3l,ttD Plonl, 'rr\Trl' fr T'L'T'L C HEAA TC.ALS LI'\A''T€D

REPORT NO. : - GCUvlLAB/wA - PS I 17'1 8 I October-00/0606


AIum Kglday






5 in Kg/ Day 4 -fllurn 2


NaOCL in lit/day





15 in Lit/Day 10 -[rl3QCL 5


Poge 14 of 25 ENVERGY PROJECTS TIMITED --\ 'rrNrr\alD O&M Reporl on Peformonce of SIP 3 MtD Ploni, Tr\-rL ct{EArt !<.A Ls L t r\,{t-rED

R E PORI N O. : - GCUvl tA B/WA - ?S I 1 7 -1 8 I October-00/0606

Urea keldaV




5 4


2 Kg/Day

L -ll;s2 0

DAP kglday




5 4


2 kg/day L -DAP 0

Poge l5of25 ENVERGY PROJECIS TIMITED at?J-|- O&M Report on Performonce of SIP 3 MtD Plonl, rrNrr\ 'rrtTr\ c.l{Ehrtlc.ALS l-lA l-f-Eo

REPORI N O.: - GCUvltAB/wA - PS/ I 7' I 8/October-00/0606

jaggery kglday




5 4

3 Kg/Day 2 -Jaggery L 0


j-!\ rt't O&M Reporl on Pedormonce of STP 3 f [D Plonl, T'\'r,\ ?r\'fr\ (:r{EA/'l iC.ALS LIA/I l-t. € f) I

RE PORI N O. : - GCUV/LA B/WA - PS/ I 7- I 8/October-00/0606


DATE (MM.DD.YY) Eleclric Unils.

L.LO.20L7 L3t20 2.LO.20L7 13060 3.LO.20L7 L2940 4.LO.20L7 13360 5.70.20L7 13150 6.LO.20L7 13230 7.L0.20L7 13000 8.LO.20t7 13120 9.LO.20L7 13300 70.L0.20L7 13060 LL,LO,2OL7 13370 L2.L0.2017 13400 L3.L0.20L7 13450 L4.LO.20L7 L3240 L5.L0.20L7 L3320 L6.L0.20t7 L3470 77.L0.20L7 13200 L8.10.20L7 13140 L9.L0.20L7 L3240 20.L0.20L7 L3290 2L.L0.20L7 12950 22.10.2077 13100 23.L0.20L7 13340 24.70.20L7 13160 25.LO.20L7 12800 26.LO.20L7 13110 27.L0.20L7 13300 28.LO.20L7 13080 29.LO.20L7 L3220 30.10.2017 13200 3L.L0.20L7 13320 Averoge 13191


r-Ih. rr'D O&M Reporl on Performonce ol SIP 3 n tD Plont, T:rNrr\ TrlTr\ C.I{€'r/rt tCA LS Lar\t!,-T €l>

REPORT N O. : - GCI/V/tAB/WA - PS/ 1 7- I 8/October-00/0606


Electric unit





Electric Unit 12800 - 12500



t!lD--- O&M Report Peilormonce SIP Plont, 'rrNrrl on of 3 MtD ?rLI-^, CHEA/|TC.ALS Lt,r t-rED

RE PORI N O. : - GCUVILA B/wA - ?S I 17 -1 I I October-00/0606

GREEN GIRCLE, INC" lmflgfiti HSEOR Co{fiJltkro ErqrtE€fi , gdEfffit & Twlnctl ( Boeq ri*rd Ey Mh idry d E pirrrrrr{ rrd ForErlE, rfu Dt/.hi U ndGr EPA 1 BtG, {tr{o C- tlfot UtffiT -Cpf.,t't (l3O 9offi:ooQ 1,,lmt:?ffr4. OH8AB 1ffi12trn E ?{ABt tlfilEf, lTWn : AE kiid fipjffihti,

tF.. iaj Gdllyirltl.ttn l-l !r' Odrary-{E ca6. boaz0'lr0lldtt AI{AIYSI$ XEPO*I Cffltf frl,dr fump|r O.B Larr I t,lJr TotoCtr''icot tfo" 3onptr Codo trculTllldlra$li*b Adtu foi,grE i.sElIffirr+, lfrdali frPAJH tl}EF Auonttty IL Sarplag Oom ir ,t- tknedr 0dr I lorplr s411m17 &rdfdr tlrbd bdr &110fip17 lorrplng l*r{trd *ffi#.ta&

AndfdCorybloa Odr *l1r}l:plT l€tnpL flG.lrrdDd Gl10t1E17

t- trplh t.iln{.-L tlo- ?sorrrlrc Ud lffiol-prl lrhrryrcr Hi{hod @ts PFI 72? t.5to85 APll/L.,gg0-Jl, L Toad3upcadcd Soadr tdt w n ,fi1A.2WO 3- Pcidrd ftcc Cl{orine -dt o6 h*2O.3 AJryA+qA-O- 1" Cherlacd OrtgE t OrrlEnd I?EA 32 AR-14.5ffi

tLochErricol orqflSc" AI,V*E EIP 5_ *dt ) Dcrrprd Fdorrsf 2rocl W *,brrrcl 6- Todd lllrd,r.d 3€&,& ,n/t te,uz Afr-t .254XC PlwFhsieo: FOr mdt t6 A,,I.IA,LAT)-

rafrrh r*i*ld lo lhr crrdl**r d +brrdrg c,lh. hrtell'7 .Lfut dr na{ rr ud o rrEfti carrr{b,r dlt*f nb oaql*1 n* #*A l.rfl(had(flr I in&Er

w. wllcE I r Glrm_ EnEr nnplficr]'llu rffi arr w- i*t \.tt wt @t w, Eftfii, uB @t 1&m, wt. fiaO 7



/-L (t., O&M Reporl on Performonce of STP 3l [D Plonl, 'rrNt.rl I Tr\t \ cr+EA/ll€ALs L,r\ t-r€D

REPORT N O. : - GCUvlLA B/wA - PS/ I 7- I 8/October-00/0606

r?.d bi Gd/Y^.Alill}ll,r1 t-tel O4ArpOSirOr

AITAI-YSIS REPOftI ClledOdr 3omdr Dr* Homr LUr- Toto Chc*ricoE Ed- 3omoh Codr G€t'1 7,'TCUJ[/!/H$$ Ad&ta TdoChc'rEof wilg4, l,ordo.r SlP OJtk:t lJ5hopr Ooo*rttty !t Sorrplm Dqr i,,t, lkne*t Ddr i losrplr l0lroi2ci r Arxar*CorpSlor Ddr 16fiAlbt7 tcqb i.c.lv.dDdD u/ratrs}7

r- t ett! lxrrHtar tlrjt lesrrlra Un& hfrmoca ll.dtrd iao- or paGlCi At+tA +tuo H' PFI 721 6J to EJ - 1o0ol S.rpcrdcd SofG rylr 12 & A.FttA.25{C tr

A- Rcid.lolfr== Cltorinc mS/t a2 fufr'.9.5 .APrrA 1500- eF

1_ Chcrracd Or6cn tlerrnd nlg/t 2E AP|-I'A.s]2C Itiochcricol Orygea A: pcrCFCE ETP a rngJt 6 2D Dcrnsrd F dcFdtzrtl Opcrdo. fi,lbnd

6" TeHDrrdrudSddt mgrft t?#5 Al+rA254SC

7_ FhocFfiole an Fl,rr {tr6lL t-t Al+i{ +500- F

r roei*b r*{H l,o lirc-i{crr d d#r.*ld d}h.tdf,#fc,t r r+plar ml tr d erddnct rrifst:rdtrorr #f#'/,,l'' r E;cb*tttraa

C{HtOfFEEa : Gre.FErT.. lAfiflrlfgsnl.ftor6Artgril,flr.Y8rDDrlpEr.CdlrtFao.d Ho(h..J0rOi1 (GrFfttr.lmr}" filO T* r,)OE€;I17llE,9atffrlE{frXtir"rfl]l- qm! ilim llwr.grs|dritur#at{ft tlMl : 6,croudFtor tulslrthr lI"G-#hrd.+p $ri.w@$tr.*dGl&rtsa-4rrlfll 16 C*;ffillt{*l0?il"''@.?2ffi ] AI5IO AT ? NEvl, EIJ.II GAA H,.ltlf *.}IGALUHU S;,ORAFt fi svp€SlAAO Xd.l(AIA : t}VI9F}SEAB : ruETEAUA 9MAH rJrfilrr e'ffiA VIETI{AiI-{ t/l€ fi


-Jh Itl, O&M Reporl on Performonce of SIP 3 MtD Plonl, TrNfr\ T'\T'\ C I{EA/I I€.A LS L',\AI-I'ED

REPORT N O. : - GCUVILA B/WA - PS I 17 -l I I October-00/0606

GREEht CIRCLE, F'IC" lr*egEtEd HSEOR CorBrilkrg ErfirECrE, S*tEl! f, T.ltr€rr (fusogried tsy t lhhfiy d En$rrnmoil uE Fondr, )6s* Da$ri Urds EFA ! SgS) Olo- O- lffitl?t?!.trn -CFw) flSOSff{2m3. 1ilfi}t:S04. OHSAS t8{XIl2IXlTt ttAgL/l8Cl'EC t7ft15:201E Cdtfid ftgE.*rrlhn}

r.Fa h otirvlrlrta.ttft t-ll€.s-{tEE !r* g/|tllrt AilrurSE ImoSI Clbd Odulr 3cnpL b.a* llcn I WrTotoChcrrncot tltl Soadr Co& GCfi7/rcU.l1tflJl!,1!6 lddar rstEt LrEtECl roifi'rP. Lo.do.f frP'tutlct },thol.r Orcntt7 It 3crpl6 Oorty Lt- Llma:fr 3olrplr t7tErE17 Andrrh tldrd Ado 3onalno fA.thod Atst-0( to80 AttrCorqlrfoa Odr al1afe17 3erTa. nGc.tr'dDdt rB/1O/2Ol,


r- taonrhtl llr{t t fltb ?gnHHr tlrtt tlo. cr perGlCl irlurocr Srfrtod Ftl 7-t5 6J io E5 AEiA.ff-tt L To,olSrg€nded 3o5* radL 10 30 AI4iA G 'T49 3 Hd.nlfre Cltorirlc mglL 0: ilrer. 0.5 Tfi{AIffD-CI- 1_ Ctre-wi:d ft7g,cn OerETd rytL IE Al+it.4r'v1 tlioctrr;cot OrygEn tu perCPC8 EIP 5_ mg/r 6 n Dcrrtmd FdoFot2rcl Opador frbuol 6_ Totol Dscd'jcd 3af,dr IA4IO fft1t25/oC 'I'gllr rrhoaphots or PQ. nElL I5 AIA+{isw-P

&fieH ggolorl

. rdctdb rJqdd b lir crrtllor cl rrr'flrEid rl lrr baur$r,r . hpEtdr,El b rdlr ;/irs c+drt*rdlEr, !fu ,$*acr, r ldrcai. rard b..an).d.rlh I rrErlh

O(P. Orylc€ I : G.!{{ E rEao (ltr g*.|or.ru, Alpe{^}rr Eilt_ t{{ . rf.fofilr , lt ! i 3 D H. : @&elrtz3g Cdl :0O:I!E EnlE E4riJ : tH.&. , *trn nEl|l | 6,c,ird,Fw, lr,*fil.[.r ff(L E4 ODF OH Sarr( MdlErk{d-a60.6 irltr Gd : 60t?J.[?0 tt : ffi.?tl.ffdi } ALAC! AT I T€II' OELHI GOA PTftE EGALT.H-. H.IOE,AFT-H HYtrHAEAO KO'.'(A'rA : Chy'EFISEAE : AUSTRAIJA EI.AN I{I,IAB]T AfFEA VETI\UTM UAE ffi


.-, Pedormonce of SIP 3 MtD Plonl, 'rrNrr\ll.t O&M Reporl on T,5TZL €H€A'I !

RE PORT N O. : - GCUV/IAB/WA -PS I 17'18 lOclober-00/0606

INC- GREEN CIRCLE, *#*n tRrcso **, (t5o0{n12fi8.limr.ffiH" OHttAs 18mt20o?G ltAsulltoJEc t7o2$: aQlxt ktllEd auar*8|hfl}

ia0ra ioj Gt^,Y/fl&ta.tlr'l t-tt/Oditt-tqto30a D*:JerltfDtl AHAI-YSIS RTFORI Ctled D$dr 3crph Or"t* cok [,:]d- 3amnh Codr ccHrffcur4Jl|Yu6 Ad&trt Ido Chcricdlored$, Lo(dlon S'lPg.lllet li$hopr ArorrflY IL -Y,1? 3oflulag DorE !y ki- Lkne* Doh r 3onp{c l*rlrdBgi,. 25Jl Cu?oif 3otrp{nl Ftt lndrdrCoapfrktt Ddr 3SrQ?Or7 3ofirpa. t t.lnd O# 2Slqnolr

lrr+.Cb ,rflrdria.lH l]- ?cqlrlm uId trdrrncr,ir*hod ito. uprGilCi A5 F#tt( z5io t'r' Plt 7.06 6J io - 2- ToldSrrpcrdcd S&a nElt B a 5911!${$ B

3- HtdfteaCllsirta msfl- e3 Mn.O5 4- rglL 30 lFttA 5220 0ioAnnicolOq6en ASFCrcA EIP -ChlrritrdO(tgctlDcrrwd nq^ 9 b DcilErd BdoFdt?ocl ea* tdcrrd 6- -rold CI:d'ned Sc5* ildt r4501 APn 25{9C /- FhocFhote or FOr nrgrt t: eptte*s-P

r*aeru*r c&q+j

r*cu&lr r^ic$ )o thr csrdtw d Ei!* t.dif,d < ft' bblro ibeder ncl b. pd a rjda cuina*llt4r! trldcaaruo'r r SrCr rnurrd lrrddtrr4dL I lEr&r

Omp. (ITtEr : EsI- fu't .rr DEflpr.i. A€fi Fb.ot rerod.n. laQ Bk! {Blu{. t\da. ntD E'dt hlL lffigro'tiriitxcdn 6. 3tuasrs M.. M O hd - ir68 tsta' iifl^t : &qni friq. '& GA ; HAf i il{*18 tl. : r9r.l!t.sf*fi0 : Al-€lC! AT : I\ETA' DELHI MA FIIIIT gEhreiALI,.HrI Hi'DRAH..F }ft'tEFAEAD XOLXA..-TA : Ch/€RtlEAEl : AUETRAuA qtmr{ tc[ItAtAJr AFFIA rrefrrAnt U E

Poge 22 of 25 ENVERGY PROJECTS TIAAITED --rL- lrlt O&M Repod on Pedormonce of SIP 3l,ltD Plonl, T'\T'L TrL=r\ C.HEA,'i lC.A LS Ltl\{l-rEO

RE PO RT N O. : - GC !/v/ tA B/UUA -PS I 17 -1 I I Oclober-0O I 0606


DESCRIPTION Oclober 2017

Alum Rs./Doy Rs. 135.00

NoOCI Rs./Doy Rs. 60.00

DAP Rs./Doy Rs. I 58.00

Joggery Rs./Doy Rs. I 604.00

Ureq, Rs./Doy Rs. 22.00

Chemicol Cost Rs./Doy Rs.2039.00

Averoge Flow m3/Doy 1 ,460 .l.39 Chemicol Cost Rs./ m3 Rs.

DESCRIPTION Oclobet 2017

Electricol Units/Doy 13191

Electricol Cost Rs./Doy Rs.l I 53.57

Averoge Flow ms/Doy 1 ,460 Electricol Cost Rs./ ms Rs.0.79


Itr,--- O&M Report on Pedormonce of SIP 3 i,ltD Plonl, Trlifr\ fr TrLTr\ CHEArtI<.ALS Lll\ l-l"EE)

RE PORI N O.: - GCI/V/tAB/wA - PS/l 7- I 8/October-00/0606

DESCRIPTION Oclober 2017

Monpower Cost. Rs. /Doy Rs.l ,520.00 Avg. Flow cu. m3/doy 1,460 Monpower Cost Rs./ m3 Rs. 32.2


r--r tt., O&M Report on Pedotmonce of STP 3 MtD Plonl, 'frNrr\ I Trl.rr\ c 1{€A/r rcA L5 l-t^/r r-1 E c)

REPORT NO.:- GCUVltAB/WA-PS/l 7-l 8/Ociober-00/0606

RIPTIO N Oclo Totol Cost. Rs. /Doy 5,563.8 Avg. Flow cu. m3/doy 1,460 Totol Cost Rs./ m3 3.888

We hove considered the following prices:

Alum Price Rs. 9/Kg NoOCI Price Rs. 2/1. Electricol Unit Price Rs.2.7l 1/unit

DAP Rs. 42lKg

Ureo Rs. I 8/Kg Joggery Rs. 401 /Kg


ELECTRIC COST Rs.2,926.8 .|,520.00 MAN POWER COST Rs.


Cost in Rupees




L500 r Cost in Rupees 1000



Poge 25 of 25 . ,\1 No: WLPl32/ts1 12017-ltl ^q.\)\ i t)f tlce of the Principal Chief Cclnservator of Forests Block No.Bll . Aranya Bhavan. Ch-3 Circle. Sector-10 A. Gu.i arat State, Gandhinagar. Date: I nenon.

Sub: Permission undcr Section -29 of Wildlilb (Protection) Act, 1972 for use o1'I l.26lt0 ha lancl of Block No. ZS in Marine Sanctuary for laying of 2504 m. long and '4-5 nr. wide Waste Water Pipeline by Tata Chemicals I-td. (TCL) - Gujarat. Ref:

l. Chief' ('6pservator ol' Forests. Marine National Park Jamnagar's letter No. i\/l-N Dl2ll'\.-9 337 -38 dated t 0-06-10 I 5. 2.. l{econrmcnd6rion olthe Statc [Joard fcn'Wildlif'e. Gujarat circulated vide tltis ol'licc's letter no. WLP/?8iAi 1686 dated 27'01-1016' 3. 'l'his Ofllce's lerrer No: WLPll2lAllT4tj-42 dated tJ2-024.016 submitting proposal ttt Fgrest & Environrnent Department. Goventment of Gujarat. 4. l]orest and [:nvironment Deparlmcnt. (iovernment of Gujarat's letter n-o. VPSll0]01 ()- 2331W datc-d l6-01-2016 to thc Sccrctary Iv{oEF&CC. 5. Recommendation of Standing Committee of National Board fbr Wildtif-e. cit'cttlate.l vide MoEF&CC. Gol's letter no. F.No.6-10912016/WI. (39t" Meeting) datecl lc)-()tt- 2016. - 6. Recommenclation of Standing Comrnittee of National Board for Wildlif'e, circulated vide MoEF&CC, Gol's letter no. F.No. 6-6912017lWL (42n0 Meeting) dated i0-(t-s-

2017 . 1. I-lon'ble SLrprelne Courl of India's Orderdatcd 05-10-2015 in I.As flled in t'ctcrcnce lo Writ Petition (C'iv il) 202i95. l. A prop6sal was rcceived vicle ref'erence no. I above fbr permission under Scction-29 tl1'thc WitAtife (protection) Act. 1972. tor use o1' I 1.1680 ha land of' Illock No. 25 in Marine Salctuary for laying of 2504 m. long and 45 m. wide Waste Water Pipeline by'l'ata Chernicals Ltd. (-lCL) - Cuiarat.

2, The prgppsal rvas placecl bcfbre thc State Board fur WilcJlife (SBWL) in its I0tr'nreeting hcltl on2l-12-2015 lbr consultation. ]-he SBWL has approved and recommended the propttsal irr its meeting vicle rel'erence no.2 above w'ith ccrtain conditions.

3. The proposal was sent to Forest and Environment Dcpartment. Government of Guilrat vidc reference no.3 above for onward submission to MoEF&CC. Gol. The said proposal wa- subnritted to MoEF&CC. Gol for consideration of Standing Comnrittee of National Board ft,r' Wildlif'e (NBWL) vide ret'erence no..l trbove.'|.he proposal was cliscussed in 39rr'nrectirlg ol' the Standing Cornnrittee of NBWL helcl on 23-08-2016 and in 42"d mccting olthc Standing Comrnittecilf NtsWl- held on l5-05-2017. the Standing Committee of NIIWL reconlnlertdccl the proposal vicle ref'erence no. 5 & 6 above in its rneetings vvith certain conditions respectiVelr ats under, ,r, I

"A./ier discut'sions, considering lhut the activily is planned in conrpliance o/ ()RZ rcgulutir)tt ctnJ erl'ironment clearance condilions and involves trse of existing channel .for making{he pipclirtr' subterrqnean instead d open channel, Standing C)ommiltee agt'eed to recommend fhe. ltropttsul along v,ith the conditions stipulatert by State C.'hie/'WildliJb Wctrden. "

".,1.fier cli,;c'u.;'.;igtts, tha Stunding (lornntittaa dec'idecl to rccomrnencl the luyittg qf'trc.srlt ntotrtttt'tl pipaline in;;lattcl ri,suhtet'runectn./itr cli,:'c'httrgc ol v'tt,\t( vtuler.fi'ottt the scticl plunt itrltt tita \c'cl

4. IIon'ble Suprcnrc Court ot'lndia has passed ern order datccl 05-10-2015 in rel'erettce to clil'lcrurrt 1..\s ir-r Writ Perition ((iivil) 202195 vide refbreltce no. 7 above. The order ol'the l-lorr'blc Supreme Clourt of India is rcproduced as under:

"Atl ntdler.\ .fbr grttnt of ltttt'rttis'.tirttt.s /itr intplt:ntt'nlution q/ proiect.s' irt dt'((tt lullitr.i i1 ,\tttionctl pctrk,\,'.t'ctnc'luctric.s, int'lucling rulitnulizutirtn ql houncluric's alc', tt ill l'r consirlerecl by the Stuntling L'ommittee o/' the Nutional Board .for Wildl|b ('*llll l-"t ()tt ir,s' o\r,1 merits anel in confbrmily tt,ith the order',r anddireclions pus,sed b-r- this ('ourt./i'rtm tintt' ro time, i.e. on 14.02.2000, 13. I 1.2000, 9.5.2O02, 16. 12.2002,, 25. I 1.2005 und 11.09 2tttt- antl other syhsecluent clardicalory ordersijudgment(s) pa.ssed hy this (.ourt including rlt,' Goa Foundation,Iutlgmenl, i.e. Goa Foundulion L'.s'. l-tnion o-f Jndia & Or.s'., reporle cl in rltlll t 6 SCC: 590. IL'e request the NBWL to lirnish u c'opy, of'the order.s'pussecl b1; it vt'ilhin 30 du.t',t'titttr'trt tlr,' ('.E.C 'lha C.E.('. i.y ut liherlt', il: ./br unv rcus'on, the_v' ure uggrieve:d h.t' thc cl(r ttitttt ti thc Stancling C6ntntittce, 11/ l!Brl'L to uppntuc'h thi.s (.'ourl bv .filing ott (tppr(tpt'itrtt

trte t i t i o n,: crp p I i c' ut ion. tn all thgse malters vt,here tltere i.s ulraudl, clct'i,sion qf the Slunding C'ommiltec o.l thc.\lllI'1. .:hull cthiclc lhc pttrlia: u'ith ull lhc' crtndition's impo.setl lhcrain' irt l.f trn1, pert.), i.r ugg'iat.acl h1, thc clac'i,:'ittrt tl the Stuncling Commitlee of'tha lht.r'til't' ^'Bll'1., libert.t' tg ctpproctc'h un uppt'otrtriote .fitrutn lbr upprttpriutc relie//.tt. lllith {he u/itrcsuitl ohsert,ctrion.s'crntl clire.c'lions, \t'c dispo.se o.l lhc ,,,,r,'l,1s11tttt'.1 Applic:trtion.sirtctuer.s speciliecl in ,4nnexurc-ll to the notc ,s'tttrttrtlied h.t' ,\hri llirri'lt " Salt'c, leurned umicu.t' c'uriue.

5. Therefore. in view of the references mentioned and explained above. the permissitltl is ltercbr granted to the'fhe Tata Chemicals Ltd under Section -29 of Wildlife Protectiott Act. 1972 titr' ih. ,,,r" of I 1.2680 ha land of Block No. 25 iu Marine Sanctuary fbr laying ol-2504 nr' lotrt ancl 45 nr. rvide Waste Water trestle lnounted Pipeline subiectt

Conditions: 'l'he 9. l, Liser Ageucv shall not violate an.\'regullttor\ provisiorls under Secti(ln - 17 \'21 29.30.31 & 32 ol- Wildlit'e (Protection) Act. 1972. rlcr 2. No darnage i adverse ef'tect shall bc caused to rnarinc lit'e and its herbitat by'tlrc Ll:r.'l'il!e ot'ils and its establishnrelt cluring the irrrplementation of'the projcct.'I'he User r\gcttct contractor shall implement the pro.iect carefully. the arerr j. Llser Agency or his contractor shall not use any area of the Sanctuary othcr thatrr permitted fcrr la-ving of the w'aste u.'ater pipeline and its maintenance. deposited lor lralritiri 4. 5oh of rhe cost of the project (Rs. 11.45 Crore) shall be spent for in the SanctuarY area. improvement and wildlifb conservation ^/S 5 T'he LJser Agenc.v shall discontinue clischarge through eristing open channels irrto tlre marine sanctuary. orrce proposc'd pipelines beconte firlly operational. 6. As & when required, the User Agency w'ill obtain permission fi'om the Deputy' Conscrvator' of Forcsts, Marine National Park fbr rnaintenance of the wastc water pipe line 'I'he 7. Uscr Agcncy will not pollute any of the water channels going to the Marine Sanctuarr clr Marine National Park in the area. 8. Thc Llscr Agency is bonded to the precautionary measures suggested tbr the area on tht' [:lA stuclv carried out. 9 Anv other conditions that rnav be inrposed by the Chiel'Wildlitb Wardcn i Oor.cnlnrcrit and rlr the Standing Conrrnitlee o['t]re National Roarcl lbr Wildlif'c will bc strictlr contplic.l rvith,


'l'he I . Chief Conservator of F'orests, Marine National Park, .lamnagar -l-he , TA-[A Chernicals Ltd. \// M itliaprrr.

Crpy Submitted to: 'l'he Aclditional Director General ol'Fclrests (WL). Mirristr,v of []trvirtltt.ncttl I-orests and Climate Clhange, Indira Paryavaran Bhavan..lor Baug Ra,.l. Ali Gani, New Delhi fbr infbrmation. Copl' Submitted to: The Additional Chiet' Secretary, l;orest and Environmettt Departntertt. Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar for infonnation. Clopv to: 'l'he Actditional Principal Chiel'Conservator of Forests, l-and. Gujarat State Gandhinag'dr lbr information and necessary action. Copy to: 'fhe Deputy Conservator of Forests, Marine National Park, Jantnagat' lor' information and necess6ry action. 3ll