TI'.G\ TATN Bv Registered Post & AD A/wc/6oE?l2oL7 Novembe r 2N, 2OL7 24 To, Additional Principa! Chief Conservator of Forests (C), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Regiona! Office (WZ), E-5, Kendriya Paryavaran Bhawan, E-5 Arera Colony, Link Road-3, Ravishankar Nagar, Bhopal - 462OL6 Sub.: Tata Chemicals Limited, Mithapur Status of compliance of the stipulated conditions- CRZ Clearance (Pipeline and Diffuser System for Disposal of Treated Waste Water) Ref: MoEF letter F.No. L7-34/2O16-!A-lll dated July 10, 2O!7 Dear Sir, We are here with enclosing compliance report of the stipulated conditions in CRZ Clearance issued by the Ministry for Pipeline and Diffuser System for Disposal of Treated Waste Water at Marine Outfall point. Thanking you Yours sincerely, For Tata Chemicals Limited General Manager- Corporate Affairs Copy to: 1. The Member Secretary, Gujarat Po!!ution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 2. The Regional Director, Centra! Pollution Contro! Board, Parivesh Bhawan, Opp.VMC Ward Office No. L0, Subhanpura Vadodara -390 023 Enclosed: As above T,ITA CHEMICALS LIMrrED Heritage - TCL House Gujarat Vidyapith Swimming Pool Road B/h Visnagar Co-op Bank Ashram Road Usmanpura Ahmedabad 380 014 Tel (079) 6603 02OO / 01 Fax (079) 6608 0267 www.tatachemicals.com Registered Office Bombay House 24 Homi Mody Street Fort Mumbai 400 001 CIN : 124239MH1 939P1C002893 TATA CHEMTCALS LTMTTED, M|THAPUR (GUJARAT)- PROPOSAL FOR TREATED WASTE WATER PTPELTNE COMPLIANCE REPORT OF CRZ CLEARANCE S.No. CRZ Clearance (MoEFCC) Conditions Compliance This has reference to your proposal No. Noted. IAIGJ/M!S/59359120t6 dated 30.09.2016 received in this Ministry for CRZ Clearance in accordance with the provisions of the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, }OLL issued under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 2 The proposal has been considered by the Expert Noted. Appraisa! Committee (EAC)- lnfrastructure Development, Coastal Regulation Zone, Building/ Construction and Miscellaneous projects, in its 165th and 17oth meetings held during January L6-L7, 2OL7 and May LL, 2Ot7 respectively. The details of the project, as per the documents submitted by you and as informed during the aforesaid meetings of the EAC are noted as under: (i) The project involves laying of treated effluent disposal Noted. pipeline from their plant to final disposal point in the Gulf of Kutch at Mithapur in Gujarat, in lieu of the existing system of conveyance through open channel disposal of treated waste water discharge. The proposed project involves installation of trestle mounted pipelines and diffuser system to marine outfall point suggested by NlO, which shall be beyond Marine Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive zone. (ii) The total length of proposed treated waste water Noted. disposa! pipeline corridor is 3756 m. The length of pipeline in Non CRZ area is 318.75 m and the length of pipeline in CRZ area is 3437.25 (iii) Waste water generation, treatment and disposal: Noted. Treated waste water of 240,000 KLD will be disposed off through the proposed system. (iv) Municipal solid waste generated disposal facility: There Noted. wil! not be municipal solid waste generation due to this improvement proposal. (v) Power requirement and source: Power requirement Noted. ln addition to this one pump will be 2x L25O KW (1 Working + 1 Standby Pump), 3.3 KV having diesel driven engine which wil! be which will be sourced TCL captive supply. operated in case of power failure. (vi) lnvestment/ Cost of the project: Rs. 229 crores Noted. (vii) Wildlife issues: Yes, The proposed pipeline corridor in Noted. parts would pass through Marine Sanctuary (viii) The project Iies within 10 kms of an Eco Sensitive Zone Noted. area Lof22 TATA CHEMTCALS LtMtrED, MITHAPUR (GUJARATI- pROpoSAL FOR TREATED WASTE WATER PIPEIINE (ix) Details of Forest land: About L1.268 Ha of mangrove As per the wildlife conservation plan forests will be involved. This extent of an area has also prepared by NABET accredited, functional been declared a mangrove forest as per Draft area expert, Ecology and Biodiversity, Notification No. GVN/1999(8llJJM|t692/L6s2/K. Baseline status of vegetation suggests that Settlement order No. K/FSO /T-3/L548/20t3-L4 of FSO, the intertida! area through which the Junagarh, dated tLlOSlzOL3, which are yet to be pipeline route is proposed, has short and finalized by Government of Gujarat. sparse mangroves. The existing mangroves are sparse and short due to compacted substratum in the intertida! area. The length of the sparse intertidal mangrove is about 100 m on the route of the proposed pipeline. The proposed width of pipeline corridor is 45 m. Therefore, the total mangrove area that may be affected would be barely 0.45 ha. Pipeline will be laid on trestle to minimize the impact on local ecology. Hence, the expected impact on mangroves in particular would be temporary and it is likely that the mangroves would settle again after laying of pipeline over the intertidal zone is completed. lt may please be noted that the referred report was submitted to the GCZMA along the application for the CRZ clearance. (x) Approval for the proposed project by the NBWL has Wildlife approval has now been issued by been recommended in the 39th meeting dated 23'd Gujarat Govt. vide letter No. August,2OL6. wLPl32lBlL8L3-LBl2oL7-tB dated 01.06.20L7 (Copy attached as Annexure- 1). (xi) CRZ demarcation has been conducted by lnstitute of Noted. Remote Sensing (tRS), Anna University, Chennai (xii) SCZMA Recommendations: Gujarat Coasta! Zone Noted. Management Authority has recommended the proposal from CRZ perspective vide its letter dated 28.06.2016 2of22 TATA CHEMTCALS r-rMrTED, MITHAPUR (GUJARAT)- PROPOSAL FOR TRTATED WASTE UI/ATER PTPEUNE 3 The proposal has been recommended for CRZ Noted. Clearance by the Expert Appraisa! Committee (EAC) in the Ministry for lnfrastructure Development, Coasta! Regulation Zone, Building/ Construction and Miscellaneous projects, in its 170th meeting held during May L1, 20L7. Based on the information submitted by you as at para no.2 above and others and information made during the presentation before the EAC, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change hereby accords CRZ clearance to the above project viz 'Pipeline and Diffuser system for Disposa! of Treated Waste water at Marine outfall point at District Devbhumi Dwarka, Gujarat' under the provisions of the CRZ Notification, }OLL and amendments thereto and circulars issued thereon, and subject to the compliance of the following specific and general conditions as under: PART A SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (i) All conditions/recommendations stipulated by the Noted. Conditions / recommendations Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) stipulated by the Gujarat Coastal Zone vide its letter no ENV-10-2O76-74-E (T Cell), dated Management Authority (GCZMA) shall be 28.06.2016 shall strictly be complied with. complied with. (ii) The clearance is subject to obtaining prior approval of Complied. Wildlife Clearance has been the standing Committee of the National Board of obtained vide Gujarat Govt. letter No. Wildlife, under Wildlife (protection) Act, L972, before wLP 132/Blt8L3-t8/2O17 -18 dated commencement of work. 01.06.2017 (Annexure-l). (iii) The clearance is also subject to obtaining prior Noted. Company has applied for clearance approval for diversion of forest land (mangrove) as under the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 may be applicable, under Forests (Conservation) Act, through MoEF&CC's online portal vide 1980, before commencement of work. proposal no. FPIG UlNDl23768/2077 dated L5.O6.20L7. (iv) A2% of the cost of the project shall be apportioned for Noted and shall be complied during the marine and coastal biodiversity protection and course of implementation of the project conservation measures, to be spent by the project work. proponent towards fulfilling its Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) during the currency of the project. Proper record and account of measures taken should be maintained and should also be submitted to the CZMA every six months. (v) Consent to Establish' shal! be obtained from State Complied. Consent to Establish has been Pollution Control Board under the Air (prevention and obtained vide CTE-Amendment Order No. Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and the Water 7 07 Ot dated 01. 10.2015. (prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1974. (vi) The construction in CRZ areas sha!! strictly in Noted. lt will be ascertained that the accordance with the provisions of CRZ Notification, construction in CRZ areas is strictly in }OLL and as amended from time to time. accordance with the provisions of CRZ Notification, 2OLL and as amended from time to time. 3of22 TATA CHEMTCALS LlMtrED, MITHAPUR (GUJARAT)- PROPOSAL FOR TREATED WASTE WATER PIPELINE (vii) There shall be no dressing or alteration of the sand Noted. There are no sand dunes along the dunes, natura! features including landscape changes proposed pipeline corridor. lt is assured for beatification, recreation and other such purpose. that no alteration in natural features including landscape changes for beautification, recreation and other such purpose wil! be undertaken. (viii) All waste (liquid and solid) arising from the proposed Noted. A!! waste (liquid and solid) will be development will be disposed off as per the norms disposed off as per the norms of the prescribed by State Pollution Contro! Board. There Gujarat Pollution Contro! Board and shall not be any disposal of untreated effluent in to the untreated effluent will not be released in sea/coastal water bodies. to the sea / coastal water bodies. (.x) lnstallation of the Sewage Treatment Plant should be Complied. Sewage Treatment Plant is certified by an independent expert and a report in this already in operation for treatment of all regard should be submitted to the Ministry before the sewage generated from company's existing project is commissioned for operation.
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