YAD VASHEM Irurnq7 to Be an Martyrs9and Heroes' Readers, Were Inn-Keepers in Russia
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What are the boundaries of Russia? When was a the town within the gubernya is almost impossi- particular piece of land Polish, Lithuanian or ble. It further seems to me from reading your Russian? Did Jews register their names in any publication, that your readers who are seeking government document? For instance, my forefa- relatives often mention one town and then mention thers, like those of so many others of your towns "in the area" or ttsurrounding towns" or YAD VASHEM Irurnq7 To be an Martyrs9and Heroes' readers, were inn-keepers in Russia. "cities. Remembrance E33sil inn-keeper did one need a license from the Rus- Another topic that could be explored is the PILnlK 01% UIu'Uml'K sian government? I think all of us realize that migration of Jews to the south (i.e., New Russia) Authority ululr=rmni~u if the answer is tfyes,ttand if the document to in the 19th century. Every American understands RO.B. 84 Jerusalem, Israel A Page of Testimony flllullK nlPnlK1la prove this were still in existence, we would the migration of Americans "westward." But this stand no chance of obtaining it. But I for one migration had nothing (or little) to do with Jews. THE MARTYRS' AND understand so little concerning the Russian sys- How much more important is it to explain how the HEROES' REMEMBRANCE tem of keeping documents in the 19th and 20th southern part of the Pale was populated during LAW, 5713-1953 century, that surely articles in this field would the 19th century. determines in article No. 2 be of interest to all of us. The upheavals of the 1917-1921 period could that - be described concerning each gubernya. The task of YAD VASHEM Another avenue that could be explored con- is to gather into the homeland cerning Russia are articles devoted to the Pale I know that most of the above problems are material regarding all those of Settlement. You could have readers or experts somewhat in the nature of "historical" interest members of the Jewish people who laid down their lives, who in their field write an article on each separate rather than "genealogical" interest, but I do not fought and rebelled against the gubernya [province] in the Pale. To further ex- know if you realize how little the average Ameri- Nazi enemy and his wllabora- plain, let us pick Podolia gubernya. When did can-Russian-Jew knows about 17th, 18th and 19th tors, and io perpetuate their memory and that of the Jews first settle there? Why? Under whose con- century Russian Jewish history. And without such communities, organisations, and trol was it then? What are the natural borders basic information, genealogy in this area, which institutions which were dest- is already most difficult, becomes even more so. royed because they were Jewish. of Podolia? What have been the most significant First Name (maiden name) pnnam .2 1 border changes? What are the biggest towns? I do like your magazine very much and I wish Perhaps if a map of each gubernya could be drawn you all the success in the future. and printed, it would be of invaluable help. ffahhy P. Boonin From my experience and those I have talked to, 11 2 Poclx6a.t Road Place of birth oliwr lie U1N .4 Date of bi&h w~rr-vv'ei2ya .3 it seems that many times a person can find out PkiRaddphLa, PA I91 15 77'2 (town, colllltry) (7w ,rnWp) what gubernya a relative came from, but locating Photo I I Name of mother 1yvin 110 1YnN3 .6 i Name of father VuNe 119 lYlw .5 HOLOCAUST RESEARCff: A SOURCE AT YAV VPSHEM I I Name of spouse ' Y,5*n~o-~wSlrl9rn1.9~ 911'15 118 1~7,~1~n119 )~nw.7 Arthur Kurzwei 1 (if s wife, add maiden name) Place of residence before the war wN3VNll l~*Nvv .8 On August 19, 1953, the Israeli Knesset mony on the chance that they contain important passed the Martyrst and Heroesf Remembrance Law family information. which established Yad Vashem as the official me- Places of residence during due ww nmnlyr nga ?yv)lwruIr .9 morial in Israel to the Holocaust victims. Since GZ VZNG YAP VASffEM INFORMA77 ON that time, Yad Vashem has become one of the most If you have information about individuals moving and important places to visit for anyone and would like to "testify" via the questionnaire Circumst!ances of death @lace, date, etc.) vwv 11~1nyvw.n9w 11N V*W I\J'IN 010 journeying to Israel. which Yad Vashem makes available, you can obtain In addition to Yad Vashemfs museum, research blank forms from two sources. The first is: center, archives, library, educational efforts, YAD VASHEM and publications department, there is a division P.O. Box 84 called The Hall of Names (also known as the Pages Jerusalem, Israel , of Testimony Department). This section of Yad Ask for "A Page of Testimony" for the purpose of vDWYI'313p relatianship to deceased ..............................................................................................................anan............-....anan----.-........-.- Vashem asks both visitors as well as anyone testifying about individuals you know. We sug- around the world to fill out a printed question- gest that you ask for one blank questionnaire hereby declare &a this besbimony is correct to the bwt of my knowledge. naire with biographical details about individuals and then photocopy additional pages as needed. ,I~YLY~IY~~NNT sun, f9N v~iinwY 97 tti-,wn~~rly5pifl who died during the Holocaust. These question- Another source for these forms is: .1v9ii lyvvyn 199n1 v*B yp9um N t9~,D*V~L Y~Mv*n naires or Pages of Testimony are kept on file at Survivors of Nazi-Camps and Yad Vashem as a memorial to those individuals who Resistance Fighters perished. At the present time, well over two 2747 Throop Avenue million forms have been collected by Yad Vashem. Bronx, New York 10469 Obviously, the Pages of Testimony Department (21 2) 231-5456 at Yad Vashem is of great interest to Jewish gen- Either write or call this "Survivorstf organiza- ealogists and family historians. Those of us who tion, who, in cooperation with Yad Vashem, makes have information to give to Yad Vashem would blank questionnaires available. You can then surely want to do so, and those of us seeking in- either send your filled-out forms to Yad Vashem formation about Holocaust victims in our own fam- ilies would want to consult the Pages of Testi- continued on page 6 Please inscribe the name of each victim of the Holocaust on a separate form. directly or send them back to the "Survivorsv Geffen will send you a brochure about Shorashim organization who will do so for you. if you send him an inquiry. He can be contacted THE JEWISH FAMT LY FINDER An additional way of obtaining blank ques- for further details at: The editors of TOLEDOT invite its readers 1854 in Budapest. First wife Rosa HECHT died 1890s. tionnaires is simply to photocopy the page which Shorashim Research Service to make inquiries about their research to the Remarried, Charlotte. Arrived NY 1900-1 with daughter TOLEDOT has included in this issue. 9 Rehov Heller, Apt. 19 hundreds of Jewish genealogists who read our Adele. Givat Mordecai j ournal . OBTAINING INFORMATION FROM YAP VASH EM Jerusalem, Israel 79-9 Cantor Don GOLDBERG, 2119 Kirkwood Ave., Merrick, For $5.00, We will print Your 25-word an- NY 11566 --- Looking for Stephen SARKANY, born in b- If you are interested in examining Yad Va- nouncement contaizing the surnames, towns, or gary. Father Adee, nephew of Karl SCHAEFER. Married shemfs Pages of Testimony for possible informa- A FINAL COMMENT ON PAGES OF TESTIMONY other information that you might wish to include and divorced Esther FELD. Would be in 60ts dr 70's. tion on family members, you can do so by visiting As you can see from the sample "Page of in your inquiry. Your name and address are The Hall of Names. However, for those of us who Testimony," there is space on the questionnaire listed free of charge. For announcements of 79-10 Cantor Don GOLDBERG, 2119 Kirkwood Ave., Merrick, do not get to Israel that often, a private for information about the victim as well as in- NY 11566 --- Seeking information: SOLOMONs of Kismen, more than 25 words, an additional 204 per word Hungary (Rumania), near Urlgvgr. Louis (Eliezer) ben researcher in Israel can do this for you at a formation about the person who testified. Cases should be added. Shlome Zalman married Mollie FEUERVERGER, 1910. Willie modest fee. are known where people have found living members To avoid inaccuracies, please type or print went to Cleveland; then Etna,, NJ. One such researcher is Dr. David Geffen, of their family by locating a Page of Testimony your announcement. Indicate surnames in capital who was the founder of the Jewish Historical So- and noticing who gave the information on the letters, as we do in the listings, in order to 79-11 Jathes D. HART, 740 San Luis Rd., ~erkeley,CA ciety of Delaware and rabbi of Congregation Beth form. The potential both for genealogical infor- 94707 --- NEUSTADTER, Henky (1829-1903), Louis, Nathan, distinguish them from place names. family from Geistingen; ~11lived in Sul'zbach, Bavaria Shalom in Wilmington, Delaware. Geffen has set mation as well as for making sure that the world Send your check along with the wording of up his own company called Shorashim, which he is aware of what happened to our families during before emigrating to New York, then to San Francisco, your query to: TOLEDOT, 808 West End Avenue, 1850 and 1851.