THE VOICE «301 Biscay* IM, Mian! J», H* Return Postage Guaranteed VOICE Weekly Publication of the of Midmt Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida

VOL II, NO. 10 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy MAY 27, 1960 Crusade Jo Spread Faith — ^- Undertaken By Holy Name

A crusade to spread the Faith sions will now carry the pro- southern states, gave two ma- and bring lapsed Catholics back gram to their parishes where jor addresses on the role of to the Church has been under- specific needs will determine the layman in convert work. taken by Holy Name Societies the kind of techniques to be of the diocese. employed. . Coleman F. Carroll spoke 4;wice to the delegates. The year-long project was "About 99 out of 100 non^ On Saturday he briefly com- discussed in detail at a con- Catholics' have never been in- mended the men on their apos- vention of the laymen's or- vited to join the Church," Fa- tolic undertaking and said he ganization held last week end ther Patrick P. W^lsh, O.P. told was "very much interested" in in Fort Lauderdale. the convention. "They think they their forthcoming crusade. On are not wanted in the Church." Sunday he delivered the ser- Urged by at least six speak- He asked the men-to corr^t mon at an afternoon Mass of- ers to think more often of non- the misunderstanding. fered in War Memorial Audi- Catholic acquaintances, and in- torium in Fort Lauderdale. structed by others in the tech- . Father Walsh, amission niques of convert-making, the priest with 13 years experi- "You realize there is a ter- 225 men who attended the ses- - ence among non-Catholics in < Continued on page .10)

U.S. Army Photo PRAYERS fOR THE MILITARY dead will be lives in battle, will be paid at many military Offered on Monday as the nation observes Me- cemeteries. Catholic people have been asked to morial Day. Respect for those who gave their attend Mass at Diocesan cemeteries. Memorial Day Masses Set- CCD Workshops Slated June 3-4 At Cemeteries Of Diocese In Three Areas Outdoor Masses will be offered Heaven Cemetery, 4% miles Workshops explaining the on Memorial Day, Monday, May north of Sunrise Blvd. on State . teaching program of the Confra- ternity of Christian Doctrine 30 for the repose of all those Rd. No. 7. , will be held at three locations buried in the diocesan ceme- An invitation has been extend - in the diocese on June 3 and 4. teries in Miami and Fort Lau- ed to the iaithful to assist at the The workshops will demon- derdale. Masses by Msgr. James F. Ne- strate the program followed lan, diocesan director of ceme- Father Peter Reilly, pastor,- by some 200 lay teachers who teries, who emphasized that Little Flower , Coral Gab- are training to give religious "Holy Mass is the first arid instruction in June to Catho- les, will celebrate Mass at 10:30 most important means to help lic students who ordinarily a.m. in Our Lady of Mercy the poor soul; it is of infinite are enrolled in public schools. Cemetery, 11411 NW 25th St., value since it is the unbloody The two-day demonstrations Miami. reenactment of the" sacrifice of are a part of CCD conventions our salvation." ,'»:heduled at St. Ann Parish, Father Lamar J. Genovar, A partial of seven West Palm Beach; St. Francis pastor, Our Lady ^ueen of Mar- years applicable only to the de- Xavier, Fort Myers and Barry Voice Photo tyrs parish, Fort Lauderdale, ceased may be gained by as- College in Miami. TWO PRIESTS were ordained for the Diocese of and Father Joseph J. Brunner are shown as will be the celebrant of the sistance at the Mass, JMsgr. Ne- . Sisters of the Mission Help- Miami during rites last Saturday in St. Anthony they kneel before Bishop Coleman F. Carroll a.m. Mass in Queen of lan said. continued on Page 18) Church, Fort Lauderdale. Father John W. Glorie who is seated in front of the .

^Letter Read In Churches Bishop Ordains Two Priests ctiban Warns Of Communism In Rites At Fort Lauderdale FORT LAUDERDALE — Con- midst two 'Other Christs' " Bish- Following is a translation of a major part of The Enemy Is Within tinued prayers for an increase op Carroll told the congregation. the pastoral letter issued on May 17 by Archbishop in vocations to the priesthood "We now have two more priests We begin by saying that the ranks are already marked be- who daily will renew the Sacri- Enrique Perez Serantes of Santiago, Cuba, on the were urged by Bishop Coleman tween the Church and its enemies. These are neither simple fice of the Cross in churches communist menace in that country. The part of F. Carroll on Saturday following the letter which has been deleted deals with cate- rumors nor speculative statements, more or less interesting or throughout, this diocese and chetical instruction in Cuban institutions and an clever. the sacred rites of ordination in bring the teachings of Christ, appeal for a religious atmosphere in Cuban homes. It cannot be said that the enemy is now at the doors, because St. Anthony Church. and His Church to those who actually it is within, speaking loudly as though settled in its are seeking the light." ; At that time Father Joseph • . . ; Pastoral Duty own domain. John Brunner, son of Mr. and Congratulating the parents Albert J. Brunner of St. Cle- and relatives of the newly or- Faithful to our sacred pastoral duty to care for, nourish and It is not without reason that some of the better informed, v ! defend the flock entrusted to us by the Supreme Head of Christi- those with perceptive minds, had for some time been alarm- ment parish and Father John dained, Bishop Carroll empha- anity, the Vicar of Christ, we feel obliged today to address our- ed and cautious and willing to fight against those who at- William Glorie, son of Mrs. sized the importance of the selves to our beloved faithful. We do this to remind them, or in- tempt to superimpose, more,and more, the heavy* yoke of John Glorie of St. Francis of priesthood to each individual. form them if need be, of the line of conduct they must follow the new slavery. This is so. because a genuine Christian Assisi parish, Riviera Beach, • "Many people," Bishop Car- at this period of time that is causing confusion and serious worry cannot live without" freedom, nor does he wish to do so. received the Sacrament of roll said, "have JSL part to play among many who undoubtedly await guidance from us. Holy Orders in the presence in nurturing vocations. The par- We must not forget that our own people of all times and of large numbers of the cler- in so doing, we feel certain that we are lending a good service in all places, from Rome to Budapest, have always-thought -it ents, the teachers, the pastors gy, religious and laity. and above all the combined to the Church and to the motherland, our two great loves, the best to lose everything, even to shedding their blood, rather than constant objects of our watchfulness and anxiety. (Continued on page 9) "We now have within our (Continued on Page 8) 'Spinning Sun' At Fatima Vatican Paper Explains Role Ex-Lawyer, 64, To Be Ordained Under Scrutiny Of Church Of Faithful In Political Life ALBANY, N.Y. (NO — LISBON (NO — The Cardi- "When I looked I clearly saw Patrick J. Tuffy, 64, a for- nal - Patriarch of Lisbon -has the sun dancing in a ceaseless VATICAN CITY (NO — The ples. Any conflict between the judgment, interpretation and mer New York City lawyer, ordered an investigation into rotation — sometimes to the Vatican City daily has criticized judgment of Church authorities evaluation, with obvious -super- will be ordained a. priest reports that the sun has once right, sometimes to the left- — as absurd any attempt to dis- and the opinion of individual ficiality and temerity." here Saturday. agaia. danced in its orbit as it and constantly changing color." tinguish between a man's'con- Catholics in such a case must did at Fatima in 1917. "It is urgent to appeal to the Mr. Tuffy, who received The Jesuit priest, who is di- science as a Catholic and his be solved by obedience to the unity and sense of discipline of his law degree from Ford- Manuel Cardinal Goncalves rector of the monument com- Cburch. conscience as a citizen. all Catholics," the editorial said, hanTUniversity in 1929, gave Cerejeira missed being pres- mittee, said the sun changed COMPROMISE, SACRIFICE up his law practice and be- color. He said t h a t at one L'Osservatore Romano de- "so that all of them may know ent at the phenomenon now There is complete incompati- gan studying for the priest- under investigation* He had point the phenomenon looked clared in a front-page editor- how to align themselves not^ as though the sun was com- bility between Marxism and with the frail opinions of im- hood after the death of bis just left a field at suburban ial — described here as an posed of superimposed disks Christianity. Any collaboration provised teachers, but with the wife, Sara, in 1955. Almada where he had cele- authoritative statement from brated evening Mass. > that moved apart from one by Catholics with Marxism thought and directives of the "would inevitably result in a another. These different - col- a competent Vatican source Church's hierarchy, which alone Father Sebastiao' Pinto, S.J., ored disks formed the Pcrtu- ' — that all Catholics.must be compromise and sacrifice of the intangible principles of the Faith ... can judge in a particular so- described what he saw then: guese national colors " >d guided in all Jheir private and and green. ' ~~J and of Christian morals." cial and political situation U.S. Catholic "At about half past six, just public activities by the laws whether the higher principles of after the Cardinal - Patriarch Therefore, the editorial said, Father Pinto said that a cloud and teachings of the Church. . the religious and moral order left, the crowd .and I were "it is highly deplorable obscured the phenomenon for a are in fact involved or threat- caught in a sudden rainsquall. In an apparent reference to that some persons, though-pro- Population Is while, but that the phenomenon ened." When it subsided I heard some- the current Italian political situ- fessing to -be Catholics, not continued when the Cloud one shout, 'Look at the sun!' passed. ation, the editorial pointed out only dare to conduct their pol- "Every Catholic," it conclud- 40,871,302 that the Church cannot "allow itical and social activities in a ed, "has the duty to, conform to the faithful to adhere, favor or way which is at variance with those directives and judgments NEW YORK (NO — There SHOP TONIGHT: miami and miomi beacft 'HI 9:00 collaborate with movements that the teachings of the Church, in the political field. Only in this are 40,871,302 Catholics in the 163rd street, ft. lauderdok and west palm beach 'til 9:30 adopt and follow the Marxist , but also take upon themselves way can he be sure of acting in United States. ideology.'* the' right to submit its teach- harmony with the Faith he pro- POLITICAL CRISIS ings and precepts to their own fesses." The latest count by the 1960 For months Italy has been Catholic Directory, just plagued by a political crisis. To published by P. J. Kenedy & "get a stable government, some Sons, New York publisher, in- members of the Catholic-orient- cludes Alaska and Hawaii; fam- ed Christian Democratic party, Catholic Welfare Director ilies of defense forces at home the nation's largest, have urged collaboration with leftwing so- and abroad, and families of dip- cialists. Such collaboration has Supports U.S. Migrant Aid lomats and others serving over- been condemned by Church au- HOMESTEAD — Reform mea- cern is the religious welfare of seas. thorities. sures proposed by a U.S. Sen- the worker. However it must ate Subcommittee to aid migra- The total represents a not be supposed that the soli- The Church has full powers of tory farm workers have re- year's increase of 1,365,827. It real jurisdiction over all Catho- ceived the enthusiastic support citude of the Church is so pre- is also a 10-year increase of lics. It has the right and duty of Father Bryan O. Walsh, execu- occupied with the spiritual con- 13,105;i61, or 47.2 per cent to direct them and to keep their tive director of the Catholic cern of her members as to ne- over the 27,766,141 Catholics ideas and actions in conformity Welfare Bureau of the Diocese glect their temporal and earth- recorded in the U.S. in 1950. with the teachings 'of the Ges- of Miami. The statistics are recorded as pels. A Catholic can never de- ly interests. She desires that of Jan. 1, I960. part from the teachings and di- Testifying before a subcom- the poor should rise above their mittee hearing at the Redland rectives of the .Church. poverty and wretchedness and The directory lists 26 archdio- Labor Camp in South Dade better their condition in life." ceses in the U.S., with a total Political and* social prob- County, 'Father Walsh out- Catholic population of 17,848,005 lems cannot be separated. lined the- position of the Pastor of the Sacred Heart ' and 114 with a total from religion because they are Church in regard to migratory parish here, from which Span- Catholic population of 23,023,297. based on ethical and religious workers and .their families ish-speaking priests minister The include the Mili- • e-e d s. Consequently the who move around the coun- each winter to the spiritual tary and the Vicar- Church cannot be indifferent try. iate of Alaska. The archdioceses to them. It has a right to needs of thousands of Cuban, reported a growth of 506,889 .and kelp Catholics make the best "In the teaching* of the Church Mexican and Peurto Rican the dioceses, 858,939. . choices in this field according on social questions," Father migrants, Father Walsh point- > Walsh explained, "there is an to the principles of morality ed out to Senator' Harrison Eight archdioceses with and Christian sociology. affectionate sympathy for the worker. It exalts his personal Williams (D-NJ) that bad Catholic populations of more -weather in South Florida, has than one million are listed. It is up to Church authorities, dignity as a man and as the father of the family. It insists focused national attention on These are: Chicago, (2,073,- • not individual Catholics, to de- 616); Boston, (1,625,024); New on mutuaP effort; it sanctions the plight of the workers "who cide whether it is morally per- York, (1,581,654); Philadel- missible in certain situations to and desires a wise intervention live and work almost within of the civil authority. phia, (1,513,269); Newark, (I,. collaborate with those who do sight and sound of the Gold 402,609); Detroit, (1,324,951); not recognize religious princi- "The Church's primary con- Coast." Los Angeles, (1,297,584); and 9.98 San Francisco, (1,030,833). "All right thinking people," he said, "are shocked at the con- Brooklyn continues as the dio- "HOLIDAY ditions brought to light during cese with the largest Catholic 'Yours For Better Building' these freezes. Each year the population, 1,486,235. Other dio- • RESIDENCES emergencies have been met by ceses with more than 500,000 the splendid cooperative efforts Catholic population are: Pitts- • APARTMENTS of voluntary and public agen- burgh, (879,255); Buffalo, (859,- cies. But these efforts have only a holiday 4 • ADDITIONS /577); Cleveland, (757,875); Rock- solved the immediate problems ville Centre, (631,568); Corpus' from ironing • '•~-J ••. • ALTERATIONS of feeding people thrown out Christi, (524,500), and Provi- of work by the weather. dence, (510,346). Our Ann Colby dress will • SWIMMING POOLS Urging support of Senate Bills DON McCAMMON* The directory shows that six pack carefree for vaca- and ENCLOSURES MEMBER 1085 and S. 2141 which would dioceses reported no changes tions or weekends. Arnel ST. MICHAEL'S PARISH include migrants under the mini- in their Catholic populations, triacetate jersey is hand mum wage and child labor laws, nine reflected slight decreases, Specializing in Father Walsh said, "I believe or machine washable.. but 125 archdioceses and dio- Women's Ideas In Building that to exclude, migrant farm White with black Or navy workers from minimum wage ceses recorded substantial in- binding. Beige/brown. 12 creases. . . . You Dream It We Build It! guarantees is to discriminate to.20, 12Vi to 201/£ sizes. against them and their families. (A forthcoming report on the Daytime casuals, second - It is a question of simple jus- 3131 recent diocesan census will con- fFpor miami: At all five tice. Without the protection of tain the latest statistical infor- K N.W. 15th ST. the law, it is simply a question Burdine's stores. NE 4-3332 mation on the Diocese of Mi- of supplyand demand." . ami.) The experiences of the Catho- 'Former Building Inspector for Dade County; Owns ond operates The directory reports that for McCammon' Construction School (teaching. So. Florida Bldg. Code); lic Welfare Bureau have been Call .telephone ordering service, FHA Approved Builder; Licensed and Insured; Building Locally for "sad ones" in cases of very the 14th consecutive year the FR 3-1111. Charge to easy ABC. lost 15 years. young children working in the number of converts to the Cath-, fields, he noted. olic Faith exceeded 100,000.

Page 2 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1960 750 Students To Graduate Barry College To Graduate In High School Ceremonies 85 At Exercises May 30 More than 750 students will ST. ANASTASIA HIGH Eighty-five Barry College stu- the following students by Bishop be grauduated from diocesan, School, Fort Pierce, Tuesday, dents will received-degrees from Carroll: parochial and private Catholic May 31, 8 p.m. in school audi- Bishop Coleman F. Carroll dur- BACHELOR OF ARTS High Schools at commencement torium. Patricia A. Eayzle, Eileen M. Bit- ing graduation exercises on zer, Ariela C. Boudet, Frances. A. exercises scheduled to be held Flood. Yvonne C. Gagliano, Vivienne ROSARIAN ACADEMY, West L. Ganly, Ruth M. Gola, Susan M. in churches and chapels of the Monday, May 30 at 8 p.m. in Jacobs, Sheila A. Jones, Elinore M. Palm Beach, Thursday, June 2, Lackey, Devora R. Levin, Laurine A. diocese during the next two the auditorium. McKeon. Judith E. O'Neill, Janet M. 8 p.m. in the academy chapel. Paterson, Sandra A. Riley, • Barbara weeks. A. Konan, Rosemary E. Schiraldt, ASSUMPTION ACADEMY Baccalaureate Day will be Ralene P. Sullivan, Helen L. Tsao, Betty A. Ubeil, Mrs. Colette R: Vedel Diplomas will be presented to Miami, Friday, June 3, 8 p.m. -observed Sunday, May 29 be- and Sister Matilda Ann Wilson, O.S.B. ' seniors at the following high in the academy chapel. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ginning with Mass at 11 a.m. Elena M. Amador. Ethel L. Auer- schools: CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH bach, Suzanne M. Balling, Maureen celebrated by Msgr. William J. Barrett, Martha A. Brogniez, Bar- ST. ANN HIGH SCHOOL School, Fort Lauderdale, Fri- bara A. Burbidge, Janet C. Burt, Barry, P.A. Father John F. Baben J. Butch, Louese L. Carr, ' West Palm Beach, Sunday, May day, June 3, 8 p.m. in Our Lady Mary Ann Casate, Mercine A. Monroe, O.F., chaplain at the Coitaas, Oma C. Coonley. Mary A. « 29, 10 a.m. Mass in St. Ann Queen of Martyrs Church. Curry, Mary Ana Dolan, Carmen fis. Aquinas Student Center, Uni- Dominguez, Margaret W. Donnelly, NOTRE DAME ACADEMY, Mrs. Sybil M. Dobbs, Jatiis K. Dry- versity of Miami, will give bread, Judith A. Duncanson, sister Miami, Sunday, June 5, 4 p.m., Imelda Marie Eckhoff, OP., Berna- in St. Mary Cathedral. the baccalaureate address. dine M. Fleck, and Angela R. Florio. PuTthasing Agent Also Susan E. Fry, Frances AC. Hickey, Beatrice G. Huberman, Pa- ARCHBISHOP CtJBLEY During commencement exer- tricia A. Jarovics, Margaret L. • Ken- At N.J. Meeting High School, Miami, Sunday, nedy, Barbara Ann Kiep, Mary Ann cises on Monday, Father Louis Kurtz", Virginia L. Lautz, Clare B. June 5, 8 p.m. in St. Mary Ludwig, Ethelmary G. McCieskey, Raymond C. Maxwell, head of O'Leary, O.P., and Father John Patricia B. McGahey, Patricia C. lie- Cathedral. Kenney, Angela M. Moffa, Hazel B. the Diocesan Purchasing Com- M. Egan, O:P. will present the Morris, Mary Ann Morris, Carmen A. mission returned to Miami tor ST. PATRICK HIGH SCHOOL, graduates and assist in confer- Perez, Mary Rose Rfley,'Monica A. Skalko, Mary E. Solum, Carolyn J. day from Newark, N.J. where Miami Beach, Sunday, June 5, ring degrees. Stevens, Joan Bllen storey, Louise he attended an organizational »- a.m. Mass in St. Patrick A. Sullivan, Elizabeth G. Volpetti, and The Very Rev. Richard Marilyn A. Vose. meeting of diocesan purchasing Church. " BACHELOR OF SCIENCE T. S. Murphy, O.P., S.T.D., IN. NURSING agents and their staffs held May CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Eileen E. Campbell, Sister Marie 25 and 26. • S.S. Doct., of St. Rose of Vianney Donovan, O.S.F., Kathleen S. High School, Miami, Monday, Lima Priory, Dominican Eckrich, Sheila T. King, Joan C. Nichols, Larita L. Norris, Elizabeth During the meeting, Mr. Max- June 6, 8 p.m. in St. Brendan House of Theological Studies, R. Rail, Undine Same and Elena R. well served as moderator for Church. Snyder. Dubuque, Iowa, will be the SECRETARIAL SCIENCE DIPLOMAS a panel discussion on the topic, IMMACULATE ACADEMY, Karen L. Corss, Anabelle Z. Jitni- CATHOLIC HIGH schools in South Florida will graduate more graduation speaker. nez, Mary D. Burson, Genevieve A. "The Field of Contract Purchas- Miami, Tuesday, June 7, 8 p.m. Bredemeyer, Sonia P. Da Costa, Lla than 750 students during conuuencement exercises in 11 schools. W. Garcia, Olivia Giraidez, Marisol ing." in SS. Peter and Paul Church. Degrees will be conferred- on Arosomepa. COlUMBIrV EEDML EARN OPEN or ADD To Dividends on Your Savings Your Paid Twice A Year ACCOUNT REE PARKING RECEIVE ONE OF THESE FREE GIFTS on or WITH A NEW $25.00 SAVINGS ACCOUNT:* FREt MONEY before. ORDERS . the 10th • A Beautiful 19 Piece Fluerette dinnerware set. Wires per mwth) This set is heatproof and consists of four cups, four saucers, and Earn four dinnerplates, four desserts, one sugar with cover and DIVIDENDS creamer. - from • A beautiful 12 piece Fire-King Copper-Tint ovenware. each, account • A beautiful 18 piece genuine American cut glass tumbler set insured up to in the attractive "Coin Dot" cutting. It consists of six fruit $10,000 by the juice, six table tumblers, six ice tea glasses. ' Federal: Savings Your account can be and loan " transferred irom any- Insurance Corp. where in the U.S. •One Gift without charge. Per Family FREE PENS AND BANKS TO EVERYONE!

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May 27, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 3 Ex-Prisoners Of Dachau Ofter Anniversary Mass NOTTINGHAM, (NO celebrate the 15th anniversary —•Nine Polish priests who sur- of their liberation. vived imprisonment at the nazi One, "Father Marian Majew- ski, was taken 27 times to a concentration camp of Dachau gas chamber for execution. He officiated at a special Mass to escaped each time.


INCLUDES TRAVERSE RODS DRAW Hyacinth Berchmans, O.P.; Sister Gertrude Mdrie, O.P.; Bis NINE BROTHERS AN1> SISTERS of Bishop Louis A. Scheerer, O.P., are shown with the recently consecrated missionary bishop Scheerer-; John; Father Hyacinth, O.C.D.; Brother Boni- and the Holy Father. Bishop Scheerer, one of 14 missionary face, O.C.p.; Father Dominic, O.C.D.; Brother Louis, O.C.D., consecrated by Pope John XXIII, is head of the new and Brother Vincent, O.C.D. DRAPES Diocese of Multan, W. Palistan. Left to right are: Father SLIP Odsdphl Pope Calls Catholic Press 1 (OVERS' SUMMER SCHOOL Important In War On Evil Attendance accepted by Dode County Board of WASHINGTON (NO —Pope are making insidious use of the 'DRAPES *Ju$t pay for the fabrics and Public Instruction printed word in an endeavor to trimmings and we will cut, sew John XXIII has called the Cath- 80 IN. OR LONGER and install the most perfect TUTORING olic Press especially important subvert and overthrow the very regular size covers or drapes. ALL SUBJECTS Widow Founds Convent and necessary ioday when forces foundations of the Christian re- Academic and Commercial BOLOGNA, Italy (NO —Mrs. of evil twist the printed word ligion. PERSONALIZED SERVICE 48-in. FABRICS For information, pleose see Ines Dossetti has followed her in an effort to overthrow the Yellow Page 420, Phone Book "Therefore, while We cordi- BY JACK FRIEDMAN *1.69to$3.89yd. son into the religious life. She foundations of the Christian re- MEMBER OF ST. MICHAEL'S Air-Conditioned Classrooms was one of 11 founders of the ligion. ally felicitate the association REUPHOLSTERY Ample Free Parking newly formed Society of the on the consoling success that 500-526 N.E. 79th St. Little Family of Our Lady of The Pope's comments were has attended its valiant ef- Serving Dotfe, Broward Counties Time Payments forts, We would exhort Hto Near Btsc. Blvd. the Annunciation. in a message sent to the golden Mother Agnes, after election jubilee convention of the Cath- even greater zeal in the pur- Ask for free Literature as the society's first superior, olic Press Association here. suit of its noble objectives. CREATIONS, INC. Phones: PL 1-7948 is 70-years-old and a widow PL 4-8254 MO 1-3568 eight years. Following is the Pope's mes- "We feel confident that Di- 5rl S.W. 8rti ST. FR 9-3605-6 sage: vine Providence will continue to Reds Accept Parcels assist and guide all those engag- HONG KONG (NO — The "We have learned with plea- ed in this meritorious work; and sure that the Catholic Press As- THE Red Cross of communist China in pledge of that heavenly fa- GENERAL. have accepted without comment sociation is shortly to celebrate vour, We impart from Our a monthly Red Cross parcel for the golden jubilee of its founda- heart to you, venerable brother, Bishop James E. Walsh, MM., tion, and we gladly take this and to the officers, board of di- who was sentenced for "plot- occasion to address to you a rectors, staff and collaborators ting to overthrow the new word of fatherly greeting. of the Catholic Press Associa- tion, Our special apostolic bene- China." . "During these 50 years the ... Safest Tire ever built diction." association has indeed rendered Cardinal Guides Bishops THE GENERAL TIRE OF MIAMI signal services to the Church in From the Vatican, April 19, BERLIN (NO - Stefan Car- tlje North American continent, 8564 I960. 5600 Biscayne Blvd. ^ • "• '- dinal Wyszynski, Primate of and it is due largely to its ef- John'XXIII THE GENERAL TIRE OF MIAMI BEACH, INC. Poland, has urged all Polish forts that the Catholic Press has 1801 Alton Rd., Miami^Beoch, Flo. •»* 8-5396 Bishops to cooperate "within shown such a remarkable in- the limits of possibility" toward crease both in the number of Pope Sees Polio Victims; THE GENERAL TIRE OF CORAL GABLES improving Church-state rela- publications and in' their circu- 301 Giralda Ave, Across from the Bus Terminal. C. G. HI 4-7141 tions. lation. •.•••>- Tells Story Of Suffering VATICAN CITY (NO —Pope •'*•./. THE GENERAL TIRE OF NORTH MIAMI "This achievement is a mo- 700 N. E. 167th St., Vz Mile West of Shopping Center Wl 5-4249 John XXill told hundreds of tive for legitimate pride on-the polio victims that they are stor- IN FT. LAUDERDALE ... \ " part of the association. It is ing up Jieavenly graces through GENERAL TIRES, INC. also a source of much satis- their sufferings. 2700 South Federal Highway JAckson 4-5567 faction for Us, and We-are SAINT greatly comforted by the In a special audience for per- knowledge that such a con- sons crippled by polio, the Pon- siderable numbers of Our be tiff compared their present af- LEO loved i children are being flictions with the weaving of a nourished on the wholesome rug. Rug weavers " work from food of Catholic reading ma- • the underside of a rug and see ,.. Fine « 0LLE6E terial, dedicated to the service how well they have done only of truth and containing suit- at the end of their work, he A LIBERAL ARTS able religious instruction.. said. It is the same with '->- and Accessories fering, Pope John, contii^ .' JUNIOR COLLEGE "The apostolate of the Cath- because only at the end of life olic Press is all the more nec- do the afflicted find out how for All Occasions "\ Conducted by essary when the forces of evil well they have done. The Benedictine Fathers • Boarding Facilities for Young Men. Young Women-accept- ed os Doy Students. • University Porallel and Pre- professionol Courses Leading toward All Degrees. JA&VL, INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. • On the same Campus: St. Leo College Preparatory Beautiful Religious School for Boys, grades 9 to OBJETS D'ART 12. COMPLETE INSURANCE FACILITIES For Information, Write • PHONE 2121 BISCAYSIE BLVD. THE REGISTRAR UN 5-7469 y fR 1-3691 MIAMI. FLA. Soint Leo College I Infant of Prague, handcarved wooa, poiy«««ioe 9555 Harding Ave. — Surf side ftS* 9%" overaU height. $32.50. Saint Leo, Flo.

F«ge 4 THE VOICE Flft* May 27, *960 Jewish Group Hears Report On Catholic Overseas Relief EVERGLADES ROOF ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (NO be helped on the spot "because UNDERWATER BALLET — The work of American vol- there is not the slightest hope Beautiful mermaids perform untary overseas relief agencies they can be moved elsewhere in a giantj glass-walled pool was praised before the National for rehabilitation and resettle- while you dine and dance in Conference of Jewish Commu- ment." a plush setting overlooking nal Service by the executive di- Miami and the Bay. The rector of the Catholic Bishops' "Whatever contribution we sparkling "Roof Review" agency. as American agencies make with Mimi Bijou -Ar The in Asia must be set against Casuals *k Continuous en- The efforts of the Catholic, the background of one prime tertainment from 7:00 p.m. Protestant and Jewish agen- fact — namely the disruption -k No Cover or Minimum. cies have made a deep and and often destruction of the Reservations Suggested— lasting impact on the prob- Asian family system, the Ramon FR 9 5461 lem of refugees, especially in Asian 'extended family' hav- Asia, said Msgr. Edward F. ing been *.he social security New Everglades Hotel, Bis~ Swanstrom, executive director, system of Asia's ancient so- cayne Boulevard on the Bay, cieties," he said. 2nd to 3rd Streets, Miami, \tholic Relief Services-Na- Florida il Catholic Welfare Con- ference. "The role of the American agencies in galvanizing commu- The Monsignor told a session nity action to meet local needs of the 62nd annual convention is possibly the most important of the Jewish group, however, function they are performing that Asia's 20 million refugees in Asia in this time of crisis," are a static group which must he said. U.S. Catholics

Support Ike's PRESIDENT EISENHOWER stopped to view a of other tourists, he spent nearly two hours in statue of the Virgin during his tour of Notre the world-famed church before departing for Dame Cathedral in Paris. Along with hundreds Lisbon, after the short-lived Summit meeting. Summit Stand titute in the Far East. WASHINGTON, (NO — Pres-_ Bishop Elko Founds A graduate of the University ident Eisenhower has received of Notre Dame and the St. When you think of SAVING an expression of sympathy and Byzantine Serra Club Louis University Medical School, support on behalf of the Catholic PITTSBURGH (NO — TheDr. Dooley is cofounder of the Always think FIRST of people of the United States. first Byzantine Rite. Serra Club nonprofit organization known as received its official charter as Medico. Established in 1958, America's Oldest Federal Returning here from the ill- the 201st club of Serra Inter- Medico recruits medical teams for work in underdeveloped fated summit meeting in Paris, national by Bishop Nicholas T. countries. the President found at the White Elko of the Byzantine Rite of FIR House a message which said the Pittsburgh. It is an organization Catholics of the country sympa- of Catholic professional and busi- Ceremonies To Mark thize with him in his "ordeal," nessmen whose primary purpose Fatima Anniversary and "join with all our country- is to foster and encourage vo- WASHINGTON, N. J. (NO — AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI men in a profession of national cations to the priesthood. Special ceremonies commemor- rr W.H.WALKER, CAairmon solidarity in these critical mo- ating the 43rd anniversary of 5 ments." the third apparition of Fatima Hospital Association will be sponsored July 12 and offices— The message was sent by To Hear Dr. Dooley 13 at the National Shrine jof the DOWNTOWN • CORAL WAY • KENDAU • UTTll MVM • NORTN MIAMI Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cin- MILWAUKEE (NO — Dr. Immaculate Conception, Wash- ington, D. C. cinnati, chairman of the admini- Thomas A. Dooley will speak strative board of the National here June ,2-at the closing ses- The ceremonies will be held sion of the 45th annual conven- under the auspices of the Blue Catholic Welfare Conference, How Mountain Valley Water tion of the Catholic Hospital Army of Our Lady of. Fatima. who told the Chief Executive Association. Dr. Dooley won A spokesman for the Blue that "the calculated offense per- worldwide attention for his Army said the services will Differs From Other Waters medical works among the des- begin July 12. petrated against you by the ene- 1. NO ADDED CHEMICALS. Mountain Valley reaches the mies of peace and justice and by earth's surface pure. their violent spokesman" was 2. CONSTANT LOW SODIUM. Ideal for Low-Salt Diet at all directed "against all the citizens times. of the United States." 3. EXPELS SYSTEMIC WASTE RAPIDLY. Famous for improv- ing kidney action. Archbishop Alter was referr- 4. REDUCES EXCESS ACIDITY. Greater buffering strength ing to the attack made upon the than most waters. United States and President Ei- 5. IMPROVES DIGESTION, particularly of proteins and fats. senhower personally by Nikita 6. ALWAYS DELICIOUS—EASY TO DRINK. No unpleasant Khrushchev when the represen- effect, no seasonal variance. tatives of the United States, 7. It comes to you from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Great Britain, France and Soviet • Drink 6 to 8 glasses daily... and

May 27, I960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page. 5 When "Brotherhood' Sacred Heart Month TRUTH OF tH£ M/(fTER Was Forgotten Tense World Should Recall Influence Of The Holy Spirit A newspaper headline last week said in refer- ence to the Southern Baptist Convention in Miami, By FATHER JAMES J. WALSH One thing is certain. If the "The memory lingers on." It surely does. But it is In the midst of the fear and assignment of selecting the confusion caused by Communist Apostles had been given over to likely some of the strange doings there will live on agitation abroad and the rise of . us, it is most unlikely that we more vividly in the memories of bewildered non- bigotry and suspicion here at would have chosen the same Catholics than hi ours. After all, we should be al- home, everyone needs a remin- men. Peter is eliminated be- most used to the Baptists smacking our wrists or der of the influence of the Holy cause he was too proud, -too clubbing us over the head for being so wicked. Spirit in the world. In the ap- likely to act on impulse and proach to Pentecost, it is a re- cause embarassment. John' is Non-Catholic friends admit they are be- lief and a renewal of faith to wildered by the convention pronouncements for note the change wrought in the too young, altogether lacking in several reasons. First, the theme of Brother- Apostles and in the world at experience. Matthew with his hood was emphasized again and again, as large by the sudden coming of poor reputation as a tax gat> speakers dwelt on the need for understandings the Spirit of God. er is just not the type of p>_- and brotherly love. But then newspaper head- son to have around. Thomas lines let everyone know the Convention pro- To say that the Twelve were with his bad habit of making ceeded to engage in the non-brotherly activ- weak and ignorant despite objections and analyzing every- ity of questioning the loyalty of American their companionship with thing is not good material. Catholic citizens. Suspicion and enmity re- Christ for three years is not placed Brotherhood! to claim they were of low Besides most of them are only mind and character. Rather fishermen, poor men who lacked Moreover the Convention reaffirmed belief it is an admission that while contacts among the right peo- in complete religious liberty for aU men and they had within them the ple. stressed that a man's "personal religious faith seeds of greatness, many of shall not be a test of his qualification for public of- Washington Letter their qualities were ordinary. There is no more convincing fice." This was highly commendable. But like the In the view of the commis- proof that God is always guid- cow that gave a full pail of milk and. then kicked it sion given them by Christ to ing and supporting the Church over, the Convention hastened in the next breath to conquer paganism and con- than the fact that these 12 men deny the constitutional rights of a Catholic can- Which Red Pulled The Rug vert all nations, they seemed were successful. If the Spirit of didate! doomed to failure. God had not been with them in every word and with every step, We should not be surprised nor angered Out From Under Summit? But Christ knew His first the Apostles surely would" have by this illogical position. Some Protestant By J. J. GILBERT mal failure; that millions of priests far better than they quit in Jerusalem. acres he had put to the plough knew themselves. He foresaw leaders apparently realize that if they cannot There is a question whether "protest" at the , their sect for the first time were now dust their success because He alone The Holy Spirit cannot effect has no further reason to exist. But it is heart- the Paris summit meeting was bowls, and Russia would have knew how grace builds on na- His wonders in any soul unless ening to know that other denominations, sabotaged by Nikita Khrush- a wheat famine in six months. ture. Time* and again He im- it cooperates with Him. The Apostles spent their greatest ef- notably the Methodists and Episcopalians at chev, Soviet Bussia, or world pressed on them the truth, Others said the U-2 flight forts in disposing themselves to recent conventions, did not use the same dou- communism. "Without Me, you can do noth- ble talk about liberty for all — except for a had shown glaring weaknesses ing." Lest they be discouraged receive Him. They awaited His coming in a prayerful spirit, Roman Catholic. Khrushchev was the one who in the Soviet Russian de- by their weakness, He assured with humility and faith, con- actually "pulled the rug" fenses, and Khrushchev was them the Spirit of God would scious of their glaring weak- We cannot help believing the Baptist Conven- from under meeting, but prac- stalling for time to repair equip them to do His work. ness and their sore need of di- tion made some friends for us. ticed observers are asking them. vine assistance. whether he was forced to it by We know well the thrilling ac- Still other theorists looked for count. Their minds were en- fellow communist leaders in explanations outside Russia. It We need this same convic- Bussia, or by communist lead- lightened and their will Why Is God Needed was said Khrushchev wanted to strengthened to face the incred- tion. Only the Lord knows ers in several countries, espe- build up to an even greater cris- how many ordinary men and cially Red China. ible hardships of making Christ is over Berlin; that Khrushchev known and loved. Once the women have been inspired to In Marriage? The United States was. "in a was not ready to take up Ber- flame of the Holy Spirit touched undertake great things in life because they were confident Some time ago a psychologist expressed his hole" over the U-2 incident, but lin at the summit and there- their hearts, they were changed when the dust died down many fore wrecked the summit con- men. Grace worked its wonders God makes use of the weak views on bringing religion into marriage. So in- to confound the strong. How sistent was the counselor on the advantages ac- observers felt that Khrushchev ference, hoping to get another in their well-disposed souls. It had made such a spectacle of when he is more prepared on dispelled their ignorance, dis- many "unlikely saints" there cruing to the couple practicing religion, one would have been because men and think he was advocating the principles of Chris- himself that he could not have Berlin. solved their fears, braced their faith and enflamed them with women gave the power of the tian marriage laid down clearly by Pius XI in his been worried primarily about Still others were convinced zeal to bring the Gospel to the Spirit of God an opportunity . the U-2 flight. Red leaders outside Russia, and last man on earth. to transform them. The American Committee some inside, but notably the However, he let us down with a thud for Liberation, in New York, Chinese communists, wanted Our frightened world can If we could give the Holy when he gave merely natural reasons for subsequently made public re- communism to show more ag- learn so much by reflecting Spirit a chance to work in our linking marriage and religion. For instance, marks by Khrushchev in Mos- gressiveness, to keep the world on the wisdom of God in souls and to guide the world he urged people to be married by a clergyman, cow which it says prove in a state of nerves, and choosing these 12 men for the with His wisdom what a change to be active together in the same church, be- Khrushchev knew about U.S. Khrushchev had to bow to their most important task ever as- could come about within our- cause "religion extroverts people." It encour- U.S. reconnaissance flights as wishes or lose some or all of signed a group of men. selves and within every nation. ages kindness and charitableness. early as 1956, and elected not his leadership. These observers to protest them. cite numerous instances of re- Moreover, he went on, religion "throws you cent infiltration by Chinese Reds The Diocese of Miami in contact -with cultured folks who are pledged to In his press conference in round the world, including Weekly Publication make this world a better place in which to live." He Paris on May 18, after the col- points in Latin America. Embracing Florida's 16 South- ern Counties; Broward. Char- said that people who are active in church seldom lapse of the summit meeting, lotte, Collier. Dade. DeSoto, Glades. Hardee. Hendry, High- get a divorce. Finally, he solemnly pointed out, Khrushchev admitted, in re- Some thought Khrushchev lands. Indian River. Lee, Martin, it will keep men from dating the wife, when the might even have hoped to Monroe. Okeeehobee, Palm sponse to a question, that he VOICE Beach. St. Lucie. husband is out of town! knew about the flights. Asked embarrass President .Eisen- why he did not speak to Presi- hower with the American Editorial: PLaza 8-0543 There is not a single word about God's dent Eisenhower about them people. They reason that Advertising and Circulation. PLaza 4-2561; Classified PLaza 8-256V - part in the whole statement. Not a hint that during his visit to the United Khrushchev may have mis- THE VOICE PUBLISHING CO., INC. marriage is God's idea and that religion nat- States, Khrushchev said he was judged the American people The Most Rev. Coleman F. Carroll, Bishop of Miami, President urally would bring the couple closer to God and on the verge of doing so at and the reception they .gave dispose them to receive His help. Camp David, but decided not to. him on his visit here. Monsignor John J. Fitzpatrick . Executive Editor Religion is indeed necessary in married life, Why, then, did Khrushchev be- Another theory "was that Monsignor James F. Nelan Managerial Consultant but for far more weighty reasons. Without its in- have as he did in Paris on May Khrushchev was fearful lest Father James J. Walsh Editorial Consultant struction, the couple cannot find out the divine pur- 16? Many explanations have President Eisenhower make an pose of marriage. Unless they know the first pur- been suggested. unusually good impression dur- pose of marriage according to God is to bring chil- ing his projected visit to Russia, John J. Ward Editor Some observers felt it was be- thus, the theory goes, Khrush- Charles Shreiner Assistant Editor dren into the world, their union may be built on George H. Monahan Mews Editor selfish demands. Without the benefit of revealed cause of troubles Khrushchev chev determined to quash the faced at home. It was said his Marjorie L. Fillyaw Women's Editor religion, husband and wife cannot know God's laws visit. William P. Dale Business Manager concerning marriage and how to carry them out. political star was waning in So- Joseph S. Zillty Circulation Manager Moreover, they need religion to bring them the viet Russia and he had to make And there were other explana- a show of being a strong man; tions. Not all of these theories blessing of God in their vocation, to provide them Second-class postage paid at Miami, Florida that a Stalinist faction in Russia are correct. Maybe none of Subscription rates: U.S. and Possessions $5 a year; with the countless graces needed to make marriage single copy 15 cents; foreign: $7.50 a year. was pressuring him to abandon them are. At the same time, Published every Thursday at 6301 Blscayne Boulevard, Miami 38. Florida. successful. Address all mail to 6301 Blscayne Blvd,, Miami 38. Fla. his "soft" attitude towards the more than one of them could be. Member Catholic iTess Association. National Catholic Welfare Confer- ence News Service. Religion is necessary in marriage, but God West; that Khrushchev's "vir- There is a certain plausibility to News items intended for publication must be received by Friday nooa» must be in the religion. gin lands" program was a dis- each of them. prior to following week's edition.

Page 6 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1960 Sum And Substance AN ALTAR B&Y NAMED "SPECK" Why Not A Shabby Type Of Nationalism

By FATHER JOHN B. SHEERIN zines and newspapers in Amer- Bruckberger's Image of Amer- ica. But there is also a false Say Some months ago at a meet- ica now show a sense of con- cern for the universal Church Americanism and it is the no- ing in New York a prominent that was lacking in earlier days. tion that anything that happens Catholic asked his audience to outside the U.S. is none of our God? pray for the soul of a deceased American Catholic editors in business. By JOSEPH BREIG Catholic senator. Pausing for a other days, according to the "Have you ever noticed," in- moment to give his hearers time Cardinal, probably felt it was Cardinal Agagianian pointed quired Ade Bethune, "the tone to pray, the speaker then con- sufficient to give their reader ont that this notion is a para- of voice in which people gener- tinued: "And may his soul and news of narrow scope, "to lyzing error because St. Paul ally talk about anything reli-: the souls of all the American encourage them in the whole- made clear that no Christian gious?" faithful departed through God's some practices of the Faith can be isolated from another, for their own sanctification." even by miles of geography Well, have you? mercy rest in peace." But the right concept of the and years of custom and his- I know I have. To deliberately change the Church is the concept of a tory, for we are all one in It is a hushed, pietistic the traditional prayer in an Mother who belongs equally Christ. "Today," said the Car- tone. Or it is apologetic. Or it attempt to restrict God's mer- to all nations and all peoples. dinal, "as whole continents are s a voice that seems to come cy to Americans is a shabby At the present time, in the coming into a new and more out of a sepulcher. _ type of Americanism. I Cardinal's opinion, the Amer- prominent development, the ican Catholic press shows a small view of things, where- You notice it on TV and on doubt that the good Lord will ask souls in Purgatory if they sense of personal involvement ever it existed, must go and radio when, for instance, a Mass in the life of the Church every- we must put in its place the is broadcast, or an audience is are Americans before He will release them from their suf- where. genuine universality that our being conducted through a fa- common origin and common mous old cathedral. ferings. The wedding garment of sanctifying grace need not He lauded this departure from destiny demand." You observe it often when bear the label — "Made in the earlier viewpoint of the somebody "gives the prayer" America." Catholic editors in America but The very fact that the Car- at a public assembly. lamented the fact that there are dinal spoke in English rather Cardinal Agagianian, head of still some American Catholics than in native tongue betrayed • • • the Sacred Congregation for the who "fail to see the Church her- his own sense of involvement YOU DETECT IT in the em- Propagation of the Faith, ad- self in her true dimensions." in the work of the universal barrassed hestitancy with which dressed the Catholic Press As- They see the Church in terms Church. Here was a man to religion is discussed — if it is sociation convention in Wash- of their own personal exper- whom sentire cum ecclesia discussed at all — when you ington, D.C. two weeks ago. The ience, not in truly universal per-" meant more than "to think with have company in your home, or spective. "Often we mistake the the Church." To him the phrase occassion was the golden jubilee "Where will the water fountain be?" you're company in somebody of the Catholic Press Associa- familiar for the ideal, the Car- meant that the Catholic must be else's house. tion in the United States and dinal went on, and simply be- in tune with and re-echo the cause our own experience is a universal harmony of the As Ade Bethune remarked, the Cardinal commended the -- —QUESTION CORNER z limited one, we seek to place Church. a lot of people have never American Catholic press for its limits on the plans of God." He learned to take religion natur- universal, rather than narrowly called this a grave error since His entire address was a re- ally, as a normal part of life. national, perspective. Our Lord Is Not Ousted nothing is clearer than Christ's statement of the essential mes- It is talked about as if it were . He said that he had been a injunction to teach all nations. sage of Pope Pius XII's 1955 something extraordinary, and reader of the American Cath- talk from which Cardinal Agag- By Devotion To Our Lady extremely private and personal. olic press for many years and There is a true Americanism ianian quoted the words: "Cath- that he had become a close ob- that is perfectly congenial to olics, above all, must realize I would like to become a Catholic but among other Yet I think that most people server of our press in recent Catholicism. You will find it that they are called to over- are a lot more religious than years. His considered opinion described in detail in Maritain's come every vestige of national- things one particularly bothers me: why do Catholics their friends and acquaintances was that our Catholic maga- Reflections on America and istic narrowness." pray to the Virgin Mary instead of to Christ? think they are. • • • MSGR. JOHN J. FITZPATRICK IT'S BEEN my experience Making Marriage Click I surely hope you will not have such wrong ideas about the that if you turn the conversa- tion off-handedly in that direc-. rest of Catholic doctrine. Someone has misled you, deliberately or tion, you often discover unex- otherwise, and has apparently convinced-you that Catholics do pected spirituality. Dad. More Than Provider something that makes poor sense indeed. Sometimes it is astonishingly deep spirituality, too. By MSGR. IRVING A. DeBLANC is true that the children take two jobs. There are sometimes ' not only the name and the na-. situations which demand this Catholics don't substitute prayer to Mary for prayer to Most of us don't know "My husband seems to think that a good father, tionality of their father but also but it should never be accept- her Divine Son. That would be foolish. We pray to her,- of enough about theology to re- his social standing and, there- ed as an ideal. It should always has to keep on making course, but that devotion in no way takes the place of the alize how religious we really fore, a father's occupation and be considered as temporary. are — and how much we more and more money. He is a good man but he is income are important to the Your family, Mrs. H. L., no essential devotion to God — and Christ is God. would enjoy being even more family. But it is even more im- doubt, needs a father more than religious. blind. He doesn't see that We pray to Christ with such frequency that it is surprising money can't buy affection portant for the family to have it needs that extra money he Miss Bethune is one of those and respect. We don't see a "human" father. makes. that someone doesn't come along and complain that we are ignor- who enjoy it immensely. From much of him, especially Every member of the fam- ing His Mother, since by comparison we pray to her so little! early girlhood, she's been study- A child must not become iden- now that he has taken on a ily old enough has an obliga- ing the religion between the lit- tified with a fancy car, a coun- Our central act of worship is the Mass. Many of the second job. Is there some- tion to help with family financ- urgy — the Church's worship thing we can do before it try club, lots of money, a social Mass prayers are directed to Christ Himself. Sometimes the rating. A father must not al- ing. The older children may of God — and art and archi- is too late?" name of Our Lady is mentioned (during (he prayers in the tecture. low the education and religious look for such jobs as cutting Mrs. H. L. training of his children to be grass, gardening, baby sitting, - Masses of her special feasts), but the Church in the Mass Probably you've seen some of The German poet, Goethe, in- taken over completely by the running errands, newspaper and never (to my knowledge) addresses a prayer directly to Mary. her drawings or paintings, or terestingly described bis own mother. scrap collecting, car and win- her stained glass windows. father's role in this way: "From dow washing, cake baking or There are many other devotions to Our Lord that take prece-^ Society makes it difficult my father I/feceived my physi- being a neighborhood fixit ma.n. dence over any to Our Lady: devotion to Christ's Sacred Heart • • • for a man today to be a com- cal stature and serious conduct Benjamin Franklin once said I MET HER nearly 20 years plete father. His role as pro- (and Pope Pius XII called it the most important devotion of the of life. From my mother I re- that "an hour's industry will do ^, when she was doing what I vider is overemphasized. It Church), devotion to Christ's sufferings and death (the Way of the ceived a joyous nature and a more to produce cheerfulness, believe were the first murals is sometimes all that the Cross), devotions to the Blessed Sacrament and so many others. fondness of story telling." He suppress evil humors and re- she ever painted for a parish the youngster really appreci- was sure that from his father trieve your affairs than a These come first, because Christ comes first. And devotion to Our church. ates. In our rural culture it he received his aggressiveness month's moaning." Lady comes after them, not before them. is easier for a father to be In intervening years, she has in life; while from his mother more balanced in his role as The family should realize that become a consultant to pastors he learned the poetry of life. This does not mean that we ignore Mary. Christ did all He head of the family. The chil- the expensive pleasures are not and architects in designing and necessarily the most enjoyable could to honor her so we follow his example. He honored her This aggressiveness on your dren see him as a teacher decorating churches. ones. Make a list of the plea- also by performing His first miracle for her. husband's part Mrs. H. L., and a provider. In our mo- sures you enjoyed most last Ade says the reason a lot of is good and manly — if it is dern urban or suburban cul- year and almost surely this fact That shows more than a thousand words how much He will religious art is syrupy is that not overdone. There does •ap- ture he is often not home will be demonstrated. One fam- listen to her, how powerful are her wishes and requests. So we beg some artists, like some peo- pear to be a danger that he enough and the children have ily I know did just that and ple don't feel at home with re- is imitating those who over- only a faint concept of the her to plead for us-, to request her Divine Son to send us the this is what all agreed they v ligion. value a man's social role. work that he does and vir- blessings we need. tually no concept of him as enjoyed most: fishing together They can paint or sculpt other Ambitious fathers must first a teacher. He is too often and cooking the fish in rustic Merely because she is no longer living here on earth things without going sugary, but learn that they are to be human seen as one who sits passively style; the fact that Junior was doesn't mean that He will no longer listen to her or. that He they can't quite imagine the picked for the choir; the par- beings and persons — not engi- in front of the TV . loves her the less, or will ignore her pleadings on our behalf. Virgin Mary (for example) as neers, salesmen, grocers or taxi- ents teaching the children how a real live person. cab drivers. A good father gives The practice of "moonlight- to swim; attending an Easter But let no one tell you different: Christ still comes first. And puppet show together and other WE OUGHT to get over this to his children the image of a ing" is growing. Almost 4 mil- that's the way she wants it, too. iU-at-ease feeling about religion. warm, loving human being. It lion men in this country have simple pleasures.

May 27, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 7 Saints of the Week John W. Adamson Elected Sunday, May 29 31, and that on the same day Deputy Of Florida K Of C SUNDAY AFTER THE AS- the of the human CENSION. Generally this date is race to the Immaculate Heart John W. Adamson of 8620 SW the feast of St. Mary Magdalen of Mary be renewed so "that 185th St., Miami, has been elect- of Pazzi, Virgin. She was born there may arise an era of hap- ed to the top position in the Prescription Pharmacy in 1566 and entered the Carmel- piness that will rejoice in the Knights of Columbus in Florida. ite convent in Florence at the triumph of religion and in Chris- As state deputy of the Or- age of 18. Despite poor health, tian peace." she was noted for her practice der, he will have jurisdiction 6301 Biscayne Blvd. CHANCERY BLDG. Wednesday, June 1 over 37 councils embracing a Call PL 4-3774 For FREE Fast Delivery of self-denial, humility and pa- ST. ANGELA DE MERICI, tience. total membership of 9,000 Foundress. She was born in 1474 Knights. Mr. Adamson was Monday, May 30 at Desenzano on Lake.. Garda named to the post at the three ST JOAN OF_ARC, Virgin, in the Diocese -of Vernoa. She day K-C convention held last The Maid of Orleans was born devoted herself to the education week in St. Petersburg. in 1412 in Domremy, Lorraine, of girls and the care of sick God Love You the daughter of a peasant. When women. She was joined by sev- A member of the Coral Ga- she was 17, while tending her fa- eral companions and this led to bles Council, he has served as ther's sheep, she heard super- the founding in 1935 of the Insti- grand knight of that council Most Reverend natural voices commanding her tute of St. Ursula, the first and as state treasurer of the to take up arms and lead the specifically teaching community layman's organization. French army against the Eng- of women established in the Fulton J. Sheen lish invaders of her country. Her Church. She died in 1540 and He is currently vice chair- success enabled King Charles was canonized in 1807. man of the retreat house JOHN W. ADAMSON VII to be crowned at Reims. drive conducted by Knights ot Thursday, June 2 the diocese to help pay the Joan was captured by the Bur- SS. MARCELLINUS AND PE- cost of a permanent retreat house for men. St. Peter said in one of his first sermons: "We cannot gundians and given over to the TER, Martyrs. St. Marcellinus, but speak the things which we have seen and heard." Silence English. Tried before an eccles- a priest, and St. Peter, an exor- is impossible for the Church; by its very nature, it must be iastical court, she was sentenc- Bishop Ordains He and his wife, Margaret, cist, were prominent among the have two daughters: Mrs. John missionary. The dumb Catholic is the dead Catholic. To believe ed to be burned alive at the Roman Christians at the begin- in our Holy Faith and to be missionary is a»universal se- stake. In Lauderdale P. Hanly, of Miami, and Jane ning of the fourth century. St. Lynn Adamson, a student at quence. Every lover seeks to speak of his beloved. The Tuesday, May 31 Peter was first imprisoned and (Continued from Page 1) measure of our love for our Faith is our desire to spread it. Barry College. MARY, QUEEN OF THE UN- through his patience brought prayers of the people of the dio- Nothing so reinforces the impulse to impart the Truth and the IVERSE. This feast was insti- about the conversion of his jail- cese have contributed very The 1961 state convention of peace and the joy of an unspeakable gift, such as the Euch- tuted by Pope Pius XII on Oct. er and family. St. Marcellinus much indeed to "the ordinations the Knights of Columbus will be arist, as our joy in having it and the wretchedness of the 11, 1954. He directed the feast baptized them, which led to his of these young men." held in Miami Beach. Host coun- world that w"ants it. The silent Catholic is the defective Cath- to be commemorated through- own arrest. They were con- cil will be the Miami Beach olic. He who does not use either his tongue or his money to out the world each year on May demned to death and were exe- During the low Mass, Msgr. Council headed by Grand Knight spread the Gospel of Christ is thereby making himself un- cuted in a forest in 304 at a Robert W. Schiefen and Msgr. Michael Stanko. worthy of that gift. place unknown to other Chris- John J. Fitzpatrick were chap- tians. Their bodies were found lains to Bishop Carroll. later and interred in the cata- Students of Archbishop Curley Missal Guide On the other hand, no better way can be devised of deep- combs. High School served as acolytes ening our own hold on the truths of Christianity than a pas- Friday, June 3 and St. Anthony School Choir May 29 — Sunday after the As- sionate attempt to make others share the morsel with us. Once SS. PERGENTINUS AND sang during the Mass. cension, Mass of the Sunday, the truths of our Faith are bottled up within us, they begin to LAURENTINUS, Martyrs. They Gloria, second prayer of'St. evaporate and to spoil. Once any superfluous possessions we were brothers. Although mere Mary Magdalen of Pazzis, Vir- have are kept to ourselves, they make our hearts as hard as boys when they were dragged f;3 More Ordinations gin, Credo, preface of the As- they are. Both our missionaries by, the surrender of their lives, from their classroom, they pro- cension. |.| Scheduled June 4 and our Catholics by the sacrifice of their gifts are obeying the WILL OPEN A claimed their Christianity and May 30 — Ferial Day. Mass of missionary mandate: "Go into the world and preach the were put to death during the i Three more priests will be the Ascension, Gloria, second Gospel to every creature." If someone asks you why you PERSONAL persecution under Decius in 250 - ordained for .the Diocese of \ grayer of St. Felix I, Pope and sent $5 or $1,000 to us for the Holy Father in order to build at Arezzo in Tuscany. X, Miami by Bishop Coleman F. '?. Martyr, no Credo, preface of Saturday, June 4 f churches in India or Africa, let your answer be, "Our Lord CHECKING ACCOUNT f, Carroll at 11 a.m. Saturday, the Ascension. told me." ST. FRANCIS CARACCIOLO, June 4 in St. Mary Cathedral. i} No Minimum Balance Confessor. Scion of a noble fam- May 31 — Queenship of t h e ily of Naples, he was born in f: They are William A. Gun- J Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass of Only Charge 15c i-" ther, son of Mr. and Mrs. -j for Each Check Drawn 1563 at Abruzzi. During his the feast, Gloria, second pray- GOD LOVE YOU to M.G. for $5 "I just celebrated my early years he was afflicted j William F. Gunther of St. | er of St. Petronilla, Virgin, seventy-fifth birthday and I would like to share it with you." with a skin disease akin to lep- ;< Rose of Lima parish, /Miami s| Credo, preface of the Blessed YOUR NAME WILL : - Shores; Ronald Karl Bro- j| ... to S.F.R. for $10 "The enclosed is a small contribution rosy and was cured when he Virgin Mary. but I send it in memory of my parents and along with my BE IMPRINTED decided to become a priest. L hamer, son of Mr, and Mrs. M prayers that the sick be made well and that the needy be ON CHECKS FREE After ordination with John Au- ]'• Joseph Brohamer, and ^.| June 1 — St. Angela Merici, given help through Christ Our Lord." ... to E.N. for $5 "The ;. Charles Verlin Cross, son of ;-> Virgin. Mass of the feast, OF CHARGE gustine Adorno, he founded the enclosed is so little, t>ut it may help bring the Faith to some Minor Clerks Regular, one of : Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. k Gloria, preface of the Ascen- forlorn souls or to bandage a leper's sores." ... to M.J.C. , Cross, Sr., both of Little j sion. Save Wear and Tear whose main duties is perpet- 1 for $50 ... to E. and L. McC. and family for $10 "This sum ual adoration of the Holy Flower parish, Coral Gables. '% represents a contribution of one cent a meal from the eight On The Body and Mind June 2 — Ferial Day. Mass of Eucharist. the Ascension, Gloria, no Cre- of us daily, collected during the Holy Season of Lent. Our By Paying self-denial box was labelled "Pennies for Heaven" and the idea do. Preface of the Ascension. was purely voluntary. By sending it to you, we hope it will All Your Bills For the past SIX YEARS June 3 — Ferial Day. Mass of provide "Pennies from Heaven" to help spread the Faith to By Check we have had the privilege to furnish PAINT the Ascension, Gloria, no Cre- others." for use at the many Catholic Institutions do, preface of the Ascension. PEOPLES In the West Palm Beach area. June 4 — Vigil of Pentecost. Mass of the vigil, Gloria, no Wearing a God Love You Medal is a way of honoring Our NATIONAL BANK Credo, preface of the Ascen- Blessed Mother and at the same time aiding the missions of of Miami Shores Worth Chemical & Paint Co. sion. the world. On one side of the medal is an image of Our Lady, N.E. Second Ave. at 95th Street Home Office and Plant 1800-1816 — 10th Ave. North 1 surrounded by the ten raised letters of the words "God Love June 5 — Pentecost Sun' -y You," on which prayers may be said. On the reverse side LAKE WORT^, FLA. Mass.of the Sunday, Gl J is the seal of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. All NATIONAL BANK Credo, preface of Pentecost. offerings for medals go to the Holy Father and he distributes OF COMMERCE Manufacturers *t them himself to the most needy missions in all parts of the GUARANTEED QUALITY PAINT Miami world. Select the medal you wish to have and in answer to Columbus High your request and a corresponding offering, we will send it to N.W. 79th Street ot 27th Avenue Interior and Exterior House Points you. Members: Varnishes and Enamels Registration Set Federal Reserve System WHOLESALE — RETAIL $2 small sterling silver medal Federal Deposit Insurance Registration for fall classes $3 small 10k. gold-filled, medal Corporation Telephone JUstice 2-6146 at Christopher Columbus High School, will be conduct- j $5 large sterling silver medal ed at the school office, 3000 $10 large 10k. gold-filled medal SW 87th Ave. on week-days TELEPHONE FR 4-5028 JOHN McGOWAN, Mgr. beginning .Tuesday, • June 7 THE

Page 8 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, I960 Cuban Archbishop Warns Of Communist Menace

Continued From Page 1 communists, upon learning this doctrine, so rightfully exclaimed: to renounce the mantle of liberty and this is the proper attitude "This indeed is the true solution to the social question." of God's children. Letter Draws Sharp Reply The material part: Though we do not concern ourselves -directly with this today, allow us to say, nevertheless, that The Communist Watch the Church has always advocated a more just distribution Furthermore, it is known that today the great enemy of From Havana Radio Station of material goods. No one has petitioned in behalf of the needy as much as the Church, to which we wish that those Christianity is communism, Which is ever watchful, ever on the HAVANA (NO — A Havana ceive anyone. His statements who are rich and in public power had given more attention. alert, ever ready to fall upon its prey, directly or harshly, to radio station which generally are lies and not a single Christ- achieve its ends. echoes the sentiments of the ian in Cuba believes him." We have said many times, and we repeat it today, that in order for men not to be in a condition worse than that of It is easy to discover communism everywhere and- in all government has lashed out at Referring to the fact that coarse animals (as in reality they are in many parts of the places, either standing erect or cowering. Nevertheless, even the Archbishiop of Santiago for Archbishop Perez Serantes was an original champion of world), someone should know what resources each family needs his denunciation of communist among our own there are some who — heedless, innocent or the led by Premier Fidel Cas- to support itself. It is not right that human beings at the extremely cautious — persist in denying it and even resent that infiltration. tro, the broadcast said: beginning of a new day should lack a piece of bread for them- jaot everyone thinks as they do. selves and their children, and not know where to turn to remedy In a broadcast several days "His change saddens us. Nat- a condition of poverty that drives many to desperation. after Archbishop Enrique Pe- urally, his statements are not V ^ Doctrine Of The Church rez Serantes asserted in a produced for national consump- This is simply inhuman and cruel. Such a shameful picture should be a disgrace to everyone as should also the repugnant This, which is obligatory for all Catholics, is clear and decisive pastoral letter that commu- tion. Everyone in Cuba knows hovels in which many families still live, and in many cases on this point, and is contained in a few words, though extensive nism "is already within" about the communist danger pontifical documents have been devoted to it. "Communism," not too far away from sumptuous palaces. Cuba, Radio Mambi declared: and he also knows that it is Pope Pius XI says in the encyclical Divini Redemptoris, "is the old bogie to frighten chil- On this, as well as on other points, the government of intrinsically wicked." We will cite only some of the arguments "The Archbishop cannot de- dren ..." the Revolution is to be lauded for its solicitude in behalf of given in this comprehensive and definitive encyclical: the impoverished and much abandoned social classes, and ' —Dialectic materialism: The first and principal one is that r/e concede this with pleasure. communism is based upon the dialectic materialism of Marx to all Cubans) not to seek in any way to cooperate with Com- And let no one think that if men reject God to seek their though hidden, under appearances that are often enticing. Thus, munism, or to go arm-in-arm with it. daily bread that they will necessarily obtain it in the new light the doctrine of materialism teaches that only one reality of the sun, or that they will more easily gain it, because it exists, matter with its blind powers; therefore, everything in They must strive rather to-keep away as much as possible may happen that they will be left without bread as well as/ the world is matter under evolution, and society itself is but from this implacable and overbearing enemy of Christianity and without God. an appearance and a form of matter. not let themselves be impressed by words or promises more or —Atheistic communism: The second, which is a necessary less masked or alluring, but always deceitful and crafty. Neither Renewal Of Christian Life conclusion of the first, says that if matter is everything, there is must they be misled by the cunning communism displays in ex- We want God: We need Him. The most serious matter is no place for God, no difference exists between matter and spirit tending the hand that with such cleverness knows how to toast that communism, the same as materialism, is markedly engaged nor between body and soul, nor does the soul survive after death. in seeing to it that all of us navigate through the sea of life Catholics, because all of this is actually nothing more than a well- Consequently, there cannot be any hope of a future life. This sup- with our eyes bandaged, without compass or shipmate. This position itself explain^ that Communism proclaims itself atheistic. planned strategy for the achievement of an easy conquest over is the same as condemning us to live without hope, without the unwary. faith and without love, mistrusting everything and everybody. Therefore, it follows that communism, just as materialism, is the negation of all human values, which under this system lack We must make clear that we make a distinction between Materialism and communism cast out God from every- the spiritual basis that uplifts man and sets him over and above' communism and communists. For communists personally we thing. But we, as Catholics, cannot live without God or the purely organic. must not leave out anything that we could do in their behalf, His Holy Law, without which any other law, as the work of thus practicing the divine commandment of charity. man, lacks a solid foundation: To legislate without God Under communism, man, reduced to a totally material means to build on sand. being, lacks freedom and moral restraint against the assault of Everyone must bear in mind two things: (1) There cannot the lower passions, which are not allayed by any simply be on our part concessions in matters of principles; (2) the We want God in everything — We want God in every- human consideration. enemies of the Church, principally communists, are well aware thing, everywhere and every moment. We want God in the cen- of what they are determined to do and will pursue their ob- ter of the home presiding over family life. We want God in We believe that what has been said is sufficient to show how jectives without weakness or hesitation. the school, in the courts of justice, in the legislative chamber, rightfully communism has been condemned as intrinsically wicked in economic and commercial centers, in industry, on- farms, without need of saying that it denies the existence of the marriage Social Doctrine Of The Church in hospitals and prisons. Alas, without God we are poor pris- bond and its indissolubility. It denies the right of ownership and oners and poor feeble people! many other things to the point of trying to subvert the entire It would be well if Catholics pledged themselves to learn social order from its foundations, with the pretense of building a the social doctrine of the Church, which affords a satisfactory new godless humanity and one without God's holy law, submerged solution to all problems posed in the economic and social ^•^ ^m^ -^^^- -^^^ -^^^- ^^v -^^r- -^^^- ~^m^~ ^^m^ "^^^ "^^^ ~™ into a sea of hates and rancors. fields, and if they found out how sincere and naturally honorable What is to be the attitude of Catholics? Our attitude: fidelity to the Pope. Therefore faithful always to his teachings: GRIFFITH'S We have no part with communism, absolutely none. In AIL TRAVEL view of the repeated condemnations, coming from the supreme ARRANGEMENTS J'OO/dL authority of Catholicism, we find it urgently necessary to rec- ommend and even to command our faithful (and if possible, 1923 S.W. 8th St. OYSTER BAR FR 1-4423 EUROPE (SINCE 1945), Try US For 1 AND THE WORLD STEAMSHIP and AIR BETTER Greater Miami s * ROOFS 4 Catholic AIR TICKETS IN FORT LAUDERDALE Pressure Cleaning, j Funeral Home" TO ALL POINTS 3301 S. ANDREWS AVE. LSealing & Painting* IN THE U.S. ^ Licensed Insured -14 Yrs. Exp. ^ * Dixie Laundry IN POMP AN© 917 1st Street r Jesse I. Scalzo - Owner 4 ^ (Member Date Co. Chamber of Commerce) 4 WEST PALM BEACH 235 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY >Call NE 5-3603 - NE " TE 2-6131 (JEAN'S LOUNGE) WE 3-9435 GABLES TYPEWRITER Co. FLORIDA LOBSTER Retail A^ Wholesale • AH you can eat .... FRESH FISH And SEAFOODS World Famous Olympia Portable received Daily directly from our Boats ! FRESH FISH SHRIMPS V Olivetti Printing Calculator Maine Lobster MARYLAND OYSTERS CRAB MEATS NEW and USED FLA. LOBSTER LOBSTER TAILS Alaska King Crab Reasonably Priced • Standard -Typewriters • Adding Machines • Portable Typewriters • Check Writers , RENTALS • REPAIRS Steamed Ipswick Clams mmmi GABLES TYPEWRITER CO. Stone Crabs 2313 Leleune Road -HI 4-0436 Coral Gables Also FISH & LOBSTER C0.r INC. Ona Block North of Miracle Mile Steak Chicken Frog legs 5711 N.W. 7th Ave. Phone PLaza 4-3667 Hank Gabelmann—Jack O'Donnell

May 27, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Holy Name Men Open Campaign To Spread Faith HALF AND QUARTER (Continued From Page 1) HOUR CHIMES! You will Chime find a nice selection at the rific, tremendous task lying CLOCK SHOPPE, 516 N.E. before all of us," Bishop Car- 79th St. opposite Biscayne roll said, because to possess Clocks Shopping Plaza. They also the Faith "creates a respon- specialize in clock repairs with specral attention given sibility in the one who pos- to antique clocks. They have all types of clocks for sale, sesses it to make it known." some old and some .new. Keep your clocks and watches running' on time. Get acquainted with this fine service. The task is greater in South Free parking. PL 4-6649. Florida he pointed out, because *••••••••• of "the great number of non- SLIP COVER SPECIAL! Have Catholics in the diocese and be- them made now and save cause of the insufficient num- money! Betty Jackson of % ber of priests. DIXIE FABRICS, 8082 N.E. * 2nd Ave., Little River, will "Having the gift of Faith "we make slip covers for an aver- must communicate it to oth- Photo- age sofa and chair, complete for $55, in- ers," he stressed. "Your work," eluding labor and material. Material is HOLY NAME MEN march into War Memorial convention. They also attended Mass on Satur- heavy barkcloth or denim, pre-shrunk, vat- Auditorium, Fort Lauderdale, for Mass last day for deceased members of their society he said, "must be motivated dyed and will last for years. They will be Sunday afternoon, highlighting their three-day which now numbers 3,500 in the diocese. and driven on by love for your cut and measured to your, furniture, pin fellow men." fitted, tailored to perfection. Free esti- mates. Tel. Pi. 1-2121. Methods which parish socie- ties can employ in spreading the Faith were described by A TYPEWRITER FOR THE GRADU- Father Walsh who recom- ATE! Statistics show students with one mended, as a fundamental, make better grades. BROWER PRESS, that men participate in the 12365 W. Dixie H'way, N. Miami, has various programs of the Con- the famous Smith-Corona in a won- derful portable that will prove of in- fraternity of Christian . Doc- valuable service in the years ahead. trine. Whether they are going into high His other proposals were as school or college next fall, a type- writer is almost a necessity. Make follows: your selection now. PL 4-2517. — Distribute religious period- BIG BANK SERVICE icals and books; give a cate- chism to anybody who asks THE SMARTEST HOMES USE questions about the Church. WALLPAPER! They have it IN WALLPAPERS "Each man oughjt to have a sup- STOCK, too, at WALLPAPER BY ply of catechisms at home. They GOODWIN, INC., 16501 N.E. don't cost much. If only a sin- 6th Ave., N. Miami Beach. You gle question is asked, give the will find a smart selection of inquirer the whole book to Modern Wallpapers, Photo keep." Murals and Scenics. They have pretrimmed plastic papers that — Install pamphlet racks in are absolutely - scrubbable for public places after getting ap- kitchens, baths, nurseries. Take WITH NEIGHBORHOOD proval from authorities. advantage of their sale now in progress and buy wallpaper at a — Read Catholic literature discount. Wl 5-4761. yourself. "Keep informed and be able to talk intelligently about your Faith and the You'll find it pleasant Xo do your Church. Read the Bible regu- AGED, PRIME THE FINEST MEATS ANY- banking at Commercial Bank larly. Protestants do, and they WHERE! They are always are the people you will be work- available at JOHN STRAT- (northwest) or Merchants Bank ing with." MAN, with two locatiqns to (southwest). Lots of your neighbors^ — Sponsor radio and TV pro- serve you — 572 N.E. 125th do! For one thing, our folks are grams that are religious. "Fi- St., North Miami, and 164 nance these programs as indi- N.E. 54th St., in Miami. carefully trained in understanding viduals or societies, or as Cath- He is proud of his fine, aged the requirements of the individual olic business men." — Help establish a public in- ^^^^^^^ prime beef that is in a class and business in this area. Our facil- by itself. He makes all types of old-fashioned cold cuts, formation center or reading- ities are kept closely attuned to the room where people can learn all types of fresh and smoked sausage, including Italian about the Church. "Non-Cath- sausage, hot and sweet, German style Bratwurst Polish growing needs of the community. olics are often shy about going sausage, country and link sausage. Telephone PL 1-40.31. And all of us here respect the directly to a priest^ to talk re- ligion." importance of everyone's banking ALL MAKES! ALL — Look into the possibility of MODELS! For an hon- transactions, no matter how large street-preaching such as is done est estimate oh radio in other cities by the Cat' ">• or TV repair call MID- or small. 3% Evidence Guild. "This wii. Jf CITY RADIO SHOP, quire training and study, but" it . 9713 N.E. 2nd Ave., Air conditioned for your comfort. interest can be very effective." \Miami Shores. They have a complete supply of nationally on savings known parts and their trained technicians repair port- Time-saving drive-in windows and paid — Set up display booths and ables, consoles, combinations, radios, record players and plenty of free parking at both, quarterly exhibits on the Faith at state, TV sets. They offer 3 months guarantee and are thor- and county fairs; whenever oughly reliable having had same ownership for 25 years. locations. large conventions come to town, Call PL 7-7615. ask permission to erect a Cath- s olic exhibit of some kind. in the northwest in the southwest Father Walsh said some of PLUMBERS his proposals* are "little things IF YOU HEAR A RUSH AND GUSH which may not produce re- Just like Niagara Falls sults immediately, but you CENTRAL PLUMBING'S set to fix it right COMMERCIAL MERCHANTS men will at least be soften- They anticipate your calls. BANK OF MIAMI BANK OF MIAMI ing up the beachheads" for Maybe it's just a leaky pipe 6O16 N.W. 7th AVENUE In EDISON CENTER 95O RED ROAD

Page 10 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1960 What About That Abstract Art In Cathedral Chapel Windows? i ill §» * f By SISTER MARY JOSEPH, O.P. Pieta, Dormation, Assumption drastically simplified in order beams down on the simple and Coronation. Most of these for the viewer to use his own curve-of a kneeling form. The windows in the Blessed mysteries are concerned with Sacrament Chapel of St. Mary's imagination as fully as pos- highly mystjcal states and con- sible. We have no way of In the case of the Visitation, Cathedral, Miami, have just re- the symbolism of an embrace sequently there is little of a knowing how our Lady really cently been installed. They are concrete nature which the art- is represented by an X in very modern designs and ab- ist can use for representation. looked. We are confident that brightened glass. stract representations. P r i- she was beautiful as befits her marily they are glass walls, AN APPARENT CLUE exalted station. It is suitable - The graduated ovoid form From the illustrations printed rich in color and providing a for the artist, therefore mere- serves as an indication of the on this page one can make out new splendor to the building. \ ly to indicate briefly the pres- Nativity, the large one suggest- only an extravaganza of bits of ing a shelter, the middle one ence of her glorious person, They- are the work of Ga- glass and a dynamic linear pat- the Virgin Mother and the small ^briel Loire, a renowned - tern over the entire wall. There with a few bits of glass, and the Divine Child. thereby allow the individual ; -ench artist whose studio is is a clue to understanding the REPOSE AND PEACE ^-located in Chartres. When fin- artist's work when one views free reign of the imagination ished, they were shipped by the windows in color. Portions to supply details according to The Pieta window repeats the boat to Miami. which are meant to be persons the viewer's experience and kneeling form at the foot of the cross whereon we know the or spirits' are done in yellow devotional inclination. Holy One hangs. When our The panels are intended to glass and .the essential gestures Lady's death is depicted by the represent the mysteries pertain- are thus indicated. In the panel of the Annuncia- ing to Our Lady — the Annun- tion there is radiance from artist, we have the horizontal ciation, Visitation, Nativity, • The design or rendering is the top of the window sending line of repose and peace. Most

...... f^^x ug&rat g *BSSB888»8 SSBJSSS PKWSJSS Sister Mary Joseph is chairman of the art de- partment of Barry College, Miami Shores. In this com- mentary she explains the purpose of art in church windows, and offers some THE ABSTRACT DESIGN of the windows in the Blessed Sacra- observations on the ab- cent Chapel is shown in detail in this section of a panel depicting stract or modern style of the Birth of Christ. The light areas above contain stained glass art as it is rendered in. the of various colors. The dark is concrete reinforcement. new windows of the Cath- edral chapel. and air to enter the building. nature of glass itself. It must Obviously they require a pro- be cut in straight lines. This of this window is in cool dark tective device which provides demands great simplification colors save the linear indication light and. yet protects against in design, on the part of the of the entombed Virgin, Her extremely cold and inclement artist, especially if the pieces assumptionjs expressed through weather. Clear glass serves this are large. The result is a the most dynamic device known purpose admirably but in man's rather severe Image usually classified as "crude" by the to art — the S curve. The coro- desire to embellish and enlight- nation depicts an effulgence of casual observer. A "remedy" en, he uses techniques to intro- for this is the use of paint light descending from on high — duce variety,1 warmth and in- the brightest diadem of glory to soften the lines. But paint struction. prepared for God's Master- is opaque and so cuts off piece, the Virgin Mother Mary. JEWEL-LIKE PATTERNS some of the light that win- This is accomplished by col- dows are intended to conduct. Viewed as a whole the win- oring the glass, organizing it in dows are like a fugue: the pleasing jewel - like .patterns Sometimes an exuberant ef- ground base —"the cross; the and, sometimes including art il- fect is created by assembling reality — the mystery; the mode lustration of some mystery." countless minute pieces of glass arid unifying the composition " — symbolism. Thus (he early cathedrals were with great curved lead pas- Voice Photos like bibles to the people who As Thomas Merton so aptly sages which form a dynamic were taught, through varied THE CHAPEL of the Blessed Sacrament is in design and employ "a symphony of blues" said recently in a discussion on linear pattern -over the entire located adjacent to. the sanctuary in the Cathe- according to the artist. Blue is the traditional Art and Worship: and rich art forms, the truths exparise and offer delightful col- v dral of St. Mary, Miami. The windows, created of their Faith. v color of the Blessed Mother. Mysteries pertain- "To copy nature, is to falsi- or combinations in each panel in France by artist Gabriel Loire, are abstract ing to her are symbolized in the windows. fy it. The artist is not simply One must also consider the taken separately. reproducing the thing . . . but creating something new, an eikon, an image which em- For Fast Dependable Vatican Museums | bodies the inner truth of We Feel Privileged To Have Been things as they exist in -the' Add Modern Art f mystery of God. An eikon Selected To Install The NATIONWIDE HAULING and does not reproduce the reality VATICAN CITY (NC) — j of an object but^contains that The Vatican's art museums | reality, in a spiritual of 'Sac- STAINED GLASS have added 29 works of mod- '.^ ramental' form within itself, FREIGHT FORWARDING em art toHheir collections. '? so as to communicate it whol- - -4 ly and directly to the spirit WINDOWS The 21 paintings and eight ;5 of one who sees it." sculptures are on display in *f • • ( • - In ' We can rejoice, then, because two new rooms opened in the tf such beautiful windows enhance **• ACME Vatican picture gallery. The j the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL rooms are devoted to art I and furnish suggestions for med- works produced since 1850. Jf itation for all who visit there. FAST FREIGHT Only two of the new works ^ AN ANCIENT ART INC. have a religious subject. | The ancient art

May 27, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Paael* * YOUR INCOME TAX * If YOU OWN PROPERTY AND/OR IF YOU Hlfl) A SHORT FORM East Coast Names N See 12 Chairmen Of Committees Federal TaJ.x ConsultanE. MARQUt and Realtor A(Since 1933) 790* N.W. 7th Aye. PL 9-05«3 RIVIERA BEACH — Mem- Asociations; Mrs. Vincent Boc- bers of the East Coast Deanery chino, St. Joseph parish, publi- of the Miami Diocesan Council cations; Mrs. C. F. Menk, St. of Catholic Women' who will Juliana parish, Organization and Place Your Order NOW serve as chairmen of standing Development; Mrs. Frederic committees have been announ- Dorety, Sacred Heart parish, tor SCHOOL UNIFORMS for: ced by Mrs. Frank A. McMan- Civic Participation; Mrs._ Mich- us, president. ael Pivarnik, St. Luke parish, Catholic Charities and Mrs. Mrs. Steven T. Klestinec, St. L. E. Jahneke, St.- Anastasia MT. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Francis of Assisi parish, will parish, Social Action. serve as Spiritual Develop- * SB. PETER and PAUL ment chairman; Mrs. Charles ' Other officers of the East R. McConnell, St. Vincent Fer- Coast Deanery elected dr * ", rer parish, International and the spring meeting are i-_-/. * ST. BRENDAN Schools Inter-American relations; Mrs. Julius Demske, St. Joseph par- Robert K. Phillips, St. Helen ish, vice - president; Mrs. Your prompt' attention to this parish, Family Life and Par- -- Thomas Ahearn, St. Mark par- matter now will insure early delivery ent Education; Mrs. William ish, secretary; Mrs. David J. Mclntosh, St. Ann parish, Pub- Troendle, St. Francis of As- JUNIOR CATHOLIC Daughters of Court Patricia received honor licity and Public Relations; sisi parish, treasurer and Mrs. award pins from Bishop Coleman F. Carroll during the annual Mrs. C. H. Hood, St. Mark Everett E. Snow, St. Francis May Communion breakfast of the combined Miami area courts. parish, Youth Camp and Mrs. of Assisi parish, corresponding Shoppy. secretary. -. Frederick Sheeny, St. Joseph 3814 S.W. 8th ST. - CORAL GABLES Mrs. Fir.miri Renuart Named To Presidency parish, Civil Defense. Mrs. Thomas F. Bell, St. Hel- DELRAY BEACH — Mrs. Fir- Father John Kelleghan, past- en parish, is parliamentarian ^ATSO Mrs. William Wink, St. and Mrs. Louis Beach, Sacred min Renuart, formerly of Little or, will also install Mrs. Jerry HI 4-1922 Mark parish, Home and School Heart parish is historian. Flower parish, Coral Gables, Covielo, vice - president; Mrs. OPEN 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. will be installed as president of Charles McConnell, recording MON. THRU SAT. St. Vincent Ferrer Rosary and secretary; Mrs. Albert Nastvog- Altar Soefety Sunday, May 29 el, treasurer and Mrs. E. A. Gal- SPECIALISTS IN SCHOOL APPAREL at 8 p.m. leson, corresponding secretary. Mrs. W. G. Snow, Mrs. Wil- Cleaners of bur Lome and Mrs. E. B. Nich- Fine Wearing Apparel ols are members of the board of directors. Fashion A reception in the school cafe- teria will follow the installation ceremofties scheduled to be held Gleaners in St. Vincent Ferrer Church. PLANT AND OFFICE 2327 Wesl Broward Blvd. Something warm and human and Fort Lauderdale, Florida ^ wonderful happens when you send I Art Nomino Tom Harber ^f FLOWERS from PHONE LU 3-8225 xotir Goriims

" Offering the Finest in Complete Beauty Care"

Voice Photo Beauty Salons NEW PRESIDENT of St. Catherine's Altar Society, Sebring, is Conveniently located in: Mrs. James Kenney, right, shown as she is installed by Mrs. MCKSON'S/BYROKS DEPARTMENT STORES George Hill of Punta Gorda, Southwest Coast Deanery president. 45 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables . . . Phone HI 4-3322 Palm Springs Village Shopping Center, Hialeah . . . Phone TU 7-4911 San Pedro Society Installs Officers 51 East Flagler Street, Miami ... Phone FR 1-4269 PLANTATION KEY — New Mrs. Nan Mayhew is presi- as advertised 1734 N.W. 36th Street officers of San Pedro Altar and dent; Mrs. Evelyn Fowler and in VOGUE ... Phone NE 3-2111 Rosary Society were installed by . in the following Mrs. Ann Dalton, vice-presi- BELK'S DEPARTMENT STORES Father Luis Altonaga, pastor, dents; Mrs. Edna Mulhern, re- Red and Bird Roads, Miami during dinner at Matin's Rest- La Marick Cold . . . Phone MO 7-2523 aurant in Islamorada. cording secretary; Mrs; Doro- Wave Special 79th St. and Blscoyne Blvd. Miami ' : thy Roberts, treasurer and Mrs. . . . Phone PL 4-3323 ' Andrew Herold, correspc g one of the world's 305 Clematis St., West Palm Beach finest waves ... Phone TE 3-1609 secretary. -^.y and in ... VINCENT P. $15.00 Value BELK LINDSEY DEPARTMENT STORE ' Members who will serve as 101 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale chairmen of standing commit- Complete /^95 ... Phone J A 3-1108 FOX. m tees are Mrs. Patrick Sheehy, : 0 civil defense; Mrs. Glenn Chas- JEWELERS teen, Home and Youth; Mrs. 305 East Atlantic Ave. Jack Hart, library; Miss Peggy etle Academy of Oelray Beach. Fla. Frinns, program; Mrs. Joseph Charm, - Pafrick, public relations; Mrs. (R 6-4400 Robert James, spiritual develop- Modeling and ment and Mrs. Gordon Price, Agency, Inc. thrift shop.

EHARMUfTE MOBLLS •?' STYLES BY LA MARICK RETAIL DIVISION MIAMI PL 7-0572 M. SPRINGS-TU 7-5352 M. BEACH UN 4-1736 ' ~W FLORIDA-FOREMOST os seen in VOGUE Phone: DAIRIES • Agency • Accredited • Licensed WITH COMPLIMENTS OF FRji-2621 FRANK HOLT, Manager •••••••••••••••••••••• , La Marieh — Smith's Largest and Leading Beauty System , 12 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1*60 Council At St. Sebastian's St. Juliana Group Installs Officers Plans Communion Breakfast WEST PALM BEACH — New officers of the Home and School FORT LAUDERDALE — vited to participate in the Cor- Association of St. Juliana par- Members of St. Sebastian Coun- porate Communion and to at- „ w.-r ----- • y . ish were recently installed by OPERATION cil of Catholic Women will spon- tend the* breakfast. Father Thomas _J. Goggin, as- ( sor a Communion • breakfast Mrs. George B. Norton, im- sistant pastor. Sunday, May 29 at the Reef Res- mediate past president of the Mrs. James E. Cleary, Jr. is taurant. Broward County Deanery of the president;. Mrs. Raymond White Miami DCCW will install the of- Members will receive Holy and Mrs. Richard McCord, vice- STEGEMAN Communion at the 9:30 a.m. ficers.'of the organization and presidents; Mrs. Wallace Hoff- Mass celebrated by Msgr. John guest speaker will be Mrs. ner, recording secretary; Mrs. Jewe ler J. Fitzpatrick,, pastor. All wom- James V. Bucklin. A musical Harold Klaine, treasurer and en of the parish have been in- program will be presented by Mrs. William E. Richert. Mrs. Nelson Van Son, corres- ponding secretary. Mrs. Herbert J. Ochs is chair- FINE WATCH ; Teacher man of arrangements assisted by Mrs. W. McCarroh, tickets AND and Mrs. T. J. McLay, Mrs. JEWELRY REPAIRING Glub Organized Charles Bowen, Mrs. F. J. Burke, Mrs. Edgar Root, Mrs. At St. Stephen's Paul Naumann, Mrs. Joseph Bolda, Mrs. J. Allan Burns, WEST HOLLYWOOD — Mrs.- Marie Seacord and Mrs. 2304 Ponce de leon Blvd. Thomas Namie has been nam- Edward H. Cary. ed first president of the newly Coral Cables, Florida organized Parent-Teacher Club . of St. Stephen parish. St. Helen Club Phone HI 6-6081 Eugene Giuffra is vice- president; Mrs. Ben Morse, To Hear Pastor Voice Photo treasurer and Mrs. Flo Good- VERO BEACH —_ "Leader- ST. SEBASTIAN Council of Women will observe a Corporate win, secretary. ship in Parish Organizations" Communion on Sunday, May 29. Mrs. Philip Avery, president, will be discussed by Father Chairmen of standing commit- John F. McKeown, pastor of St. tight, is shown with Mrs. Herbert J. Ochs, breakfast chairman. tees are Mrs. T. F. Register, Helen parish, during the annual membership; Richard Routher, installation dinner for members ways and means and RSsetta of the Catholic Woman's Club, Opq Locka Groups Parker, telephone. Represent- Tuesday, June 7 at 6:30 p.m. in atives from adjoining parishes, Sponsor Card Party the Ocean Grill. Tb/dth which do not have parochial A card party sponsored by schools, are Mrs. Peter. Smith, Mrs. John Schlitt will install members of the Altar and Ros- fisuxch St. Bernadette parish and Luke Miss Irene Morrison, president; ary Society and Ushers Club of G. HiUey, Annunciation. Mrs. Robert K. Phillip, vice-' Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7134 Abbott Ave. parish will be held Saturday, During the organizational president; Mrs. Leo Schlitt, Miami Beach recording secretary; Mrs. Mar- May 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the par- meeting Father Timothy ish hall, 13400 NW 28th Ave. Geary, pastor exhorted mem- garet Sords, treasurer and Mrs. bers to "do the job for one Conrad Tuerk, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Mary Cancillieri and Ed- Call year and do it well. Let no- ward Pellerin are co-chairmen UNion tops in performance, beauty, convenience body say we fell down." He Music during dinner will be of the benefit and tickets may 6-3131 explained the need for the provided by Larry Murphy, or- be obtained by calling organization and stated that NA 1-1905. at least 100 workers will be BUILT-IN required to assist in the fi- Mrs. Joseph Stark is general GAS RANGI nancial direction of the 1,000 chairman m charge of arrange- students expected to enroll in ments assisted by Mrs. Edward ACADEMY OF THE ASSUMPTION Colorful, handsome built-in units give your kitchen mada-to-ordor September. Kistler, Mrs. Adolph Snyder, . 1517 BRICKELL AVE. • convanience. Install them in any material, at any height. See our Mrs. T. 'Williams,".Mrs. Phil complete line of Caloric Built-in gas ranges* Mrs. J. S. Nader, organization Barth, Mrs. Florence Mett, Mrs. FR 9-3323 MIAMI, FLORIDA and development chairman of Margaret Sords and Mrs. ENJOY THESE AUTOMATIC FEATURES the Broward County Deanery George Frederick. RBIDEMT AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS stressed the importance of a Elementary and Secondary • ROTO-ROASTER rotisseria lets you enjoy flavorful. Juicy barbs* good charter. COLLEGE PREPARATORY cued meats all through the year—rain or shine. THERMO • MEAT THERMOMETER provides precise, automatic control to AND GENERAL COURSES roast meats Just the way you want therru Lourdes Guild Plans AIR SERVICE Conducted by THE RELIGIOUS OF THE ASSUMPTION • THERMO-SET TOP BURNERS and burnlnff, Rollovers, and con- Gesu Benefit Party AUTHORIZED stant watching. Make every pot and pan "automatic." • CLOCK-CONTROLLED OVEN turns on, cooks; and turns off by Final benefit card party to itself. Prepares meals to perfection while you're out. aid the air-conditioning fund of Carrier Gesu Church will be held Wed- nesday, June 1 at 8 p.m. in the PLANNED SERVICE The Perfect Combination! Gesu Center, NE First Ave. and FACTORY TRAINED MEN • COMMERCIAL Second St. • RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR SERVICE Guests planning to attend are * guested to bring their own MU 5-3631 >V-rds by members of Our Lady of Lourdes Guild, sponsor of the C A. WIEDERHOLD, President party. 4555 E. 10 CT., HIALEAH 6800 N.E. 4th Court Ph. PL 7-5746 PRO-TECT-U •••••• Affiliated with Renuart Lumber Yards BICYCLE SALES A One-Time MODEL KITCHENS ON DISPLAY TIRES and REPAIRS AWNING IN OUR SHOWROOMS . . . WITH THE PATENTED CROWN FERTILIZER (S) Investment! They Last A Housetime! | $ 80 • * * MIAMI: 6800 N.E. 4th Court 6-6-6 • 2" - 4-7-5 2 FREE ESTIMATES CORAL GABLES: 4400 Ponce de Leon Blvd. FREE USE OF OUR SPREADER Reliable Business Practices F.H.A. TERMS dREEn For Over 74 Years! MIAMI SHORES: 660 N.E. 96th Street 7 HI 4 2525 NORTH MIAMI BEACH: 2075 N.E. 151st Street PL 4-5111 10800 N.E. 6th AVE. PROTECT !] 957 S.W. 27th AVE. DELRAY BEACH: 27 N.E. 1st Avenue

May 27, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, No. At Cenfrro Hispono Cotolico 'Many Hands, Many Hearts/ Serve The Spanish-Speaking FATHER HUGH J. FLYNN grants, or houses at reasonable :One of the newer institutes of rates, translating and writing the Diocese of Miami — the Gen- letters for them, providing the tro Hispano Catolico — has use' of a mimeograph machine much appeal to the minds and hearts of men. Anxiously await- sometimes for people trying to ing to hear good results are the get started in business, helping many parishes that have con- to locate sponsors for immigrant tributed so generously to make families, helping others to bury the Centro possible. their loved ones — all this and Bishop Coleman F. Carroll .much more the Sisters do rpdonation that helped supply V Sisters who speak their language the Chapel, supervising their some recreational equipment. Designed by architects and and others who are willing to recreation and feeding them St. Mary's Cathedral supplied engineers Watson and Deutsch- give theiF time and talents to tbree times a day. paint for most of the center. man of Miami, St. Lawrence aid them. • NEW, EXCLUSIVE TWIN Church is the third unit of the Often too the nursery is We thank SS. Peter and iGUARANTEEDS Their spiritual needs could be SAF-T-LOK TREAD DESIGN parochial plant. An elementary swelled to capacity, when the Paul parish for the very gen- met and temporal wants looked • NEW, NON-SKID SAFETY school and convent for the Re- Sisters mind children for par- erous use of their truck; Gesu 40,000 MILES after, either through direct help," in WRITING by PAN-AMERICAN ligious of the Sacred Heart of ents for a few hours while one parish for desks, cabinets and • NEW, LONGER TREADWEAR TIRE CO. plus road hazard guaran- or referral to agencies that (BONUS MILEAGE) tee against cuts, breaks, bruises Mary who staff the school were or both parents are out looking home economic equipment for etc. without any ions. Ceni- would give specific assistance. mercial use excep 14" Guar- completed early this year. for work. Small loans have been the dining room of the kinder- • NEW HANDSOME STYLING antes* 35-.000 Miles. At great expense he had a con- garten; Corpus Christi parish vent built and furnished for • EASIER PARKING, STEERING Designed in a L-shape the for the altar, confessional, main wing, of the church will American Sisters who had done sanctuary lamp and tables for NYLON TUBELESS BLACKWALLS seat 600 people while the oth- missionary work in Cuba for the dining room; Immaculate many years. SALE er wing will accommodate 400 Conception parish for pews; FACTORY SUGGESTED FEDERAL persons. The altar and sacris- EMPLOYMENT HELP SIZE LIST PRICE EXCISE TAX PRICE ' Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ties are located at an angle so Among the things the" Sisters 6.70x15 . 62.55 ... parish, Ft. Lauderdale and the 22.15 that the view of the altar is have accomplished is the con- Church of the Resurrection, 7.10x15 ..... 68.65 ... 24.15 unobstructed from either wing. stant interviewing of pectple and Dania, for chairs and a large 7.50x14 ..... 68.65 ... 22.15 Sliding doors make-it possible helping them find employment. fan; Holy Family Church for 8 00x14 ....." 75.45 ... 24.15 to separate the smaller wing Nearly 150 persons so far have statues that adorn the chap- 8'50x14 "". .... 82.85 ... 26.40 from the main part of the been placed in good jobs. Still el; St. Michael parish for the church for non-devotional ac- the- number of unemployed is cope and humeral veil, and .9.00x14 92.00 ... 29.30 tivities. very high, and we still would Good Shepherd parish in Phil- adelphia, Pa., for the mon- NYLON TUBEUES* WHITEWALLS strance and candelabra...... FEDERAL SALE ^ SIZE •x LIST PRiei EXCISE TAX PRICE Some $3,000 was contributed 6.70x15 ..... 76^00 217 26.75 Situations Wanted... by the various priests of the 7.10x15 , 84.00 29.25 made to individuals who found Diocese, $1500 by the St. Vincent 7.60x15...... ,: 92.00 31.95 Centro Hispano Catolico themselves temporarily out of de Paul Society,- and another funds. $1,060 from private individv "~.. 8.00x15 ,;:.. 102:50 35.50 How about giving an immigrant a chance at- some PRIESTS FROM 8.20x15 106.25 36.75 gainful Employment? Many need work, some skilled, LUNCH FUND 7.50x14 ..... 89.35 26.75 others unskilled, some speak both languages well, A lunch and carfare fund has The story would not be com-" 8.00x14 ..... 92.40 29.25 others, only Spanish. been set up by an anonymous plete if. we failed to "mention 31.95 donor. With it, Sisters help the'outstanding work the Domin- 8.50x14 ..... 101.45 If interested call FR 1-5657 many who are short of carfare, ican Fathers from Spain are do-, 9.00x14 ..... 112.70 35.50 130 N.E. 2nd St. Miami, Florida and sometimes need lunch mon- ing. They staff various parishes 9.50x14 116.90 36.75 MALE . Factory workers — many ey. The Sisters also show mo- each week end where there is a CREDIT OR BUDGET TERMS — Your old tires con be your Electric Welder vies, sing and lead the Spanish- large number of Spanish-speak- Teachers — 9 (English and Spanish; Any type of work — many (this group speaking people in chanting ing people. Onels on "duty near- same do not speak English) men — DOWN PAYMENT dees not usually speak English) hymns to the Blessed Mother ly always at the Centro to hear All Prices Exch. for Recappahle Tire. Otherwise Add $3 per tire. and women Expert TV repair man; Hi-Fi, and each evening in the Centro chap- confessions and "give counsel. Stereo Technician (English and FEMALE el. - . • They eonduct religion classes PAN-AMERICAN TIRE CO Spanish) Electronic Technician Secretarial — Clerical — 18 (few after the English classes twice Bookkeepers — (one speaks English) knew shorthand "in English) In our society with its com- • 2777 N.W. 54th ST. a week. They train a choir and General Office Work — 8 Teachers — 12 (3 or so can sjseak plex laws, much help is given English) through the cooperation of sev- • 1450 H. MIAMI AVE. , • 2701 N.W. 7th AVE. Medical Profession — radiologist; in informing the people about • 10535 N.W. 27th AVE. • .5740 S. DIXIE HWY. male nurses; male nurse's aid; Receptionist — 3 eral parishes conduct a Span- Interior Decorating (specialty, wall the benefits of social secur- Lawyer — 1 ish Catholic radio "broadcast • W. FLAGLER & 22nd AVE. • 14352 N.W. 7th AVE. murals) 2 "Registered Nurse — 1 ity; medical help is obtained HOMESTEAD: 916 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY Night watchman each Saturday evening. Factory sewing — 18 (few speak English for those who need it through HOLLYWOOD: 516 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY Mechanic and Mechanic's helper; Factory (any type) — It (few speak FT. LAUDERDALE: 3020 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY Linotype mechanic the generosity of the Catholic At the present time they English W|ST PALM BEACH: 2814 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY Carpenter and Carpenter's helper Physicians Guild. Bomestic work (live out) — 15 (few moderate a men's club, and a Plumber speak English) - Locating rooms, for immi- (Continued on Page 27)

Page 14 THE VOICE Miami, Flo. May IT, 1960 + THOU ART A PRIEST FOREVER' +

HANDS of the Bishop are im- posed on the head of the or- dinand during the most solemn moment of the ordination rite when he becomes a "Priest for- ever according to the order of PROSTRATE on the floor of Melchisedech." sanctuary in St. Anthony Church, Fort Landerdale, Fa- ther Joseph J .Brunner and Fa- ther John W. Glorie prepare to receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders from Bishop Coleman F. Carroll.

BISHOP CARROLL kneels at a prie-dieu in the sacristy to re- ceive the first priestly blessing of Father Joseph J. Brunner. DRINKING wine from a chal- ice, after receiving Holy Com- munion under one species only, the newly ordained continue to concelebrate the Mass with their Bishop.. ANOINTING the hands of the priest (above) the Bishop says, Iff-—- .L . ;{' "That whatsoever they shall bless may be blessed, and what- soever they shall consecrate be consecrated and sanctified, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

A CHALICE containing wine and water, and the paten with a host lying on it, (left) is pre- sented to each of the ordained as he receives the power to of- fer sacrifice to God and to cele- brate Mass for the living and the dead.

PARENTS of the newly or- dained priest customarily re- ceive his first blessing. Father, John W. Glorie is shown at right as he calls down God's blessing upon his mother, Mrs. John Glo- rie of West Palm Beach.

May 27, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 15 "HOME ON THE RANGE" Official School Calendar Diocese Of Miami - A 'Dipwich' I960 FIRST SEMESTER i Sept. 6 Tuesday Opening of School -J Takfes A Jiffy Oct. 17 Monday First Report Due 1 > By JOAN MEADOWS Food Editor Nov. 1 Tuesday ,A11 Saints' Day — No Sessions \ Nov. 24 Thurs. Thanksgiving Holidays I If the man of the family deviled ham; top with pickle Nov. 25 Friday No Sessions ] sports a hefty appetite before relish. Spread remaining bread he heads for the great outdoors,, with peanut butter. Place to- Dec. 5 Monday Second Report Due ] here's a hot sandwich that's gether sandwich fashion. In a Dec. 8 Thursday Feast of Immaculate Concep- ,\ grilled in a jiffy and has the shallow pan, beat together eva- tion. No Sessions \ stick-to-iteveness to last through porated milk and egg. Dip sand- Dec. 23 Friday Christmas Holidays Begin at \ i long afternoon. We'd like to wiches into this mixture turning Close of Classes , j ;ive you the recipe. to coat both sides. Brown on 1961 ' \ both sides in small amount of It's called a dipwick — an butter in skillet. Yield: 4 serv- Jan. 3 Tuesday Classes Resume jj easy French-toasted sandwich Jan. 23 Monday Third Report Due i with hearty meat filling to make it real man's fare. It's CASEY JONES SECOND SEMESTER 3 so good and so simple Chat 12 slices rye bread Feb. 22 Wed. Washington's Birthday. No •> any man who can open a can 1 can (12 ounces) corned and crack an egg can make beef Mar. 6 Monday oessiQns r\ one for himself. 1 tablespoon drained Fourth Report Due ; horseradish Mar. 29 Wed. Easter Holidays Begin at ; Here are three versions of the % cup evaporated milk Close of Classes \ dipwich: * 1 tablespoon prepared Apri I 4 Tuesday Classes Resume • THE PAUL BUNYAN mustard Apri I 24 Mon. Fifth Report Due 1 can (12 ounces) veal loaf 2 eggs May 11 Thurs. Ascension Thursday. No Ses- ; 12 slices bread Spread - half the bread slices sions Raw onion slices with mustard; top with corned May 30 Tuesday Memorial Day. No Sessions < % cup evaporated milk beef, horseradish, and finally June 8- Thurs. Final Report Due. Closing of \ 2 eggs With remaining bread slices. In 1 tablespoon prepared a shallow pan, beat together Additional Holi- Patronal Feast of the Parish 1 mustard evaporated milk and eggs. Dip 'days * Patronal Feast of Teaching | 6 slices process American sandwiches into this mixture, Community 1 cheese turning to coat both sides. 1 teaspoon caraway seeds Brown on both sides in small amount of butter in skillet- Cut -veal loaf into 6 slices. FRUIT SAUCE: tail, salt and nutmeg. Turn into Spread half the bread slices Yield: 6 servings. • * * * % cup orange marmalade shallow dish, such as pie pan. with mustard; top with sliced Dip slices of bread in egg mix- veal, onion and cheese. Cover While we are on the subject 2 cups drained canned fruit of French Toast, cheery "good ture, turning once and draining with remaining bread slices. In cocktail well. Brown on both sides in hot a shallow pan, "beat together mornings" will resound if you begin your family's day with a skillet in small amount of but- Sgeobt. evaporated milk, eggs, and car- Beat eggs lightly and stir in ter. Serve at once, .topped with good breakfast. 'One way to away seeds. Dip sandwiches in- syrup from canned Jruit cock- hot Fruit Sauce. to this mixture, turning to coat bring them running to the table both sides. Brown on" both sides IS to serve French toast topped Monks'® Bread is meant to Be the in small amount of butter in with a delicious hot "Fruit skillet. Yield: 6 servings. Sauce." Here are the easy staff of life. It was originated by recipes for both: the Trappist Monks at the Abbey GENTLEMAN JIM DELUXE FRENCH TOAST De Conna Ice Cream of the Genesse. TKese hard- 8 slices bread 2 eggs FLORIDA'S KEY TC GOOD EATING 4 teaspoons drained pickje % cup syrup from canned WHOLESALE SHIPPERS TO working, devoted men may not relish fruit cocktail Hotels. • Schools. • Hospitals • Institutions eat meat, fish, poultry or eggs % cup peanut butter % teaspoon salt Cafeterias • Restaurants • Etc. but depend largely on this un- 1 can (4% ounces) deviled Day-old bread (6 to 9 ham slices) CALL US FOR COMPLETE LINE OF ICE CREAM SPECIALTIES usual bread for their nutrition. Ms cup evaporated milk Butter or margarine AND ICE CREAM NOVELTIES - ALSO HOME DELIVERY Although it Was never meant to legg Dash nutmeg be sold, this hearty, tall-loaf bread Spread 4 bread slices with Fruit sauce De Conna Ice Cream is now being made available to 3292 N.W. 38th St. Phone NE 5-4832 everyone, the Dandee Bakers, who have been licensed by the Abbey to bake Monks'® Bread, follow the original recipe in every detail. The ingredients are the finest in nature. You'll find deli- cious Monks'® Bread unlike any BLOSSOM bread you've ever tasted. Try it in white, whole wheat or raisin. FR 3-7447 • Distributed by Dandee Bakers. SQUEEZED DA' ~ NEED SPACE? FROM FREST" Enclose Your Screen Porch or Carport With PRO-TECT-U Quality Jalousies FLORIDA ORANGES MOW BREAD , For the past 25 years, PRO-TECT-U has been noted for handling the complete details of converting porches and car- ports. FLORIDA JUICE Our representative will be happy to give you a quotation (without obligation, of course) for all of the work including 2700 N.W. 2 AVE. masonry, stucco, and all labor and material. FHA TERMS - NO DOWN PAYMENT MIAMI FLORIDA jNJJITE, ENRICHED JREAD All the flavor

MO 7-5681 (Ext. 1) 4525 Ponce de" Leon Blvd., Coral Gables Ali the health In West Palm Beach area call ALLIED BUILDING SPECIALTIES, INC 5604 Georgia Ave. JU 2-7495

Page 16 Mianv, Fla. M«y 27, I960 FAMiLTCtlNIC LOUIS E MILLER PLUMBING CO. EST. 1930 WATER HEATER * SALes Complications Arise In Prevalent Divorce Phonies: HI 8-9912 and HI 6-1414 4102 Laguna St. Coral Gables I am a divorced Protestant who wduld now like to marry a Catholic girl. I married my first wife, a divorcee, in the Methodist church. She had been pre- \ viously married in a Methodist ceremony to a- divorced ' Catholic. My fiancee thinks^that because ray wife was' BUILDER* DEVELOPER previously married, my marriage to her was invalid. 8340 NORTHEAST SECOND AVE. How does the Church regard my first marriage? MIAMI 38, FLORIDA Phone PLoza 8-0327 By FATHER JOHN L. THOMAS, S. J. Your experience is a good example of the complications that arise when divorce becomes prevalent. Although- I would not presume to give a definite answer to your question on the basis TV of the evidence at hand, it'seems clear that your fiancee is not ""'orrect in her judgment concerning the validity of your marriage. APPLIANCES According to your account, your wife's first marriage was 6 Famous Makes contracted with a divorced Catholic 'in a Protestant church. if lowest Prices If this information is correct, her first marriage would not it Easy Bank Terms be regarded as valid by the Catholic Church because her a Guaranteed partner was Catholic and consequently not capable of entering a valid marriage in the Protestant church. Further, since iie was divorced, there is a good possibility that his first marriage was valid and he would have been unable to contract another valid marriage for this reason. 643 N. Andrews JA .3-4337 Hence on the basis of the information you have presented, FT. LAUDERDALE it appears that your marriage was valid, so that you are not free to contract a valid marriage in the Church as long as your wife is living. Notice I use the phrase "it appears." it is highly important that Catholics face this "situation realistic- In the center of rhe city. Motel rooms and apartment,. Air-conditioned and heated. Free 21" TV in all unitsT Your wife's previous marriage history is so complicated that ally. Since they are riot able to marry divorced persons, they have "The Finest In Motel Living" there may exist other reasons why your marriage to her was no right to keep company with them. not valid. Under the circumstances you and your fiancee should As I have suggested, some Catholics start dating such persons THE RAMONA MOTEL = consult her pastor, or if this should prove unduly embarrassing and wait until they have fallen in love.before facing the fact 3301 W. FLAGLER ST., MIAMI, FIA. Phone HI 8-9274 Convenient to Orange Bowl Stadium and St. Michael's Catholic Church. for special reasons, you should consult the Marriage Court main- that they are not free^to marry. Considering the force of human tained at the local diocesan Chancery Office. love, it is not surprising that an unfortunate number then con- clude that they have passed 'the point of no return and become Laws Determining Church's View involved in invalid marriages. Every Catholic Chancery Office includes a Marriage Court (It will be impossible for Father Thomas to an- staffed by competent lawyers with special training in deal- swer personal letters.) ing with complex marriage cases such as your own. The mem- 'Ukfli bers of this Court will be able to tell you what further infor- AMERICA'S LARGEST "ON THE TRAIL" T mation is required in order to determine if your marriage is Family Dinners PONTIAC DEALER 665 S.W.8 ^ST. MIAMI valid. DETROIT' FLINT- MIAMI and Banquets FINE CARS - FINE SERVICI Because Church laws regarding Protestant marriages are are a Specialty frequently misunderstood by Catholics and non-Catholics alike, we shall lake this occasion to explain the general laws determining the Church's view of such marriages. Con- fusion concerning the Church's viewpoint in this regard may have serious consequences. Some misinformed Catholics start keeping company with divorced Protestants in the mis- FINEST IN ITALIAN taken belief that the Church does not regard Protestant mar- AMERICAN FOOD AT riages as .valid. - REASONABLE PRICES If they do not learn differently until they have fallen in PHONE PLAZA 7-6651 5797 N.W. 7th AVENUE • love, there is serious danger they will eompromise their salva- tion and enter an invalid marriage. Catholics Tiave no right to "SHELL'S CITY IS NEXT DOOR TO US" I FREE PARKING ••HMMi^BaHiHHMi OPEN 11 A.M. TO 1 A.M. I expose themselves to such a temptation. Even should there exist serious doubt that the Protestant's marriage was invalid, Cath- EXTENDED BANKING HOURS FOR YOUR IN THE 12th CENTURY, olics have no "right to start company keeping until a legitimate CONVENIENCE — Outdoor teller windows Alfonso VII, King of Leon, Church authority, not mere hearsay, or wishful thinking, has open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, Monday through Castile and Galicia success- definitely stated that the marriage was not valid and conse- fully" drove the Moors from Open Daily and Sunday Friday! Friday evening banking hours — his kingdom. In gratitude quently there is no impediment to marriage. 5 to 7 p.m. to God, he founded, in 1141, 10 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. the MONASTERIO de SAN Guided Tours in English Must Face Situation Realistically NORTHERN BERNARDO de SACRA. and Spanish DAOE COUNTY'S MENIA in an isolated valley _. The general laws of the Church in this matter may be in the Province of Segovia, Spain. Operated by the Cistercian v.ated briefly as follows. First, a valid marriage contracted be- Order for 694 years, it was abandoned in 1835 and was forgotten tween two baptized persons is a • sacrament, and once it has nntil 1925 when discovered and purchased by Wm. Randolph been consummated, it can be-dissolved only by the death of one Hearst. Disassembled and .shipped to America, this Roman- of the partners. Second, although Church laws that Cath- esque-Gothic architectural gem was destined for San Simeon. elics can validly contract marriage only "before the pastor or Due to the Great Depression, the 10,751 crates were stored in a the Ordinary of the place, or a priest delegated by either of New York warehouse until 1951 when the Monastery was pur- these, and at least two witnesses," Protestant couples are not chased from Hearst's estate and transported to Miami, Florida bound by this legislation, and consequently their marriages are where it has been reassembled in a tropical garden in all its regarded as valid if the marriage contract was valid in other majestic, medieval splendor. respects. Third, the civil courts have no direct or indirect power over the validity OF licitness of the marriage of Christians, nor do they have any power to dissolve a valid marriage BRING YOUR CAMERA contract, although they presume to do so in this country. One Block West of It follows that the Church regards marriages validly Biscayne Boulevard at 167th Street contracted by Protestants as valid and sacramental. Since the civil courts have no power' to dissolve such marriages, S or JC Miami Beach bus connects with Hpulover Beach bus, divorced Protestants are* not capable of contracting another direct to entrance. valid marriage. Unfortunately, many Protestants believe that LITTLE RIVER BANK they are-free to marry again, and consequently do not hesitate AND TRUST COMPANY CHILDREN ADULTS to start company-keeping. 8017 N.£. SECOND AVfNUE 6 to 12 . . .70c $1.25 Members of Clergy admitted Free Because some 800,000 persons are divorced ever-y year in MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND our country, and the majority of these will eventually remarry, FEDERAL OEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION

May 27, I960 THE VOICE Miami, Flo. Page 17 £Hllllllflllllllll1llllll1llllllltllllllt£ HOLLYWOOD REAL ESTATE ly Doris R. Peters^ Tips For Teens •**"* BARNEY \ / i Dixie Outdoor Furniture | | & Pottery Co. 9JL LROWLEY = #1200 Broadway Father Hafford REALTOR - APPRAISER 5 Riviera Beach, Florida E 2126 on the Blvd. = Mrs. Kay Savacoal — Writes'30'On WA 2-4691 5 "The Pottery Center of the = — Palm Beaches" S Family Argues At Dinner, Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Final Column Can Teen Make Peace? For Qver 12 years I have . Dear Doris: peace back into my fam- turned out a column each week, ily? and the number has reached OFFICERS ; I have a serious family 635. This week I am doing my WILLIAM O'NEIL Troubled CHAIRMAN problem. About six nights last. out of seven my parents Dear Troubled: CHARLES H. ALCOCK Five months ago I got the PRESIDENT I agree with your sisters; argue over practically noth- idea that I had done as much NORMAN iW. LEWIS don't interfere. It takes two to ing at dinner time. My fa- work along this line as I EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT have an argument. If no one ther is the thrifty type; and cared to, and set this particu- talked bade to your father he when he leave's three or lar date as the one that would wouldn't have anyqne to_argue four dollars a day to -feed mark the end. There is noth- THE with. a family of six, he expects NOTRE DAME "Man of the ing wrong with me. I ' ' given up other deadlines . -.- tot come homeland see a Lots of men are ticed and Year" award has been pre- lot of food on the table plus nervous after a hard day's sented to Charles J. Maher by ing the past number of years, money left over. One of the work. They have aggravations members of the Notre Dame and have enjoyed the freedom 50ULEVARD on the job which we can't un- Club jof Miami. that has come with ending things he complains about derstand. But most control old business. That is just hu- is the cake. He expects a themselves, and at worst are man. —Setting New Standards big cake for a low price. irritable when they come home. what's available. There are You readers have been more many books of this kind and for Banking I'm not excusing your fa- than loyal, and the editors, who He comes home about an one will appeal J;o you more ther's behavior. But instead have printed this stuff have hour before dinner but than others. If there is no book Service of interfering why don't you been most considerate,- but a doesn't start arguing until store in your town, I'm sure and your sisters pool your seven day deadline gets to be dinners is on the table. He the librarian .or a teacher will energy and ideas and do something of a chore. I feel complains about silly things help you. but it usually winds up something about this "Big that I have accomplished some with someone getting hit. I cake." Surprise your father You can also write The good, for your letters these past try to calm him doum but and bake one. A homemade Queen's Work and ask for a list 12 years have told me so. I I get hit for butting in. My cake is far cheaper, and of pamphlets on"manners. These still think I can do a bit of sisters say its none of my tastes better, too. For that are very good and less expen- good in fields I have not had sive than a book. The address Friendly business but they get so up- matter you could do some- a chance to poke around in, is The Queen's Work, 3115 South Bank on the Boulevard set they can't eat. If I thing about the entire dinner. because I have been tied down don't stop him he gets so - That old adage still works, Grand Blvd., St. Louis 18, Mis- to this one. It has been fun, mad he hits my mother. "the quickest way to a man's souri. but I think I'll have more en- heart, is through his stom- joyment without it. So ... What can! do to get ach." And, I'll add — through thanks. prayer. Doris Revere Peters an- swers letters through her GREEN THUMBERS — A Let's tackle the prayer first. column, not by mail. Young person-with a green thumb usu- THIS SUMMER "It moves mountains." It could readers are invited to write ally has a clean nose — he also improve your dad's dispo- to her in care of The Voice, keeps it out of the affairs of sition. Your parents have the 6301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami others. i Send YOUR YOVJSGSTERS to 38, Fla. benefit of a sacrament fof their SURE THING — All theories state in life. Are they using it's are safe until they are put graces? Why not suggest that into practice. you go to Mass together next COD Workshops REMEMBER HOLY-SPIRIT Sunday? Make a novena to St. The pre-Pentecost novena be- Joseph. He was a working man. Slated June 3-4 gins this Friday. Be sure to And, I'll bet a thrifty one. He In Three Areas make it so the Holy Spirit will will understand your problem give you all the grace you need CATHOLIC (Continued from Page 1) and your father. on Pentecost. We ought to give ers of the Sacred Heart, Balti- Him this little, service each Three or four dollars a day more, Md., and professional year. YOUTH CAMP isn't much with which to feed lay teachers will take part in a family of six. But it isn't the program. The conven- FLYING CORKS From The rock bottom either. Help your tion will also be attended by Pop House — "Uncle Herbert CAMP MATECUMBE builds healthy bodies, mother stretch it by planning public high school students. says that crime isn't the only thing that doesn't pay these healthy minds and healthy souls. a budget and weekly menus. Sister Annunciata will conduct y Most newspapers carry arti- workshops at Barry College; days." cles on the best'food buys in Sister Florita Christa at St ONE FOR THE ROAD RECREATIONAL FACILITIES at camp include the area. They furnish eco- Francis Xavier, and Sister Mo- Safety campaigns are again swimming, baseball, exploration hikes, archery, nomical and interesting reci- nica Virgine at St. Ann. . telling us to walk on the left pes, too. You and yoyr sisters side of the highway when we story and strng sessions, cook-outs and arts and The Convention program will walk out in the country. This should take turns preparing be similar at all three centers: crafts. dinner so your mother can be is very important information free and rested when your* Friday, June 3, at l^p.m. — to take along with you on your father comes home. • "Panel Presentation of Adap- vacation. Hiking is always good tive Way Methods." 1. Organi- exercise, and it would be a pity • '60 SUMMER SESSION If you have a Family Life zation of Vacation School. to have it become the cause course in your school be sure of an accident that would keep Sunday, June 19th to Saturday, June i, at 9:15 a.m. BOYS' BOARDING Friday, July 29th and talk to the instructor. She — "Religious Vacation School." you from walking the remaind- will be glad to help you. 1. Singing (Second grade class). er of your life. Give the motor- Sunday, July 31st to ist plenty of road; you '''"'£. GIRLS' BOARDING Friday, August 19th 2. Religion Projects (Second Lastly, examine your own be- grade class) 3. Doctrine (Sixth need much if your are in *^> havior and attitude. Since this DAY CAMP Sunday, June 19th to grade class) 4. Liturgy (Sixth tical- position. Please keep afive. Friday, August 19th. sounds like a regular thing, you grade class) may be anticipating it. And you COULD BE — Some of the CLIP THIS CONVENIENT FORM may unconsciously, irritate your , 10 a.m. — Recess children seen on the street late father. So while you are pray- 10:15 a.m. — "Religious Va- at night are looking for their Telephone ing for peace pray'also for pa- cation School" 1. Singing parents. (Sixth grade class) 2. Religion or Address tience. It will help your family DECENT DISKS, I am interested in the" --..'. Projects (Sixth grade class) 3. To: now and you in the future. SUITABLE SONGS I960 BOARDING Q DAY • Session of Doctrine (Second grade class) "French Wine-Drinking Mu- Dear Doris: 4. Liturgy (Second grade class) GAMP MATECUMBE. Please send me your officiaf entry sic" (Capitol) Frank Fourcel DAY CAMP 11:30 a.m. — Celebration of Father Lawrence Cenway I would like to kno w and his French Strings; "After form and full information. 3231>S.W. 91st Avenue where I can purchase a- Mass. Six" (M-G-M) Dick Hyman, his Miami 5$, Florida book for teenagers on good 12:15 p.m. — Lunch Period. piano and trio; "Pow!" (Ckpi- Phone CA 1-0881 NAME ..^...... «;.,— ...... ;.. manners? 2 p.m. — "Question Box." tol) Billy May; "Baxter's Best" Freddy General session. (Capitol) Les Baxter; "Rockin' Dear Freddy: Violins" (Capitol) Eric Jupp. ADDRESS • • BOARDING CAMP 3 p.m. — Film You can purchase a book on • * * * Father Claude Brubaker manners at any good book store During the week of June 5, at THOUGHT For The Weak — >.|TY AGE , Camp Mafecumbe 8 p.m., evening sessions on the W\\ ..,...... •..»..•.•>.•*••'• /wc ** *'• 14500 IU. 1 lth Avenue or directly from the publisher. Don't get excited if someone Adaptive Way Method will be gives you a jolt; they have been . North Miami, Florida Why not first browse in the Phone Wl r-5043 conducted by the Sisters at the kicking car tires for years and library and get an idea of same three locations. very few have exploded. Page 18 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1960 SS. PETER AND PAUL VS. ST. MICHAEL'S Playoff Set For Baseball Title The Catholic Junior High Last Sunday, Dave McCannon ing for three runs apiece in School baseball season will come of St. Michael pitched a no-hit- the 10-2 win. to a close this week-end with ter against St. Rose, striking out The league stands as follows: St. Michael and SS. Peter and 11 and walking none for the only W Pet. SS. Peter and Paul 10 .833 Paul meeting in a title playoff perfect game of the season. Mc- St. Michael 10 .833 Sacred Heart 7 .583 game. Both teams have 10-2 rec- Cannon helped his own cause St. Theresa 5 .455 Epiphany 4 .333 ords. with two hit* out of three times St. Rose 3 .273 Corpus Christ! 2 10 .167 at bat. I-ast Week's Results One game remains between St. Michael 7, Corpus Christi 0. St. Theresa 9, Corpus Christi 0 St. Theresa and St. Rose but Pat Kelly and Lloyd Baggio (first game) St. Theresa 9, Corpus Christi 0 the outcome will not change had three for three at the (second game) Thursday league standings. plate, with each man account- St. Theresa at St. Rose. CAMP For boys and: girls, ages 7 to 16. 200 acres, 37 buildings .in the CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HIGH was awarded the Gold Coast shadows of the Blue Ridge Mount Conference Sportsmanship Trophy last week-end by the confer- tains. .Playgrounds for. camp sports, large modern pool, moun- ence schools. Accepting the award on behalf of the school, were, tain water lake, with all activities left to right, Pete Aiello, football and baseball coach, Brother guided by trained counselors. Ideal accommodations in^odge Benedict Henry, F.M.S., school principal, and Dick Pollock, for visiting parents. Camp pro- athletic director. vides pickup service to or from nearest rail, air, bus terminal. A .camp for youngsters to grow . t. spiritually, healthfully. BARBER SHOP Ail for L.C.W.x • MANICURE ALUMINUM • SHINE LUBRICANT CLEAN, LONG-LASTING .SMOOTH OPERATION & PROTECTION FOR ROFFLER Awning - Jalousie - Sliding WINDOWS, DOORS & 101 ARTICLES BARBERS Proven sine* 1»5J by satisfied vnn everywhere "for Men Who Care" At most Builder Supply, Paint & Hardware Voice Photos Stores. Made by Eugene Domish & son """"ORIGINATORS—~ 975 S.W. 12th Street NEW GYMNASIUM for Christopher Columbus ball court, the gym will have a seating capacity Pompano Beach, Florida High School is shown in the architect's draw- of 800 on portable bleachers with room for ROFFLER ing above. In addition to a regulation basket- expansion. The plant will be ready in the fall. SCULPTURKUT By Appointment Only stand and storage. All of the latter are screened by a grille 3824 Ponce de Leon Blvd.' Modern Gym To Be Built in diamond pattern repeating HI 6-9445 the design of the roof and the Coral Gables At Columbus High School concrete shadow block walls. TOUGHEST Construction bids for a new, Bleacher seating is remov- modernistic gymnasium at able so that the building used "Featuring Christopher Columbus High for other purposes, perhaps as CONCRETE School, 3000 SW 87th Ave., Mi- a community center. North and ie ami, were accepted this week South exterior walls are of stuc- /VllLD-^*"^ •^ Brands with actual construction on the co, the north to be finished as plant expected to begin within a backboard for an outdoor MEN'S AND BOYS' WEA^ YOU, KnOW» IN THE BLOCK a month. hand ball court. 9830 N.E. 2nd Ave. • MIAMI SHORES • PLaza 4-0331 The new addition to the fa- Approach is from the south- cilities at Columbus will mark east where a sheltered walk- a great expansion in the ath- way connects the entrance with letic units at the school. The the ticket booth, concession gym will be ready for use this fall. Kader and Associates of Mi- ami are architects and engi- neers for the project. Their de- signs provide seating for 750 to NOTHING COULD BE FINER 800 persons, plus a basketball PRINTING court, ticket booth and conces- sion facility, all in some 8500 square feet of floor space. George L. Giles, who has COACH COMPANY sparked the coordinating com- • . . Specializing MAULE INDUSTRIES, INC.. Executive Offices: 5220 BISCAYNE BLVD..MIAMI, FLORIDA • PL 1-6633 mittee, said $85,000 is budg- PLANTS FROM FORT PIERCE TO HOMESTEAD • CONCRETE • CONCRETE BLOCK • ROCK & SAND in Church Work PRECAST-PRESTRESSED CONCRETE • PLASTER & MASONRY MATERIALS • BUILDING SUPPLIES eted for the new gym. Ground- BOCA RATON, FLORIDA making is expected to take • ptoce shortly. The structure ties in with a field house al- • ready existing, as well as a • proposed field for football, MUNICIPAL AUTO SALES-HOME OF THE 100% GUARANTEE baseball and track. • Ask For Pete Andrews — Member Corpus Christi Parish Christopher Columbus opened ' two years ago and has 375 boys BENNIS enrolled. The school principal, Brother Benedict Henry, F.M.S. PRINTING said an enrollment of 1,000 is expected in the next three to five years. COMPANY The roof of the gymnasium 1072 Ali Baba Ave. is of steel construction in a Opa-Locka, Florida diamond-shaped pattern. The size of the whole building can • be expanded indefinitely on the north and south sides by * adding more steel roof mem- bers. MU 8-6301 3050-3061 N.W. 36th ST. MIAMI, FLORIDA

May 17, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 19 SECCION ESPANOLA J S. S. el Papa Dara Normas a la Doctrinaes DE Por el Rev. Padre Ibarra Prensa Catolica Mundial MADRID, (NO—El sexto fiere al papel de las organlza- Los Pasillos del Hospital Congreso Mundial de la Pren- ciones internacionales inter* Todos ustedes han ido de visita mas de una vez a algun sa Catolica se inicia en San- gubernamentales. J.P. Dubois- tander a principios de julio, Dumee, de la UIPC, desarro- hospital. Y mientras yo daba vueltas para ver de encontrar con un mensaje de Su Santi- lla el mismo tema en cuanto un lugar donde dejar la maquina, oia los gritos que del edi- VOICE dad el Papa Juan XXIII so- corresponds a las organiza- ficip llegaban. Iba a visitar a un enf(5rmo del psiquiatrico. bre las responsaBilidades del ciones catdlicas internaciona- Y en ese lugar las puertas estan cerradas y usted se ve * 4 periodista, en esta hora de les. acorralado y sin movimiento y tiene que venir la enfermera, crisis. Sobre "El Concilio Ecurn*. y iespuSs de preguntar al doctor si el paciente puede reci- Seguidamente caatro auto- bir visitas, le permiten o no ir adelante. Y si dice que sf, nico, la prensa catolica y la entonces saca su Have y abre la puerta. ridades en sociologia, prensa, opinion publica "hablard el Y todo es silencio y tristeza; y de repente un.grito. Y to- opinion publica y relaciones Pbro. Lamberto da Echeva- das las caras le miran a uno con unos ojos que estan alia lejos internacionales pronuncla- rrla, uno de los fundadores de en el fondo, y que uno no sabe si viven, si miran, si ven, ran sendas conferencias qua la obra espanola Propaganda ha da servir de base a una si estan muertos. Y las palabras, si algun sonido se forma en Popular Cat61ica. • la boca desmayada, tienen una infinita tristeza. Y uno no sabe serie de discusiones de mesa - _^ que decir, c6mo consolar, como alegrar, como hacer florecer redonda sobre temas espe- Para coloquios y debates do una sonrisa. C6mo decir adids. Y cuando la enfermera, siem- cializados. mesa redonda se indican los pre ha estado all! cerca atenta a lo que pudiera suceder, da signientes temas: "Asistencia vuelta a la Have uno siente pena y vergitenza. Pero allf t* La sesi6n de clausura escu- tecnica", "Publicaciones Ju- queda ese pobre ser humano, con su soledad, con su abandono, chara una alocuci6n del obis- venUes", "Revistas" "Orient* po d« Malaga, Mons. Angel y Occidente", "La Misi6n con su tristeza. propla de la prensa frente a Herrera Oria, uno da los mas la radio y la television", "Pro- En Todas Paries el Dolor ilustres propulsores da la moc!6n de ventas", "Dialogo Hace unos dias me llamaron para que visitara a un en- prensa catdlica eh Espafia; y entre las agendas cat61icas y fermo. Tiene cancer y 61 no lo sabe. Nuestra conversaci6n otra del presidents da la sus abonados" ,y "La prensa toca mil temas. Y mientras yo trato de alegrar un poco aque- cat6Iica ante las evoluciones .. Uni6n Internacional de Pren- lla cara deprimida, de su boca salen reproches y quejas. Ni tecnlcas." sa Catolica. los medicos le entienden, ni las medicinas sirven para nada, El 8 de julio, el anuncio ni los hijos se acuerdan ahora de los que les dieron la vida, El congreso se efectua en ap6stlico en Espana, Mons. el pan y la educacidn. — la Universidad "MenSndez y Cuando atravieso el largo corredor, del hospital puedo Hildebrando Antonuitti, re- ver las caras de los pacientes, sus piernas que cuelgan es- Pelayo", centro conocido por cibira a los congresistas en la cualidas y casi inertes al borde de las camas. En los pasillos sus cursos de verano. Universidad Pontificia de Co- los hombres sin afeitar, con las pijamas arrugadas, las muje- El programa, publicado aqui millas. res mal peinadas y con las batas en desorden. Ese es el cua- por la secretaria espanola qua Los idiomas oficiales del dro del dolor y de la miseria. trabaja en coordinacion con Congreso son espaflol, fran- Y estos aqui y mas alld y en todas partes, y siempre, la sede central en Paris de la desde que el hombre sali6 de aquel primer Paraiso esta su- cos, ingle's y aleman. Para los UIPC, sefiala estos temas: friendo y preguntandose lo mismo. sesiones plenarias se utilizarl "La prensa catolica, lazo da el sistema de traduccion si- Para Ver el Dolor union entre los pueblos", a multanea, y en los coloquios y Cuando me tropiece en la vida con uno d« esos genios cargo del RP Thursto N. Da- mesas redondas habra un ser- inventores, capaces de crear maquinas portentosas, le dard una vis SJ, director de la revista vicio de traductores. idea de lo que yo quisiera que el fabricara. Momentos en que el Rvdo. P. Argttelles, dominico, da la neoyorquina America. Una maquina extraordinaria, una mezcla de radioscopia Bendicion con el Santisimo ea la Capilla del Centra Hispano Se espera la participacl6n y de radar, de aparato detector del alma y del corazdn, un Catdlico, durante los Ejercicios de las Flores de Mayo, qua "Hacia la unidad del muo- da numerosos delegados eu- como rayo de luz y de espiritu y que descubra los mis intimos todos los dias se celebra con la asisten de numerosos fieles do", por el profesor aleman ropeos, latinoamericanos y y profundos sentimientos, alegrias, deseos y sobre todo dolo- hispanos. Wilhelm Geiger, quien se re- estadounidenses. r«s del alma humana. Este aparato estaria construido de tal manera qua ma diera la visi6n eompleta de la enfermedad, de sus raices, da Atacan a su dolor, de su duraci6n, de su desarrollo, da la actitud del poc/er ^e /O OrOCJOH enfermo frente a ella, y sobra todo de su por qu6. No da su por qu6 material y organico, sino de su por qu6 divino. la Iglesia Por elRevd. ANTONIO NAVARRETE Si, por que Pios ha permitido o querido ahora y aquf este CIUDAD TRUJILLO, (NC) sufrimiento; por qud Dios, el Padre que desde arriba ve todo —La prensa oficiosa ntantiene. Todos los textos liturgicos qua se leen este aiio. La abadesa pronuncid angustiadat y lo ordena todo, ha dejado que sucediera todo esto, si El lo desde hace varias semanas en los dias anteriores a la fiesta de la Ascen- Ya no oyel Otra monja, la mas joven da podia haber evitado. aqui una ola de criticas, algu- sion, tienden a despertar en los fieles una las novicias, tomando da su faltriquera un Perc ese aparato magico, con esas maravillosas propie- nas con sarcasmo, contra la gran confianza en el poder do la oracidn. lapiz y un papel, escribid apoyada en el suelo: Jerarquia Catdlica. dades, nunca estara en nuestras manos. "En verdad, en verdad os digo qua cuanto "So supllca al Se&or el bien da la lluvia". Y en ultima instancia, siempre seremos ciegos ante el Ha sido la reaccidn a la pas- Dobld la misiva T la puso en una mano de toral qua a principios da aiio pidier&s al Padre en mi nombre, os lo dara" problema del dolor. hizo una defensa de los de- — repite sin cesar la Iglesia en estos dias de la moribunda viajera. Aquella mano, helada reohos humanos — ineluyen- Rogativas. y ddcil, quiso cerrarse con la ultima con- La Herencia Que Pesa traccidn y s« dijeron las buenas religiosas: do la libertad da conciencia, Recuerdo haber leido hace cierto tlempo . Desda la hora aquella en que Dios preguntd a Adan, Cumplira el encargo. Apenas la campana del prensa y asociacidn—, y pi- un articulo primoroso escrito por Concha Es- "£Ddnd« estas?", la humanidad toda y cada uno de los hu- convento comenzd a planir por la muerte da did deponer el espiritu de pina. El articulo se titulaba "En propla ma- manos ha sufrido ininterrumpidamente de todas las formas venganza en aras de la paz Sor Aurora, una brisa humeda como un vaho no". Agonizaba en un convento una monjita, imaginables. Enfermedades, violencias, crimenes, guerras, ca- interna. do lagrimas agitd las coroloas mustias da reclinada en la humilde tarlma. Viendola taclismos, y sobre todo, devastadoras penas del alma y del Poco despues el generali- las azulinas en las lindes. Poco despueV las las demas monjitas trasponer ya el umbral corazon. simo Rafeal Leonidas Truji- campiflas resecas absorbian con avidez la de la muerte, comenzaron a despedirse de ella. llo anunciada reformas a la lluvia mansa y abundante y los labradores Levantad los tej ados de las casas, abrid las puertas de constitucidn para dar liber- No deje de pedir para mi la mansedumbre... las almas; y eP panorama de los sufrimientos so presentara tad a comunistas y a sectas sonreian llenos de alborozo y gratitud. Sor ante vuestros 0J03. protestantes extremas. —Y para mi la fe, mucha mas fa- Aurora habia llevado hasta la propia mano Pero lo mis desolador es eomprender qua esta situa- En un comentario al gesto, —Para mi el espiritu de mortificacidn. del Senor, el encargo que le hiciera la tion no puede cambiar. Es una herencia humana. Pero no un escritor del diario oficio- —Ruege para servidora el espiritu de hu- joven novicia. una herencia de valores o propiedades materiales que uno so El Caribe expresaba la mildad. puede renunciar. Es una herencia de naturaleza, casi bio- esperanza de que esa refor- Tambien tu en estos dias de rogativr - ma "dejara colmados los de- Sonreia la agonizante, contestando con la debes poner tu misiva en las manos da Cri^^ logica, pues cada hombre nace con ella incrustada en su came cabeza. y en su alma. Y nadie puede abdicar de ella. seos de la Iglesia Catdlica.. . to, para que cuando El suba a los Cielos la Fuera del convento ardia el sol tumbado presente al Padre Celestial. Hay tahtas co- Una y otra vez, sin descanso, los humanos se han reve- El comentarista, Luis Mon- tes Valdivieso, afirma qu« en los barbechos de la llanura sedienta... sas de las que estamos necesitados!... lado contra ese destino del dolor. Y siempre siis esfuerzos, fuera del artfihilo 4, que pro- Los labradores llenos de pesadumbre, suplica- Necesitas fe, mas fe... Necesitas confian- sus impetus, han chocado con un muro silencioso y hermdtico. hibe las actividades del co- ban al cielo la gracia de la lluvia; era me- munismo, no hay ninguna otra za, mas confianza... Necesitas paz, mas paz nester que lloviese durante unas buenas horas en tu alma... Necesitas limpiar tu conciencia "limitacidn de la libertad de y los corazones se alzaron en un ferviente A Real Privilege to Serve You .. asociacidn" en la republica. y tu corazdu... Necesitamos sobre todo es* La intranquilidad politica ruego: —Senor, aleja el sol adusto de nues- rocio del cielo qua cual mansa lluvia apagua alcanzd su crisis con una cons- tros campos; aleja tambien la nube desme- los ardores de ese odio surgido de banderias MURGUIA BAKERY piracldn quo el gobierno lenada; danos agua, Senor, agua mansa y politicas y que esta resecando tantos corazo- anuncid como frustrada en clemente... Pero el cielo seguia luciehdo ful- nes y asfixiando la paz de tantos hermanos enero. No hay partidos de gurante y los campos desfalleclan polvorien- nuestros. Home of. Tender Crust oposicidn. tos y esteriles. Cuban And Italian Bread El obispo de San. Juan da la Sor Aurora que asi se llamaba la mon- "Oh Dios, por quien son santos los de- Maguana, Mons. Tomas Rei- seos, sanos los consejos y justas las obras; lly, ha sido bianco particular jita clarisa moribunda, no sonreia ya ni aceptaba ya las suplicas de sus compafieras concede a tus siervos aquella paz quo el do los ataques, por haber pe- mundo no puede dar; para qua dedicados WHOLESALE TELF. FR 3-3894 dido a los fieles qua oraran con ben^volos signos de asentimiento. DELIVERIES nuestros corazones a observar bus manda- 2125 H. W. 8fh Ave. para quo el pueblo saiga da De pronto recordfi una da las clarisas: DAILY las apreturas ecomdmicas qua mientos y alejado todo temor at enemlgo, Miami sufre, y para qua recobren su —Ruege al Sefior que llueva; la tierra gocemos de tlempos tranquilos bajo tu libertad los presos politicos. esti polvorienta y no habra sementera buena amparo". '

Page 20 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1960 El Arzobispo de Santiago de Cuba en Pastoral Dirigida a sus Diocesanos Condena Comunismo

He aqui el texto: teria eon sus fuerzas cie- doctrina social de la Iglesia, El materjalismo y el comu- nando fuertemente el arma en que ha de decidirse si la so gas; por lo tanto, todo en el la cual da solucion satisfacto- nismo arrojan a Dios de to- del Decalogo. Y, por lo mismo, ciedad ha de ser cristiana 6 DEBER PASTORAL — Fie- munido es materia que evolu- ria a tod'os los proiblemas das partes; pero es el caso que no se encuentre ninguno pagana, es el aula del cateci*- les a nuestro s&grado deber ciona, y, la misma sociedad plenteados en el caropo eco- que, al menos los cat61icos, no en ninguna parte, habil para mo. pastoral de mirar por el ciu- «no es mas que una apariencia nomico y en el campo social; nos avenimos a vivir sin Dios, empunar en la calle las ar- En el siglo pasado decta dadano, la alimentacidn y la y una forma de la materia. y se enterarian "con cuanto ra- ni sin su santa Ley, sin la mas inventadas por los hom- defensa de la grey, que se nos Thiers, contemplando los de* zon comunistas sinceros y na- cual eualquier ofcra, obra de bres para matar hombres y sastres de la Comuna de Pa- ha confiado por el Jefe Su- COMUNISMO AfEO.— La turalmente Jionrados, al co- los hombres carece de s61ido destruir propiedades. ;Que premo de la Gristiandad, ©1 segunda, que es conclusi6n n«- ris: "Es necesario que voiva- nocer esta doctrina, hubfe- fundamento: legislar sin Dios horror! mos al catecismo"; de Victor vicario die Cristo, nos senti- cesaria de la primera, si la ron de exiclamar: "esta si'es es fabricar sobre arena. mos obligadqs a dirigirnos hoy materia lo es todo, no hay lu- s EL RETORNO A DIOS Hugo es esta confesi6n tan verdadera soiiici6n a la cues- importante: "Mereceriam ser a nuestros amados diocesa- gar para Dios, no existe dife- tion social". QUEREMOS A DIOS EN Para lograr tan nobles nos para recordarleg, o para reneia entre materia ni espi- TODO.— A Dios queremos en propositos, se impone movili- encarcelados los padres que darles a conocer si necesario ritu, ni entre cuerpo y alma, LA PARTE MATERIAL^- todo, en todas partes y en to- zar las fuerzas todas de los mandan a sus hijos a escuelafl ' fuere, la linea de conducta ni soibrevive el alma a la Aunque de esta no nos ocu- do memento. Queremos a que quieren vivir con Dios, y donde se /diga abiertaimeiitet que deben seguir en estos mo- muerte, ni por consiguiente, pamos hoy, siquiera directa- Dios en el centro del Jiogar como Dios manda, empezan- aqui no se ensena catecismo". mentos, que no dejan, de ence- puede haber esperanza algu- mente, dejesenos, sin embar- presidiendo la sociedad do- do por sacudir el sopor que in Por fin, para abreviar, Mon- rrar algo de confusion* y se- na de la vida futura. Esto su- go, deck que la Iglesia ha re- ~un a costa de algiin sacriffr- ria para todos los oatolioos, Y no vaya nadie a pensar pen las compuertas de las les la conveniente instruccion cio, que Dios ha de querer re* es en este punto clara y Queremos dejar constancia que por el hecho de haber naturales concupiscencias? religiose, euidando de que na- compensar con el ciento pof terminante, y se encierra en de que distinguimos entre co- expulsado a Dios, le va a en- iQuito si no Dios? die se quede sin ella.. Nos es- uno, quizas hasta en bienes pocas palabras, aunque a ella munismo y comunistas. Para trar con la nueva luz del sol Expulsado Dios de la vida tamos refkiendo principal- terrenos. se han dedicado extensos do- estos personalmente no de- el pan de cada dfa, ni siquie- social, £d6nde encontrar la mente a los multiples lugares cumentos pontificios. "El Co-' bemos omitir nada de cuan- ra que a tener mas facilidad paz tan hambreada por los del campo y aiin de las ciuda- Asi se trabaja plenameat* muni'smo, dice el Papa Pio to a su favor podamos hac«r, para adquirirlo, pudiendo, al individuos y las naciones? des, donde esta labor es de por t>ioa y por Cuba. practkandio asi <& manidamien- reves sucederle que se quede XI en la Encfclica Divini Re- iD6nde? mayor urgencia. APREMIANTE LLAMA- demptoris, es intrinisioamente to divino de la caridad. sin pan y sin Dios. Y, no obstante, la paz, la La catequesis, el problema MIENTO.—J>e los sacerdotea,. perverso". Aduciremos tan 'Todos habran de bener muy RENOVACION DE LA VI- paz verdadera, esta al alcanoe de los religiosos y religiosat B61O »lgunas de las razones de presentes dos cosas: la prime- de mas actualidad. — Algu- DA CRISTIANA de la mano. Para alcanzarla nos elocuentes testimonioa co esperamos una cooperacion esta rotunda y tajante afiirma- ra, que no pueden de parte es necesario y basta dar me- decldidia, rapid'a y constants. ci6n, consignadas en el mismo nuestra haber concesiones en QUEREMOS A DIOS: LO rroboraran esta afirmia-cion. NECESITAMOS.— Lo . mas dia vuelta a la derecha.. . por- La sociedad, afirma Pio XII, La esperamos de todos loa documento. cuanto a los principios; la se- que nos encontramos al mo- orga>nisino8 del elemento *e- gunda, que los.enemigos de la grave de todo es que el co- esta necesitada de urgentes y MATERIALISMO DIALEC- munismo, lo mismo que el ma- mento con Cristo, que es en^rgicos rem-edios; pocos, sioi glar catdlko, que deberan Iglesia, principalmente el Co- "nuestra paz". Todo lo demas movi'lizarse con el mayor en- ITICO^— La primera y prm- munisimo, conocen bien lo qu« terialismo tienen marcado em- embargo, tan urgentes como eipal es que el Comunismo se peno en que todos navegue- es perder el tiempo. £Quien la dtfusi


IN WEST HOLLYWOOD Are Only Cheating Themselves Cheating means using dishon- est means to gain some desir- able recognition or advantage. FUNER/Ali HOME A "consideration of some of the situations in which cheating is . 6100 Hollywood. Blvd. resorted to will be helpful in . Phon<5-YUkori:3-0857 our effort to stress the obvious conclusion that cheating is im- moral and hence sinful. j^B^b^ RflDIOTV Cheating is deceitful; it in- volves violation of the truth by Call PL 4-2361 For A Cheerful Estimate lying and hypocritical simula- tion. Its moral character is not "There Is No Substitute For Experience" determined simply by the inten- 10824 N.E. 6th AVENUE tion of those who resort to it; it is found in its objective real- "Serving Miami Shores and Surrounding Areas" ity. A lie is a false statement. Its sinfulness does not arise essentially in the fact that it leads another into error, or is SNWW employed for this purpose. It CONCRETE This article, prepared at Boca Raton 8588 Lake Worth JU 2-9048 St. John's Seminary, Delray CR 6-6037 West Palm Beach VI 8-2531 Brighton, Mass., is con- Pompano WE 3-4526 densed jrom "The Pilot."

arises fundamentally in the fact that in the circumstances in which it is made use of it is directly opposed to the truth. All forms of cheating involve the malice of the lie, and hence must be condemned as morally FRANK J. ROONEY, INC. wrong. Beyond this, in some in- GENERAL CONTRACTORS stances; cheating may include likewise the malice of various forms of injustice. Vo • Ph a * • • A student who passes his ex- represent his own best efforts to tempted to lower its stand- FRAUDULENT POSSESSION amination with the aid of 'crib familiarize himself with a giv- ards, and even to falsify its records. This is all the more sheets' has gained official credit en subject and afford him prac- Thus if the possession of some likely to happen when cheat- material advantage is depend- for a degree of mastery of his tice in work of composition or ing, in its various forms, be- WILL GIVE $1,000.00 CASH To The ent on the outcome of a game, subject which he actually has scholarly research. comes so much a part of the a person who wins the game by functioning of a school that it First 2 Buyers of Homes In 1 not attained. cheating will have gained frau- He engages another student is taken for granted and af- dulent possession of something This, of course, is fraudulent to do his work for him, mak- forded no resistance. which belongs to another. and dishonest. It is not only in ing no personal contribution be- SUHSET RIDGE violation of the truth; it may yond that of copying the other When cheating is condoned, or In these situations, the vio- lead to further consequences student's work in his own hand- helplessly tolerated, the impres- High in the hills of beautiful BOCA RATON lations of justice may rise to which are harmful for the com- writing. Perhaps he finds an sion is easily encouraged that NO CLOSING COSTS serious proportions, and may cheating is a normal reaction munity as a whole. article on the subject assigned, CUSTOM Butlt Homes. + Lots Available thus be seriously sinful. In to the difficulty of learning, and 3 BEDROOMS • 2 BATHS * 2 BEDROOMS • 2 BATHS some cases in which material The serious malice of cheating which he can transcribe verba- that not to cheat is to be unfair gains have been realized by by students lies in the fact that tim and pass off as his own to oneself. At this point it be- $15,500 to $16,900 work. Terms Arranged to Your Convenience cheating, the offenders may it is related to the processes of comes easy for young people to 28' Elevation — Sewers — Central Heating have the obligation in justice, education which are of such jump to the conclusion that DIRECTIONS: Turn west off Federal Hwy. at 40th St. cross Dixie to In every such case the stu- N.W. 4th Ave. Turn left to Sunset Ridge. even under pain of serious great importance for the surviv- cheating is essential in any field sin, to make restitution. al of human society. - dent is guilty of deceit and of activity, and that those who LEW SHONTY Developer - Builder dishonesty. He is presumed to Phone BOCA 5518 or Hollywood WAbash 3-1649 wish to get ahead in the world or write 815 N. 26th Ave., Hollywood, Florida Cheating by students raises • • • be doing honest and serious must be prepared to use dis- moral questions far transcend- ROLE OF EDUCATION work which will develop his honest means whenever they ing in importance those which human powers. Without hav- are necessary or useful for any The welfare of the community ing done the work, he seeks have been previously discussed. desirable advantage. The practice requires special demands that its important the recognition and credit to and serious consideration in functions be discharged by those which the work would en- who have been properly prepar- title him. • • • view of its widespread preva- SEVERE PENALTIES lence at the present time. ed and that all who live in the community be conscious of their And having made this mis- The immediate responsibility for every COOLING need We shall consider some of the responsibilities of citizenship. take in the early stages of his for preventing cheating must more common ways in which progress, he finds it necessary rest with teachers and school cheating is carried on by stu- Schools and colleges play to continue to cheat as later on authorities. Where cheating is dents, and we shall be forced to an essential part in the right he is unable to compete with known to be prevalent, every the conclusion that cheating is ordering of human relations. those who have worked hard precaution must be taken CITY PRODUCTS morally wrong and hence sinful. Cheating, which is fundament- and honestly. against it. Examination ses- ally dishonest, and morally sions should be carefully super- SUPPLIES OF A student brings 'crib reprehensible for this reason, * * * vised, and examinations should TO SCHOOLS • INSTITUTES sheets' into an examination. becomes even more objection- EASILY TEMPTED be prepared in ways which will The obvious purpose of an ex- In a school environment in HOTELS • RESTAURANTS able on moral grounds by facilitate the detection of dis- amination is to determine the reason of its fraudulent inter- which cheating is allowed to go honesty. extent to which a student has ference in a matter of such unchallenged young people are PHONE learned the matter which has • great importance for the com- easily tempted t6 correct the Above all, severe penalties Miami, FR 3-2191 • Belle Glade, W*Y- 6-2521 been assigned. When right mon good. consequences of one wrong act should be applied when in- answers to examination ques- by committing another. Present- stances of cheating come to Hollywood, WA 2-3188 • Punta Gorda, NE 2-4321 tions are gained from sources The malice of cheating will ly the functioning of the school light. Even pupils who are Ft. Lauderdale, JA 3-2566 • Ft. Myers, ED 2-8341 other than the student's be evident likewise in the many itself will be seriously impeded, well thought of and whose rec- West Palm Beach, TE 2-5566 • Naples, MI 2-3052 acquired information, the pur- other particular forms in which and the reputation of the school ords have otherwise been good pose of the examination is it appears. A student is asked will begin to suffer. should be made to submit to frustrated. to prepare a paper which will The school will now be these penalties.

Page 22 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1960 HOLLYWOOD IN FOCUS Sunday Mass Timetable ARCADIA Gesu: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11:30 St. Paul: 10 12, 12:30 Two Studios Plan Life Of Christ Holy Redeemer: 7, 10 AVON PARK Lady 6t Missions: 7, 8:30 By WILLIAM H. MOORING Stranger", morbid British film actually dealing with sexual of- I pointed out that "Ben-Hur" Our Lady Of Grace: 8:30, 10 St Brendan: 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30, Unless rival factions get to- about child molestation and fence. They insist the picture is primarily the fictional story BELLE GLADE 11:30, 12:30 gether there may be two new murder, has been refused a can serve good public purpose. of Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish St. Philip: 9:30 St Michael: 6, 7, 8, 9, (Polish) movies dealing with the Life of Prince,.with the influence of Movie Code Seal. An appeal BOCA GRANDE 10, 11, 12:30; Hade Auditorium: Christ. Certain film production Having viewed it privately I Christ showing through. As such 9, 10:30, 12 against this decision has been Our Lady of Mercy: 10:15 and banking interests favor one think this, or any similar film, "Ben-Hur" is a truly, great mo- SS. Peter and Paul: 6:15, 8, 9, significant film, telling the story turned down by the Code's Re- can do more harm than good. tion picture. BOCA RATON 10, 11, 12 of Christ as the Christian world view Board. It is understood 'BEN-HUR' COMMENT St. Joan of Arc: 7, 9, 10:30 knows and reveres it. MIAMI BEACH that Columbia Pictures who BOYNTON BEACH Thanks to many readers who St Francis de Sales: 7, 9, 11 George Stevens and his staff planned to release the picture St Mark 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 St. Joseph: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 write approving my review of have left Hollywood for the in' this country, will not now "Ben-Hur", dated December LOANS CLEWISTON St Mary Magdalen: 8, 9, 10, 11 Holy Land, Rome and Ma- do so. 4th, 1959. The quote many have To Buy an Automobile St Margaret: 7:30 first two St. Patrick: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 drid, to seek ^locations and asked me to repeat is as fol- 11:15 thereafter and 12:30 principal actors for his 20th Based on a British case lows:- "Ben-Hur" is not literal- MIAMI SHORES Century-Fox production of Ful- LOANS COCONUT GROVE history in which a teen-age ly the story of Our Lord . . . To Buy a Range or St Rose of Lima: 7, 8, 9, 10, ton Oursler's "The Greatest youth attacked and murdered It omits much that is pertinent St. Augustine: 11 Washing Machine 11, 12 Story Ever Told." This fol- two little girls, the Tony Nel- to Christian Dogma ... al- St. Hugh: (Coconut Grove Elem. lows closely the biblical narra- son Keys screenplay substi- though what it reveals of His MIAMI SPRINGS tive and has been in prepara- LOANS School) 8, 10, 11:30. • tutes as the criminal, a leer- times, trials and triumphs may. Blessed Trinity: 6, 7:30, 9, 10:30 tion for two or three years. To Buy a Refrigerator ing, senile, old man played never have been more eloquent- CORAL GABLES 12 and 5:30 p.m. Little Flower: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Meanwhile Samuel Bronston by Felix Aylmer -whose chill- ly translated into the popular NAPLES international language ' of mo- LOANS 11:30 12:36 and his company are in Madrid ingly clever characterization St Ann: 6, 8, 10, 11 working on "King of Kings." adds to the horror. Public tion pictures". To Remodel Your Home 'DANIA NORTH DADE COUNTY This is a Philip Yordan re- hysteria and social privilege Resurrection: 8, 9, 10, 11 St Monica (Carol City Junior write of John Farrow's "Son of also are injected. Treatment LOANS DELRAT BEACH High): 8, 10 Man," the screen rights of throughout is highly emo- Philip D. Lewis, Realtor To Buy furniture St. Vincent: 6:45, 8:30, 11 NORTH MIAMI which Farrow lost in an ill-fated tional. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS deal with Bronston when the FORT LAUDERDALE Holy Family: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, PALM BEACH COUNTY LOANS two were making "John Paul The producers and Columbia 31 West 20th Street For Dental Expenses Annunciation: 10 12, 6:30 p.m. Jones" last year. executives have argued that St James: 7, :, 9, 10, 11, 12 Riviera Beach • VI 4-0201 Queen of Martyrs: 6, 8, 9, 10, ALTERATIONS MADE good taste is observed in scenes 11, 12 Visitation: 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30, LOANS 12:45 I understand the Yordan re- Revolving Credit for all Purposes St. Anthony: 6, 7, 8, 9:15 10:30 write, title of which may be le- LEARN 11:45 NORTH MIAMI BEACH CONTRACT HARDWARE St Lawrence (Jr. High School) gally contested by the trustees TO DRIVE St Beraadette (Stirling Elemen- LIGHTING FIXTURES LOANS 8, 9:30, 11 of the Cecil B. De Mille estate, tary School): 8, 9, 10 does not hew to Scripture as did DOOR TO DOOR For Room Air Conditioners SERVICE IN MODERNFOLD DOORS St Clement: 8, 9, 10, 11:15, NORTH PALM BEACH John Farrow's original, "Son of St. Clare: 11 PALM BEACH 12:30 Man." The Mary Magdalene COUNTY PLAZA 4-5451 LOANS OKEECHOBEE character is emphasized; the St. Gregory (Plantation-Peters Jack Grant, Director For Educational Purposes Elementary School): 8, 10 12:30 Sacred Heart: 9 infamy of Judas played down. St. Sebastian: 8, 9:."0, 11. OPA LOCKA The Divinity of Christ presum- AA AUTO SCHOOL ably is not clearly established. 223 FERN STREET FARREY'S LOANS FORT LAUDERDALE BEACH Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Producer Bronston has said: West Point Beach At Low Bank Rates St Pius Chapel (Beach Club) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:30 PHONE TE 3-8429 7225 N.W. 7th Avenue "This will be the first film to Contact ony of the following: 8,9, 10, 11, 12 St. Philip: (tiunche Park) 9 DELRAY BEACH, FLA. MIAMI « FLORIDA show Christ as a mere man." AMERICAN FORT MYERS PAHOKE*: CR 6-9888 NATIONAL BANK Jeffrey Hunter is to play N.E. 125th Street at 10th Avenue St. Francis: 7, % IK 11 St Mary: 11:15 First Two Sun- North Miami days, 7:30 thereafter Jesus and Bronston reportedly FORT MYERS BEACH PEOPLE'S PALM BEACH is paying Robert Ryan $50,000 Clothes for the Entire Family! Ascension: 8 for one week's work as John NATIONAL BANE FORT PIERCE St Edward: 6. 7, 8, 9, 10:30. the Baptist. Viveca Lindfors, NX. 2nd Avenue at 95th Street AT BUDGET PRICES Miami Shores St Anastasia: 7 12 and 5 p.m. Siobhan McKenna, Carmen PERRINE PEOPLES Auditorium 8:30, 10, 11:30 Sevilla, Rip Torn and Rita Gam also are in the cast, with NATIONAL BANK HALLANDALE Holy Rosary: 7:30, 9, 10:30, Nicholas Ray directing. Bron- FOUNTAIN'S 162nd Street and W. Dixie Hwy. St Matthew: 6:30 8, 10, 12 11:30 North Miami Beach POMPANO BEACH ston is using Technicolor and 728-730 LAKE AVE. — LAKE WORTH HIALEAH the Super Technirama 70, NATIONAL BANK Immaculate Conception: 6, Assumption: 7, 8, 9:30, 11 wide-screen process to exploit OF COMMERCE POMPANO SHORES DRESSES — SHOES — SPORTSWEAR Temporary Quarters 10:30, 12:55, 6:30 p.m. his story as a great spectacle. Northside Shopping Center (City Auditorium) 8, 9:30, 11, St Coleman: 7, 8, 9:30, 12:15 PLAY CLOTHES — WORK CLOTHES Miami 12:30 PORT CHARLOTTE Joseph Vogel, head of MGM, All are members of: after visiting the Bronston com- H. N. FOUNTAIN SAYS: St. John the Apostle: 6, 7, 8, Federal Reserve System St Charles Borromeo: 8, li pany in Madrid, went on to "You'll Always Save Here" Federal Deposit Insurance 9, 10, 11, 1? PUNTA GORDA Rome. There, I hear, he was to Corporation HOBE SOUND Sacred Heart: 7:30, 9, 11 seek official reactions to the St. Christopher: 7 RICHMOND HEIGHTS Yordan script, possibly as a HOLLYWOOD (Martin Elementary School) 9 preliminary to offering "King of Annunciation, 'Lake Forest Civ- RIVIERA HEACH Kings," an MGM release. ic Center): 8, 10, 11:30 St Francis: 7, 8, 10:30, 11:30 Who will portray the Christus the very best in Little Flower: 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, SEBRING is not yet known, although both 12 St Catherine: 7, 9, 11 Alec Guinness and Laurence Ol- St Bernadette: 8, 9, 10 SOUTH MIAMI ivier have been approached. St. Stephen: 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12 Epiphany: 6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 * * * HOMESTEAD St Thomas (Southwest High "Never Take Candy From a School): 8, 10, 11 S^~ d Heart: 6:30, 8, 9:15, 10..~, 11:30 STU\RT St. Joseph: 7:15, 8:30, 10:30 IMMOKALEE "Smart Buyers Get The NEW ENGLAND OYSTER HOUSES VERO 3EACH QUALITY SEAFOODS FROM MAINE TO THE FLORIDA KEYS Lady of Guadalupe: 11 St. Helen: 7:30, 9, 11 Best Buys at McBride's" FORT LAUDERDALE JUPITER ' WAUCHULA • 900 S.W. 24th STREET JA 4-7223 St. Jude (Salhaven) 8:30 St Michael: 8 NEW ENGLAND OYSTER HOUSE The Largest Stock of" KEY BI3CAYNE WEST PALM BEACH DANIA Imported and Domestic 760 DANIA BCH. BLVD. AIA WA 3-4164 St. Agnes: 8:30, 11 Blessed Martin: 9:30 Wines and Liquors LOBSTER HOUSE Holy Name: 7, 9, 11 LABELLE NORTH MIAMI St Ann: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 In the Greater Miami Area NEW ENGLAND RAW BAR 12727 BISCAYNE BLVD. PL 4-1511 Mission: 9 St Juliana: 6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 • LAKE WORTH ON THE KEYS * PL 7-1160 CORAL GABLES Sacred Heart: 6, 7, 8, 9:15, BIG PINE KEY FREE DELIVERY IN THE LOFFLER BROTHERS OYSTER HOUSE 280 ALHAMBRA CIRCLE HI 6-1704 10:30, 11:30 St. Mary of Pines: 10 NORTH DADE AREA MARATHON PERRINE St Luke (American - Polish • LOBSTER HOUSE 16915 SO. FEDERAL HWY. CE 5-5701 Hall): 7, 8:15, 9:30, 11 San Pablo: 6:30, 10 . MIAMI PLANTATION KEY E. McBRIDE - LIQUORS OPEN EVERY DAY COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED The Cathedral: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, San Pedro: 6:30, 9, 11 734 N.E. 125th St. 12:15 11, 12 North Miami's Smartest Corpus Christ!: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, KEY WEST • Liquor Ston AMERICAN EXPRESS and HILTON CARTE BLANCHE Cards Honored 11, 12, 12:55 (Spanish) St. Mary: 6, 7, 8:30, 10, 11:15,

May 27, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 23 The Marketplace for Announcements Sales - Services Rentals Real Estate

CONVALESCENT HOMES AUTOMOBILE SERVICE (Cont'd) PRINTING - (Cont'd) POSITIONS WTD. - Male or Female MISCELLANEOUS - (Cont'd) REACH MORE. THAN 51.000 For The SEVEN BROTHERS GARAGE Personalized Stationery only $3.95 Jobs Wanted for Office Workers, Baby crib & mattress, matching chifferobe - $30. Call PL 4-7142 "Voice' readers among the Elderly j& Convalescent Expert Mechanics - Free Estimates Printed with your name & address Industrial OR Building Trades. Paint, Body, Mechanical Repairs boxed - 100 sheets & envelopes. St. Brendan's Conf. St. Vincent De 710 N.E. 142nd St. N. Miami 66 parishes in the LARGAY SANATORIUM 24 Hr. Wrecker Service-MO 64457 Your choice of several colors. Paul Society MO 1-0809 • CA 1-1889 BASSINETTE, satin trimmed, Diocese of Miami*. Naranja, Florida 3130 S. W. 107th Ave. CA 1-4661 KEYSTONE PRESS HI 3-7077 or Call CA 1-5704 - Tuesday, mattress, Bathinette & play pen. LARGAY NURSING HOME J. Manassa - Member St. Brendan's 3328 S. W. 23rd Terrace Thursday and Saturday A.M.S ALL FOR $25! Call PL 1-3276 TeU about YOUR service or Miami, Florida Registered Nurses In Charge SO. MIAMI AUTO SUPPLY, Inc. RADIO AND TV Mahogany Console Radio- product through a Phone MO 6-4362 Auto Parts and Accessories FRANK'S TV SERVICE Phonograph, FM-AM, RCA Victor •Voice' Classified Ad! Member K. of C. All foreign & U.S. make cars House Calls $2.50-Guaranteed Wk. FOR SALE Pick-up - PLAYS ALL SPEEDS. Specializing in NE 5-8507 (Corpus Christi Parish) CALL MO 1-7204 Please call Miss Thompson FLORISTS Generator, Starter, Speedometer For the Best in.Radio-TV Service BOAT ACCESSORIES Boy's 24" bicycle - very good HOFMANN'S FLOWERS Service - Auto - Truck & Marine condition, reasonable, ALSO 2160 N.W. 79th St. PL 9-0767 6020 So. Dixie Hgwy. MO 14276 Call MO 1-9815 BIMINI TOPS r RUSSELLRADIO& TV SERVICE trainer wheels & Tetter \ PLaza* 8-2507 Expert Funeral Designs - Corsages Mark Broderick • Jim Broderick All Marine Canvas Items set. CALL WI SIGNS for your 'Result-Getting' ad Wedding Arrangements - Free Del. CARS - PARKING Bow Rails, Cushions, Windshields, FLOWERS BY WIRE Boat Covers, Pennants, Flags, PLANTS AND TREES Park Your Car at 'MURPHY'S' EDVITO SIGNS ONE FULL A6RE OF MONDAYS - 9 A.M. fo 9 P.M. INSTRUCTION Parking Lot in downtown Miami Trucks - Walls - Gold Leaf Curtains, Pool Covers - IBM Key Punch, Comptometry 222 N.W. 2nd St., 3 blocks from 90 N. W. 54th St. PL 8-7025 Anything made of Canvas. QUALITY PLANTS SATURDAYS - 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. the Courthouse. Reasonable rates. TREES - SHRUBS ABC Shorthand; Gregg, Pitman LIGHT YOVR WAY American Canvas Products Other Week Days 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Tutoring ALL School Subjects Mike Murphy-Prop. Member Gesn Call FR 7-2026 (Miami) AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD See ". ellow Page 620, Phone Book to better business OK JA 4-6041 (Ft. Lauderdale) OPEN 8:30 to 5:30 Daify & Sunday CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Adelphi School • 500 N.E. 79th St. ELECTRO NEON SIGN CO., Inc. Deadline Tuesday 2 PM ART for your child this summer BUSINESS SERVICES BOATS & YACHTS MELANDOR NURSERY CERAMIC, SCULPTURE, Larry Monahan, OX 1-0805 31 ft. RICHARDSON in good For FRIDAY Edition 2955 N. W. 75th St. condition - Chrysler motor, 15721 N.W. 7th Ave. WI 7-6971 DRAWING & PAINTING ACCOUNTING WANTED Note: If the heading for your Josefa Studios Miami, Fla. sleeps 4 or 5. Equipped with particular ad isn't already Pearl Fix, Accountant WRAPPING SERVICE Ship-to-Shore, Fishing Chairs, Wanted by St. Vincent de Paul N.W. 2nd Ave. at 163rd Street CATHOLIC SALVAGE STORE listed in the 'Voice' Mart - - (Needed: Instructors • WI 74679) 14809 N.E. 6th AVENUE THE BAREFOOT MAILMAN plus many other comforting & we'll make a NEW heading N. Miami - WI 54652 234 Valencia, C. G. (at the P.O.) necessary accessories. Moving Clothing, household furnishings, ORGAN, ACCORDIAN & GUITAR Bookkeeping Service - Notary North. Very anxious to selL appliances, linens etc. for you. Lessons - Home or Studio Religious Articles, Gifts, Greeting (Member of Holy Family Parish) Cards, Stationery, Gift Wrapping for the needy. DEEN STUDIO Call PL 4-5903 Call MO 6-6917 (All St. Vincent de Paul Soc. bene- HAULING and Mailing. Phone HI 4-1773 Small Ads-BIG RESULTS LOST & FQUND GARDEN SUPPLIES factors remembered-wkly masses). in The Voice 'MART Trash Removal - General Cleanups PHONE FR 3-3856] - Special Lost - RED PRAYERBOOK and Hauling. Calvo Feed & Garden" Supply pick-up days each neighborhood. 'Treasury of The Sacred Heart' FOR SERVICE CaU PL 1-6050 EMPLOYMENT Nutri-sol, liquid diet plant food. May 8th in St. James' Church. HEARING AIDS All leading brands of Fertilizer, ANNOUNCEMENTS Sentimental value. Please call HELP WANTED - FEMALE Insecticides and Pet Supplies. HOME IMPROVEMENT MU 1-6336 Auditone Hearing Aids and Free Delivery. Se Habla Espanol. PERSONALS Accessories, Batteries & Cords 3485 W. Flagler - CaU HI 3-6051 145 N. E. 79th St. PL 7-0231 When You're Planning a Nose Face Ears YOUNG AIR CONDITIONING WEDDING RECEPTION, DANCE, Corrective styling • plastic surgery. INSURANCE WOMEN HOUSEHOLD GOODS ROOM air conditioner service LUNCHEON. PARTY etc. caU 139 S.E. 3rd Street 2-3 P.M. Gil Haas Insurance, Inc. WE RENT ROLLAWAY BEDS Factory Authorized" Service & BABY CRIBS - Weekly rates The Knights of Columbus Hall Deederer. M.D. FR 3-0003 All Types of Insurance NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY York - Carrier • Philco - Crosley 270 Catalonia Ave. Coral Cables WILLIAM J. MATTEl 1338 N. W. 36th St. NE 5-0921 Television - GE Appliances Universal Service Inc. $35 up • Air conditioning optional has successfully treated over 21,000 GIL HAAS SKIP HAAS MOTT'S FURNITURE CALL PLaza 9-5711 See Pat O'Brien, Mgr. HI 8-9242 cases & supervised nearly a million APPLY TODAY 1240 Opa Locka Blvd. MU 8-6313 BRICKLAYERS 'The Friendly Franklin' Kelvinator Automatic Dryer, treatments for approaching bald- INSURED SAVINGS PLAN BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME ness & falling hair. Ph. FR 4-7882 36 N. E. 2nd Street LARGE model, excellent For your fine selection of Educational Plan - Annuity Brick & stone work - all kinds, rm. now for consultation - no cost or condition - $75. Call TU 5-3877 dividers, patios, flower boxes, etc GREETING CARDS-^ii Occasion obligation. (Member Gesu Parish). Call George Tziganuk - PL 8-7486 HOLY ARTICLES, STATUARY, 22 N.E. 62 St. Member St. Mary's SOUTHERN BELL Power Mower, Hollywood Bed, Free estimate Ph. Bennie NE 5-2862 Books - Acceptably Catholic • Visit MATTEl HAIR EXPERTS Ch^st of Drawers, Ironing Board, MOVING TELEPHONE CO. Oil Stove, etc., etc. MO 54059 BUILDERS Suite 302, Congress Building MOVING? VAN HOEK, BUILDER The CHRISTOPHER Dressmaking and fine alterations. Have Trucks for All Size Jobs SHOWERS Advertising Service NORGE Automatic Washer - Very Homes, apts., additions or alter- BOOK SHOP, Inc. VERY REASONABLE Call Joe NE 5-2461 wants sales personnel & good condition - one year old - ations. Free estimates LO 4-2732 Phone PL 7-8016 party representatives. CA 1-5462 ONLY $60 - Call TU 5-3395 Ft. Lauderdale 850 N.W. 42nd St. NON-PROFIT - Operated by Dressmaking & alterations • also WE MOVE Large Westinghouse refrigerator Coral Gables Council K of C White woman for permanent, Little Ads — Big Results DRAPERIES MADE TO ORDER Local and Long Distance companionable helper in house > GOOD CONDITION - $75 Read and Use The 'Voice' MART 2920 Ponce de Leon Blvd. C.G. .REASONABLE - Call CA 14980 Household Goods, Office Equipmt. 10526 N.E. 3rd Ct. PL 1-5504 Store Hours •- Daily 9 to 5:30 and cattery. Must drive. Live WANTED ! ! ! Lovely ladies who Appliances, Pianos PL 1-7842 5 piece light wood Dinette set BUILDING MATERIALS FRIDAYS until 9 P.M. HI 4-6744 ANTHONY'S Transfer & Storage in or out. Good pay and nice like richness of pure silk 42 inch environment for right person. $25; full size Hollywood bed, LITTLE RIVER LUMBER YARD Organza — 15 beautiful colors, MOVING & STORAGE Epiphany Parish. O'Donovan. complete $35. Call MO 74321 Cabinet Works, Paint & Hardware Public Secretary ONLY 98c yd. Samples on request. Packing, Crating & Shipping CALL MO 1-6048 Maple dinette set with 4 chairs; LUMBER & BUILDING Material with car. Available any hour. Seelhoff 638 N.W. 62 St. PL 8-5611 Furniture, Office Equipment etc. walnut bedroom set, complete; 7:30 - 5 Daily - Saturdays 'til 3:30 Manuscript editing, dictation, FINE ALTERATIONS ON Experienced personalized service WANTED — 2 or 3 women for G.E. 2-door refrigerator. 7737 N.E. 2nd Ave. PL 9-2404 Lift-gate vans - Call FR 3-0023 part time work. $35 week Moving - SACRIFICE MO 7-7328 typing, fast, dependable. Best ladies' and girls' garments. LAMAR TRANSFER MOVERS BUILDING REPAIRS references. Miss Trent HI 5-2751 Call JA 2-8418 Ft. Lauderdale & up. CALL CE 5-7195 DISHES, POTS 'N PANS (Member St. Clement's Pariah) OPTICIANS AL - The Handyman (Facilities for phone dictation) POSITIONS WANTED - FEMALE of all kinds at low, low prices. Enclose carportes, painting, SUMMER CAMPS ANDREWS OPTICIANS MEMO tp: Immaculate Conception Parish GAS & ELECTRIC STOVES jalousies, carpentry, masonry & Children 8 to 14 - make history Rx filled-Lens, Frames Duplicated Unencumbered widow on pension Very good condition $5. household repairs. No job too 145 N.E. 79th Street PL 7-0231 AH PTA's & Mothers' Clubs • fun! Live it at Massanutten Farm. would like position as small to estimate. WI 7-6423 Horses & all camp activities! BADLY IN NEED OF Here is a chance to take PHOTOGRAPHY companion & light housekeeping. CARPENTERS For information call OX 1-4166 LeMAN STUDIO Modest salary CaU OX 1-6383 FURNITURE of All Kinds - advantage of a wonderful sale of Carpenter, paperhanging, general or write Box 47454, Miami, Fla. Weddings • Babies Miami Shores Area - Reliable Particularly Chests of Drawers, Portraits • Commercial Appliances & Lamps repairs, cement & handyman work FORMAL GOWNS lady will baby sit daytimes etc. FREE estimate. HI 4-6353 267 Alhambra Circle HI 8-9300 or evenings., Call PL 1-2923 Call HR 3-3856 for Pick-up ! ! Remodeling - General Repairs for any coming affairs - Proms, AUTOMOTIVE (10% Discount to Voice Readers) Notre Dame June graduate MISCELLANEOUS Parties, Dances, etc., etc. The NEW St. Vincent De Paul Carpentry - Cement Work PRINTING wishes job as mother's helper, Painting - Plastering etc. Practically BRAND NEW AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Patronize One of South Florida's preferably in N.E. area. CATHOLIC SALVAGE STORE All Sizes, Styles & Colors 1951 Hudson Commodore 4 door Oldest Catholic Print Shops 19 N. W. 7th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale CALL HI 4-4825 CALL PL 7-7369 has many money-saving bargains! Prices $2,*$3, $4, $5. sedan, good rubber, excellent ABBOT PRINTING CO. Want a 'Result-Getting' ad? motor - ONE OWNER - sacrifice Prompt, Reasonable Letterpress ALSO needed for the NEEDY; $100. CALL PL 7-7476 after 6 Just phone CLOTHING. FURNITURE, . Save.$ $ $ on FORMALS f and OFFSET PRINTING RUGS, APPLIANCES etc. Call AUTOMOBILE SERVICE 9080 N.E. 6th Ave. at Biscayne Miss Thompson, PL 8-2507 ALSO BRIDAL GOWNS BILL GAGNOPt Finest Process-Engraved Panelled and say "Charge It." JA 4-0716 For Pick-Up St. Vincent De Paul Catholic COLLISION SERVICE Wedding Invitations - including CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY , - Salvage Store Foreign Car Spec.-Paint-Body Shop double envelopes & tissues • 861 N. Miami Ave. FR 3-3856 Also Servicing all U.S. make cars $12 per hundred Call PL 14176 McCormick - Boyett Plumbing Co. Open 8 to 4:30 daily 1316 W. Flag. FR 9-5379, FR 9-7220 Read and Use The 'Voice' MART • Saturdays until 12:30 Thinking about Insurance of any PROMPT DAY OR NIGHT kind? . . . Inquire from a CLASSIFIED DISPLAY reliable agency listed in Plumbing Repair Service •Much about MAYH SMALL ADS - BIG RESULTS the'Voice' MART • CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY TV REPAIRS MAYbe$$$< t«J» O.P08.00000 0 0 o no oo qeq o Q o o op op poo o o o o o_o q p q o o PLaza 7-060^1 ADMIRAL to ZENITH 9443 Pork Drive Miami Shores Lin your storage room, attic or^ ELECTRIC SEWER CABLE garago ... and you KEGLER'S REKORD SKORE EARD TV CALLS PLaza 9-0355 Nights and Sundays PL 8-9622 come across many saleable^ Plus ^items while doing MAY house-J Magic Scoring in Triangle the Positive Way HI 8-6242 Tubes . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY r cleaning • and you MAY find* 1 •ready buyers through the^ BOWLERS & FANS — ERSE tells you what pins were One Year Unconditional Warranty •"Household' & "Miscellaneous'^ knocked down, left standing, Brooklyn hits. Symbol 24" Alum. Pix Tube $59.95 Inst. Miami Pioneer Septic Tank Cleaners ^columns in the 'The Voice' Mart^ 21" Alum. Pix Tube $39.95 Inst. marks, etc., Frame-by-Frame. Use Old-Fashioned way 17" Alum. Pix Tube $29.95 Inst. Serving Miami and All "North Dade Areas w . . .in MAY or any other month. ^ if you wish. 36 Years of Service in Dacfe County •To reach the buyers -4 Reliable Radio & TV RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS - Send $1.00, Tax Included, plus Name and Address 39 Beacom Blvd. Our Draintlle Installations Carry A S-Yr. Written Guarantee Call 'Ad-Taker' for 10 sheets, 5 games to sheet- Parking at MASTER'S Write to ERSE, P.O. Box 1335, Coral Gables, Flo. Phone PL 7-1000 PL 8-2507 4 'Miami's Only Discount Store' or PL 8-9646 •ofi B B 00TrB'Yo~(nnro5"o"6~6'oTro 8 tt"tt'5"5 8 B WSTtrVVVV 6 6 0 6 oo'fl» 24 YOKE Miami,; Ha. •May 27, ,1960 The Market Place for Anno un cements Sales - Services Ren tuts Real Estate

CARPENTERS - (Cont'd) TREE SERVICE (Cont'd) APARTMENTS - N.E. (Cont'd) APARTMENTS - COCONUT GROVE HOUSES N.E. (Cont'd) HOUSES - HIALEAH Trees topped, trimmed, removed, Carpenter, alterations, painting, Miami Shores Area - Lady will Brand New 'ARISTOCRAT' St. Rose of Lima - Furnished, cement work & repairs. No job palms trimmed, trees & lawns share her lovely home with lady. 3411 Main Hwy. & McFarlane Rd. clean, comfortable, 2 bedroom, too small. Call HI 4-1633 sprayed. Licensed & insured. References exchanged. PL 1-2923 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, living large yard, $85 montlt - yearly Rental $79 per month CONCRETE CONSTRPCTION NEWCOMB TREE SURGEONS room, dinette, kitchen, furnished 830 N.E. 92nd St. PL 4-8130 WITH OPTION TO BUY I ! PATIOS, drives, walks., floors • CALL MO 1-7115 Block to ST. ROSE OF LIMA or unfurnished, air-conditioned Nicely furnished 1-bedroom & heat. Covered parking. Yearly KEYSTONE TOURIST COURT Keystone, color, any size job. UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 6307 N. E. 2nd Avenue Peaceful grounds, 100 foot wide Quality workmanship - MU 8-2151 'NEW LOOK' RUG and apartment, lovely yard, $75. or seasonal. CALL HI 4-6793 river in your back yard, fishing 10765 N.E. 4th Ave. PL 8-2350 Efficiency Cottage & Trailer Spaces DRAPERIES UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS St. Hugh's NEW Parish - Help PHONE PL 4-6295 & boating - 50' private concrete 337 N.E. 110th TERRACE it grow! Furnished, cool 3-room Geo. W. Lasche, Prop. dock, 75' lot. Neatly furnished, CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES & "Don't Be A Crank • Call Hank APARTMENTS - N.W. garage apartment AND garage. cross-ventilated, BIG Florida SLIPCOVERS - REASONABLE PLaza 4-0898 Lovely garden - ONt Y $65. Furnished 1-bedroom cottage, room, pink kitchen, palm trees, CALL CA 1-7309 Walk to St. Mary's - Furnished 3400 S.W. 24th Ter. HI 3-0605 $68 yearly, adults, no pets. patio -1% miles West of Miami , (Member St. Rose of Lima Parish) cozy cottage for 1 or 2 adults. 8600 E. Dixie Hwy. PL 1-2253 "^BICIANS APARTMENTS - MIAMI BEACH Springs Bridge or 5 blocks VENETIAN BLIND SERVICES See or phone evenings, weekends HOUSES - N.W. from Town of MEDLEY sign -. £. BETTER ELECTRICALLY VENETIAN BLINDS - CORNICES 7612 N.W. 4th Ave. PL 7-7570 SUBLEASE TO JANUARY 1961 In "The Venice of America" TWO lovely 1-bedroom apartments . Near St. Mary's - NEW 5 room 7609 N. Royal Poinciana Blvd. Free Estimates - Guaranteed furnished, 2 bedroom house, (or N.W. South River Drive) MINNET ELECTRIC Refinished - Repairs - Your Home Corner duplex - 150 N.W. 77th St. (4 rooms each) Air conditioned. $125 MONTH Okeechobee Canal- or Miami River Residential and Coml Renovation Call STEADCRAFT PL 9*6844 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment or Dock & solarium - NEAR golf 7623 N.W. 4th Ave. PL 8 0859 • or will sell • . We specialize in repair-remodeling. 9510 N.W. 7th Ave. 1 bedroom apartment AND room course. REASONABLE RENT CHEERFUL ESTIMATES FREE! 2137 Calais Drive UN 6-3441 HOUSES , S.W. WATER HEATERS & bath. CALL UN 64286 Sacrifice ^ $7,750 TOTAL J Ft. Lauderdale. LOgan 6-1421 Business lady wishes to share St. Patrick's Pariah - W. 39th St. Furnished cottage for rent $250 DOWN LUdlow 3-2198 or LOgan 6-2832 LOUIS E. MILLER Plumbing Co her apartment with young lady. Completely furnished 1-bedroom from June 1st to November 1st. Water Heater Repairs & Sales Very reasonable - CA 14365 FLOOR WAXING $45 month, FR 9-1048, FR 1-7681 apartment, adults - $100 month. 4102 Lagnna Est. 1930 HI 8-9912 JE 8-0224 from 4-6 PM, weekends. 4100 S.W. 89th Ave. (off Bird Rd.) FOR KEY TO SEE' Specialist • Home or Commercial Near St. Mary's - Furnished one floor maintenance.Kitchen cleaned, bedroom apartment - $75 yearly. APARTMENTS - FT. LAUDERDALE Call LEE - TU 7-5921 waxed & polished $1.50. MU 8-0460 RENTALS 110 N.W. 75th St. PL 8-0859 SUN VIEW Apartment Motel An Excellent Selection of JALOUSIES Our Lady Perpetual Help Parish 415 S.E. 11th Ct. JA 2-3082 HOUSES & APARTMENTS Very comfortable and nicely Quiet residential - Near churches OFFICES- Old windows replaced with ROOMS - N.W. Furnished or unfurnished St. Mary's Parish - 1 or 2 rooms furnished 3 room apartment, tile SURF EpGE Apartment Motel near buses, shopping, church & DESK SPACE - Air conditioned. JALOUSIES of AWNING TYPJE. bath & shower, couple, $80 month 14809 N. E. 6th Ave. Free estimate. Call TU 8-1904 & bath, kitchen privileges, 209 N. Atlantic Blvd. JA 2-9921 schools - By Month or Year from yearly - includes utilities. ON the Ocean - From $25 WEEK. $35 month. Call WI 5-4652 LANDSCAPING private home - very lovely yard. $75. to $135 • 5811 N. Miami Ave. PL 9-2614 CALL MU 1-2916 Near St. Anthony's - 'Furnished 1 HOUSES WANTED - N.E. Chinch CONTROL Program • $15 For appointment to see - call ROOMS - NX APARTMENS - N. MIAMI BEACH bedroom, new building, carpeting. WANT TO RENT - 2 or 3 bed- ~ Guaranteed • Licensed • Insured NEW unfurnished one bedroom ALSO large efficiency, private Mary Mullen, Realtor - MO 1-7662 room home, well,located in No. AA National Lawn Service Co. Northeast 28th St. Bear Bay. entrance & bath. $80 summer & 7385 S.W. 8th Street (Trail) Miami near Holy Family Parish. Single bed-sitting room in apartment - near 163rd Street TU 7-5913 < Member St. John's) Shopping, adults, $80 yearly $100 yearly rates. JA 3-4034 - Rent $80 to $115 with option to LAWN MOWER SERVICE private home, share bath 1 lady. Business women. References 1870 N.E. 161st St. WI 5-7479 220 N.E. 12th Ave. - HOUSES - CORAL GABLES buy. Write Don Murray, 12640 MIAMI LAWN MOWER CO. N.E. 12th Ave. Miami 61, Fla. exchanged. $15 week. FR 7-2893 APARTMENTS - OPA-LOCEA IL PARADISO APARTMENTS Furnished 2 bedroom home, large Authorized Service and Parts ROOMS - S.W. NEW unfurnished 1-bedroom, or call PL 7-8166 evenings Fertilizers • Sharpening • Welding On the ocean - Weekly or monthly yard, carporte, quiet street. Epiphany Parish - NICE ROOM near buses & shopping.. Efficiency & Bedroom apartments CALL MO 5-7602 between 7:30 & 9 P.M. Paul and Ray Gigon • Off-street parking, $75 yearly * 27 S.W. 27th Ave. HI 4-2305 . with private bath & entrance. Assumption Parish - LO 4-0638 Call MO 6-8154 or MO 1-7355 Call MU 1-0805 or NA 1-6748 Even if you don't need one PAINTING 4217 EL MAR DRIVE Turn to next APARTMENTS - S.W. LAUDERDALE-BY-THE-SEA now • Don't miss seeing the MURPHY & MURPHY Rooms and/or board, walking Painting Contractors distance to town. Transportation DANE APARTMENTS - Yearly large selection of beautiful for more to Mass furnished. Pensioners & $60 - $65. Kitchen, dinette, NEW, - NEW Residential - Commercial handicapped welcome. FR 1-3862 formats offered this week Call NA 1-7771 - NA 1-1756 living room, bdses & shopping. Unfurnished 1-bedroom apartments 2120 S.W. 1st St. - PL 7-4464 ALL-EIectric G.E. kitchens, one in the \ Painting By Contract -St. Brendan's - Westwood Lake Large room, home privileges, Efficiency apartments • Air block to St. Anthony's Church 'ANNOUNCEMENT Column Interior-REASONABLE-Exterior near bus. Very reasonable. Call conditioned, TV, twin beds. 816 N.E. 4th St. Ft. Lauderdale LICENSED & INSURED - Call Several very interesting listings in REAL ESTATE Weekly $35 • Monthly $85 to $90 $100 per month. CALL JA 3-6320 Vernon L. Cassell - MU 84586 CA 1-3702 after 3 or weekends. ROOMS - CORAL GABLES BALI HAI MOTEL 'Rentals' and 'Real Estate' this PILLOW RENOVATING 1350 S.W. 2nd Ave. FR 9-2294 HOUSES - NX. week. Maybe just what you have DOHM'S SUNSHINE PILLOWS NEAR Little Flower Church Lady will share her nice home Near Trail & 24th Ave. $65 - $70 been looking for. USTINGS Renovated with NEW covers ! Beautiful NEW 1 bedroom,.quiet, Near Holy Family & ALL schools with lady - On bus line. VERY desirable 2 bedroom CBS, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CALL JA 4-5318 Ft. Lauderdale $15 weekly. CALL HI 3-3949 cool, furnished. Parking. Adults. 605 .S.E. 6th STREET To see - call OWNER at CA 1-5259 $100 monthly-OWNER LEAVING ROOMS - MIAMI BEACH 1030 N.E. 143rd St. PL 8-8012 ALSO - Pillows Made to Order. S.E. CORNER Bedroom Apartment PLUMBING Near Ocean - Room, private bath Large clean, nicely furnished, & entrance, bus at door. Call NEWLY decorated, twin beds, Want a 'Result-Getting' ad? McCORMlCK BOYETT UN 6-2120 after 7 PM or Sunday tile shower, large closets & Just phone Miss Thompson amp Plumbing Co. 24 HR, SERVICE APARTMENTS - N.E. porch. Near town, bus. Parking. PL 8-2507, and say "Charge It" We specialize in plumbing repairs LITTLE RIVER -Half block to Nice clientele. Adults $65 yearly F o r b o y s 8-1 4 9443 Park Dr., Miami Shores, Fla. Food Fair, P.O. & City bus - 1157 S.W. 5th St. FR 1-7387 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY jDay.PL 7-0606 All electric bedroom apartment, Near Miracle Mile - 2 bedroom Staffed by Salesian Fathers and Brothers Night PL 9-0355, PL 8-9622 partly furnished, adults only, furnished apartment, NEWLY • MIAMI BEACH 4 EUN UNLIMITED on 140-acre campus of will accommodate 3 people • PAINTED & DECORATED. JACK & SON > Exclusive North Beach area. ^ Plumbing Contractors ALSO an efficiency for two 3741 S.W. 26th Ter. HI 4-6876 . Near Beach, Churches, Buses. A School No Money Down • FHA Financing 135 N.E. 84th St. PL 8-8867 MODERN 1-bedroom furnished All Work Guar. - 24 Hour Service Duplex - 2 bedjpom unfurnished, apartment - ALSO efficiency. , Efficiency for 2 or 3 people, A COMFORTS & CLEANLINESS OF HOME JACOB MILAV1C. PROPRIETOR kitchen equipped, fenced yard, Near bus. 6055 W. FLAGLER St. 2035 N. W. 95th St. PL 7-7962 $75-$85 Month, Yearly } 24-HOUR A-DAY SUPERVISION $80 yearly • 1543-N.E. 131st Lane CORAL WAY - Business lady FURLONG'S TERRACE APTS. 1 Read and Use The 'Voice' MART will share her bedroom apartment 8210 Harding Ave. UN 6-1094 4 Phil Palm Plumbing with lady. HI 3-2974 after 6 SUNDAY, JUNE 19 THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 , Specializing in REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1445 N.E. 142nd Street Call PLaza 8^9896 ROOFING JOHN'S ROOFING Leaky Roofs Repaired Dr. Frank E. Gray, Jr. $5 and up. MO 7-7096 SHEET METAL SHEET METAL Chiropractic Physician ers, skylines, ducts, metal .. Free estimate. MO 1-1679 TREE SERVICE AVERETT'S TREE SERVICE A n no u n c e s Trees trimmed, topped removed. Licensed-Insured. Over 13 years. Anywhere south of Miami River MO 7-6103 (Member St. Brendan's) The Opening Of His Office ' CLASSIFIES biSPLAY "Polling on the same oar" 1 • •Fishing, Roating,- Swimming FREE FREE 10826 N. E. 6th Avenue, Miami, Fla. • Gym, Baseball, Ponies, Movies • 3 MONTHS SUPPLY SOAP 3 MONTHS WRITTEN GUARANTEE • Grafts, Hikes, Overnights With Every • Daily Mass, Catechism, Altar Boys Telephone PL 1-2961 , • Good, Wholesome, Abundant FOOD AUTOMATIC WASHER $57 and Up Also — From September to June — AN IDEAL Kenmore- RCAWhirlpool HOURS: Mon., Wed. & Fri. 2 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. BOARDINQ SCHOOL Rebuilt Like New Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 8:30 A.M. to 1 P.M. for boys — grades 5th thru 9th BUY • Write: Rev. FATHER DIRECTOR REFRIGERATORS OR BY APPOINTMENT. Mary Help of Christians School 1137 N.W. 54th Street (Member of St. Rose of Lima Parish) Tampa 5, Florida Call PL 9-6201 Call: 4-1595

May 27, 9960 THE VOICE Miami/ Fta. Page 25 Market Place for Announcements Services - Rentals Real Estate

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOUSES FOR SALE - N.W. HOUSES FOH SALE S.W. Houses For Sale • SOUTH MIAMZ Houses For Sale - MIAMI SPRINGS BEST OFFER over $500 takes $8500 Total Price EPIPHANY PARISH 549 Albatross St. - Two bedroom REAL ESTATE CBS, large Florida room, $63 TV Shop - Inventory over $1000! ST. MARY'S PARISH Epiphany Parish Owner leaving - Must sell. 941 E, 3i;st St. Hialeah Perfect house for retired couple! OFFERS! ! ! month. Price $12,500. TU 5-3605 ALL STATES REALTY For appointment call OX 1-3946 Furnished 4 room home, glassed-in If you are looking for an Houses For Sale - W. HOLLYWOOD unusual home in a fine 5965 S.W. 100th Street Bargains in S.W. Homes BUSINESS PROPERTY porch, brand new awnings, large NEW - by OWNER BUILDER! Call Leo N. LeFevre utility room & washer. See neighborhood - see this one! OPEN DAILY Two bedrooms, 1 OR 2 baths, jtfO-^-7511 • Member St. Theresa's We specialize in store properties owner on premises at Unique floor plan - SPACIOUS Big enclosed patio - -pool. in prime locations. Right now Florida room, awning windows, 8032 N.W. 9th Ave. or Call 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Large Florida Best buy in area! Secluded and carporte, built-in-oven, central Ella Allen - JE 1-1135 • - we have a good investment PL 7-9880. Evenings or Weekends room, Cuban tile floor, enclosed beautifully landscaped half paying 10% net with GLOWING heating & MANY extra features. with Walter B, Wilson, Realtor Near St. Mary's - 2 bedroom, patio, 2 car garage, utility acre, (sprinklered). Spacious Beautifully landscaped on Specializing in prospects for the future. bath, Florida, room, garage, room, circular drive, sprinkler 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Foyer, . See J. E. MARQUA system, beautifully landscaped, interesting liyjng room, built- large lot - 2 blocks from MIAMI BEACH HOMES large corner lot - $13,000 St. Stephen's Church & School. DOOLEY REALTY Miami Real Estate Mart 7501 N.W. 4th Ave. MU 5-2546 fruit trees, hibiscus hedge. in kitchen, stunning bathrooms, Located in 1-acre estate area. storage space galore, utility 6220 S.W. 20th Street ^. Specializing in Epiphany^ Parish, 7906 N.W. 7th Ave. PL 9-0563 HOME & INCOME S. Miami, Kendall & Perrine area 5820 S.W. 114th Ter. room. City water for indoor OPEN Week Ends or C j INCOME PROPERTY - HOLLYWOOD NEAR St. Michael's, school buses use. Excellent terms. TU 7-5202 Miami appointment^ SALES - RENTALS & new shopping area. CORNER 3- Call owner MO 6-6917 REALTOR CE 5-0540 St. Stephen's Parish • W. Hywd. DOROTHY B. FLYNN, Realtor Two bedroom CBS, furnished, NEW, 5 units, completely bedroom, 1 bath, screened patio C. J; FITZGERALD & closed garage PLUS separate '210 Red Rd. MO 7-2568 (24 hrs) carporte, nice landscaping. ' furnished. $31,000. BY OWNER • 4 bedroom, 2 bath Houses For Sole - CORAL GABLES $11,500 - MUST BE SEEN TO with Albert F. Baker Real Estate GOOD TERMS - Call OWNER 3 room apartment-AS INCOME. Specializing in Apartments $21,500 • TERMS. CALL CE 5-5353 CBS, 4%% mortgage, $76 month. St. Theresa's Parish - By owner be appreciated. 6434 S.W. 19th St. LOgan 6-3726 (Ft. Lauderdale) West Hollywood, Fla. 8080 N. E. 2nd Avenae St. Michael's Parish - 2 bedroom See at 8711 S.W. 41st STREET 3 bedroom, 2 bath older 2-story. PJL 1-3801 or PL 9-9026 eves. Near St. Stephen's - Furnished or CALL CA 14787 Air conditioning, heat, garage, Houses For Sale FT. LAUDERDALE 2 apartments & 1 hotel room - pink beauty, hardwood floors, Florida Realty Bureau, Inc. fireplace, Florida room • 3rd St. Brendan's Parish. Want a carporte, fenced yard - MANY SEE THIS TODAY! BARGAIN'- $14,500 - TERMS WONDERFUL FEATURES - Plus 2725 S.W. 9th Street Two offices to serve you better, 6335 S.W. 21st Street or call bedroom. $13,700 . $70 month. 3 bedroom, 2 bath CBS? Large v7- on busy thoroughfares. 5226 N.W. 4th St. HI 3-2835 Florida* room, utility & carporte. Guest house in rear - Priced NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, lovely Owner at WI 74679 (Miami) New paint throughout. By owner ior quick sale - Open Daily. large kitchen, central heat, 520 N.E. 79th St. PL 7-5576 Fine Buys, HOMES - DUPLEXES 324 SoroIIa Ave. HI 4-7559 -8411 Biscayne Blvd. PL 7-8545 Two blocks from Little Flower " HILDA ALTSCHUL, Realtor W. Bryan - 7388 S. Waterway Dr. awning type windows, only 2 Church - Very desirable rental Houses For Sale - MIAMI BEACH blocks to Church, grade-school, CORINNE M. GAMBARDELLA 3035 N.W. 12th Ave. NE 5-7061 CALL MO 7-7190 property - 4-family apartment Near St. Joseph's Church Catholic High School & large Realtor • 571 N.W. 110th Street house, living room, dinette, or call CA 1-2334 eves St. Brendan's Parish - 3 bedroom, shopping center etc. All Types of Real Estate St. Rose of Lima Parish - $450 2 bath, screened porch, carporte, Across from OCEAN & bathing ; kitchen, bedroom, bath, two beach - 2 bedroom home & three Monthly payments like rent - only Call PL 1-0308 clothes closets - ALSO - 2 down • 3 bedroom, 1 bath home. large utility. Near shopping & $87 • Open every day from 2-5 (Member St. Rose of Lima Parish) 314 N.W. 107th St. CE 5-1808 bus. One year old. Price $14,500 deluxe apartments - $59,000. or call owner JA 34034 bedroom house, 23' living room, EASY TERMS - No brokers kitchen, bath, utility room & NEAR ST. MARY'S OWNER GOING NORTH CALL OWNER- UN 6-1205 Houses For Sale - Pompano Beach LOUR REAL ESTATE closed garage. Lots 80 x 136. Realtors '• Members St. Michael's $8900 TOTAL - $1400 DOWN 3730 S.W. 104th Ct. Miami 55, Fla. HOUSES FOR SALE - HIALEAH INQUIRE 407 N. 19th Ave. or Lovely 2 bedroom, completely Close to St. Brendan's, schools, For Sale or Rent Acreage - Homes • Lots & Rentals Immaculate Conception Parish J092 S. W 27th; Ave. Ph. HI 8-6511 phone WA 24360 Hollywood, Fla. furnished - Ready to move in! shopping & buses - 3 bedrooms, Rental - $165 Monthly HOUSES FOR SALE • N.E. OPEN 1-4 576 N.W. 83rd Sfc 2 baths, fenced rear yard, Seaview Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath CBS- DIRECTLY ON WATERWAY To Colohial; fireplace, screened COCONUT GROVE Near St. Rose of Lima - 2 or 3 ' STUDEBAKER REALTY — • awnings, nicely landscaped. Intracoastal • Only $1500 Down! Houses • Lots • Apartments CallPL 9-0781 or MU 5-1818 414% mortgage, $14,800. By owner. porch, sprinkler system, carporte, Owner Moving North bedrooms, 2 baths, enclosed kitchen equipped, near shopping W. E. Margicin MO 54447 garage OR carporte, fully 8620 S.W. 41st Ter. MO 54442 $5500 Below Cost! "Grove's most cooperative broker.' St. James' Parish • 3 bedrooms, Near Variety Hospital - By owner, & buses, $15,900. Small down landscaped, $21,900 by owner • payment. Call owner TU 7-5661 CHARMING NEW CUSTOM MARIE MITCHELL, Broker builder. 355 N.E. 115th Street 2 baths • walking distance to 2 bedroom, Florida room, stove 3 bedroom, 2 bath - over 2000 • u Specializing in church, schools, shops & buses. & refrigerator, carporte, lot $62 Month -Lower than Rent! sq. ft. living area - large 20x30 N.W. • HOMES - HIALEAH BY OWNER . $11,990 100 x 75 - Total price $11,500 Immaculate Conception Parish living room, glass sliding doors ST. ROSE OF LIMA PARISH 555 N.W. 129th St. MU 8-3022 St. James Parish • MU 8-3322 Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $1500 DOWN - $75 MONTH Palm Springs - 3 bedrooms, open to screened waterway patio ] 1410 N.W 119th St. MU 1-7735 Florida room, sliding glass 1865 N.W. 5th Street 6279 S.W. 32nd St. MO 7-9588 1 bath, wall-to-wall carpeting, in beautiful Pompano Shores. ; Ideal location - Modern two- St. Brendan's Parish - 3 bedrooms, awnings, carporte, sprinkler ' TOTAL PRICE ONLY $23,900 MODERN AGE REALTY doors - MUST SELL - $22,500 system, 4%% mortgage. Call 465-N.E. 113th St. - OPEN 2 to 5 bedroom, I bath, 10x17 dining iy2 baths - less than block to EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS 249 University Drive OWNER TU 84314 or OX 14298 DUPLEXES - Shores Area room, jalousied Florida room, Church & School - 24 x 48 Wonderful opportunity for Coral Gables ^ HI 84441 detached 12x15 workshop, patio, screened porch, carporte, St. John's Parish - Spacious Catholic family with children •_ Roy Key McCleskey, Mgr. $17,500 • $24,500 Furnished barbeque, 2 blocks to school, newly furnished 2-3 bedroom MARIE MARSHALL PL 1-7990 utility room - Owner leaving - who can'walk to school & church MARY MULLEN buses & stores. $14,500, $1600 MUST SELL! Call CA 14253 home, patio, good location. immediate vicinity • yet enjoy Realtor - Member St. Brendan's down, approximately $80 a month. See owner 626 E. 24th Street the quiet refined neighborhood Lots • Homes • Acreage • Rentals Bay Point away from ALL city noise. 530 SABAL PALM ROAD HOUSES FOR SALE - N. MIAMI Epiphany Parish - 3 bedroom CBS, 7385 S.W. 8th St, " MO 1-7662 l Sacrifice - $7,750 TOTAL ! Call WE 34832 or write owner Lovely Colonial 3 bedroom, t /z hardwood floors, tile bath, WILLIAM'C. MURPHY Holy Family Parish • 4 bedroom jalousied Florida porch, enclosed $250 DOWN - Retiree's 1397 S.E. 12 St. Pompano Beach baths, exquisitely decorated. 2 bath CBS near 163rd Shopping. Peaceful grounds, 100 foot wide Realtoc Must sell! Call Laura McCarthy carporte, fenced-in back yard on LOTS FOR SALE - S.W. Member • Corpus Christ! Parish ONLY $800 DOWN! acre lot - MANY EXTRAS • Near river in your back yard, fishing PL 14941 „ Total price $12,500 FHA & boating • 50' private concrete Desirable half-acre corner, prime 3191 N.W. 7th Avflfl-g.0 P 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 8 Q P SaAiUULajLgJUiJLgJUULO. 9-6 MO 7-3903 NEW Jalousie or Awning Typo LINENS 1 Classification ANNOUNCE , / WINDOWS MAY WHITE SALE! \ J Ad to be published...... times starting Friday 1960 Call Today For FREE ESTIMATE 1 Authorized by ...... (Full name) OX 1-4298 or TU 8-4314 Fine Quality Linens - - Bedspreads, Towels etc. \ Please mail by SATURDAY far the next FRIDAY issue ta; WORLD WIDE WINDOW CO. INC. The Voice'Mart' P.O. Box 38-702 Miami 38, Florida 10% to egular prices or call -, E. J. PLIS, Owner (Member Immaculate Conception Parish) PLaza 8-2507

Pafle 26 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1960 Walter Walters, U.S. State Oept. Official, Dies Mass of Requiem was cele- Surviving is his. wife, Dorothy; j $,tin- iOu? Lady ef Deaths in the Diocese brated Wednesday in the Church a son, John C, and three step- Mercy -Cemetery-with arrange of the Little Flower, Coral Gab- daughters, Suzan, Barbara and ments under ttje direction of Peggy Taylor. Stephen Williams Louis F. Thomas Mrs. Helen K. Dudley , les, for Walter M. Walters," 73, Josberger Funeral Home. Requiem Mass was celebrated in Requiem Mass and burial were in Mass of Requiem was celebrated in St. Michael Church to* Stephen Wil- Oak Park, I])., for Louis F. Thomas, Immaculate Conception Church for an official of the U.S. State liams, 44, of 1410 NW 25th >£ve. 76, of 3511 NW First Ave. Mrs. Helen K. Dudley, 66, of 67M He came here 12 years ago from He is survived by a sephew, Ro- SW Eighth St. . , Department for many years. Walaston, Mass, bert Thomas. - -^ She came here five years, ago Surviving are two sons, Dennis * Local • burial arrangements were from Rochester, N.Y. and Nicholas and his mother. - under the direction of Van Orsdel Surviving , are a daughter, Mrs. . Mr. Walters, who died Sun- Burial was in Flagler Memorial Funeral Home. S. H. Page, and three grandchildren. -Hale eSon$,mc. Park wjth arrangements under the Burial was in Our Lady of Mercy day, was the department's of- direction of Brake-Saunders funeral Cemetery with' arrangements under Home. Mrs. Mary T. Murphy the directi»n of Carl F. Slade Funeral ficial host, since 1946, to for- Requiem Mass and burial were Home. FUNERAL HOME in Jacksonville for Mrs. Mary T. eign dignitaries visiting Miami. Deborah Marie Hackett Murphy, 80, of 8785 NW 32nd Ave. 7200 N.W. 2nd JAVE. • PLaz* 1-7523 Mass ot the Angels was celebrated She came here four years ago from Mrs. Carolyn C. Crissey Active in civic organizations, W. Keith MaeRae, F. D. Jn Immaculate Conception Church Tampa. FORT LAUDERDALE — Requiem for Deborah Marie Hackett, six, of Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mass was celebrated in Our Laoy he also was a member of the I7£0 NW 112th . St. Teresa Hart and Captain Ella Mur- Queen of Martyrs Church for Mrs. INVALID CAR SERVICE , She is survived by her parents, phy ; three sons; six grandchildren Carolyn C. Crissey, 52, of 3427 SW auxiliary of the diocesan Span- Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hackett; and five great-grandchildren. 12th Ct. two brothers, Richard and Dennis, Local burial arrangements were ish center, Centro Hispano Cato- and a sister, Joyce. under the direction of. Edward Mc- She came here from Chicago seven Haie and ,Sons Funeral Home. years ago. . Burial was m Woodlawn Cemetery lico. He lived at 3270 Riviera with arrangements under the direc- Surviving are tier husband, Joseph; tjpf Bess Funeral Home. a son Jay, and two sisters. Dr., Coral Gables. John A. Barry Burial was in Requiem Mass was offered in St. Cemetery with arrangements under '»> .... Hermelinda Kipping Brendan Church for John A. Barry, the direction of Elwood G. Baird PLUMMOL 39, of 10355 SW 111th St. Funeral Home. Requiem Mass was offered in St. .He came here 24 years ago. Rose of Lima Church -for Mrs. ^Her- A Mrs. Emily Mr Madden melinda "Kipping, 33, of 11540 W. Bis- Surviving are his wife, Eleanor; two Peter A. Gianotti cayne Canal Rd. sons, John ana Philip; two daughters, Mass of Requiem was offered in Teresa and Brenda;' his mother, Requiem Mass was celebrated In Corpus Christi Church for Mrs. Em- She came here seven years ago Mrs. Carolyn Barry, and a brother, the Church of the Little Flower, Cor- ily M. Madden, 49, of 226 NE 25th St. from Caracas, Venezuela. Edward. al Gables, for Peter A. Gianotti, She camf here 35 years ago from 1349 WEST FLAGLER STREET. MIAMI 35, FLORIDA Burial arrangements were under 76, of 741 N. Greenway Dr. Steubenville, O. Surviving is her mother, Mrs. Bl- the direction of Philbrick Funeral via Sanchez; two sons, Pedro and Mr. Gianotti died in his summer Surviving are • her hutoand, Wil- J. L. PLUMMER, JR., Manager •Edward, and two sisters Tn Caracas. Home. liam ; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. home in North Carolina. Frank J. McLaughlin; a daughter, Burial was in 'Southern Memorial Surviving are his wife, Victoria; Mrs. Joan Tacy; two brothers, Ro- Park with arrangements -under the Mrs. Mary C Feeney two daughters, Mrs. Edward Parkin- land and Donald McLaugbJn, and direction of Philbrick Funeral Home. son and Mrs. Ernie Hildan; a sister four grandchildren. . Requiem Mass was celebrated in and a brother. ; SS. Peter and Paul Church for Mrs. Burial arrangements were under Rocco Rossi Mary C. Feeney, 6», of 843 SW 13th Burial arrangements were under the direction of Flummer Funeral Ave. the direction of Josberger Funeral Home. Mass of Requiem was celebrated She came here six years ago from Home. In SS Peter and Paul Church for Stanford, Conn. / Rocco Rossi, 84, of 1426 SW 18th St. Surviving is a brother, Frank No- He can»e here 10 years ago from lan. , >r



i2-ok. ORBIT BEER 12 CANS 159 30-OZ. < MIDTOWPt SODA ^5 BTLS. 49 QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED 1O-LB. PIONEER BAG FRESH COOKED Charcoal Briquettes 69- READY TO EAT - GENUINE MERCURY QUART C MAINE CHARCOAL „ •..-." CAN 29 250 COUNT C LOBSTER Ass't. Color Napkins TO PACKAGE 39 S0LIDPACK 70Z Bumble Bee TUNA WHITE MEAT CAN LB. 89 FIRST PEACHES OF THE SEASON! California PEACHES • • • • LB-39 NEW FLA. 'B' SIZE 5-LB. POLY VISIT OUR NEW White Potatoes BAG 29 PICNICS CUSTOMER SERVICE TOP U.S. CHOICE - P.S.G. BRAND MEAT DEPARTMENT BONELESS 1.89 Crossrib Roast LB. 79 HICKORY SMOKED - SHORT CUT - WELL TRIMMED KITCHEN FRESH Smoked Beef Tongues LB. 55c COOK-OUT HDQRS. Potato Salad FOR YOUR OUTDOOR BAR-B-Q OR Cole Slaw TOP U.S. CHOICE - P.S.G. BRAND Boneless Cube Steaks 89 LB. FREE 25 you desire! CUP 39 MERCHANTS GREEN STAMPS Chuck Steaks..L. 49 2O55 LEAN -FRESH - JUICY ~^*± C MINUTE MAID Ground Chuck.LB 79 CORAL LEAN - MEATY WESTERN ORANGE C WAY SPARE RIBS.. LB 39 Specializing in the finest I U I C E FARMER GRAY - GRADE "A" - GA. SHIPPED U.S. PRIME 6-OZ. CHICKEN 1 Legs 59c Breasts LB. 69c CANS B Steaks & Roasts, 5 FROZEN 89 PARTS /Wings LB 29cBacks 3 LBS. 29c trimmed to order! Merchants Green Stamps...Your Bonus with!very Purchase

Page 28 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 27, 1960