In 1962, with Participants Vms 1963: 150, 1964: 350, and 1965: 244

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In 1962, with Participants Vms 1963: 150, 1964: 350, and 1965: 244 The TNT;:<;RNJ,TIONAL FEDERATIOl~ OF LIBRI\RY J1SSOC .f\TIOI':ts ( I FLf/B' IAB), 1961-65. I by J'nthony Tho mpson, II ••"' . • , F .L.r'~ .;, General Secretary. The whole of the a ctivitie s Jf IJi'LA/FIAB is devoted to promoting international co- operation in the 'field of librarie s and bibliography. IFIJ\ considerably suppler;ents the' activities fllf the Division of Libraries of UNESCO. In 1961 IFIJ, had 87 " £1eob er:-:- a.~~~a~ions", including four international associations. Countrie s having no association we r e r epresented by gove r:nrn ental 11 bodie s. In 1965 IFLA had 95 " meober-associations , including 5 inte rnational associations; in addition the re ·we re 12 new 11 associate members", consisting of libraries and s chools of libraria.nship ad1:1 itted in this new category unde r the revised statutes of Septemb e r 1964. From 1961 to 1964- t he Executive Board consisted o·f the President, Treasure r, and 10 vice-pre sidents, but in 1964 the numb e r of vice-presidents was r edu ced to f our. From 1958 to 1963 the President was Dr. G. Htfmann, Director of the Bavarian State Libraries; in September 1963 Sir Frank Francis was el ected for thr ee years, r e new able for a second period of three y ears. The Secr e t aria~ was, during the pre sidency of Dr. Hofmann)at the Bavarian Stat e Library, !'unich, and the Secretary was Dr. J. \lie d e r ~ sho spe nt h alf of his official time on I FLA work. In 1962, with extra financial su]port from Unesco, a pa id pe rmanent secretary was appointe d; t his post was at first fille d t emporarily by Hiss n. Razumovsky, of the Austrian National Library, and at the e nd tf 1963 pe r manently by l'r. J,nthony Thompson. Following the e l e ction of t h e nev;. pre side nt in Sept emb e r 1963, the Secr etariat moved fro m Hunich to England, att a;he d t o the British 11:iu seum, but with its office in Sevenoaks, Kent. 1 The Council (late r G e n~ r al ..£OJ:lE.SJJJ of IFIJ/FL',B _, consisting of repre senta­ tives tf e ach of its memb e r-associations, me t a s f~llo w s: 1961 (Septemb e r) at ,, Edinburgh, 1962 (i,ugust) at Berne , 1963 (Septemb e r) at Sofia, 1964 (Septembe r) a t Rome , 1965 (I ugust) at Helsinki. In the l a st 3 ye ars the numb e r of p a rticipants vms 1963 : 150, 1964 : 350 , and 1965: 244. The s e figure s include observers and memb e r s of participant s' familie s. It is the Sections and C•mruittees of IFLI which do its solid and specialize d ' ~ 1 wo rk. The ir r eports and r e solutions a r e give n annually in the le t~. The following is a summary of the ir activities during the last 5 years: ~O NS (_t)lile s _£f li~rar~ Section of National and University Libra ries. 1) Following the Une sco Syrnpo sium on Nationa l Librarie s of 1958, the functions of the national library we r e studied7• 8 2) Legal deposit of publications was the subje ct of t wo r eports and a final detaile d study by J. Broc k will be published in 1967 by the Biblioth'8que Royal de 1 Belgique. I r eport was given on the co-operative acquisition of books in !\ S cand 2nav2a. - 9 • The Sub-section of University Libraries has studie d 1) the r el ations ~f · centr~ libraries to faculty, institute and seminar librari es; and 2) r eading . t u R .. ,10 rooms in univ e r~ity libraries, on vvhich ·two studie s were wri ten by !'• OJnlc libraries with the doubl e function ef unive rsity kand .national nr r egional 11 .•; libraries • ' S ~ ction of _T8'chno1o gic§l Univ e rs~_tr~-r~~ ( IITUL). Its · activities we re . .- :. '. : . ' . r eporte d· i-n the !ITUL Newslette r, and.. a list of the activities of its 85 12 membe r libraries was published -~ ith its annu al r epo r t for 1964-- 5 '· · The t el ecode rif •1957 was ·r evised and publishe d, by IFLJ~ , with an address book in 13 1966 ; Section of Public Libra rie s. The previous work cf this secti on hacl already boon revlewe. d14 • ·In 1962 c.o -operation b et vme n public librarie s and r esearch libraries was studied, and five r eports published on the situation in Swe den, Britain, . 15 France , Holla nd and Cz echoslovakla • In 1963/4- .the encouragement of the use of public libra ries and of r eading wc£ s studie d, a nd six r 'eports prepare d; two 1 of these , on the USJ, and Pola nd, we r e publishe d ' In 1965 four pape-rs we r e prepar ed on libr;.,_ry l egisia tion17 • .,.~ 1'J:.e Sub-:-_J>_ection on ~Jb:r:~!:.:SY Work v.Jith Children studied 1 ) the translation of 18 children's books, on which a bibliogr aphical pe.mphle t was publishe d ; 2) 19 libra ry service tD children, on v1hich a bookl e t vv ith this title was published containing studies from 16 countries. This cont~. ins a memorandum stating t h e principles of library vw rk n ith childr en. I bibliogr aphy of ·works on libra r y . 2.0. vwrk Wl t h chlldren ha.s b een made , • Sub-section on Hosuital Libraries for Pati e nts. St~dy; _the organization of 0:.,....,. - -~ ~ . -"T""'-"-""'"= - ' ho spital ·libraries in the member co1,1ntrie s of IF'U.. J,n account of the Belgian . .. 21 . libra rie s was publishe d • 1'. list of experts from 20 countries was _drawn up·. · The S ec~ ion of Spes:i,aJ,_.Libraries began its activitie s at the Rome sessiop. in 22 Septembe r 1964-, and published its own pe riodical . in J n.nua r.-y_ 1966 • . I~ 1965 • ~ l a sub-section of ·obse rvatory libra rie s was founded. .; The Section of Libra ries & Fuseums of t he Theatre Lrts .h eld its 5th congress in 23 24 Pa ris in 1961 , its 6th congress ~~t Hunieh in 196.3 , and its 7th ·congress at · . 25 ' . Jmst e rdam ln 1965 • Subje cts .discus-sed we r e : . the catal9guing of .poste rs, graphic works of art, r ecordings of sound, etc.'.; the s torage and• ha ndling of films, t ape s, r e c.;rds, etc • . "" The Section of :Pa rlic;une ntary and Jdmin i s~ r ativ e Libraries i s conpiling a directory of the se libra rie s; and h as proposed the compilation of an inter­ 26 n FJ tional biographical di ctiona ry of pa rliamentarians ; but this cannot b e done v1 i thin IFLh . ,. COI<§TSITTEES . (pro}?lelJ_ls of librar_y work)~ Committee en Uniform Catalo_gu~ Ru l e~ . 1 fter long preparations during 1959 a nd 1960 by the Organizing . Gommittee in .. Lo ndo n, a nd the provision in 1960 of a gen,e rous . -2- grant of %'95, 000 by t he Council on Libra ry Resources, Wa shington, the International Conference o~ Cataloguing Principles was he ld at Une sco, Paris, in October 1961. 27 I great measure of, 11.gre e:ne nt wE\. s achiev-\'ld, thanks largely to the det a ile d prepa ration by the Executive Se cret a ry, }'\r . .: .H. Chaplin~ and thfs l e d the IFIJ. - - - -;\- ~ .. Counc'i1 at · Be rne in 1962 to demand fur the r study of special problems : entries 2B . 29 · _-- • -- - • . 30 f o r t h e narnes ·of persons · , for name s of state o , and f or anonymous -.class.l _cs -,_. J:n annotated euition of _the Principle s, V{ ith exampl e s, edited by I.H. Ch aplin a nd Do rothy -~>:nderson,; i _s to ;be published by IE'Ll in 1967 , 'l'he Committee on Unio:;_J :Cat alogu e s a nd Inte rnational Loans studi ed 1) the function of -~ el-:--~~~~th:- · ~~~~~ 11 - 9fk ~-~~~o g ~: 3 1 ~ -;0~·::;:-;:--~:~ ·:, of international l ending 32 & 33 ) . -. ' . ·. 34 , and 3 · the -s t atl:3 tl.c s _of - l m :; ernatlonal lendlng • He r e r ec e ntly the Committee h a s wo rke d on the r evision of the stendar d fci r m for inte rna tional· 35 . 36&37 l oans · • Two guide s- to unio~ c at alogues and the ir t echnique we re publ:1shed · , 38 ana' an a r t lC. J e on r eproauc- , . t lo. n s l e n+u ll1. l l. eu o f b oo k·s • . 'L' ~Q..~~:~ i t!2-et_~~-i;h~.!.£fl El~.. ; ..8.L .fubllio.tion_E?_ studled 1) . th~ acceptance by · VD.rlous· · count r l· e s 0 1-": ._._,._ n_ e t- wo c, o·n v e n'c +ons· · on· 'r· nv+ ern• a t:lon a 1 Exc h-anges 39 • . · 1">) any othe::' c:_ uesti on s we r e t ockle d, such a s exchange of dupli c ates, · the compilation of lists o.f'governme ~i; pub lica tions, p.~?- t h e at t e ~dance by exchange personnel at i nte rnationaJ:.
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