Electromagnetic INP (Innovative Naval Prototype)

CDR Carl Carney 2016 EDO Symposium 29 APR – 01MAY 2016 EM Railgun INP

• S&T Customers: ONR Code 35 • Transition Customers: – PMS 405—PEO Ships • CAPT Ziv – Dual Hatted with IWS

• ONR-RC Focus Areas: – • RC Project Lead: CDR Carl Carney – NSWC Dahlgren Support: CDR Cynthia Holland

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Is this what you think of when you hear RAILGUN?

80 cm German Gun “Dora” circa 1942


For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change ONR / NRL Science and Technology: Taking Science Fiction… • 2

– Video 1

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Hollywood – Style Navy

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Paramount Pictures (2009) For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change …and Making Science Fact • NRL—2 lines: Medium Cal MTF & small bore SRG – Video2 & – 3 Video3 –

• NSWC Dahlgren--5 lines and increasing

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change NSWC Dahlgren 32-MJ Launch Event

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Dahlgren Dispense Video

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change BAE ACL Firing Video

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Naval S&T Portfolio

Broad 5-20 years Discovery & Invention 4-8 years (Basic and Applied Leap Ahead Science) Focus 2-4 years Innovations

Technology (Innovative Naval Prototypes) Maturation 1-2 years ≈ 12% ≈ 45% (FNCs, etc) Quick Reaction & Other S&T ≈ 30% ≈ 8% Narrow Near Time Frame Long

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Transitioning Science and Technology

Transitioning Science and Technology to a Program of Record

Crossing the Valley of Death

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change The Valley of Death The Divide Between S&T and Program Management S&T Enables R&D

Purpose of S&T: – Creates technological advantage and revolutionary capabilities for the warfighter – Informs early warfighting concept development in the “science of the possible” – Fuels innovation across DOTMLPF, not only materiel solutions – Informs the requirements development process – Prevents technological surprise


Ideation • Nurture the Gather the • Promote • Growth • S&T Phase: Inputs Maturity, Military • Deliver S&T to SYSCOMs and PEOs Plant the • Tech Demo • Application Seeds Risk of High High Moderate Low - Success Expected failure* • • • • Budget 6.1 Basic Research 6.2 Applied 6.3 Advanced Tech 6.4 Advanced 6.5 System 6.6 RDT&E 6.7 Operation “Valley of Death” Activity Science Principles Research Demo component Development and Management System Discoveries Application of Prototypes and (BA)/ development and Demonstration Support Development (Phenomenology) research to demonstrators prototype RDT&E military problems (Utility) Objective: (Feasibility) S&T R&D For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Valley of Death Issues 1. The Innovative Naval Prototype Model is designed to take a high risk disruptive technology and mitigate those risks by: a. Developing science and engineering /integration in parallel. a. NRL developing the science and has 2 systems b. NSWC Dahlgren has 2 major cal systems and 4 or so medium cal systems c. Intent is to find out where we fail and fail early so as to find solutions in the R&D phase prior to initiation of program of record

2. Challenges still to be conquered a. We have not settled on a rail material set yet b. Corrosion issues are just now being looked at c. No one has gotten a railgun barrel “wet” yet, and this is going on the bow of a ship d. Simulation and prediction needs to be better, which means that coupled physics elements and transient material properties need to be better e. Isolating RG from rest of ship’s grid during firing will be important

3. Railgun is NOT a program of record yet a. There is still time to address these issues prior to milestone 0/milestone 1 b. Due to be a program of record in about 2 years—probably ACAT 1 or 1A For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change DoD that Changed Warfighting EM Railgun INP Phase II

FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17

Rep-Rate Pulsed Power

Prototype Fabrication & Install Demo

Rep Rate Lab Launcher with Design Initial Rep-Rate Fabrication & Install Rep-Rate Demo Auto-Loader (Enables 100+ NM application) 5MJ Rep-Rate Testing EMLF Test Facility Rep Rate NSWCDD Industry Launcher

Concept Design Preliminary – Detail Design and Fabrication Industry Launcher Rep-Rate Demo INP II Focused on Rep-Rate and Thermal Management For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change EM Railgun INP: The Technology • What a Railgun is NOT:

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change EM Railgun INP Technology • What a Railgun is NOT: • Coil Gun Systems are the “Mac Truck” of EM Launch – Accelerate tons of payload to 100s of MPH/KPH

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change EM Railgun INP Technology • What A Railgun Is: Launch by alone – Accelerates a modest 15 – 30 kg weight to Mach 7.5 + – Direct Current (DC Device)—single turn motor – Is a High Current Device (millisecond time scale) – Requires Metal to metal Sliding contact between rails – Uses Base-Push : Projectile not part of circuit Flight body Conducting armature Front bore rider and scoop Rails

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Basic Railgun Operating Principle Operating Principle Cross-Section

(4)(4) SabotSabot andand armaturearmature discards

(3) Force from and armature current pushes projectile down barrel

Insulator B Rail

F Composite Wrap (2) closes, current J flows through cables, rails & armature

(1) Electrical energy stored in = Current (J) X Magnetic Field (B) bank or Lorentz Force =1/2 Gradient (L’) * Current (I)^2 For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change MTF Railgun Operation

Main Closing Modern railguns use Switch high energy density caps and solid state Armature Rails I I



I 0 Capacitive Crowbar Switch 0 Traps Energy in Inductor 0 Current

0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Breech Velocity Muzzle Voltage

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change EM Railgun INP Technology • Railguns are the Formula 1 race cars of EM Launch – Zero to Mach 7.5+ in 6 to 10 Meters (or less)

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Railgun Operational Impact

• Wide Area Coverage – Increased speed to target – Long range fire • Accelerates operational tempo – Faster attrition of enemy personnel and equipment – Operation timeline shifts left • Reduces Cost per Kill – Lower Unit Cost – Lower handling cost • Enhances Safety – No risk of sympathetic detonation – Simplified storage, transportation and replenishment • Multi-Mission Capability – Reduced collateral damage • Surface Warfare – No unexploded ordnance on • Missile Defense battlefield • Long Range Fires • Reduces Logistics • Direct Fire – Eliminates gun powder trail • ASuW – Deep magazines Multi-Mission Capable for Offense and Defense For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Range and Trajectory for Future Guns Systems EM Gun can provide 100 – 200+ nm range for precision guided munitions

TOTAL RANGE (km) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 500 160 Future 80 Current Assault 140 STOM Range Requirement Requirement 70 (MV-22) 120 64MJ RAILGUN 2007-17 196240 sq miles (@ 250 nm) 60 6 min time of flight 100 7 Ships, 2 guns, 5000 rnds /Ship 50 EML Projectile IOC: 2020 80 32MJ RAILGUN OPTION 45216 sq miles (@ 120 nm) 40 Altitude (nm)

Altitude (km) 4 min time of flight 60 32MJ EML Projectile 30 155 mm / LRLAP AGS 40 •29544 sq miles (@ 97 nm) 20

5 •6 min flight @ max rng ” / ERM •7 ships, 2 guns, 600 rnds/ship 20 10

5”/54 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280


For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change EM Railgun INP Relevance to Warfighter and Navy • Impact: Mach 7.5 beats conventional Mach 1 to Mach 3 every time! – Shock and Awe taken to the next level – Multiple missions and relatively small footprint • NRL(indoor range) NSWC_DD(outdoor range)

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Relevance to Warfighter and Navy

• Three potential employment schemes to-date: – 1. Indirect fire mission (Naval Gun Fire Support) – 2. Direct Fire (Battle Group Defense from hypersonic threats) – 3. Forward Operating Base defense (“Iron Dome”)

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change High Current Sliding Contacts Dominate Railgun Physics High pressure metal-metal Sliding Contact Velocity • contact • Time and velocity dependent High Armature Pressure current distributions Velocity comparable to field Magnetic Field • (current) penetration times

Current Velocity Rail

Current Railgun by the Numbers

• Projectile Energy – 20 kg LP with 15 kg flight body – Kinetic energy shell – penetrator or small area footprint – Projectile will arrive at target at ≈ 1.5 km/s – ≈ 17 MJ on target per projectile • TNT contains ≈ 4.6 MJ/kg chemical energy • KE energy focused on target

3000 lb 353 mph 8 lb TNT

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change State of the Art in Electric Launchers

Property 1990 Present NRL Notional Weapon Gun Length (m) 8 11 6 10-12 Bore Diameter (mm) 90 135 55 ≈150 Launch Energy (MJ) 9 33 1.5 20-32 Projectile Mass (kg) 3 8 0.5 15-20 Current (MA) 2 4.0 1.5 4.0-5.5 Shots/Rail (No.) 5 >100* 20 >1000

*Bore life predicted to be 400+ Progress is being made NSWCDD LL: 3.0 MA,16 MJ at an increasing rate! Size Matters!

NRL MTF: 1.5 MA,1.5 MJ For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Smaller Projectile, Non-explosive, Smaller Footprint More Energy on Target ConventionalFor instructional purposes only.Conventional Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Projectile A Projectile B Naval Railgun 7 MJ 14 MJ 17 MJ

88 Inches

60 Inches (MJ per per (MJ Shot)

30 inches Prop

Available on Target Energy Available Prop Charge Charge

Objective Range 63 nm 100nm 220 nm Flight Time 6 Minutes 6+ Minutes 6 Minutes WeightFor instructional 110 purposes lbs + 40 only. lbs Actual schedules260 and lbs platforms + 90 lbs subject to change 44 lbs + 3 gals Warhead Explosive Explosive Non-Explosive NRL Materials Testing Facility

Energy • 12 MJ Capacitor Bank Store • Solid State Switches • Diagnostic access • Evacuated target chamber • Filtered exhaust system • Orthogonal X-ray imager • 5-m transport MTF Railgun • Muzzle Arc Horn

X-Ray Muzzle Breech

Target Chamber For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change State-of-the-Art Capacitor Bank Design • Twenty-four 500 kJ Modules • Thyristor switched with crowbar system • Independent triggers/charging supplies for pulse shaping • in crowbar leg to modify decay, decrease action • Coaxial cable connection to breech

B. M. Huhman, J. M. Neri, T. L. Lockner “EFFECT OF RESISTANCE MODIFICATION ON EML CAPACITOR BANK PERFORMANCE”, presented at the 2009 IEEE Int. Pulsed Power Conf., Washington, DC.

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Rail Surface Images Used to Determine Wear

• Flat steel Rail Liners on copper rail • Hydraulic load to 27 cm inside containment (-) • Deposition through 350 cm • Grooving start to ≈300 cm (+) • Muzzle end at 610 cm Deposition Containment Start Start 27 cm

50 cm Grooving 100 cm 150 cm 200 cm

300 cm 400 cm 500 cm 600 cm

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change FY 17 At-Sea Demonstration

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change May The Lorentz Force Be With You

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change 35 EM Railgun INP Frequently Asked Questions • 1. Do you need a nuclear power plant to run a railgun?-----No. one could be used so long as it put out , but a quicker response system than steam (e.g. gas turbines with battery backup) is desired.

• 2. Can you hit a satellite? Not in the specifications. Railgun complies with all US signed treaty requirements—so we are not allowed to go there!

• 3. From NASA: Can EM technology launch a dry goods package to space for space station re-supply? Technology is there, but need a launcher the size of a mountain and power output of Chicago. System is not practical

• 4. Why aluminum for the armature? Armature is parasitic mass. Aluminum is lightest weight for optimum electrical conductivity

• 5. Projectile questions:--Please see Charles Garnet or Projectile IPT team. As far as the launcher, the projectile is only a mass ahead of the armature

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change Questions

For instructional purposes only. Actual schedules and platforms subject to change