Issue No.91 September 2008 The Rise of Fascistic Politics and How Judge Nicholson Handed Mbeki’s Head on a Platter to the Zuma Brigade APDUSA VIEWS P O BOX 8888 CUMBERWOOD 3235 1 e-mail:
[email protected] ` THE RISE OF STALINIST/FASCIST POLITICS IN POST 1994 SOUTH AFRICA Introduction The hallmark of fascist politics is its extreme intolerance of views which contradict and differ. Fascist politics is unable to debate and discuss rationally and usually seeks to win an argument by violence or threats of violence. Exposure of its illegitimate activities is something which this brand of politicians cannot stand. You will usually find the fascist politician foaming and fulminating against opposition parties, branding them in the most hated terms, usually linking them with the hated former oppressive regimes. The press which has the power to transmit information and the skill to craft that information in the most effective manner and which has an army of investigators and writers called journalists and reporters comes in for special hatred. The press, more than others, is able to ferret out sensitive information, obtain confidential documents and has access to the most hidden secrets of people in power or positions of influence in the State, in politics, in industry or the church. Between the might of the state, the powerful groups and vested interests and the individual or civil society stand the law courts of the country. In a constitutional democracy, the law courts uphold the constitution. Through its judgements and orders, the law is applied and enforced.