
Architectural Design Services, Pre-design Assessment for the Massey Performing Arts Centre

Mandatory Information Meeting 9:00 am, Local Time on Thursday, August 8, 2013 New Westminster City Hall 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC

Closing Time: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 3:00 PM, Local Time, Vancouver BC

Closing Location: Main Reception Desk City of New Westminster 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC, V3L 1H9

Further requests for information : Purchasing: Heather Rossi Intermediate Buyer Telephone: 604-515-3781 Facsimile: 604-527-4509 Email: [email protected]


Address: (including Postal Code)

Contact Name:

Telephone number:

Facsimile number: Email:

Signature: by officer with express authority to enter into contract Dated

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1.0 DEFINITIONS ...... 3 2.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 3 3.0 PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS ...... 3 4.0 MANDATORY INFORMATION MEETING ...... 4 5.0 ADDENDA ...... 4 6.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS ...... 5 6.1 Ownership Of Proposals And Freedom Of Information ...... 5 6.2 Confidentiality of City Information ...... 5 6.3 Proponent’s Expenses ...... 5 6.4 Compliance With Laws and Regulations ...... 5 6.5 Contacting City Representatives ...... 5 6.6 Client / Service Agreement ...... 5 6.7 Permits And Licenses ...... 5 6.8 Conflict of Interest ...... 5 6.9 Living Wage Policy ...... 6 7.0 TERMS OF REFERENCE ...... 6 8.0 BACKGROUND...... 7 9.0 PROJECT BUDGET ...... 8 10.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES ...... 8 11.0 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK ...... 8 12.0 DELIVERABLES AND SCHEDULE ...... 8 13.0 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND PREPARATION ...... 8 14.0 PRICING ...... 9 15.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND SELECTION ...... 9 16.0 REFERENCES ...... 10

Appendix A – Needs Assessment and Market Analysis ...... 62 Pages Appendix B – Functional Review ...... 27 Pages Appendix C – Comparison of Program Areas ...... 2 Pages Appendix D – Supplementary Conditions to AIBC Document 8 ...... 5 Pages

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1.0 DEFINITIONS “Services Agreement” “Agreement” “Contract” means the contract for services that will be issued to formalize with the successful Proponent through negotiation process with the City based on the proposal submitted and will incorporate by reference the Request for Proposals, any addenda issued, the Proponent’s response and acceptance by the City.

“City” “Owner” means City of New Westminster.

“Consultant” “Contractor” “Project Manager” means the person(s) firm(s) or corporation(s) appointed by the City to carry out all duties, obligations, work and services first contemplated in the Request for Proposals and all associated documentation, which may also include mutually agreed revisions subsequent to submission of a Proposal. Both “Consultant” “Contractor” “Project Manager” and “Proponent” are complimentary in terms of duties, obligations, and responsibilities contemplated at the Request for Proposals stage, through evaluation process, execution, and performance of the Project Management Services.

“Proponent” means responder to this Request for Proposals.

“Proposal” means the submission by the Proponent.

“RFP” ”Request for Proposals” shall mean and include the complete set of documents, specifications, drawings, and addenda incorporated herein, and included in this Request for Proposals.

“Services” means and includes the provision by the successful Proponent of all services, duties and expectations as further described in this RFP.

“Supply” “Provide” shall mean supply and pay for, and provide and pay for.

“Shall” “Must” “Will” “Mandatory” mean a requirement that must be met.

2.0 INTRODUCTION The City is inviting architectural firms to reassess and to revise an existing preliminary functional/space program and cost analysis to meet current budget parameters. Proponents must be architects registered with the Architectural Institute of British Columbia and have extensive experience in theatre design.

3.0 PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS One (1) electronic and three (3) hard copies of the Proposal, including one signed and initialled copy of this Request for Proposal, are to be submitted and clearly marked on the outside envelope or box as follows:

NWRFP-13-36 Architectural Design Services, Pre-design Assessment for the Massey Performing Arts Centre Attention: Purchasing Manager

The City of New Westminster will receive Proposals at the location and time indicated on the title page of this Request for Proposal. The clock at the MAIN RECEPTION DESK is the official clock.

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It is the Proponent's responsibility to ensure that the City receives its Proposal prior to the stated Closing Time. The City does not accept facsimile, electronic mail, or other unsealed submissions. The City will not consider late proposals.

It is the responsibility of each proponent to seek clarification on any matter relating to this proposal. Requests for clarification must be made in writing to Heather Rossi, Intermediate Buyer, City of New Westminster, email: [email protected]

The City will respond to enquiries that it considers relevant to this RFP, which the City will determine in its sole discretion. The City or Purchasing Manager will only respond to those written queries received at least ninety-six (96) hours prior to the Closing Date and Time.

The City’s representative will not answer enquiries directly. The City will record enquiries and post replies on the City’s website at City of New Westminster | Bid Opportunities | Business | Request for Bids & Proposals - Open along with any additional information and addenda to this RFP.

It is solely the responsibility of the Proponent to check the City’s website regularly for all information related to this RFP. The Proponent shall acknowledge any Addenda in its Proposal. Failure to acknowledge any Addenda may result in disqualification of the Proponent.

The City accepts no responsibility for any information provided by its employees or agents that is not in writing in accordance with this section. The City cautions Proponents that information obtained from any other source is not official and may be inaccurate.

Proposals shall be irrevocable for a period of ninety (90) from date of closing. Successful Proposals submitted may become part of contracts for services. The Proponent has not nor will not copyright the Proposal and offers it for any purposes of the City.

4.0 MANDATORY ORIENTATION MEETING The City has arranged a Mandatory Information Meeting and Site Viewing for all Proponents on 9:00 am, Local Time on Thursday, August 8, 2013 at 9:00 am at New Westminster City Hall, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC.

To be eligible to submit a Proposal for this RFP, Proponents must attend the Mandatory Information Meeting. Failure to attend the Mandatory Information Meeting will result in disqualification of the Proponent.

5.0 ADDENDA 5.1 Should addenda to the Request for Proposal documents be required for any reason, it is the City’s intention not to issue addenda during a period three (3) days prior to the Proposal Closing date and time.

5.2 Proponents are responsible for checking the City’s website for any addenda or other information relating to this Request for Proposal.

5.3 All Addenda become part of the Proposal documents. Proponents are responsible for including any adjustment costs in their Proposal. The Proponent must acknowledge receipt of any Addenda in their Proposal. Failure to acknowledge any Addenda may result in disqualification of the Proponent. Document #452228

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6.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 6.1 OWNERSHIP OF PROPOSALS AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION All documents submitted to the City in response to this RFP or as part of any subsequent negotiation will become the property of the City, and will not be returned. Proponents should also be aware that the City is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). A proponent may stipulate in their proposal that portion of the proposal contain confidential information and are supplied to the City in confidence. However, under FOIPPA, the City may nevertheless be obligated to disclose all or part of a response pursuant to a request made under the Act, even if the proponent has stipulated that part of the proposal is supplied in confidence. The proponent should review section 21 and other provisions of FOIPPA in order to gain a better understanding of the City’s disclosure responsibilities under the Act.

6.2 CONFIDENTIALITY OF CITY INFORMATION Proponents must not disclose any information acquired about the City during this RFP process unless authorized in writing by the City, and this obligation will survive the termination of this RFP process. The awarding of any contract or the reaching of any agreement for the provision of services to the City will not permit any Proponent to advertise a relationship with the City without the City's prior written authorization.

6.3 PROPONENT’S EXPENSES Proponents shall be solely responsible for their own expenses in preparing a proposal and subsequent negotiations with the City, if any. If the City elects to reject all proposals, the City will not be liable to any Proponent for any claims, whether for costs or damages incurred by the Proponent in preparing the proposal, loss of anticipated profit in connection with any final Contract, or any other matter whatsoever.

6.4 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS Any successful Proponent must be prepared, at no extra cost, to give all the notices, and obtain all the licenses and permits required to provide the services in the City of New Westminster and to comply with all Federal Provincial and Municipal laws applicable to the services or the performance of the contract, including those of WorkSafe BC.

6.5 CONTACTING CITY REPRESENTATIVES Proponents shall not contact City elected officials, officers, or employees directly or indirectly regarding this RFP except as indicated in this RFP.

6.6 CLIENT / SERVICE AGREEMENT The successful Proponent will be required to enter into a contract with the City of New Westminster, based on the AIBC Document 8C -2010 Standard Short Form Contract Between Client and Consultant and the City of New Westminster Supplementary Conditions to AIBC Document 8C -2010 Standard Short Form Contract Between Client and Consultant, attached in Appendix D.

6.7 PERMITS AND LICENSES The successful Proponent is required to obtain a City of New Westminster Business license prior to commencement of work.

6.8 CONFLICT OF INTEREST By submitting a proposal, the Proponent warrants that neither it nor any of its officers, directors, employees or subcontractors, has any financial or personal relationship or affiliation with any elected

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official or employee of the City of New Westminster or their immediate families which might in any way be seen or perceived (in the City’s sole and unfettered discretion) to create a conflict of interest.

6.9 LIVING WAGE POLICY Effective January 1, 2011, the City of New Westminster became a “Living Wage Employer”. As such, the City has established a Living Wage Policy that requires all firms that are contracted by the City to provide services on City premises, to pay their employees, who perform said service on City property, a Living Wage as calculated by the Living Wage for Families Campaign. The figure for 2013 for the Lower Mainland is $19.62, assuming no benefits are provided by the employer.

In order to determine an employee’s hourly rate with benefits the Living Wage for Families has created a Living Wage Calculator to assist with this determination. Please access the following website to determine your compatibility. /

The City includes in all its competitive bid documents a Declaration referencing the City’s expectations with regards to compliance of the Policy. Completion and submission of the Declaration is required prior to Contract award.

In evaluating submissions, the City intends to rely on the Declaration provided by a Respondent and shall have no obligation or duty to investigate the truthfulness of the Declaration. Please review the City’s Living Wage Policy for further information.

7.0 TERMS OF REFERENCE 7.1 In order to finalize the work of the Massey Performing Arts Centre (MPAC), a theatre consultant is required. The theatre consultant is to work with the quantity surveyor and determine new costs. As part of the terms of reference for the proponents, the following assumptions are made:

a) The consultants will work with City Council, City staff and the MPAC Advisory Task Force;

b) The consultants are to remove the elements from the 2012 Functional Review that are non- theatre related;

c) Although the 2013 Needs Assessment shows that the theatre could be 750 – 850 seats, since the number of seats is not a significant financial driver, the 1000 seat number will be recommended to the consultants, at this time. Council will be in a position to review the number of seats again after the consultants have provided a new budget estimate, and determine if the number of seats should be revised;

d) Given the Massey Theatre Society’s (which manages the Massey Theatre) interest to fundraise, the consultants will identify and remove the components from the 2012 Functional Review that are eligible for senior government grant funding;

e) As an overall budget for a regional theatre is prudent, the consultants are to refine the program so that the cost of the Massey Performing Arts Centre is a total of $20M. This $20 M budget will contain the Ministry’s elements for their 650 seat financial contribution and the City’s components that achieve a regional theatre of 1000 seats (including cost escalation of approximately 3-4% of project costs).

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f) This $20 M budget will exclude the components that the Massey Theatre Society is committed to fundraise. The proponents will be required to confirm the scope for the supplemental components and assist the cost consultant in pricing the additional components.

8.0 BACKGROUND 8.1 The City wishes to retain a (enter the applicable background information).

8.2 In 2013, the City of New Westminster commissioned a review of the 2009 Theatre Gap Analysis in order to determine the current needs for a new Massey Performing Arts Centre, including a market analysis. In July 2013, Christopher Wootten and Associates completed a “Needs Assessment and Market Analysis for a New Massey Performing Arts Centre” which analyzed data collected from the Massey Theatre between 1995 to the present, in addition to examining trends in theatre patterns throughout the Lower Mainland and the rest of the country.

8.3 The 2009 Gap Analysis identified the need for a 1,000-seat theatre to fill a gap in the Lower Mainland. The 2013 Needs Assessment recommends a theatre of 750 – 850 seats, based on current average attendance at the Massey Theatre, practices in comparable cities, the mix of theatre sizes within the region, and a more intimate audience/performer relationship – more intimate than the 1,052-seat Bell Theatre in Surrey but larger than the 613-seat Michael J. in Burnaby, both of which are also located within the footprint of a secondary school. See Appendix A – Needs Assessment and Market Analysis for a New Massey Performing Arts Centre.

8.4 In September 2012, staff commissioned B.E. Beck Associates to prepare a functional review of the space planning requirements in conjunction with the requirements of the MPAC Advisory Task Force for a 1000 seat theatre. See Appendix B for a draft copy of the Functional Review. See Appendix C for comparison of program areas between the functional program studies.

8.5 The following table outlines the high-level comparison of the typical component program area and cost summary.

1000-Seat Theatre 2010 Study by 2012 Functional 650-Seat School Description/Function Proscenium Review Theatre Architecture B.E. Beck Associates Lobby, Box Office Standard Hi quality Hi quality Flytower No Included Included Orchestra Pit Manual Motorized Motorized Public Washrooms School Standard Hi quality Hi quality Approx Stage Area (m2) 223 223 297 Rehearsal Room Not Included Not Included Included Trap Room Not included Included Included Total Building Area (m2) 2,061 3,682 6,543 Approx. Project cost $9.7 M $20.9 M1 $34.70 M 2 Approx. Ministry Funding $9.7 M $10 M1 $ 9.7 M2 Approx. City Funding 0 $10.9 M1 $25 M2

1 In 2015 dollars, 2 in 2013 dollars

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9.0 PROJECT BUDGET 9.1 The City has established a project budget of $20M (2015 dollars) of which the City of New Westminster will fund $10M and the Ministry of Education will fund $10M.

10.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 10.1 The proponent is to meet with the Massey Performing Arts Centre (MPAC) Advisory Task Force and City Staff to review and to reassess the functional program requirements.

10.2 The Proponent is to assess the current cost analysis prepared by James Bush and Associates and make recommendations with the intent of revising the functional program and scope to meet the project budget target of $20M.

10.3 The Proponent is to prepare and distribute information necessary for a master planning level cost analysis and coordinate the development of the cost analysis with the cost consultant, James Bush and Associates, retained by the City.

10.4 The Proponent is to prepare and deliver a visual presentation of the report to senior staff. Upon approval by staff, the Proponent will present the report to Council.

11.0 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK 11.1 The New Westminster Secondary School site is bounded by 6th and 8th Streets, 8th and 10th Avenues and the site of the Royal City Community Church.

12.0 DELIVERABLES AND SCHEDULE 12.1 The successful Proponent must present the final report to City staff no later than September 18, 2013 and present to Council on September 30, 2013.

12.2 The consultant will provide: a) A final report, including twenty (20) bound copies, in colour; b) One (1) digital copy of the report and presentation.

13.0 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND PREPARATION 13.1 Proposals must not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length excluding attached appendices. All proposals must clearly identify: a) Understanding of assignment; b) Approach; c) Cost/Schedule; d) Project Team/Experience.

13.2 The following are considered key content that should be included as part of the Proponent’s submitted Proposal. The City may not consider any Proposal that does not include all of the key content. a) A brief outline of the Consultant’s understanding of the project; b) A clear description of the Consultant’s plan, a detailed work plan, and methodology to accomplish successfully the assignment; c) A list that expands the Scope of Work in a series of work activities and a detailed and comprehensive scope of services including the individual project deliverables;

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d) A schedule of activity from date of award to final submission, including a labour summary matrix that provides person-hour estimates for each of the work activities; e) The cost to complete the project in the form of a spreadsheet showing the proposed level of effort and fees for each stage of the project as well as an estimate of reimbursable disbursements supported by a cost breakdown, the Proponent may not add overhead costs to disbursements; f) The charge-out schedule for personnel and disbursements in general; g) The proposed project team complete with brief resumes, describe each person’s role in this project and their qualifications and experience to take on successfully the role; h) The Project manager assigned to the project; i) A list of any sub-Consultants with a brief resume of experience; j) An indication of similar projects undertaken by the Consultant; k) Names of three references of clients who have undertaken similar work and who may be contacted to gauge the performance of the Consultant;

13.3 Submitted Proposals must demonstrate that the Proponent has: a) At least ten (10) years of performing arts centre design experience; and b) Registration with the Architectural Institute of British Columbia

14.0 PRICING 14.1 The Proposal is to include a schedule of effort and pricing based on hourly rates.

14.2 The following expenses should be included in the fixed, lump sum fee proposal: a) All cost associated with fax, photocopier and long distance telephone calls; b) All documentation required to address day to day management of the design and construction phases of the Project; c) All indirect (or overhead) expenses incurred in the course of operating a firm including local travel expenses; d) All costs associated with the necessary insurance coverage including professional liability insurance.

14.3 The disbursements which will be reimbursed at cost will include the following: a) Reproduction of client requested drawings and reports; b) Delivery of drawings, reports including courier, postage etc;

15.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND SELECTION 15.1 The City of New Westminster will evaluate all submitted valid Proposals. The City will disqualify Proponent(s) that fail to meet a minimum requirement for qualifications, experience, and methodology from the process prior to cost considerations. The object of the evaluation and selection process is to identify the Proposal that, in the City’s opinion offers the best value for the products and/or services requested.

15.2 The City is not obligated to accept the lowest or any Proposal, and may reject all submissions.

15.3 The City may award the Contract to the Proponent whose submission, in the City's sole discretion, provides the best overall value to the City for the work. In evaluating the overall value to the City for the work in respect of each submission received, the City, in addition to price, will have in mind its critical goals of obtaining a high quality product in accordance with the schedule established under the Request for Proposal documents.

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15.4 In evaluating overall value, the City may consider, without limitation, price, qualifications and past experience of Proponents, availability of necessary work forces and other resources, proposed methodology and schedule for completing the work, and the past performance of Proponents on similar projects in respect of quality of work, timeliness of work, costs of contract administration to the owner of the project, and costs associated with claims for extras in respect of the project. In this regard, considerations other that price may be of greater weight in the City's evaluation of submissions received.

15.5 The City, in assessing best value: a) May not necessarily accept the lowest or any Proposal and may, in its sole discretion, accept any Proposal and may waive any minor informality or irregularity in Proposals received; b) Has no obligation to receive further information, whether written or oral, from any Proponent, not to disclose the nature of any Proposals received; c) May negotiate changes to the scope of work with any one or more Proponents without having any duty or obligation to advise any other Proponent(s) or to allow them to vary their Proposal(s) due to changes to the scope of work.

15.6 Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: a) Project Manager; b) Project Team; c) Experience of Company/Team; d) Proposed Approach; e) Completeness of Proposal; f) Cost.

15.7 Proposed project teams must be capable of completing all identified tasks; the City will not consider partial submissions.

16.0 REFERENCES 16.1 NOTE: Failure To Provide References May Result In Disqualification.

16.2 Proponents shall provide sources for three (3) references (companies for whom work of a similar magnitude and nature completed in the past five (5) years, including the City of New Westminster).

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No schooling, elementary only, or some secondary (incomplete) 24%

High School Diploma 32%

Some University or Community College 45%

Diploma or certificate from community or business college or trade, technical or vocational school 45%

Bachelor Degree / Masters / Doctorate 57%

All Canadian Baseline 41%

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Less than $20,000 29%

$20,000 to $39,999 34%

$40,000 to $59,999 39%

$60,000 to $79,999 45%

$80,000 to $99,999 53%

$100,000 or more 59%

All Canadians Baseline 41%

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CITY 2006 1996* New Westminster $48,773 $43,505

Vancouver $47,299 $43,245 Metro Vancouver $55,231 $53,208

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THEATRE CITY SEATS Massey Theatre (1949) New Westminster 1,260 Pantages Playhouse (1914) Winnipeg 1,475 (1907) 1,485 Theatre (Pantages) (1920) Toronto 2,220 (1894) Toronto 2,753 Monument-National (1900) Montreal 1,620 Theatre St. Denis (1915) Montreal 2,218 Metropolis (1884) Montreal 2,350 Total 8 Theatres 15,381

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No. of Total No. Province Theatres of Seats British Columbia 8 12,233 Alberta 4 8,731 Saskatchewan 2 4,034 Manitoba 3 5,480 Ontario 21 36,758 Quebec 8 14,148 New Brunswick 1 1,000 Prince Edward Island 1 1,100 Nova Scotia 1 1,040 Newfoundland 1 1,007 Total 50 86,675

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Community Population Venue Seats New Westminster 65,976 The Massey Theatre 1,260 Maple Ridge 76,052 The ACT, Maple Ridge 500 Surrey 468,251 Bell Centre for the Performing Arts 1,052 Chilliwack 77,936 Chilliwack Cultural Centre 597 Mission 36,426 Clarke Theatre 702 Burnaby 223,218 Michael J Fox Theatre 613 North Vancouver 132,608 Centennial Theatre 705 West Vancouver 42,694 Kay Meek 500 Richmond 190,473 Gateway 540 Average 717

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Community Population Venue Seats Mississauga 713,443 Living Arts Centre - Hammerston Hall 1325 Burlington 175,779 Burlington Performing Arts Centre 718 Brampton 523,911 Rose Theatre - Mainstage 868 Milton 84,362 Milton Centre for the Arts 500 St. Catherines 131,400 In Construction 800 Richmond Hill 185,541 Richmond Hill Arts Centre 631 Markham 301,709 Markham Theatre for Performing Arts 530 Average 768

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Ideal Minimum Maximum User Other Capacity Capacity Capacity Royal City Musical Theatre 1,000 850 1,100 Up-grade fly, dressing r oo ms, FOH Royal City Youth Ballet 1,000 850 1,250 More flys/deeper stage/wings, FOH Maple Leaf Singers 1,000 800 1,200 Choral Shell New Westminster Symphony 850 800 1,000 Larger stage for orchestra & choir New Westminster School District 650 650 1,250 Assemblies NWSS Performing Arts 1000 800 1250 School musicals, dance, music Massey Presents 1,100 1,000 1,100

Caravan World Rhythms 600 500 750 World Music Maintain fine technical facilities, Rockit Boy 800 500 1000 FOH UMAC Enterprises 2,000 600 2000 Philippine attractions Jaguar Productions 1,000 500 1,000 Tribute shows BC Girls Choir 500 500 750 BC Chinese Music 600 600 1,000 Paquin Entertainment 1,000 1,000 1,500 Children’s entertainment PRP Inc. 1,200 750 1,500 Expand FOH, concessions, etc. MCY Entertainment 1,200 700 3,000 Philippine international attractions

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Sound Music Will Chorus West of King & Guys & Man

Royal City Musical Theatre Dolly Rod Joseph Line Side 42nd closed Carousel Music Gypsy Dolly Fiddler I Oliver Dolls Brigadoon # Performances 15 16 15 16 15 15 16 15 13 16 14 16 14 15 16 16 15 Paid Attendance 7,930 5,947 11,120 9,172 11,341 11,144 10,157 8,545 15,420 12,723 Average Paid Attendance 529 372 741 573 756 594 718 677 657 964 909 Unpaid Attendance 696 594 1,179 815 797 824 808 714 876 881 Total Attendance 8,626 6,541 12,299 9,987 12,138 11,968 10,965 9,259 16,296 13,604 13,986 14,521 16,643 18,496 11,856 14282 Average Attendance 575 409 820 624 809 647 748 731 712 1,019 972 874 1,037 1,110 1,156 741 952

AVG Sound Will Chorus West Past 5 Music of King & Guys &

Royal City Youth Ballet Dolly Rod Joseph Line Side Yrs 42nd closed Man Carousel Music Gypsy Dolly Fiddler I Oliver Dolls Brigadoon # Performances 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 3 5 4 6 5 7 5 Paid Attendance 1,330 1,360 1,352 1,877 3,274 2,870 1,302 1,314 2,253 3,130 Average Paid Attendance 665 680 676 626 819 693 718 651 657 751 626 Unpaid Attendance 595 736 381 74 397 376 261 307 200 797 Total Attendance 1,925 2,096 1,733 1,951 3,671 3,246 1,563 1,621 2,453 3,927 4,214 4,793 3,567 5,394 3,824 Average Attendance 963 1,048 867 650 918 889 812 782 811 818 785 1,054 799 713 771 765

AVG Sound New Westminster Will Chorus West Past 5 Music of King & Guys &

Symphony Dolly Rod Joseph Line Side Yrs 42nd closed Man Carousel Music Gypsy Dolly Fiddler I Oliver Dolls Brigadoon # Performances 4 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 Paid Attendance 0 0 Average Paid Attendance 0 0 0 0 0 Unpaid Attendance 1,359 1,505 1,573 1,711 2,381 1,815 2,312 2,302 1,905 1,812 1,514 945 966 709 857 Total Attendance 1,359 1,505 1,573 1,711 2,381 1,815 2,312 2,302 1,905 1,812 1,514 945 966 709 857 Average Attendance 340 376 524 428 476 429 453 578 576 476 453 379 315 322 236 286

AVG Sound Will Chorus West Past 5 Music of King & Guys &

Maple Leaf Singers Dolly Rod Joseph Line Side Yrs 42nd closed Man Carousel Music Gypsy Dolly Fiddler I Oliver Dolls Brigadoon # Performances 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Paid Attendance 1,055 902 1,202 1,205 1,066 836 845 1131 1452 1662 Average Paid Attendance 528 451 601 603 533 543 418 423 566 726 831 Unpaid Attendance 10 18 40 11 25 35 46 Total Attendance 1,065 920 1,242 1,216 1,091 880 1177 1662 1563 1407 1382 1525 Average Attendance 533 460 621 608 546 553 440 589 831 782 704 691 763

Average # Resident Perfs 20 Resident Cos Average Paid 458 Resident Cos Average Total 630

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2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 AVG

A. Public Events Non Profit 36 33 31 48 29 Resident Companies 23 24 18 31 39 Commercial 3 8 17 17 29 Massey Presentations 1 0 7 2 2 City Events 0 0 0 3 Church/Services 1 12 0 0 Movies 9 9 9 Total Public Events 73 86 82 101 99 88 Total Paid Attendance 24,426 27,118 41,618 40,978 44,493 Total Unpaid Attendance 2,566 18,301 8,174 7,732 8,475 Total Public Attendance 26,992 45,419 49,792 48,710 52,968 Average Attendance 370 528 607 482 535 504

B. School Events NWSD/SD Events 18 32 25 30 31 27 Total Paid Attendance 1,181 1,008 2,702 4,533 4,739 Total Unpaid Attendance 12,711 3,315 14,816 17,204 18,484 Total School Attendance 13,892 4,323 17,518 21,737 23,223 Average Attendance 772 135 701 725 749 616

Grand Total Paid Attendance 25,607 28,126 44,320 45,511 49,232 Grand Total Unpaid Attendance 15,277 21,616 22,990 24,936 26,959 Grand Total Attendance 40,884 49,742 67,310 70,447 76191 Grand Total Public & School Events 91 118 107 131 130 115

C. Rehearsals & Dance Residencies Rehearsals 22 27 24 37 56 33 Dancing Residency Groups 34 0 10 46 0 Total 56 27 34 83 56

Total Events including Rehearsals 147 145 141 214 186 167

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~ Jim Alkins ...... Project Manager, School District 40 Capital Projects ~ John Davies ...... Board Member, New Westminster Symphony Orchestra ~ Jim Dobbs ...... Manager, Michael J Fox Theatre, Burnaby ~ Wayne Fowlie ...... Conductor, Maple Leaf Singers ~ Ian Forsyth ...... Director of Cultural Affairs, North Vancouver Manager, Centennial Theatre ~ Steven Goodman ...... Manager, Bell Centre for the Performing Arts, Surrey ~ Wayne Jefferson ...... Consultant, School District 40 ~ Tej Kainth ...... Executive Director, Tourism New Westminster ~ Dolores Kirkwood ...... Founder, Royal City Youth Ballet ~ Bruce Halliday ...... General Manager, Port Theatre, Nanaimo ~ Charles Lester ...... Board Member, Arts Council of New Westminster ~ Greg Magirescu ...... Manager, Arts & Cultural Development, City of New Westminster ~ Jaimie McEvoy ...... City Councillor, City of New Westminster ~ Kelly Proznick ...... Head of Performing & Visual Arts, New Westminster Secondary School ~ Patrick Roberge ...... Producer, PRP Productions ~ Jessica Schneider ...... Executive Director, Massey Theatre Society ~ Lindy Sisson ...... Executive Director, The ACT Arts Centre & Theatre, Maple Ridge ~ John Stark ...... Senior Social Planner, City of New Westminster ~ Les Vogt ...... Jaguar Productions ~ Jean Paul Walden ...... Executive Director, Evergreen Cultural Centre, Coquitlam ~ Rob Warwick ...... Rock-it Boy Productions ~ Jennifer Wilson ...... Assistant Director, Parks, Culture & Recreation, City of New Westminster

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27 Church of Christ 1,260 7 Red Rose Entertainment 858 686 23 Stump City Stories 900 Stump City Stories 900 30 Burnaby Hindu Temple 902 1,101 1,101 10 NWSS Remembrance Assembly 1,005 NWSS Remembrance Assembly 1,000 5 Winter Harp 1,052 949 949 10 NWSO 850 19 RCYB 1,000 643 RCYB 1,097 717 5 Sikh Student Assn. UBC 1,024 958 958 11 65 Red Roses 1,260 1,210 1,210 24 Grease 962 Grease 774 761 Grease 995 982 982 Grease 923 926 926 30 Herbert Spencer 1,188 966 966 9 NWSS Choral 972 10 NWSS Lunchtime Air Band 863 17 NWSS Rock Solid 750 NWSS Rock Solid 763 27 NWSS Dance 750 NWSS Dance 750 2 NWSS Student Awards 950 2 Notre Dame Grad 906 21 Tim Horton’s Employee Pep Rally 764 Total 25,418 9,899 7,092 Number of Performances 27 11 7 Capacity 8250 5,950 Lost Capacity 1649 1,142

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6 Desi Doordarshan 867 795 9 Arya Entertainment 917 837 31 David Atkins Entertainment 800 800 10 NWSS Remembrance Assembly 1,075 NWSS Remembrance Assembly 1,075 22 Sru Sathya Sal Baba 793 793 4 NWSO 957 6 Welshmen's Choir 1,062 985 985 9 Richard McBride Elementary 877 10 Herbert Spencer Elementary 1,160 1,029 1,029 20 RYYB 866 646 RYYB 867 706 15 NWSS Dance 800 30 Vancouver Korean Women's Choir 876 876 876 3 NWSS Assembly 1,000 4 NWSS Assembly 900 12 Olympic Opening Ceremonies 812 812 6 Sikh Student Assn of UBC 1,039 971 971 18 Dance Power 889 889 889 20 Dance Power 757 757 21 Dance Power 858 858 858 31 NWSS Air Band 800 8 RCMT - Joseph (15 perf.) 12,299 11,120 30 Eva Markvoort Service 900 8 Korean Night Committee 831 874 874 12 Rock Solid 1,250 13 Rock Solid 1,100 29 Maple Leaf Singers 950 1,202 1,202 3 NWSS Awards 1,140 12 Tri-City Dance 1,080 1,068 1,068 13 Port Moody Dance 971 978 978 25 St. Thomas More Grad 1,007 Total 41,575 26,996 9,730 Number of Performances 46 33 10 Capacity 24,750 8,500 Lost Capacity 2,246 1,230

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a  Ç  / .A /  +0  1  @ /   , I  /- W . ;  W . B I  / t  t  W D @ ! @ ! ; ! 8 Star Vision Productions 773 630 7 NWSS Remembrance Assembly 867 NWSS Remembrance Assembly 867 14 NWSS Speaker 867 21 Ismali Council 1094 967 967 22 Ismali Council 1077 1077 1077 5 Naden Band 1260 7 Winter Harp 1200 1110 1110 11 NWSO 787 787 12 RockIT Boy 760 748 20 RCYB 1105 1072 1072 11 Tzu Chi 976 865 865 14 NWSS Dance 800 NWSS Dance 800 4 NWSS Assembly 800 7 Nihaael '09 1055 1073 865 26 Bye Bye Birdie 1200 1200 1200 Bye Bye Birdie 859 785 Bye Bye Birdie 10209 922 922 2 Herbert Spencer Elementary 1067 11 RCMT - Chorus Line 869 523 19 RCMT - Chorus Line 764 748 23 RCMT - Chorus Line 756 692 14 Rock Solid 800 Rock Solid 800 22 NWSS Dance 800 NWSS Dance 800 1 Notre Dame Grad 1019 14 Tri-City Dance 833 776 26 St. Thomas More Grad 1200 Total 37064 13975 8078 Number of Performances 30 16 8 Capacity 12,000 6800 Lost Capacity 1,975 1,278

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a  Ç  / .A /  +0  1  @ /   , I  /- W . @  W . ; W D I  / @ ! t  @ ! t  ; ! 11 Ismaili Council 948 948 948 4 NWSS Assembly 1240 NWSS Assembly 1240 16 NWSS Assembly 1240 NWSS Assembly 1240 9 NWSS Remembrance Assembly 1240 NWSS Remembrance Assembly 1240 30 Salvation Army- Naden Band 1032 1032 1032 8 Shiamak Indo Jazz 779 702 15 Vancouver Welsh Men's Choir 1174 1174 1174 18 Herbert Spencer Elementary 954 20 RCYB 975 975 975 RCYB 1169 1169 1169 22 RCYB 833 639 23 Kamal Sharma 892 734 9 UBC & SFU Conference 1025 943 943 15 Chinese University Alumni 1260 737 13 Lord Kelvin Talent Show 800 23 Desi Doordarshan 756 690 11 RCMT - West Side Story 813 769 12 RCMT - West Side Story 809 580 13 RCMT - West Side Story 767 754 18 RCMT - West Side Story 894 839 19 RCMT - West Side Story 991 955 955 20 RCMT - West Side Story 885 867 867 23 RCMT - West Side Story 893 831 24 RCMT - West Side Story 955 904 904 25 RCMT - West Side Story 1002 972 972 26 RCMT - West Side Story 995 973 973 8 NWSS - Annie 1260 1260 1260 9 NWSS - Annie 1090 1063 1063 22 NWSS Dance 800 23 NWSS Dance 800 24 God's Image Ministry 920 28 NWSS Solid Rock 800 29 NWSS Solid Rock 800 4 NWSS Student Awards 1260 27 Cheondoong Perf. Arts Society 1010 938 938 Total 37781 21448 14173 Number of Performances 38 24 14 Capacity 18,000 11,900 Lost Capacity 3,448 2,273

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a  Ç  / .A /  +0  1  @ /   , I  /- W . ?  W . @ I  / W D t  @ ! t  ; ! @ ! 30 Desi Doordarshan 1,010 691 30 Xtscene Promotions 873 773 9 House of Blues - Paul Brandt 944 944 944 18 Kamal Sharma 790 707 25 Shahar Theatre 1,223 1,143 1,143 1 Salvation Army - school show 1,250 1,250 1,250 2 Desi Doordarshan 1,168 1,078 1,078 8 RCYB 966 966 966 RCYB 930 930 930 14 Touring Players 900 900 900 15 NWSO 800 31 Grace Church 1,033 28 Grace Church 1,230 11 Kamal Sharma 1,144 1,078 22 Douglas College Speaker Series 1,040 1,040 1,040 13 RCMT 42nd St. 894 828 14 RCMT 42nd St. 895 748 15 RCMT 42nd St. 833 812 21 RCMT 42nd St. 751 734 RCMT 42nd St. 841 818 22 RCMT 42nd St. 893 865 865 26 RCMT 42nd St. 813 749 27 RCMT 42nd St. 930 898 898 28 RCMT 42nd St. 851 815 5 Vancouver Korean Dance 794 726 12 Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day 1,344 Saints 17 NWSS Air Band 975 30 NWSS Rock Solid 840 NWSS Rock Solid 840 6 NWSS Lunch Time Awards 1,150 12 Tweedsmuir School 1,200 23 Tri-City Dance 1,210 1,210 1,210 24 Church of Christ 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total 32,355 21,703 12,224 Number of 33 24 12 Performances Capacity 18,000 10,200 Lost Capacity 3,703 2,024

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Supplementary Conditions to AIBC Document 8C-2010

NWRFP-13-36 Page 1 of 5

Supplementary Conditions to AIBC Document 8C-2010 Standard Short Form Contract between Client and Consultant

A. General Conditions: A.1 GC 1. Copyright – .1 Add: “The Consultant shall give the City reproducible copies of any such documents and/or products, and these may be used by the City in any manner as part of its operations at its own risk, if the City chooses to use them in any manner other than for the particular purpose for which they were provided. .2 Add: “The Consultant shall deliver to the City, upon request and at no additional cost to City, at least one complete set of all drawings, estimates, programs, or other documents produced in connection with the Agreement, on a compact disk (CD) in Adobe (PDF) format, unless otherwise stated.” .3 Add: “All documents submitted to the City of New Westminster become the property of the City, and as such, the City advises Consultants that parts, or all, of this contract and documents legally connected to this contract may be subject to the provisions of British Columbia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) and Community Charter. Consultants who wish to ensure particular parts of this contract are protected from disclosure under the FOIPP Act should specifically identify any information or records forming part of the contract that constitute (1) trade secrets, (2) that are supplied in confidence, and (3) the release of which could significantly harm their competitive position. Information that does not meet all three of the foregoing categories may be subject to disclosure to third parties. Please refer to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for further information.”

A.2 GC 5. Limitation of Liability .1 First paragraph – delete this paragraph entirely and substitute: a) The Consultant shall provide, maintain and pay for the following insurance which shall be in place with such insurance company or companies and in such form as may be acceptable to the City Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance protecting the Consultant, any sub consultant and their respective servant(s), agent(s) or employee(s) against any lose or damage arising directly or indirectly out of the professional services rendered by the Consultant, any sub consultant, servant(s), agent(s), or employee(s) under the contract. Such insurance shall be for an adequate amount acceptable to the City and shall in any event be not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) inclusive any one occurrence. The Consultant shall not be entitled to payment services resulting in errors or omissions for which the Consultant is held responsible. b) Before undertaking any part of the work, the Consultant shall furnish to the City certificates showing that such insurance is in force. Such certificates shall provide that the insurance is non-cancellable except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. c) The Consultant, on its own behalf and on behalf of all persons and corporations working by, through or under the Consultant, hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City and its employees, officers, and agents from and against all losses, damages, claims, expenses suits and judgements arising out of, or

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related to, the provision of the Services by the Consultant that are found to be negligent. This indemnification shall not apply: i) where the losses, damages, claims, expenses, suits or judgements result from the City acting on the advice of, or receiving direct service from, the sub consultants or employees of the sub consultants of the Consultant and without the knowledge or consent of the Consultant; or ii) to the extent that the City, its employees, officers, or agents were negligent. This indemnification shall terminate two (2) years from the date of Substantial Performance as certified by the Consultant for the project herein. Nothing in this article shall derogate from the tort and other duties and liabilities of the Consultant and its sub consultants to the City.

A.3 GC 6. Professional Responsibility – .1 Add: “The Consultant accepts that any information relating to the business affairs of the City is confidential and that any disclosure by him of any such information to unauthorized persons shall be reason for termination of this Agreement.”

A.4 GC 8. Suspension – .1 Revise General Condition to “GC 8c Payment” .2 Delete this paragraph entirely and substitute the following: a) The Consultant shall submit invoices to the City, attention ______on, or before the tenth (10th) day of each month. The City, if it approves the amount of such invoices, shall pay such invoices within thirty (30) days from the invoice date. b) The Consultant shall attach to each invoice a brief report detailing the work completed to date, work completed during the month covered by the invoice, and work outstanding to complete the Service. c) Notwithstanding any to the contrary in this Agreement, the City shall never be obligated to pay the Consultant a greater percentage of total fees and disbursements than the degree of percentage complete of the total Services. d) If the city does not approve of or wishes to further review, audit or otherwise seek clarification concerning the Consultant’s invoices, for whatever reason, the City shall not be liable for interest charges in respect of that invoice for the period from the date the invoice is submitted, until that date that invoice is paid. The City, if it approves the amount of such invoices, shall pay such invoices on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the following month. e) The Consultant shall keep proper accounts and records of all costs and expenditures forming the basis of any billing to the city, including but not limited to, hours worked, details of all disbursements (including copies of services invoices), and percentage amounts of work completed. The City shall be entitled to verify the accuracy and validity of all billings and payments made by auditing and taking extracts from the books and records of the Consultant and by such other means as shall be reasonably necessary or advisable. f) The Consultant agrees to remit and shall be responsible for all withholding taxes, income taxes, Pension Plan contributions, Employment Insurance deductions, and any other deductions required by the applicable provincial or federal statutes for the Consultant and any of its employees.”

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A.5 GC9. Termination – .1 Delete this paragraph entirely and substitute the following: a) Should the Consultant breach this agreement, either by abandonment, or by act or omission on his part contravening the terms of this Agreement then this Agreement shall terminate at the time of such abandonment or act or omission and the Consultant shall be paid only for Services performed up to the date of contravention. b) Acts or omissions by the Consultant which shall justify termination of this Agreement shall include but not be limited to the following: i) neglect of duties; ii) non-compliance of this Agreement; iii) inability to perform the Services he represented himself as competent to perform; iv) any misrepresentation made or concealment of material fact for the purpose of securing this Agreement.

c) The agreement may be terminated by the City as follows: i) For Deficiency or Default – following seven (7) days written notice by the City, the City may at any time terminate this Agreement if the performance of the Consultant is unsatisfactory in the opinion of the City, or if the Consultant breaches any provisions of the Agreement and fails to remedy the same promptly; ii) Without Cause - by providing the Notice in writing to the Consultant’s representative (as agreed upon). d) Upon termination of the agreement, the City will pay the Consultant for all work performed up to the effective date of termination. All other obligations of the City to the Consultant will terminate upon the termination or expiry of the agreement.

A.6 Add GC 10. Services- .1 “The Consultant agrees to perform architectural design Consulting Services (herein called the “Services”) as detailed in his Proposal for Architectural Design Consulting Services, to develop a revised functional and spatial program for the new Massey Performing Arts Centre, submitted to the City (enter date) (as the same may be amended from time to time by mutual agreement in writing) which form part of this Agreement. .2 The Consultant’s relationship to the City will be that of a prime consultant. .3 The Consultant represents that he/she is professionally qualified and capable of performing the Services and shall at all times exercise the standards of care, skill and diligence normally provided by a professional specializing in the performance of the Services similar to those contemplated by this Agreement. .4 The Consultant will not act for any party whose interests are in conflict with those of the City, unless the City provides specific prior waiver of that term in writing, in each instance. .5 The Consultant warrants that neither it nor any of its officers or directors, or any employee, has any financial or personal relationship or affiliation with any elected official or employee of the Corporation or their immediate families which might in any way be seen or perceived (in the Corporation’s sole and unfettered discretion)

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to create a conflict. If such any conflict of interest arises during this Agreement, the Consultant will immediately inform the City in writing.”

A.7 Add GC 11. Compliance With Applicable Laws – .1 The Consultant shall be responsible for giving all notices and complying with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes, and standards relating to the conduct of the Services and the locations to which the Services are to be performed. The Consultant shall indemnify the City and hold it harmless from and against any claim, penalty, losses, damages, or expenses that might be made, imposed, suffered, or incurred due to an asserted or established violation of any such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes or standards. .2 The Consultant will register for, obtain, and maintain their own separate WorkSafe BC Insurance Coverage, when required by WorkSafe BC and the Workers Compensation Act. When WorkSafe BC Insurance coverage is required, the Consultant will provide proof of Good Standing to the City before the Consultant starts work for the City and again before the City makes final payment to the Consultant. .3 The Consultant will comply with the WorkSafe BC Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and the Workers Compensation (WC) Act. Any WorkSafe BC violation by the Consultant may be considered a breach of contract resulting in possible termination or suspension of the contract and/or any other actions deemed appropriate at the discretion of the City. Any penalties, sanctions or additional costs levied against the City, because of the actions of the Consultant are the responsibility of the Consultant.

A.8 Add GC 12 Patent Rights and Royalties .1 The Consultant shall save harmless and indemnify the City from and against all claims and proceedings for or in account of infringement or any patent, design right, trademark or name or other protected rights in respect of any practice or process in respect of the Services to be performed.

A.9 Add GC 13 Advertising and Publicity – .1 The Consultant shall submit all proposed advertising or publicity by the Consultant referring to the City or performance of the Services to the City for written approval prior to issue.

A.10 Add GC 13 Relationship – .1 It is expressly agreed, represented and understood that the parties have entered into an arm’s length independent contract for the rendering of the above-mentioned Services and that the Consultant is not an employee, agent or servant, of the City. Further, this Agreement shall not be deemed to constitute or create any partnership, joint venture, master-servant, employer-employee, principal-agent, or any other relationship apart from an independent contractor status providing an independent service for which the City will be invoiced according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. .2 The manner and means by which the Consultant conducts its work in order to provide the Services contemplated by this Agreement are under its control.

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A.11 Add GC 14 Compensation – .1 In consideration of the performance of the Services, the City shall pay the Consultant the rates provided in the Proposal dated (enter date here), not to exceed (enter amount) excluding the Goods and Services Tax (GST). This amount is the Maximum Authorized Expenditure. The City may increase the Maximum Authorized Expenditure by issuing a written and signed Change Order. The disbursements are estimated at (enter amount) plus GST and are in addition to the above fee. .2 The City retains the right to access and audit the Consultant’s files and records related to the City’s business with twenty-four (24) hours notice during normal business hours.

A.12 Add GC 15 Change To Scope of Work- .1 The City may vary at any time the Scope of Work to be provided by the Consultant as part of the Services. In that case and where this Agreement contains a limit as to the maximum fees and disbursements to be paid to the Consultant for all or any part of the Services, such limit or limits shall be adjusted as agreed to by both parties in writing. .2 Should the Consultant consider that any request or instruction from the City constitutes a change in the scope of the work; the Consultant shall so advise the City within ten (10) days in writing. Without said written advice within the period specified, the City shall not be obligated to make any payments of additional fees to the Consultant.

A.13 Add GC 16 Authorization To Proceed – .1 The City will issue a Purchase Order to the Consultant. Issuance of the Purchase Order authorizes the Consultant to proceed with the work.

A.14 Add GC 17 Assignments – .1 This Agreement may not be assigned by the Consultant, or to its successor (s) without the express written consent of the City.

A.15 Add GC 18 Engagement Of Other Consultants- .1 The City, in any event, reserves the right at its own discretion to engage any consultant, other than that with which it reaches agreement(s), during the term of such agreement(s), if is deemed advantageous or appropriate.

A.16 Add GC Other Terms and Conditions- .1 No term of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by a party unless written waiver from the other party has been first obtained, and no condoning, excusing or overlooking of any default on previous occasions, or any earlier written waiver shall operate as a waiver in respect of a subsequent default. .2 This Agreement is the whole of the Agreement between the parties and sets forth all the warranties, representations, covenants, promises, terms, and conditions between the parties and there is no other written or oral express or implied terms, conditions, warranties, representations or promises not reduced to writing and set out in this Agreement.

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