Erojected Scenery, Lighting, and Scenery Design The
EROJECTED SCENERY, LIGHTING, AND SCENERY DESIGN TECHNIQUES FOR THE PUPPET STAGE A THESIS SUBMITTED DJ PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIRENENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN SPEECH IN THE GR..L\.DUATE DIVISION OF TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY DEP AR'l11·1ENT OF SPEECH BY BEUNA l1I.t\URICE HcANULTY, B. S. NAY 3, 1971 DENTON, TEXAS s:;:·�-::..���-==-=��==�=-==--��=== I Texas Woman's University I Denton, Texas i ------'-M'--a__y ,_ 197-1______ _ We hereby recommend that the thesis prepared under our supervision by Beuna Maurice McA.ll.ul ty entitled PROJECTED SCENERY, LIGHTING, AND SCENERY DESIGN TECfDHQUES FOR THE PUPPET STAGE be accented as fulfilling this part of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts //��/1 Accepte = --f", ,/ I i' y / . / it' ' , ,_/ ' ' i ;;·, ' . / ' .•. < / ,/ '-·:... Denn o! Graduate Studies ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 'Ihis investigator wishes to thank the Faculty of the D3partment of Speech, Texas Woman's University, for their cooperation j_n the completion of this thesis and for their delightful introduction into the world of Theatre. My special than..'ks to: Dr. Josh P. Roach, Director of the Thesis Committee, ror permission to use the puppet play script of A HUSBAND FOR A RAT • Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hutchins, for their patience and encouragement throughout the past two years. 1-'Ir. Gregory s. Ea.ton, for his assistance with the writing of the thesis and for his unfailing good humor. Miss Aurora Valentinetti, of the University of Wash ington at Seattle, for sharing her enthusiasm for puppetry and for pe�mission to use hor basic puppet stage design.
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