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JUNE 1989



I JUNE 1989 I I Prepared by: D Allsop I P. Anderson I I I -----_ .. ------.------A Manning River Data Compilation Study Program 1989 AUS'IRAUANA WATeR AND COASTAL SlUOlBS

Progress Report

Progress Meetings o o o o o o ,. Draft Report •

1. Preliminaries

2. Data Collation

3. Preliminary Data An"lv~I!iI

4. Photogrammetry liaison with H.O. Study Possible Shoaling Study --r--l--- ___ L__ 5. Technical Appraisal & Draft Report

&. % Activity Complete l:l. % Activity Expenditure [ ,I I I I' I 1. Introduction

AWACS Pty Ltd has conducted a search for existing data considered relevant to the I Study. TIns progress report hsts that informanon.

Prelimmary analysis of the information will soon commence and as a result a I further culling of the database is likely prior to the detailed techmcal appraIsal.

,I However, It is important that all sources of relevant information now be Ident1fied and any gaps In the database, presented in tills report, be f11led immedIately. Accordingly the main objective of this report is to provide the cbent with the I opportumty to suggest additional sources of information. I I I I ,I I I I I' I I 2 I I I I I 2. Data Retrieval Process

I Data has been obtained from vanous sources within the Public Works Department, from other Government AgencIes, local organisations and individuals, published and I unpubhshed references. The data sources wIthIn the PublIc Works Department have included. Coast and Branch, Coffs HarbQur Office, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory, State Office I Block Plan Room, Survey arid Property Section and Kmgswood Archives.

Other Government AgencIes from whom informatIon has been obtained include the I , Department of Water Resouces, State PollutIon Control CommissIOn, Department of Lands, Department of Mineral Resources, Maritime I Services Board, NSW State ArchIves, NSW State Library and the Mitchell Library. Local orgamsations and mdIVlduals approached include LIbrary, Wingham I HIstorical SOCIety and Museum, Greater Taree City Council, Brian Crip (Surveyor), Graeme Harper (Author), BIll Birrell (HIstonan), Monty Williams (Tmonee I resident), Duncan Stewart (Student) and Peter ClIft (Oyster grower). The area has been inspected by boat and car. I I I I I I I I I 3 I I I I I 3. The Database I The data has been categorised under the followmg headings:

I References I File List I Hydrosurveys Parish, County and Other Maps

I Aerial Photography and Orthophoto Maps I Geologtcal Sheets Streamflows

I Wave Climate I Ocean TIde Levels I Water Level Recorders Tidal Gaugtng InformatIon

I Water QualIty Data

I The detailed mformatIon lIsts under these headIngs are presented herem II I I I I 4 I I I I MANNING RIVER DATA COLLATION REFERENCES BlITell, W.K., 1987, The Manmng Valley,' Landscape and Settlement 1824-1900, I Jacaranda Press, ISBN 0 7016 2170 2.

An hIstOriCal geography of the fIrst seventy-fIve years of European settlement I in the Manrung Valley. It summanses regional topography, climate, vegetatIon, early settlement and landuse. Maps of property surveys along the RIver are presented. It lists major flood events, outlInes navigatIon problems I WIth the Entrance at Harrington and mentions mamtenance dredgIng at the turn of the century and commencement of Entrance trainIng works.

I Bureau of Meteorology, 1977, Rainfall Statistlcs - , AustralIan Government Printer, .

I Documents selected raInfall stations which have atleast thirty years of monthly records and atleast ten years of records of raindays for each month of the year. I Includes stations No. 060015 Gloucester P.O., No. 060023 Hamngton P.O., No. 060030 Taree (2RE) and No. 060036 WIngham P.O.

I Bureau of Meteorology, 1988, List of PluvlOgraph Statlons, Australia.

Includes StatIons No. 060080 Comboyne South, No. 060121 Elands, No. I 060112 Gloucester, No. 060104 Nowendoc and No. 060030 Taree.

Coffey and Partners Pty Ltd, 1981, Geomorphological Assessment Wallabl POint I to , Taree, Report No. 56639/1-AA, for SInclair Knight and Partners. I Coode, Srr J., 1889, Manning River Report. One of a senes of reports by Srr John Coode; dIscusses conditIons of the I Entrance and Bar at Hamngton. It has three accompanyIng drawings. Drawing No. lIS a general plan of the Manning RIver from Bungay Bungay Falls to the sea DraWing No.2 shows the channels and sand SpitS from Harrington I Entrance to Pehcan Bay. DraWIng No.3 shows Hamngton Bar and Entrance in 1862 from Mr Forde's survey, In 1879 from CaptaIn 's survey and In 1888 from Mr Carlton's survey. Mr Carlton's report, attached as an appendix, I Includes reference to flood levels, navIgable depths and widths and cross sectIons surveyed from Bungay Bungay Falls to the sea. Some of tlus I· Information IS tabulated In the main report. The folloWing Entrance works were recommended to Improve naVIgatIOn and provIde flood mItIgation benefIts, to be constructed in order. south breakwater, I north traming bank, bamer bank to south spit and then north breakwater. It was recommended that if the full scheme could not be built, no work should I proceed. I 5 I I I Dennes, G., 1934, Ship BUilding on the Manning River 1834-1934 Part 1, Mannmg I RlVer Tlffies 12/9/1934.

A newspaper article gIving details of all the ShIPS that were built on the River I between 1834 and 1934. I Fitzpatnck, F.A., 1914, Peeps into the Past, Cumberland Argus Parramatta. Descnbes early life on the River mamly through mterviews with early IdentItIes. There are various photographs of the River. Oxley's crossmg of I Harrington and Farquhar Inlets in 1818 is described. Farquhar Inlet, preVIously closed, broke open in the 1866 flood. The first sea-gomg steamer could only go as far upstream as Taree. A channel nmety feet wide and nine feet deep at I low tide was dredged from Taree to Wmgham, allowing any vessel that could I cross the Bar to get up 1:0 Wmgham. Gates, G., 1978, Manning Valley Groundwater Invesngation, (NUN 01-708023).

I Gutteridge, Haskins and Davey, 1982, Harrington EnVironmental Study.

Guttendge, Haskins and Davey, 1983, Environmental Impact Statement, Canal I Subdivision and Dredging of the Manning River at Harrington NSW, Volumes 1 and 2.

I The report exammes the following topics in the HarringtonlCrowdy Head area: topography, geology and soils; tidal hydraulics, flooding and water quality; terrestnal and aquatic flora and fauna including fishery; land use, public I utIhties and traffic; population, employment and housmg; tourism, recreation and chmate; archaeology and mming; and presents detaIled planning proposals I for the 63ha SIte. Harper, G., 1987, The Manning River Valley: The River and Growth 1866-1941, I Master of Letters TheSIS UmvefSlty of New .

The theSIS is a regIonal growth survey over the steamshIp penod, 1866 to I 1941, and looks at the relationshIp between the RIver and n's surroundmg area. It descnbes regIonal geography, the shape and size of the RIver, naVIgation problems, the Governments attitude to mamtammg the River I Entrance, floodmg problems, types of water transport employed and the competItIon WIth land transport, urban developement and pnmary mdustnes mcludmg fishmg and oyster growmg. StatistIcal informatIon from vanous I Government reports on dredgmg quantItIes, Bar depths and oyster productIon I are presented. States that the small tnbutaries are shoalmg. Harper, G., 1988, Black Cat, Green Field, Bantam Books ISBN 0 947189 149.

I A novel set on the Manmng River in the 1800's. Although based on fact it IS essentIally a fictional account. I 6 I I I

I Jenks, W.N.,1982, A Study of Estuarine Channel Morphology having Special Reference to Manning , PhD TheSlS University of Newcastle. I Laune, Montgomerie and PettIt Pty Ltd, 1980, Manning Valley Flood Study Volumes 1 and2, (ABN 83-101220).

I Laurie, Montgomerie and PettIt Pty Ltd, 1980, Manning Valley Summary Report NSW Coastal RIvers Flood Plain Management Studies (ABN 83-101258).

I IdentIfies the landscape features of the valley; topography, settlement, population, land use, ecologtcal resources and floods. Examines the extent of I the flooding, outhnes nntIgatIon works already carned out, Iughlights partIcular problem areas, and suggests solutions. I Manmng Valley HIstorical Society, 1988, Tinonee Memorzes. Descnbes some of the early families and indiVIduals, buudings and local I industnes in Tmonee. Suggests that the early pleasure tnps by steamer down the RIver would now be impOSSIble, due to the shallowness of the RIver and I, Barcrossmg Maroulis, J.c., 1985, Downstream VarzatlOns In Channel Morphology In the Manning RIver Valley NSW, TheSlS submitted as partIal fulfilment of BSc, I UnivefSlty of NSW.

Maxwell, F. W., 1988, Deep Blue Ocean Mapsfrom Old Bar to Diamond Head, I (ANB 73-164423).

Neville, PH, 1987, Manning River Entrance Study Background and Issues of I Concern, Prepared for PWD Engtneenng DivislOn. I Background mformation on the two entrances of the Manmng RIver has been summansed. Issues of concern IdentIfied include, treacherous entrance condItIons at Harrington, Impact of the closure of Old Bar Entrance on I floodlng, oyster growmg and farmmg, and problems of erosion and shoalmg along the RIver. Observations have been presented from PWD fues, I hydrographIC surveys, aenal photography and tIdal data. NSW LegtslatIve Assembly ParlIamentary StandIng COmmlttee on PublIc Works, 1910, Report together with Minutes of Evidence, AppendIces and I Plan relating to the Proposed Harbour Works at Manning RIver.

Recommends completIon of the unfimshed portIon of the scheme I recommended by the 1898 Comnnttee, enta,iling 210ft of northern breakwater, 7150ft of barner bank and southern wall and 4000ft of southern breakwater. Work on the Entrance Improvements had stopped III 1904 due to shortage of I funds. The southern breakwater had not been commenced. I 7 I I I

I The proposed works would increase the Bar depths from the present 6 to 9ft below ISLW, to a depth of 12ft. Accretion on the Bar, rn the northern channel and on the crossrng mSlde the Entrance IS due to transport of sand from the I south entenng the River on flood tIde; which cannot be completely removed by the ebb current along the northern wall. Constant dredgmg IS reqUlred just to maintam the existing conrutlons. W1ule the northern breakwater had fixed I the channel, It had increased the danger to navlgatlOn. The southern training wall and breakwater should proceed at once to prevent supply of sand from the I south and to allow vessels to cross the Bar more frequently. NSW Legtslatlve CouncIl Parhamentary Standing Commlttee on PublIc Works, I 1898, Report together with Mznutes 0/ Evidence, Appendices and Plan relating to the Proposed Harbour Works, at Mannzng River. I The report recommends Entrance works and has minutes of eVldence, appendicies and a plan of works attached. Dredging of the RIver commenced in 1882. The COmmlttee considered a modified scheme to the one I recommended m the Coode Report, although work had already commenced on the north trammg wall m 1894. The COmmlttee recommended that the southern works (breakwater) commence immed1ately, the northern wall be I reduced m height and length than previously proposed and the southern wall be made continuous. The purpose of the works were, to remove the Bar by provlrung a permanently deep channel at the entrance, to scour sand at the I Narrows and to protect the south bank at the potential breakthrough point.

Oceanics Australia, 1983, Environmental Studies/or Proposed Canal I Development - Harrington NSW. I Oceanics Australia, 1984, Lower Mannzng River Flood Study, for PWD. Planning Workshop, 1983, Plannzng Report and Concept Plan Old Bar I ExtensIOn. PublIc Works Department NSW, 1888- ,Extracts/rom Annual Reports Relevant to I the Mannzng River.

These extracts proVIde mformatlon on entrance conditions, dredgtng work and I progress reports on constructlon of the breakwaters and training works.

PublIc Works Department NSW, 1965, Manning River Flood MItigation, E. I Kazirmerczuk (WRL Q627.4099442/l)

States that works undertaken to date have been unplanned and inadequate. I Recommends a controlled mlet at Old Bar to reduce flood levels, proVlded levee banks are extended m appropnate locatlons An upgrade of eXIStlng works IS suggested rather than a new scheme. Includes a cost estlmate of works I and a prionty hst for theIr Implrrnentatlon. I 8 I I I

I Public Works Department NSW, 1980, Manning River Gravel ExtractIOn Prelzmmary Assessment, Report No. 80031.

I Notes that the large increase m extractlon proposals could threaten the eXIstence of gravel bars in the RIver. If thIS occurs, then there could be conSIderable changes in nver hydrauhcs. Provides gUIdelInes for an EIS, as I current data IS msufficient for detailed predIctlons of pOSSIble changes to river behaviour.

I Public Works Department NSW, 1981, Manning River Gravel ExtractIOn Discussion Paper, InvestigatIon SectIOn Coastal Branch, (philip, N. Project I Engmeer). Public Works Department NSW, 1981, Manning River Flood HIStory, I 1831-1979, PWD Report No. 81019. Public Works Department NSW, 1982, Manning River Gauge Report, PWD I Report No. 82015.

Public Works Department NSW, 1983, An Apprazsal of the Tidal and Survey Data I for the Upper Reaches of the Mannmg River Estuary, Internal Report, G. Williams.

Reviews the aVaIlable data and suggests further work that would be necessary I to adequately evaluate optIons for nver management.

Public Works Department NSW, 1983, Manning River Tidal Data 14110181 anti I 11111181, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory, Report No. 380.

Presents the data collected on the Manning River on 14/10/81 and 11/11/81 by I Manly Hydrauhcs Laboratory TIde levels, velOCItleS, cross sectlons, I temperature/salInity and suspended sedIment. Pubhc Works Department NSW, 1985, Manning District Water Supply AugmentatIOn Intake Site InvestigatIOn, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory Report No. I 428.

Four SItes were mvestIgated for an addItional intake to Bootawa Dam, for the I Manmng DIStrlCt Water Supply AugmentatIon. The SIteS are upstream of the eXIStlng mtake at Abbotts Falls where tidal salinity problems occur. All four SItes would be protected from surface saline penetration by existIng controls. I The River thalweg and channel cross sections in the vicmIty are presented.

PublIc Works Department NSW, 1988, Manning River Tidal Data 1113186, Mrully I HydraulIcs Laboratory, Report No. 458 I I 9 I I I Presents data collected by Manly Hydraulics Laboratory on 11/3/86 on a Joint I exerCIse Wlth the State PollutIon Control CommisslOn. LImited velocIty data WIth some temperature/salinity proflles.

I Pubhc Works Department NSW, 1989, Manning RIver Flood Study, Draft Only.

The study was undertaken to predtct flood behavlOur usmg mathematIcal I models. TopographIc, ramfall, runoff, streamflow and tidal data was obtamed to enable the models to be calibrated. The models were then used to determme I the relatIve levels of floodwaters throughout the floodplam Ramsland, J., 1987, The Struggle Against Isolation - A HIstory of the Manning I Valley, LIbrary of AustralIan Htstory m aSSOCIatIon Wlth Greater Taree CIty Council, ISBN 0 908120 672,

Thls book IS a comprehensIve hlstory of the Manning Valley. A basIc theme IS, I early IsolatIon due partly to the dangerous navIgatIOn conditions at the RIver entrance, which also restrtcted developement of the area. Oxley's imtial I discovery of the two Entrances IS descnbed. There are various references to naVlgability and dredgmg at the Entrance and upstream to Wingham. Effects of I some of the major floods are mentIoned. Resource Planmng Pty Ltd, 1989, EIS for the Extraction and Processing of Gravel and Sandfrom a POint Bar AdjOining the Manning RIver between Abbotts and I Jacksons Falls, Wlngham AppendIX D . Geomorphological and HydrologIcal InvestigatIOns of the Manning River near Wing ham, NSW.

I The nver channel was found to be very stable and not transporttng a large volume of gravel There are no alluVlal deposits being actively eroded. Jacksons and Abbotts Falls must be maintamed to prevent salt intruslOn into I the water supply mtake. Flow charactenstics are primarily determined by Basm and Abbotts Bends. No detrtmentallocal effect IS predicted if the Pomt Bar I gravel IS extracted. I Revitt, J., 1979, The Good Old Days - Volumes 1,2 and 3. The three volumes contam numerous old photographs and the hIStOry of the I Manmng Valley. It IS pnmanly a PICtOrial local history. Roy, P. S., 1977, SIgnificance of SedIment Dlsmbutlon In Major Coastal Rivers, Northern NSW, Proc. Third AustralIan Conference on Coastal and Ocean I Engmeenng .

Roy, P. S., 1981, Late Quaternary Manne DepositIOn In NSW and Southern I - An Evolutionary Model, Journal of the GeologIcal Society of AustralIa, 28.p471-489

I Exammes the geomorpholOgIcal context of the NSW north coast. I 10 I I I

I Roy, P. S., 1982, RegLOnal Geology of Central and Northern NSW, GeologIsches Jahrbuch Reme D, Heft, 56:25-35.

I Documents manne sediments.

Roy, P. S., 1984, NSW Estuanes : Their Ongm and Evolution, m Thorn, B. G., I (Ed) Coastal Geomorphology in AustralIa, Academic Press, Sydney, p99-120. I ClassIfies NSW estuaries by type. Sinclair, Knight and Partners, 1970, Flood Mitigation Report (referred to on I Coast and RIvers file R 1030/14). Sinclair, Knight and Partners, 1981, Flooding and Drainage AdvIce Old Bar I Extenszon. I Sinclarr, Knight and Partners, 1983, Old Bar Coastal Erosion Study, PWD. A coastal engmeenng assessment of beach behaviour m the Old Bar area. The report mcludes the geomorphology of the lower estuary and coast. An I histoncal summary of the stability of Old Bar Inlet from 1818 to 1981 and comparal1ve planforms of the Inlet, based on an analysis of aerial photographs, are documented. There are detatls of sand mining operations from Manmng I Point to Old Bar.

Sinclair, Knight and Partners, 1987, Proposed Aggregate Extraction Mannzng I River at , near Wingham, EIS. I Soil Conservation Service NSW, 1985, Taree DismctTechnzcal Manual I State Ftshenes Department NSW, 1886- ,Annual Reports. These Reports contam figures on annual oyster production I State Pollunon Control COmmIssion, 1986, Water Quality Survey from June 1984 to March 1986, Study No.7.

I Surface water qualIty was found to be good, m terms of clanty and suspended soltds, dunng low flows. Phosphorous levels were elevated near Taree and Wmgham. Water quality at depths greater than two metres was poor due to I hydrauhc charactensl1cs of the River and prevailing wastewater dtsposal strategIes. Taree contributes sIgmficantly to urban pollutant run-off during high flows. Gravel extracnon and processmg influences suspended sohds I dunng low flows. I I 11 I I I Recommends a reVIew of some wastewater dIsposal strategies, contInual monitonng of water qualIty, possIble upgrade of urban drainage and a review I of gravel extractIon Industry's methods of reducIng suspended solids loads. I Stewart, D., 1987, A Plwtogrammetric Investigation of Channel Changes zn the Tidal Mannzng River, NSW from 1940 to 1982, Dissertation submItted In partIal fulfilment of the requIrements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, UnIVersIty of I Sydney.

Channel WIdth changes SInce 1940 have been mOnItored at various locatIons I along the RIver, from analysIs of aerial photography. Channel cross sections in 1883 and 1980/82 are compared. InformatIon IS also presented on catchment I phySIOgraphy, delta geology and soils. UnIversity of NSW, 1987, Hamngton Waters Estate - Supplzmentary Reportfor I CommlSSLOn of InqUIry on Hydraulics, Dredgzng, Siltation and Scour. An addendum to the EIS by Gutteridge, HaskIns and Davey (1983) describing I changes to the proposal and theIr effects on nver hydraulIcs. Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission NSW, 1968, Water Resources I of the Mannzng Valley, Survey of Thirty NSW Rivers, Report No. 14.

WIlhams, R E. and Wyllie, S., 1987, The Retennon of Pollutants and the Related I Tidal Characterzstics of the Mannzng RIver, 12th Federal Convention Australian Water and Wastewater ASSOCIation, .

I Water quality is related to tidal charactenstics. In the VICirnty ofTaree a partIally mixed water columIl develops, due to the interactIon of fresh and salIne flows. Based on this understanding, recommendatIons are made for the I dIscharge of wastewaters and theIr effect on the Manning RIver System predIcted.

I Winders, Barlow and Morison, 1986, Manning River - Flow Study, I CommIssIoned by the Greater Taree CIty Council. I I I I I 12 I I I I FILE LIST I COAST AND RIVERS - SHELL HOUSE I FlleNo. Subject Locatlon R 1030/1 Grants for Wharf and Foreshore Improvements Not Known

I R 1030/2 Breakwaters and Techrucal Walls - Repairs Arch SOB I R 1030/3 Sand Gravel Not Known I R 1030/4 Operung of Old Bar Entrance EST R 1030/5 Erectlon of Ftshenes Jetty, etc Krngs-B20

I R 1030/6 Coal Wharf Harrington (1950/54) Krngs-C33 I R 1030n RIver Bank Erosion (1950/69) Krngs-B20 R 1030/8 CompIlation Arch SOB

I R 1030/9 Harnngton Inlet Des toyed I R 1030/10 Jones Island, Request re Flood MItigation (1950) Krngs- C33 R 1030/11 Use of Nth and Sth Channels around Dumaresq IslandKmgs-C33 I as Main Channel (1955) I R 1030/12 Crob Wharf SIte, Jones Island (1930/59) Kings-C33 R 1030/13 Proposed ConstructIon of Jetty m Lagoon Kmgs-C33 I Harrington (1946/59) R 1030/14 Flood MItlgatIon Invesngation (Parts 1 and 2) Arch SOB

I R 1030/15 HydrographIc Survey - TIdal GradIents Kmgs-C33 (not acnve after 1964 - at Sheas Creek)

I R 1030/16 DemohtIon of Engmeenng Shed Destroyed North SIde SWImmIng lagoon Harrington

I R 1030/17 PMG Department, Kempsey Destroyed I ApplIcatlon to lay cable across Manmng River I 13 I I I

R 1030/18 FIsheries Boatshed, Browns Creek Destroyed I Owner Cormmssion - Payment of Account I R 1030/19 Harbour Works - Mam FIle - Crowdy HeadlBay Arch SOB R 1030/19/1 Crowdy Head Harbour Works File I DesIgn and Construction R 1030/19/2 Crowdy Head Harbour Works Kmgs C33 I Progress Reports (1963n8) R 1030/19/3 Crowdy Head Harbour Works Arch SOB I Estunates and Cost Statements (1963n8) , R 1030/19/4 Crowdy Head Harbour Works MHL I Land Matters

R 1030/19/5 Crowdy Head Harbour Works Destroyed I ExplosIves InspectIon

R 1030/19/6 Crowdy Head Harbour Works Destroyed I HIre of Plant

R 1030/19n Crowdy Head Harbour Works Destroyed I HIre of Dumpers

R 1030/19/8 Crowdy Head Harbour Works MIssmg I Construction of Wharf

I R 1030/19/9 Crowdy Head Harbour Works Kmgs B20 Surveys

I R 1030/19/10 Crowdy Head Harbour Works FIle AdVIce to Other Authonties

I R 1030/19/11 Crowdy Head Harbour Works File Construction Generally

I R 1030/19/12 Crowdy Head Harbour Works KmgsB20 Improvements to Moonng FaCIlItIes I Subsurface Investigations R 1030/19/13 Crowdy Head Harbour Works FIle I Improvement Works - DesIgn of Moonng Jetties R 1030/19/15 Crowdy Head Harbour Works FIle I Unloading Wharf Fish Co-op I 14 I I I I R 1030/19/16 Crowdy Head Harbour Works - Dredging Not Created R 1030/19/17 Crowdy Head Harbour Works - Slipway Arch SOB

I R 1030/19/18 Crowdy Head Harbour Works Arch SOB Control of Foreshore Boatramps

I R 1030/19/19 Crowdy Head Harbour Works File OscillatlOn Problems

I R 1030/19/20 Crowdy Head Harbour Works T. BalaraJu Port Developement and Mitigation Plans (Waterways)

I R 1030/19/21 Crowdy He~d Harbour Works T. Balaraju Reparrs/Maintenance to JettIes (Waterways)

I R 1030/20 Proposed Bndge across the Manning RIver Destroyed

I R1030/21 Erosion at Badger's Creek, Old Bar Arch SOB

R1030/22 Proposed Reclamation by Taree M.C. withm Kings C33 I Public Reserve No. 81499 (1959/66)

R1030/23 Prop. RepaIr to, and ExtensIOn of Nthn. Now R1028/29 I Breakwater, Tuncurry I R 1030/24 Harrington SIgnal StatIon Reserve Destroyed R 1030/25 Old Bar Reach - Encroachment by Sea on Kings C33 Foreshores - DiversIOn of Badger's Creek I (1958n6) I RI030/26 Browns Creek - Removal of ObstructIons - KlllgS C33 EroSIOn (1963/64)

I RI030/27 Jones Island - Dralllage of PropertIes Kings C33 (1963/64)

I R1030/28 Oxley Regional COrnm1ttee - Request for KlllgS C33 Information re Floods (1963/64)

I R 1030/29 Dredging of Back Channel & Gantry Opemng - KlllgS C33 Breakwaters & Trallling Walls (1957/81)

I R1030/30 Dredging at Entrance Parts 1 & 2 C&R I R1030/31 Flood MltIgatlOn Survey Arch SOB I 15 I I I I R1030/32 R C Hayward - InformatIon re Dramage Arch 10/2975 R1030/33 Cancelled See R1030/22

I R1030/34 MSB Boatshed & Shpway, Harrington Destroyed - Demohshed

I R1030/35 Construction of Wharf, Crowdy Head Arch 10/2975 See R1030/19/8 - It would appear that R1030/19/8 became R1030/35. I K M Seymour, OIC, Records I R1030/36 DesIre HeIghtening of Rock Crossing Arch 10/2975 R1030/37 Newcastle District - Taree MunicIpal Now C200/39 I CouncIl - Scour at Stormwater Dram 'C' FIles - Council fIles and former NB: Records T18 I local Government Section, PWD - holdmg large transferred to former Mam Roads Department number of I - now part of Roads & Traffic Authonty these fIles R 1030/38 ErOSIon - Seafront - Blackhead (1966/67) KmgsB20

I R1030/39 Grant for ReclamatIon of Waterfront, Kmgs C33 Harnngton (1966)

I R1030/40 Danger to NavigatIon (1967n5) Kmgs B20

R1030/41 Tuncurry - Proposed Foreshore BeautIfication Arch SOB I (1968/69) I R1030/42 Wmgham, Removal of Topsoil from Riverbank Arch SOB (1968/69)

I R1030/43 Harnngton, Proposed Mimng for ZIrcon, Arch SOB Rutlle & llmemte (1968/69)

I R1030/44 Complaint by Mayern Pty Ltd re Gravel Arch SOB Mining ACtIVIties (1969n5)

I R1030/45 NavigatIon AIds (1969n8) Arch SOB I R1030/46 Old Bar Entrance Model Arch SOB '. R1030/47 PMG Coronal Cable Taree - Newcastle - Arch SOB Floodmg ofWollomba River on Property I of E J Carey (1970) I 16 I I I

I R1030/48 EroslOn & Siltal10n Manmng River & Est. LF PelIcan Bay & Oyster Fanners

I R1030/49 Flood MIl1gal1on - Lower Manning, BIg Arch SOB Swamp Area (1971n3)

I R1030/50 Manmng River County CouncIl - Arch SOB Overhead Power CrOSSIng - I near Coopernook (1971) R1030/51 RIver Gauges, Taree Arch SOB I R1030/52 Sill1ng of Brown's, Creek Est. LF

R1030/53 ApplIcal10n for Grant - Construct Wharf Arch SOB I Mitchell Island - Manmng Shire CouncIl

I R1030/54 FloodIng CoravIlle Area Arch SOB I R1030/55 SIltal10n of Harrington Inlet Est LF R1030/56 Bank ErosIon, Oxley Island (1974) Arch SOB

I R1030/57 ExtensIon to Concrete Retainmg Wall, See RI511/4/1 Harnngton Bowhng Club Premises

I R1030/58 Control of Foreshores - Crowdy Bay to FIle PWD Boatramps

I R1030/59 FaClhl1es for NSW State Flshenes Arch SOB I R1030/60 Entrance Study Parts 1 & 2 Estuaries ACl10n reo Spur Walls

I RI030/61 FloodplaIn Mappmg Now F Mit. file 81-208-003

I R1030/62 Floodmg of Old Bar (Dramage) - Connell, Arch SOB SmIth & Clark Streets

I R1030/63 Hydro-Survey (6.3.79) Now F Mit. file 81-208-015

I R1030/64 Data Collecl1on No action/cancelled I R1030/65 InstallatIOn of Recorders Arch SOB I 17 I I I I R1030/66 Investigations Waterways 23.5.89 R1030/67 Development and ObstructIon in the Now F MIt. file I FloodPlam 81-208-005 R1030/68 Shoalmg and Bank EroSIOn of River Est. LF I (Excludmg Entrances and Back Channels) R1030/69 Mannmg Rlver Gravel Extraction Study Arch SOB

I R1030{70 Mannmg DlstrIct Water Supply Intake Works Est. LF I R1030{71 Proposed Hamngton Waters Canal Estate FIle I R1030{72 EnquIries - canal SubdivisIOns - Harrington Est. LF I R1511/4/l H & R General, Special Leases, PO's, I Manmng River R2042/3 H & R General, Bank Protection - deals Wlth I Dumaresq Island bank protection works by SCS R1511/ PO's general series I I I I I I I I I 18 I I I I MANLY HYDRAULICS LABORATORY

I FIle No. Subject I A43 Manmng RIver - Elevated Ocean Levels A48 AWACS - Manmng RIver Data Compllatlon Study

I D03/34 Data Collectlon - Mannmg RIver I D03/145 Manmng RIver Taree Road Bndge Gauging Station , I MIl Mannmg RIver Intake M39 Manning River at Harrington

I M40 Manning RIver at Farquhar Inlet


I FIle No. Subject I CR841 Harnngton Entrance (parts 1 and 2) I CR842 Old Bar to Manmng Pomt (Parts 1 and 2) CR844 Entrance to Dumaresq Island and Scotts Creek I (Oyster applIcations, PO's, jetties, erosion and requests for acnon) CR845 North and South Passage and South Channel

I CR846 Taree to Abbotts Falls (parts 1 and 2) I CR847 Flood Plam Includmg Harnngton I G1.4 Opening of Coastal Lakes and Inlets

L27 PernnsSIve Occupancies - Manmng RIver I (Lease applIcatlons, medIa, dredgmg proposals and objectlons) I L29 Quarry Licenses - Mannmg RIver I 19 I I I L29.1 Manrung River - Sand and Gravel Extractlon Study I Taree to Wmgham I L37 Oyster Leases - Mannmg RIver lA4 SpecIal Leases - Manrung RIver I R120 Greater Taree CIty CouncIl - Beach Improvements I (Old Bar photographs dune stabIlIsatlon 27/10/82) I R121 Manning River - CompIlatlon R122 Manrung RIv~r - Bar Changes I R123 MannIng River - Navigatlonal Aids I R124 MannIng River - Hydrographic Survey (No mformatlon) R125 Mannmg RIver - SIltlng and Dredgmg (Harnngton) (Entrance photographs - 11/lOn8, 14/2n9, 14/11n9, 10/1/80, I 23/10/80, 17n/81 and 15/10/83) I R126 Mannmg RIver - Aenal and Submarme Crossing R128 MannIng RIver - EroSIOn (Requests to prevent eroSIOn, some photographs of Dumaresq Island I etc.) I R129 MannIng RIver - Foreshore Study I R130 Mannmg RIver - Hazards R133 Taree - FIshmg Facilltles

I R134 Browns Creek - Dredgmg and StraightenIng I R136 Harnngton - Canal SubdIVISIon R137 Dawson RIver - RIver Crossmg - Walkmg Track Pontoon

I R209 OpenIng of Coastal Lakes and Inlets - General I R247/A Coastal Protectlon Act - Wmgham ShIre CouncIl I R253 Harnngton Inlet - Dredgmg I 20 I I I I Dungeon Files R21 Hamngton Traimng WallslBreakwaters Annual Inspecnons I (Copy of 5016)

R21 Manmng Pomt Spur Wall - Annual Inspecaon with photographs I (1972-76)

R21 Manmng RIver - Northern Tramrng Wall- Harrmgton HR 1030/2 I (5016) I R21 Manmng River - Pubhc Recreanon Areas (5024) I R21 Manning River - Reclrumanon (5026-A) R21 Mannmg River - Removal of Gravel (5017-A) I Complarnt Lodged Against Blue Metal and Gravel R21 Mannmg RIVer - Removal of Soil from River Banks (5016-A)

I R21 Manmng River - Removal of Trees and Soil from Browns Creek Taree HR 1030/26 (5026)

I R21 Manning River - Siltation of Swummng Lagoon at Hamngton (5019-A)

I R21 MSB Boatshed and Shpway at Harrington (5013-A) I R21 PMG Department - Newcastle to Taree COaxIal Cable (5011-B) I R23 Manmng RIver Compilanon (5015) R29 Mannrng RIver - Weed Growth (985) I I I I I I 21 I I I I MANNING RIVER HYDRO SURVEYS 1799-1802 Chart by Mathew Flmders

I 1827 Boat Survey of the Mannmg RIver WIth Its Branches Surveyed by J Armstrong Scale I State Arcluves NSW

1830 Dangar dId a land survey for AustralIan Agncultural Company I ANU Arcluves 1847 Kmg dId survey for AA Co I ANU Arcluves 1856 Oxley Island " I MItchell LIbrary (copy to be collected) 1862 NSW Coastal Survey - A4 SIZe Surveyed by' Scale I Film No Not ApplIcable

1862 Old Bar/Hamngton Inlet RegIon I Surveyed by Royal Navy I 1862-May Wmgham to Taree Surveyed by E Forde Scale I Film No 28137

1862-June (53131) I Entrance to PelIcan Bay - SoundIngs and ShorelIne DetaIl Surveyed by' E Forde Scale 500ft to mch FIlm No 28116 I B 12R6

1865 Port Stephens to Tackmg Pomt I Admualty Chart of East Coast of AustralIa I 1872 Map on dIsplay m Taree LIbrary Surveyed by. G. Oches Scale I FIlm No Not ApplIcable

1876-Sept Survey of PublIc Wharf at Wmgham - Soundmgs I Surveyed by : Monarty Scale 66ft to mch I FIlm No 18293 I 22 I I I 1876-Oct Survey for PublIc Wharf at Cundle Town - Soundmgs (detaJled) Surveyed by. Monarty I Scale 66ft to mch Film No. 15787

I 1876-77 Plan showmg Site of Wharf erected at Crob - Soundmgs Surveyed by: (Monarty) Scale 66ft to mch I Film No. 15853 1877-May Survey for PublIc Wharf at Cundle Town - Soundings (few) Surveyed by .Monarty I Scale 66ft to mch Film No 15755 I 1879-Dec Harnngton Entrance Surveyed by: T. W. Sidney Scale 500ft to uich I FIlm No. 28121 1888 (53B12) Soundmgs along the centre of the River (rrurumal detail) I Surveyed by: H R. Carlton Scale 40chams to mch Film No. 25806 I B 12R6 1888 (5387) Cross SectIOns at Locations shown on 25806 Harnngton to Bungay Bungay I Surveyed by : H. R. Carlton Scale Not ApplIcable Film No 27840 I B 12R5

1888 (5354) Compilation Centre Channel Soundings Entrance to Wmgharn I Surveyed by . H. R Carlton Scale 40chams to mch Film No 28122 I B 12R5

1888 (5323) I Harnngton Entrance, Banks and Foreshore DetaIl - Soundings Surveyed by . H R Carlton Scale 200ft to mch Film No 25700 and 25694 I B 12R6 NOTE This Map IS 12x4m

1888 (5335) I Entrance showmg proposed Teaming Walls and Breakwaters Soundings and Bonngs Shorelme DetaJl Banks etc Surveyed by . H R. Carlton I Scale 500ft to Inch Film No 25805 I B 12R5 I 23 I I I 1888 (535) Hamngton Entrance mmimum Shorehne DetaIl - Soundmgs I Surveyed by' H R. Carlton Scale 500ft to lOch Film No 28139 I B 12R6

1888-approx Plan of Harnngton Entrance - Shows Drrecuon and Veioclues of TIdal CIIrrents Surveyed by H R Carlton I Scale 200ft to lOch FIlm No. 25834 and 28125

I 1889 (DrawmgNo.l) General Plan from Wmgharn to the Sea Surveyed by I Scale 26400 to lOch FIlm No 25812

1889 (Drawmg No 2) I Entrance to Pehcan Bay - SoundlOgs Surveyed by . Scale 500ft to lOch I FIlm No 25793

1889 (5331) (Drawmg No 3) I Hamngton Entrance Companson of Plans - Contours To accompany Srr John Coode's Report Surveyed by Scale l000ft to lOch I FIlm No 25794 B 12R4

I 1894-Aug (5317) Entrance Progress Plan mmimal Shorehne Detarls - SoundlOgs Surveyed by C W Barley Scale 500ft to lOch I FIlm No 25791 B 12R6

I 1895-Jan Plan of the Mannmg RIver - Entrance to WlOgham Surveyed by Scale 40chams to lOch I Film No 25813 1895-March (5315) Entrance to Abbotts Falls - SoundlOgs along centre of River I Surveyed by Burrows Scale 40chams to mch Film No 27858 I B 12R6

1895-Apnl (5358) I Entrance near Harnngton WIth mmImum Shorehne DetaIl - SoundlOgs Surveyed by' H Walsh Scale 200ft to lOch Film No 28113 I B 12R6 I 24 I I I 1896-Dec Plan of VIaduct on Lme of TraInmg Wall- SoundIngs Only m Area of Vmduct Surveyed by Darley I Scale 200ft to Inch Fum No 15780

I 1897-March (53140) Progress Plan - MInlffial SoundIngs and ShorelIne DetaIl Surveyed by I Scale 200ft to Inch Fum No 25807 B 12R5

I 1897 Plan of Oyster Leases on the Manmng River from the Entrance to Dumaresq Island Surveyed by: I Scale 20chams to Inch Fum No 26124 I 1898 Entrance Area but not very detaIled fathom contours only Surveyed by J H Young Scale l000ft to Inch I Fum No 15797 and 15798 1900 MannIng River Improvements Surveyed by' I Scale 200ft to Inch Fum No 25808

1901-July (339) I Harbour Works as far as Harnngton proposed DevmUon DramIng Wall­ Soundmgs Surveyed by I Scale 200ft to Inch Fum No 25695 I B 12R5 1903 Mannmg River Dredging Plan Surveyed by. I Scale Fum No

I 1903-Feb (13955) and (5341) River at Taree With Carters Island and Goat Island Proposed Cutungs and SoundIngs Surveyed by I Scale 400ft to Inch Fum No 15759 and 28056 I B 12R6 1903-Apnl Small Secuon of River between WIngham and Taree Surveyed by . S R. Beatty I Scale 8chams to mch Fum No 28106 I I 25 I I I 1905 Plan Showmg EXlStmg Works copy of 1888 by H R Carlton Surveyed by . H R Carlton I Scale 400ft to mch Fum No 25814

I 1906-Dec (5347) Harrmgton Inlet, Ocean Foreshore DetaIls Banks, Breakwaters etc Surveyed by Halligan I Scale 300ft to mch Film No 25699 B 12R5

I 1907-Jan Same as 1906 but also shows southern breakwater Surveyed by . Halligan Scale 300ft to mch I Film No. 28140

1909-June Wreck of S. S. Burrawang - SoundIngs In ImmedIate VICInIty only Surveyed by : I Scale 20ft to mch Film No. 15751

I 1910 Plan Showmg Extent of Improvements copy of 1898 Surveyed by : Scale 1GOOft to mch ,I Film No 15741

191O-Dec Manrung River Bormgs Surveyed by . I Scale Film No 25797

I 1912-Apnl (5359) Harrmgton Inlet, Foreshore, Banks etc - SoundIngs Surveyed by H. Searl Scale 300ft to Inch I Film No 25706 B 12R5

I 1912-Nov Harrmgton Surveyed by Scale 200ft to Inch I Film No 25796 1913-June (5365) Harrmgton Inlet, Foreshore, Breakwaters etc - SoundIngs I Surveyed by H F Searl Scale 300ft to Inch Fum No 25705 I B 12R5

1914 Entrance Area fathom contours only I Surveyed by. Scale 1GOOft to Inch I FIlm No 15745 I 26 I I I 1915-Apnl (5368) Hamngton to Inlet and Foreshore - SoundIngs and Tidal Gradients I Surveyed by H F Searl Scale 300ft to lOch Film No. 25701 and 25702 I B 12R5

1919-May (5374) Hamngton to Inlet, Breakwater and Foreshore Detail I SoundIngs and Tidal Gradients Surveyed by W. Mahoney Scale 300ft to lOch Film No 25704 B 12R5

1920-Feb Entrance Area fathom contours only Surveyed by:4) R. Alderton Scale l000ft to'lOch I Film No 15746 1920 Based on 1919 by Mahoney With no extra detail Surveyed by' W. Mahoney I Scale 300ft to lOch Film No. 25792 I 1924-Feb Northern Spur Wall detail Surveyed by . Scale 60ft to lOch I Film No 25789 1927-Nov (5386) Hamngton Inlet, River and Ocean Waters Foreshore - Tidal Gradient I Surveyed by G Brooks Scale 300ft to lOch B 2928

I 1933-May (5388) Hamngton Inlet - Soundings, Foreshore Detail, Breakwaters etc Surveyed by . W A Moody I Scale 300ft to lOch B 12R5 I 1937-Aug (GTCC) Taree Road Bndge Cross Sec1.Ion Surveyed by . Scale I Film No Not Applicable

1937-Sept (GTCC) I Plan ShOWlOg River Bank at Taree Surveyed by' Scale I Ftlm No. Not Applicable I I 27 I I I 1949-Sept (GTCC) Old Punt Site Cross SectIon I Surveyed by Scale I Film No. Not ApplIcable 1950-Apnl (GTCC) Proposed Trammg Wall at Taree - Cross SectIon Surveyed by O. Gordon I Scale Film No. Not Applicable

I 1952-Aug (GTCC) Proposed Trammg Wall at Taree - Cross SectIon of Bank Surveyed by . I Scale Film No. Not Applicable

1956 (GTCC) I Bohnock - Cross Sectton of River at Cement Bndge Surveyed by· Scale I Film No Not Applicable

1957-Oct (53101) I General Plan TIdal GradIents for all secttons of the River Surveyed by Scales 4miles to mch, 10000ft to mch and 1ft .(?) Large Planex (near Roger's desk) I B 12

1958 Harnngton Offshore Survey I Surveyed by NCommanderR J HardstaffRAN Scale 1 50000 FIlm No Not Applicable

I 1958 Old Bar Offshore Survey Surveyed by NCommander R J. Hardstaff RAN Scale 1.50000 I Film No Not ApplIcable

1961 Proposed WeIr on the Mannmg RIver for Taree/Wmgham Water Supply - I Contour Plan Surveyed by Cnsp et al Scale 100ft to mch I Film No Not ApplIcable 1961-Nov (GTCC) PublIc Wharf (Queen St) and Dumaresq Island - Cross Sectton of RIver I Surveyed by J. W F. B. Scale Film No Not Applicable

I 1962 Entrance SoundIngs Surveyed by Scale I Film No Not ApplIcable I' 28 I I I

1962 (GTCC) Old Bar ErosIOn I Surveyed by : Scale I Film No Not ApplIcable 1963-July (Coffs Harbour) Taree Area - Hydrosurvey showmg nver bed contours I Surveyed by: Cnsp et al Scale 100ft to mch Film No. Not ApplIcable

I 1964-Feb Tidal Gradients Surveyed by : Scale Not Applicable I Film No. Not ApplIcable , 1965 Flood MItIgatIo'n Cross SectIons (8 sheets) I Surveyed by E. Kazumerczuk Scale Film No Not ApplIcable

I 1965 (GTCC) Proposed Shallow Island ReclamatIon Surveyed by' I Scale 4chams to mch Film No Not ApplIcable I 1966 (GTCC) Dumaresq Island Bndge Site - Cross SectIon Surveyed by : Scale I Film No Not ApllIcable I 1970 Survey

I 1970-Dec Soundmgs for Channel Markers near Harnngton Surveyed by Scale I Film No

1972-March (Coffs Harbour) I Browns Creek Taree - Hydrosurvey Surveyed by : Newcastle Office Scale 100ft to mch I Film No Not ApplIcable 1979-July Cross SectIons for use With Aenal Photography 17n n9 I MHL File No 1079 I I 29 I I I

1980-Feb Flood MIugauon Cross SecUon Index (5 sheets) Surveyed by E Bray I Scale Not ApplIcable Plan Cat No 6461 I B 13323 1980-July Hydrographic Survey Taree Catchment Area Surveyed by E Bray I Scale 1 4000 (approximately) Plan Cat No 7914 B 12490

I 1980-Sept Hydrographic Survey Taree Chatham Area Surveyed by: E Bray Scale I Copy rn Planex B 12490

1980-81 Flood MIugauon Base Sheets I Surveyed by . C ConnrngtOn and E. Bray Scale Plan Cat No 6296 I B 13239

1980-81 Flood MIugauon Recovery Diagrams and PhotomoSlUc Sheets I Showmg Cross SecUon Locauons Surveyed by: C Connmgton and E Bray Scale Plan Cat No 6295 I B 13219 (1973)

1980-81 Flood MIugauon Benchmark Schedules Sheets (2) I Surveyed by : C. ConrungtOn and E Bray Scale Plan Cat No 6460 I B 1332 1980-81 Flood MIugauon General Plan Surveyed by: C Connmgton and E Bray I Scale Plan Cat No 6471 I B 13366 1980-81 Flood MIugauon Index PhotomoSlUc Plan Surveyed by' C Connmgton and E Bray I Scale Plan Cat No 6472 B 13387

I 198(j){ ~ I Flood MIugauon Cross Secuons (41 sheets) Surveyed by' (}>~\i\ Scale Not ApplIcable ~v I Plan Cat. No 6359 ~ -'\ B 13214 ... p,.r I V I 30 I I I

1984-0ct Farley and Lewers detalled Cross SectIOns of 11lTIited area (Coffs Harbour) Surveyed by . Degotardl et al I Scale Film No Not Appbcable

I 1986-Sept Flood Study Index to Secuons Surveyed by' Scale 1 25000 I Plan Cat. No 7921 B 14768

1988 Wmgham Brush - Cross SectIOns I Surveyed by . Scale I Film No. 1988-Dec (Coffs Harbour) ReadyffilX Sand and Gravel ExtractIOn Study - Cross Secuons Surveyed by . Degotardl et al I Scale I Film No Not Aplhcable UNDATED PLANS I 15753 Wharf and Sl(hng at Devils Elbow (not much detail) Scale 33ft to mch and 4chams to mch

15942 Plan Showmg Site for Proposed Dredgmg Dock I Scale 100ft to mch

15943 Cross SecUons over Proposed Site for Dredgmg Dock I SheetNo 1 Scale 20ft to mch I 15944 Same as 15943 SheetNo 2

18295 Proposed Wharf Site at Wmgham - Soundmgs I Scale 80ft to mch

25795 The Mannmg River - Entrance to Wmgham I, Scale 40chams to mch

26122 Oyster Leases Mannmg River - Entrance to Dumaresq Island Traced from Hello m possessIOn of FlShenes Department I Scale 20chams to mch I 27892 Mannmg River Survey - Tidal Gradients Secuon 27894 Drawmg No 12 Report No. 7 Approx1lTIate Boundanes of Marmmg River Watershed I Scale 2mlles to mch BLANK Cross SectIOn of River near Mannmg Pomt for EroSion Study I Surveyed by DIStnct Engmeer Newcastle I 31 I I I I PARISH, COUNTY AND OTHER MAPS I COUNTY PARISH EDITION DATE COMPILED A. O. MAP NO. Macquane Hamngton 4 29/4/1891 28624 ? 28/10/1896 46048 I ? 5/3/1897 42923 4 1/12/1904 28619 5 1910 MItchell 9 24n/1917 23985 I 6 30/11/1917 28620 2 7/1/1921 46049 7 20/2/1924 28621 I ,8 26/9/1932 42924 9 6n11956 31444 I 9 6n11956 36626 Macquane Oxley 2 10/11/1886 42967 3 1899 18827 4 1909 MItchell I 5 3/2/1921 28680 6 10/11/1927 42968 6 24/9/1936 12554 I 6 24/9/1936 31471 7 19/3/1958 51945 7 19/3/1958 36652 I 8 1976 MItchell Macquane Cundle ? 3/5/1881 28603 ? 7/6/1900 42911 I 4 1908 MItchell 5 19/6/1923 28604 7 7/6/1951 51879 I 7 7/6/1951 36620 8 1971 MItchell

Macquane Taree ? 1881 28710 I 4 1907 MItchell 2 1910 42984 5 11/1/1913 28716 I 6 26/11/1919 28715 7 1/5/1924 10824 7 5/2/1925 28726 8 1941 MItchell I 8 2/2/1943 42985 9 1956 23997 9 9/5/1956 51507 I 9 6/9/1957 28724 9 6/9/1957 28725 I, 10 22/8/1974 36661-3 I I 32 I I I I COUNTY PARISH EDmON DATE COMPILED A.O.MAPNO. Macquane Wmgham 2 24/4/1891 28732 3 2/4/1900 12434 ? 17/5/1900 42990 I 4 1909 Mitchell 4 19/2/1910 28734 6 19/11/1926 42991 I 6 1928 Mitchell 5 4/2/1931 28733 7 4/1/1943 31787 I 7 4/1/1943 51296 7 1/12/1944 28735 8 13/4/1967 36668 I 4 27/8/1970 38898 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I 33 I I I I COUNTY PARISH EDITION DATE COMPILED A.O.MAPNO. Gloucester Bohnock 2 27/10/1890 22461 3 25/5/1899 41334 4 1906 Mitchell I 5 9/8/1915 22462 6 12/5/1920 22459 7 8/9/1926 11819 I 8 7/10/1927 41335 7 7/11/1927 22460 8 1936 Mitchell I 9 2/2/1953 30776 9 2/2/1953 31448 9 21/2/1955 22466 10 18/7/1967 35664 I ? 31/7/1968 51858 11 1977 Mitchell I Gloucester Tmonee ? /12/1892 80328 2 19/1/1893 41403 3 3/7/1900 22483 4 1910 Mitchell I 5 6/4/1916 30932 5 28/9/1916 22432 2 8/9/1920 80329 I 6 11/6/1925 41404 3 1933 52328 7 29/9/1941 50761 I 7 19/3/1943 22433 8 23/11/1960 32548 8 1960 25388 8 23/11/1960 35703 I 4 2/7/1973 38846 9 1977 Mitchell I Gloucester Bootoowa 2 6/9/1895 41336 3 1903 Mitchell 4 16/7/1915 22442 5 5/7/1923 22443 I 5 3/4/1923 11802 6 8/2/1927 41337 6 1936 Mitchell I 7 1951 Mitchell 7 9/9/1952 22444 I 8 1971 Mitchell I I I I 34 I I I I COUNTY MAPS I COUNTY PARISH EDITION DATE COMPll..,ED A. O. MAP NO. Macquane 1872 MItchell 1873 10723 1907 MItchell I 1914 MItchell 1950 MItchell I Gloucester 1886 MItchell 1895 MItchell 1902 MItchell I 1907 MItchell 1921 MItchell I 1940 MItchell I OTHER MAPS

Town of Taree 1885 I 80310 Town ofWmgharn 15/6/1893 80431 I 26/5/1920 80432 I Part of Mannmg RIver 1890 32634 (formmg North Boundary of AA Co )

Part of Mannmg RIver 1895 32612 I (County Hawes Panshes of Woko and Dewitt) I 1 100000 1972 9434 1 100000 Wmgharn 1974 9334 I 1 25000 Coopernok 1986 9434-3-N 1.25000 Cundletown 1986 9434-3-S


I /140 1:10000 DMR Mamboo Island Jones Island

I /10/40 2 1-16000 SVY1377 27057-27064 BW HIstoncal SVY1378 28246-28250 BW Part of I Manrung River

/12/40 3 1-16000 SVY1379 27123-27126 BW HIstoncal I 27138-27142 BW 27152-27155 BW I 27165-27168 BW /141 4 1:16000 SVY1351 26661-26678 BW Hlstoncal Extendsmto I Zones 30 and 32

/9/42 30 SVY1214 55590-55591 BW HIstoncal I Small area of I' Manrung River /144 1:19000 FCNSW Arcluves I Kmgswood 26/11/54 27 1:12000 TC524 1 5001-5010 BW Manrung River I 2 5011-5025 BW and Taree

26/11/54 28 1-12000 TC524 3 5026-5039 BW Manrung River I 4 5040-5054 BW Manrung River 5 5055-5062 BW Manrung River I 28/8/55 5 122500 NSW268 8 5026-5030 BW I NSW267 9 5174-5177 BW I I I 36 I I I I DATE SET SCALE FLIGHT RUN FRAMES COWUR REMARKS /4/56 6 NSW273 3 5036-5038 BW 2 5042-5050 BW Extendsmto Zone 30 I 3 5030-5034 BW Farquhar Inlet to Nth and Sth Passage I 16/1/65 7 142600 NSW1295 5035-5037 BW Extendsmto Zone 30 10 5041 BW Harnngton Inlet I Farquhar Inlet

I 25/4/69 8 1.58600 NSW1616 6 5103-5105 BW Crowdy Head to , 7 5167 BW Harnngton Inlet I 27n169 9 1.40000 NSW1631 1 5184-5187 BW Extendsmto Zone 30 1 5178-5183 BW Hamngton Inlet I 2 5169-5177 BW and Mannmg RIver 3 5159-5168 BW I 16/5nO 10 1:12000 NSW1903 1 5109-5113 BW Extendsmto Zone 30 I 5114-5117 BW Dlaposltlves Harnngton and I Farquhar Inlets 13/8nO 29 1:16000 NSW1680 1 5220-5226 BW I 5fmO 12 1 16500 NSWI806 2 5173-5181 BW Farquhar Inlet I to Old Bar 27f)m 13 164000 1978 5033-5036 BW Nth and Sth Passage I Mannmg RIver I 30/6m 33 NSW2019 3 5039 BW Cundletown 24f)m 14 140000 NSW2037 4A 5151-5161 BW Extendsmto Zones 30 and 32 I DJaposltlves Harnngton Inlet I to DIamond Reef I I 37 I I I I DATE SET SCALE FLIGHT RUN FRAMES COLOUR REMARKS 6/4n4 15 126000 CAC6012 6 98-105 BW Extends mto Zones 30 and 32 Farquhar Inlet to I Wallabl Pomt

I 2/12n6 ' 16 1'40000 NSW2421 5 92-96 Colour Extendsmto Zones 30 and 32 Harnngton Inlet I to Wallabl Pomt

2/12n6 32 1.40000 NSW2421 5 84,85,87-97 Colour Stored m I folder 11-14 Extends mto Zones 30, 32 I and 33

13fm8 17 1'8000 QAS 130 1 1 2666-2674 Colour Extendsmto I Zone 30 I 2 2678-2686 Colour Harnngton 3nm 18 1:8000 NSW3018 1 8411-8433 Colour Extends mto Zone 30 I (MISC1136 Colour DIaPOSIUVes Harnngton Inlet I to Old Bar 28nm 36 125000 NSW2794 24 1-25 BW ODD's Only I 13!8m 11 1 165000 NSWI804 3 5023-5029 BW Old Bar I 25/11m 19 1:16000 NSW3026 1 6784-6792 Colour Manmng River (MISC1l88) 2 6796-6800 Colour 2 6802-6806 Colour Extcndsmto I Zone 30 4 6836-6850 Colour I 25/11m 20 1:16000 NSW3026 3 6816-6832 Colour Extends mto Zone 30 I (MISC1l88) Colour Manmng River

25/11m 21 1'16000 NSW3026 5 6883-6889 Colour Extends mto I Zone 30 (MISC1l88) 6891-6901 Colour Extendsmto Zone 32 I DIapositI ves I 38 I I I I DATE SET SCALE FLIGHT RUN FRAMES COLOUR REMARKS 28/11n9 37 125000 NSW2814 23 343-373 BW ODD's Only

I 28/11n9 38 125000 NSW2814 25 377-399 BW ODD's Only

I 14/12n9 22 1 16000 NSW3026 6 7552-7567 Colour Extendsmto Zone 30 I 10/1/80 23 116000 NSW3026 7 8142-8157 Colour Extends mto Zone 30 I 8 8160-8176 Colour Manmng River

21/2/80 24 18000 NSW3026 1 480-505 Colour Extendsmto I Zone 30 DlapoSltlVes Farquhar Inlet I to Old Bar

28/9/80 25 18000 NSW3034 A 902-914 Colour Harnngton to I B 892-900 Colour Farquhar Wet

I 23/12/80 26 1 10000 NSW3036 1 1125-1144 Colour Extendsmto Zone 32 DlapoSitlves WaHabl Pomt I to Old Bar

I 1/82 1 16000 LD-Taree

I 31/8/83 31 1 10000 NSW3329 A 87-109 Colour (M 1541) Extends mto I Zone 32 22/4/86 34 1 10000 NSW3517 80-95 Colour DIamond Beach I to Old Bar

22/4/86 35 1:10000 NSW3517 96-114 Colour Old Bar to I ManmngPomt


I 23/4/86 15 1 10000 NSW3510 61-79 Colour ManmngPomt to Crowdy Head I 39 I I I- I ORTHOPHOTO MAPS Orthophoto Maps aVaIlable are from the 1979 1:4000 series by the Central Mapping I Authonty NSW. Wingham Z3770-5 and Z3770-8

I Taree Z4662-1, Z4662-2, Z4662-3, Z4662-4, Z4662-5, Z4662-6, Z4662-7 and Z4662-8

I Harrington Z6470-8 and Z6470-9 I: I. I- I I I I I I I I [ ( [ 40 [ I I I GEOLOGICAL SHEETS 1:250000 Tamworth - Hastings SH 5613-14 I SI 561-2 I Covers northern catchment and Entrance I 1:250000 Newcastle SI 56 2 Covers southern catchment I 1:100000 Ellerston 9134 I (dyelme) Wmgham 9334 Camden Haven 9434 Cowarral 9335 I Yarrowitch 9235 Upper Manning 9234 Camberwell 9133 I Dungog 9233 B ulahdelah/Forster 9333/9433 I The Manmng RIver entrance area IS covered by the Camden Haven sheet. However, I the dyelme IS of particularly bad qUalIty. I I I I I I I I 41 I I I I STREAMFLOWS Streamflow data m the Mannmg Valley IS collected at a number of gaugmg stations I that are mamtamed by the Department of Water Resources (DWR). The statIons that best represent the freshwater flow mto the Study Area are located on the Manmng River at KIllawarra (A WRC No. 208004) and on Dmgo Creek at Munyaree Flat I (AWRC No. 208019).

Records from KIllawarra are avaIlable from 1/6/1945 until thee present and graphs I of mean monthly and mean weekly flows have been obtained from DWR. A copy of the flow exceedence graph IS also aVaIlable.

I The flow has been measured at Dmgo Creek SIllce 13/8/1971 and data output is I available III the same format as Killawarra. I I I I I I I I I I I I 42 I I I I WAVE CLIMATE The Pubhc Works Department NSW has maintallled a routine offshore wave I measurement program, based on the Datawell wavender system, Slllce 1971. As part of this program, a wavender buoy has been located 10kms offshore from Crowdy Head Slllce 10th October, 1985. Data from thIS statton provides informatton on the I wave climate at Harnngton and Old Bar. I The following Table shows detaIls of percentage of data capture at Crowdy Head.


1985/86 99 100 100 80 30 3 24 100 100 I 1986/87 73 55 33 91 100 89 94 84 78 94 94 89 81 1987/88 88 100 96 88 100 99 99 99 88 84 99 100 95 1988/89 89 100 92 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98

I TOTAL* MONTHS 83 85 74 93 100 96 98 94 89 93 98 95 88 I * Total Months does not mclude 1985/86 capture rates I I I I I I I I I I 43 I I I I OCEAN TIDE LEVELS Data on Ocean TIde Levels at the mouth of the Manmng RIver is available for the I following penods.

Mannmg River Entrance 1914-1916 I Manmng River Entrance 1980

CrowdyHead 1971-1973 I CrowdyHead 1977-1980 CrowdyHead 1983-1985 CrowdyHead November 1985 to present I (Zwarts Pole) I I I I I I I I I I I I I 44 I ------I I I WATER LEVEL RECORDERS LOCATION DATE RECORDER DATA I COMMISSIONED TYPE AVAILABLE

Taree 2519/85 Pressure Recorder 2519/85 - 7/12/85 I 6/1/86 - 12/5/87 17/5/87 to present

I Farquhar Inlet 19/8/87 Floatwell 19/8/87 to present I Harrington 1987 Floatwell 26nt87 - 3/8/87 , 22/10/87 - 11/11/87 I 19/1/88 to present I I I I I I I I I I '. I I 4S I I I I TIDAL GAUGING INFORMATION I There IS only a litmted amount of data on tidal velocities in the Manrung River. The first record of drrecuon and veioclues of tidal currents appears on a plan of Harrington Entrance surveyed by Mr H. R. Carlton in about 1888. It IS not known I what methods were used to calculate these velociues.

The first major current metering exerCIse took place on 5th October, 1977. I Velociues were measured at four locations on the River and seven tideboards were installed. Suspended sediment samples were collected. The raw data IS stored at I MHL in FIle No. 1016. A second current metering exerCIse was undertaken on 14th October and 11 th November, 1981. In October current velociues were measured at four locauons in I the lower reaches of the RIver, along with temperarure/salInIty profiles and suspended sedIment samples. In November, velOCIties, temperarure/salinity profIles I and suspended sedIment were measured at five locations In the upper reaches. The raw data IS stored at MHL In FIle No. 1123 and 1125. A report of this double I current metering was pubhshed by MHL In Report No. 380. On 11 th March, 1986 a JOInt exercise was undertaken With the State Pollution Control COmmISSIOn on which a limited amount of current metermg and I temperarure/salinity profiling was carried out. The raw data IS stored at MHL In File No. 1167. The results of thIs exerCIse were published by MHL ill Report No. 458.

I There are some tidal gradIents available from the following years: I YEAR SURVEYOR 1915 H. F. Searl I 1919 W.Mahoney 1927 G. Brooks 1957 I 1964 1977* MHL I 1981* MHL * Full set of udal gradients not avaIlable but I instantaneous gradIents could be calculated. I I I 46 I I I I WATER QUALITY DATA An extensIve collection of water quahty data was undertaken by the SPCC from I June 1984 to March 1986. The results were published by the SPCC ill therr Northern RIvers Study No.7.

I Some aspects of water quality were also measured in conjunctlon Wlth the current metenng ill 1977, 1981 and 1986. This consisted of suspended sediment sampling I and temperattrre/salimty profthng. On the 23rd October and 2nd December, 1980 some temperattrre/saliruty profilmg was carned out by MIll.. from the Entrance to Wingham. The results are stored in I File No. 1106. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 47 I