Planning Application -Design & Access Statement
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PLANNING APPLICATION -DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT 7 3 C R O S S S T R E E T, I S L I N G T O N, N 1 Client: Lesley Malnick B I R D S P O R T C H M O U T H R U S S U M A R C H I T E C T S 5th April 2019 73 Cross Street, Islington -Design & Access Statement Contents List 3 Site Location 4 The Existing Site 5 Site Context 6 Site Context- Analysis of Cross St South Side 8 Site Context- Analysis of Cross St North Side 10 Analysis of Cross Street Frontage Character 12 North & South Side Local Architectural Precedents 13 Design Concepts 16 Use, Layout + Size 18 Cross Street Elevation Strategy 19 Appearance -Massing & Materials 20 -Cross Street Elevation -Rear Elevation Street Views - Cross Street & Upper Street Perspectives 22 Neighbour’s Amenity -Daylight and Overlooking 24 Access Arrangements 25 Birds Portchmouth Russum Architects -Brief History, Relevant 26 Projects, Achievements and Awards Architect : Birds Portchmouth Russum Architects Unit 11 Union Wharf 23 Wenlock Road London N1 7SB [email protected] 020 7253 8205 3 Site Location The site; 73 Cross St. lies at the rear of 292 & 293 Upper Street within the Upper Street North Conservation Area and also borders the Cross Street Conservation Area. 292 & 293 Upper Street have long been in the ownership of Leslie Malnick who wishes to create a two bedroom house on the infill site for her son. Upper Street Conservation Area 73 Cross St. Cross Street Conservation Area Islington Conservation Area Map Extract Aerial View of Site 4 The Existing Site The existing site is a small access courtyard that lies to the rear of 292 Upper Street which is bounded by a gated wall facing Cross Street and the flank wall of 71 Cross Street. The courtyard is accessed off Cross St. and doors lead into the rear of 292 and 293 Upper St. The existing boundary wall facing Cross Street adds nothing to the vibrancy of Cross Street and unfortunately the courtyard has often been the repository of rubbish thrown over the wall. To mitigate this the client installed fencing on top of the wall which has reduced but not eliminated rubbish being thrown into the courtyard. The existing elevation does not make a positive contribution to Cross St. or Upper St. View to Rear Entrance of 293 Upper St. View from Cross St. to Site. Courtyard View of Access Door to Cross St. 5 61 Cross Street 63 Cross Street 65 Cross Street 67 Cross Street 6 Site Context -Buildings immediately adjacent to site on Cross St. Cross Street has active street frontages with attractive boutiques & lifestyle shops, cafés and restaurants with residential accommodation above. Cross St meanders and is composed of narrow abutted buildings with varying heights, irregular alignments and different roof profiles. View From Upper St. to St Marys Church 69 Cross Street 71 Cross Street Site 292 Upper Street 7 NOTES This drawing is the property of Birds Portchmouth Russum Architects (copyright reserved). This drawing N is not to be copied, reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person either wholly or in part without the specific consent in writing of Birds Portchmouth Russum Architects. N Analysis of Street Frontage Character -Cross St South Side Cross Street has a meandering street plan and is predominantly composed of a terrace of brick buildings with various heights, occupancies and frontage widths. It is terminated by a larger building which addresses Upper Street. The site is at the rear of 292 Upper St and is bounded by a wall with a gated entrance. Revision: Note: Date: Drawing Scale 0 10m 50m 73 Cross ARCHITECTSStreet 04.12.18 Proposed +1 Plan (First Floor) Site Plan FG PL 041 1: 100 @ A3 CS PL 010 1: 500 @ A3 BIRDS PORTCHMOUTH RUSSUM Unit 11, Union Wharf ARCHITECTS 23 Wenlock Road, London N1 7SB t. 020 7253 8205 Bespoke 4 Regular Units Bespoke 5 Regular Units Bespoke Terrace has a series of repetitive, speculatively developed, buildings which are interrupted and bookended by singular bespoke buildings of differing scale and heights. Regular & Bespoke Units Site 292 Upper st Photo Montage 8 The parapet line is consistent along the repetitive units but steps up and down on the bespoke buildings. In some instances dormer and glazed attic windows peep over the parapet line. Parapet Line, Hidden & Visible Roofs Plots of over 5 metres wide enjoy pairs of windows. Site Plots less than 5 metres wide have centralised single windows. Window Arrangements 6.3 4.1 4.4 5.6 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.9 5.5 5.4 6.3 6.3 6.3 3.1 9.5 Metres There is a mix of commercial and residential accommodation at street level with residential accommodation above. This all adds to the vibrancy of the street. Street Level Activity 9 NOTES This drawing is the property of Birds Portchmouth Russum Architects (copyright reserved). This drawing N is not to be copied, reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person either wholly or in part without the specific consent in writing of Birds Portchmouth Russum Architects. N Analysis of Street Frontage Character -Cross St North Side Cross Street North Side from Florence St to Upper Street is composed of a terrace of brick and painted buildings, 4 storeys high with commercial activity at street level and is terminated by a larger building (a former public house) that addresses Upper Street. Significantly, the modern building housing the Coexistance Showroom is inserted to mediate between the former pub on Upper St and the adjacent 4 repetitive units. This modern building has a centralised single 2 storey window and at third floor level enjoys an external terrace with a fully glazed setback attic facade. Revision: Note: Date: Drawing Scale 0 10m 50m 73 Cross ARCHITECTSStreet 04.12.18 Proposed +1 Plan (First Floor) Site Plan FG PL 041 1: 100 @ A3 CS PL 010 1: 500 @ A3 BIRDS PORTCHMOUTH RUSSUM Unit 11, Union Wharf ARCHITECTS 23 Wenlock Road, London N1 7SB t. 020 7253 8205 Bespoke Bespoke 4 Regular Units Bespoke Modern The terrace has a series of repetitive speculatively developed buildings which are bookended by singular bespoke buildings. Regular Units + Irregular Units Photo Montage 10 The parapet line is consistent along the repetitive units and steps up and down on the bespoke buildings. Dormer and glazed attic windows peep over the parapet line. The modern building 288 Upper St. /Cross St. adjacent to the former public house enjoys a high level terrace and fully glazed attic façade. Parapet Line With Setback Mansard Roofs Central Windows The repetitive buildings have central windows. The bookend buildings have a variety of windows. Window Arrangements 5.4 4.6 4.3 4.5 5.4 4.7 Metres 14.5 Each building has commercial occupancy at street level to contribute to the vibrancy of the street. Street Level Activity 11 b Local Architectural Precedents The immediate context of Cross Street and Upper Street en- joys an extremely rich and eclectic mix of Victorian and more contemporary architecture. Many buildings in the area are articulated as bespoke buildings employing sculptural forms, attractive materials and detailing to highlight their singularity. The London Salvage Corps building at 90 Upper Street is fine masonry building with a homogenous glowing orange / red brickwork and visually suppressed thin brick mortar jointing. The Upper Street Post Office has elaborate Victorian detail- ing and large stone arches at street level. Adjacent to this the Kings Head Public House has attractive bowed windows and columns at street level. The Hoxley and Porter Public House has a quite extraordinary timber bay window at street level and the Dead Dolly House enjoys an elegant bowed window at street level with an interesting entablature at higher level. The contemporary Aria building on 168 Upper Street presents an extraordinary juxtaposition of red concrete Victorian mimic- ry with overlaid modern penetrations. All these buildings underscore how unique they are and con- firm that this part of Islington is often composed of abutted bespoke buildings. Among their defining features are masonry arches, large scale bay windows, barrel vaulted and domed roof forms Cafe Nero Upper St. 90 Upper St. Kings Head Upper St. Post Office Upper St. Wild Swan Upper St. Hoxley & Porter Upper St. 168 Upper St. Dead Dolly Upper St. 12 Local Architectural Precedents -Arches Islington has a number of buildings which employ large scale masonry arches at street level. This feature establishes a scale for the building and highlights its public address, individuality and sense of place. 20 Cross Street 154 Upper Street 311 Upper Street, Islington Studios 290 Upper Street 20 Cross St is a fine building which has 3 large 154 Cross St is a fine building which enjoys arched 311 Upper Street is constructed of Flemish bond 290 Upper St, the former public house, enjoys an arched openings at street level. The larger arched openings at street level. red brickwork with stone dressings. The delightful arched side door onto Cross St immediately oppo- openings have central columns to include both win- composition enjoys two large arched openings with- site the site. dows and an entrance door. in the brickwork at street level. 13 Local Architectural Precedents -Bay Windows There are a wide variety of Victorian and contemporary bay win- dows which add greatly to the sculptural composition and indi- viduality of buildings in the immediate area. 311 Upper Street, Islington Studios 273 Upper Street Islington Fire Station, 278 Upper Street 154 Upper Street 311 Upper Street, Islington Studios, features a magnif- 273 Upper Street is a contemporary brick residential 278 Upper Street, Islington Fire Station, 154 Upper Street enjoys a two storey high corner icent cantilevered oriel window, centred and dominant building which enjoys two storey cantilevered bay win- The current fire station was completed in 1993 and fea- cantilevered bay window.