Spring 2014 Incorporating Islington History Journal
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Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 4 No 1 Spring 2014 incorporating Islington History Journal The rail that carried the mail Plans for a postal museum could see mail trains run at Mount Pleasant again Growing up in wartime Islington l A tidal mill that ground grain for gin and bread l Union Chapel organ sounds brilliant once more l Seven Sisters stories l George Orwell’s Cold War l Exhibition review: the first Britons l New book on Jewish communities in Islington l Books, including bargains l Your local history questions answered l News and events About the society Our committee What we do: talks, walks and more Contribute to this President:RtHonLord heIslington journal: stories and SmithofFinsbury Archaeology& pictures sought Vice president: MaryCosh THistorySocietyishere Chairman: AndrewGardner, toinvestigate,learnand Wewelcomearticlesonlocal [email protected] celebratetheheritagethatis history,aswellasyour Secretary: PeterFuller, lefttous. research,memoriesandold [email protected] Weorganiselectures, photographs. Membership, publications toursandvisits,and Aone-pagearticleneeds and events: Catherine publishthisquarterly about500words,andthe Brighty,8WynyattStreet, journal. maximumarticlelengthis EC1V7HU,catherine. Thesocietywassetup 1,000words.Welike [email protected], in1975andisrunentirely receivingpicturestogo 02078331541 byvolunteers. witharticles,butplease Treasurer: PhilipAnderson, checkthatwecanreproduce phlpandrsn6@btopenworld. Keep in touch online themwithoutinfringing com Wehaveawebsiteat anyone’scopyright. Committee members: www.islingtonhistory.org.uk www.facebook.com/groups/ Thejournalispublishedin KathleenFrenchman, andaFacebookgroupat islingtonhistory.org.uk printandonlineinpdfform. MichaelHarper, Deadlineforthesummer DerekSeeley issueis30April. Academic adviser: Lester Journal back issues and extra copies Hillman,formervisiting Ever wondered…? professor,London Journaldistributionis Doyouhaveanyqueries MetropolitanBusiness overseenbyCatherine aboutIslington’shistory, School, Brighty(detailsleft). streetsorbuildings?Send LondonMetropolitan Contactherformore theminforourtireless University copies,backissues,if researcherMichaelReading Journal editor: Christy youmovehouseand andmaybeotherreadersto Lawrance,christy@ aboutmembership.Back answer.Pleasenotewedo islingtonhistory.org.uk, issuescanbe notcarryoutfamilyresearch. c/o6Northview,TufnellPark downloadedfromwww. lSeeLetters,page6 Road,N70QB clcomms.com/iahs. Copyright (photocopiesacceptable) $ Copyrightofeverythingin Join the Islington Archaeology & History Society thisjournallieswiththe creatorunlessotherwise Membershipperyearis:£10single;£12jointatsameaddress;concessionssingle£6/ stated.Whileitcanbe joint£8;corporate£15;overseas£20.(Membershiprenewalsaresentoutwhendue.) difficulttotracecopyright ownershipofarchive I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembershipand materials,wemakeevery encloseachequepayableto“IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety”for....................... efforttodoso. Name(s)..................................................................................................................................... Any questions? ContacteditorChristy Address...................................................................................................................................... Lawrance(detailsleft). .................................................................................,................................................................... The Journal of the Islington Tickheretogoonouremaillist.Emailaddress:................................................................ Archaeology & History Society ispublishedfourtimesayear Telno(incaseofmembershipqueries).................................................................................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:CatherineBrighty,Islington Archaeology&HistorySociety,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU. PrintedbyPrintSet, Wewillnotgiveyourdetailstothirdpartiesunlessrequiredtobylaw 15PalmerPlace,London, Cover picture: Royal Mail Group/British Postal Museum & Archive Museum & Mail Group/British Postal picture: Royal Cover N78DH,www.printset.co.uk 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Spring2014Vol4 No1 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Incorporating Islington History Journal Vol 4 No 1 Spring 2014 A market would open Smithfield up to all s the journal was going to press, the public inquiry into ASmithfield Market was coming Contents to an end. While Smithfield is just over the border in the City, it will affect Islington – Islington Council was one News 4 of those to object to plans to replace Museum acquires Halliwell collage, Clerkenwell fire station closes, gruesome much of it with office blocks. Roman remains, the public’s favourite tube poster and gay marriage history Some of us may see parallels with the story of the Royal Agricultural Hall Lettersandyourquestions 6 in Angel, once so derelict that trees Umbrella making, a German family myth and help with readers’ research grew out of the floor. It was threatened with demolition before being reborn as SevenSistersstories 9 the thriving Business Design Centre. A project researches Seven Sisters Road’s long history of culture, arts Recently, SAVE Britain’s Heritage and politics and the Victorian Society put in a planning application for a public Mailcollections 10 market at Smithfield. They are An new museum will open up centuries of mail history – and visitors may supported by Eric Reynolds, famous for even get to ride on the underground postal railway Camden Lock Market, Gabriel’s Wharf and Spitalfields Market, and Cathedral Gloriousoncemore 12 Group, a developer with a track record The organ at Union Chapel sounds as brilliant as it did when it was built of working on heritage buildings. It’s not just about people seeing Orwell’sColdWar 14 bland modern offices instead of grand How George Orwell’s work was influenced by political circumstances Victorian buildings. A market would allow the public inside to see the Atidalmilltale 16 magnificent soaring interiors and the London’s only tidal mill ground grain for penny loaves and gin; plus strong curves of the ironwork. For free. National Mills Weekend Less notable buildings than Smithfield have been listed. Had the AchildinwartimeIslington 18 general market been given this Growing up with bomb blasts, rationing and lots of family nearby protection, a Spitalfields-type market might be open and people able to Publications 20 wander in and marvel already. Launch of The Jewish Communities of Islington, 1730s-1880s, plus types of Turning the Royal Agricultural Hall heritage asset, medical histories and a couple of bargains – once home to livestock shows, athletic events and Cruft’s dog show – Review:thefirstBritons 23 into a business centre seemed an An exhibition brings the story of the earliest humans in Britain to life extraordinary idea at the time. A new Smithfield Market, backed by Eventsandexhibitions 24 commercial as well as heritage Talks, walks and exhibitions expertise, may be as successful. Directoryofsocieties,museumsandresources 28 Christy Lawrance Editor IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySocietyevents 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Spring 2014 Vol 4 No 1 3 news In brief Fire station closes after 140 years Smithfield Market’s future in the balance ClerkenwellFireStation thefirebrigadebranchofthe –theoldestfirestationin LondonCountyCouncil Thepublicinquiryintothe Europe,whichopenedin architects’department,is redevelopmentofSmithfield 1872–closedon9January. listedgradeII.Built1912-17, Marketwastakingplaceas IslingtonCouncilleda itreplacedafirestationbuilt theJournalwenttopress. groupoflocalauthoritiesin onthesamesitein1871-73. Thiswilldecidewhetherto alegalchallengetostopfire Firefightersandtheir allowmostofthesitetobe servicecuts,butthiswaslost. familiesusedtoliveinflats demolishedtomaywayfor Theclosurehasended ontheupperfloors. officeblocks.SAVEBritain’s severalhundredyearsof Therearetwowooden HeritageandtheVictorian firefightinginthearea. doorsontheFarringdon SocietywithCamden Clerkenwell’sparishfire Roadsideofthebuilding. MarketdeveloperEric enginewasusedduringthe Thenarrowonewasused Reynoldshavesubmitted Clerkenwell Fire Station: doors GreatFireof1666. forhandcartfireengines plansforamodernmarket. are designed for horse-drawn ClerkenwellFireStation, andthewideroneforhorse- and handcart fire engines designedbyHFTCooperof drawnengines. Voices of scientists recorded for archive Designer of best tube poster trained in Islington Over100Britishscientists andengineershavebeen Aposterbyanartistwho recordedforaBritishLibrary trainedatanIslington oralhistoryarchive.Thistells collegehasbeenvotedthe thestoriesofremarkable bestLondonUnderground scientificandengineering posterofalltime. discoveriesaswellas Brightest London is Best personalrecollections. Reached by Underground was lwww.bl.uk/voices-of- designedbyHoraceTaylorin science 1924andshowsthe undergroundasbright, King’s Head to live on popularandfashionable. TaylorattendedCamden as a pub theatre SchoolofArtinDalmeny TheKing’sHeadUpper AvenueaswellasRoyal Streetistocontinueasa Academyschools.Heworked pubtheatre,itsnewowner, asastagedesignerand realalepubchainYoung& newspapercartoonistbefore Co,hassaid.Therehasbeen focusingoncommercialart. aKing’sHeadpubonthe Over42,000peoplechose sitesincethe1500s;itis fromthe150postersin