Winter 2006 Edition 2 Index Farewell By: Sharon Riley Page 2 As the class of 2006 said, “He is a symbol of the Good News graduates, so will a special fac- Levine has had a re- senior and junior spirit rally the school and will be missed.” The Things They ulty member. At lunch he is in warding job here. He has loved juniors chanted “We love “He will be sadly Carried B2. He is in the pit first thing in working with the students. “In- Howie.” missed, he is a great man,” said Thrashing to the the morning. He does sessions teracting with the students has “Howie is--was--the Ryan Beauregrad (12). Shovel Head after school in B3. We all know been heartwarming,” said highlight of the school,” said “He’s awesome,” said him simply as Howie. After five Howie. Kevin Pouv (11). Casey Collins (11). Page 3 years of working here at AHS, He has turned relation- Tori Fyfe (10) said, Alan Friedlander Jarhead Howie Levine is retiring. ships among the students, their “It’s going to be weird not to (11) said, “I looked forward to CD Review: Levine has had many seeing his smiling face in the Keyshia Cole jobs. He’s worked in a restau- halls. I’m going to miss him.” Someone Wants to be Your rant, as a lieutenant in the De- The faculty will miss Friend partment of Corrections, as a him also. Freshman Dean Mrs. Xbox 360 bus driver and a life skills Judy Baker said, “Howie’s a teacher at the middle schools. pleasure to work with, because Page 4 & 5 He was even in the Air Force. he supports the staff and stu- Variety Show Levine has changed dents at AHS one hundred per- School Spirit the school and made it a better cent.” place. For the past two years “They will be mighty Page 6 he funded the Maurice Camiré hard shoes to fill. The cafeteria Can You Hear Me Now? scholarship. On scholarship will not be the same,” said Of- The Legal Drug night Levine gives it out to two ficer Bob Hale. Trick or Treat for Unicef students who meet the criteria Assistant Principal What Family Means to Me of the scholarship. They need to Jeffery Newman said, “Howie How to Avoid be all-round good people, be does a lot of things well around Nightmares good students and have finan- here and he has become a fix- cial needs. “The proudest mo- ture of the school. He is the first Page 7 ment of the entire year is shak- person I see in the morning and Let’s Get Technical ing their hand and giving them I will miss him.” Mary Jane is Mighty Popular the folder,” said Levine. Levine simply said Nothing Else to Do It is going to be hard Howie Levine that it is the right time to leave for Howie to leave. “At first it Photo taken by: Sharon Riley as his daughter is graduating. Page 8 was a job and now I found a Howie will look for something Valentine’s Day: family. I regret not starting to else to do, but he will stop by Hot or Not? work here earlier in my life. I families and himself into friend- have him around, because you occasionally to say hi. Ten Tips for will miss the interaction with the ships. could always joke around with As the end of the Quitting Your staff and students and it was so Howie is liked all him and he would help you.” school year draws near, it will Job (Successfully) close to my house, ” he said. around the school. During the Jessica Long (11) be hard to say farewell to the one we all know as Howie. Page 9 1,2,3…Dodgeball! Think You Know Your Dean? SSS: Stuck up, Snobby, By: Kayla Pike By: Andrea Courchesne and Shallow Here’s your chance to as they do. Big Problems from a Little On know the man underneath the suit, Downey has become Tick team, had a Thursday, the real Mr. Brian Downey. close friends with a few former stu- He Really IS the Best, He’s bye in the Nov. 17, “I used to chase around dents. “Because I’m the cool Mr. AHS t h i r d the golf the trash man in my little hot wheels teacher,” he said. Kim Kafouse: Cracking the round. The truck, and one time my mom called “I’ve even had a student t e a m SATs teams with the cops because I was missing,” come to my house and ask me to sponsored one loss said Downey about his childhood. buy him and his buddies beer,” the First Page 10 competed He was also suspended laughed Downey shaking his head A n n u a l twice his freshman year in high Top 5 Gifts Recieved to advance in disbelief. Golf Team school. Once for fighting and the The secret for staying out Coke or Pepsi? to the next Dodgeball other for stealing a filmstrip from of trouble with Downey is to avoid Getting Through the Snow round. To u r n a - Each his culinary class because his class suspicion. Let’s Fall Into Leaves Again didn’t want to ment. Golf game had “If a stu- Coach and watch it. dent is walking Page 11 a five- Downey down the hall and Physical The Closest Things to Gifts m i n u t e has a long history looks guilty, I’ll Education Teacher Mr. Mark How Much Will Gas Cost time limit. of teachers in his stop him or her. On t e a c h e r Tomorrow Bonneau raised over At the end family, which was the other hand, if a Mr. Mark a major influence How to Fight the Frost $100 of the five student is confi- Bonneau on his teaching ca- dent and says “Hi,” Voice of Democracy Winners Photo taken by: Kayla Pike minutes if r a i s e d no one reer. to me I’ll leave over $100 won the Downey Grade 11 Dean, Mr. them alone,” ad- Page 12 always has been in- for the Boston Children’s Hos- game, the team with the most Downey mitted Downey. Beats terested in biology. Deans, pital Heart Fund. Photo taken by: Andrea players remaining would win. He majored in bi- just like students, The tournament had a Courchesne The winner of the tour- ology at Provi- have responsibili- total of twelve teams, some nament was God Squad. The dence College. It ties. Downey’s re- made up of just teachers, oth- players on God Squad were Cap- was during his college years that he sponsibilities consist of day to day ers just students, and some with tain Tyler Hathaway (12), Joe became a student teacher and disciplinary actions, dealing with both. Annese (12), Mike Collette switched career goals. He got his attendance and tardiness. He also Attleboro High School The teams were Spe- (12), Paul Phelps (12), Phil Masters Degree in 1994 and began oversees extra support services that 100 Rathbun Willard cial Delivery, The Elite 8, Staff Nelson (12), Julian Galindo teaching that fall. students need. In 2003, Downey be- “Everyday is different, Drive Infection, Dog Pound, God (12), Derek Johnson (12) and Squad, DGT, Team Norway, came a Dean, because he wanted which I enjoy, I don’t know what Attleboro, MA 02703 M.J. Leblanc (12). to make a greater impact on the the day is going to be like,” said Science Department and Brian, Phone: 508-222-5150 The runner-up team school overall. Downey. Silver Bullets, Iron Fist, God was Dream Team. with Captain Fax: 508-223-1579 When asked what his He also enjoys working Squad is Bad, and Dream Team. Stephen Silveira (11), Oliver motivation was for showing up for Web Address: double elimination. The teams Ricardo Aldana (11), Zach If Downey could change lems, because it sometimes fol- Principal: Jackie Proulx that had two losses after the first Davis (11), Eric Perdomo (11) one thing about this school, it would be for school to start an hour lows you throughout the day. Superintendent: Joel two rounds were eliminated. and Bobby DeRose (11). So give him a break, God Squad, the undefeated later. He thinks it is unfair for the Lovering students to have to wake up as early he’s on your side after all. Good News The Things They Carried By: Rebecca Mueller By: Sharon Riley Is hardcore rock music ever, is not the best part of the These tracks are guaranteed to Pictures, the Bible, cared for one another. too rough on your ears? Is pop CD; rather, it is the lyrics that cheer anyone up for whatever comics, malaria tablets, weap- O’Brien’s regiment, music too light and laid-back to speak to the listener. reason because of their catchy ons, love letters, and each other Alpha Company, travels through interest you? If you can’t find a Whether the song de- and light-witted melodies. are things that soldiers carried the jungle, villages and Army peaceful compromise among scribes the hazards of smoking Track 11, entitled in Tim O’Brien’s book, The bunkers of Vietnam. Some of his different musical “Satin in a Cof- Things They Carried. war stories are first, second or genres, perhaps the fin,” is just the The book is com- third hand stories. However, rock/pop mixture that opposite of the prised of stories from soldiers O’Brien’s book is considered Modest Mouse whips mood of the rest in the Vietnam War, fiction. up is just the remedy of the songs. This including author In 1990, The you’ve been listening song is a kind of Tim O’Brien him- Things They Car- for. chant with choppy self. In one chapter, ried was released In 2004, the beats and low titled “Ambush,” and was published band released Good notes, but it bal- O’Brien writes by Broadway News for People Who ances the album about one of his first Books. Love Bad News, sixteen perfectly, just af- times killing the en- This is a tracks full of deep lyr- ter “The View” emy and the trouble good book for any- ics and catchy bass lines and before a mu- he had dealing with one. For people that have won the hearts sical interlude. it: who like war of rockers and poppers Good News “ K i o w a books, it gives a alike. Even critics at for People Who tried to tell me that different look to the The New York Times Love Bad News is the man would’ve Tim O’Brien’s Vietnam War. It’s call it the “Best Album also a revelation died anyway. He book The Things also good for of 2004,” as the under- for the band. told me that it was a people who just dog band basks in its Throughout the good kill, that I was They Carried want a good book growing success. album, instru- a soldier and this Picture from: to read. The CD opens Best Album of 2004 is Good News! ments such as the was a war, that I The Things with a 30-second musi- Picture from: < banjo and the should shape up and They Carried re- cal introduction, fol- BEBOP_CHARTS_2004/ trumpet leave stop staring and ask ceived the presti- lowed by the well- ModestMouse_GoodNewsForPeopleWhoLoveBadNews.jpg> their mark, some- myself what the man would’ve gious Prix du Meilleur Livre known and upbeat song how blending done if things were reversed.” Etranger, the Chicago Tribune’s “Float On.” The song was the (“One Chance” and “The Good well with Modest Mouse’s mu- Each chapter is a story Heartland Prize. In 1990 it was band’s 2004 breakthrough radio Times Are Killing Me”) or sical humor. The “Intro” and in its own. The stories make one of The New York Times’s top hit. death (“Dig Your Grave” and “Interlude” support the fact that up a larger picture, the Vietnam ten best books of the year, and The rest of the CD fea- “Ocean Breathes Salty”), the the band is overflowing with War. was a finalist for the Pulitzer tures the drummer Jeremiah deep lyrics send possibly sub- musical talent outside of their The book starts off Prize and the National Book Green, who recently rejoined liminal messages whose depres- one famous hit. with the soldiers as young boys, Critics Circle Award. the group after he left in April sion is somewhat down-played Because of the pas- some just graduated from high Some of O’Brien other 2003. Formerly discarded by the upbeat tunes. sionate vocals, imaginative lyr- school. As the book unfolds, the books are: If I Die in a Combat songs, which were recorded be- The chemistry among ics and quirky rock-meets-pop boys become soldiers and men. Zone, Northern Lights, Going fore and after the separation, the vocals, drumming, bass style, the Good News for People At the start, they had nothing After Cacciato, The Nuclear come together in the new and lines, and electric guitar solos Who Love Bad News is certainly in common and did not care Age, In the Lake of the Wood, improved album. makes for an enjoyable time in good news for people who love about each other. War brought Tomcat in Love, and his essay The drumming, how- “The View” and “Dance Hall.” great music. them together so they loved and “The Vietnam in Me.”

Thrashing to the Shovel Head By: William Brauneis

Exodus, one of the the older albums. The older fans guitarists and was in Heathen, which is most well known of Exodus will love the fast, me- Altus, bassist Jack Gibson, a well-known band from the bands, has returned with a new lodic gui- d r u m m e r Bay area. For those who do not vocalist and a new album. tar riffs , know, the Bay area of San Fran- Shovel Head Killing Machine is and the and vocalist cisco is where most of the the follow up to the 2004 Tempo screech- . thrash metal bands of the 80s of the Damned. ing vo- Out of this came from. Thrash metal is a type cals. The line-up, three Although their vocal- of metal music. It is fast and ag- new fans out of five ist is new to the microphone, gressive and was started as a will love members are this is nothing to worry about. mix of the New Wave of British how the new. He has been a long time fan of Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) mu- lyrics are But fans have the band. His voice fits the band sic mixed with hardcore punk. stabbing no need to perfectly and will leave fans Exodus has been at human- worry. Two of with the satisfaction they re- around since the early 80s. Their ity, and Album Cover these new quire. According to the band’s first album, , flow well m e m b e r s website , Dukes’ voice is a mix- Guitarist ing thrash metal scene. Since s o n g ’ s volved with ture of Baloff, Anselmo and discography.php> that album they have released rhythm. well known Zetro. His voice is what makes Picture from < http:// five other LPs, two live albums, bands of this the album so great. gallery/helsinki_20051124/ and one compilation. What will throw most genre. If you are looking for IMG_4534.jpg> The new album is fans off of this album is the new Bostaph was a mem- a new thrash metal album to sat- filled with the same qualities as line-up. Exodus now consists of ber of Slayer and Forbidden. isfy your needs, then this is it. 2 Jarhead Someone Wants to be Your Friend By: Michelle Greaves CD Review: Keyshia Cole By: Sharon Riley By: Debbie Aderinto If there is one movie The words “Someone vorite movies, classes, etc. that needs to be seen by the end has requested to add you as a “Facebook, unlike of this year, it’s Jarhead. Di- One of the most antici- young age of 12, Cole was friend” are becoming very Friendster and MySpace, serves rected by Sam Mendes, the pated R&B albums of the year blessed to work with MC Ham- popular. They are part of a fast as an online directory of college movie is based on the real story is that of rising star, Keyshia mer, which helped her get no- growing web site connecting students’ information, for ex- of Marine Anthony Swafford’s Cole. Her album, “The Way It ticed in the music business. people at schools across the ample holding information like account of his time during Is,” has been long awaited. With Over the years, she country. phone numbers or screen names. Desert Storm. her first single, “I Changed My made a semi-successful attempt F a c e b o o k , Facebook is the most secure so- He is a young man who Mind” Cole captured the hearts with “Never” which appears on wanted to do something with his of fans who had been looking the Barbershop 2 soundtrack. life. He wanted a role in the for a songstress that sang about Now, at 21, she is being com- world and found that in the mili- what they’re going through. In pared to R&B greats like Mary tary. Over in Saudi Arabia, he fact, the release date was pushed J. Blige, Brandy and Monica. trained, got into some trouble, up to June 21 2005, due to the With so much potential, there is was emotionally hurt, and came success of her debut hit single. much more to come from this Facebook Icon out happy in the end. “The Way It Is” fea- rhythm and blues’ songstress. Picture from: Jack Gyllenhaal begins his jour- West who is featured on the first songs,” said Cassandra ney in training and is then de- single. It also has production by Laurent (11). , was cial network out there. ployed to Saudi Arabia as a Daron of the male R&B group In my opinion, “The started for college students by “We’ve designed a sniper. He is supported through 112; on “I Should Have Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin complex e-mail verification pro- his rough times by his Staff Ser- Cheated” which is the cur- Moskovitz and Chris Hughes in cess to weed out users at certain geant, played by Jamie Foxx. It rent single. Spadoalto, Calif. on Feb. 4, high schools that aren’t actually is humorous and dramatic all at “ Her CD was hot, 2004. They wanted to connect part of the community. the same time. I got it on bootleg. ‘I college students through a uni- “In college you could Other actors include Should Have Cheated’ is versal online database. compare it to an addiction,” said Scott Macdonald (X-Men Leg- my ring tone,” said Mesha Facebook is not only for college Joyce Riley, a college student ends), Peter Sarsgaard (Flight Blanc (11). students, but also recently ex- who uses Facebook avidly. Stu- Plan), and Lo Ming (Million “ The CD is good, panded to include high school dents keep coming back day af- Dollar Baby). it has good beats and her students. “MySpace,” similar ter day. They just can’t get The movie, which is 123 min- voice is beautiful,” echoes to “Facebook,” because it is a enough. utes long should be in theaters Jennifer Ramos (12). social-network, also connects “We have over 8.5 mil- for a little while longer. It’s rated The album is very people. Facebook classifies an lion people come back to the site “R” for language, some violence promising because there Keyshia Cole makes her individual as a school first. in the course of any given and strong sexuality. are so many potential hit debut. MySpace is more random than month, and click through so of- It is a story of heart, singles like, “Love” a Photo taken by: Debbie Facebook, and random searches ten that we are the tenth most courage, and the understand- steady ballad which high- Aderinto are possible. trafficked site on the entire ing that “we’re here,” and lights Cole’s incredible vo- Chris Hughes, a web,” Hughes wrote. nothing else matters. cal range. Facebook spokesman, wrote in To join, go to < “She sings really nice, Way It is,” gets five stars for its an E-mail, “We enable students>. Click on she has a beautiful voice, I love incredible blend of inner city ex- to exchange information about ‘register’ and follow the direc- her songs,” said Yasmin periences and inspirational story themselves: screen names, fa- tions on the screen. Bautista (10). telling. Even though she is ex- “ I think that a lot of periencing success, life hasn’t girls can relate to her songs,” “MySpace,” similar to always been so great for said Lidia Banushi (10) “Facebook,” because it is a Keyshia Cole. She grew up on This CD has a paren- the streets of Oakland, Califor- tal advisory sticker for its ex- social-network, also connects Jake Gyllenhaal nia with very few resources but plicit contents. people. Picture from: a lot of determination. At the Nov. 22 marked an important day for video gamers nationwide. The newest game system to date, X-Box 360 outside Wal-Mart for twenty-six hours for the new X-Box 360 hit the shelves. Some X-Box fans even By: Kelli Reynolds game system. While they waited, they played street went as far as camping outside local retail stores to playlists. hockey and watched movies in a can according to get their hands on the systems immediately after their S l i d e Mercier. release. s h o w s “The experience was awesome, it was to- There are two different X-Box 360 consoles, with pic- tally worth it,” said Beauregard. They spent $400 the X-Box 360, and X-Box 360 Core. The X-Box tures from on the X-Box 360 system, and $120 dollars on the 360 is the full package. It includes the console, hard a digital games, Perfect Dark Zero, and Need for Speed Most drive, one wireless controller, a component HD AV c a m e r a Wanted. “ The game features and graphics are a lot cable, headset and Ethernet cable, a one month X- and watch- better than the last X-Box,” said Mercier. Box Live Gold trial, plus a free X-Box Live Silver ing movies Not all students were as pleased with the Membership and, for a limited time, a media remote. in high release though. Jesse Withers (12) pre-ordered the The X-Box 360 core is much simpler, and definition X-Box 360 at FYE and didn’t receive it the day it made to add different features. The system includes are just came out. the console, a wired controller, composite AV cable m o r e Since the X-Box 360 release in Nov., there and one month X-Box live Gold trial, plus a free X- X-Box 360 perks. have been reported crashes, freezes, and hard drive Box Live Silver Membership. Picture from: AHS stu- malfunctions from the X-Box 360 Core system. Some new features, which make the new X- d e n t s On Dec. 7, a Chicago man sued Box different from the last, include listening to mu- Ryan Beauregard (12) and Jake Mercier (12) waited Microsoft for the hardware glitch in his X-Box 360, sic while gaming and creating custom soundtrack and according to . 3 Planning for the show: Rautenstrauch (11), Eric Advisor: Ms. Nestlen, and Rautenstrauch (alumni), students: George Bianchi, Joe Lefebvre (12), Ryan Haley Kress, Liz Duclos, Jackson (10), Andrew and Arolin Hughes. Castellano (12), Matt Students who participated Castellano (11), Ben Pleas in the show: (10), Jeff Khiel (10), Mark Maynard (10), Ian Veronique Leblano (10), Wuilleumier (11), Justin Kevin Tom (12), Michael Perry (10), Chad Bonin Try (11), David Duch (12), (10), Chris Michaud (10), Andy Duch (12), Rhyan James Thompson (12), Vaughn (12), Helio Santos James Pelletier (11), (9), Yasmin Bautista (10), Brandi Wimmer (11), Amanda Achin (10), Angie Wimmer,Vee Samantha Mehr (10), Smithhugon (11), Adam Hosted by: Neko Kazana (10), Chris Poland (10), Kristin Laureano (10), Caitlyn Contre (12), Tania Weaver Van Chhoeun & Lliam Dufresne Farmer (10), Tara (12), Kayla Jimenez (11), January 11, 2006 Tamanini (10), Ashley Sandy Duch (10), Eliza- Rautenstrauch (10), Ryan beth Arthur (12), Amy Sponsored by: Student Council Arce (10), Brittney Martell (11), Adam Harrison (10).

2nd Annual Best of AHS Variety Show

4 School Spirit By: Corey Bush

Oct. 31 through Nov. 4 was spirit week at AHS. Each day had a different theme that students were asked to partici- pate in. On Friday there was a spirit rally where students from the four grades faced off in different events. Monday was Super Hero Day. Students were asked to dress up as their favorite super hero but, because it was Hal- loween, some people dressed up in their Halloween costumes. Tuesday was Pajama Day, conveniently scheduled after Halloween for all those students who were up and out late the night before. Wednesday was ‘80s Day. Students dressed in vin- tage clothes and wore crazy hairstyles from the ‘80s. Thursday was Red Carpet Day, one of the less suc- cessful themes. Students were meant to dress as their favorite red carpet stars, but most of the people who dressed up were teachers. Friday, the most successful day of spirit week, was blue and white day. Freshmen and seniors wore white; sopho- mores and juniors wore blue. It was also the day of the spirit rallies, freshmen vs. sophomores and juniors vs. seniors. The pie eating contest, the limbo, tug-o-war, bombardment (dodgeball) and the dance- off were hotly contested events. First were the freshmen vs. the sophomores. The fresh- men began with one point because they had won the bath- room competition. At first all that could be heard was sopho- mores chanting “Go home freshmen,” but after the freshmen won the pie eating contest, the chant changed to boos. Next up was the limbo, won by the sophomores. The next event was the tug-o-war, which had two rounds since, the first time, the participants lost their footing on the blue mats covering the floor. The freshmen won both rounds. Between the two rounds however the sophomores defeated the freshmen in a game of bombardment (a.k.a. dodgeball). The last event was the dance-off. The sophomores had to win to tie the rally. First up were the freshmen, who were disqualified for inappropriate dancing. Therefore, the sopho- mores became the winners. To break the tie, each class was challenged to see who could yell the loudest to show support for their class. The sophomores won, but not before nearly blowing the windows in the gym out. Around 12:30 p.m. the seniors and juniors began pour- ing in to the gym for their rally. Seniors held up signs and yelled to the juniors across the gym. The chanting died down a little after the juniors won the first event - the pie eating contest - but it didn’t stay that way for long. In the next event, the limbo, the juniors were defeated and the chanting began again. Next up was the tug-of-war. The juniors won, taking the lead. Bombardment was next, won once again by the jun- ior class of. At this point, it was apparent the juniors would win the rally. One event was left, the dance-off, and the score was 3-1. The juniors danced first. When the seniors took to the floor, about half the junior class picked up newspapers so as not to see the senior dance routine. In the end, however, the seniors won the event making the final score 3-2. After the final event, seniors began chanting “You got served,” but the juniors pointedly returned their chant with “We’re still winning.” So in the end, classes of 2008 and 2007 had the most school spirit. We will have to wait until the spring to see the two winners face off.


Eagle’s Eye: Attleboro High School Winter 2006 Ed. 2 Can You Hear Me Now? The Legal Drug Trick or Treat for By: Nicole Brouwer By: Shaeleen Perreault Unicef Cell phones used to be Matt McAndrews Among teens drugs water that the body needs to live By: Josh Dyer on is sucked out by caffeine so simple. Teens would only call (9) said, “I like the cell phones and alcohol are not the only causing short-tern1 effects that their mothers for a ride home, or that have a camera on them.” things that may have a long time This past are not enjoyable. Many things have them just in case their car Tara Cavalieri (11) damaging affect. A much more Halloween, AHS students can happen to the body as a re- broke down. Times have defi- said, “I love the video feature, legal substance seems to have helped raise $396 for Unicef, a sult of this, ranging from anxi- nitely changed, now everything and the camera one is okay teens hooked and the future non-profit organization dedi- ety to heart palpitations. from taking a picture on a cell too.” prognosis is not good. cated to childrens equality and After awhile, the body phone to checking your e-mail is Though some stu- Coffee is becoming in- healthcare. starts getting used to caffeine a v a i l - creasingly popular among Unicef works all over and it starts losing its affect. able. teens. the world working towards im- As a result of this, “The number of munization, child protection, people tend to move towards C e l l teens drinking coffee in res- gender equality, HIV/AIDS lattes and other drinks that have phones taurants or cafes has in- education, and early childhood a higher percentage of caffeine. used to creased 12 percent this year education. Unicef works in all Due to the early age teens are Ed. 2 be big- over last, which itself was up countries from Afghanistan to beginning to consume coffee, ger than 15 percent over the year be- Zimbabwe. the body demands a higher cordless fore,” said Adam Graham, Trick or Treat for amount of caffeine than it phones. Detroit News. Unicef started in the 1950s in would if the consumer Now the With the in- Philadelphia, and now has had waited until adult- smaller creased stress due to raised over $119 million all hood. t h e homework and ac- across America. Very often teens p h o n e , tivities, teens often Trick or Treat for become so dependent on the bet- feel rather over- Unicef in AHS was started two caffeine that they begin drink- ter. Ra- whelmed. Instead of trying to years ago by history teacher Mr. ing coffee even when they don’t z o r rid themselves of some of the Doug Matthews. All of actually need it. This becomes phones, Pictures of various cell phones. workload, teens resort to al- Matthews’ classes participated an addiction, which just like any w h i c h Photo taken by: Nicole Brouwer ternate substances to try and and collected money at lunches other drug addiction is very un- are ex- help them cope. during Halloween. They col- healthy and rather dangerous. tremely “I drink coffee to lected over $396 during Oct. Teens sometimes real- skinny, help me stay awake at night “I learned about trick ize their addiction and do try to are new. Flip phones are more dents don’t mind what type of when 1 am doing my home- or treat for Unicef when my wife do something about it, like compact. When the latest version features the phone has, Matt work,” said Amanda and kids started doing it,” said switching to decaf. Unfortu- of a phone is bought, a newer and Brousseau (11) said, “They’re Palmisciano (12). Matthews. nately, thanks to coffee fran- better one seems to be out a week a good way to communicate Amazingly enough, “I enjoyed it, I really chises that take our money, this later. Technology is moving faster with your friends.” teens just like Palmisciano are like helping people less fortu- doesn’t always happen. Some- than we are. Cell phones can do so many actually doing more harm than nate then me,” said Tara one may order decaf, but that is The latest phone sold by things now; just think, in ten good to themselves. Of course Caveleiri (11). not necessarily what is re- Verizon, is the LG vx3300. It can years we may not even need a that quick boost of caffeine is “ Last year we raised ceived. be used as a phone, camera, mp3 computer, it could be all com- great to help a student stay about $323 dollars,” said Everardo Martinez player, Internet, and even to pacted into one little device. awake for those long grueling Matthews, “This year the prof- (12), who works at Dunkin’ download video clips and watch The latest talk is hours of homework, but what its are going to help Sudan.” Donuts said, “Decaf is not that them on the color screen. about disposable cell phones. about after that? common, so if a customer does Ryan Beauregard (12) Randi Altschul, a toy inventor, In an article in theDe- receive it, it’s burnt or there is said, “They’re so cool,” and went came up with the idea. They’ll troit Free Press, Alyson Ward not enough. People may just on to say how he thought the new- be about the size of a credit interviewed Allison Morrow, substitute regular in without est cell phones are the best thing card and they’ll hold up to 60 who is a dietitian at the telling them. It depends on the in the technological world right minutes of calling time. Children’s Medical Center in server.” now and he wants one badly. They will cost some- Dallas. Although caffeine is “I think they’re very where around $20 and will be “Too much caffeine.” not deadly or the cause of an high tech now with the speaker recyclable when the non-re- Morrow said, “could make it alarming percentage of sick- phones, picture phones, and placeable battery dies (http:// hard for children to fall asleep, nesses, it is potentially a prob- Internet all together in one little tech- and the loss of sleep could lessen their attention span in lem. Teens are becoming ad- compact thing,” said Alyssa n o l o g y / c e l l _ p h o n e s / Unicef Logo school.” dicted too soon and are setting Walsh (11). 020416_03). Picture from: diuretic,which means that the the future. What Family Means to Me How to Avoid Nightmares By: Mesha Blanc By: Andrea Courchesne Six students from but it was optional to enter the N o ise a good night’s AHS entered an essay contest puter screen.” contest. Brown said, “I could one likes to get a scholarship, so what did sleep nightmare-free. on the topic of What Family Brown said, “It feels wake up with I have to lose.” Before bedtime… means to me. Heather Brown great to be able to say that my cold sweats During the second 1. Relax in a (12) and Lauren Bambera (12) words were good enough to win and a racing were the winners of the local an- round Brown and Bambera way that is easy for something; the topic is some- heart because nual Lions’ contest. Cassandra thing I care about so the whole read their five to ten minute you, such as medita- of nightmares. (Cassie) Ogden (12) was the experience was fantastic. Writ- speeches at the library compet- tion, taking a hot runner-up. ing the essay was fairly simple ing with students from Bishop They seem to bath, or exercising. Feehan. Bambera received the The AHS Leo Club, because I used my personal ex- come so ran- 2. Clear your mind of alternate position in this round Nightmares can be an organization that does com- periences. My first draft was a domly and worries. Don’t fall of the contest. Scary. munity service and other things disaster but everything came without warn- asleep stressed out. around the community, spon- together pretty well after that.” “The competition ing Strange Photo taken by: Andrea was tough,” said AHS Librar- Courchesne 3. Avoid watching sored Bambera. The South The essay was an as- things can oc- the evening news and Attleboro Village Lions Club, ian Mrs. Judy Hebert. “I signment originally from En- thought that both of their cur from nightmares. “It’s anything involving ten- an organization for adults, spon- glish teacher Ms. Adeline Bee, weird, I have this reoccurring sored Brown. speeches were better than the sion/violence. first round. They had nightmare whenever I’m about 4. Eat something light such as They each to get sick. Sure enough I wake won $25 and advanced their speeches pre- dairy products with cal- up with a cold or something,” to the next round on pared.” cium and tryptophan, be- Nov. 29 held at the “Both finalists were said Erin Brousseau (12). cause they have a relaxing Attleboro Public Li- wonderful. I was so Have you ever noticed effect. brary. proud of them. They that during a nightmare, you 5. Don’t eat fatty foods. Fatty “It feels good gave remarkable wake up right before this big foods cause gas that can to truly write about speeches from their suspense? “I wake up right at the lead to nightmares. your family and be hearts,” said Bee. worst part,” said Michelle 6. Quit smoking. Nicotine has honest and win for it,” Their speeches helped Greaves (12). says Bambera, who been proven to cause cer- won the alternate spot. them realize the im- You do have control tain sleep disorders. Lions’ Contest Winners: Heather portance of family. with whether or not you have She added, “The essay Brown and Cassie Ogden, Lauren 7. Take vitamin B before going wasn’t simple to write, Whether it’s a blood nightmares. You’re about to to bed. I spent many hours Bambera missing family or not, a fam- read seven helpful hips from staring into my com- Photo taken by: Mesha Blanc ily is a family. that prom- 6 Eagle’s Eye: Attleboro High School Winter 2006 Ed. 2 Let’s Get Technical By Alicia Booth AHS offers students many career technical educa- have actually worked in the field. tion (CTE) choices. Mrs. Elisabeth Rusling has taught Graphic Design for two The programs in C building are Automotive (Mr. Pe- years. “All programs that are taught in Graphic Design are ter Nolin), Culinary (Mr. Kevin Deschenes), Graphic Com- necessary for entry job level,” she said. munications (Mr. Mike Fontain), Greenhouse (Mr. Gerry Mr. Peter Nolin teaches the Automotive class and has been Laferriere), Electrical (Mr. Anthony Gallucci), Carpentry (Mr. at AHS for 28 years. He said of the tech programs, “The Roger Bosquet) and (Mr. Dale Byers), and Computer Tech students can learn a trade and either go onto a technical school (Mr. Henry Offner), Tech Drawing (Mr. Paul Messier), or go right into the work force from here.” Graphic Design (Mrs. Elisabeth Rusling) and Welding (Mr. J. “A minimum 60 percent go on to a higher education, the Thomas Bodge). majority to a four year college,” said CTE Director Mr. James In A building is Childcare and Development (Mrs. Quaglia. Sue Edmonds). These classes offer a view into the world of Welding teacher Mr. J. Thomas Bodge has been here for these fields. C Block Welding Class. 19 years but also graduated from AHS. He said, “The best thing is Incoming freshmen can explore the technical classes with Photo taken by: Alicia Booth getting kids of kids already had and seeing how good the parents numerous options. These classes are then offered to sophomores, did and watching the kids do good as well.” juniors and seniors as a three-year program. In Exploratory students experience many classes. The best AHS is not a vocational school, but still has shops, which AHS offers students many part about this is the students actually get about 7-8 days in each offer real observations and participation of certain careers. Many career technical education class with hands-on activities. Then they move to the next pro- of the teachers of the tech classes have taught for years and all (CTE) choices. gram.

Nothing Else to Do Mary Jane is Mighty Popular By: Erin Brousseau By: Erin Brousseau

In American culture, sure that you drink with people Marijuana, also known (). on it, and I have just heard how cepted substance as well as the Viveiros (12). widow, ganja, and hash is be- It can be difficult to dangerous it is. It also smells most abused substance. To le- Intoxication occurs coming more and more com- know when someone is high on really, really bad,” said Brit- gally consume alcohol, one must because the liver is unable to monly used in the United States. marijuana, which is why it is so tany Sargent (11). over 21, but most teenagers are metabolize more than one Drug use among teenagers in commonly used among teens. As a person continues not strangers to alcohol. ounce of alcohol every hour. America has become a national Used alone, marijuana does not to use this drug over a period of “Most kids do it be- Therefore, when a person con- concern, especially for parents necessarily cause the user to time, and in higher doses, it can cause they think it makes things sumes more alcohol than the of teens. Between 1992-1995 show obvious signs of intoxica- cause sensory distortions, loss more fun, when there is nothing body can metabolize, intoxica- marijuana usage among 12-17 tion like slurred speech or stum- of short-term memory, changes else to do,” said Corey Bush tion occurs. Intoxication can year olds doubled, and the av- in their sense of time, difficulty (11). generally last anywhere from erage age that kids begin experi- in completing thought pro- “Teen drinking isn’t one to 12 hours. menting with illegal substances cesses, and occasionally the loss uncommon. I even know some “You can hurt people has changed from 17 to 13. On of balance. As a person begins kids whose parents allow them you really care about when you average, kids caught by their to use the drug more often and to drink or drink with them,” have had too much alcohol. parents have been using for at at higher doses they may expe- said Michael Hebert (12). I’ve seen so many of my friends least two years prior to discov- rience hallucinations, delusions, Most teenagers are sur- so messed up off alcohol and it ery (< http:// anxiety, and instant sparks of rounded by alcohol whether it is is really scary,” said Andrea w w w . d r u g a b u s e . g o v / panic and paranoia. pressure by their classmates, Courchesne (12). M a r i j B r o c h / When a person smokes from TV, billboards, or even The repeated use of al- MarijparentsN.html>). marijuana, it could have an ef- magazines. Alcohol has become cohol can lead to increased tol- “Marijuana usage has fect on the cardiovascular sys- so common that no on even erance of the beverage, which increased so much. Whether Marijuana Leaf tem as well. A person’s heart thinks of the side effects. They in turn leads to greater and you are in school or out of Picture from: rate increases and their blood just think, hey, everyone else has vessels may become dilated, greater amounts required to school it is around, you can’t go anywhere without hearing about especially those vessels in the it,” says Heather Pacheco (12). eyes. These dilated vessels in In 1996, the organiza- bling like other drugs or alco- the eye are what cause them to tion, PRIDE (Parents’ Resource hol may. The most obvious become red. Marijuana usage Institute for Drug Education) symptom of marijuana usage is can also cause tightness in the held a survey which helped to redness in the eyes. Users of- chest, making breathing diffi- estimate the extent of drug use ten have a hard time remember- cult, and frequent coughing, amongst teens. The survey con- ing things that just happened and which can worsen, or initiate Healthy Liver VS. Liver Affected By cluded that one in four high may experience short-term asthma. Alcohol school seniors use an illicit drug memory loss. While intoxi- Marijuana is not only once a month, one in five use cated, the user may act silly and harmful, but it can also lead to Pictures from: weekly and that one in ten use daily. Drug use among teenag- may also feel dizzy and could potent drugs. Sixty percent of fun drinking, I can too. achieve its desired effects. If a ers, was in 1996, at its highest experience trouble walking. teens who use marijuana before A lot of people feel person then tries to give up level in nine years, and, accord- “When a person is age 15 go on to use cocaine. pressured into drinking, they drinking or the amount they ing to the website, is responsible high their perceptions of people Columbia University has found want to fit in and they feel the drink decreases that person will for a high number of high school and situations are distorted and that teens who smoke marijuana only way to do so is to take part likely develop withdrawal dropouts, teenage pregnancies, it impairs your judgement,” said are 85 times more likely to use in activities that everyone else symptoms. The symptoms can sexually transmitted diseases, Tim Urban (11). cocaine than their non-smoking does, drinking being one of be life-threatening and include crime, suicide and death by Many teens who ex- peers. Cocaine is a powerful them. anxiety, violent shaking, hallu- overdoses. The most commonly periment and ultimately use and addictive stimulant drug. The consumption of cinations, and convulsions. used drug among teenagers is marijuana consistently don’t re- The powdered, hydrochloride alcohol can cause a lot of Alcohol can be lethal, marijuana. alize that not only does mari- salt form of cocaine can be changes in the behavior of a per- so don’t believe anyone who Marijuana is made up juana have instant effects on a snorted or dissolved in water son. Even a low amount of al- says that it can’t be. If the of cured leaves and flowered person, but it can also cause and injected. This drug, unlike cohol can significantly impair amount of alcohol consumed clusters from the plant Cannabis long term damage to the central marijuana, can be deadly. judgement and coordination. If reaches above 460 milligrams Sativa. The main ingredient nervous system. When some- Marijuana is just not alcohol is drunk in small of alcohol per 100 milliliters of found in the marijuana plant is one first begins to smoke mari- healthy. Some people just don’t amounts, it can induce feelings blood then a person has very tatrahydrocannabinol (THC), juana, they feel a sense of well know the risk factors of this of tranquility, and in some cases, little chance of survival. Long- but more than 400 other chemi- being, relaxation, sleepiness, drug. Think before you smoke. induce feelings of confidence. term consumption of large cals can be found in the plant as and the tendency to speak and Nicole Brouwer (11) As the dosage of alcohol con- quantities of alcohol can lead to well. The potency of marijuana laugh openly without inhibi- said, “A lot of people don’t just sumed increases, (normally be- permanent damage to vital or- THC levels today are approxi- tions, because marijuana re- smoke, some of them drink or yond six ounces) intoxication gans such as the brain and liver. mately 15-20 times stronger duces muscle coordination. use other drugs as well, some- occurs. Drinking not only im- than marijuana that was being “I haven’t been inter- thing about smoking just doesn’t If you are teen and do pairs your judgment, but it is used in the 1970s ested in trying marijuana. seem safe, I haven’t done it and decide to drink, then learn how also dangerous and harmful to I don’t plan to.” much you can handle, and make your body. 7

Eagle’sEagle’s Eye: Attleboro High School School Winter 2006 Winter Ed. 2006 2 Ed. 2 Valentine’s Day: Hot or Not? Ten Tips to Quitting Your Job By: Michelle Greaves (Successfully) By: Kaytie Keane Valentine’s Day can anything really exciting, so it either be a great time or a day takes some creativity. It’s hard My boss is a harassing, him. to lock yourself in your room to find a horse-drawn carriage ignorant, power-hungry, boring, 5.) Be prepared to alone. It often depends on if in Capron Park, but try some- anti-social, racist, homophobic work hard during your departure there’s someone special or thing like this: male. He thinks that the world from your current job. You will not. Set up a scavenger revolves around him and his have to do most of the work. The people who hunt for that special someone, precious profession. The truth is You will have to search for a despise Valentine’s Day take a stroll down memory lane, that none of his employees re- new job (see rule number 1). often refer to it as a “Hall- or replay that first date. Think Valentine’s Bear ally like him. You will have to make the nec- mark Holiday.” These of a really sweet idea and go for Picture from: the store that I work at preaches, job and forget about your old nobody to spend the day into it, your “Snookums” will be I hate the way that the establish- one. with. They’d much rather happy. is the gift giving option. The ment is organized, and I hate my 6.) Know that even af- prefer to break out the “My Valentine’s day ones having the hardest time boss. ter leaving your current job and Voodoo dolls of their last was perfect because Nick came seems to be the boys. But My boss has told me (hopefully) getting a new one, boyfriend or girlfriend than home and I got to spend it with don’t worry, the sidebar will that I will never leave the store. it is not binding. You are not be among happy couples. him,” said Ashley Pierce (12), help you with gift ideas and He has said that the care and committed to stay at your new For the people who whose boyfriend is away in the shopping tips. maintenance of the company place of employment forever. see the V-Day cup as half full, Marines. “Krystal and I have should be on the top of my list There are other jobs out there there are many more options. Valentine’s Day can be been together for three years of priorities. He thinks that he and you are able to get one of There are so many cool things just as fun, even without a and the hardest part about has one-upped me, but he them. to do for couples. Valentine’s sweetie. Don’t let the conversa- Valentine’s day is finding her doesn’t know that I am currently 7.) Take your new job Day is a great time and excuse tion hearts and the roses dis- the perfect gift,” said Kevin working another job. Just in seriously. Even though you will for extremely romantic dates. courage you. Gather up a group Nagle (11). time for the probably not Locally, there isn’t of single friends and do some- However not every- holiday sea- be there for- thing special. one needs help. Some can son, I gave my ever, you Ladies can have come up with some of the two weeks no- must know sleepovers and most romantic gift ideas pos- tice. I hope that it is a job watch chic flicks sible. that it bright- and you do all night; giving “One of my students ens his holiday have a re- each other mani- once gave their girlfriend a season. sponsibility cures or other certificate for a hot air balloon I to do it. beauty treat- ride. It was printed on a spe- have planned 8.) Be ex- ments is always a cial pink hearts paper and they for months cited about a good idea. The looked for the trip. He then about how I new stage in boys can go had a special picnic basket was going to your life. catch a movie or waiting at the end of the ride. leave my job. Good things play pool with She was blown away,” said Where will I will come out close friends. Journalism teacher Ms. go? What will your new ex- “Noth- Adeline Bee. I do? I have perience. Ac- ing beats a Don’t let the frills compiled a list cording to sleepover with and excessive amount of pink of the ways, Two Weeks Notice, the girls. Forget be a distraction. It’ll only be reasons, and Picture from: “Teens who Valentine’s Roses the boys, just worse if those V-Day haters stipulations work ten Picture from: Jess Pavao (11). really isn’t that bad. Make it caping their jobs. tend to have higher GPA’s and T h e fun. Give Hallmark some- 1.) AL WAYS have a test scores than non-working hardest part of thing they won’t know how to backup. AL WAYS have teens.” You will only benefit Valentine’s day make a card for. another job lined-up. Wouldn’t with this new job. it be splendid if your former 9.) You do not have to boss discovered that you were stay in the same line of work. not working? That’s why you According to, 62 need another job. Be prepared percent of students who work to make the change. are in retail. You can go outside Fun Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas 2.) Always have a rea- of this figure and try something son to leave your current job. If else. Looking for something to buy that special someone for you leave because a customer 10.) Keep your pride. Valentine’s Day? Try one of these never-fail ideas: complains about the price of canned to- Roses or her favorite flower matoes, then you did Chocolate (but only the good kind) not have a “good” Jewelry reason to leave. If Home-baked goods with a “sweet” message you quit your job be- Picture of the two of you in a frame cause your boss ha- Gift certificates rasses you and your coworkers, then your Perfume or cologne reason is legitimate. Clothes Always have a reason Romantic DVDs for leaving. Personalized items (golf balls, t-shirts) 3.) Know Mixed CD with love songs that there are bigger Plan a romantic date and far better profes- Shirt Encouraging People sions out there. Don’t Stuffed animals to quit their jobs think that every job is Still not sure? Just keep these helpful tips in mind: Picture courtesy of: Make sure your gift is thoughtful, not just something lectually un-stimulat- you picked out at the last second ing, or filled with idi- ots. You are going to move on. Be proud that you have made Don’t be afraid to be cliché. There’s a reason things like Don’t get the impression that such a hard decision, instead of roses are given so much...they work! every job is like your current hating yourself for making it. Make it memorable, something that your signifigant one. You are a braver, wiser, and ul- other will never forget 4.) Realize that not ev- timately stronger person for Above all, don’t forget that “special” card ery boss is like mine. Know that making a decision. And, most many bosses are more than importantly, YOU ARE THE happy to help you. My boss is a ONLY PERSON WHO CAN jerk, but not every boss is like MAKE THAT DECISION! 8 Eagle’s Eye: Attleboro High School Winter 2006 Ed. 2 He Really IS the Best, He’s Mr. AHS Kim Kafouse: Cracking the SATs By: Craig Bonin By: Amanda Palmisciano When Kimberly semifinalist in the competition. Kafouse (12) saw that her ver- She will find out in Feb. bal SAT score from Oct. 2005 whether she will be one of the was a perfect 800, she could not 15,000 high school seniors to believe it. advance to the finals. “I was so excited,” she Ultimately, Kafouse said “that I forgot to check my has a chance to be one of 8,200 other scores.” finalists selected to receive Those other scores $2,.500. were a 680 in math and a 740 in She said, “I would the writing, totaling 2220 out of probably scream if I won.” a possible 2400, or a 1480 out Until then, Kafouse of the traditional 1600. is basking in the glow of the These stellar scores progression her scores made were foreshadowed by Kafouse’ on the SATs since her PSATs. s PSAT scores, Mr. AHS Winner Liam Dufresne which have also Photo taken by: Caroline Costello been generating a buzz. Mr. AHS 2005 was form, with his rendition of the crowd by storm. Kafouse’s postponed from Saturday due to “Alias” by Dispatch. Second “I’m not going to do scores of a 690 in a snowstorm to the next night, onstage was yours truly with a this next year because my math, a 790 in ver- Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. in the Robert rap personally written about brother is a crazy dancer, and I bal, and a 770 in H. Bray Auditorium. With many school spirit. want to give him a chance to win writing catapulted outstanding acts, this was truly The audience was it,” said Chhoeun upon being her to the top 10 a memorable event. amazed with the acts preceding asked whether or not taking sec- percent of PSAT The show opened with intermission. Just before the ond place would affect his de- scores in the coun- all of the contestants perform- break however, they were taken cision to return next year. try, placing her in ing a sexy and hilarious dance by surprise when Lliam Once the last perfor- the running for a choreographed by Shala Dufresne (12), whose outra- mance was finished, the audi- National Merit Murray (12) and Alyssa geous jokes about his Cadillac ence received an encore dance; Scholarship. Hostford (12). The crowd was and fast food, literally left them this time in tuxedos. “It’s an in a frenzy as the men of Mr. breathless. Dufresne was the When the judges were honor to be in- AHS shook their derrieres. talk of the intermission and finished tallying their score cluded and to have (How embarrassing yet fun…I gained the upper hand as a re- cards, Dufresne emerged as Mr. my academic ac- was right out there in the may- sult. AHS 2005. complishments be Kim Kafouse hem). Right after the opening As intermission ended, “I can’t believe I acknowledged,” dance, each of the contestants the crowd hustled back to their won,” said Dufresne, adding, said Kafouse. Photo taken by: Amanda was individually introduced and seats for the second wave of “Everyone else had talent, I just Guidance Palmisciano made people laugh.” allowed to strut their stuff. performances. The highlight Councilor Mr. Rob- “I’m just really Mr. AHS walked away Next up was the bulk was a spectacular break-dance ert Feinberg said, “It’s awesome. happy,” she said. “I’m really from the auditorium with two of the show. The individual per- to Stevie B and Justin She’s a hardworking young lady proud.” formances. Patrick Bou (11) Timberlake by the runner up, prom tickets, a free tuxedo and she deserves that award.” was the first contestant to per- Van Chhoeun (11), who took rental and flowers for his date. Currently, Kafouse is a SSS: Stuck Up, Snobby and Shallow Big Problems From A Little Tick By Justin Bienvenue By: Chris Laureano

Everyone acts a cer- garded as social superiors” Getting a little tick Alan Friedlander tain way, but one way that some ( on your arm or any part of (11), a student at Attleboro people act is by being shallow. No one can pick a shallow per- your body can go a long High School, has had Lyme What is shallow? The definition son out of a crowd, but by talk- way. When a tick crawls on Disease since 2003. Fried- of shallow is “lacking depth or ing to them and getting to know you, be careful, because you lander caught this disease intellect or knowledge; con- them, it helps realize exactly might be at risk for Lyme from a Deer tick, and he has cerned only with what is obvi- who they really are. Disease. had neck cramps and a swol- ous,” according to Why would anyone Lyme Disease is len knee as his symptoms. want to deal with someone who an infection that is spread To describe his expe- Shal- thinks they are so high up that by Black-Legged ticks and rience, Friedlander said, low people they don’t care about anyone Deer ticks in the United “When I got this disease, I only see what else’s needs? Probably no one. States, that carry the bacte- didn’t know that I had it and they want to A person who is shallow is dif- ria Borrelia Burgdorferi. I was very upset that this see. They ferent from a person who has a The ticks infect humans by ended my soccer season be- bad day. biting them and passing the cause I had to sit down on the think that a Lyme Disease Tick person trying Shallow people always bacteria into the blood- last game against North.” Photo from: Mrs. Donna Dunn, Nurse to talk to them Grumpy stick to their agenda, being stream. According to He continued, “I was Practitioner may not be Picture from: stuck-up. It’s just the way they KidsHealth For Parents, the also upset that it ended my good enough to associate sor Lewis Smedes once wrote of Lyme Disease occur in Mas- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at knee popped, and I had to miss with, there- this poem about shallow people: sachusetts, Rhode Island, Con- Attleboro High School, said all of track season because I had fore they brush them off as if You are deep, necticut, New York, Wiscon- “The main symptoms of Lyme an IV in my arm.” An IV is an they don’t matter. unfathomably deep. sin, Delaware, Maryland, Min- Disease are fatigue, joint aches intravenous tube that goes into Basically, a shallow You cannot be a nesota, New Jersey, and Penn- and a rash.” The symptoms be- a vein in your body used to in- person doesn’t even give an- shallow person; s y l v a n i a come more serious if not sert medication. other individual the time of day. God does not make ( treated. They can include de- Friedlander was glad Why are people like this? shallow people. Early symptoms of pression, memory loss and the that he didn’t have any other Maybe because they truly don’t You can, if you Lyme Disease include fatigue, inability to pay attention in symptoms. He wanted to go fur- wish to get to know someone choose, close your headache, achiness, joint pain, school. ther in his explanation by giv- and just decide to ignore them. Mind to the depths chills, and swelling near the Dunn continued, “I normally ing this one piece of advice, Being shallow is a within you. tick bite. The second stage in- don’t see anyone with really se- “Don’t blame the disease, blame classification. A person may or But you cannot be cludes severe headache, severe rious cases of Lyme Disease, but the tick that carries it.” may not realize that they are shallow fatigue, stiffness in the joints it does take a long time to re- If you think you might shallow. Others may not be all ( and neck, irregular heart cover from it.” be at risk for Lyme Disease, article/1298) rhythm, and a fever of 100 to However, Mrs. Wanda check with your doctor right that open to others and this is It’s quite simple and 102 degrees. The last stage of Marcoccio, Program Coordina- away. When walking through just who they are. logical; no one likes a shallow the disease includes arthritis in tor at Attleboro High School, the woods or any outdoor venue, Other words for shallow are person. Shallow people have no the knees or other body parts said, “You can also have Lyme check your skin often. This will stuck-up, conceited and snobby, right to pick others apart and no and Cognitive Deteriation in Disease without seeing the ticks lower the risk of contracting “one who tends to patronize, one deserves getting the cold adults. because they are so small.” Lyme Disease. rebuff, or ignore people re- shoulder from them. 9 Eagle’s Eye: Attleboro High School Winter 2006 Ed. 2

Top 5 Gifts Recieved By: Michelle Greaves Top 5 Gifts for Guys

1. Xbox 360 I-Pods can be found in 2. I-pod almost any store 3. Sports Tickets that sells elec- 4. Cologne (Curve for Men or tronics, including Abercrombie Fierce) Wal-mart and 5. Clothes Target. They range Top 5 Gifts for Girls in price depend- ing on what type. The shuffle is 1. I-Pod about $150, while the Video is 2. Clothing about $450. Apple controls the 3. Perfume (Victoria’s Secrets prices, so to find a deal, the web Very Sexy or Britney Spears’ would be the best bet. Fantasy) The good thing about Kim Contre and Kelly Ramos at the AHS/North Attleboro Thanksgiving 4. Gift Cards (Clothing stores, clothes and scents is that a buyer game braving the weather to conduct a Coke/Pepsi Challenge Best Buy) could pick out what is person- Photo taken by: Ms. Adeline Bee 5. Shoes ally liked. I t Note to Buyers: doesn’t hurt to Coke or Pepsi? The Xbox 360 ($299- give something $300) can be bought at any store you prefer. In the beginning of always right. cause I thought I knew the dif- that sells gaming systems, but This rule only October, Kelly Ramos (11) and Some of the students ference,” said Josh Dyer (11). availability is the biggest prob- applies to the Kim Contre (11) took a survey who got the challenge right “I always thought I lem. opposite sex of AHS students to see which stated, “I don’t drink a lot of liked Coke better,” said Erin They were 2005’s hot- however. they preferred, Coke or Pepsi. soda so I know the difference,” Brousseau (12). test item. It’s a lot easier to per- The end result was a said Yasmin Bautista (10). Spending two months suade a boyfriend to wear a cer- total of 378 students; Coke won “Coke has more of a working to put the challenge to- tain cologne than to get a best with 222 votes over Pepsi with bite and is definitely better,” gether, Contre and Ramos found friend to wear a certain scent. 156 votes. said Craig Bonin (11). out it wasn’t as easy to accom- A boyfriend most They then took the “I know my soda,” plish as they originally had likely wants to please his girl- challenge to the Attleboro/North said Justin Bienvenue (12). thought. friend, while a best friend prob- Attleboro football game to chal- Those who did not “I learned that you ably doesn’t care how they lenge the viewers. Most of the know Coke from Pepsi were have to work for everything you adults at the game chose wrong, do, otherwise you won’t accom- smell. very astonished. while the students were almost “I was surprised be- plish anything,” said Contre.

Let’s Fall Into Leaves Again Getting Through the Snow By: Yasmin Bautista By: Kaytie Keane

Fall into Leaves is a participate. Second, for the first Richard also purchased six rakes If you go to AHS, then half a tank of gas in the vehicle, service project where students time ever, it was held for two for students who did not have you live in New England, and especially in severe weather. are paired up with an elderly days instead of one, on Nov. 11 one. Gloves were sold for a dol- if you live in New England, then Keep antifreeze in your radia- Attleboro citizen and their yard. and 12. This is due to Commu- lar to whomever wanted them. you probably know what driv- tor. It is a fall clean up event initially nity Service teacher, Ms. Ryan Arce (10) is one ing in the winter is 5.) Have new or properly work- created about five years ago by Rebecca Richard, who thought of the many students who par- like. The cold, the ing wind- Government and U.S. History it would be a good idea to tie ticipated. He enjoyed it and said, snow, and the sleet shield wip- teacher Ms. Donna Shirman. Veterans’ Day in with it, since “I had fun doing it and I’d do it all represent winter ers. Students work in asso- many of the citizens are either again.” weather in New En- 6.) Check the ciation with the Council of Ag- veterans or the wives of de- “It went great and we gland. oil levels ev- ing on North Main Street. ended up finishing 51 In order to en- ery time the The council identifies se- yards,” said Richard add- sure the safety of tank is filled nior citizens who need their ing, “It is heart warming yourself, your pas- with gas. leaves raked up, ant the stu- to see how many students sengers, and others Keeping the dents are sent out to take came out to help.” on the road, here are p r o p e r care of this for them. Shirman agreed some tips for winter amount of oil Fall into Leaves saying, “I think it’s a driving. in the car, is began in 2002 when a stu- wonderful program. It’s 1.) Start the vehicle probably one dent had an idea to shovel exciting that Ms. Richard at least five minutes of the most snow for the elderly. changed it to two days in- before leaving. Cars in the Snow i m p o r t a n t Shirman, in charge of com- stead of one. I think this 2.) Make sure there things in ve- Picture from: munity service at the time, is a fun, healthy, spirited is enough windshield hicle mainte- thought that shoveling Leaves and valuable service to washer in your car. nance. snow would be too hard. Picture from: < the elderly in the commu- The salt and slush from pass- 7.) Check the battery. Instead, they thought of a archive/epodviewer.php3?oid=73920> nity.” ing cars on the road can impair 8.) Check the tire pressure. It’s different plan, raking L e a n n e driving. usually found on the inside of leaves. ceased veterans. O’Regan (11) loved the experi- 3.) According to , the driver’s door. Many cars av- Jessica Lang, 2003 Roger Faile, a retired ence. She said, “It was a great “Always carry a First Aid kit, erage 28 psi in the front wheels AHS graduate, organized that citizen of Attleboro, collected opportunity to help others while map, ice scraper, snow brush, and 34 in the back. Be sure to first project. The first time it $250 for the event and with still having fun.” matches, candles, flashlight, have a tire gauge in the glove took place on the Saturday be- money Richard added from her “It was an enjoyable warning triangles, flares, tow box and know how to use it. fore Halloween. The students own pocket, the students who experience,” said Katie Bouley and battery jumping cables, 9.) Have a mechanic or some- painted pumpkins and gave participated on Saturday were (11). folding shovel, a bag of sand, a one knowledgeable check the cards to all the senior citizens able to receive water bottles and “I’ve had my leaves blanket, winter gloves, cell belts in the vehicle before win- who participated, to help build snacks as well as the leaf bags done by you people three times phone if you have one, and an ter begins. community spirit. Sport clubs before heading out to the homes. now and the five girls that raked emergency “help” sign that you 10.) Clean off the snow and ice and activity groups in AHS were Students, however, my yard worked so hard. They can put in the back window if from car windows before driv- asked to participate. were required to bring their own were the best,” said Isabel Shea, you need help.” Keep all of ing. Be sure the defrosters are Fall into Leaves has rakes. The actual cost of the retired Attleboro citizen, prov- these items together, possibly in working properly to make sure evolved over the years. First, event totaled about $700. Each ing that hard work pays off. a milk crate. the windows don’t fog up. anyone who signs up is able to of 1000 leaf bags cost 36 cents. 4.) Make sure there is at least 10 Eagle’s Eye: Attleboro High School Winter 2006 Ed. 2 The Closest Thing to Gifts How Much Will Gas Cost Tomorrow? By: Chris Laureano By: Lidia Banushi Lately gas prices have down, so I’m happy.” Carlos Vasquez (10) funky ones that you can’t get been changing constantly. After Richie Souther (11) is is also a new driver. Vasquez anywhere else.” the hurricane, prices a new driver. Souther has been stopped driving his car to and On every Increased incredibly. In each driving for a couple of from school for awhile because birthday gram there is a birth- state the price of gas went up months so far. During this time, gas prices got so expensive he day card where a message and down each month. Since gas prices changed dramatically. thought it wasn’t worth it. can be written to a student or Katrina there have been over “I can’t keep up with Once prices went back down a teacher. The card can be 1,000 complaints about gas the cost of gas; one day it’s Vasques was driving again. sent inside the birthday gram prices. . council members will deliver J e f f tant in Photo taken by: Chris Laureano the birthday grams personally Remy (11) spends our so- anytime of the day and sing, about $20-30 on c i e t y Do you want to show “Happy Birthday Gram to You.” gas a week. Remy w h e n someone that you care about Sophomore class works and pays for gas gets them? Are you afraid that you adivsor Ms. Richard said, “The his own gas, and to be are forgetting someone’s birth- purpose of selling Birthday does a lot of driv- too ex- day? Never fear, because Birth- Grams is to celebrate birthdays ing, so the cost of pensive day Grams are here. and to raise money for the Class gas prices affects i t Birthday Grams will of 2008.” him. causes be sold for $4 at the beginning Rosa went further and “As long Range of gas prices for 6 months p r o b - of each month in the B2 Cafete- said, “The purpose of selling lems,” as gas prices keep Graph from: in 2008 Class Advisor Ms. people an opportunity to show happy,” Remy Te e n s Rebecca Richard’s room, at that they’re thinking of them on said. a r e 119A, during the day or after their birthday.” Ms. Gwendallyn he said. worried about gas prices due to school. Birthday Grams are Garrage is a geometry teacher Each week Souther their low income jobs. If gas Birthday Grams con- available for teachers as well, so at AHS. She says, “I do a lot of spends about $45 on gas and it prices continue to rise many tain goodies and other surprises don’t forget them. Also, if you driving, especially in the sum- all comes out of his own teens won’t be able to pursue inside each bag. Ms. Sheila want your birthday to be listed mer time.” In the last month pocket. Souther hopes the prices their normal events like work, Rosa, one of the sophomore on the Master Birthday Calen- Garrage spent $200 on gas. She keep going down to make gas or just getting things done with- class advisors, said, “Birthday dar, see Ms. Richard at room added, “Gas prices are going more affordable. out the help of their parents. Grams contain cool prizes and 119A.

How to Fight the Frost By: Rebecca Mueller

How many times have your parents scolded you to put on a heavier Bamford said, “Often times when I’m out in the snow, my toes freeze winter coat? How often do you get colds from the late December chill? How first.” This often happens, regardless of the thick socks that she wears. many times per season do your feet freeze, despite the fact that you wear the To prevent toes from becoming numb, do not wear thick socks. Instead, thickest winter socks that money can buy? wear many layers of thinner socks or nylons. Doing this will not cut off circula- There are many complicated rules telling how to stay warm during the tion (which would make feet cool faster) or allow the water inside the shoe or winter, but many fail to be true. Scientists have taken these common boot to absorb easily. methods to the test and have come up with effective and easy strategies If you want to stop your parents from has- for anyone to use. Whether you love winter or hate it, keeping healthy sling you this winter, make sure to tell them this and comfortable is important, to enjoy the season as much as possible. underground secret. “Ice cold water can keep you warmer than hot water? That One of the worst things you can do for your- doesn’t make sense,” said Lauren Bamford (10). Most kids aren’t aware self in the cold is to depend on a winter coat to keep of the science behind the fact. you warm. Hot chocolate may warm the throat and mouth for the time “In the winter, I usually wear about three to being, but hot water burns fewer calories and evaporates in the throat four layers of clothing,” Kerrin Duffy (10) said. long before most of it can be used to hydrate the body. Yet when the The recommended number of layers to wear is at water is not hot, more of the water goes straight to the body to hydrate least three. and prevent body temperatures from decreasing . Wearing a hat can cut the percentage a thick layer quicker than it does a thin layer, and Another fact is that gloves do little to help warm hands. Very of body heat lost by about 50 percent with thin layers, the wetness doesn’t cover as much often, gloves (especially leather) actually absorb the body heat from Picture from: It is also important to note that cotton is not them to cool quicker. Mittens, though not as easy to grip with, are more an appropriate material to clothe yourself in for useful in allowing heat and blood to circulate through the hand to maintain a warm harsh weather. Cotton loses its insulating qualities when it gets wet, whether body temperature. from rain or sweat, and also takes a long time to dry out. Wool or synthetic There is an old adage that if your feet are cold, you should put on a hat. materials are much better suited to defend freezing temperatures . In fact, one of the best ways to stay warm is to wear a hat because over The most common illnesses that people get during the winter are linked half of the body’s heat is lost through the top of the head. So, if you’re wearing with mouth and throat bacteria . The best way to fight the frost and prevent colds is to keep a scarf perhaps you should dress up your head before you bother adding more layers to around the neck and breathe into it once the temperature drops. your body . guaranteed to have a warmer winter. Voice of Democracy Winners Symonne Scott and Wars’ (VFW’s) scholarship con- Tania Weaver, two seniors in Ms. test since 1947. Each year, more Adeline Bee’s English IV Honors than 100,000 high school stu- English class recently won the Vet- dents are awarded more than erans of Foreign Wars patriotic $2.5 million in scholarships and audio essay competition. incentives. Scott came in first in the Prizes and scholarships Attleboro VFW post competition are awarded at the local, district, and third in the VFW district level. state and national level. Weaver came in third in Winners receive an all expense the post competition. paid trip to Washinton, D.C. VFW Symbol The Voice of Democracy This years’ topic was Picture from: Photo taken by: Caroline Costello dom.” 11 Eagle’s Eye: Attleboro High School Winter 2006 Ed. 2

Guidance Student Council Art Beat Grease Musical By: Michelle Greaves By: Debbie Aderinto By: Amanda Palmisciano By: Chris Laureano Staff: The guidance counse- Debbie Aderinto We are The art department is Auditions for the lors are hard at work this holi- Lidia Banushi now months into busy planning for Art Night, musical Grease are done, and day season. They are trying to the school year which is scheduled to take place the musical has been cast. If Yasmin Bautista get everything settled so that ev- and the student in March. anyone needs to know who is Justin Bienvenue eryone can have a peaceful holi- council is plan- Currently, much of the cast in the play, there is a cast day season. Mesha Blanc ning upcoming talk is focused on the Scholas- sheet outside the Robert H. Senior guidance coun- Alicia Booth events. The sophomore class re- tic Art Awards. The awards are Bray Auditorium entrance. selors are focusing on college cently completed a bottle-drive administered by the Alliance for The performance Nicole Brouwer applications and alternative fu- and raised over $100 from re- Young Artists and Writers, Inc., dates are Friday, April 7 and Corey Bush ture plans. cycling in one day. The pro- and anyone in grades 7 through Saturday, April 8. The choir Andrea Courchesne It’s time to ceeds will benefit their class. 12 can enter. for the musical has also been Kathryn DeTore get those col- The junior council has The awards offer the Josh Dyer lege apps in set March 10 for the Battle of possibility of scholarships and and remem- the Bands, all the money they exhibi- Chris Laureano ber the guid- raise will go towards lowering tion op- Rebecca Mueller ance counse- prom tickets. They were forced portuni- Kayla Pike lors need to cancel Friendly’s night be- t i e s . Kelly Ramos them two cause of scheduling conflicts. Submis- Kelli Reynolds weeks in advance before the The Variety Show is sions for actual due date. Jan. 11. The money from that t h e Sharon Riley Juniors are recom- event will go towards junior awards are due in Dec. mended to begin considering class events. Anyone who is inter- Editors: their grades and start schedul- ested should contact Mrs. Anne cast, which include different ing the SATs. You can register Craig Bonin Running on Soles Montagano in the art depart- singing parts such as Bass and at . William Brauneis By: Nicole Brouwer ment or go to . January 3 every day after Kaytie Keane The guidance counselors are started on Art Club and the Na- school from 2:15 to 4:30 in the trying to help them figure out Amanda Nov. 29. tional Art Honors Society con- auditorium, rehearsals will what they want to do after high Palmisciano Both teams tinue to meet the first Wednes- take place. Chorus Teacher school so that they can begin Shaeleen Perreault have been day of every month. and Musical Director Mr. Gary to plan accordingly. w o r k i n g Hyman, said, “Different hard to Skating on Thin Ice people will come on different Layout c o m p l e t e days that they are needed, un- William Brauneis By: Josh Dyer their sea- less they are one of the lead Corey Bush roles.” sons with a The AHS Boy’s Varsity Amanda win in the EAC championship. Complete schedules Ice Hockey team is off to a slow Palmisciano The boys team is led start this season with a 0-5 start. of musical rehearsals for by captains Tyler Hathaway They lost both games in “The Grease will be coming out (12), Evan Garber (12) and Sun Chronicle” Holiday tourna- soon. Advisor: Kyle Bouley (12). ment: 6-2 vs. Bishop Feehan, and Ms. Adeline Bee The girl’s captains are, 4-2 vs. Mansfield. On dec. 20, Anna Kern (12), Symonne Chorus Beat they lost to New Bedford 4-1. Printing: Police Notes Scott (12) and Bridget They lost 6-0 to King By: Shaeleen Perreault Graphic Comm. By: Kelli Reynolds DeVincent (12). Philip in the Walpole tournament Their schedule can be In Nov. alone, the po- and they lost 8-1 to Medfield. The chorus per- Department found at http://friendsofahs lice at AHS dealt with one hun- formed for the public on dred seventy incidents on cam- Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. track_schedule.htm. pus. The most common was at the Annual Winter Concert. larceny/theft with nineteen in- They performed Library “Welsh Lullaby,” “Riu Riu cidents, and disorderly conduct Girls’ Soccer By: Craig Bonin Chiu,” “Neis Gadol,” and with fourteen incidents. By: Sharon Riley Things have been as Officer Boise said “The Twelve Days after Christmas” on their own. busy as they usually are in the that at the Homecoming The Varsity Girls’ Soc- library in December. Seniors Dance, there was reportedly cer team had a great season with Then, the chorus preformed “Silent Night” were hard at work on their big one student taken off campus a record of 14-1-4. Their last r e s e a r c h in an ambulance for alcohol game was a loss to Natick with papers for A problem this year has poisoning, but no arrests, al- a score of 2-1. English. been key players out. Junior co- though there was talk about ec- The captains for this Since captain Andrew Haselhurst stasy possibly being in circu- year’s team were seniors: Jill the start of (11) is out with a two game sus- lation. Buckley, Kasey Buckley, Kelly the year, pension, senior defensemen There is a possibility Elias, and a b o u t Dave Palomo is also out with a of another Rape Aggression Anna Kern. seven thousand books have been two game suspension, and key Defense (RAD) course in Jan. The other se- checked out. New Young Adult defenseman Mike McDonald and another one around prom niors were: Choices (YAC) books have al- (11) is out six to eight weeks time, which would be available C h a r l s i e ready been returned for the next from an off ice injury. only to juniors and seniors. Heverly, Katie shipment. Attleboro hopes for a Officer Boise and Of- Jeffrey, Brittany Juaire, Lauren In total, 503 YAC bal- strong finish to make a run at a ficer Bob Hale have been help- McKinnen, Kate Masoian, and lots have been cast thus far by third straight MIAA tournament ing teach some classes when Molly Oliver. The juniors were AHS students. That’s an eighth they’re dealing with different Tara Cavalieri, Jenny Foley, appearance. while the Women’s Choir sang “The Night of Silence.” of the four thousand needed for aspects of the law, and are also Nikki Mcleish, and Alyssa the year. went on the field trip to Nor- Walsh. The sophomores were At the close of the folk State Prison with Mr. Ashley Cannatta, Danielle concert the chorus sang “Hal- Westwater’s class. Clifford, Alex Neville, and lelujah Chorus” while the There will be an Janelle O’Hare, and the fresh- concert band played and au- Attleboro police presence at men were Jenna Costa and Allie dience members were invited upcoming school events. Kelly. to join. 12 This document was created with Win2PDF available at The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF.