ps4 hack gu last recode Last Recode. .Hack//G.U Last Recode is a PlayStation 4 and HD Remaster of .Hack//G.U, a single-player action role-playing game series from the PlayStation 2, developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Namco Games. The remaster compiles elements from all three .hack//G.U. games: .hack//G.U. Vol. 1//Rebirth (再誕 Saitan, lit. "Resurrection"), .hack//G.U. Vol. 2//Reminisce (君思う声 Kimi Omou Koe, lit. "The Voice that Thinks of You") and .hack//G.U. Vol. 3//Redemption (歩くような速さで Aruku you na Hayasa de, lit. "At a Walking Pace"). It also includes a brand new chapter, .hack//G.U. Vol 4//Reconnection. The story focuses on a player named Haseo who hunts a player nicknamed "Tri-Edge", who defeated his friend Shino and left her in a coma in real life. After being attacked and Data Drained by Tri-Edge, Haseo is found by a mysterious organization known as Raven, and joins their ranks, unleashing a hidden power in his character data known as Skeith. All the while, a mysterious computer virus called AIDA is threatening the existence of "The World" and quite possibly the entire Internet. .hack//G.U. Last Recode. Summary: .hack//G.U. is back. Log back into the .hack//G.U. trilogy and return to "The World," as Haseo tracks down Tri-Edge in .hack//G.U. Last Recode, now with enhanced graphics, improved gameplay, and brand new modes! This collection includes all 3 original .hack//G.U. titles, Rebirth, Reminisce, .hack//G.U. is back. Log back into the .hack//G.U. trilogy and return to "The World," as Haseo tracks down Tri-Edge in .hack//G.U. Last Recode, now with enhanced graphics, improved gameplay, and brand new modes! This collection includes all 3 original .hack//G.U. titles, Rebirth, Reminisce, and Redemption, all fully restored and remastered for PS4. Developer: CyberConnect2 Genre(s): Miscellaneous , Compilation # of players: No Online Multiplayer Cheats: On GameFAQs Rating: T More Details and Credits » Trailer. Critic Reviews. User Reviews. Recién acabo de completar el volumen 1 y he de decir que estoy muy encantado con esta remasterización. Hace cosa de un año o dos, pude jugar a Recién acabo de completar el volumen 1 y he de decir que estoy muy encantado con esta remasterización. Hace cosa de un año o dos, pude jugar a su versión original de Ps2 y he de decir, que los apartados técnicos los han mejorado notablemente. Y ya ni mencionar que encima CC2 nos brinda con un episodio extra de esta magnífica saga. En resumen, si te gustaron los 3 volúmenes de Ps2, ya estás tardando en comprar este remaster. Y para aquellos que no hayan jugado aún a esta saga, daré razones para hacerlo: -Una historia y ambientación impecables -Unos personajes muy humanizados, repletos de carisma y con los que rápidamente lograremos empatizar. -La sensación "ficticia" de estar viviendo en un MMO, intercambiando armas e items con NPCs y demás, consultando foros, intercambiando emails con nuestros compañeros fuera de "The World" se hace una experiencia agradable y como pocas. -Su banda sonora, espectacular. -Las voces originales en japonés son sublimes. -Aunque ha sido mejorado, su sistema de combate sigue siendo muy limitado y algo soso -La escasa variedad y pobre diseño de mazmorras, a la larga, se hace repetitivo y puede llegar a cansar. … Expand. If you can't get enough simulated MMORPG grinding within a borderline nonsensical world, then this just the game for you! There seems to be If you can't get enough simulated MMORPG grinding within a borderline nonsensical world, then this just the game for you! There seems to be a JRPG addiction where people feel the need to want to hit things until numbers pop out of them (damage) so that they can make their own numbers (player level/stats) larger. This is the primary focus of the game, going through it's near endless monotonous corridor dungeons. The story is built around that. Want to talk to someone who's right in front of you to progress the story? No, can't do that, you need to go to the bottom of a dungeon first. Need to find an item or get information? To the bottom of a dungeon you go. Want to kill a boss, do some PVP, save the world/etc? Yep, you need to go through a dungeon first. Gameplay isn't very good. It's basically a slower and simplified Tales combat system. It's okay for the first 10 hours or so, but you'll need to play about 60+ hours to get through the game, and most of that is spent in dungeons fighting. Grinding in the game primarily consists of getting through the story dungeons. I only twice had to go into an optional dungeon to get a few more levels for a boss fight. There's a lot of required story dungeons, and doing just those will get you most of the experience/levels you need. It's just that there's so many that the whole game feels like a grind. The story, well. I see a review right to the right of me saying that it has an engaging story with electric characters. Ha! First of all, the world is completely unbelievable. It's not for anyone who's familiar with the actual workings of networking, the internet, computers, or coding. I can only imagine what the programmers were thinking when they were coding this game. Maybe they were okay with it since it's a game for kids and of course kids think the insides of computers and the internet are made of magic. The characters are simply generic. They're not bad, but you've seen all of them before if you've played more than 5 JRPGs. Although they do quite stupid things when the plot demands it of them - though I'll blame that on the plot. The main plot isn't very good when put in context of the world it's written in. Basically, you're trying to save a girl who went into a coma from playing the game. And what does everyone correctly assume you have to do to get the girl out of a coma? Kill the thing that put her in a coma. Yeah, It's like killing the car who put my sister in a coma is going to bring her back. It's typical kid story nonsense (with plenty of magic sprinkled on top). And all of this is taking place in the real world with the game having adverse affects on everything computerized (because of magic, of course) I frequently wondered why the government just didn't just down the stupid game since it was causing so much havoc. But if anyone intelligent enough was around to do that, then we wouldn't have been able to go on our juvenile power spree within the game (and save the world! Yay!). Well, the above sounds pretty bad, but I was at least able to tolerate the game due to it not having any large plot holes (as long as you assume that the internet and the game are made of magic and that most people in power are idiots), which is more than I can say for some other popular JRPGs. I also had a bit of fun with the game's automated card game. I felt like I was back in FF12 choosing optimal settings so that I could just sit back and watch. It's too bad the card game didn't last that long. Oh, and one last thing, I haven't seen a game within a game done well yet, and this is no exception. Believably would have been much better if they would have simply removed the idea that you were playing as people who were playing in a MMORPG. Although if they did that, it probably would have been hard to justify the monotonous grinding. … Expand. Ps4 hack gu last recode. I use SCP and havent had any issues.. other then it thinks its a PS4 controller. The new DS4 pretty much have to install the driver to wireless controler #0 (not 3) No mods for that yet. edit: i treid the remoteplay drivers for native ps4 and still shows up xbox icons anyways. then On settings try checking hide ps4 controller. I am using my own fork of DS4Windows to play .hack with a PS4 controller. Much less input lag and more mapping features compared to the old version. How the hell do you even get this game to work with a controller? It flat out refuses to acknoledge that I have a controller. Do I have to go and grab my PS3 controller and put it into my computer? I can do that, but it seems silly the game won't recognize a gamepad that's designed for PS2 PC related game play. Sure, my controller isn't exactly fancy, being a cheap logiteck, but still. .hack//G.U. Last Recode. Log back into the .hack//G.U. trilogy and return to “The World,” as Haseo tracks down Tri-Edge in .hack//G.U. Last Recode, now with enhanced graphics, improved gameplay, and brand new modes! This collection includes all 3 original .hack//G.U. titles, Rebirth, Reminisce, and Redemption, all fully restored and remastered. As well as an all new exclusive 4th Volume: .hack//G.U. Reconnection. • 15 years of .hack – Celebrate the 15th anniversary of the beloved global cross media franchise that first released in 2002. • Fully restored – Graphically enhanced gameplay and cut scenes now in 1080p and 60fps. • Improved system features – Enhanced battle balance and game pacing to provide an optimal experience for new and old fans alike. .hack//G.U.Last Recode & © BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Details. Lenguaje leve, Referencia de alcohol, Sangre leve, Temas sugestivos, Violencia de fantasía. Ps4 hack gu last recode. .hack//G.U. Last Recode is a remaster of the original .hack//G.U. Trilogy previously released on the PS2 back in 2006. Ten years later, thanks to the efforts of CyberConnect2 and Bandai Namco Entertainment, players of a newer generation can now log onto “The World”. Follow Haseo’s journey as he tries to search for a player named “Tri-Edge”, who has caused his real life friend Shino, to fall into a coma. The answers that lead him to this player only bring about more questions regarding the game and a strange phenomenon known as “AIDA”, are you ready to enter “The World” once more to discover the truth? Outside of the original trilogy, Last Recode also offers a new fourth Volume that serves as a conclusion to the trilogy. Additional content includes; “Terminal Disc”, that offers backstory for the original four games before G.U., and Parody Mode which features comedic, dubbed-over cutscenes from the story acted out by the original voice actors. Trophy-wise, Last Recode can be as time consuming of a Platinum as you want it to be. You can basically take two routes while pursuing the Platinum: start out with Cheat mode and skip all of the cutscenes to breeze through the Volumes in a day or so, or play through all of the Volumes normally and obtain the trophies slowly. This game has an immense amount of story content and cutscenes; the difference between skipping all of the cutscenes in a Volume will make the difference between a 12-hour playthrough and a 20-hour playthrough. Cheat Mode is selectable from the “New Game” menu of any Volume; Cheat Mode maxes out all of your parameters and gives you the best equipment so that you can clear all of your battles with ease. This is another way to cut down on play time, but has one drawback: Cheat Mode won’t carry over from one Volume to the next if you transfer your save data across Volumes, meaning that when you start Vol 2 from your Vol 1 Cheat Mode playthrough, Cheat Mode won’t be active anymore. This isn’t such a bad thing, as level ups do come easier in Last Recode than in the original, making fights even outside of Cheat Mode relatively easy. In regards to the trophies, a lot of them are long-term things that you’ll have to work towards while progressing through the story, such as receiving an A rank on 50 areas, performing 300 Rengekis, and so on. The biggest goal you’ll be working towards is Guild With Benefits , which will require you to raise all Ryu Books to 9. Reaching it to that level will require you to gather most of the weapons, items and equipment. While you don’t have to collect every single thing, the margin for error can be low, especially if you’re skipping quest-specific enemies and rewards. In summary, Last Recode is a big time investment when it comes to making sure you have nearly everything completed for each Volume, but it is by no means a difficult Platinum. To help you begin your journey, I have written a primer on game mechanics HERE . Note : This game does not have an autosave feature. In the event that you accidentally press "No" when offered a Retry or if the game crashes, you could lose out on much of your progress. Save often, especially during important story sequences. Note : Keep in mind that the Campaigns/Quests available to you in each Volume offers rewards that can't be obtained in the next Volume, so you'll want to complete every Quest in each Volume. Also keep in mind that you should only transfer saves when you're certain that you have collected everything you want to collect for the Ryu Books before transferring your save to the next Volume. If you get too far in a Volume before realizing you still wanted to do things in the previous one, you won't have the luxury of going back to carry over data and putting it in the middle of your new run. Step 1: Complete Volume 1 while clearing the missable Campaigns (Cheat Mode Optional) Since this is the first Volume of the game, try to get a grasp on the systems such as combat, alchemy, and navigating through the various Online forums when you Log Out. Since there are no story related trophies and you only obtain one trophy for beating the main story of each Volume, trophies will come slowly. In this Volume, you'll most likely obtain the first set of trophies for each new action, like getting your first S rank and using your bike. Remember that you can choose to use Cheat Mode to make this part go by very quickly; it just won't carry over to Volume 2 or 3. Additionally, you need to complete the various Campaigns found through the Quest Shop, since the items you receive for clearing them can't be earned in later Volumes (you'll need these items much later since they fill up the Ryu Books). Luckily there is no time limit for any of the Campaigns, so you can save them for post game, and that's probably what you want to do since you'll be better equipped at that point. Nothing in the game is missable, so complete the game and fill up the Ryu Book at your own pace. Once you've completed the game and are ready to move on, go back to the Title Screen and start up Vol 2 using the Convert Vol 1 Data option. At the end of this step, you will have earned the following trophies: Perfect Score Rookie Rider Chim's Kicker Trading Up Just a Little Something Mecha Grunty's Savior Rengeki of the Century Back Attacker I Have Seen the Light Fighter-In-Training My First Alchemy Set Reborn El-Chiminator Mecha Grunty's Messiah PKK 4 Life Terror of Death Animal Kickers' Activist Animal Hunter The Great Communicator The World Famous. Step 2: Complete Vol 2 and 3 + Raise Ryu Books to Level 9. The largest portion of your playthrough will take place here, as you work to complete Volumes 2 and 3 of the game while filling up the Ryu Books gradually. The second set of trophies like fighting 1000 battles and performing 500 Surprise Attacks should be earned during this step. A new feature only present in Volume 2 and 3 is called Crimson VS, a card game that automatically takes place while you progress with the game. You'll need to accumulate 500 wins in order to unlock all of the respective trophies in that mode, along with obtaining all of the cards later in Vol 3. You'll also need to finish one more Campaign, the "Highway Master" campaign found in Vol 2. This campaign involves various time trials using your bike; luckily it is very easy to complete due to a glitch that exists within the game (this is explained further in My Way Is the Highway ). That campaign aside, your only other objectives will be to: reach level 150, collect 60 “1st”, “2nd”, and “3rd” area words, complete an engagement event with one of your party members, and fill all of the Ryu Books to level 9. This is a very time consuming goal, as the books will want you to complete various tasks such as fighting "X" amount of monsters and obtaining a certain amount of items: for a full breakdown of the Ryu Book specifics, please refer to Guild With Benefits . By the time you finish Vol 3 and are ready to move on to Vol 4, you'll want to make sure that you've cleared nearly everything else there is, as the usage of "@ Home", Chaos Gates, and other areas pertinent to many of the other trophies are restricted in that Volume. At the end of this step, you will have earned the following trophies: Clear All Areas Mercantile Spirit A Show of Gratitude Saddle Sore Alchemical Brother Assassin's Touch Sneaky Striker True Enlightenment Battle-Hardened Data Drain Lone Racer My Way Is the Highway Red-Faced Intermediate Reminiscing Ultimate Warrior Courageous Companions Battlefield Besties Lightning-Fast Reflexes Otherworldly Speedster Wordsmith Lexical Locator Vocabulary Virtuoso Redeemed Knows No Bounds Rosy-Cheeked Expert Sanguine Master Guild With Benefits Popping the Question. Step 3: Complete Volume 4 + Watch Bonus Content. All that you need to do now is complete Volume 4, the new Volume added to Last Recode that finishes up the story and adds new gameplay elements. Once you've completed that, you'll need to watch all of the Terminal Disk files and Parody Mode content to obtain their trophies; you can skip them to save time. Once you've done this, you will have unlocked the platinum. Congratulations! At the end of this step, you will have earned the following trophies: Reconnected The Truth Is Out The World: A Parody King of The World. Hack//G.U. Last Recode Trophy Guide. 52 trophies ( 1 3 4 44 13 ) King of The World. Obtain all trophies. Once you've obtained all of the below trophies you will have obtained the Platinum; you've seen all there is to see in "The World". Reborn. Complete Vol. 1 Rebirth. Volume 1 is the first game in the series, and can be completed in about 15 hours. Since it is the first game, the mechanics that you have to work with will seem barebones at first, but the game gradually builds on this as you progress between Volumes. Once you've completed the base game, you'll want to finish all of the Quests from the Quest Shop and the Campaigns to get all of the missable items and enemies that can only be obtained by completing them. Below is a list of all of the items and enemies that can only be obtained in this Volume: Simple Steam Ring - Save Mecha Grunty 5 Times Steam Bracelet - Save Mecha Grunty 20 Times Ripper's Blade - Kill all Blacklisted PK's Wild Robe - Reward for completing the Lucky Animal Quest Steam Plate - Reward for completing the Chim Chim Quest Steam Armor - Save Mecha Grunty 40 Times Steam Suit - Reward for completing the Mecha Grunty Quest Black Armor - Reward for completing the Abyss Quest Own King - Defeat Doppleganger. Wight Ride - Abyss Quest Poisoned Dead - Abyss Quest Living Corpse - Abyss Quest Gurugon - Defeat Gurugon Quest Cernunnos - Abyss Quest Boss Scalvenger - Maze Of The Bird Monster Quest Knuckleman - Steam Scientest's Invention Quest Great Jaws - Crab Monster Party Quest. The Abyss Questline : The Abyss Quest isn't a "formal" Quest that you can pick up from the Quest shop, it's something you have to initiate when you Log Out from the game. Near the beginning of the game if you check the Community Forum you'll see a thread that is titled "Anyone opening chests?", reply to this post asking for the Area Words to the area. Log back in and the next time you Log out, you will have received a reply giving you the Area Words. Once you get them and go to the Area, you'll arrive at a fairly empty dungeon aside from a Treasure chest near the end, kick it to trigger a cutscene, which will allow you to progress with the Questline. As you progress through the game you'll have to follow the same procedure of checking the Community Forum every now and then to look for more posts that will allow you to progress with the Quest, once you've gotten far enough you'll receive an email that notifies you that the "Lord of the Dead" quest is now officially available at the Quest Shop. That is the final part of the Questline, and completing it will allow you to fight the "secret" boss, Cernunnos. Keep in mind that this Quest continues into every Volume of the game (except for Vol 4), so remember to always check the Community Forum board for new posts! Fighting your Doppleganger : The Doppleganger is a unique enemy that mimics Haseo's current appearance in the game, and can only be encountered under certain circumstances. The Doppleganger will only appear in "Field" type Areas, never in Dungeons. Once you enter a Field area, a five minute countdown starts that is reset every time you enter a battle; you will need to wait for five minutes before the Doppleganger will appear in the Area. Once the five minutes are up, walk around the Area until you find him - when you get close enough a red arrow will point you in his general direction. In battle, the Doppleganger will probably be the toughest enemy you'll fight in this game. This is for two reasons, the Doppleganger is always eight levels ahead of Haseo's current level, and he also regains his Health and SP at an extremely fast rate. I would recommend using Dual Swords here, because the Doppleganger also mimics which weapon Haseo has equipped, if you switch weapons so will he. Your objective during the fight should be to score Rengeki's so that you can fill up your Morale gauge and use Beast Awakening, which will allow you to damage him since Beast Awakening nullifies his regenerative properties. You should have a healer like Atoli in your party and set her to "Life", while taking any other offensive character and setting them to "Rage". When you defeat the Doppleganger he will drop the "Own King", you unfortunately won't be able to do anything with this item now, but defeating him again in the next volume while having this item in your Inventory will cause him to drop very rare weapons. Defeating him again in Vol 3 will cause him to drop DGs and his armor set, so you have a lot of incentive to fight him in every Volume of the game not only for his equipment, but also to fill up the Ryu Books. Once you've defeated the Final Boss of Volume 1, this trophy will unlock. Reminiscing. Complete Vol. 2 Reminisce. Volume 2 is the second game in the series, and adds some new features that the first one did not have. For starters, near the beginning of the game you'll switch towns and end up on the "Theta" server. This is the intermediate server, so if you ever want to go back to lower level Areas you'll have to warp to Mac Anu in order to use the "Delta" server again. Other additions include Divine Awakening, Crimson VS, and the ability to tune your Bike at "@ Home". Divine Awakening is a "special attack" unlike the other Awakenings, this Awakening's damage is dependent on how well you time the gauge at the right point. Crimson Vs is a card game that takes place automatically as you play the game, the more you play the game, the more Crimson Vs battles you take place in. You can find more information on Crimson Vs and tuning your bike by referring to My Way is The Highway and Sanguine Master . Once you've completed the base game, you'll want to finish all of the Quest's from the Quest Shop and the Campaigns to get all of the missable items and enemies that can only be obtained by completing them. Below is a list of all of the items and enemies that can only be obtained in this Volume: Wind Barrette - Lucky Animal Quest V2 Wrist Watch - Mecha Grunty Quest V2 Steam Watch - Mecha Grunty Quest V2 Biker's Charm - Biker Quest Reward Flicking Scale - Reward for defeating The One Sin (Abyss Questline V2) Forgotten Shadow - Defeat Doppleganger in Vol 2 Moonlight Faith - Defeat Doppleganger second time in Vol 2 Heine's Invasion - Defeat Doppleganger in Vol 2 while having Own King in your Inventory Heine's Shadow - Defeat Doppleganger in Vol 2 while having Own King in your Inventory Heine's Zero - Defeat the Doppleganger second time in Vol 2 The Unexperienced - Lucky Animal Quest V2 Steam Vest - Mecha Grunty Quest V2 Steam Coat - Mecha Grunty Quest V2 Golden Lion - Lucky Animal Quest V2 Whistle Armor - Lucky Animal Quest V2 Mountaineer Vest - Lucky Animal Quest V2 Steam Battle Pod - Mecha Grunty Quest V2 Summit King - Lucky Animal Quest V2 Invincible Shell - Bounty Hunter Quest V2 Rainbow Scale - Defeat God Eater. Morgul - Abyss Quest V2 Mirage Banisher - (Theta) Hidden Forbidden Sacrament Boss Death Eater - (Theta) Hidden Forbidden Sacrament Boss Propogate Stopper - (Theta) Hidden Forbidden Sacrament Boss Avenge Preventer - (Theta) Hidden Forbidden Sacrament Boss Tempt Rejecter - (Theta) Hidden Forbidden Sacrament Boss Scheme Breacher - (Theta) Hidden Forbidden Sacrament Boss Shadowless Dog - Gathering Shadows Quest # Rain - Steam Scientist Quest # Cloud - Steam Scientist Quest # Rain Cloud - Steam Scientist Quest Titan Dead - Abyss Quest V2 The One Sin - Abyss Quest V2 Boss God Eater - Unlockable boss after defeating The One Sin. Adler Keys : Around the middle of Volume 2 you'll be introduced to a new mechanic called the "Adler Keys", large key shaped beacons that can be found in certain areas. Picking up a certain amount of these keys will allow you to unlock unique Phase weapons at (Theta) Hidden Forbidden Sacrament. Once you've presented enough keys to an individual weapon, you'll be told that you have to fight that Phase's boss in order to actually obtain the weapon for yourself. You'll have to fight all six Phases in order to fill up the entries for the Ryu Book, because when you start Volume 3, you and your party will already have their Phase weapons by default, voiding the bosses you should have fought to get them. Once you've defeated the Final Boss of Volume 2, this trophy will unlock.