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The Parish of Three Saints St Christopher, St Michael, Brent Knoll St Mary, BAPTISM WEDDING When do we hold baptisms? How do we book our wedding? - on the fourth or fifth Sunday of a month at - please contact our Parish Administrator in 12.15pm or 1.15pm; the Church Office, who will discuss with we normally have one family at each time, you availability of dates and times; will talk however, there may be occasions when we to you about the qualifying connection you have another child to baptise and so there have with the parish; and will take you and will be two families together; your fiancé’s details; - or at our regular worship on a Sunday - you will then be contacted by our vicar to morning at 10.00am; arrange a date to meet.

There will be exceptions due to the church CHURCH OFFICE calendar Church Road, East Brent, TA9 4HZ How do you book a baptism? E-mail: [email protected] - collect an application form the Church Phone: 01278 769 082 Office Open Tuesday & Wednesday,

10.30am-3.30pm Priest in Charge Revd. Simon Lewis The Rectory, Ash Trees, East Brent [email protected] PCC Secretary Sandra Hanmer 01934 750 076 Churchwardens Miss Frances James 760 287 Mr Mike Smith 760 691 Services for November 2014 Date Service Time Church 2nd November Holy Communion - BCP 8.00am St. Christopher’s Lympsham All Saints’ Day All-sorts-Worship 11.00am St. Michael’s Brent Knoll 4 before Advent Lights of Love:All Souls 3.00pm St. Michael’s Brent Knoll 9th November Eucharist 9.00am St. Mary’s East Brent Remembrance Sunday Act of Remembrance 10.45am Brent Knoll War Memorial ‘Hear My Cry’:Words for 4.00pm St. Mary’s East Brent when there are no words 16th November Holy Communion - BCP 8.00am St. Christopher’s Lympsham 2 before Advent Eucharist 10.00am St. Michael’s Brent Knoll 23rd November Holy Communion - BCP 8.00am St. Mary’s East Brent Christ the King Eucharist 10.00am St. Christopher’s Lympsham Evening Prayer – Said 6.30pm St. Michael’s Brent Knoll 30th November Eucharist 10.00am St. Mary’s East Brent Advent Sunday Carols for Advent 5.30pm St. Christopher’s Lympsham Every Tuesday Holy Communion 2.30pm St. Mary’s East Brent Every Wednesday Holy Communion 10.00am St. Christopher’s Lympsham ‘Lights of Love’ worship You are invited to join us for our ‘Lights of Love’ worship on Sunday 2nd November at 3pm at St. Michael’s Church, Brent Knoll. ‘Lights of Love’ is an opportunity for families and friends, to remember someone they love who has died. Through words and song we hope that ‘Lights of Love’ will be of help and comfort to you. Tea and cake will be served to you afterwards. Margaret 4

METHODIST CHURCH (www.brentknollmethodistchurch.com) Minister Revd. Margaret Trapp At the time of writing, we are preparing a service of thanksgiving for the life of Joan Latham who sadly passed at the beginning of October. Joan was our organist here at Brent Knoll for over 15 years and was an absolute gift to our church. An exceedingly accomplished musician, Joan not only played the organ with aplomb, but led and guided us in each and every hymn she accompanied - and always with a sharp witted sense of humour. When she retired from playing two years ago, we felt quite lost without her. And if truth be told, we still do. She was a close member of our church family and will be very much missed. And at our service, we will give heartfelt thanks for Joan’s life. Our Emmaus course will continue on Thursday 6th November and our monthly bible study will be held on Monday 24th November. Both of these will begin at 2.30pm and be followed by refreshments. As always, all are welcome. Another date for your diaries - our Christmas coffee morning will be held on Saturday 29th November at 10.30am. As well as an opportunity to share time with our village friends over a coffee, there will, of course be a plentiful supply of mince pies as befits the season. God bless. Rosemary Krull Preachers for October at 10.30am 2nd November : Local arrangement 9th November : Remembrance Sunday. Joint service at St Michaels beginning 10.45am 16th November : Link service with Methodist Church (No service at Brent Knoll) 23rd November : Rev Margaret Trapp 30th November : Mr Len Horlock (First Sunday in Advent) Toddlers Just a reminder that we return after the half-term break on Tuesday 4th November. On the following Tuesday, the toddlers will be able to colour pictures of Pudsey Bear and we will be making our annual donation to the Children in Need Appeal. It will not be long before we start our Christmas preparations too! Jane Poppy Collection at Sanders Garden World As usual poppies will be for sale at Sanders Garden World from Monday October 27th to Tuesday November 4th, 10.30am – 3pm. They will also be available at the Village Shop, School, Hairdressers, Red Cow, Fox & Goose and “Ollie’s” café. We also leave several boxes at both Motorway service areas. Please give as generously as you can. We shall be holding a two minutes silence on Tuesday November 11th at 11 o’clock in Sanders Garden World. Sally Wingate, Poppy Organiser St Michael’s Sidesmen Rota 2nd November 11.00am Sally Wingate 9th November 8.00am Tim Hannah 10.45am The British Legion 16th November 10.00am Tim & Jane Hannah 23rd November 6.30pm Pat Doble St Michael’s Church Register Holy Matrimony Richard Campbell & Charlotte Troy 5

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ROGER KEEN Carpentry & General Home Maintenance Kitchens & bathrooms fitted or re-fitted (complete or partial refit or repair) Doors trimmed and re-hung; shelves, cupboards &  wardrobes custom-made to fit awkward spaces. Estimates without obligation Basic pet obedience, Rally Public Liability Insurance; No VAT Call: Roger Keen - Tel. 01278 782909 obedience, Agility, Flyball, or 07795 415474 Heelwork to music and fun classes. Behavioural problems a speciality. Supplier of NaturesmenuTM raw meats. For further details phone: 01278 760 477 Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 7

Brent Knoll Parish Council Meeting Summary - October 2014 Meeting Attendance: 11 Councillors and 6 members of the public. Minutes of the July and August meetings: The Minutes of the meetings held in September 2014 were approved as true and accurate reflections of those meetings. Declarations There was a declaration of interest from Cllr Filmer on planning matters to avoid the possibility of pre-determination at a subsequent District Council planning meeting. Also Pecuniary declarations by Cllrs Filmer and Ward as trustees of the Parish Hall and Cllrs Filmer and Knott on matters relating to Website advertising and a personal interest by Cllrs Knott and Ward on application 07/14/00019. Key Matters agreed and resolutions approved 1. A gate to be fitted on footpath 8/11 ongoing matter. 2. Jungle West road the subject of further discussions with Lympsham/East Brent. 3. Hedge at the Old Manor causing footpath problems; letter to owners. 4. Village Green perimeter hedges need trimming. 5. A letter from Tessa Munt re 20mph at the School to be considered in November. 6. Toilet Block, Memorial Stone and A38 tree management; all quotes accepted. 7. Brent Knoll Flag to be replaced. 8. Sustrans approached regarding the potential Cycle Path at Crooked Lane. 9. Problems with Rhyne blockages behind South Brent Close to be investigated. 10. Defibrillator project now abandoned by the Parish Council. 11. Speed indicator device now given the go ahead for Installation. Planning Decisions 07/14/00019: Crown reduction of trees at Hill House Battleborough Lane. Supported. 05/14/00019: Hadstone Energy Solar Park, Berrow. No observations. 07/14/00018: Conversion works and extensions. Middle Street Farm, Middle Street. Application supported by the Parish Council 07/14/00016: Erection of replacement dwelling and demolition of existing dwelling. Pink Cottage, Burton Row. Application supported by the Parish Council. All declarations of Pecuniary and prejudicial interest resulted in leaving the room by the declared members before discussions. Cllr Filmer left the room on all planning matters to avoid predetermination at the District planning authority. Finance Matters: Dealt with and payments agreed in line with published agenda. Full copy of the minutes available on the website and also available from the Clerk. Forthcoming meetings: Monthly Meeting 4th November, 7.30pm, (1st Tuesday) Provisional Planning Meeting 17th Nov, 7.30pm (3rd Monday). Public always welcome to meetings. Owen J Cullwick, [email protected] Village Carols This year’s Village Carols will be held on Monday 15th December at 7pm. The evening will follow the pattern of previous years but this year we will be using the school. Harmony Plus band will play for us and Revd Simon Lewis will introduce the Carols. After singing we will have refreshments in the School Hall. Please bring a torch, money for the Charity collection and donations of food for the buffet, if you are able. Tea, Coffee and Mulled Wine will be available for a donation. Mike and Margaret Smith 8

Brent Knoll Village Scarecrow Trail A massive THANK YOU to everyone who supported the weekend; whether your family made a scarecrow or you bought trail sheets and took part in the trail. It was a great success and we are pleased to be able to advise you that Girlguiding Somerset raised £850 from the sale of refreshments for their trip to the Girlguiding world centre, Sangam in India next year. Girlguiding Brent Knoll raised £577 from the sale of trail sheets and the raffle; this money will be split between Brent Knoll Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. All the scarecrows were brilliant and each one unique with their own story to tell! Simon Cowell - who enjoyed John’s cider so much at Westcroft Cider has now taken up residence there! Lady GaGa who was happily ‘hanging out with Elvis’ until she mysteriously disappeared in broad daylight. Dorothy and her barking walking dog Toto who got through several batteries over the weekend. The special effects people came up with this year - hose pipes, bubble blowing, fake snow! A HUGE THANK YOU to all the villagers who made scarecrows - you all put on a really great show! Special thanks go to: Brent House Restaurant, Dunstan House Electrical, Mike Lapage Home Maintenance and Castle Mill MOT Centre, for their sponsorship money and their commitment when we were at the planning stage of the weekend. The Hale and Poulter families for allowing us to display our banners, Christine Sandy for the fantastic advertising posters she painted and for making Sally Scarecrow. Caroline at the Post Office and Girlguiding Brent Knoll parents for selling trail sheets. Holywell, Hair by Design, Tadpoles Pre-school, Brent Knoll School and Sally Wingate for displaying Sally Scarecrow in the lead up to the event. Jane BRENT KNOLL BAZAAR FARMERS’ MARKET & PARISH CAFÉ SATURDAY 8th November at Brent Knoll Parish Hall - 10.00am to 12 noon Locally produced Fresh Beef, Pork, Chicken, Eggs, Cheese, Pickles & Preserves Vegetable Stall, Speciality Bread, Westcroft Cider, Homemade Cakes and Savouries, Phoenix Cards, Handmade Cards, Silver and Beaded Jewellery, Children’s Games, Toys and Puzzles, Local Crafts, Textiles, etc., CDs, DVDs, Books and Bric-a-Brac. Plus Raffle The Parish Café will be serving Bacon and Sausage Butties and light snacks. Entrance FREE Good Quality, clean items for BRIC-A-BRAC stall will be appreciated, (collection or delivery) or to Book a Table (£7 per table) Phone Eddie Fuller (01278 760 308) Proceeds to Brent Knoll Parish Hall 9 THE FROCK SHOP Rebecca Southwell Dress Agency MBCha Mssch Itec Hons MGCP Brent Knoll’s Best Kept Secret Chiropody & Holistic Therapies Quality new and nearly Reflexology and Chiropody' new designer Home Visiting Service labels at Tel: 01278 795 915 discounted HPC Registered prices NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Adam Popham Director 10am – 4pm Mon to Sat A M P Electrical (SW) Ltd 11am - 3pm Sunday Domestic/Commercial/Agicultural Situated behind The Acorns Café local Electrical contractor (formerly The Goat House) All aspects of electrical work On the A38 at Brent Knoll undertaken in a courteous, friendly 01278 760 800 and professional manner

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Holywell Nursing Home

Brent Street, Brent Knoll, Somerset, TA9 4BB Telephone: 01278 760 601 Fax: 01278 760 912 Email: [email protected]

Registered Provider and Matron: Sarah Joyce RMN RGN

At Holywell we believe that all who use our services should feel welcome, safe and in control. That their rights to have choice, independence, dignity, privacy and fulfillment are respected.

Holywell is registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission and has been awarded the Quality Rating with Somerset Social Services.

We now have accommodation for 30 residents.

All rooms are ensuite and our recent upgrade includes a second lift, extra bathroom with ceiling hoist and a shower/wet room. The kitchen is now in the centre of the Nursing Home, by the dining room.

We can offer long term care, short term or respite care, from one night to however long is required, day care or visit for a meal or bath/shower. Drop in information service, we are here to help and support our local community.

We also welcome volunteers especially to help our less able to enjoy their meals, perhaps hand massage or give a hand with the activity ladies.

People coming to live here are encouraged to bring with them items to personalize their rooms.

We operate an open house policy, visitors are welcome at any time that the resident is happy to see them.

A brochure is available which includes our Philosophy of Care and Statement of Purpose.

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Holiday Accommodation Three bedroom apartment, sleeping six. Overlooking the harbour. In Porthmadog, Gwynedd, North Wales. Porthmadog has a rich maritime and railway history, being the terminus of both the Welsh Highland Railway and the Blaenau Ffestiniog Railway. An excellent base for touring the surrounding area. The famous Italianate village of Portmeirion, built by the architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, is just 2 miles away, whilst Criccieth and Harlech castles are within easy reach. As are Mt Snowdon, Caernarfon and Anglesey. The apartment has good views of the harbour and the Ffestiniog Railway terminus. The shops are less than a five minute walk and the nearest beach at Borth-y-Guest a 15 minute walk. Ample local walking in breath taking scenery. For more details please contact Jenny on 01278 760477 or 07748 781 593

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WHERE IN OUR VILLAGE Each month the BKN will have a small picture quiz – no prizes, but I hope you may enjoy guessing where the object shown is located within the Parish boundary. Last month’s object is a column beside the entrance to Ivy Clad Hall. This month’s object means you have to look up a bit higher than most people normally do. So where is it? The answer and another object will be shown next month. JaPe

Brent Knoll Local History Society Meetings of the Local History Society will continue at 19.30 (or 7.30pm if you are looking at things from an historical perspective) on the fourth Monday in October (the 27th) at the Jubilee Room in the Parish Hall and the third Monday in November (the 17th – to avoid a clash with BAD rehearsals) at a venue to be confirmed. New members are always welcome. At the September meeting we discussed the Northgrove Manor estate, part of which was in Brent Knoll and which forms part of the endowment of Corpus Christa College, Oxford. This started when Mac Rich kindly lent me a brochure he has, published by the auctioneers when the Lordship of the Manor was put up for sale. Such Lordships are not normally of any great intrinsic value, but are purchased for the right to use the title. A summary of the history of the manor included in the brochure was discussed and an attempt to find the remnants, which straddle the parishes of Brent Knoll, East Brent and Mark. It appears that little is actually within the borders of Brent Knoll, as shown in the Tithe Map. Presumably quite a bit more must be in the other parishes. Some further discussion was based around various collections which offer considerable assistance to those seeking christenings, marriages and funerals and other family sourced references. If you have any particular topics you would like to have discussions about during the Winter season, please do let me know and we will do our best to fit them in. If you have done any research into aspects of the village history, we would love to hear from you. If you have any photographs, papers or other matters of historical interest and are happy to show and discuss them, then please get in touch. John Page BERROW CONSERVATION GROUP On Monday November 24th Berrow Conservation Group welcomes Ken Edwards of the Quantock Beekeepers and will be looking forward to a presentation which we have entitled ‘Rubble to Richness’. Ken will be narrating the story of the development of the apiary at , near Bridgwater, from a landfill site to a landscape rich in insect life. His story is a fine example of the phoenix rising from the ashes. Visitors are welcome. There is a small charge of £2.50 for non-members, £1.00 for members, light refreshments included, venue Berrow Village Hall. Start time 7.30pm. Note it is a MONDAY, not our usual Tuesday. Ann Griffiths 13 CHELSEA FARM CENTRE LTD HARP RD, BRENT KNOLL, SOMERSET TA9 4HQ TEL: 01278 760 480 PLUGS - PLANTS - BULBS - HANGING BASKETS - TUBS - PERENNIALS - SHRUBS ALL PLANTS IN THEIR SEASON CITROEN SPECIALISTS - PARTS, REPAIRS, SERVICING OPEN 7 DAYS PARKING FACILITIES

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THE MANOR LODGE PRACTICE West Road, Lympsham, Nr Weston-s-Mare, Somerset, BS24 0EG Tel: 01934 750 419 Mob: 07815 417 063 Lisa Counsell D.O., Zac Beard B.Ost Registered Osteopaths Musculo-skeletal treatment for backache and joint problems, specialising in the cranial approach to children’s ailments

Holiday Home for Happy Cats MRS PAT PAULSON, WICKNOLL HOUSE, BURTON ROW, BRENT KNOLL, TA9 4BX Tel 01278 769078 - Mobile 07860 404062 Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 15

Christmas Fair at St Michael’s Church This is an advance notice that the Parish of Three Saints will be holding a Christmas Fair on Saturday December 6th, 10am to 1pm at St Michael’s Church. If anyone wishes to set up a stall at the Fair, please contact me at [email protected] or phone 769 010. We would also welcome contributions for stalls at which small Christmas presents and decorations will be sold. A group of singers from the Cheddar Male Voice has kindly agreed to sing carols at the Fair. Ged Keele BRENT KNOLL AND MARK TENNIS CLUB This month’s Brent Knoll and Mark Tennis club whist drive is on Monday 10th November at 7.00pm at Ivyclad Hall. Everyone is welcome and there will be prizes and a raffle. Thank you to Frances James for providing the venue. Chris Outfin THE NUTTALL TRUST The Nuttall Trust is a charity set up to provide financial support for local projects, community organisations and individuals within the villages of Brent Knoll, East Brent, Lympsham and Mark. It was made possible by the generosity of Mr and Mrs James Nuttall who left part of their estate for that purpose. The Trust has been operating now for over ten years. During that time, the four trustees (one to represent each of the four villages) have been able annually to provide varying sums of money for, in total, well over a hundred different projects and causes. Last year we provided funding of varying amounts to nearly all of the applicants who applied. In making available such sums, the trustees seek to balance the likely benefit of funding to individuals and/or to the community as a whole, the level of local support for any particular project, whether there is evidence as to the need for such funding, the likelihood of the balance being raised from other sources, together with the apparent prospects of the project getting off the ground if funding were to be provided. If funding is provided, it is expected to be used for the purpose set out in the application. Don’t worry if you are not sure what information we require. There is an application form which will help, which I will send you. Alternatively, if you would like further information before deciding whether to apply, please give me a call. AII applications are treated in complete confidence. We need to have all completed applications by 15th January 2015. Tony Hill, Ball Copse Hall, Brent Knoll, Somerset, TA9 4DF Telephone: 01278 760 856 Fun in February Diaries out for February 2015 please. Fun in February on Saturday 21st - the big Clear up the churchyard day. Details nearer the time. Sue Boss FRONT COVER Photo The cover pictures were provided this month courtesy of the Guides. Thanks to Jane Sinnott, Paris Hazleton-Cavill and Claire Polly and all those who showed their imagination and creativity in putting the wonderful display throughout the village together. Bob 16

At our September meeting David Jacobs gave an interesting talk. Using his collection of antiques, he was able to trace their history from the Roman Empire to the 20th Century. He had many items, coins, pottery and glass from different historical periods. He also had examples of early printing. A number of our members brought along some of their own antiques on which he was pleased to give a valuation. Our next meeting is our usual Christmas Fayre. Any contributions towards the fayre will be much appreciated. Next meeting – 19th November – Christmas Fayre We are a very friendly group and we welcome new members of all ages. We meet on the third Wednesday of every month, so just come along to a meeting or contact Joy Collett - 01278 760 458. Trish Mace WI CRAFT GROUP WI craft will be on Monday 17th November at 2.30pm; we are a small friendly group who like to knit, chat and have a cuppa. We knit various items for different charities both in this country and abroad. For further details please contact me on 760 691. Margaret Quotes and Tips from the Farmer’s Wife November 6th Full Moon, 11th St Martin’s Day, 14th Prince of Wales’ Birthday, 22nd New Moon, 30th Advent Sunday. Birthstones – Topaz & Citrine. Flower of the month – Chrysanthemum. Set trees at All Hallowtide and command them to prosper. Set them after Candlemas and entreat them to grow. At one time a pig was kept by most households, November was the month when they were fit to kill, the meat salted down and preserved to eat during the Winter months. “If you wed in bleak November, only joy will come remember.” Another spell of glorious sun, should with St Martin’s season come. St Martin’s Summer means a warm month. Keep your home warm with curtains over front and back doors to keep out unwanted draughts. A good breakfast will fortify you better than just a bowl of cereal, especially in Winter. ¾ of a pint of Vinegar and a ¼ pint of water over your windscreen to help keep it frost free. Farmer’s Wife Christmas cards for the Children’s Hospice Time is ticking on and the Children’s Hospice Christmas Cards have arrived and I am looking forward to bringing them to as many different places as I can. As usual, I shall be at the Brent Knoll Village Bazaar and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible; I shall be at the November and December ones. Also if there are any groups or individuals who would like me to come along and show them, I should be very pleased to do so. Just give me a ring on 01278 760 774. Janet Breed 17

PETER EVERETT Registered Osteopath Misted Up Double Glazed Can now be seen at the addresses below: - Unit Replacement

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OFSTED Registered OUTSTANDING NURSERY EDUCATION (OFSTED June 08) x Full Day Care 8am-6pm x Mon-Fri (Term Time) x Ages 2 Years to 11 Years x Free places available for 3 and 4 year olds Tel: 01278 769126 Kathryn Talbot Office and Secretarial Services

Secretarial Services - Presentations, proof-reading, day-to-day correspondence, dissertations, leaflets, brochures/fliers, telephone/audio dictation, mailing lists, spreadsheets, invoices, CIS monthly returns, etc. Short/Long Term Office Support - Efficient, reliable, professional service PA Support - Diary management, event planning, travel arrangements, etc. Kennet House, 127 Brent Street, Brent Knoll, Somerset, TA9 4BB Tel/Fax: 01278 760393 Email: [email protected] 'HFLVLRQ3RZHUa:HEVLWH'HVLJQDQG&RQVXOWLQJ 4XDOLW\:HEVLWHVDW5HDOLVWLF3ULFHVIRU &RQVXOWLQJ &RUSRUDWH%XVLQHVV ,7'HYHORSPHQW 3ULYDWH%XVLQHVV  3URFHVV0DSSLQJ 6FKRROVDQG2UJDQLVDWLRQV 3ODQQLQJDQG/RJLVWLFV +ROLGD\+RPHV 'DWDEDVH'HYHORSPHQW %HGDQG%UHDNIDVW+ROLGD\2XWOHWV ,76ROXWLRQV7UDLQLQJ  +REELHVDQG6SHFLDOLVW$FWLYLWLHV :HEVLWH6XSSRUWDQG+RVWLQJ &DOO'DYH0F0LOODQRQ Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 19

Brent Knoll House Histories Andrews’s Tenement – 7 Last month we left Edwin Gould back in Battleborough Lane. However, his stay there did not last long, for, in December 1887 we have a contract which shows that he has had a problem with his mortgage and that it was something he appears not to be able to recover from (shades of his father in an earlier article). When he purchased the Andrew’s Tenement property in 1876 he arranged a mortgage of £500 from a widow who lived in Cannington, Susan Lewes Jeffery. She had been born in Chumleigh, Devon in 1805 and married the former rector of . She was now referred to as a Landed Proprietress. On the following day he also borrowed £150 from the Ruscombe Poole brothers, who were solicitors in Bridgwater and have appeared in a similar role in a number of these articles. This mortgage, plus a small extra sum of £20, lent at a later date by the Pooles to Edwin Gould, was conveyed to Edward Everard Stratford Gooding just under eight years later. He was only 22 years old at the time and was a solicitor’s articled clerk. Then, on the 27th December 1884, at the request of Edwin Gooding, so it is stated, the mortgage was passed across to William Gooding, who happened to be the father of Edward Everard, and was a Justice of the Peace, living in Durleigh. Two days later the other mortgage was transferred by Susan Jeffery to William Gooding as well, meaning that he now owned the full £670. The comment about the transfer from Edward Everard to William Gooding being at the request of Edwin Gould does seem to indicate that the next transaction was anticipated, although it did not happen until three years later and in a rather odd fashion. On the 7th December 1887 an agreement was made between William Gooding and John Barnstable, the Postmaster of Brent Knoll, (who was mentioned in some earlier articles). It was handwritten and had five clauses. 1. The said William Gooding or Mortgagee of Edwin Gould agrees to sell and the said John Barnstable agrees to purchase at the price of Six Hundred and Seventy Pounds All that messuage or dwellinghouse Closes of land and premises comprised in the Indenture of Mortgage under which the said William Gooding claims as Mortgagee situate at Brent Knoll aforesaid and lately in the occupation of Edwin Gould. 2. The said John Barnstable shall accept the title under which the said William Gooding now holds the property. 3. The Conveyance to the said John Barnstable shall be prepared by Edward Gooding of Bridgwater, Solicitor at the cost of the said William Gooding. 4. The said William Gooding will advance to the said John Barnstable upon mortgage of the said property the sum of Five hundred and fifty pounds at four pounds per cent per annum Interest and such mortgage shall contain a proviso that if the interest on the said sum is punctually paid the principal money shall not be called in for 5 years from the date of the mortgage. 5. The purchase is to be completed and the purchase money paid on the 21st day of December instant. As witness the hands of the parties the day and year first before mentioned. It is actually signed by John Barnstable, but E. E. S. Gooding, the son, signs as agent for William Gooding and someone called Chas E. Hagon is a witness to the signing, which presumably took place at the same time. Continued on page 20 20

Brent Knoll House Histories – Continued This document has a number of interesting points about it, including why it was thought necessary to have an agreement two weeks before the conveyance actually happened. It is obvious that Edwin Gould has already moved, as it states that it was “lately in his occupation” and the census of 1891 places him back in Brent Street as a Farmer – he is now 68 years old. The earlier history (recorded in the BKN at the beginning of 2012) discussing Kennet House (The Baker’s Tale) mentioned that John Barnstable was living in Church Street when he took over the Post Office there. He and his wife, Anne, had four children, the oldest being 25 years old in 1887 and the youngest 15 years old. We know that the eldest, Julia, was still living at home and the remainder were young men by now. So, maybe the house in Church Street was getting a little small for their family, the Post Office and shop gave them sufficient income to afford a larger place and they wished to get the move completed before the Christmas rush in the Post Office. This would also explain (as mentioned in the earlier article) why John was not interested in the purchase of Kennet House at the initial auction. As this document states, he would still have a mortgage from this place to settle before loading himself with a further financial burden. There lies another interesting point, as it was unusual at that time to explicitly state that he hoped to settle only after a five year period. Was this clause inserted because of the problems with the former owner of the property? Or was it to help John get established in his relatively new Post Office business? Presumably John did complete within the time scale, but it may have affected his ability to service an additional mortgage acquired when he does purchase Kennet House privately in 1891 for £400. That happens only four years from the time of this agreement and, notably, some of the mortgage on that house of £350 was still outstanding at the time of his death in 1904. It also explains why he rented out the living part of Kennet House to various curates, which would help him pay the interest and some capital repayment, which he did manage. Note that E. S. S. Gooding (William’s son) is now considered a solicitor, although it does seem a little unusual to have a son acting on behalf of both his father, as vendor, and of the purchaser, John Barnstable. Notably it is the father who has responsibility to pay for his son’s work, with nothing being paid by Barnstable. Does this indicate he is helping to set him up in business and, therefore, is reluctant to ask Barnstable for a contribution? The document refers to the title “under which the said William Gooding claims as Mortgagee”, and expects John Barnstable to “accept the title under which William Gooding now holds the property”, a clear indication that he has foreclosed on Edwin Gould. All in all it looks as though William Gooding is trading a poor risk for a more solid risk, as he is receiving very little in actual cash (and the total only what he was owed), as there is a £550 mortgage to Barnstable agreed as part of the deal. When the conveyance is completed it also includes one other interesting phrase, which is that the estate is in fee simple in possession (i.e. freehold), free from any incumbrances (sic) except certain Rhine work or the rate charged upon the said hereditaments in lieu thereof. John Page ROYAL BRITISH LEGION QUIZ NIGHT Red Cow Inn, Brent Knoll Saturday 1st November at 7.30pm £6.00 per person to include supper 21

CFG GUTTER CHECK GUTTERS CLEANED inside (up to 14 metres) and ROOF CHECKED for your peace of mind £20 Subject to access Fascias, Soffits and Conservatories cleaned Moss and Branches removed from roofs Price on viewing Please call: 01934 644 430


Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 23

Women’s Society We had an extremely, satisfactory evening at our AGM. Next year’s programme was decided in record time so we had plenty of time for coffee and a chat! Thank you to those who came up with some good ideas for our programme. The programmes have been typed and I hope that all members have received theirs by now. We have been invited to Janice’s house, Druidale, Burton Row, Tel: 760 636 on Thursday October 30th. It was suggested that if anyone had a favourite recipe they would like to share with members it would be good if they could bring it along. We are planning to go to see The West players in a comedy in November, tickets £5/£6, please would you give your name to Julie at the October meeting if you would like to join us? Transport can be arranged. Thanks for all your support. If any lady would like to join us please ring Julie or Ann - 751229 or 760148 and we could arrange for someone to meet you Ann Women’s Institute At our October meeting, members heard an interesting talk by Kylie Gallagher, the chief fund raiser for Children’s Hospice S.W. She showed photos of Charlton House at Wraxall, a lovely house where families stay for respite care with their seriously ill children. The speaker at the meeting on November 12th at the Parish Hall at 2.30pm, will be Mr Leonard Sweales who is the Town Cryer at Wells. There were joint winners of the Flower of the Month competition - Jean Rich and Eileen Goundry. JMG Royal British Legion Women’s Section Brent Knoll branch AGM Notice is hereby given to all members of the Brent Knoll Royal British Legion Women’s Section that the 2014 AGM will be held on Saturday 22nd November at 2.30pm in the Jubilee Room. Nominations for officers and committee members, signed by the proposer and seconder and confirmed by the nominee that she is prepared to stand, need to be sent in writing to the branch secretary no later than 15th November. Mary Piper, Branch Secretary, 5, Manor Ride, Brent Knoll. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! Girls just wanna have fun has been going for a year now and we hope everyone who has come to our evenings has enjoyed it. This is a list of our next few evenings: 18th November - Extreme Knitting/Crochet at Woodlands, 7.30pm, £5 9th December - Cocktails and Charades at Woodlands, 7.30pm, £5 If you are new to the village and would like to meet some new people, do come along. We are a friendly group; any questions speak to Caroline in the Village Shop or send an email to [email protected]. Caroline “Meet & Eat” There will be no Meet & Eat in November, but our Christmas Meet & Eat will be on Monday 8th December at Woodlands. Please book with Liz on 01278 760 810. Liz, Rosemary, Bella and Weit 24

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION (Men’s Section) The next meeting of the Royal British Legion will be held on Tuesday 4th November at the Red Cow Inn, 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. This meeting will be the AGM so would as many members as possible please attend. Don’t forget: Quiz Night at the Red Cow, Saturday November 1st starting at 7.30pm. Eddie Fuller “200+ Club” – October & November Draws The October and November draws took place at the Parish Hall Committee meeting in October, with numbers drawn by committee members. Winning numbers were:-

October No. Prize Name First Prize 159 £ 20 Mr & Mrs J.W. Carlin (Donate) Brent Street Brent Knoll Second Prize 308 £ 20 Mrs D.J. Clifford Salisbury Wiltshire Third Prize 29 £ 16 Mrs M.G. Trapp (Donate) Coombe Side Brent Knoll Fourth Prize 97 £ 12 Mr D.R. Wootton Harp Road Brent Knoll Fifth Prize 258 £ 12 Mr & Mrs A.W. Rich Burton Row Brent Knoll Sixth Prize 75 £ 10 Mr & Mrs P. Warnes Burton Row Brent Knoll Seventh Prize 30 £ 8 Mr B.D. Freestone Brent Street Brent Knoll Eighth Prize 318 £ 6 Mrs S.P. Marsh Brent Street Brent Knoll November No. Prize Name First Prize 37 £ 20 Mrs K.M. Roberts The Willows Brent Street Second Prize 05 £ 20 Mr S. Hearse Burton Row Brent Knoll Third Prize 30 £ 16 Mr B.D. Freestone Brent Street Brent Knoll Fourth Prize 264 £ 12 Mr R.F.D. Ellis Manor Ride Brent Knoll Fifth Prize 12 £ 12 Mrs J.E. Sinnott Manor Ride Brent Knoll Sixth Prize 232 £ 10 Mrs D. Harden Bristol Road Brent Knoll Seventh Prize 00 £ 8 Mr R.D. Filmer Brent Street Brent Knoll Eighth Prize 244 £ 6 Mrs J. Warren Brent Street Brent Knoll You can see the “200+ Club” winners on the village website at www.brentknollvillage.co.uk Thank you all for your continued support of the “200+ Club” and our Parish Hall. Bob Filmer, 200+ Club Co-ordinator 25

We are a family run Brent Knoll based company .Established in 1989 Services we provide:- Lawn Mowing & Maintenance Strimming / Brushcutting Hedge Cutting All aspects of Tree Work Garden Clearance Regular Garden Maintenance Removal of Garden Waste 'Licensed Carrier - Fully Insured Weed Killing, Fence Treatment Local Authority Work Tel: 01278 760 815 Mob: 07730 435038

Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 26 Your Local Family Will Writing Service Est 2003 Home Visiting Free initial Advice Wills and Trusts Lasting Power of Attorney Secure Document Storage Pre Paid Funeral Plans Fully CRB Checked References provided Professional Indemnity Cover Contact Owen J Cullwick 01278 794 463 07927 445 215 [email protected]

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Wartime Memories - Continued Mr Geoffrey Ham interviewed on 17th June 2014. The food was not very good and the Americans were envied for the quality and quantity of their food. Coconuts helped the diet. The men also constructed small boats which gave them a break from being stuck on the island. After about two days on the island, Geoff met the son of Dr Wade of Highbridge. Dr Wade was Geoff’s doctor when he was a child. Geoff played football against a team from the visiting HMS Ruler. At the end, one of the men came up to Geoff and said, “You’re playing a long way from home”. He recognised an acquaintance Jack Vile from Rooksbridge. It’s a small world. Another man on the island was a vicar, Bernard Brown from Weston super Mare whom Geoff visited several times after the war. Letters received were a highlight for the troops. At the end of the war Geoff returned to Sydney where one night, in a hotel, he saw, coming down the stairs, one of his boyhood friends, Doug Payne who was on HMS Slinger a Light Fleet Carrier. Naturally they celebrated with a few beers. Doug lives near Sydney, Australia and Geoff is still in contact with him on a weekly basis even after all this time. At the war’s end, Geoff went on to Singapore where emaciated prisoners of war were picked up. He learnt of Japanese soldiers tying women and children to trees and using them for bayonet practice. Naturally this made a huge impression on Geoff and his fellow mates and was a situation they would find it difficult to come to terms with or even forget. He has, however, fond memories of the island of Ponam of the camaraderie with his fellow men, of the strong discipline and the bonds of friendship and loyalty which existed at that difficult time. He regarded it as an amazing experience. Also at Singapore they collected an army major prisoner who had co- operated with the Japanese. He was being taken home for trial. Somewhere in the Mediterranean he was mysteriously lost overboard. The Association of Old Boys of Ponam Island ran for several years but has now ceased to exist as there are so few contacts left. On his return to he arrived in Portsmouth on HMS Slinger on Christmas Eve 1945 and managed to get a train to Brent Knoll. On arrival he made tracks for the Red Cow where he met an acquaintance, Mr Gamlin, who lived near Geoff, so it was only natural to celebrate with a victory drink or two. After closing time Geoff got a lift in a Morris 8 car but found no one at home. So he had to stay the night with his friend. When his friend’s wife brought him a cup of tea in bed the next morning Geoff he realised he still had all his uniform on including his boots. He considers it to be very sad that there are still so many wars today in which it seems that the ordinary people are the ones who suffer the most. Geoff has a lot of information in a folder about his experiences in the Second World War, in particular of his time on Ponam Island. This makes very interesting reading. Above all, in spite of the many unpleasant things he witnessed, Geoff remembers that the spirit among the men and officers was good and he looks back on his time on the Pacific Island of Ponam with affection. It was an unbelievable experience which came out of the blue for him. BDF 29

WANT TO PLAY THE PIANO or KEYBOARD? Qualified piano and keyboard teacher in Brent Knoll available for friendly, informal lessons Beginners and nervous students a speciality Learn for fun – no pressure to sit exams! For those who do want to work through their grades, the A.B.R.S.M. syllabus is taught. Call Amy on 760 100 / 07740 167703 Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 30

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PARISH HALL COMMITTEE FORTHCOMING EVENTS for your DIARY 2nd Saturday Bazaar, Farmers’ Market and Parish Café 28/29th Nov “BAD” Performances! 13th June Village Fête 28th February Howden Jones (Music) 18th July Music on the Green Next committee meeting – Monday, 10th November, 8pm, “Jubilee Room” Crossword solution Across Down 4) Glares 23) Bile 1) Tedium 14) Sequin 8) Permission 25) Laryngitis 2) Smut 15) Nadir 9) Nuns 26) Repose 3) ESSO 16) Bob 11) Thora 4) Gina 19) Kilo 13) Apse 5) Lou 20) Gere 15) Nub 6) Anna 21) Runt 17) Yen 7) Seven 22) Evil 18) Amok 10) Spy 24) Las 20) Gorse 12) Roo Ritz Cinema, Burnham-on-Sea Like No.9 buses, you wait a good while for a nice film to come, then 3 come along at once!, or maybe 4!! First off, we went to see “The Hundred Foot Journey”, Helen Mirren is always good and the Indian actors also gave great performances, especially the father character, who opened a restaurant in France, having refurbished a tumbledown house. The only problem – a very smart French cuisine restaurant exactly opposite, in fact one hundred feet away. With a little romance, some wonderful humour and a certain pathos, eventually the Indian restaurant thrived, the son who was the chef went off to Paris to work, but came back to run his father’s place. Well worth watching. I hope you saw it. Last few days in September, and a plethora of things to watch. Deidre and I went to see “Billy Elliott” in a live performance from the Victoria Palace. Amazing! So well done, you feel as if you are part of the audience in the theatre and clap the musical numbers even though the actors can’t hear. (I missed “Madam Butterfly” as it was booked up, but it is coming back on October 23rd, as it was so popular). After considerable research (!) we went to see our great favourite Colin Firth in “Before I go to sleep” – what a different Colin Firth. Not at all like Mr Darcy – slapping Nicole Kidman about, attacking her with the intention of killing her, having done it years before but left her alive. She was treated, but had a memory problem – every day she woke up with no knowledge of anything that had gone before. Each day, she built up memories, but overnight they are wiped out. Colin Firth played her husband – but was he? As she began to be helped by a Dr Nash, psychologist, she had little flashes of memories – a friend, Claire; a baby; a man with a scar; an attack. “Husband” told her she had an accident; the baby died of meningitis when 8; the friends melted away; can she trust him? The end – Colin Firth takes her to a hotel for their anniversary – the same hotel where she was attacked, and tries again, but this time she fights hard and manages to knock him out with an iron (kitchen appliance sort!). In hospital her real husband visits and brings their son, Adam. Fancy – our Colin tells lies and is a very nasty piece of work! First full week in October – we have 2 films to fit in, so the Silver screen on Tuesday will see us for the first time and on Thursday we shall be there again, seeing “Pride” and “What we did on holiday” respectively. Tell you about those next month. The trailers look very funny. Pauline Chadwick 32

Lympsham Gardening Club After beautiful weather in September, October has brought Autumn in with a rush. Leaves are turning to gold and Summer flowering plants losing their colour. So, Hilary Cox’s talk about Winter Plants at our October meeting was well timed. Pansies & Violas, Primroses & Polyanthus were her main suggestions for colour. Pansies and their smaller relative Violas, which maybe slightly scented, can be treated in the same way. When transplanting, do remember to hold them by their leaves and not their stems. Just because they are Winter flowering, do not forget that they do like being fed when planting, using something like slow release Osmocote in pots and baskets or Fish, Blood and Bone in garden beds. They can get ‘leggy’ and benefit by having long stems removed. They usually recover to flower again in about 3 weeks. Do you know the difference between Primroses and Polyanthus? Must admit that I didn’t. Primroses have single flowers on single stems thrown up from the centre of the plant while Polyanthus send up a strong stem with a mass of flowers at the top of the stem. On the subject of hanging baskets and pots, Hilary suggested that plenty of crocks for drainage should be placed in the bottom of them. Don’t forget to give them a little water from time to time especially after a frosty spell as frosts are drying. Other suggestions for baskets and pots are small firs, Ajugas, Thyme and Sage. These can be under planted with bulbs like Crocus, and dwarf varieties of Daffodils and Tulips. When Winter is over, all these can be planted out in garden beds for flowering in future years. This meeting was well attended and it was nice to welcome visitors who are new to Lympsham. Why don’t you join us to see if you enjoy our meetings?. Dates of future Meetings at the Manor Hall, Lympsham:- Tuesday 11th November 7.45pm Quiz with David & Stanley covering a variety of topics as well as gardening. Brush up your “little grey cells” and bring them with you! Tuesday 9th December 7.45pm Christmas Decorations with Dot Hatfield New Members very Welcome or come along as a Visitor Mariette Denison BAD BAD 2014 Production on November 28th and 29th Brent Knoll’s Got Talent? Discuss? It’s not long now until our travelling band of players perform at your Parish Hall, looking for local talent to join our group. Tickets are available from the Brent Knoll Village Shop and are flying off the shelves. It will be a great night of fun and laughter; we look forward to seeing you there. Sarah What is the “200+ Club”? This is a brief explanation of the “200+ Club” for those who are not currently members. Members purchase one or more “Numbers” for £ 12 each. All Numbers are entered into 12 monthly draws with prizes of £20 and £12, plus two special prizes, one in June of £60 and one in December of £120. If more than 100 numbers are purchased, the number of prizes is increased to keep the prize money and the chance of winning roughly in proportion. The draws are made at Village Events and winners are published in the Brent Knoll News. Winnings are paid by cheque. In the 17 years that the “200+ Club” has run, there have been over 1550 prizes totalling nearly £25,000. If you would like to join the “200+ Club” with a chance to win a prize and to support the Parish Hall at the same time, please see the article and application form in this issue of the Brent Knoll News. Bob Filmer, 200+ Club Co-ordinator 33



Let’s Celebrate Cakes by Alison Reliable Professional Driver Long Distance Specialist Wedding and Celebration Cakes Call: 760 592 or 07950 304 196 Cupcakes and Sugarcraft workshops for a quote Alison 07825 233665 www.lets-celebrate.uk.com Licensed for Private Hire by DC Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 35

Your November Sudokus Not too difficult Sudoku Hard Sudoku (Win a £5 Prize!)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A 7 6 5 A 82

B 4 3 B 4

C 29 C 57

D 5 3 7 8 D 2

E 1 E 6 5

F 4 6 F 8 1

G 9 8 G 9 41

H 6 5 H 5 7

J 7 5 9 2 J 9 6 This month I replaced the “Easy Sudoku” with a “Not too difficult” one. Why not give it a go? Last month I omitted 2 solutions in error. I apologise to Liz Ibrahim and John Spiers. 15 persons solved last month’s Hard Sudoku. Perhaps it was a bit harder? They were Ivor Ainsworth, Klaus Brenner, Mac Hares, Holywell Nursing Home, Liz Ibrahim, Stephen Lawrence, Frankie New, Chris Marsh, Peter Osborn, Pat Paulson, Margaret Rogers, John Spiers, Caroline Sturgess, Ted Toon and Gordon Watson. Liz Ibrahim won the ballot. Send answers to 48, Brent Street or [email protected]. David Filmer Last month’s Sudoku Solutions (by popular request from several competitors) are below:- Easy Sudoku Hard Sudoku 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 7 81 A 6 9 2 A 527146 398

B 9 5 7 8 1 2 3 64 B 9 685372 4 1 2 1 6 9 57 C 8 4 3 C 8 3 1297564

6 5 3 1 8 D 7 2 4 9 D 3145 29876 4 1 9 6 E 8 3 5 7 2 E 759618432

F 1 9 2 7 6 8 4 3 5 F 6 374159 2 8 5 8 3 7 1 6 42 G 9 G 4 7 29316 85 6 1 4 8 9 H 2 5 7 3 H 69348 5 2 17 7 3 5 2 6 19 8 62943 J 4 8 J 1 5 7

Just for Fun - Out of a Cracker?!? Q. What’s at the bottom of the sea and shakes? A. A nervous wreck Q. Where do you find a tortoise without legs? A. Where you left him Q. Why are there so many Smiths in the phone book? A. Because they have phones. RW 36

News from the Primary This term, the children at the Primary have shown a real passion for getting involved in school life and it’s been a real pleasure to see how so many are prepared to ‘give it a go’, not always in the most obvious activities. Just a few weeks ago, several children from all year groups put themselves forward to becoming members of the School Council. In a contest that would have made many adults just a little nervous, children prepared, wrote and then read out their manifestos to the rest of the school. A secret ballot followed and a Council was duly elected. Being on the Council is not just an honorary post. Council members, for example, play a key part in staff interviews and their views on potential teachers are taken most seriously by the school governors. To ‘give it a go’ has been very much in evidence at recent sports events. With little previous experience to go on, a team of runners bravely took part in the first cross- country event of the year at Rugby Club. Finding out what 1500 metres actually feels like on a cold and windy afternoon was a revelation for many! What is particularly pleasing to see, however, is how many of this group have since joined up to the school’s new running club and have volunteered to have another go at the next 1500 metre event to be held at The King Alfred School in a few day’s time. Showing similar fortitude, our girls’ and boys’ football teams have taken part in very challenging competitions at The Blake School, Bridgwater. The girls have done well as have the boys, who are now going forward to a second round of games in the local Sedgemoor league. We wish them the best of luck and, as ever, are very grateful for the support of parents in supporting their children’s efforts. Chris Burman Gone are the days Gone are the days when you could buy a house for £4000, beer was one and ten a pint, that’s one shilling and ten old pence, songs had words you could understand as well as tunes you liked, when it snowed at Christmas, not in April, but that was then. Now, more and more are renting and you have to go to the bank before going out for a pint and as for music you cannot hear the words, never mind remember the tune. Talking of remembering, getting older brings with it a vast store of knowledge, gained over time, but this is just one small problem. An example of this is when I am watching an international game of Rugby with a friend, we pride ourselves with knowing all the names of the English team, and we just cannot remember them! and what about reading glasses, as we get a little older, we need them to read the paper, do the crossword and use the remote control, but glasses also bring some pitfalls, for a start, where are they! It sometimes seems that a mischievous ghost will hide them in some obscure place, sometimes within seconds of putting them down, and what about the time spent wandering around the house looking for them only to find them on your head. Getting a chain to hang around your neck is an idea but do bear in mind you may catch them on the door or cupboard handles, easily garrotting yourself in the process, and do remember the old chap who needed glasses for everything, when he lost them he could not look for them until he found them. RW 37

Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 38

Bespoke Gates and Garage Doors Limited

Unit 5, Mill Batch Farm, East Brent, Somerset, TA9 4JN Tel : 01278 760068

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Manufacturers of quality bespoke wooden gates 39

Afternoon Tea Party – Sunday 16th November at 3pm An afternoon tea party is being held in the village for people aged 75 and over to tackle loneliness for people who live alone and have little or no contact with family and friends. The tea party will be held on a Sunday offering a regular and vital friendship link every month with the first one commencing on Sunday 16th November at 3pm. The aim is to bring people together, develop fulfilling friendships and support networks and give everyone involved something to look forward to each month. If you would be interested in supporting this initiative by becoming a volunteer, coordinator or host then it would be greatly appreciated. You can volunteer with your car as a driver to collect a guest each month and take them to the host’s home for the afternoon. The idea is that the driver remains with the guest and therefore committing to three to four hours one Sunday each month. For further information or venue details to attend the tea party then please contact Kim Wilcox, Village Agent on 07943 555519 or [email protected] Kim Holywell Nursing Home Christmas Coffee morning Monday 1st December at 10.30am-12.30pm Christmas gifts, raffle, guess the weight of the cake, bric-a-brac, etc. Christmas cards in aid of The Children’s Hospice, South West. Everyone welcome Ho! Ho! Ho!

“I was reading the instructions on a tin of paint with my magnifying glass, the things you should not do; get it on the face, keep away from your eyes and do not swallow the paint. Don’t swallow it! What sort of people drink paint?” “Well, I suppose there are some people who want a bit more colour in their lives!” “You *!!*;!!!!” 40

BRENT KNOLL GUIDES Brent Knoll guides had a great camp in the Summer. We went to a Scout Association site, Woodhouse Park in Almondsbury, and a great time was had by all. The site has a great high ropes course there, which the guides enjoyed; they also did rifle shooting, archery, go-carting, and bush craft. This term we are focusing on two challenges, a World War 1 project in which the guides have made a potato based soup, they have used recycled paper to make various items, and are researching the servicemen from Brent Knoll who fell in WW1 and hope to make a display for our noticeboard in the Parish Hall with the information they find out. The other is a Girlguiding initiative called Night at the Theatre. We have already had a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the Playhouse Theatre in Weston-super-Mare and visited Catherine Bartlett School of Irish Dancing where all the guides had a go at Irish Dancing. Last Saturday a coach full of guides and leaders from Brent Knoll attended the Girlguiding Big Gig at Wembley. This is an annual pop concert for Girlguiding members (aged 10 and over) only. The guides thoroughly enjoyed the acts at the concert -Diversity, Little Mix, Union J, Stacy Solomon and several others. We look forward to the next few weeks and the lead up to Christmas when we will be serving at the Harvest Supper, attending the Remembrance Sunday Service and each guide will be making their family’s Christmas cake. Jane Sinnott “Talbot House” A Musical Play At Saint Michael’s Church 7.30pm Saturday 8th November This Play forms a central part of the Parish Commemoration of the start of World War 1. Talbot House was a “Home from Home” established in Poperinge, Belgium, a few miles behind the front line and became a haven for thousands of allied troops. It was run by The Reverend “Tubby” Clayton and became known by the army signallers code as “Toc H” The play gives a brief history of the house with the aid of music and poetry of the Great War and the atmosphere felt by the troops that visited it. Tickets available from Brent Knoll Post Office 01278 760 225 or from 01278 760 308. Adults £8.00, Children £4.00. Drinks and refreshments available In aid of The Parish of The Three Saints Just for Fun - Corollaries to Murphy’s Law: Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee. Law of Random Numbers - If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone always answers. Law of the Bath - When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings. The Friendly Pharmacist 41

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Secure Caravan Storage Gary and Sarah Bowden G&S Storage Tel: 01934 750298 Mob:07970 950707 Highland Farm, Lympsham, Somerset, BS24 0JQ www.gands-storage.co.uk just 4 miles from Junction 22 or the M5 Insurance approved – CaSSOA (Gold) CCTV Hard standing with easy access Wash facility Storage containers to rent OPEN ALL YEAR Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 43

“200+ CLUB” – 2015 There is now only one draw left in 2014, the CRACKING CHRISTMAS DRAW, which will take place at the Parish Hall, at our Christmas Bazaar and Farmers’ Market, on Saturday 13th December. There will be 17 prizes - 1 x £120, 1 x £60, 2 x £ 40, 3 x £20, 2 x £16, 2 x £12, 2 x £10, 2 x £8 and 2 x £6, totalling £424!!. In the 2014 “200+ Club” we had 233 members, holding 340 numbers. Of the £4,080 income received, by the end of the year £1,768 will have been paid out in prize money and £2,292 will have gone to the Parish Hall, (the balance of £20, is the cost of the licence for running the 200+ Club). As we had over 100 numbers, we were able to give extra £20, £16, £12, £10, £8 and £6 prizes each month and extra prizes at the June and Christmas draws. The More Members the Merrier for ALL!!. In the last 17 years the “200+ Club” has raised over £32,000. We would like to run the “200+ Club” again in 2015 to help us to continue to maintain and improve the Parish Hall and to continue to pay back the approximately £43,000 still owing on the Charity Bank loan that enabled us to complete the “Jubilee Room” opened in 2012. We hope that we can count on your support. Anyone aged over 16 years can be a member of the 2015 “200+ Club”. Don’t forget your relatives and friends can join (they don’t even have to live in the village). As well as locals, we have members from America, Australia, Axbridge, Berrow, Canada, Cheshire, Dorset, Highbridge, Mark, Kent, Southampton, Taunton, Wales, Wellington, Weston, and even East Brent! Your chances of winning are much better than the Lotto! Below is an application form for next year’s membership. I would be most grateful if you could complete and return it to me, together with your subscription, as soon as possible, either via the Village Shop or directly. In December, I shall write to all those who join, giving details of their allocated number(s) and the date of the first draw in 2015!!!!. Thank you for your support and Good Luck!! Bob Filmer, 200+ Club Co-ordinator NOTE - Cheques will NOT be cashed until after 1/1/2015 WIN UP TO £120!! Monthly draws entitle winners to prizes including: st 1 Prize £ 20 + others including £ 12 In addition, two annual draws entitle winners to EXTRA prizes including: Summer Draw Christmas Draw st st 1 Prize - £ 60 1 Prize - £ 120 The more numbers issued, the more prizes, keeping the chances of winning just as high. In 2014 we will have paid out 113 prizes totalling £ 1,768!! Numbers will be allocated at a cost of £ 12 per year (£1 per month) ALL PROFITS TO BRENT KNOLL PARISH HALL ------Complete below and return with your payment of £ 12 per entry to: Bob Filmer, Wascelyn, 48, Brent Street, Brent Knoll or the Brent Knoll Village Shop. You can apply for 1 or more numbers. Why not get your friends and family to have a go and support your LOCAL Parish Hall at the same time. Your Name Mr/Mrs/Ms …………………………………………………………… Address ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… Telephone ………………………………………………………………………… Yes, I would like to buy …… number(s) in Brent Knoll Parish Hall “200+ Club” Please enclose cash or cheque for £ 12 per “200+ Club” number. Cheques payable to “Brent Knoll Parish Hall”. 44

Brent Knoll Weather Report – September 2014 September this year was notable for a complete absence of low pressure systems, which in turn led to a lack of wind and rain, and also for its warmth. It was the warmest September we have recorded here, and about 0.4°C warmer than August. The average pressure for September was 1018.8hPa, which is a little above normal but nothing exceptional. What is more significant is that the barometric pressure saw little variation during the month – the minimum was 1006.7hPa and the maximum 2017.3, a much narrower range than we would expect to see with no really high pressure and, more significantly, no low pressure systems. Hence we saw a long period of quiet, settled weather, while the Atlantic lows with their wind and rain were pushed well to our north. In general it was not warm enough to generate the convective thunderstorms that we saw during the Summer: but around the 18th it looked as if we might get a soaking when warm, humid air was drawn up from the continent in a re-run of July’s sultry weather. There were thunderstorms over the Bristol Channel, and lightning could be seen in the night sky: but although there was heavy rain in some surrounding areas, none fell here. In the end we recorded rain on just four days during the month, and this was by far the driest September on record here with 17.4mm (0.7in) - that’s about one-third of the average for the month. The scarecrows were no doubt grateful for a dry weekend. Even more remarkable was the absence of wind. The maximum gust recorded for the whole of September was a gentle 15.7kts (18mph) on 1st September. The wind run (in effect, the total distance covered by the wind during the month) was just 309.4nm (356m) which is by far the lowest figure we have recorded. To put that figure into perspective the average wind run for September is 1937nm (2,230m), and the previous low was 691nm in October 2007. This September was exceptionally calm. Although high pressure dominated throughout the month, there was often a blanket of cloud with no wind to blow it away. Nonetheless the average temperature for the month of 16°C (61°F) was about 1.5°C above normal for the time of year, and it was the warmest September recorded here. The maximum was 26.2°C (79°F) on the 18th – not quite a record for September, but a respectable effort. The high rainfall totals early in the year have meant that, until now, we have had a record cumulative rainfall total for 2014. That has now changed, but only just - up to the end of September we had recorded 695.8mm (27.4in) of rain, whereas at this point in 2008 we had recorded 701.8mm. For those who remember 2012 as the year of the deluge, at this point in that year we had recorded 641mm - it was the high rainfall for the last quarter that made 2012 our wettest year to date. Let’s hope we don’t get a repeat performance. Stephen Baggs; www.knollweather.co.uk BRENT KNOLL PARISH & BEAT SURGERY our Neighbourhood Beat Officer and Parish Clerk PCSO 9613 Pauline Dixon and Owen Cullwick will be holding a Parish & Beat Surgery on Wednesday, November 5th 10.30am to 12 noon Nuttall Room, Brent Knoll Parish Hall Please use this opportunity to meet your Neighbourhood Beat officer and Parish Clerk to discuss any issues 45 PLUMBING BY GEORGE! 302969 Brent Knoll · Small Jobs - Dripping Taps - Leaking Toilets, Outside Taps, Shower Replacements, etc. · Gas Boiler replacement, Radiators and System Upgrades, Boiler servicing · Limited time only - up to 7 year extended warranty on all new Worcester Boilers (accredited installer) · Bathroom Design and Installation Tel: 01278 760 543 Or 07813 321 197

Please mention the Brent Knoll News when replying to adverts 46 Small Business Accountancy Company 8 Market Street, Highbridge, Somerset TA9 3BW Professional and Personal service at competitive rates * Self Assessment Tax Returns * Annual Accounts * Bookkeeping * VAT * Payroll ********************** * Sole Traders * Partnerships * Limited Companies Contact Ian Robson on 01278 760 067 Email: [email protected]

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More Ramblings of a Rambler First I must apologise to my followers, I’ve let you down by not producing an October ramble. I know both of you enjoy going away in your camper van and using my ramble to send you off to sleep. I apologise once again for your sleepless trips, (I don’t know why I am doing this as I expect you are asleep already). I have not been too far these last few weeks as my dog has strained a shoulder muscle and is running on three legs; she is as peeved as I am at not being able to enjoy long walks. The swallows have flown and yet there would have been plenty of insects for them had they stayed, the fine weather continues as I am writing this report and the days are now shortening. Along with the shorter days comes the chance to see animals that are nocturnal, these appear as the light grows dimpsy, (nice Somerset word). They have to make use of every hour of the long night as food is more difficult to find, so make sure your poultry will not be an easy target. Owls can be heard regularly in the village but as yet none have made a home in either of the owl boxes recently erected. Now that Autumn is here, it’s time to read the book you always meant to read, or make a visit to the theatre or cinema. At the end of this month a group of wandering thespians are alighting at the Parish Hall. Apparently this group holds several awards for acting, including the oldest actor and the oldest joke told. They act under the name of BAD which I’m told stands for Brent Amateur Dramatics. I have heard that their acting is unbelievable and a pleasure not to be missed, so book early, you will not be disappointed. Why not exercise your chuckle muscles and join them on the 28th or 29th of this month. The Rambler

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Come and Join Us for a QUIZ NIGHT at BERROW VILLAGE HALL Parsonage Road, Berrow TA8 2NL Saturday 6th December 7pm for 7.30pm start £50.00 First Prize! (kindly sponsored by Bridge Veterinary Practice) Bar and food available £2 per person entry - £1 for under 16s - maximum: 6 per team - Phone or text 07880 850825 to book your table Popular event so booking advisable: Proceeds to the RSPCA Brent Knoll Animal Centre 48 USEFUL VILLAGE CONTACTS: PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL, Secretaryy Sandra Hanmer 01934 750076 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Maryy Ford 769082 CHURCH WARDEN Miss Frances James 760287 Mike Smith 760691 CHURCH CLEANERS Wiet Harperp 760803 CHURCH FLOWERS Mrs g Marion Vining760612 POPPY ORGANISER Mrs Sally Wingate 760610 BRASS CLEANERS METHODIST CHURCH Revd. Margaretgpp Trapp 760573 Mrs Maryy Frost 783120 Tessa Munt 01934 710748 COUNTY COUNCILLOR John Denbee 01934 712304 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Bob Filmer 760760 Andrew g Gilling01934 750580 PARISH COUNCIL, Clerk Owen Cullwick 794463 Chairman Colin Townsend 760226 Planning enquiries Andrea Hurkett (Brent() Street +) 760099 Bella Ward (()Burton Row +) 760528 Footpathp Contact Peter Osborn 760839 PARISH HALL, Bookinggyy Secretary Jennyy Butters 760477 Bazaar Eddie Fuller 760308 Secretary Sandra Few 760451 Caretaker Richard Bream 760810 DOCTOR Dr g S L Aung760313 NHS NON-EMERGENCY URGENT MEDICAL HELPLINE 111 WRVS PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 760313 BRENT KNOLL PRIMARY SCHOOL Chris Burman 760546 TODDLERS GROUP Jane Hannah 760629 BRENT KNOLL TADPOLES PRE SCHOOL Cathyyy Hurley 769126 VILLAGE SHOP Caroline Chennells 760225 BRENT KNOLL NEWS, Production Editor Bob Filmer 760760 Distribution Elaine & Eddie Fuller 760308 POLICE NON-EMERGENCY NUMBER 101 RHYNE PROBLEMS Lower Axe Drainingg Board 789906 VILLAGE AGENT Kim Wilcox 07943 555519 NATIONAL TRUST HONORARY RANGER Ged Keele 769010 VILLAGE SOCIETIES: BRENT AMATEUR DRAMATICS (BAD)() Sarah Joyce y 787493 CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN Mrs Janet Harris 760259 CONSERVATIVE BRANCH Bob Filmer 760760 ECUMENICAL GROUP Revd. Margaretg Trapp 760573 GOOD COMPANIONS Mrs Joyy Collett 760458 GUIDES / BROWNIES / RAINBOWS Jane Sinnott 760987 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY (Burnham)() Mr L Wallis 760550 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ()(Men’s Section) Rod Southwell 760445 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ((Women’s Section) Liz Bream 760810 SHORT MAT BOWLING CLUB Alan Castle 760424 TENNIS CLUB David Outfin 783993 WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Janet Southwell 760445 WOMEN’S SOCIETY Julie Baker 751229 ST MICHAELS CHURCH, BRENT KNOLL - REVD. SIMON LEWIS Tel: 01278 760496 METHODIST MINISTER: THE REVD. MARGARET TRAPP Tel: 01278 760573 BAPTIST MINISTER: ()(Burnham) THE REVD. STEVE AYERS, Collegeg St. B.O.S. Tel: 783920 CATHOLIC PRIEST FATHER TIBOR SZENDE, Burnham & Cheddar Joint Parish Tel: 01934 742564 E&OE 49 The Red Cow Large Beer Garden FRIDAY NIGHT is Function Room CURRY Night - £6.00p Traditional Food Homemade Chicken Curry Popadom & Chutney Tel: 01278 760 234 OurOur Menu is available as a Take AwAwayay

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Diary for November 2014 Page 1st Quiz Night Red Cow 7.30pm 20, 24 2nd ‘Lights of Love’ worship St Michael’s Church 3.00pm 3 4th Toddlers (Every Tuesday) Methodist Schoolroom 10.30-12 noon 4 4th Knoll Classical Music Circle (Every Monday) Ball Copse Hall 7.00pm 4th Knoll Group of Ringers (Every Tuesday) St. Michael’s Church 7.30pm-9pm 4th RBL Men’s Section AGM Jubilee Room 7.30pm 24 4th Parish Council – Public Session Jubilee Room 7.30pm 7 Parish Council – Meeting [Note Tuesday] Jubilee Room to follow immediately 5th SORT IT+ Recycling & Green Waste Your House Early!! 5th Brent Knoll Parish & Beat Surgery Nuttall Room 10.30-12 noon 44 6th Chalice Morris Men Practice (Every Thursday) Parish Hall 8.00pm-10pm 6th Emmaus course Methodist Schoolroom 2.30pm 4 7th BAD Rehearsals (Every Friday) Parish Hall 7.30pm 32 8th Bazaar, Farmers’ Market & Parish Café Parish Hall 10.00am 8, 31 8th “Talbot House” a Musical Play St. Michael’s Church 7.30pm 40 9th Act of Remembrance St. Michael’s Church 10.45am 3 10th Whist Drive IvyClad Hall 7.00pm 15 10th Parish Hall Committee Meeting Jubilee Room 8.00pm 31 11th Mobile Library [NOTE Tuesday!!] See Village Notice Boards for Details 11th Armistice 2 minutes silence Sanders Garden World 11.00am 4 11th Lympsham Gardening Club –“Quiz” Manor Hall, Lympsham 7.45pm 32 12th SORT IT+ Recycling & Rubbish Your House Early!! 12th Women’s Institute “Town Cryer” Parish Hall 2.30pm 23 15th DEADLINE FOR DECEMBER BRENT KNOLL NEWS 12.00 noon 50 16th Afternoon Tea Party 3.00pm 39 17th WI Craft Group Methodist Schoolroom 2.30pm 16 17th Parish Council - Provisional Planning meeting Jubilee Room 7.30pm 7 17th Local History Group to be confirmed 7.30pm 12 18th Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! “Knitting” Woodlands 7.30pm 23 19th SORT IT+ Recycling & Green Waste Your House Early!! 19th Mobile Library [NOTE Wednesday!!] See Village Notice Boards for Details 19th Good Companions - “Christmas Fayre” Parish Hall 2.30pm 16 22nd RBL Women’s Section AGM Jubilee Room 2.30pm 23 24th Bible Study Group Methodist Schoolroom 2.30pm 4 24th BAD Rehearsals (Every Night Mon-Thurs) Parish Hall 7.30pm 32 24th Berrow Conservation Group “Bees” Berrow Village Hall 7.30pm 12 26th SORT IT+ Recycling & Rubbish Your House Early!! 28th BAD – “Brent Knoll’s Got Talent” Parish Hall 7.30pm 27,31,32 29th Methodist Christmas Coffee morning Methodist Schoolroom 10.30am 4 29th BAD – “Brent Knoll’s Got Talent” Parish Hall 7.30pm 27,31,32 30th Advent Sunday & St. Andrew’s Day 16 Anything missing? Make sure your events are listed in the Monthly Event Diary DEADLINE FOR THE DECEMBER 2014 ISSUE – All contributions to be received by NOON on Saturday, 15th November, to:- Bob, e-mail: [email protected] or Wascelyn, 48, Brent Street, Brent Knoll, TA9 4DT The Brent Knoll News welcomes all contributions. Views expressed are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the editor or represent the standpoint of the Brent Knoll News. The Editor reserves the right to edit or amend any contribution. BRENT KNOLL VILLAGE WEBSITE: www.brentknollvillage.co.uk

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