
'Ill•' l 'uh 'I I ol Po •! \til' '1 ~~~ Jlot lilt .111 II\ o'lloutkt d Ill tilt' d i • I ttiiJIIII•,n n l "'·''•·l'ill tru111 tlw I l·'t ''"' h · tr.d11 d·• It J!, ., 11111111. ,lfl(t'"

\t I 11,\ I It IH It

I Jltll'.l t 1d ltl( ,dl(to> • clltn ' ·'. 'I'IH• ,, •rf t • \\111 IJP pl.u ••d on d t pl.t\ " tilt• l ' 11 \ 't> l II\' Ll· brat·.\ (. 11;1 ht I'll olltcl\ o• ttf I he: l't'rl· odtt·al Hoo1111 "" I· 1 ula~. !o't ht'\1· a1y l Th1• gift . II H'hld t• lhrt•t• tnalltt• . l'l'i pt . . IH·o~tltllull.' hound c-opltos o lltc• l-: 11 ·.\ Ill' artlSflt• \\ cll'k.·, a hi Inn of 1-'1 .trH't' In a \ t'I'.Y llnlllt•!l I'd II Jon, (\\() Sltl,tll fl':lllll·d p;tllltlll '· · lllll I c·,d :-.con., :-II\' •t• I'Uill, , TIP II\ 1 r· sit,\ of th1• do11ors 1 . tl'ikln~. anum~ IIJlll) olll' \it) l!I\J \\)'iff ' ( 0 artt (I c·on1po t 1'. • t'lwl;u.. puhll lrt•r. . a tradP lllllon. llt' ft',tl'lllt\ of till' l lli\1'1 tl\ of l'oltll•t ,·, th~· dt•)wty­ llltl,\ or o f \ 1 1 .... tlllc· ·, a C'tlllllll:tlltlc•r· :tt lht• (;lollld ('h.tlH \'llt•t') II lhl' Lt,l!loll ol I I IIIlO I', t h1 • < It\' h.tll of .\1.11 . 1'1111•-., flo) • cnut from tht· I ' ll\ of .• tnt, • . a ll'l lt•l t 'llllllllltt ..,. for n ·fugt ·l'. In ht• \ o-. •t•s, a 't !lltp of ral lruatl 1 rnplo) l't's, otl11 r •I 1- l.' pper Left: Dr. G. Gorham Lao giving an aptitud' t t Jan gan, S nior psy h major. 1.1'11.· o f 1111 ·p•·t tlit·d '' atlon, and t!pper Right: Mr. Walt r E. Organl t and Rodne Dillman re ordlng th motional r a tton ot final!), pc 1 h tps lllos llll)>l'l' . 1\·p of Shh·ley 1\IIUI man. all, a . tmpl · r:tlltoad 1\'lll'kt•t illld World \\'at• I ., t•tt•ra n, \\ ho. 1 nd 111 . enter: Rob rt Rosenberg, und rgradoate as I t.:mt, onst.roctlng apparatus in th hop. ('UI'! ful l.· pn•pat·Pd •1ft \\ ith t•ot·­ JJower L ft: Dr. Hal y M. MacPhe and Don Whitten ob rving a rat in an levat d maz . dlal gr •t·tlng · "! an unkno\\ n IJo wer Right: Exp rimental cia todylng mlr•·or drawing. L••ft o right: Dora l\1 na , Jim J. ft'lt·nd in tiH· l .'.,\" l{rchma, Anthony Fan rbach, I. Hammond ubba~, Lool B1 kman, and ~Irs. Huth rncr. \ 1'1) llllfl'l'llllg \\OU)cl IH tht• Am 'ltcan \\he <"ould n·ad \\ :1 fr \\ of hr ~ versity. :rt w k an ar ticle ~>con·.· to "our· nwrlc 1111 ft ir nd , u·ill appear on the Physics D e· Cllll' LIIJr •nlfcH' 11 1!11 1, " a okPil partm nt. of I OUI' frit•tHI ·hip ancl ~1'atltwl1•, . t•nttiiH nh '' "" 1r '' 111 llf'VI't' 111· .. f. L.H'I'Ii from Frt•n1·h hr•at·t ." A pot· rl!'d ll'illt•. H 1 CI(J.} of II i v••l. 1• " ,, 111,. pr•oplt• of h1 • {'nit I'd . l

.Jun rcJI' !'rom, F lt ld Jl(JU 1· , 'I:C JIJ.l:O() p . m . Ill t•t\ar· I y < ht1 Inn Fr•l· I o \' hI p, Old 'ullt·ge I hliiiK''• 7 :Jr) p. tn. ll :1 ~·r· !,;If! v.. Sw· r I. 1111})"1• i.l ., \\.ill~ . 'wimmlng v l.AJlaye ,. at • 'r• w:t rk Hrcm n fh ll Ht ldront' flail, (}()

v . P . ~r. '. at ~w e i a l Matin To B ive n On Mar h 12 D n- p. m. ())· EYSER LETTER TO Qr irbitln By Jf~l REAGA THE EDITOR ll l·rt• \~ t · grJ agnin- s llll hurti ng for a 1 ad topic. W 've got pl nty Tht U ndugradualt W ukly of the University of Delaware of t h 1 n •~s to lnt 1•rest ..,t1m groups around her though. ureau of Labor . tii 1:li1· . or sorn • 'UCh utflt, pre lets 50,000 llgibl ' ngine rs Founded I 882, Published e ry Thur day during the college year. for all of 7,000 jobs. Make mine-forty- ub ription $3 .00 per year. ~1 aj'IJI' · HJ b n't as ·lick as lt c uld be, though-pi c m nt, through no fault of ol. Ashbridg and his Enter ·d a · ond da matter December 13, 1 45, at the Pot ffi ce staff. is not what it could be. at ·wark, Uelaware, under the Act of March 3, 187 What happens during thos inter- iews i a qu tlon on quit a f w minds. To us-we're a veteran ltt:IJr Hcntcd .li'or N tiona! Adv rllaln~t By Membe r atianal Advertising Service, Inc. of two int rvl ws-lt meant on Associated Collegiate Press ·esslon with a company repre en­ 0 1111~(1~ / ' ublalhOTI /te71TU1ntat VI tatlve who knew nothing ab ut th 1!!0 AlH ON AV .. N•: w YORK, N . Y. Inter-Collegiate News jobs offered xc pt a m morized Ch lt:nfio Dol ton Son Fronclaco Association ·p ch, and who apparently had !,us An I 1 Portland SealUe little r sp ct for lawar grad­ ual s. This lack f interest in Dela­ V >L 11E W war gr aduates was not c nfined to us- verybody Is w could Editor-In- hl f- ANN TERESE FURTH find got th same id a, and on Bualn ss Manaacr- ARNOLD GREENl:IOUSE man was virtua ll y to ld before th int rviews were conclud d that no hiring would be don . Wby any ~~~~~~~~ri:?f.~. ~:~~~~~~ ~ : : ~: : :.:.:. :·.: :.::::~~::.::: :.~:.::~::.:.:~::~ :::~ ::: :: :: : ::: ::::. ~::::::: ~ : ::·: ~·;·~ii·i~ii~~~{i'~~:~:~:9E:~ company would wa t its time ll n s mcbody's making money. We can't se that all thi off- campus activity ha · h~rt any grades •lth •r. With th Dl' WS that Delaware frat rnitles ranked third in . ' niv rsity standings, above th • national all-m n's average and abO\' l' th' D laware all-m n's average. Unfortunately, we don't have f~'4ut·e s n oth r campus organizations, but the Gre ks are usually s u ~ p e c l anywa) . W f 1 the whole situati n should be clarified, but qut ·Jc om ' b dy's IJ • n checking on the marriage business around her - this " li on ymoon f r you-alon " idea intrigues us. Breakfast until ck n- that' a r al s lling point. They don't m ntion a ny recrea­ ti na I fa ·it i ti s, though . . .. Lo k . like w lo. out on Alice Burns. Lib Houston and Kendall MdJ \ •II ar . ~ upp · '{I a,lternate in giving Wilmingtonians the · 'oop 11111fl!ls ! SlllllOOS! liHJlOOll s hm OS, 11 ' rklm the Wagon Whe 1. . . . Ed Vaklyes scheduling his wo- doll s ltnHm s , llonhi'l at out th !If . ( onti nued on Page 4) n ntl lwllitH of shmoos, shmoo jt•\\ !' II ',\ t'\ I' ll llOOI11<111 l-lhlllOOH! lll•l't• on c·alllll\ts WP ll nvc u fnlr traight From the Septic Tank t' \ .t tn pl t• nf a ty pic·al s lllltOO. 't m ­ llHllll.\ J,nown aR "Slush," this s illl1 1Hl ll ns s nnt' of th • u s ua l ·hnr·­ :u·tt· l·ist irs of ills sp ·il'H . I fp pos· s t•s ·ps a s m :lll ill'ad. with a larg , l"tltlll tl h nd.', and fl :tl fl'\'1. II ' has llll >.hnu ldt' l·s. li iH lllg noS< '. s ll' ' P.\' ' '·'''"· .t iHI s tupid s tn llt' f u 1·th ' t' •n­ lt:tll\'t' h is " JIIH 'ar a iH'I', whill' his gund ltt•ot r t ht' d lH'Sil ' t USl' it oft l'n t'IH it •:1rs this s hmoo to all. Till' prt •. t'lll't' n f a si ng h • loek of lwlr ( r igltt In tht• m lddll' of his for ht•ad l III :Jl, l's l'\' l'ry tHll• si t up nn. tl. BUt if th ' \ ~plil. , i . . f {.' jlllr , · · H 'joi '. h< •ny, and s mll , h • l tntry It on hrs.t .tnd if 11 "Jlli ~ i t's not fo r .\ nu . This is a goc~d t '· · t ll. HONEYMOON FOR YOU ' w E:l •ct r ~ hall ntertain . It 1s not t lw a n dtl'sl. P ou r ~n m • .1cid o n flw m·1t ' r ial Ch , : 1 IT - ALONE n "h!l . \\ 111 pl.1~ u ,rt. l'l a~ • •tf • and fi nd 1t out fo r n o th in g. < 0111 , ·nnp ~~· ·, \1 D . G. El ctro 111 11 ur llr t homr :~ctd on \ nt~ tltH' d.t.' . Spill ll r igh hack. rid is a ll r il{ h in it~ ~p~. Solw Jl'aetlcal. h l·l p ,\OUr acid in plo n 't thrO\\ a\\ .J \' 'our old f in , .. · .. · , . ,\ nu ,., l' r ht•en l it' fanHnt-;. ht ' Jnil\ lt; \':Ji uahl' 1 ' i.lg\' ; ln·nllll Jhi_J inlgs .. If ,, ' I' t' I · 1 1 • · ·' < '' tn\ o d f m ,._ , .. 11 p.trmg :m e \\ w n l hl't.lln• n ·e r cli n v" <'l'<'tarv n f tl • I)· ,1 . . : o f ht• .\ nwrwa tt H ' u lu t inn. l \\ a. abl • o . •II th. . ._. ' 1 ~ltlg 1 u . h •rs ·' " ,, m.t t 1 of·t . I an ,· ill t ITPI ' a J imlt<•dP·~: ~n ~; :1~ n ,\\ m ;'~: I ll.tll p.lltl1 1.!' '- tn l" t .Jdt ts o \our column .. Th . I p . m f m t r- .\ ~ ' 0 , . . c ... ~· E -. T . .1 11 ~Ott ,.ll llllll'h-B.J .K . THE FARM ON THE HILL .h'an \l nl1tt•t th hn~ <1 ·kld us t n a n n o un • Iwr fi r " .• . · a . lw Hlttl' Ht• n Ar na . .J 'an 'll I .tlmg bout thl-; 110 0~0 1 , , WU.TW R, rA. r.~mmu:- ~ .l!urda _ · · t ~ 1'111 111 tilt' twa' '·'\\ t' l Th t' \ ' 11 !. .JP n "avs ''I'd Ilk · Con Jnu d on p ll 5 emplemen Edge Hen Swimmers 38 -37 THE In nuit ll Bi ·h I ( 't·awp >ut ' I Don "Grantland Rice" Reynolds h as moved out, tak n hi ll uith ports" o the copy' rit r s, and left m "The 'port ·man." W bst r d fln s a ponsman a pnr :; , That's most convenl nt for me-the fi ld i ,\'l•r. w<:' ll k p it clean. Here goes: F1 i ndly us Seaburg ha been ju tly r cogniz in a r c nt edi- uon f the "Trainer", publish d in Gardn •r, Kan a'. The artie! •, \HittPn anonymously by orne r pr ntative of a visiting football team last fall. app ared as follows: "l.:.u · · aburg, the Delaware. train 1·ythlng set up for us, includmg programs of the gam to b giv n out to the team, all the tow •Is, i e, and orang s tha t we d sir d, plu the fact that hi equip­ m •nt man came to m and offered any of his quipm ·nt that we might n d for the game. L b liev that us and th Uni r lty of D •lawar should be comm n I d f r the fin treatm nt th y xt nd to the viSiti ng t ams. Th e lilt! courtesl s make athletic r lations worth­ whil •. and the are th court ies that ext nd from one train r to anoth r." Gu , our heartiest congratulations. D an T a ha provid d us with an inter ting tory about cour­ age and ambition. The h enceforth unsung m mber of the Delaware tank team, who usually fini hes fourth in the diving v nt, is typical of th attitud that has brought the H ns to the f re in Eastern wlmming competition . I refer J'ou to a p t·haps paradoxical state­ m nt that wa ov rheard. In words .to this ff ec , h said, "I haven 't cti cov red the trick lnvolv d in dOJng a prop r front divoe . oach Rawstrom has been me individual att ntion for w ks now. lt' eli. gusting." Sure it's d ' gusting. D an is till at it. \\'hilc w 're at it, th ba ketball tea m has pr u d some unsung h ro s. Allow me to Introduce red Kelleh r and Frank Al b ra. , 'elth r was invit d to go on the hri tmas Holiday trip. They wer th n truggling t stay n the squad. Both found it difficult to work up a d c nt sweat in practiC'e se sion . Final!. , th ir tal nt was r c· ognizNI and the pair have since cur d perman nt pots on the econd fiv . Big Fred ha b en a con i t nt scorer in the pivot spot, whil• Alhera's floorwork has been a d efinite asset to the r serve at­ tack. The Field House has pr uc a maze of activities this past we k. That is, try to get in and do a pus h-up a fter 4:00 p.m. Chances arr you'll b tramped on by s me track a pirant, beaned with a iff-arm d fast ball, or trampled by the Drunan ky fast br ak. AI o, check the Murray "back ". You may find yourself in the way of a play de ign d for a two hundred pound line. trong Army Team Fro h Tak D f at Mu lem n From Hav rford

The niversity of Delaware's hardwood hawkl racked up th ir f urth win in ix ta rts last Saturday n ight in the Fl ld House as th y outcla d the Haverford JV by a lopsided core of 51 to 23. In thi , th ir ccond home game of th s ason, the Hen Fro h show­ d the home folk just how the cage gam should be played de­ How v r, Ryland r's musclem n fensiv ly by holding the visitors came through winning th tumb­ a m ag r six poin in the first llng and parall el bars even ts. half while scoring 29 themselv s. Total Point. J ohnn D a peris, fa t-breaklng D el. Army forward for the hicks, led the Side Hors ...... 3 13 Horizontal Bar ...... 4 1:l with 19 points on Rope Climb ...... - ... 3 13 ight field hots and three from Parallel Bars ...... 9 8 1 th foul lin . ix-foot-two inch ~~lu1ii'":::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ~ ~ Buddy I , Mr. D 's running mate Totals at fo'rward, collected 14 counters. J a me , guard for Haverford, led Haverford JS:J.. p / D Ia are his team with ight points. Tollln f 6 4 16 Gro man ! All 14 of Coach Bob Selman' ~:8gi~:~ l 8 8 8 1 ~~luv!n f quad aw action in thl contest. Crollus t 3 7 13 Hoff tcln f P. Amu sen c 2 1 5 Turn r c I• ive of the 14 are erstwhile S. Gill c 0 0 0 N h c du ont High bask tballers. Bill B.Betson g 1 1 3 Thuma c 0 Be on g 0 0 0 K II •h r c tt, Billy ho kl y, a nd six-foot- H. rb rton a 1 0 2 Kwt.. t '. kl a fi \' -i nch "Dodo" Kru. in ski all Mcf'addf'n a Alb •ra II plac d on Ia t · ar' D namiter's Gr gory ll t am, whil ob Sh kley, a nd 1 Wal w n •hart pia in previous i3 i3 39 T o ala .Jo Larkin, a newcomer

20 11 51

Drn:tl (G.~ ) G. FP 11 2 24 3 0 6 0 I 1 2 0 4 0 1 1 1 0 2 6 I 13 3 1 7 1 1 5 7

Totaa Totals 2'11165 4 IVERSJTY F DELAWARE REVIEW t 1!1· hr,nor ·vr.rc·m sh()u ld be intr •d 1J som of he men . ... Ali ce Bradley's Tommy home for a quick visit. ... Leah t<•m, f.l:; lt. appll1•s t.(J f h nl •xa rns, I Jrf.lllcm' · ou tanding uni r ~ i tl •s ~1 · cA!Iist •r racking up on ~a! ntlne's Day-roses, candy, a11d Valen. IJitwr lf'. t., :u11 l honwwork, ~>hou ld \',dtlt fe\\ or no 11l t·lfe ·t:·. The in­ Li nes from W . & L . . . . Lcs R~gg and SPE-Eig Ep beast, canine model nlvcrslty !Jfp i n' utlwr c:CJ un r l s IH· acl opiHI itl. t l u• l'nivPrslty ()[ dJ\id uf.ll \\ill llfJl IJ• a stuchm t ht · - touring th campus. . . . Betty Ann Slmeone giving th • Tem ple wa UH! t11 ' Ill • u t hc• <.:cmJIJlm•d IH•Iaw:ll·c··! Why'! 1·nlln· ltft•; lw'll not a l wa~~ ha v ·a bo,;s a rough i111 ... two gals from the Knoll tacking up -posters m tlng o th • lrl tl'rnali(Jnal Stu· in the Barra ks-r al fun .... Al Cruciano wielding a ping-pong paddle c; 11 ,·,r ( 'ai'JH'ntR•·: " o. Simi lar 1 pn/ctcJr watc h m g ovf'r htm, but d •ntJJ 'luh und thl' rnt• m atlonal .. . R onald .M cTurk pl ying Dick Tracy.... Bill Welsh explaining h o~ Hclatlons 'lub n WPdn • ·day, l<'I ·IJ­ tlw Idea of sociali sm tlw idt·a i.· a h. · II a l waj~> hav • lo IJ ' honorable. gr>cHJ on . on pa pc · but through th , • '~":.I~; .a go~ >.~ tt m~: to str ngthen he met a f male. . . . hick al pulling a few financial deal . ... Gloria ruiH'Y 0. 1 Smith missing h r name in the tar...• Jn l!iliR of It l1 y a f t~w llu· majority 1 ht:-; all! Jbu t:. it. 'fh progralll C<' ll t n •cl a round a d o •s n't gt•l a fa u· d <'' 1. " ------That winds Rest a wh1le, chillun. At least that's our plan. pan •1 of flv • m •miJ 'rS o til lnt •t· national Stud ·nt s 'lub: Mi ss Slm· ddre un • Ba!Joud from Franc •, Ml s Eminent Geologi t Social Calendar Marh Ia Alia from 'uba, Mr. ' hau (Continued from Page 1) from 'IIJna, Mr. Sl gwould from (Continued from Page 1) lc lanll, and Mr. 'faly Jud wiJurg, pr •b id nt of living ann t b accomplish d with· out profound uph a als and, I F b. 2-4:-E-~2 Laboratory Th atre the Jnt rnallonal H !allons CluiJ 11 :15 p. and tl1 • pan •I wa In ·hnrg of Mitch_ Hall, m. ' would v n say, without a r volu­ Am · r1can Institute of 'J'nkls Laml>ropoulos, p1· •sld •nt of tlon in du ation, in science and th' Jnt •rnullonal Stud •nls 'lul>. hemi al Engint·l•r , Old in all our- JJh!losophies. Lincoln's oll e Loung . gr atnf'SS t m · from his recogni· Lecture, R citaJ by Miss ion of that, and fr m his r gard Grac B rry, \ a rner Lounge, 7:00 p. m. for man as a b ing on 'tantly striv· M ting of Engi n ring ing for b tt •r li ing, more food, bet­ Seniors with Corp. of En· t r sh It r, mor dignity, and th gin er , 1:00 p. m. b ·t opportunily for his childr n. ' eh. 25-Ag. Meeting, Wolf Hall II • tri d to giv that to Americans, Aud., :00 p. m . and lh r by imm a urably b ne­ Lecture by Mr. Edgar A. Morrow, Mitch II Hall tlt d his post rity. Ills work ob· :00 p.m. ' vi us ly has not been finished. Jntcrvarsity h r i s ian lf we arc to at'J'Y out the concept I< ~ llow ship, ld ollege of d mocracy which Lincoln saw, Lounge, 7:30p.m. and at the sam tim be worthy of 26--Interscholastic Press Con. him, we cannot b timid. It is not f renee, Mitchell Hall, g. 12:00 a.m. n ugh f r us to talk Lincoln. We Basketball vs. Drexel at must act Lincoln if we are to merit our lnh ritanc . To preserve that Newark tradition, we all must love our fel· Swimming vs. Lehigh at low m n as Lincoln did, and we are Newark looking to our legislators and other Wr stling at Lafayette ofilcials to 1 ad the way. We hope Feb. 27-V sper Service, Old Col· you will look upon yourselves as lege Lounge, 6:15 p. m. lA ss, political xp ndables, and like Lincoln, approach the problems of your high orne s it'\ a dispassion· Notice ate spirit of calm deliberation. We h p you can be objective, and At th r gularly scheduled s Jv your problems on the basis of NOTICE m ting of the Clas. ical Mu ic facts, always r m mb ring that List ning Group n xt Sunday at your decisions will not meet with A.Tl"ENTIO RNIORS! If 7:30 p.m. in the lounge of Old unanimous approval. This you you have any informal snap- Coli ge. the following lcc tions can do with a clear conscience, if hot that you would like to will b pr s nt d : you a on principles which we re­ have printed in the 1949 Blue l. "Th Moldau" by Sm tana gard . today as truly Lincolnian Hen Ytear Book, plea e submit 2. T haikowsky's "Fifth ym. • Above all, whether you are here as them, with your name on the ph ny" a private itizen, or a s rvant of rever o s lde, to Box R, Un1ver­ 3. "L Pr lude " by Liszt the p ople, r gardle ·s of your poli· ·ity Mail, du.ring the early part orne and sp nd an njoyable tical affiliation, unite as Amerl· of next week. cv ning with music. opinion, an ·!" - ----~~------~======~======



Nor ONE SINGLE CASE vlfon.e!l- f!JJ~ Weuua'!tle ! moke Camel and test tbem in your own OF THROAT IRRITAnON "T·Zone." T for taste, T for throat. If. at any time, you are OOt COO inced that (3me1J are the milde t cigarette you ever moked. rerurn the package with the unused amels tf«et;~- and we will refund it full purcha e price. plu po tage. ( ig11ed) R. }. Reynolds To­ ba co o., W inston·Salem, N.C. traight From th pti Tank By FLU H &

r • I. n

Keepsake Diamonds Waterman Pens MERVIN 5. DALE JEWELER


59 E. Mwm StrMt Newark, DelawaN



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I'll Meet You There



ARROW SHORTS $1.25 up ••. everyone wan to know, but military many and air-line pilots must know and know Ea·h r · iv s a ARROW T-SHIRTS $1.25 up promptly. f h originals. ARROW GUARDS To h lp transmit thi. eliminated, val - 95c Bell System maintain simile tran mi · ion y. Com e in and see our fine selection of Arrow under· • . . a network nearly 2 shorts and undershirts. Over these wir s th NEWARK DEPARTMENT STORE 58 - 62 EAST MAl N STREET Store Hou,.: 9- 5.30; friday and Saturday. 9- 9 BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ...... , __ FOR ARROW U DERWEAR --- 6 Letter To Th tnmilt h SKATING RELAXES Editor H, rt r ppli d ontlnu l fr m fJ rama." Open Afternoons fpr Practice (No Charge) " arn . Wllhh ld By HI'as t h c.· m fl lfrt. nt. J' r·haps you didn't know It hut W ·het r says - tympani: k ttl - drums, cRp. a H •t of th •m play d by th aa me 1 rform •r. Mi ss Munoz IR llk wJ a musl ·!an and kn ws th pr r d finltl n of musl al t·rmH. How •hlldish of y u to "possl.'sR dl.'llghtful f e •ling f triumph." What mak m you think that your Hlums huv s hattPr d MI HR Munoz's •go? Your vlt•ws nwy not b th Dr. Jam s '. Kakavas, chairman sam ash r R; that iH your privll ~ •. f biological sci nc s, said that II w v .r, y ur I •tl r· did m>t sound "stud! s on th embryonic dcv lop­ as th ugh It am from on quall­ m nt of · rn dlings hav re- tl •d to critl lz Mi ss Munoz p r­ v a l d rtain growth interfer nc s nnlly. ph •nom na wh n tr at d with Inc •r ly, x-rays, n utrons and mustard gas B v rly Damb rg r. om pounds. "Th understanding of this inter­ f r n ' upon activ ly growing cells will nhanc our knowledge of th behavior of embryonic tissue to phy i al and h mica! ag nts. Th se observations will have dlr ct b ar­ lng on th cancer problem sine an cr·ous tlssu slmulat s mbry­ onlc tis ue d velopm nt. "Th scop f Dr. Rus ll's work is v ry broad, and it will require s v raJ years of continued r search NIW FORMULA WnM VIRATOL* t study its various pha es. Deft­ works wonders in the nit ntribution an b mad in c rtaln phas s in th oming year looks of your hair. thr ugh th a sistance of the It looks natural .. . Atomic n r g y ommission's grant." it feels natural .. . In aclditl n to the Univ rsity's and it stays in own bioi gi al set n es laboratory, th proj ct involves use of the x-ray place! Try a bottle. ma hln and y lotron of the Blo­ *ThiJ Jptci"l mnP••"d tiflu luJirt ..• ch mica! R search Foundation at Imps hair pi"" wi1h1u1 s1i_f11w. N wark. Th c clotron aids in the m tudy through utilization of neu­ tron radiation. r. Rus ell, who has been asso­ iated with the University of Dela­ ware sln e 1942, is a Phi B ta Kap­ pa graduat of Goucher College, and holds h r rna t r's d gree and doctor' degr from the University of P nnsylvanla. From 1928 to 1942, h was a research assistant at th Bloch mi al Research Labor­ atory of th Franklin Institute, which originally was known as the Play Refreshed anc r R earch Laboratory of the raduate S hool of Medicine of the Uni er ity of Pennsylvania. The lomic Energy Commission's Have a Coca-Cola grant is the third received by the niv rsity of D !aware in recent months for res ar h allied to can­ ft r Win r. Th D !aware Division, Amerl­ an Cancer Society, last summer mad an appropriation for prelimi­ nary work in the University's Phy- 1 s epartm n on a study of he fT t of B ta ra s on living cells. More r c ntly, the national organi· zatlon of the Am rican Cancer So- l ty made a substantial grant for th arne proj ct, which is direct d by r. Harold F eny, a sociate pro­ f s or of physics. Others on t he nlv rsit 's staff who are engaged in r s ar h in can r ar Dr. Kaka­ as, Dr. Vln nt E. Parker, profes­ sor of ph sics; Dr. Fe ny, and Druce . Lutz, J. Mayo Gr enberg, ubr y Rot nb rg and W !born H . mith, of the hysics partment. t rday (Continued from Page 1)

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Notic ! NOTICE! Notice! Dancing I s ·on , Latin- m ri­ can :t~ 1 arc b ing h ld from U::lfl to :1::1() p.m., Thursday nights in Hollin on. All tud nts ar urg~:d to au nd.

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Ex ·ept ir th•• f•:\\ inst,.mc••s wh ·r· • thP dunur · rl · ·ignutr· to tilL· c·on trary, h .., · IJo(Jks \\Ill IJ • l:t<.ldPd w th • l'ni ·\ Llbran. 'er·taln gifts \\Ill IJ!· uwarded bj. th • and MtJd ·rn LanguuJ.{I' Dei.Jart· m • nt~;, as n•qu •sted, to th • mo.·t "orthy s udents In rnusi<.: anrl French, r ·sp • ·tlvel} . Pton1ain

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