P Ychology Dept. and J..'L'ijiitlldt• \\Lllf'll UC'c'cjill )Wilil•D Th ·

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P Ychology Dept. and J..'L'ijiitlldt• \\Lllf'll UC'c'cjill )Wilil•D Th · • The 'Ill•' l 'uh 'I I ol Po •! \til' '1 ~~~ Jlot lilt .111 II\ o'lloutkt d Ill tilt' d i • I ttiiJIIII•,n n l "'·''•·l'ill tru111 tlw I l·'t ''"' h · tr.d11 d·• It J!, ., 11111111. ,lfl(t'" \t I 11,\ I It IH It I Jltll'.l t 1d ltl( ,dl(to> • clltn ' ·'. 'I'IH• ,, •rf t • \\111 IJP pl.u ••d on d t pl.t\ " tilt• l ' 11 \ 't> l II\' Ll· brat·.\ (. 11;1 ht I'll olltcl\ o• ttf I he: l't'rl· odtt·al Hoo1111 "" I· 1 ula~. !o't ht'\1· a1y l Th1• gift . II H'hld t• lhrt•t• tnalltt• . l'l'i pt . IH·o~tltllull.' hound c-opltos o lltc• l-: 11 ·.\ Ill' artlSflt• \\ cll'k.·, a hi Inn of 1-'1 .trH't' In a \ t'I'.Y llnlllt•!l I'd II Jon, (\\() Sltl,tll fl':lllll·d p;tllltlll '· · lllll I c·,d :-.con., :-II\' •t• I'Uill, <tliH'I'Ilt d P•IIH'I' llll'lt 111 .r :111rl c·t·rl tin ln.·ig-nla of thl' Jt,. ...,, ·wm ,. furc·t> , TIP II\ 1 r· sit,\ of th1• do11ors 1 . tl'ikln~. anum~ IIJlll) olll' \it) l!I\J \\)'iff ' ( 0 artt (I c·on1po t 1'. • t'lwl;u.. puhll lrt•r. a tradP lllllon. llt' ft',tl'lllt\ of till' l lli\1'1 tl\ of l'oltll•t ,·, th~· dt•)wty­ llltl,\ or o f \ 1 1 .... tlllc· ·, a C'tlllllll:tlltlc•r· :tt lht• (;lollld ('h.tlH \'llt•t') II lhl' Lt,l!loll ol I I IIIlO I', t h1 • < It\' h.tll of .\1.11 . 1'1111•-., flo) • cnut from tht· I ' ll\ of .• tnt, • . a ll'l lt•l t 'llllllllltt ..,. for n ·fugt ·l'. In ht• \ o-. •t•s, a 't !lltp of ral lruatl 1 rnplo) l't's, otl11 r •I 1- l.' pper Left: Dr. G. Gorham Lao giving an aptitud' t t Jan gan, S nior psy h major. 1.1'11.· o f 1111 ·p•·t tlit·d '' atlon, and t!pper Right: Mr. Walt r E. Organl t and Rodne Dillman re ordlng th motional r a tton ot final!), pc 1 h tps lllos llll)>l'l' . 1\·p of Shh·ley 1\IIUI man. all, a . tmpl · r:tlltoad 1\'lll'kt•t illld World \\'at• I ., t•tt•ra n, \\ ho. 1 nd 111 . enter: Rob rt Rosenberg, und rgradoate as I t.:mt, onst.roctlng apparatus in th hop. ('UI'! ful l.· pn•pat·Pd •1ft \\ ith t•ot·­ JJower L ft: Dr. Hal y M. MacPhe and Don Whitten ob rving a rat in an levat d maz . dlal gr •t·tlng · "! an unkno\\ n IJo wer Right: Exp rimental cia todylng mlr•·or drawing. L••ft o right: Dora l\1 na , Jim J. ft'lt·nd in tiH· l .'.,\" l{rchma, Anthony Fan rbach, I. Hammond ubba~, Lool B1 kman, and ~Irs. Huth rncr. \ 1'1) llllfl'l'llllg \\OU)cl IH tht• Am 'ltcan \\he <"ould n·ad \\<lt.hout l'l110liOll fftp lllllll.} lllliJUP flonaiJI\' Univ. to Give Stat sin 'f'n• 'XJII'l'Hslon.· fJf friPnd 111it P ychology Dept. and J..'l'iJIItlldt• \\lllf'll UC'C'CJill )Wilil•d th ·. <' sponltlnf'Oll!-i glfL . ThP pr ·o.;f. It Futur Lead Of g t La t clf'lll of I hi' I' ·. I 'I:Jil('l' llHH' t'lnl' lll caiiPd " l•'n1nct• lJ' bon!" ,. pn· 1 Editor's ote: T his is•th "hL·arttL t gtutPfttln ·:-.. to ou. first of a series of articl s de· Anlt•lic'un Ft'lf• rHI , In dt· •p appn· sign d to acquaint th r ad rs Ia lfJn of .}'OUI' sa orlfl ·t: and CJf of th REVI EW with the vari· 'till!' . olcli• 1 • gallan rv." A c·orn ous d partments of th ni· po .. ,. modt tl_\ offPt'.-> :1 fr \\ of hr ~ versity. :rt w k an ar ticle ~>con·.· to "our· nwrlc 1111 ft ir nd , u·ill appear on the Physics D e· Cllll' LIIJr •nlfcH' 11 1!11 1, " a okPil partm nt. of I OUI' frit•tHI ·hip ancl ~1'atltwl1•, . t•nttiiH nh '' "" 1r '' 111 llf'VI't' 111· .. f. L.H'I'Ii from Frt•n1·h hr•at·t ." A pot· rl!'d ll'illt•. H 1 CI(J.} of II i v••l. 1• " ,, 111,. pr•oplt• of h1 • {'nit I'd . l<J 1 , ho llavt· alwa_.. IH·1•n with f•t;tnu• In Ill' )11.1 h o f L1l11 •t y ;mrf lf ulth!n IJIJ.' nit.\ " A prHJ I \\ 11111 :m (Jf • ·,Juthl'lll J• I'UIH I' \\till ol It llt I' 1111 long 11 (Contlnu on Last Pag ) ocial al ndar .Jun rcJI' !'rom, F lt ld Jl(JU 1· , 'I:C JIJ.l:O() p . m . Ill t•t\ar· I y < ht1 Inn Fr•l· I o \' hI p, Old 'ullt·ge I hliiiK''• 7 :Jr) p. tn. ll :1 ~·r· !,;If! v.. Sw· r I. 1111})"1• i.l ., \\.ill~ . 'wimmlng v l.AJlaye ,. at • 'r• w:t rk Hrcm n fh ll Ht ldront' flail, (}() v . P . ~r. '. at ~w e i a l Matin To B ive n On Mar h 12 D n- p. m. ())· EYSER LETTER TO Qr irbitln By Jf~l REAGA THE EDITOR ll l·rt• \~ t · grJ agnin- s llll hurti ng for a 1 ad topic. W 've got pl nty Tht U ndugradualt W ukly of the University of Delaware of t h 1 n •~s to lnt 1•rest ..,t1m groups around her though. ureau of Labor . tii 1:li1· . or sorn • 'UCh utflt, pre lets 50,000 llgibl ' ngine rs Founded I 882, Published e ry Thur day during the college year. for all of 7,000 jobs. Make mine-forty- ub ription $3 .00 per year. ~1 aj'IJI' · HJ b n't as ·lick as lt c uld be, though-pi c m nt, through no fault of ol. Ashbridg and his Enter ·d a · ond da matter December 13, 1 45, at the Pot ffi ce staff. is not what it could be. at ·wark, Uelaware, under the Act of March 3, 187 What happens during thos inter- iews i a qu tlon on quit a f w minds. To us-we're a veteran ltt:IJr Hcntcd .li'or N tiona! Adv rllaln~t By Membe r atianal Advertising Service, Inc. of two int rvl ws-lt meant on Associated Collegiate Press ·esslon with a company repre en­ 0 1111~(1~ / ' ublalhOTI /te71TU1ntat VI tatlve who knew nothing ab ut th 1!!0 AlH ON AV .. N•: w YORK, N . Y. Inter-Collegiate News jobs offered xc pt a m morized Ch lt:nfio Dol ton Son Fronclaco Association ·p ch, and who apparently had !,us An I 1 Portland SealUe little r sp ct for lawar grad­ ual s. This lack f interest in Dela­ V >L 11E W war gr aduates was not c nfined to us- verybody Is w could Editor-In- hl f- ANN TERESE FURTH find got th same id a, and on Bualn ss Manaacr- ARNOLD GREENl:IOUSE man was virtua ll y to ld before th int rviews were conclud d that no hiring would be don . Wby any ~~~~~~~~ri:?f.~. ~:~~~~~~ ~ : : ~: : :.:.:. :·.: :.::::~~::.::: :.~:.::~::.:.:~::~ :::~ ::: :: :: : ::: ::::. ~::::::: ~ : ::·: ~·;·~ii·i~ii~~~{i'~~:~:~:9E:~ company would wa t its time ll n<Jlln and opy Editors ....................................... .. ......... Di ll Hughes and J oyce Wakefield and ours by interviewing with a pre one iv d notion lik that is be­ yoru::h owr understanclin . Of course, this is an exc ptlon. But graduates are largely judged, in !\";;:;,);:; most instances, by the impression ~~~{~i~~J[;Ji~·~ ~~ ~:""-:; f\ !i{!{!"?:"j\); ! :;.~~~~ti the interviewers form - and the NEWS & b' EA'l'UHE.. •U STAFb' : Jack Anw r, Bob Burke, Gl c;;-~rln, Unula n •Marl , Uobby ordy, Lou Hlckm n, J ack Horty, Libby Houston Edward Howell company is judged by its man. U rb r Jon • , or11 ' Kurnl r, L •s fllaas Pic Schiltz Borbar Wood WUI Fisher' The second was a li ttl b tt r­ Hob rt Sch •ch!ng r~ Jlrn Goldey, Dl k Prcttym n, Hai B uer, Ell n McQuaid. ' SF HTS TAEli : J im Hlley, Dick Wells, Fr d Hartman, Stu Jacklon Arlene just a quick trip to South America McO e, K n McClellan, Donald Klddoo. ' fat· the rest of your natural life. TYPlS'J'S: EJ anor Brown, Fran Sutherland. C PY & llEADLlNE STAFF: Jim Cook, Lola Del.sa. Carla Glaeser, Allee Oorny, This is no refl clion on the Placement Bureau, of course-Col. iJl·~hlt~:.och, J anne Potts, Mary Ann R htuss, Alec Roa rs, Eslhor Walls, Molly Ashbrldg' a nd his staff have done wonders. The contacts are fine­ and quit a f w companies seem to be making Delaware a stop on ll£WHITE STAb' l<': M rcdlth J on s, Jun t Vansant, Bill Drop r. llwlr wings through the country. This year has been rough-but Poli~U~'df:,O~::n~:~luZemm Bell, Roberta Stevens, Janel Vl.ruion, Mary LAwUI, we r a lly f el for th staff with next year's bls class. Samc~~~Y.LATION STAFF: Glib rl Komer, Larry Mlller, Fr d Chavln, Bob Herold, This id a of holdlng all student functions on campus because of th all g d carousing during off-campus affairs doesn't strike us at.
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