Creative Interactive Experiences as Production Karl D.D. Willis The University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
[email protected] ABSTRACT interaction parallels within the writings of Roland Barthes This paper examines the shift of interactive art away from [1], Umberto Eco [10] and Marcel Duchamp [9]. user consumption towards systems for user production and artistic creation. Examples of creativity focused systems However Haque’s suggestion of a shift from consumption are examined in the form of the author’s interactive to production, goes beyond the introduction of a user drawing system entitled Light Tracer and Toshio Iwai’s capable of contributing to an interactive work. He instead Electroplankton title for the Nintendo DS handheld game hints at the possibility of artworks which produce artworks; console. It is argued that in order for the user to make a systems where the user can engage and themselves create. creative contribution, interactive systems must afford the SYSTEMS AS ART user appropriate freedom to create. Furthermore it is argued Indeed there is an abundance of evidence to support the that, along with the aesthetic responses of such systems, the paradigm shift from consumption towards production. moment of interaction itself should be valued and gauged Haque’s own Configurable T-shirt (See Figure 1), rather in an expanded definition of creativity and production. than offering one finished design, consists of a grid of dots Author Keywords which the wearer can black-out with a marker pen to create Interactivity, creativity, authorship, experience, production, their own personalised design. interactive art, Electroplankton, Light Tracer, flow.