Hornseaand district www.murrayhillssolicitors.co.uk COMMUNITY NEWS
[email protected] Wills . Probate . Property Law . Power of A orney Issue 52 - March 2019 www.hornseacommunitynews.uk Hornsea hospital services will be expanded Services Provider to review the services provided in the reassured by the answers to my ques ons and I look SERVICES at Hornsea Co age Hospital will be expanded hospital. forward to mid-March when it should all happen, including from March Hornsea Town Council have heard at a recent Carol Waudby confi rmed that services would be expanding extra wound clinic's, extra podiatry clinic's, more physio mee ng. to include wound care clinics every weekday, foot care and new con nence, bowel and bladder clinic. All this is The council welcomed Jane Hawkard, Chief Offi cer at East clinics two days a week, musculoskeletal clinics two days a dependent on ge ng the staff . I am so pleased that we Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) week in the bespoke physiotherapy space at the hospital seem to be moving forward with new op ons and keeping and Carol Waudby, Chief Opera ng Offi cer at City Health and a regular con nence, bowel and bladder clinic. Carol the hospital available for the future of our residents in Care Partnership (CHCP) CIC to talk to them prior to their hoped the new metable would be available from early to Hornsea and North Holderness.” mee ng on Monday, February 4. The representa ves met mid-March. Jane con nued, “The CCG is working with the League of MP Graham Stuart added: “I was