Philip Norman | 608 pages | 15 Feb 2005 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9780743235655 | English | New York, NY, United States Shout! : The Beatles in Their Generation

Tell us what you like and we'll recommend books you'll love. His job was to follow the garbagemen, seeing that they did not skimp their round. Refresh and try again. Paul started in Speke, at Stockton Road Primary. The Beatles in Their Generation. Here is why giving 3 stars to this book is generous: There are a lot of information offered, but recently, I've learned that a massive portion of it is either deliberately wrong or it's outdated. All Rights Reserved. Norman works himself up into his frothiest rage when he turns his attention to the phenomenon of 'the Sixties'. It gives the reader a lot of insight into the band as a group and as individuals. May 22, Laren rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fictionmusic-industry. Specifications Language English. Don't waste light. Despite all that, I think Norman did a pretty impressive job sweeping over decades of history, and digging in deep on certain elements of The Beatles story I hadn't been exposed to before, most notably, their time in Germany, their early bandmates Pete Best and , the latter of which I only barely knew about because of a graphic novel about the band I read a year Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation two agoShout!: The Beatles in Their Generation Epstein, and yes, the business stuff that was engrossing but hard to digest. Nigel went to school with Pete Shotton in Mosspits Lane. Along the docks, the overhead railway remained intact, passing above the funnels and warehouses and branching masts, the horse-drawn wagons and clanking, shuffling "Green Goddess" trams. Here's the thing - I'm a Beatles fan. I've always been a big music fan but the music of the 60s and 70s and the social situations of that time fascinate more and more the older I get. Julia encouraged him to live for the present, as she did, and for laughter and practical jokes. And he loved his uncle George. Related Articles. She became a school nurse, making rounds with school doctors in the Walton and Allerton district. Your feedback helps us make Walmart shopping better for millions of customers. The idea that the Beatles might be 'overrated' may be absurd, but Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation of the factors which can contribute to such a view is the way in which the group are someties held in almost religious awe: nobody dare criticise or make distinctions between good or bad or maybe that should be good or great songs, albums, etc. Book Category. I learned a lot and I became ever more fascinated with The Beatles and their power and enigma in their generation. Reviewed by cbfiske cbfiske. Before he could take the scheme further, however, Julia turned up in Blackpool and announced she was taking John home to Liverpool. Jul 16, Birdie rated it liked it. Breast cancer was diagnosed. Any scholarly or in-depth study of the music sadly takes a back seat. I might get back to it one day. Lennon's music, says Norman, was "honest and powerful in a way that Paul's never dared to be. In fact the sections on George and Ringo as solo artists seemed incredibly rushed. Pete lived on Vale Road, just round the corner from Menlove Avenue. 's 'Yer Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation is "one-dimensional and charmless, the playing turgid". Instead of "funds," he would write "funs. However, when considered in the light of the fact that Norman is surely too experienced a journalist to have made such a mistake, it seems more likely that this is merely a disingenuous attempt to massage the facts to fit Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation preconceived notions. John started telling me the cane would be kept in a special case, with a velvet lining and jewels all round it. With diminishing returns for Paul, then George and the aforementioned, poor Ringo, who bought a new car somewhere in this book. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Customer Care. He sent her at once into hospital -- not Walton General but the old city Northern, so that he could keep a close eye on her. The author does have his biases He's a John fan and not a Paul fanbut he states Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation up front in the introduction. Shout! : The Beatles in Their Generation

Walmart Services. Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation 1 question about Shout! After her second son, Michael, was born inShout!: The Beatles in Their Generation took up full-time midwifery. What I didn't realize was that there was a little vestibule you had to go through before you got into the head's study. Now brought completely up to date, Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation epic tale charts the rise of four scruffy Liverpool lads from their wild, often comical early days to the astonishing heights of Beatlemania, from the chaos of Apple and the collapse of hippy idealism to the band's acrimonious split. While it's an entertaining read, the veracity of the book is questionable. She was just like John. Mimi Smith's home in Woolton was only a mile or so away, if you cut across the golf course. I very much felt like I was watching the group's progress through a smeared window, never quite able to discern what was going on. Quotes from Shout! The extensive chapters dedicated to Brian Epstein's homosexuality and death would probably be handled very differently today, even if, contextually and historically speaking, they made perfect sense to be a heavy weight on Brian, and even on the author in first writing this. Durband, even so, was aware of the extent to which Paul relied on facility and bluff to see him through. All summer, after tea, people would switch on their radios at low volume, listening, not to the muted dance music but to the sky outside their open back doors. So let's break out the things Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation didn't like first: - There's a lot of bias and slant here, with incredible proclamations that seem entirely derived by Norman's hand. Though the boys did things together, and were together in normal boyish scrapes, it would invariably be Michael, the more impetuous and turbulent one, who received punishment. Walmart Services. His position, for a working-class boy, was a good one; he had risen to it by neatness, diligence, and a genuine flair for selling, though he lacked the ruthlessness that might have taken him higher. Norman's fulminations reach a crescendo when he blames the Beatles for the terrorist attacks of September 11th "From the great discovery of Sixties youth through the example of the Beatles - that, with a bit of cheek, you could get away with anything - evolved the whole ghastly panolpy of modern contempt for convention and self-restraint that encompasses urban terrorism at one extreme and supermarket 'trolley-rage' at the other. Something else was putting stuff on the tram rails to try to derail the trams. Before this tome, the only other major biography was the Hunter Davies' authorized biography. Additional details. Then Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation came out. Among them sits the bandleader with his formal wing collar and close-cropped hair, and his so familiar looking big brown eyes. Incritic Stephen Thomas Erlewine highlighted Shout! Having come Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation and dipped into this book many years after first reading it, I'm struck by the poor quality of Philip Norman's writing. She went into surgery for a mastectomy, which was not carried out: The cancer had already spread too far. He had been put into the A stream, tending as he moved higher to specialize in history and languages. A long, turgid, often pompous bio-maybe a little overly researched. He had five daughters and brought them up strictly, though he was often away from home salvaging ships. During the s he led the Jim Mac Jazz Band, dapperly outfitted in dinner jackets, paper shirt fronts, and detachable cuffs that could be bought then for a penny per dozen. But it's so much more real. Furthermore, I found that Philip Norman didn't really have much good to say about any of them, it was putting them all in a bad light which made me sort of dislike them in the end. Shout The Beatles In Their Generation

Before he could take the scheme further, however, Julia turned up in Blackpool and announced she was taking John home to Liverpool. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Now brought completely up to date, this epic tale charts the rise of four scruffy Liverpool lads from their wild, often comical early days to the astonishing heights of Beatlemania, from the chaos of Apple and the collapse of hippy idealism to the band's acrimonious split. This book says they stopped touring after "Rubber Soul. He never cared what he said or did. I felt quite left out of that. In fact the sections on George and Ringo as solo artists seemed incredibly rushed. I mean, I'm not one of their die-hard fans or anything but I have a Beatles poster and some Beatles vinyl records, Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation even in this day and age of autotuned synthesized fake- sounding music like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg, nobody has forgotten the Beatles. Jan 07, Rebecca McNutt rated it it was amazing Shelves: pop-culturenon-fictionmusicnostalgiahistoryhippie. Current selection is: Paperback. And it seems like according to this author Ringo didn't play much a role in the story. Personal tools Log in. I wish I had found a better book about the Beatles. The writer's voice is much too strong and extremely off putting and the prologue had me constantly rolling my eyes. Certain aspects of Shout! In Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation early s, it was still more Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation. Must redeem within 90 days. I found myself constantly going back and forth, re-reading sections, checking the index, and looking up additional information and photos online. It also describes their struggle to escape the smothering Beatles' legacy and the tragic deaths of John Lennon and . Of course they're getting five stars. In my opinion, that is the one ongoing problem that kept the book from being spectacular. Raves and Reviews. Philip Norman. Thank you. She worried about her especially tonight with more Luftwaffe raids expected and Julia in labor in the Oxford Street maternity home. It came down to Jesus, the Kennedy assassination, and them". Witty, insightful, and moving, Shout! Delivery not available. Now it has John and George's death in it as well, and the paperback is now a larger version which makes Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation photos more enjoyable. Nigel went to school with Pete Shotton in Mosspits Lane. Liverpool "comics" were always preferred by the London theatrical agents. Who knew they were such flawed individuals, much like the rest of us? The group's longevity, Norman believes, reflects "the residual power of the generation that grew up with them: the Chelsea-booted boys and Biba-frocked girls who would one day metamorphose into presidents, prime ministers, captains of industry, television bosses and newspaper editors. Pepper as my essay Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation for uni last Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation just because I was interested to hear what it sounded like. Norman excessively favors John, and it oozes from his tone and language. They called him not by his surname or a nickname -- just Paul.