Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri Snowdonia National Park Authority

Emyr Williams Emyr Williams Prif Weithredwr Chief Executive Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri Snowdonia National Park Authority Penrhyndeudraeth LL48 6LF Gwynedd LL48 6LF Ffôn/Phone (01766) 770274 Ffacs/Fax (01766)771211 E.bost/E.mail : [email protected] Gwefan/Website: : www.eryri.llyw.cymru

Cyfarfod : Pwyllgor Cynllunio a Mynediad

Dyddiad: Dydd Mercher 16 Hydref 2019

Amser 10.00 y.b.

Man Cyfarfod: Plas Tan y Bwlch, .

Meeting: Planning and Access Committee

Date: Wednesday 16 October 2019

Time: 10.00 a.m.

Location: Plas Tan y Bwlch, Maentwrog.

Aelodau wedi’u penodi gan Gyngor Gwynedd Members appointed by Gwynedd Council Y Cynghorydd / Councillor : Freya Hannah Bentham, Elwyn Edwards, Alwyn Gruffydd, Annwen Hughes, Judith Mary Humphreys, Edgar Wyn Owen, Elfed Powell Roberts, John Pughe Roberts, Gethin Glyn Williams;

Aelodau wedi’u penodi gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy Members appointed by Conwy County Borough Council Y Cynghorwyr / Councillors : Philip Capper, Wyn Ellis-Jones, Ifor Glyn Lloyd;

Aelodau wedi’u penodi gan Llywodraeth Cymru Members appointed by The Welsh Government Mr. Brian Angell, Ms. Tracey Evans, Ms. Elinor Gwynn, Mr. Neil Martinson, Mr Owain Wyn.


1. Apologies for absence and Chairman’s Announcements To receive any apologies for absence and Chairman’s announcements.

2. Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest by any members or officers in respect of any item of business.

3. Minutes The Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 4th September 2019 be signed as a true record (copy herewith) and to receive matters arising, for information.

4. Inspection Panel To submit the report of the Full Planning and Access Committee Inspection Panel held on the 11th September 2019 together with the report by the Director of Planning and Land Management on the application. (Copy herewith)

5. Reports by the Director of Planning and Land Management To submit the reports by the Director of Planning and Land Management on applications received. (Copies herewith)

6. Update Reports To submit update reports, for information. (Copies herewith)

7. Report by the Director of Planning and Land Management To submit reports by the Director of Planning and Land Management on policy matters. (Copies herewith) (1) Eryri Local Development Plan – Annual Monitoring Report for 2018-19 (2) Protocol for Affordable Housing Commuted Sums Expenditure

8. Access Forums Report To submit a report by the Access Officer, for information. (Copy herewith)

9. Delegated Decisions To submit the list of applications which have been determined in accordance with delegated authority, for information. (Copy herewith)

10. Planning Appeal To submit an oral report by the Director of Planning and Land Management on the Inspector’s decision to dismiss an appeal by Mr. Richard Jones against the Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission for the demolition of dilapidated block and stone built former barn/garage to create room for and erection of a 2 bedroom Scotframe rural bungalow at Ar y Bryn, Golan. LL51 9YT (A copy of the Inspector’s decision is enclosed - Copy herewith).



Councillor Elwyn Edwards (Gwynedd) (Chairman)


Members appointed by Gwynedd Council Councillors Freya Bentham, Alwyn Gruffydd, Annwen Hughes, Edgar Wyn Owen, Elfed Powell Roberts, John Pughe Roberts, Gethin Glyn Williams;

Members appointed by Conwy County Borough Council Councillors Philip Capper, Ifor Glyn Lloyd;

Members appointed by the Welsh Government Mr. Brian Angell, Ms. Tracey Evans, Ms. Elinor Gwynn, Mr. Neil Martinson, Mr. Owain Wyn;

Officers Mr. G. Iwan Jones, Mr. Aled Lloyd, Mr. Rhydian Roberts, Mr. Richard Thomas, Mrs. Sara D. Thomas, Ms. Elen Hughes, Mrs. Sarah Roberts.

Apologies Councillors Judith Humphreys, Wyn Ellis Jones, Ifor Glyn Lloyd. Mr. Jonathan Cawley.

1. Chairman’s Announcements The Chairman advised that the Director of Planning and Land Management had tendered his apologies as he was representing the Authority at a hearing in Cardiff.

2. Declaration of Interest No declarations of Personal Interests were made in respect of any item.

3. Minutes The minutes of the Planning and Access Committee meeting held on 3rd July 2019 were accepted and the Chairman signed them as a true record.

4. Inspection Panel Report Submitted – A report by the Director of Planning and Land Management providing guidelines for Members on requesting and participating in Planning Site Inspection Panels.

Reported - In the absence of the Director of Planning and Land Management, The Principal Planning Officer presented the report. He provided members with the background and asked Members to note Item 3.4 of the report.

RESOLVED to note the report.


5. Tree Preservation Order (No. 72) 2019 – Land to rear of Red Lion Farm, Bala Submitted – A report by the Tree and Woodland Officer to seek Members’ approval for Confirmation of TPO No. 72.

Reported – The Tree and Woodland Officer presented the report and background to Members.

RESOLVED to approve Tree Preservation Order No. 72 for confirmation.

6. Reports by the Director of Planning and Land Management Submitted – Reports by the Director of Planning and Land Management on planning applications and compliance matters.

Please see the Schedule of Planning Decisions attached.

7. Update Reports Submitted – Update reports by the Director of Planning and Land Management on planning applications and compliance matters.

Please see the Schedule of Planning Decisions attached.

8. Delegated Decisions Submitted and Received – List of applications determined in accordance with delegated authority.

RESOLVED to note the report.

9. Planning Appeal Submitted and Received – copy of the following appeal decision:- Appeal by Mr. Simon Cuthbertson against the Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission for the demolition of profiled steel sheet lean-to-sheds, change of use from agricultural to holiday letting unit, restoration and enlargement of original stone barn, erection of detached stone bat shed, Cil Ynys Barn, road from Pen y Bryn passing Tyn yr Ardd and Capel Cutiau to road Llwyn Onn Uchaf, . LL42 1DZ (Appeal dismissed) RESOLVED to note the report.

The meeting ended at 11.10



Item No.

6. Report by the Director of Planning and Land Management (1) NP3/22/17N – Siting of two camping pods and associated works, Ffridd, . Reported – Case Officer presented the report and the detailed background. Public Speaking Mr. Davies, the agent, addressed the Planning and Access Committee and asked Members to consider the following:- - the proposal was in support of the Local Development Plan. - the proposal supported agricultural diversification. - this was a family farm which had been farmed by the same family for generations. - the pods would be of standard height and would provide 5 star luxury accommodation. - there would be a reduction in plastic waste and electricity. - the proposal would promote the local economy. - the site currently employed 1 full time and 3 part time members of agricultural staff. - the pods would not be visible from the site. - the applicant advised that the pods would be dismantled if the use ceased.

RESOLVED – Site Inspection. All members of the Planning and Access Committee to be invited to attend.

(2) NP4/13/182E – Proposed two-storey extension, Sŵn-y-Gog, Betws-y-Coed. Reported – Application deferred.

(3) NP5/62/35Y – Siting of 3 No. pods with decking, paths, access track and car park, Maes Artro, . Reported – The Case Officer presented the report and detailed background. He reported that the Applicant had submitted a statement prior to the meeting. RESOLVED to refuse in accordance with recommendation.

(4) NP5/77/265A – Change of use of part of stable/hay store for the sale of guns and ammunition only, Bryn Derw, . Reported – The Case Officer presented the report and detailed background. RESOLVED to grant permission in accordance with recommendation.

(5) NP5/78/LB66K – Installation of slate hanging on south facing elevation gable, minor alteration to landscaping and introduction of slot drainage, Beudy Llwyd, Yr Ysgwrn, . Reported – The Case Officer presented the report and detailed background. RESOLVED to grant permission in accordance with recommendation.


7. Update Reports (1) Enforcement Notices, Listed Building Enforcement Notices served under delegated powers and List of Compliance Cases – For Information Arising thereon, NP5/55ENFL142A – 3 Glandwr, . Members were advised of the current position. NP5/58/ENF144K – Land at Tan y Coed, Talybont. Members to be given an update at the next meeting of the Planning and Access Committee. NP5/61/ENF23P – St. David’s Hotel, . Case Officer advised that contractors were now on site to commence demolition works. NP5/77/ENF115G – Lizzie’s Barn, Llandecwyn, Talsarnau. Members would be updated at the next Planning and Access Committee. RESOLVED to note the report.

(2) Planning, Enforcement Notices and Certificates of Lawful Use Appeals submitted and awaiting decision – For Information RESOLVED to note the report.

(3) Section 106 Agreements – For Information RESOLVED to note the report.

(4) Outstanding Applications where more than 13 weeks have elapsed – For Information Arising thereon, NP5/62/399 – Land to the West of Llanbedr Village, Llanbedr. Members were advised that Gwynedd Council were currently completing surveys and details would be received by the end of 2019. RESOLVED to note the report.

4 ITEM NO. 4



















 Main Considerations

 Significant weight must be given to the siting of the pods in the landscape in which to comply with policy 29, which states:







“In order to ensure that these temporary structures are being used exclusively for holiday purposes and do not become full time, permanent dwellings the structures should provide basic holiday accommodation. They should only provide basic facilities for sleeping, seating and eating without installation of water services or provision of drainage facilities for WC, showers and washing. This ensures that such structures do not generate a level of permanence that could increase the level of landscape impact and site restoration should removal of the structures be required, for example should the use cease. The Authority will require a detailed strategy outlining how the land will be returned to its original condition and use if the proposed use ceases, further information will be contained in the Visitor Accommodation SPG about what is required.”


“Additional facilities, such as showers or WC (if not already present) should be provided separately from the accommodation through the conversion or extension of an existing building(s). If no suitable buildings are available, the need for additional facilities needs to be clearly demonstrated by the applicant and commensurate with the scale of the development.”





7 2.0 Other Material considerations








 $OOYHKLFOHVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHXVHRIWKHSRGVDVVKRUWWHUPKROLGD\ DFFRPPRGDWLRQKHUHE\SHUPLWWHGVKDOOSDUNZLWKLQWKHDUHDDVLGHQWLILHGLQ WKHODQGVFDSLQJSODQGUDZLQJQR3ODQ533*'-2% Reason: To safeguard the visual appearance of the overall development and to preserve the amenities of the area in accordance with Eryri Local Development Plan Policies and in particular Development Policy 1.





 1RH[WHUQDOOLJKWLQJRUIORRGOLJKWLQJVKDOOEHLQVWDOOHG Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the area in accordance with the Eryri Local Development Plan and in particular Policy 1.


9 5HDVRQTo ensure a satisfactory appearance of the development in accordance with Eryri Local Development Plan Policies and in particular Policy 1.

10 South East Elevation 1:50 North West Elevation 1:50


6.00m Pods to be dug in down 30cm from existing ground level, to reduce height from existing ground level to 2.78

South West Elevation 1:50 North East Elevation 1:50



JOB: Glamping CLIENT: Hughes Roger Parry & Partners LLP 1 Berriew Street, Welshpool, TITLE: Side Elevations Powys, SY21 7SQ Tel: 01938 554499 LOCATION: Land at Ffridd, Nantile, , LL54 6BB email: [email protected] SCALE: 1:50 @A3 DATE: August 2018 The copyright of this drawing/design is vested in Roger Parry & Partners and must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without their written consent DRAWING NO: AT-Hughes-01 A DRAWN BY: AT 11 Floor Plan 1:50 Fill



2.50m 5.39m

JOB: Glamping CLIENT: Hughes Roger Parry & Partners LLP 1 Berriew Street, Welshpool, TITLE: Floor Plan Powys, SY21 7SQ Tel: 01938 554499 LOCATION: Land at Ffridd, Nantile, Caernarfon, LL54 6BB email: [email protected] SCALE: 1:50 @A3 DATE: August 2018 The copyright of this drawing/design is vested in Roger Parry & Partners and must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without their written consent DRAWING NO: AT-Hughes-02 DRAWN BY: AT 12 13 ITEM NO. 4



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2.8 Significant weight must be given to the siting of the pods in the landscape in which to comply to policy 29, which states:













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28 ITEM NO. 5

Rhif Eitem Cyfeirnod / Disgrifiad / Description. Swyddog Achos / / Item No. Reference No. Case Officer 1 NP2/11/52H Newid defnydd ystafell disgwyl bws Mr Richard Thomas yn le gwerthu cynnyrch sy’n berthnasol â diogelwch mynydda, Swyddfa’r Warden, Pen y Pass, Nant Gwynant / Change of use of bus waiting room to retail area for the sale of mountain safety related products, Warden’s Office, Pen y Pass, Nant Gwynant.

2 NP3/12/AD9J Gosod hysbysfwrdd pren, Maes Mr Richard Thomas Parcio Cwellyn, Rhyd Ddu / Installation of timber notice board, Snowdon Ranger Car Park, Rhyd Ddu.

3 NP3/12/AD31K Gosod hysbysfwrdd sy’n sefyll ar ben Mr Richard Thomas ei hun, Maes Parcio, Rhyd Ddu / Siting of free standing timber notice board, Car Park, Rhyd Ddu.

4 NP3/21/35G Cais rhannol ôl-weithredol ar gyfer Mr Geraint Evans newid defnydd tir i faes gwersylla ar gyfer 4 pabell cloch gydag ôl- gerbydau toiled, cawodau ag arlwyo a llecyn parcio/storio gaeaf cysylltiedig, ag toiled compost arfaethedig, Pant Hwfa, / Part retrospective application for the retention of change of use of land to a campsite with 4 bell tents, associated toilet and shower trailers, catering trailer and parking/winter storage area and a proposed compost toilet, Pant Hwfa, Llanllechid.

5 NP4/13/182E Estyniad deulawr ar y blaen, Swn-y- Mr Richard Thomas Gog, Betws-y-coed / Two storey extension on the front, Swn-y-Gog, Betws-y-coed.

6 NP5/53/130E Newid defnydd derbynfa Swyddfa y Mrs Sara D. Thomas Wardeiniaid i siop A1, Swyddfa Wardeiniaid, Llyn Tegid, Bala / Change of use of the reception in the Warden’s Office to shop (A1), Warden’s Office, Llyn Tegid, Bala.

7 NP5/57/872B Gosod rhwystr cyfyngu uchder cerbyd Mrs Iona Roberts i fynedfa'r maes parcio, Maes Parcio, Llyn Penmaen / Installation of vehicle height restriction barrier to car park entrance, Car Park, .

29 8 NP5/69/113G Gosod 2 pod gwersylla a 2 cwt math Mrs Iona Roberts bugail i'w ddefnyddio fel llety gwyliau, Llanfendigaid, Rhoslefain / Siting of 2 pods and 2 Shepherd's huts for use as holiday accommodation, Llanfendigaid, Rhoslefain.

30 ITEM NO. 5.1

Snowdonia National Park Authority Date: 16/10/2019 – Planning & Access Committee

Application Number: NP2/11/52H Date Application Registered: 23/08/19

Community: , Grid Reference: 264730 355625

Case Officer: Mr Richard Thomas Location: Warden’s Office, Pen y Pass, Nant Gwynant.

Applicant: Description: Mr. Dilwyn Williams Change of use of bus waiting room to retail Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri area for the sale of mountain safety related Swyddfa'r Parc Cenedlaethol products. Penrhyndeudraeth Gwynedd LL48 6LF

Summary of the Recommendation:

To GRANT permission subject to conditions relating to:

1. Start work within 5 years. 1. Accordance with approved plans. 2. Restrict items for sale to mountain safety related items only

Reason(s) Application Reported to Committee: Scheme of Delegation

Application by Snowdonia National Park Authority

Land Designations / Constraints:

Open countryside

Site Description:

This application refers to a small room at one end of the SNPA owned building at the Pen y Pass car park. The room has an internal floor area of approximately 9sqm (2 metres by 4.5metres) that has in the past been utilised as a bus waiting room.

31 This former waiting room does not have direct access into the building but has an external door and window facing onto the car park.

Proposed Development:

Retrospective permission sought for the change of use of the bus waiting room to a retail outlet (shop).

Relevant Planning Policies:

Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031 • SP C: Spatial Development Strategy • DP 24: Retail


Beddgelert Council No Objections

Response to Publicity:

The application has been publicised by way of a site notice and neighbour notification letters.

At the time of writing this report no letters of comment had been received.


1. Principle of Development

1.1 Based on the policy context of Strategic Policy C and Development Policy 24, the principle of converting this former bus waiting room to a retail outlet for the sale of mountain safety related items would support an economic use and provide a service to visitors at a convenient location.

1.2 Whilst policy 24 is primarily aimed at supporting new retail development within the towns and villages of the National Park in favour of sporadic retail development in the open countryside as could be concluded in this case. However, as the circa 250,000 visitors to Pen y Pass are not expecting to go there to shop the visitors will not be displacing people from spending money in the nearby towns and villages.

1.3 The limited range of items for sale in this very modest outlet will be able to stock items that visitors can purchase for safety reasons, for those who are poorly equipped or have misjudged the weather. This outlet will enable such ‘last minute’ purchases such as maps, compasses, hats and gloves.

32 1.4 To ensure that this proposal will not ‘creep’ into a wider retail use that may compete with shops in nearby towns and villages, a condition is recommended to be applied that the retail use will be restricted to use predominantly for mountain safety goods.

1.5 In addition this outlet will be utilised by the warden service as a convenient information point for visitors.

2. Planning Assessment

2.1 The use of this former waiting room to provide mountain safety related items to visitors at a location where this type of product is not readily available within close proximity can be viewed as providing a service.

2.2 The very minor scale of the retail element of this proposal would not be seen as a threat to the retail viability of nearby settlements.

2.3 As there is no additional construction work or alteration to the current fabric of the building there would be no unwarranted visual harm resulting from this proposed use.

2.4 The Community Council have raised no objections to this proposal and no other comments have been received following the on-site notice.

3. Conclusion

3.1 The conclusions are as that this is a very minor addition to the retail sector and will not harm the retail viability or vitality of nearby settlements and can be seen more akin to a service provided by the SNPA it can be approved.

Background Papers in Document Bundle No.1: No

RECOMMENDATION: To GRANT permission subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of FIVE years from the date of this decision. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Ystafell Aros Bws / Bus Waiting Room: Version A Ground Floor Plan: Version A

33 3. The former waiting room the subject of this permission shall be used only as an retail outlet predominantly for the sale of items deemed to be related to mountain safety and shall not be used for any other purposes (including any other purposes within Class A1 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).

Reason(s) for Condition(s): 1. To Comply with Section 91 (as amended) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt. 3. To ensure that other uses are subject to formal control by the Local Planning Authority in order to safeguard the amenities of the area.

34 35 36 37 ITEM NO. 5.2

Snowdonia National Park Authority Date: 16/10/2019 – Planning & Access Committee

Application Number: NP3/12/AD9J Date Application Registered: 23/08/19

Community: Grid Reference: 256454 355063

Case Officer: Mr Richard Thomas Location: Snowdon Ranger Car Park, Rhyd Ddu.

Applicant: Description: Mr. Adam Daniel Installation of timber notice board. Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri Swyddfa'r Parc Cenedlaethol Penrhyndeudraeth Gwynedd LL48 6LF

Summary of the Recommendation:

To GRANT permission subject to conditions:

1. Time limit 2. In accordance with submitted plans

Reason(s) Application Reported to Committee: Scheme of Delegation

Application by Snowdonia National Park Authority

Land Designations / Constraints:

Open countryside

Site Description:

Proposed siting falls within the National Park owned car park at Cwellyn, Rhyd Ddu characterised by parking hardstandings and stone partition wall enclosing the WC facilities.

The proposed location of this notice board is to attach it to the front elevation of the stone partition wall.

38 Proposed Development:

The application shows a timber (oak) notice board to be attached to the front elevation of the of partition wall with a height of 1.12 metres and a width of 1.5 metres. Have a hinged front to access the display board which is intended for use by the SNPA, the local community and businesses.

Encouragement will be given for all notices to be displayed bilingually with Welsh first.

The notice board is to be monitored by SNPA warden service.

Relevant Planning Policies:

Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031

• SP C: Spatial Development Strategy • DP1: General Development Principles • DP 6: Sustainable Design and Materials • DP 10: Advertisements and Signs


Betws Garmon Community Council No objections SNPA Property No comments


1. Principle of Development

1.1 Applications such as this are to be considered under the provisions of the Control of Advertisement Regulations, 1992 and primarily under Eryri Local Development Plan policy DP10. Policy DP10 refers to the siting and appropriateness of advertisement and signs.

1.2 In addition to DP10 it will be incumbent on the Authority to ensure that this proposal does not conflict with the aims of Strategic Policy C and conforms to policies DP1 and DP6 to ensure that it is unobtrusively located, appropriate in scale and design and will assist and enhance the visitor experience.

2. Planning Assessment

2.1 This proposed notice board is located so as to not be prominent in the landscape and is constructed from appropriate materials. It will assist the National Park Authority to display public notices to enhance the visitor experience and will provide a public notice board for local the local community and businesses to display notices.

39 2.2 Given the above the notice board is considered to be an asset to visitors to the area, is appropriately located and finished in suitable materials.

2.3 As with all advertisement consents a condition is recommended to be attached to any permission to ensure its removal after a reasonable period of time. This is to ensure that should it become redundant or fall into disrepair the Authority can effect its removal. In this case a period of 10 years is considered appropriate given its hardwood construction. Following the 10 years period it is possible to apply to extend the period, the Authority can then reassess the structure in terms of its condition and appropriateness.

3. Conclusion

3.1 On the basis that this proposal is unobtrusively located and utilises appropriate materials, along with the fact that no concerns have been have been received from the consultation, this application can be approved.

Background Papers in Document Bundle No.1: No

RECOMMENDATION: To GRANT permission subject to the following conditions:

1. The notice board hereby approved and any associated fittings shall be removed from the site in its entirety no later than 10 years from the date of this decision or 10 years after the date of completion of building operations, whichever first occurs. 2. The notice board hereby permitted shall be displayed strictly in accordance with drawing numbers and specifications: • Location Plan: Cwellyn – Arwydd Newydd / Snowdon Ranger - New Sign • Attachment 1: Proposed ‘prestige’ range 2 dr A1 Sized oak noticeboard. Reason(s) for Condition(s) 1. To comply with Regulation 13(5) of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992. 2. In accordance with Eryri Local Development Plan Policies and in particular Development Policy 10.

40 41 42 43 44 ITEM NO. 5.3

Snowdonia National Park Authority Date: 16/10/2019 – Planning & Access Committee

Application Number: NP3/12/AD31K Date Application Registered: 23/08/19

Community: Betws Garmon Grid Reference: 257081 352594

Case Officer: Mr Richard Thomas Location: Car Park, Rhyd Ddu.

Applicant: Description: Miss Bethan Wynne Jones Siting of free standing timber notice board. Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri Swyddfa'r Parc Cenedlaethol Penrhyndeudraeth Gwynedd LL48 6LF

Summary of the Recommendation:

To GRANT permission subject to conditions:

1. Time limit 2. In accordance with submitted plans

Reason(s) Application Reported to Committee:

Application by Snowdonia National Park Authority

Land Designations / Constraints:

Open countryside

Site Description:

Proposed siting falls within the National Park owned car park at Rhyd Ddu characterised by parking hardstandings and stone faced, slate roofed public conveniences.

The location of this proposed notice board is to the front of the public conveniences.

45 Proposed Development:

The application shows a free standing timber (oak) notice board with a height of 1.12 metres and a width of 1.5 metres. Have a hinged front to access the display board which is intended for use by the SNPA, the local community and businesses.

The notice board is proposed to be located in a small grassed area to the front elevation of the public conveniences.

Encouragement will be given for all notices to be displayed bilingually with Welsh first.

The notice board is to be monitored by SNPA warden service.

Relevant Planning Policies:

Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031

• SP C: Spatial Development Strategy • DP1: General Development Principles • DP 6: Sustainable Design and Materials • DP 10: Advertisements and Signs


Betws Garmon Community Council No objections SNPA Property No comments


1. Principle of Development

1.1 Applications such as this are to be considered under the provisions of the Control of Advertisement Regulations, 1992 and primarily under Eryri Local Development Plan policy DP10. Policy DP10 refers to the siting and appropriateness of advertisement and signs.

1.2 In addition to DP10 it will be incumbent on the Authority to ensure that this proposal does not conflict with the aims of Strategic Policy C and conforms to policies DP1 and DP6 to ensure that it is unobtrusively located, appropriate in scale and design and will assist and enhance the visitor experience.

46 2. Planning Assessment

2.1 This proposed notice board is located so as to not be prominent in the landscape and is constructed from appropriate materials. It will assist the National Park Authority to display public notices and will provide a public notice board for the local community and businesses to display notices to enhance the visitor experience.

2.2 Given the above the notice board is considered to be an asset to visitors to the area, is appropriately located and finished in suitable materials.

2.3 As with all advertisement consents a condition is recommended to be attached to any permission to ensure its removal after a reasonable period of time. This is to ensure that should it become redundant or fall into disrepair the Authority can effect its removal. In this case a period is 10 years is considered appropriate given its hardwood construction. Following the 10 years period it is possible to apply to extend the period, the Authority can then reassess the structure in terms of its condition and appropriateness.

3. Conclusion

3.1 On the basis that this proposal is unobtrusively located and utilises appropriate materials it is considered that this proposal is in accordance with the LDP policies references above. No objections were received to the proposal. Officers conclude that the application can be approved.

Background Papers in Document Bundle No.1: No

RECOMMENDATION: To GRANT permission subject to the following conditions:

1. The notice board hereby approved and any associated fittings shall be removed from the site in its entirety no later than 10 years from the date of this decision or 10 years after the date of completion of building operations, whichever first occurs. 2. The notice board hereby permitted shall be displayed strictly in accordance with drawing numbers and specifications: • Location Plan: Rhyd Ddu – Arwydd Newydd / New Sign • Attachment 1: Proposed ‘prestige’ range 2 dr A1 Sized oak noticeboard mounted onto oak posts. Reason(s) for Condition(s): 1. To comply with Regulation 13(5) of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992. 2. In accordance with Eryri Local Development Plan Policies and in particular Development Policy 10.

47 48 49 50 51 ITEM NO. 5.4

Snowdonia National Park Authority Date: 16/10/2019 – Planning & Access Committee

Application Number: NP3/21/35G Date Application Registered: 19/07/19

Community: Llanllechid Grid Reference: 262544.1 368514

Case Officer: Mr Geraint Evans Location: Pant Hwfa, Llanllechid.

Applicant: Description: Mrs. Andrea Griffith Part retrospective application for the Snowdonia Farm Holiday retention of change of use of land to a c/o Agent campsite with 4 bell tents, associated toilet and shower trailers, catering trailer and parking/winter storage area and a proposed compost toilet.

Summary of the Recommendation:

To APPROVE the application subject to conditions.

Reason(s) Application Reported to Committee: Scheme of Delegation

A Members working group request that all applications considered under Policy 29 be reported to Committee for the first year since its adoption.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

The development has been subject to a screening opinion adopted by the Local Planning Authority on the 13/5/2019, which concluded that the development is not EIA development for the purposes of the EIA Regulations 2017 and therefore the material supporting the application has not been considered as a statutory Environmental Statement for the purposes of the EIA Regulations.

Land Designations / Constraints:

Open Countryside Cadw – Historic Landscape: Ogwen Valley

52 Site Description:

Pant Hwfa is an agricultural holding to the west of Moel Faban, Llefn,Grwyn and Moel Wnion, which form the western outliers of the Carneddau range. The holding is situated between the settlements of and Llanllechid.

The site is within the ‘Ucheldir y Gogledd’ Landscape Character Area as defined by the SPG Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Assessment.

LANDMAP classifies the area as an outstanding Cultural and Historic Landscape landscape as outstanding for the Cultural and Historical Geological, Visual Sensory and Historic Landscape with a high visual and sensory value.

Proposed Development:

This a retrospective application for the use of land for the siting of 4 bell tents. Associated with this use are three trailers for toilets, shower and catering uses, a compost toilet and the use of part of the farm yard as a parking area. It is proposed to use the site between March and September each year. During the winter months, tents are dismantled and trailers are moved to a storage area amongst the farm buildings.

Relevant Planning Policies:

Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031  SP A National Park Purposes and Sustainable Development  SP I Tourism  DP 2 Development and Landscape  DP 6 Sustainable Design and Materials  DP 20 Agricultural Diversification  DP 29 Alternative Holiday Accommodation

Supplementary Planning Guidance  SPG Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Assessment

National Policy/Guidance  Planning Policy (PPW), Edition 10 December 2018  TAN 6


Llanllechid Community Council No objection Gwynedd Council - Highways No comments received. Natural Resources Wales Landscape comments Cyngor Gwynedd Site Licensing Unit No comments received Ecology No comments received

53 Response to Publicity:

The application has been publicised by way of a site notice.

At the time of writing this report no letters of objection/support were received.


1. Background

1.1 The application has been submitted seeking to regularize the unauthorised use of land as a campsite. The site was inspected by the Authority’s Compliance Section in June 2018. It was stated that the camp site had been operating for three years.

1.2 Officers advised that proposals must comply with Policy 29 Alternative Accommodation which was adopted with the revised ELDP 2016-2031. It was advised that a Landscape Visual Impact Assessment should be submitted.

1.3 Planning application NP3/21/35E was submitted to retain the use and facilities. The proposals had not been altered to ensure compliance with Policy 29. The application was withdrawn on the eve of the July 2019 Planning and Access Committee. The Officer’s recommendation was for refusal as it conflicted with policies SPA, DP2 and DP29. The proposal did not meet criteria i, ii and iv of Policy 29 and was considered to cause significant harm to landscape character.

1.4 The application has been resubmitted with amended proposals. It no longer includes the retention of a bbq hut (which is now the subject of discussions with the Compliance section to regularise matters). A Landscape and Visual Impact has led to revised siting of tents and a detailed landscaping scheme. The two shower/toilet trailers are relocated to within the farm yard. The trailers are to be timber clad. An additional compost toilet is proposed.

1.5 Policy 29 Alternative Accommodation was adopted with the revised ELDP 2016-2033 in February 2019

2. Principle of Development

2.1 When determining planning applications regard is to be had to the adopted Eryri Local Development Plan (ELDP) 2016-2031; the determination shall be made in accordance with the plan unless material planning considerations indicate otherwise.

54 2.2 In order to protect and enhance the Landscape of the National Park, whilst also proving wider benefits to the local economy, it is vital that all development is unobtrusive and does not cause any significant harm to the Special Qualities and visual amenities of the Park or any designated sites. For this proposal, consideration should be given to the requirements of Strategic Policy D: Natural Environment Development, Development Policy 2: Development and the Landscape and the principles of Strategic Policy A: National Park Purposes and Sustainable Development.

2.3 It is also necessary for a proposal of this kind to comply with all criteria of Development Policy 29: Alternative Accommodation. The main considerations will be the need to protect the landscape, therefore any proposal will need to be small-scale and in an unobtrusive location and already well screened. Views of the site from public vantage points will be critical in assessing the suitability of any given site.

2.4 An SPG is currently being produced on visitor accommodation which provides further information on the alternative holiday accommodation policy. However, as this is currently subject to public consultation, very little weight can be given to it at this point in time.

3. Planning Considerations

3.1 Criteria i. of Policy 29 requires the site to be part of an agricultural diversification scheme. Policy 20 states that agricultural diversification proposals must be secondary to the use of the remaining land on the holding for livestock or crop production. The site forms part of a registered agricultural holding and is a 50 acre mountain sheep farm. An agricultural contracting business is also operated from the farm. There is a Lawful Development Certificate for 3 holiday static caravans, 2 of which are currently in operation. A Farm Plan and details submitted with the proposal demonstrate the proposal supports the viability of the farm. It is therefore my conclusion that the proposal meets criteria i. of Policy 29.

3.2 Criteria ii. of Policy 29 states that proposal can be supported if the development does not cause significant harm to landscape character, fits unobtrusively within the landscape and is well screened by existing landscape features. The site lies to the west of Moel Faban, Llefn, Gyrn and Moel Wnion, which form the western outliers of the Caernaddau range. These are accessible from public footpaths and informal paths from the village or Rachub and Bethesda. The uplands are open access land. These hills also provide access to Carnedd Gwenllian and Aber Falls and are popular with walkers. The Carneddau Mountains are valued for their wild and spectacular landscape and retaining this character is vitally important. The site is in close proximity to, and clearly visible, from the open upland areas of the Carneddau range and it is important that the proposal does not harm this landscape.

55 The proposed site is located in fields adjoining the cluster of farm house and buildings. Field boundaries are dry stone walls. A small group of trees is located within the site in which the catering trailer is located. There are scattered trees surrounding the site and the wider landscape.

3.3 Surrounding hills provide elevated views of the site. The site, as is currently being operated and as proposed in the withdrawn application, is considered to cause significant harm to landscape character and is and not well screened by existing landscape features. Tents and the toilet/shower trailers are visible from surrounding views, including from Moel Faban and its slopes, from a highway to the north leading to Bryn Hafod y Bryn Quarry and from elevated views at the quarry itself. The site is not visible from views from the lower elevations of Rachub and Llanllechid. In officer’s opinion this would not comply with Development Policy 29. Officer’s discussed this with the applicant and this led to the resubmitted application that is before committee today.

3.4 A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment has been submitted with this resubmission. It proposes mitigation measures to reduce visual impact. The measures proposed are the re-siting of tents; the use of green fly sheets over tents, tree planting and stone walling. It is proposed to clad the shower and toilet block in waney edge timber. NRW advise that the proposal does have the potential to impact the landscape at a local scale, however, consider the repositioning of bell tents closer to existing trees for visual integration an improvement on the withdrawn plans and agree the use of dark conifer green tent flysheets would be beneficial to visual integration. The landscape plan is considered to address concerns of the landscape impact of the tents, greatly reducing visual impact and ensuring effective assimilation with existing landscape features. NRW’s advice against the use of earth mounds for screening has been followed and they have been removed from the landscape scheme. A condition can require details and schedules for tree planting to be submitted for approval.

3.5 The initial proposal for this application retained the two shower/toilet trailers in their current location in an open field, clearly visible from outer views and not well screened by existing landscape features. The proposed timber cladding and planting would not adequately mitigate the visual impact. Following discussions with the applicant, the proposal has been amended to relocate the trailers to within the farm complex and yard. This new location puts them adjacent to a stone wall, screening the majority of it from views to the south. Additional planting is proposed in the field behind this wall. Within the yard, amongst other buildings, static caravans and farm vehicles and machinery, the timber clad trailers would be unobtrusive. There would be no harm to the landscape character and it would comply with criteria ii of Policy 29.

56 3.6 The proposal includes a trailer within the wooded area for shelter and catering purposes. In terms of visual impact, it is not visible from outer views, being well screened by mature trees. During the winter, it is removed from the site. The utilitarian design of the trailer is concern, however considering the site as a whole, on balance it is not considered to cause harm to the landscape character, is unobtrusive and well screened by existing features. A small compost toilet is also proposed with this area, which will also be unobtrusive.

3.7 During the winter months the additional facilities are proposed to be moved to a storage location to the south of the agricultural buildings and within the farm building complex. This location would be unobtrusive. The storage location is outside the National Park boundary. If the application is approved Cyngor Gwynedd’s Development Management Section will be contacted to discuss a cross boundary approval.

3.8 The proposal is considered to comply with criteria ii. of Policy 29 as there is no significant harm to landscape character, it fits unobtrusively within the landscape and is well screened by existing landscape features. It is also considered to comply with the requirements of Development Policy 2: Development and the Landscape, which states that its setting, landscaping and integration should respect and conserve the character, qualities and views of the Landscape.

3.9 Criteria iii. of Policy 29 requires proposals not to lead to the creation of a new vehicular access or parking areas that would adversely affect landscape character. The site has the use of the existing farm access, therefore causes no additional impact. The car park is proposed to be located within the farm yard. In the context of the farm yard, buildings and other vehicles, it would not adversely affect landscape character. A condition can ensure that guests’ vehicles are parked in the allocated parking area and not adjacent to tents in the field. The proposal is considered to comply with Criteria iii.

3.10 Criteria iv. of Policy 29 states that any ancillary facilities should be located within an existing building or as an extension to existing facilities. The explanatory text states that additional facilities, such as showers or WC should be provided separately from the accommodation through the conversion or extension of an existing building. If no suitable buildings are available, the need for additional facilities needs to be clearly demonstrated by the applicant and commensurate with the scale of the development. Officers are satisfied it has been demonstrated there are no suitable buildings available for conversion. The proposed relocation within the farm yard, as discussed above, addresses concerns on visual impact.

57 3.11 The appearance of the catering trailer in the woodland is improved in terms of finish with the use of timber cladding. However, it is a utilitarian structure and is not a feature expected to be found on a glamping site or an active farm. NRW’s comments raise similar concerns and it is considered that this type of facility is a low quality design solution. However, it is not visible from views outside the woodland, is temporary, low impact and easily removed over the winter months. On balance, it is not considered sufficiently detrimental to refuse the application due to this element of the proposal.

3.12 It is considered that the need for additional facilities needs has been demonstrated by the applicant and are commensurate with the scale of the development. Washing facilities and the compost toilet are kept separately from the sleeping accommodation and the shower/toilet trailer is within the farm yard / building complex. These factors ensure the size of the sleeping units are small and the general impact on the landscape lower. The ancillary facilities are considered to comply with criteria iv. of Policy 29.

3.13 Responding to the withdrawn application, NRW and the Authority’s Ecologist advised that measures are required to conserve the character of Snowdonia Dark Skies Reserve. Their comments remain relevant to the current application. Development Policy 2 requires proposal to be protect this Reserve. It is also in the interests of nocturnal wildlife. No lighting details are provided with the application. Any new lighting will need to be kept to an absolute minimum. A condition can request lighting details be submitted for approval.

3.14 No representations from pubic consultation have been received. The Community Council have no objection provided there is compliance with all mitigation measures.

3.15 The proposal does not impact upon the National Park’s biodiversity resources and any designated sites and therefore complies with Strategic Policy D: Natural Environment.

3.16 The proposal is considered to conserve and enhance the National Park’s ‘Special Qualities’ and complies with the requirements of Strategic Policy A: National Park Purposes and Sustainable Development.

4. Conclusion

4.1 Discussions with the applicant have led to the current amended proposals. The amendments and landscape proposals resulting from the Landscape visual Impact Assessment are now considered to address previous concerns. It is concluded that subject to conditions, the proposal meets the requirements of Policies SPA, SPD, DP2 and DP29.

58 Background Papers in Document Bundle No.1: Yes

RECOMMENDATION: To APPROVE subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: AL0001-SITE LOCATION, JULY 2019, Rev B AL0004-TENTS Landscape proposals; 5398-01, 10-07-19, Rev B 2. If the use of tents and ancillary facilities for short-term holiday purpose ceases they shall be removed from the land and the land shall be restored to its condition before the development took place. 3. The holiday accommodation hereby approved shall be for short term holiday use only, and shall not be used as a second home or for the sole or main residence of the occupiers. No person shall occupy the holiday accommodation hereby permitted for a continuous period of more than 28 days in any calendar year. An up to date register of the names of all occupiers, including their main home addresses shall be maintained and the information made available upon request for inspection by the Local Planning Authority. 4. The site shall not be used as a campsite between 1st October in any one year and 1st March in the succeeding year and all tents, ancillary facilities and all other associated temporary structures shall be removed from the site on or before 1st October in each year. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking, re- enacting or modifying that Order) no development shall be permitted under either Class B of Part 4 of Schedule 2 or Class A of Part 27 of Schedule 2 on the area outlined in blue on the attached plan unless expressly authorised by this permission. 6. All campsite guests' vehicles must be parked in the allocated parking area within the farm yard, labelled as 'parking' on the Landscape Proposal' plan. 7. Between 1st October in any one year and 1st March in the succeeding year, the catering, shower and toilet trailers shall be moved to the storage area shown on the plan 'Landscape Proposals'. 8. Within 5 months of the date of this permission, the catering, shower and toilet trailers shall be clad in waney edged timber, as shown on plan AL0004-TENTS. 9. Tents shall at all times be covered by green fly sheets, as per the details in Section 8 (Mitigation) of the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment. 10. Within 3 months of athe date of this permission, details of the external lighting within the land edged in red on the submitted location plan shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Details should include:

59 - Specific location of all external lighting units - Design of all lighting units - Details of beam orientation and lux levels - Any proposed measures such as motion sensors and timers that will be used on lighting units - Timetable for implementation of external lighting measures The approved lighting scheme shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and shall be maintained as such during the operation of the site.

11. No development or site clearance shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority a scheme of landscaping by means of a formal application. The scheme shall include indications of all existing trees (including spread and species) and hedgerows on the land, identify those to be retained and set out measures for their protection throughout the course of development. 12. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is sooner; and any trees or plants which within the period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species. Reason(s) for Condition(s): 1. To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt. 2. To safeguard the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policies 1, 2 and 29 of the Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031. 3. To ensure the site does not become a permanent residential site in accordance with Policy 29 of the Eryri Local Development Plan 2016- 2031. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. To safeguard the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policies 1, 2 and 29 of the Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031. 11, 12. To preserve and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Eryri Local Development Plan Policies 2016-2031 and in particular Policy 1.

60 61 ©This drawing is the exclusive property of Dinerth Architecture and can be reproduced only with their written permission. Do Not Scale (apart from for the proposes of a Planning Application), if no dimensions are shown ascertain from site measurements. All dimensions & levels to be verified on site prior to commencement of construction or manufacture & any discrepancies or omissions reported. Drawings supplied in electronic format are for convenience only and no reliance should be placed on digital data. Dinerth Architecture will not be held responsible for any works carried out prior to Building Regulations and/or Planning Permission Approval or for failure to discharge any conditions. Dinerth Architecture will not be held responsible for failure to serve Notice under the Party Wall Act 1996 or for any other Legal agreement required for works (E.G. drainage/sewer consents) where required. Where applicable Building Contractor to undertake all CDM 2015 duties, including that of Lead Designer and notification to HSE using form F10 if needed. All building works to be undertaken by competent and experienced operatives with suitable and sufficient H&S arrangements in place including appropriate Risk Assessments & Method Statements.Dinerth Architecture will not be liable for any failure by Client/Contractor to consider Right to Light, Listed Building,Tree Preservation Orders, Bats or any other protected species issues.

DINERTH ARCHITECTURE Project : PROPOSED GLAMPING, PANT HWFA, LLANLLECHID, Dwg : AL0001 - SITE LOCATION Commercial & Domestic New Build, Extensions and Refurbishment BANGOR LL57 3LA Date : JULY 2019 Design, Management & Safety MR & MRS GRIFFITH Rev : B Client: T. 01492 548459, M. 07591 009106, E. [email protected] ORDNANCE SURVEY, (C) CROWN COPYRIGHT 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LICENCE NUMBER 100022432 Scale : 1: 2,500 @ A3 62 63 ©This drawing is the exclusive property of Dinerth Architecture and can be reproduced only with their written permission. Do Not Scale (apart from for the proposes of a Planning Application), if no dimensions are shown ascertain from site measurements. All dimensions & levels to be verified on site prior to commencement of construction or manufacture & any discrepancies or omissions reported. Drawings supplied in electronic format are for convenience only and no reliance should be placed on digital data. Dinerth Architecture will not be held responsible for any works carried out prior to Building Regulations and/or Planning Permission Approval or for failure to discharge any conditions. Dinerth Architecture will not be held responsible for failure to serve Notice under the Party Wall Act 1996 or for any other Legal agreement required for works (E.G. drainage/sewer consents) where required. Where applicable Building Contractor to undertake all CDM 2015 duties, including that of Lead Designer and notification to HSE using form F10 if needed. All building works to be undertaken by competent and experienced operatives with suitable and sufficient H&S arrangements in place including appropriate Risk Assessments & Method Statements.Dinerth Architecture will not be liable for any failure by Client/Contractor to consider Right to Light, Listed Building,Tree Preservation Orders, Bats or any other protected species issues.

DINERTH ARCHITECTURE Project : PROPOSED GLAMPING, PANT HWFA, LLANLLECHID, Dwg : AL0004 - TENTS Commercial & Domestic New Build, Extensions and Refurbishment BANGOR LL57 3LA Date : JULY 2019 Design, Management & Safety MR & MRS GRIFFITH Rev : A Client: T. 01492 548459, M. 07591 009106, E. [email protected] ORDNANCE SURVEY, (C) CROWN COPYRIGHT 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LICENCE NUMBER 100022432 Scale : 1: 100 @ A3 64 ©This drawing is the exclusive property of Dinerth Architecture and can be reproduced only with their written permission. Do Not Scale (apart from for the proposes of a Planning Application), if no dimensions are shown ascertain from site measurements. All dimensions & levels to be verified on site prior to commencement of construction or manufacture & any discrepancies or omissions reported. Drawings supplied in electronic format are for convenience only and no reliance should be placed on digital data. Dinerth Architecture will not be held responsible for any works carried out prior to Building Regulations and/or Planning Permission Approval or for failure to discharge any conditions. Dinerth Architecture will not be held responsible for failure to serve Notice under the Party Wall Act 1996 or for any other Legal agreement required for works (E.G. drainage/sewer consents) where required. Where applicable Building Contractor to undertake all CDM 2015 duties, including that of Lead Designer and notification to HSE using form F10 if needed. All building works to be undertaken by competent and experienced operatives with suitable and sufficient H&S arrangements in place including appropriate Risk Assessments & Method Statements.Dinerth Architecture will not be liable for any failure by Client/Contractor to consider Right to Light, Listed Building,Tree Preservation Orders, Bats or any other protected species issues.

DINERTH ARCHITECTURE Project : PROPOSED GLAMPING, PANT HWFA, LLANLLECHID, Dwg : AL0006 - SHOWER & CATERING TRAILERS Commercial & Domestic New Build, Extensions and Refurbishment BANGOR LL57 3LA Date : JULY 2019 Design, Management & Safety MR & MRS GRIFFITH Rev : A Client: T. 01492 548459, M. 07591 009106, E. [email protected] ORDNANCE SURVEY, (C) CROWN COPYRIGHT 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LICENCE NUMBER 100022432 Scale : 1: 100 @ A3 65 ©This drawing is the exclusive property of Dinerth Architecture and can be reproduced only with their written permission. Do Not Scale (apart from for the proposes of a Planning Application), if no dimensions are shown ascertain from site measurements. All dimensions & levels to be verified on site prior to commencement of construction or manufacture & any discrepancies or omissions reported. Drawings supplied in electronic format are for convenience only and no reliance should be placed on digital data. Dinerth Architecture will not be held responsible for any works carried out prior to Building Regulations and/or Planning Permission Approval or for failure to discharge any conditions. Dinerth Architecture will not be held responsible for failure to serve Notice under the Party Wall Act 1996 or for any other Legal agreement required for works (E.G. drainage/sewer consents) where required. Where applicable Building Contractor to undertake all CDM 2015 duties, including that of Lead Designer and notification to HSE using form F10 if needed. All building works to be undertaken by competent and experienced operatives with suitable and sufficient H&S arrangements in place including appropriate Risk Assessments & Method Statements.Dinerth Architecture will not be liable for any failure by Client/Contractor to consider Right to Light, Listed Building,Tree Preservation Orders, Bats or any other protected species issues.









DINERTH ARCHITECTURE Project : PROPOSED GLAMPING, PANT HWFA, LLANLLECHID, Dwg : AL0005 - DRONE'S VIEW Commercial & Domestic New Build, Extensions and Refurbishment BANGOR LL57 3LA Date : JULY 2019 Design, Management & Safety MR & MRS GRIFFITH Rev : B Client: T. 01492 548459, M. 07591 009106, E. [email protected] ORDNANCE SURVEY, (C) CROWN COPYRIGHT 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LICENCE NUMBER 100022432 Scale : NTS @ A3 66 ITEM NO. 5.5

Snowdonia National Park Authority Date: 16/10/2019 – Planning & Access Committee

Application Number: NP4/13/182E Date Application Registered: 13/05/19

Community: Capel Curig Grid Reference: 276248 358098

Case Officer: Mr Richard Thomas Location: Swn-y-Gog, Betws-y-coed.

Applicant: Description: Helen Jones Proposed two storey extension. Swn Y Gog Betws Y Coed LL24 0DH

Summary of the Recommendation:

To REFUSE permission on the grounds of overlarge and inappropriately located extension harming the form and character of the original rural outbuilding.

Reason(s) Application Reported to Committee: Scheme of Delegation

At the request of a Member of the Planning and Access Committee.

Land Designations / Constraints:

Within Open Countryside

Site Description:

Detached former rural outbuilding of simple rectangular form now converted and extended to a dwelling set in generally wooded landscape. Accessed from adjacent single vehicle width lane.

The original outbuilding was of modest dimensions but with the addition of a side extension provided for a two bedroomed dwelling. The resultant dwelling is now set in a curtilage of private amenity space.

The property now has a more recently constructed nearby garage and parking area, granted planning consent in 2013.

67 There is one near neighbour, approximately 30m to the south west.

Proposed Development:

To further extend the original rural outbuilding by way of a two storey addition to the principle elevation.

The proposed extension is shown to be finished in stone cladding with slate roof.

Relevant Planning Policies:

Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031  SP A: National Park Purposes and Sustainable Development  SP D: Natural Environment  SPFf: Historic Environment  DP 1: General Development Principles  DP 6: Sustainable Design and Materials  DP7: Listed and Traditional Buildings  DP 9: Conversion and Change of Use of Rural Buildings  DP 15: Extensions


Capel Curig Community Council No objections Dwr Cymru No adverse comments SNPA Ecology No requirement for protected species survey SNPA Built Environment Proposal overdominates original rural outbuilding

Response to Publicity:

The application has been publicised by way of a site notice and neighbour notification letter.

There were no comments received as a result of publicity.


1. Background

1.1 Swn y Gog was granted permission for conversion from a modest rural outbuilding to a dwelling in 2004. The permission included an extension to the outbuilding to provide additional accommodation. That permission was implemented and the resultant two bedroomed dwelling has now been occupied for over ten years.

68 1.2 Subsequent to the original permission for the conversion the property has been granted permission for a detached garage within the curtilage.

1.3 In March 2016 the applicant received a response from this Authority to a pre-application enquiry for a two storey extension along the lines now being considered by this application, (officer response included in document bundle). The advice given at that time was that as a large side extension was permitted as part of the original permission for the conversion any further extension would more than double the area of the original building and could not be supported.

1.4 Policy 15 of the LDP is clear on this issue and any extension must have a footprint that is smaller and a height that is lower than the original dwelling. The policy also requires that any extension does not detract from the dwelling of the character of the surroundings in which it is located. It is upon this policy basis that the pre-application advice was given in 2016.

1.5 Despite this advice the applicant submitted a full planning application in 2018 for the two storey front extension as previously shown in the pre- application enquiry. The application was refused permission on the basis that the aggregation of the extensions was inappropriate and overlarge for this rural outbuilding.

1.6 An expanded explanation of the reason for refusal was given to applicant in February 2019, (copy included in the document bundle).

2. Principle of Development

2.1 As an overarching Policy consideration for new development ELDP Strategic Policy A: National Park Purposes and Sustainable Development is relevant. Policy A seeks to ensure that the special qualities of the National Park are conserved and enhanced. Special qualities would include the heritage of traditional rural buildings such as this.

2.2 More detailed consideration of this proposal at pre-application and the previous refusal of planning permission has been based on the principles set out in ELDP policy 15: Extensions. Policy 15 states that extensions will only be permitted if the footprint is smaller and the height lower than the original dwelling, it conforms to the Authority’s design guidance and it does not detract from the dwelling or the character of the surroundings.

2.3 As this policy refers to original dwellings and not to the conversion of rural outbuildings is not directly relevant to cases such as this but does provide guidance on the protection of original buildings from inappropriate and overlarge extension.

69 2.4 Also relevant will be Policy 9 Conversion and change of use of rural buildings. Policy 9 presents a number of criteria upon which the conversion and change of use of rural buildings will be considered. Of primary consideration in this case will be criterion ii which states that ‘the building is capable of conversion without the need for significant rebuilding or extension which would harm its existing character’.

2.5 The Authority has fully adopted and published design guide notes which assist in the consideration of the appropriateness of extensions such as this. In this case Design Guide Note R2 is directly appropriate in consideration of extensions of this nature. (copy included in the document bundle).

3. Planning Assessment

3.1 The original building considered for conversion and change of use to a dwelling was a very modest single storey rural outbuilding measuring 8.8m long by 5.8m wide. Permission was granted in 2004 for its conversion with a side extension measuring 7.5m long by 5.5m wide.

3.2 That permission was implemented and the extension built. The resultant dwelling has now been inhabited for over 10 years.

3.3 The footprint of the original building measures 51sqm, the footprint of the permitted extension measures 32sqm. This represents an enlargement of the original outbuilding by 63%.

3.4. Utilising the guidance provided by ELDP policy 15 any further extension to this converted outbuilding would be regarded as excessive.

3.5 In addition to the above it is important to consider the impact of any further extension on the character of the original rural outbuilding. The proposal now before us for consideration shows a large two storey extension with dimensions of 7.5m long by 5.7m wide giving a footprint of 42.75sqm. The proposal shows this extension projecting from the principle elevation.

3.6 If approved it is considered that this extension will over dominate the simple form original rural outbuilding to the detriment of its character. Similarly if approved and with the consideration of the existing extension result in an enlargement of the original building by 147%.

4. Conclusions

4.1 This proposed extension is in conflict with ELDP policy A in that it does not conserve and enhance the National Parks special qualities.

70 4.2 It is considered that as the original rural outbuilding building has been extended by a factor of 63% any further extension will be excessive on a traditional rural outbuilding and would be over dominating leading to harm the character of the original building. This over dominating effect is contrary to ELDP policy 15.

4.3 An extension of this scale proposed on the principle elevation of a rural outbuilding will significantly harm its simple form and character. This would set it in conflict with ELDP polices 15 and 9 and published design guidance which aim to protect the character of original buildings from inappropriate alteration and extension which would harm its character.

4.4 In consideration of the above policies and guidance this application is recommended for refusal.

Background Papers in Document Bundle No.1: Yes

RECOMMENDATION: To REFUSE for the following reasons:

1. By reason of this application proposing a two storey extension to the principle elevation of a former single storey, simple and very modest rural outbuilding which would over dominate and significantly harm its character this application is in conflict with ELDP policies A, 1, 9 and 15 and the Authority’s Design Guidance note R2.

71 72 existing Ffordd Ty Hyll garage

existing dwelling

Ffordd Ty Hyll

Site location plan (site boundary in red) 1:1250

0m 10 20 30 40 50

A5 Afon Llugwy

Swallow Falls Hotel

Site location plan (site boundary in red) 1:2500 Swn y Gôg, Betws y Coed 002 (02) 001 Date: April 2019 Scale: 1:1250@A3 Mr & Mrs J & H Jones Site location plan

73 existing Ffordd Ty Hyll garage

existing ex f.f.l: 11.304 dwelling

ex g.f.l: 9.90

South-East (front) elevation South-West (side) elevation 1:100 1:100

Site location plan 1:1250

Ffordd Ty Hyll

existing dwelling existing garage

ex f.f.l: 11.304

ex g.f.l: 9.90

North-West (road) elevation North-East (side) elevation 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 1:100 1:100

Existing site plan 1:500


Kitchen/ Bedroom Attic Living 1 Bedroom storage dining void 2


Existing ground floor plan Existing first floor plan Existing roof plan 1:100 1:100 1:100

Swn y Gôg, Betws y Coed 002 (02) 002 Date: April 2019 Scale: 1:100@A2 Mr & Mrs J & H Jones Existing dwelling: existing plans and elevations

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75 ITEM NO. 5.6

Snowdonia National Park Authority Date: 16/10/2019 – Planning & Access Committee

Application Number: NP5/53/130E Date Application Registered: 23/08/19

Community: Bala Grid Reference: 292144 335521

Case Officer: Mrs. Sara Thomas Location: Warden’s Office, Llyn Tegid, Bala.

Applicant: Description: Mr. Simon Roberts Change of use of the reception in the Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri Warden’s Office to shop (A1). Swyddfa'r Parc Cenedlaethol Penrhyndeudraeth Gwynedd LL48 6LF

Summary of the Recommendation:

To GRANT permission subject to conditions relating to:  Accordance with approved plans.  Restrict size of retail unit

Reason(s) Application Reported to Committee: Scheme of Delegation

Application is by the Authority

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

The development has been subject to a screening opinion which concluded that the development is not EIA development.

Land Designations / Constraints:

Within SSSI Within SAC Within Ramsar site Within C1 Flood risk zone

76 Site Description:

The site is located within the Wardens Centre at Llyn Tegid on the north eastern end on the lake on the approach to the settlement of Bala.

The reception area is already an area open to the public where members of the public can ask for advice and assistance from the Wardens, they also currently sell fishing and water sport permits from the office.

Proposed Development:

The application relates to retrospective consent for the change of use of the reception area of the of the National Park Wardens office at Llyn Tegid to shop and formal information point.

The woks required (which have already been completed) include the introduction of one shelving unit to hold the goods for sale and a check out desk where the till is located. A leaflet stand has also been included to house an array of local information pamphlets and leaflets.

It is proposed that the retail element will sell maps, books and a small selection of souvenirs.

No external alterations are proposed as part of the proposal.

Relevant Planning Policies:

Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031  SP C: Spatial Development Strategy  DP 1: General Development Principles  DP 24: Retail  SP H: A Sustainable Rural Economy


Bala Town Council Support Ecology No objection

Response to Publicity:

The application has been publicised by way of a site notice placed on the site on 30.08.19

At the time of writing this report no comments had been received in relation to the application.

77 Assessment:

1. Background

1.1 The site forms part of a larger building located on the shore of Llyn Tegid and is made up of the National Parks Wardens Office and National Park maintained public toilets, on the lower ground floor a private business is located who rent out watersport equipment.

2. Principle of Development

2.1 Based on the policy context of Strategic Policy C, Development Policy 24, and Strategic Policy H the principle of converting the former reception area to a small retail outlet and information point would support an economic use and provide a service to visitors at a convenient location without have any detrimental impact on retailing within nearby towns or villages.

3. Planning Assessment

3.1 It is considered that the nature of the development is compatible with the capacity and character of the site. 3.2 No additional construction work or alteration to the current fabric of the building is proposed, there would be no unwarranted visual harm resulting from this proposed use.

3.3 Policy 24 seeks to ensure that town and village centres have healthy retail sector. This proposal is not located within a town or village centre. However, the proposal is of a very small scale and the proposed retail element could be considered incidental to wider use of the site as a Wardens office, car park and toilets serving users already visiting Llyn Tegid.

3.4 I don’t believe people will be attracted to this site to visit the shop itself – as the main reason for the visits will remain the enjoyment of the nearby lake. Given this and the very small scale (12m2) of the proposal I do not believe the proposal will harm the health of any nearby town or village centres.

3.5 In addition, the unit will also be able to sell safety equipment for users of the lake (such as life jackets etc), which is a safety consideration.

3.6 Having considered all of these issues, I believe a retail element to the warden’s office will be a positive development that will enhance the visitor experience (and potentially visitor safety as well) without have any detrimental impact on retailing within nearby towns or villages.

78 3.7 No comments of concern have been received to the proposal as a result of publicity and consultation.

3.8 The Authority’s ecologist has confirmed there are no ecological concerns.

4. Conclusion

4.1 It is concluded as that this proposal can be considered acceptable as it will enhance the ‘offer’ provided to visitors to Llyn Tegid by providing a very minor addition to the retail sector which will not harm the retail viability or vitality of the nearby settlement and will improve the service provided to visitors by the SNPA.

4.2 To ensure that the retail element of the proposal remains at an appropriate scale so as not to compete with the town centre shops, a condition could be attached to ensure the use remains at an appropriate scale.

Background Papers in Document Bundle No.1: No

RECOMMENDATION: To GRANT permission subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Plans validated on 23/08/19. 2. No more than 25% of the floor area of the former reception subject to this application shall be used for retail sales. Reason(s) for Condition(s): 1. To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt. 2. For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the use remains ancillary to the main use of the building.

79 80 81 82 83 ITEM NO. 5.7

Snowdonia National Park Authority Date: 16/10/2019 – Planning & Access Committee

Application Number: NP5/57/872B Date Application Registered: 23/08/19

Community: , Grid Reference: 269579 318511

Case Officer: Mrs. Iona Roberts Location: Car Park, Penmaenpool.

Applicant: Description: Pennaeth Gwasanaeth Eiddo Installation of vehicle height restriction Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eyri barrier to car park entrance. Swyddfa'r Parc Cenedlaethol Penrhyndeudraeth Gwynedd LL48 6LF

Summary of the Recommendation:

To GRANT permission subject to conditions relating to:  Start work within 5 years.  Accordance with approved plans.

Reason(s) Application Reported to Committee: Scheme of Delegation

The application is submitted by the National Park Authority on land owned and managed by the Authority.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

The development has been subject to a screening opinion which concluded that the development is not EIA development.

Land Designations / Constraints:

Open countryside Flood Zone C2 Historic Parks and Gardens Essential Setting

84 Site Description:

The site is located at the vehicle entrance to the Authority’s car park at Penmanepool, which is accessed via a private road which leads to the toll bridge off the A493. The boundary of the car park is well defined by mature trees along the roadside.

Proposed Development:

The proposal involves the installation of a vehicle height restriction barrier across the main access of the car park. The structure would be 6m wide, spanning over the kerbs at either side of the access, with the height barrier set at 2.1m. The structure is to be finished in a leaf green colour (RAL 6002) with the height barrier pole in white and green stripes.

The barrier is to be a gate type so that it can be left open and secured to a catcher post. The purpose of the barrier is to prevent campervans staying overnight at the car park.

Relevant Planning Policies:

Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031  SP A: National Park Purposes and Sustainable Development  SP Ff – Historic Environment  DP 1 – General Development Principles

National Policy/Guidance  Planning Policy Wales (PPW), Edition 10 December 2018  TAN 15: Development and Flood Risk


Dolgellau Town Council No objection Gwynedd Council – No response received Highways Natural Resources Wales Site lies entirely within Flood Zone C2. No objection given the scale of the proposed development Ecology No response received

Response to Publicity:

The application has been publicised by way of a site notice. At the time of writing this report one letter of support has been received; their comments are summarised as follows:  Full support for the barrier, we at the toll bridge along with others have experienced issues with the campervan visitors (rubbish being left, threatening behaviour).

85  Concerns raised however with regards to campers starting to park along the access road to the toll bridge and George III Hotel. Suggest provision of double yellow lines are applied from the entrance/exit of the car park in the direction of the toll bridge and hotel.


1. Principle of Development

1.1 Based on the policy context of Development Policy 1 the principle of installing a vehicle height restriction barrier within the entrance of the car park is considered acceptable.

2. Planning Assessment

2.1 The form and scale of the structure is considered compatible and sympathetic to its surroundings. The proposed colour would mean that it would be unobtrusive in the landscape as it would be seen in context with existing mature trees along the access, whilst the stripped barrier would be enough of a visual warning to attract the attention of drivers wishing to enter the car park without being visually dominating. 2.2 The scale, location and unobtrusive nature of the structure would ensure that there would be no adverse impact on the setting of the Historic Parks and Gardens.

2.3 The comments received in respect to providing double yellow lines from the entrance/exit of the car park in the direction of the toll bridge and hotel have been forwarded to the Authority’s Property section as the land is owned and managed by the Authority. The provision of double yellow lines is not a material planning consideration to be considered as part of this application.

3. Conclusion

3.1 The location, form, scale and finish of the structure is considered to be compatible with the capacity and character of the site and the locality and would not have an adverse impact on any heritage assets. Therefore, there would be no conflict with the requirements of Development Policy 1 or Strategic Policy Ff.

3.2 It is recommended that the application is approved.

Background Papers in Document Bundle No.1: No

86 RECOMMENDATION: To GRANT permission subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of FIVE years from the date of this decision. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Drawing no. SB1+01, 01 Reason(s) for Condition(s): 1. To Comply with Section 91 (as amended) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.

87 88 PENSEIRI • ARCHITECTS 1 2 3 318600

P E N S E I R I • A R C H I T E C T S Penmaenpool Bridge 3 Thomas Buildings, LL53 5HH T : (0) 1758 614181 • F : (0) 1758 614388 toll e : [email protected]


Sloping masonry C Saltmarsh C Lay-by

Car Park 318500 PC 5.1m

Issues Llynpenmaen 48.29 9.1m Penmaenpool 72 6 48. 48.2 8 7 49.9 48.5 Mapping contents (c) Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100035207 48.27 48.44 Stone revetment 0.10 5 50.00

95 48.37 49 49. 48. Wooden fence Height 0.85m G Overgrown 9 318400 49.9 7 9 49. Oak 49.75 3 48.3 5 50.16 Hardcore 8.4 9.95 4 8 4 49.8 Oak 31 48. 49.9 92 Oak 49. 1 Oak 8.64 16 4 4 50. .9 B SP Bench on conc 9 Oak B 4 Birch 49.90

49.99 49.91 499.79 48.21 BBirch 4 269400 269500 269600 46 269700 50.04 Trees 48. Oak 9.9 50.04 9 4 9.8 Metal fence 4 Birch Height 1.2m [Drawing Title] 50.03 1 MPs SV Tarmac 50 Scale: 1:1250 .45 Information 2 50.07 48 1 Conc Trees .03 board 50. Unmade Patchy Sign hardcore 48.66 SP 0.01 SVs 9.96 PROSIECT • PROJECT 5 49.9 4 SVs 49 RHWYSTYR : MAES PARCIO GWARCHODFA PENMAENPOOL 49.82 .99 Lleoliad/Location 0.05 .91 2 Trees 49.97 5 49.98 49 48.42 .96 50.11 SV 4 49 .12 2019-08 9.9 50 IC 6 48.43 49.9 3 50.16 49.84 50. 2 49. 0 G 50.0 9.9 0.23 0 SP Chippings 4 5 05 50. SV Grass 19 0. 3 Stone STN DMS/3 9 8 5 1:200 & 48.5 269568.062mE 8 8 49.8 50.23 revetment 50.16 Birch Oak Stock-proof fence 50.04 318517.944mN 50.06 50 1 50.10 .00 .24 Height 1.3m 8.6 49.995mH 50 5 50.22 4 0.0 0.08 1:1250 at A2 6 49.90 9 5 0.0 49.94 .99 1:200 5 49 15 50.18 Grass 5 5 50. Mai/ May 2019 8 9.8 0. .0 4 11 Stock-proof fence 50 50.03 .07 50 Height 1.2m 50.27 16 50 .1 50. 3 Cabinet 29 50.11 50. Fence continues 50. SNP stone .11 9.89 50 50 4 14 48.58 .14 LP 1 48.90 1 50.22 50.07 50.1 50 50.19 50.29 SP 49.07 .1 50 c 50.20 50.04 3 50.07 Birch .37 rma .06 Ta 10 50 50. STN DMS/2 FH 50.48 40 50.17 269606.827mE 50..38 50.09 Date Description 49.97 6 IC 50

1 50.22 . .98 50 318505.977mN 50 50.46 .20 49 .30 .37 50.26 50 13 50 50.14 50.575mH 50. 2 Adolygiad 50.1 DC 00 50.10 50.28 Revision 5 50. ID prosiect Brick wall 50.23 50.1 Project ID 2015-09 SP 6 Maint papur Height 2.1m 50.03 2 A2 02 Tarmac 50.58 Paper size A 14 50. 50.84 Darluniwyd gan Toilets 50. 50.03 Drawn by GD G 50.18 IC .00 Gwiriwyd gan - 50.16 50.11 50.22 50 A Checked by 50.22 50.16 2 50.87 G 50.0 5 IC 50.11 49.9 50.21 50.16 5 50.1 28 0.17 0 50. TEITL • TITLE 50.20 5 50.14 50.25 50.2 .18 49.87 50.08 50 50.28 G EXISTING SITE PENMAENPOOL 0.26 50.24 5 Grass & trees 50.02 49.88 50.07 Conc 0 G 50.08 STN DMS/4 50.2 IC 269518.834mE 50.26 17 318496.477mN 50. 50.19 02 50.177mH 50. 50.21 Sub-station 50.24 49.90 50.33 Safle Presennol/ RHIF CYNLLUN • DRAWING NO. 50.21 49.95 50.26 50.28 49.90 49.99 Existing Site Plan SP1+01.00 G 19 9.93 50. 4 1 2 3 1 OF .84 TP 49 50.13 500.09 50.20 49.90 49.93 G 49.93 89 PENSEIRI • ARCHITECTS 1 2 3 Metal fence 49.89 Birch Height 1.2m 50.03 Rhwystr wedi ei beintio yn wyrdd MPs SV RAL 6002. [Leaf Green] P E N S E I R I • A R C H I T E C T S Information Tarmac 50.07 3 Thomas Buildings, Pwllheli LL53 5HH Ysgrifen ; Yn ddu a'r gefnidir gwyn. T : (0) 1758 614181 • F : (0) 1758 614388 50.12 Conc e : [email protected] board [max height 2.00m] Sign Gyda'r bar yn Wyn & Leaf Green bob yn ail PARC CENEDLAETHOL ERYRI SP 50.01 SVs NODIADAU • NOTES 49.96 SVs 49.9 49.82 9 50.11 SV 49.98 Max Height 2.0m 49.93 49.96 IC 96 C 50.16 49.9 C

49.98 50.08 SP 2112 STN DMS/3 SV Grass 269568.062mE Birch 50.16 Oak 5950 318517.944mN 50.06 49.995mH 50.00 50.09 [Drawing Title] 3 Scale: 1:100 49.94 49.99 Rhwystr : 50.11 2100mm o uchter i bar er mwyn rhwystro Maes Parcio faniau symudol rhag aros dros nos. [26 o geir] Stock-proof fence Y Rhwystr i fod 6m o led fel ei fod yn gallu Edrychiad Rhwystr/ 50.03 7 50.13 50.0 Height 1.2m ymestyn o bobptu y kerbin bob ochr i'r fynedfa. Cabinet Barrier Elevation 50.11 1 Y Rhwystr yn gallu agor gyda Post dur i'w gynnal pan yn agored. Catcher Post 50 SNP stone 50.1 .14 50.14 7 Barrier : 50.22 50.0 2100mm high barrier pole so that campervans 50.13 cannot stay overnight. The barrier to be 6m wide so that it spans over 50.07 48.37 5947 the kerbs each side of main entrance to Car Park 48.49 G

Barrier to be gate type so that it can be left open and secured to

catcher Post. 3 8.3 0.16 4 5 5 48.4

.16 49.98 48.31

50 B 8.64 6 B 50.12 DC 4 50.1 50.23 Birch 49.90 91 1 49.99 49. 48.2 04 6 50. 48.4 Oak .04 50 .89 50.14 50.03 Metal fence 49 3 Birch Height 1.2m G 50.0 MPs SV 07 .45 Information Tarmac 50. 50.22 48 0.12 Conc Trees board 5 PROSIECT • PROJECT .66 1 Sign 96 48 SP 0.0 SVs RHWYSTYR : MAES PARCIO GWARCHODFA PENMAENPOOL 5 49.92 0.02 49. 50 SVs 49.99 50.11 49.82 1 9.91 .42 50.05 1 49.98 4 2019-08 48 .96 50. SV 4 49 Cynllun bwriedig /Proposed Plan .43 9 IC .9 6 48 49.9 49.84 3 50.16 49.98 1:2000 & [Drawing Title] G 50.0 SP Chippings 49.9 Stone STN DMS/3 SV Grass 2 53 8 48. 269568.062mE 8 49.8 Scale: 1:100 revetment 04 50.16 Birch Oak Stock-proof fence 50. 318517.944mN 50.06 1:100 at A2 1 50.10 .00 Height 1.3m 49.995mH 50 5 48.6 0.0 1:200 6 4 9 50.08 0.0 9 49.94 9 Mai/ May 2019 5 . 90 49.9 Grass 5 5 9.8 0.11 50.15 0.08 4 Stock-proof fence 5 50.03 0.07 50 Height 1.2m 5 .1 01 190916 Lliw y rhwystr Maes Parcio 3 Cabinet 50.11 Fence continues 9 5 SNP stone .11 8 0. 50.14 50 8 49. 1 48.5 0 4 .07 48.9 50.22 50 50.11 50 4 20 .13 9.07 50. 50.04 50.07 Birch .06 0 50 0.1 .17 5 Date Description 50 97

.82 IC 49. 6

49 1 49 50.22 .98 3 49 Adolygiad 50.20 50. 50.14 00 .84 50. 0.1 Revision 5 0.12 50.10 5 DC ID prosiect 2015-09 1 50.28 Project ID5 6 Brick wall 50.23 Maint50.1 papur Paper size A2 A Shed Height 2.1m 5 Darluniwyd gan 0.0 .02 GD 50 Drawn by .14 50.03 Gwiriwyd gan Toilets 3 50 G 0 A50.18 Checked by - 49.86 IC .22 0.0 2 50.16 50.11 50 5 50 .2 50.16 G 50 2 49.80 . 50.0 17 IC 50.11 49.95 .91 49 G 50.21 50.16 TEITL • TITLE 0.15 IC 0 .175 50.28 50 50. 0 49.99 .04 50.2 0.2 50 Tarmac 5 5 0. 14 8 PROPOSED PENMAENPOOL 0.08 Grass .18 2 9.87 5 50.08 50 2 50. 4 5 G 50.06 .26 9 50 50.02 49.88 50.07 6 IC 50.1 50.24 Grass & trees G 50.0 STN DMS/4 Conc 0.20 50.08 5 50.19 5 02 0.10 1 269518.834mE IC 50.19 50.2 50.26 .17 50. 318496.477mN 50 10 50. 5 50.24 50. 02 03 0.08 50.177mH 50. 50. MH Grass 50.21 19 Sub-station Safle bwriedig/Site 50.12 Wooden fence 50.24 9.90 G 18 Height 1.0m 4 RHIF CYNLLUN • DRAWING NO. 50.04 50. 50. 50.33 5 26 21 0.0 50. 49.95 4 50.25 50.26 50.28 [Drawing Title] 50.12 1 SB1+01 01 50 49.90 49.99 Scale: 1:200 .05 5 G 1 0 2 3 Stone wall .3 19 1 OF 5 50. 49.93 0.2 1 50 0 Height 0.25m .1 49.84 3550.14 TP TP 50 50.13 .04 5 50.09 0.22 0.20 49.90 50.14 IC 5 49.93 G 90 ITEM NO. 5.8

Snowdonia National Park Authority Date: 16/10/19 – Planning & Access Committee

Application Number: NP5/69/113G Date Application Registered: 28/08/19

Community: Llangelynin Grid Reference: 256784 304949

Case Officer: Mrs. Iona Roberts Location: Llanfendigaid, Rhoslefain.

Applicant: Description: Mr. W. Garton-Jones Siting of 2 pods and 2 Shepherd's huts for Llanfendigaid use as holiday accommodation. Rhoslefain Gwynedd LL36 9LS

Summary of the Recommendation:

To REFUSE on the grounds that it would be contrary to Development Policy 29 of the Eryri Local Development Plan

Reason(s) Application Reported to Committee: Scheme of Delegation

Members request that such development proposals be considered by members of the Authority’s Planning and Access Committee

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

The development has been subject to a screening opinion which concluded that the development is not EIA development.

Land Designations / Constraints:

Open countryside

Site Description:

Llanfendigaid is an existing self-catering holiday complex and venue for small events such as weddings, team building and other management courses. The main house (Grade II* Listed) sleeps 17 people. There are also three converted outbuildings which are used as further self-catering accommodation which sleeps between 4 and 6 people in each.


The house is surrounded by wooded gardens to the north-east. To the south west is a large walled garden which is separated from the house by a minor public road.

The site also operates as a Caravan and Motorhome Club Certificated Location, within the walled garden, for up to 5 touring vans 12 months of the year with onsite toilet and shower facilities.

Proposed Development:

The proposal involves the siting of four alternative holiday accommodation units spread around the larger complex in lieu of the existing touring vans.

Units 1 and 2, the Glamping Pods, are to be located within the walled garden set against existing stone walls and outbuildings. Access to the units will be obtained via an existing access track which currently services the caravan site. The proposed plans show bathroom facilities are to be included within the units. All services (water, electricity and sewerage) are already in place, no additional services are proposed to service these units.

Units 3 and 4, the Shepherd Huts, are to be located within the woodland to the rear of the main house and set against stone boundary walls. Access to the units will be via an existing track. The proposed plans show bathroom facilities are to be included within the units. No details in respect to connection to services have been provided.

All units will incorporate slate coloured roofs and timber walls to assimilate with their surroundings.

Relevant Planning Policies:

Eryri Local Development Plan 2016-2031  SP A: National Park Purposes and sustainable Development  SP I: Tourism  DP 1: General Development Principles  DP 29: Alternative Holiday Accommodation

Supplementary Planning Guidance  SPG 8: Visitor Accommodation

National Policy/Guidance  Planning Policy Wales (PPW), Edition 10 December 2018

92 Consultations:

Community Council No response received at the time of Llangelynnin writing Gwynedd Council - Highways No recommendation as the development is not considered to have an adverse effect on any highway. Built Environment No response received at the time of writing. Forestry No response received at the time of writing. Ecology No concerns raised verbally. Advises that measures for biodiversity gain are included if application is to be approved.

Response to Publicity:

The application has been publicised by way of a site notice. At the time of writing this report, no comments had been received.


1. Principle of Development

1.1 As the site operates as a Caravan and Motorhome Club Certificated Location it does not benefit from planning permission. The proposed units cannot therefore be considered as direct replacements to the units already on site. The proposal must be regarded as a new site for alternative holiday accommodation.

1.2 Based on the policy context of Development Policy 29, the principle of establishing a new site of alternative holiday accommodation which would not form part of an agricultural diversification scheme or ancillary to a new or existing tourist attraction, would not be acceptable.

2. Planning Assessment

2.1 The application has been submitted on the basis that the alternative accommodation units would be ancillary to an existing tourist attraction. The applicant claims that the Llanfendigaid Estate is a tourist attraction in its own right as a place of cultural significance and historic interest. The site offers holiday accommodation in the main house and converted outbuildings and offers leisure facilities for guests in the form of a heated indoor swimming pool and walks in the grounds. Additional services are offered as a venue for small events.

2.2 The applicant has submitted a Planning Statement with the application which expands on the current use of the site, proposal and its relationship with the existing business which Members can find in the document bundle.


2.3 Officers are of the opinion that the site cannot be regarded as a tourist attraction. A ‘tourist attraction’ is defined as a place that offers leisure, adventure, culture or amusement, drawing people to visit and experience the particular offering. In this instance, the leisure facilities offered on site would only be available to those who book accommodation and would not be available to other members of the public. Similarly, the Grade II* listed building is not open to members of the public, other than those who book to stay at the property. Officers can only conclude that the Llanfendigaid Estate must be regarded as tourist accommodation, which also offers ancillary employment use. For the purposes of the ELDP what is offered on site is considered to be a tourist ‘facility’ rather than an ‘attraction’. In light of the above the proposal would fail to satisfy criterion i. of Development Policy 29.

2.4 Notwithstanding the above, the location of units 1, 2 and 4 would not be sufficiently screened from public vantage points to satisfy criterion ii. of Development Policy 29. Whilst they have been positioned to take advantage of existing landscape features such as high stone walls and woodland, they would still be visible from the minor public road which runs through the site.

2.5 In addition, the proposed plans show that all the units would include facilities such as a toilet and shower within the units itself. Criterion iv. of Development Policy 29 states that ‘any ancillary facilities should be located within an existing building or as an extension to existing facilities’.

2.6 Units 1 and 2 are in close proximity to existing toilet and shower facilities which currently serves the Caravan and Motorhome Club Certificated Location. It is stated in the applicant’s Planning Statement that there are not enough facilities to accommodate the proposed units; however, the option to extend and upgrade these facilities does not appear to have been explored. It is proposed that the toilet and shower facilities are kept within the units to ensure that the accommodation can be of a high standard and receive a 5* rating. Members are reminded that the purpose of Development Policy 29 is to provide a ‘back to nature experience’. The ‘quality’ of alternative holiday accommodation can be measured by the uniqueness of the experience in creating a memorable visit and not only in terms of ‘luxury’ facilities.

2.7 Whilst units 3 and 4 are separated from the existing facilities by distance and public road, to comply with Development Policy 29 new facilities would still be expected to be provided separately. Once again alternative options of providing these facilities (e.g. by means of low impact temporary facilities – compost toilets, rain water harvesting etc.) do not appear to have been considered.

94 2.8 The units would be seen in context with the Grade II* Listed Building; it is important therefore to assess the impact of the development on the setting of the building. In this instance, officers are of the opinion that the location of the units and the materials proposed would not adversely affect the setting of the listed building. Therefore, there would be no conflict with the requirements of Strategic Policy Ff.

3. Conclusion

3.1 The proposal would fail to satisfy criterion i. ii. and iv. of Development Policy 29 whereby:  it would not form part of an agricultural diversification scheme or ancillary to a new or existing tourist attraction;  the units would not be sufficiently screened by existing landscape features;  the proposal shows ancillary facilities to be contained within the units without substantial justification why they cannot be located within an existing building or an extension to existing facilities.

3.2 Officers can only conclude therefore that the application should be refused.

Background Papers in Document Bundle No.1: Yes

RECOMMENDATION: To REFUSE for the following reasons:

1. By reason that the development would not form part of an agricultural diversification scheme or ancillary to a new or existing tourist attraction the proposal would fail to satisfy criterion i. of Development Policy 29 of the adopted Eryri Local Development Plan. 2. By reason that the units would not be sufficiently screened by existing landscape features the proposal would fail to satisfy criterion ii. of Development Policy 29 of the adopted Eryri Local Development Plan. 3. By reason that the proposal shows ancillary facilities to be contained within the units without substantial justification why they cannot be located within an existing building or an extension to existing facilities the proposal would fail to satisfy criterion iv. of Development Policy 29 of the adopted Eryri Local Development Plan.

95 96 97 98 99 ITEM NO. 6.1






Reference Date Served Location of Site Details of Planning Breach Date Notice Period of Takes effect Compliance NP4/16/ENF405 26th September Land opposite Without planning permission, the change of 1st November Six months 2019 Tanycastell, use of land from agriculture to a mixed use of 2019 Dolwyddelan agriculture, storage of a touring caravan and a builders yard with associated hardstanding area.

Required to:-

Permanently cease the unauthorised builders yard and cease parking of all vehicles and machinery associated with it. Permanently cease the use of the land for the storage of the touring caravan and to remove the caravan from the land. Permanently remove all building equipment, materials and waste associated with the builders yard use from the land. Permanently remove the hardstanding area and return the land back to its former state by re-seeding with grass.





New cases

Reference Date of initial Location of Site Details of Planning Current Position complaint or Breach Date observed by Compliance Officers

1 NP2/16/ENF455 August 2019 3 Bryn Eglwys, , Flag Pole Contact made with the owner. In the process of arranging a site meeting.

2 NP4/30/ENF88C August 2019 Bron y Nant, Old Mill Excavation Works Officers have visited the site. Appears the Road, works are in connection with the implementation of planning permission reference NP4/30/88B.

3 NP5/50/ENF607A August 2019 Garth, Extended Decking Letter sent to the owners of the property. Currently awaiting a response.

4 NP5/55/ENF88C August 2019 Land at Brynglas, Use of Land as Campsite Breach has now ceased. However still in Bryncrug in Excess of 28 days. discussion with the organisation involved to ensure this does not occur again.

102 5 NP5/59/ENF347K September 2019 Plas Meini, Alterations to Properties Site meeting held with the owner. Windows have been altered to some of the properties. Normally planning permission is not required but permitted development rights have been restricted. Owner has been advised and currently await on how they intend to proceed.

6 NP5/71/ENF297C August 2019 2 Coed Y Lon Cottage, Swimming Pool Site meeting held with the owner. The swimming pool appears to benefit from permitted development rights.

Awaiting Retrospective Application/Listed Building Consent Application/CLEUD Application

7 NP5/51/ENF446E April 2019 Cae Gwian Forestry, Works to Forestry Tracks Site meeting has been held with the forestry manager. To submit a retrospective planning application to try and regularise the unauthorised works.

8 NP5/78/ENF197J April 2019 Cabin 211, Trawsfynydd Decking Contact made with the owner who has Holiday Village, Bronaber intimated they will submit a retrospective planning application.

Retrospective Application Received

9 NP5/73/ENFT417 January 2019 Pen y Bont, Poor condition of Building The building was the subject of a fire during 2018. An application for a replacement dwelling has been received but currently remains incomplete.

103 Awaiting further Information or Replies to a Planning Contravention Notice or a Section 330 Notice

10 NP2/14/ENF18B February 2019 Nant Cwmbran Isaf, Extension & Meeting held with the owner. Replies received , Caernarfon Conservatory to the Planning Contravention Notice. The owner has submitted a Certificate of Lawfulness for the conservatory. It is considered expedient to initiate formal action in respect to the unauthorised extension and an Enforcement Notice is currently being drafted.

11 NP3/15/ENF180G November 2018 Land Adjacent to 3 Bryniau Dumping of Building Site meeting held. Requested removal of the Gerddi, Llanberis Waste Material waste material by the 18th February 2019. Waste material not removed and a Requisition for Information has been served with a view to initiating formal action. A retrospective planning application has now been received.

12 NP3/21/ENF35C July 2018 Pant Hwfa, LLanllechid Annexe not in Relevant planning application has now been Accordance with the received and is currently being processed. Approved Plans & Conditions

13 NP3/21/ENF35D May 2018 Pant Hwfa, Llanllechid Unauthorised Camp Site meeting held with the owner. Owner Site, erection of a BBQ contacted at the end of January to advise an hut and creation of Two application would be forthcoming in February. Holiday Cottages A planning application has now been received.

14 NP4/11/ENF112B May 2019 Ty’n y Merddyn, Ffordd Erection of a Building Site visit undertaken and owner advised Gethin, Betws y Coed within the Garden planning permission is required for the building. All further works have ceased and discussions ongoing to progress the matter.

104 15 NP4/16/ENF405 March 2018 Land Opposite Tan y Castell, Dumping of Building Owner advised to clear the land of building Dolwyddelan Material and Waste materials and restoring the land back to its original state. Also advised to remove the touring caravan. Site visit undertaken in January 2019 where it was noted the building material and waste was still on the land. Enforcement Notice served on the 26th September 2019.

16 NP4/16/ENF413 July 2019 Land to the Rear of Breffni, Creation of a Site meeting held with the owner. Dolwyddelan Hardstanding Area Hardstanding benefits from permitted development rights. File Closed.

17 NP4/32/ENF164B July 2019 Cynllwyd Fawr, Crafnant Siting of Caravans Further correspondence sent to the owner of Road, Trefriw the land. Currently awaiting a response.

18 NP5/55/ENFL142A June 2017 3 Glandwr, Bryncrug Untidy Condition of Section 215 Notice served on the 18th Property February 2019. No appeal has been forthcoming, therefore the Notice has taken effect. The Notice must be fully complied with by the 22nd January 2020.

19 NP5/58/ENF144K December 2018 Land at Tan y Coed, Talybont Siting of Static Caravan Contact made with the owner of the land. Site used for Residential meeting taken place where the siting and use Purposes of the caravan was discussed. Owner currently considering their options to regularise the situation. A Planning Contravention Notice has been served to ascertain further details about the use of the caravan. Awaiting replies.

20 NP5/58/ENF455G July 2019 Afonig Loyw, Ffordd Glan Erection of a A site meeting has taken place whereby the Mor, Talybont Conservatory and owner was advised planning permission would Pergola Type Structure be required for the development taking place. Awaiting confirmation as to how they intend to proceed.

105 21 NP5/58/ENF616 December 2018 Land adjacent Coed y Siting of Static Caravan Contact made with the owner and a site Bachau, used for Residential meeting has taken place. Planning Purposes Contravention Notice served and replies received. Advised to re-locate the caravan within the garden curtilage of the property.

22 NP5/62/ENF232A February 2019 Glanrafon, Llanbedr Removal of Two Contact made with the owners of the property. Chimneys A site meeting has recently taken place with the owner (June 2019), where they have confirmed the two chimneys will be re-built. A time period of six months has been agreed to complete the works.

23 NP5/71/ENF473 June 2017 Bronant Stores, 1 Pen y Untidy Condition of the According to land registry, there has been a Banc, Llanuwchllyn Building recent change in ownership. To make contact with the new owner in respect to the poor condition of the building.

24 NP5/74/ENFL442A January 2019 Capel Peniel, Poor condition of the Currently trying to make contact with the Chapel owner of the land.

Cases where formal action is being considered/has been taken.

25 NP2/16/ENF448 May 2017 Hendre Ddu Quarry, Cwm Unauthorised Quarrying Site visit on undertaken on the 12th April. Pennant and Track Creation Unauthoried works carried out, enforcement proceedings commenced and a Temporary Stop Notice has been served in respect to the extraction of mineral waste from slate tips and the construction of new tracks. The Notice ceases to have effect on the 3rd July 2019. An Enforcement Notice is currently being drafted.

106 26 NP5/61/ENF23P June 2013 St. Davids Hotel, Harlech Untidy Condition of The Authority are now initiating ‘direct action’ Building under Section 219, to secure compliance with the requirements of the Section 215 Notice to demolish the hotel.

Demolition commenced on the 9th September 2019 and works are due to be completed around the 13th December 2019.

27 NP5/71/ENF474A March 2018 Glofer, Llanuwchllyn Siting of Two Enforcement Notice served 30th October 2018. Containers within Enforcement Notice Appeal submitted and Garden commenced 21st December 2018. The appeal was determined on the 21st June 2019 where the Planning Inspectorate allowed the appeal under ground (g) and varied the enforcement notice by the deletion of four months and substituting with eight months as the period of compliance. Subject to this variation, the Enforcement Notice was upheld.

The Enforcement Notice must be complied with by the 21st February 2020.

28 NP5/77/ENF115G September 2016 Lizzie’s Barn, Llandecwyn, Barn being Used for An enforcement notice is currently being Talsarnau Permanent Residential drafted. Discussions ongoing with the Occupation in breach of Authority’s legal section. a CLEUD which only stipulates 4 months residential use.


Listed Building Cases

29 NP5/69/ENFLB326A September 2018 Ty Gwyn, External and internal A site meeting has taken place. Advised to Alterations to a Listed submit a listed building consent application in Building respect to the unauthorised works that have taken place.

108 ITEM NO. 6.2






No. Application No. Description & Location Procedure/Status Case Officer

Number of appeals on list = 0 Number of appeals on committee list 4th September 2019 = 2

Number of appeals Determined Granted Dismissed Withdrawn Number of appeals dismissed as % 01/04/18 – 31/03/19 9 2 7 1 78% 01/04/17 – 31/03/18 7 3 4 0 57% 01/04/16 – 31/03/17 13 4 9 1 69% 01/04/15 – 31/03/16 10 5 5 0 50% 01/04/14 – 31/03/15 13 3 10 0 77%

110 ITEM NO. 6.3





Application Date Location Development Present Position No. application was received

1. NP5/55/60G 08/02/18 Land adjacent to Construction of 4 dwellings (2 affordable Sent to legal on the 20/03/19. Clydfan, Ffordd y and 2 open market) and extension to Draft sent 02/05/19. Felin, Bryncrug. estate road

Number of applications on committee list 4th September 2019 = 1


Application No. Location Development


Application No. Location Development

112 ITEM NO. 6.4







Awaiting Welsh Government Highways

NP5/54/289E 26/04/16 The Old Creamery, Rhydymain. Demolish existing redundant structures and erect new kitchen workshop with showroom.


NP4/29/482 11/05/18 Land at Moel Llechwedd Hafod, Cwm Penmachno. Erection of 25m high lattice telecommunications mast supporting 3 no. antennas and 2 no. 0.6m dish antennas together with 3 no ground based equipment cabinets , generator, satellite dish and ancillary development enclosed within secure compound

Awaiting Amended Plans

NP2/11/52G 05/09/18 Pen-y-Pass Car Park, Nant Gwynant Erection of 10m high timber clad monopole telecommunications mast supporting 2 no. antennas together with ground based equipment cabinets enclosed with a stone wall NP2/11/722 22/11/18 Land at Gerhynt Quarry, Beddgelert Erection of 15m high timber clad monopole telecommunications mast supporting 3 no. antennas and 2 no. 0.6m dish antennas together with ground based equipment cabinets, generator, satellite dish and ancillary development within a foul weather enclosure.

Awaiting Ecology Survey

NP5/62/399 26/07/17 Land to the West of Llanbedr Village, Llanbedr. Construction of new road in cuttings and on embankment of approximately 1.5km in length to the west of Llanbedr, leaving the A496 to the north of Llanbedr close to the sewage treatment works, bridging the Afon Artro and Mochras road to rejoin the A496 close to Llwyn y Pin.

Further Details Requested

NP3/16/28 01/08/18 Land adjacent to Ogwen Car Park, Nant Ffrancon, Erection of 15m high timber clad monopole supporting 3 no. antennas and 2 no. dish Bethesda. antennas together with ground based equipment cabinets and ancillary development. NP4/19/6D 15/01/19 Derwen Deg, Llechwedd, Conwy. Change of use of land to form manege enclosed by timber fence. NP5/62/68E 12/07/18 Murmur y Dail, Llanbedr. Erection of retaining wall

114 Awaiting Response to Further Consultation

NP5/57/212P 17/01/19 Gwyndaf Evans Motors, Ffordd Pont yr Aran, Dolgellau. Retrospective application for extension to existing garage. NP5/60/159 21/05/19 Erection of 40m high Emergency Service Network Land at Moel , . telecommunications mast together with ground based equipment cabinets located within enclosed compound

Total applications on list = 10

Total applications on list Committee 04 September 2019 = 11

115 ITEM NO. 6.5

116 ITEM NO. 7 (1)

MEETING Planning and Access Committee

DATE 16 October 2019


REPORT BY Geraint Evans, Acting Principal Planning Officer (Policy)

PURPOSE To approve the Annual Monitoring Report for submission to the Welsh Government on 31st October 2019


1.1 The Annual Monitoring Report (AMR), which is enclosed, aims to monitor the performance of the Eryri Local Development Plan (ELDP) by assessing whether the monitoring targets set for the Plan are broadly being achieved. This is the seventh full year of monitoring following the ELDP’s formal adoption in July 2011 and the report has to be submitted to the Welsh Government by the end of October and made publicly available. The monitoring report also includes some data for the period since the plan base date (2007), further data from the first adoption (13th July 2011), and the newly adopted LDP 2016-2031, following a short form review (adopted 6th February, 2019) to provide a fuller picture about plan progress and performance.

1.2 AMRs must inform a full review of the ELDP which is required every four years. As Members are aware from the trends in previous AMR’s, the Authority established that some limited changes were necessary due to local contextual circumstances and the performance of certain aspects of the ELDP. These changes were incorporated into the short form review process resulting in the revised Eryri Local Development Plan which was adopted on 6th of February 2019.

1.3 The main findings of the AMR are summarised below:

 There have been no significant developments permitted which undermine the statutory purposes of the National Park or the strategic policies of the Plan (2007- 2022) and (2026-2031).

 The Eryri LDP policies have been effective in determining land use planning applications and in defending appeals.


 The number of housing completions for 2018/2019 was 17, which is low compared with previous years the average completion rate since 2007 is 43 units). The number of residential units granted planning permission and completed since the first adoption in 2011 has been relatively good considering recent market conditions. However, this year’s figure reflects the lower end of the range which has been experienced in recent years

 The Plan has a housing land supply of (5 (5.08) years, Joint Housing Land Availability Study (JHLAS) 2018).

 The number of new planning permissions granted for housing units during 2018/2019 was 40. The number of affordable housing permitted in 2018-19 was 22 units (55%) which is lower than the target of 26 units set in the Eryri LDP 2007- 2022, and 25 units per annum within the revised ELDP 2016-2031.

 The total number of affordable dwellings completed for the period April 2018 to end of March 2019 was 6 units (35% of the total completions for the same period). 6 units is below the ambitious target of 26 set in the Eryri LDP and the target of 25 in the revised ELDP 2016-2031. Although the figure for affordable housing completions remains well below the Eryri LDP target, it should be seen in context of the low number of completions. The Authority took this into account when revising the Eryri LDP 2016-2031. The affordable housing thresholds for the relevant policy in the Eryri LDP 2016-31 have been revised and the Authority has included additional land to be released for affordable housing within the revised Plan.)

 The designation of the Snowdonia Enterprise Zone on sites in Trawsfynydd and Llanbedr has the potential to create new sustainable employment opportunities. The sites have been formally allocated in the newly adopted Eryri LDP 2016-2031, through a Welsh Government Enterprise Zone Designation, and an Indicative Focus Area at Llanbedr. A criteria based policy has also been adopted to deal with developments on the sites, and development will also need to conform to other relevant policies within the ELDP 2016-2031.

 113 new Hydro Electric Schemes have been permitted in Snowdonia since the Eryri Local Development Plan was adopted. Of the hydro applications granted planning permission since adoption, the known installed is 7.56MW with most of these being agricultural diversification schemes creating extra income on farms. However, between 2018/2019 35 applications were received for Hydro schemes compared with 6 received between 2017/2018. It can be assumed that this is due to the changes in Tariff payments.

 2 Rural Enterprise dwellings have been given planning permission in 2018-19

 There have been six applications permitted during 2018/2019 that resulted in an increase of new floor space for employment purposes. These applications include development such as a 335m2 industrial storage building at a dog food site near Dolwyddelan.


Approval was also granted for a change of use of a 63m2 agricultural building to a coffee roasting unit. Also a Mountain Bike Training Venue at Pantperthog was given permission during this Monitoring period.

 Between 2018 and 2019, there were 5 applications approved for new or improved community facilities in Local Service Centres and Secondary Settlements. These were for the change of use from law court to a dental surgery in Dolgellau, a construction of a lychgate on the site of an existing gated access to churchyard to house World War I Memorial Tablet, extensions to two cemeteries, and an erection of a supporters control barrier on either side of a rugby field with a creation of footway behind.

 There has been no or little development of significance to impact on other policies in the Plan.

1.4 As has been outlined above, none of the findings from this year’s AMR have identified any areas where policies need to be revised.


There are no resource implications.


To approve the Annual Monitoring Report, with any additional changes put forward and agreed by members.


As per the report.

119 ITEM NO. 7 (2)

MEETING Planning and Access Committee

DATE 16th October 2019


REPORT BY Geraint Evans, Acting Principal Planning Officer (Policy)

PURPOSE To seek Members’ approval for the Protocol


1.1 Since the adoption of the first Eryri Local Development Plan back in 2011, the Authority has received a number of commuted sums relating to financial contributions towards the provision of affordable housing in accordance with the policies of the plan.

1.2 Although the Authority identified a number of different ways to distribute the money in a supplementary planning guidance, which was adopted in 2011, members agreed back in 2015 that the Homebuy Scheme was the preferred method to allocate the money to ensure value for money to provide affordable housing to meet local need within the Park. Members subsequently approved the expenditure of £100,000 of commuted sums to the Homebuy Scheme by arrangement with Grwp Cynefin Housing Association.

1.3 It is now time to review the arrangement, consider the interest shown in the Homebuy scheme to date and consider alternative procedures and options.

Members Working Group, July 2019

1.4 A Members Working Group considered a Discussion Paper in July 2019. Matters raised by Members included raising the profile and marketing of the Homebuy Scheme; close collaboration with Gwynedd and Conwy Housing Authorities, together with other initiatives that can assist the provision of affordable housing to meet local need within the National Park.

1.5 It was resolved to establish an internal group to monitor expenditure, report back to Members and to consider matters raised by Members. It was also resolved to await a report on the draft protocol at a future Planning and Access Committee, for consideration prior to formal adoption and implementation by the Authority. It was resolved at the Snowdonia National Park Authority Meeting on the 25th of September 2019 to welcome the recommendations of the Working Group.


Discussions have commenced with Gwynedd and Conwy Housing Authorities and are continuing with Tai Teg. Formal adoption is sought to enable schemes to progress and be implemented in accordance with the Protocol.

What are commuted sums?

1.6 Commuted sums can be summarised as follows;

 Commuted sums are financial contributions for the provision of affordable housing need off-site. i.e. in the exceptional circumstance where a planning applicant cannot provide affordable housing on site as required by policy, they will provide a commuted sum financial contribution to the Authority to provide the affordable house elsewhere.

 The affordable housing policy in the Eryri Local Development Plan states that commuted sums can be requested for the provision of affordable housing for local need in exceptional cases.

 This is particularly relevant with individual conversions because Local Development Plan policy seeks 50% affordable housing to meet local need in relation to all conversions.

How much is the commuted sum?

 The financial amount is calculated on the basis of the amount of Social Housing Grant for facilitating the development of an affordable housing scheme (under the current adopted Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance (2011) this has been approximately £60,000 per unit). The commuted sum figure is subject to change in the draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance (which was discussed at the May 2019 Members Working Group). The commuted sum is proposed to increase (subject to Member approval) when the revised SPG on Affordable Housing is adopted – this is scheduled to go to the January 2020 planning committee.

 Because the LDP Policy on conversions require 50% affordable housing, there is an option of either providing local needs affordable housing on site by signing a local affordable 106 Agreement or by paying a commuted sum

 As of 1st of April 2019, the Authority has received £360,000 of commuted sums towards providing local affordable housing.

The benefit of receiving commuted sums

1.7 Firstly it should be emphasised that the Authority’s preference should be to provide affordable homes for local people on site as part of any planning application – commuted sums should only be considered where this cannot be achieved.

1.8 The benefits of the commuted sum are:

 It still provides an opportunity to provide affordable home(s) for local people where the opportunity may not be available on site.


 Social Housing Grants have reduced significantly during the past few years – commuted sums can help offset this;

 It would provide affordable housing to meet local need within the broad area where the development occurs.

 If there are no opportunities within the local area, it will be used within the wider National Park area.

Progress to date

1.9 As highlighted above, back in 2015 members agreed to the expenditure of £100,000 of commuted sum money towards the Homebuy Scheme by arrangement with Grwp Cynefin Housing Association. The Homebuy Scheme was the preferred scheme to allocate the money to ensure value for money to provide affordable housing to meet local need within the Park for the following reasons:

 Need to target the intermediate housing need rather than the social housing need because there are other methods of meeting the need for social housing.

 The Authority will work jointly with Grwp Cynefin housing association to allocate commuted sums.

 The Homebuy scheme is the preferred scheme to meet the intermediate housing need.

 The Homebuy scheme is for local people who can't afford to buy a suitable home for their needs on the open market.

 The Homebuy scheme provides loans of between 30% and 50% of the open market value of the desired property purchase.

 The loan will be secured against the property by legal charge by Grwp Cynefin.

 The prospective purchaser will be required to provide a minimum deposit of 5% of the full purchase price.

 The loan should be re-paid in a single payment when selling the property or if it is determined to repay the loan voluntarily, whichever occurs first. If a loan of 50% has been granted, re-payment can be staircased.

 The amount to be re-paid will be the same percentage of the property value at the time of repayment as the original equity loan (of the original purchase price).

 Normally, it shall be sought to recycle the home buy loan in the same property, but if there is no demand for the specific property, the loans are paid back and the commuted sum is recycled once again in another property.

 Grwp Cynefin agreed to administrate the scheme on behalf of the Authority. The cost of £530 to administer a home buy scheme will come from the commuted sum fund. There will be no administrative costs to the Authority.


Qualifying person

 A local person must be eligible to register on the Tai Teg register i.e. an intermediate housing register of people interested in owning a house when they are not currently able to afford buying on the open market.

 It would be a requirement that the applicant has a local connection, having lived in or in employment in the community council or the nearby community council for a period of 5 years immediately before taking ownership and in need of a local property. It can also include a person who has been born and bred in the community council for a minimum period of 5 years in the past and want to return to live in the community.

The area where the money will be spent?

 The aim will be to spend the money in the community where the development is proposed or in the surrounding community. If this is not possible, a sequential approach process will be used within the National Park area.

Interest in the Homebuy Scheme to date

1.10 To date, the number of applications received for the Homebuy scheme within the National Park has been very disappointing. Tai Teg (which is administered by Grwp Cynefin) have received 4 queries but unfortunately no application were submitted. The reason for the lack of interest is unclear. It may be due personal reasons or financial reasons where the applicant cannot secure a mortgage. The Homebuy Scheme has been marketed on Tai Teg’s website and through their social media accounts on facebook and instagram. Snowdonia National Park Authority have also promoted the scheme through social media on their twitter and facebook account that directs potential applicants to the Tai Teg website.

The way forward

1.11 Due to the lack of interest in the Homebuy scheme to date, the Authority consider that a Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol is required. The Protocol sets out how the Authority and Tai Teg will market the Homebuy scheme to residents and communities of the National Park and target specific communities and demographic groups. The Protocol will identify and provide further information about other affordable housing initiatives that could be financed through the use of commuted sum payments.


2.1 For Members to approve the Protocol for Affordable Housing Commuted Sums Expenditure, as the main strategy to use commuted sum monies.



Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol

October 2019

124 1. Introduction

1.1. The purpose of the protocol is to set out the procedure for spending commuted sum monies (or deferred payment) received by the Planning Authority from applicants to fund affordable housing schemes.

1.2. The protocol will seek to:

• ensure that a commuted sums fund is spent on projects prioritised by the Authority • ensure that the money received is spent by the time limit set out in the legal agreement.

What are commuted sums?

1.3. Commuted sum (or deferred payment) is the term used for the financial contribution received by the Local Planning Authority from applicants which is then used to help fund affordable housing elsewhere in the National Park. The authority receives commuted sums relating to financial contributions towards the provision of affordable housing in accordance with policies in the Eryri Local Development Plan. The Authority will work to ensure that it makes the best use of any affordable housing commuted sums received to assist in the provision of affordable housing to meet local need within the National Park area.

1.4. Commuted sums can be summarised as follows;

• Commuted sums are financial contributions for the provision of affordable housing required off-site. • The affordable housing policy in the Eryri Local Development Plan states that in exceptional cases commuted sums can be requested for the provision of affordable housing for local need. • Off-site provision will only be considered if it can be demonstrated that on-site provision would not be appropriate. The responsibility will be on the developer to identify the exceptional circumstances as to why the provision cannot be on site and how their alternative proposal will address the affordable housing need identified in the site. An off-site contribution may be considered appropriate where the required contribution is less than one whole unit (part unit) and therefore it would not be practicable to provide on-site. • With individual conversions the Eryri local development plan policy requires a 50% contribution for affordable housing to meet local need. As the policy is 50%, there is an option either to provide affordable housing to meet local needs on the site by signing a local affordable 106 agreement or by paying a commuted sum.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 1 Snowdonia National Park Authority 125

How much is the commuted sum?

1.5. The financial contribution will be calculated on the basis of the amount of social housing grant that a registered social landlord would normally expect from the Welsh Government to facilitate the development of an affordable housing scheme. This is based on the Welsh Government's acceptable cost guidelines which set out the normal cost of building certain types of housing in the area. The financial contribution per unit is calculated on the basis of 58% of this figure. The methods of calculating commuted sums together with examples are set out in the Authority's Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance.

The advantage of receiving commuted sums

• Social housing grants have reduced significantly in recent years.

• It would provide affordable housing to meet local needs within the Community Council where the development takes place or within the wider National Park area if an opportunity to assist the provision of affordable housing does not exist within the Community Council.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 2 Snowdonia National Park Authority 126 2. Preferred Scheme: Homebuy Scheme

2.1. Back in 2015, Members agreed that the Homebuy scheme was the preferred scheme to allocate the money to ensure value for money in order to provide affordable housing to meet local needs within the Park for the following reasons:

• There is a need to target the need for intermediate housing rather than the need for social housing as there are other ways of meeting the need for social housing. • The authority will work jointly with Housing Association Grŵp Cynefin to allocate commuted sums. • The Homebuy scheme is the preferred scheme to meet the need for intermediate housing. • The Homebuy scheme is for local people who cannot afford to buy a home suitable for their needs on the open market. • The Homebuy scheme provides loans of between 30 and 50% of the open market value for the purchase of the desired property. • The loan will be secured against the property through a legal charge from Grŵp Cynefin. • The prospective purchaser will be required to provide a minimum deposit of 5% of the full purchase price. • The loan should be repaid in a single payment when the property is sold or if it is decided to repay the loan voluntarily, whichever happens first. If a 50% loan has been issued, it can be repaid in stages • The amount to be repaid will be the same percentage of the value of the property at the time of repayment as the original equity loan (from the original purchase price). • The home purchase loan will normally be recycled in the same property, but if there is no demand for the specific property, the loans will be repaid and the commuted sum will be recycled again at other properties. • Grŵp Cynefin agreed to administer the scheme on behalf of the authority. The cost of £530 to administer a home purchase scheme will come from the commuted sum fund. There will be no administrative costs to the authority.

Eligible person

2.2. A local person must be eligible to register on Tai Teg housing register i.e. an intermediate housing register for people who are interested in home ownership when they are not currently able to afford to buy on the open market. The applicant would be required to have a local connection, having lived in or in employment in the community council or neighbouring Community Council for a period of 5 years immediately before taking ownership and requiring local property. It may also include a person born and brought up in the Community Council for a period of at least 5 years in the past and who wishes to return to live in the community.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 3 Snowdonia National Park Authority 127

The area where the money will be spent?

2.3. The money will be spent in the community where the development is proposed or in the immediate community. If this is not possible, a sequential process will be used in the National Park area. Initially the Authority will seek to assist initiatives to provide affordable housing to meet local need within the Community Council where the development is proposed or in a Community Council area immediately adjacent. If an opportunity to assist the provision of affordable housing does not exist within the Community Council where a development is proposed or in a neighbouring Community Council, the commuted sum will be used to assist in the provision of affordable housing within the whole of the National Park area.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 4 Snowdonia National Park Authority 128 3. Raising the profile and marketing the Homebuy Scheme

3.1. Due to the lack of interest in the homebuy scheme, there is a need to improve the marketing to residents and communities of the National Park and aim to target specific communities and demographic groups.

3.2. Tai Teg will target individuals on the social housing / fair housing waiting lists by email on a weekly basis identifying which intermediate affordable housing schemes are available and highlight the Homebuy Scheme. In addition, the Housing Options Team (Gwynedd Council) and the SARTH Team (Conwy Borough Council) will refer suitable individuals who are able to purchase properties through the Homebuy Scheme to Tai Teg officers in order to explain the best possible options for them. The profile of the Homebuy scheme will be marketed on Tai Teg's social media accounts regularly, namely Facebook / Instagram / and through the Tai Teg website. Tai Teg also uses the Zoopla website, which is a website for housing units for sale / market rent. The Zoopla website refers individuals to the Tai Teg website but unfortunately it is not possible to place the Homebuy Scheme on Zoopla as it is not a specific property.

3.3. In order to improve the marketing methods of the homebuy scheme, it was agreed to use some of the commuted sum funds for ‘targeted advertisement’, to ensure that specific areas, or a specific demographic, e.g. young people, young families, are targeted via social media accounts such as Instagram/facebook/twitter.

3.4. Specific areas can also be targeted through the work of the Rural Housing Enablers. The information can be posted on the Rural Housing Enablers' Facebook page. In addition, a member of Tai Teg staff will be attending the Rural Housing Enablers open days in specific communities where the Homebuy Scheme's profile can be discussed and raised with the individuals attending.

3.5. Grŵp Cynefin's Affordable Homes Manager who has responsibility for the Tai Teg website and the Homebuy scheme will give regular presentations to Gwynedd Council councillors about the possible Affordable Housing Schemes including the Homebuy Scheme. In addition Tai Teg officers are willing to attend community councils/target specific councillors in order to raise the scheme’s profile and target specific areas.

3.6. The profile of the Homebuy Scheme will be marketed on the Snowdonia National Park Authority's social media accounts, namely Facebook / Twitter / Instagram. The Authority will also include a section in its e-newsletter promoting the Tai Teg register and referring to the Homebuy Scheme, including contact details and a web link to further information etc.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 5 Snowdonia National Park Authority 129 4. Other initiatives / schemes the Authority are considering to assist in the provision of affordable housing to meet local need within the National Park area.

4.1. Below is a list of other initiatives / schemes that could be considered to use commuted sums to assist in the provision of affordable housing to meet local need within the National Park area:

a) Provide a Registered Social Landlord with a subsidy to help facilitate the development of an affordable housing scheme in discussion with the local housing authority.

b) Provide a Registered Social Landlord with a subsidy to help facilitate the development of rented and low cost home ownership in discussion with the local housing authority.

c) Provide a Registered Social Landlord with a subsidy to assist with the purchase of dwellings that have repossession cases against them, in order to provide them as affordable housing units.

d) Give the commuted sum directly to a Registered Social Landlord to assist an Equity Loan for eligible households.

e) Give the commuted sum directly to a Registered Social Landlord in order to bring an empty property or house in poor condition back into use as an affordable dwelling.

f) Give the commuted sum directly to the Local Authority Empty Homes Team to bring empty, vacant properties back into use. Applicants must agree to certain conditions as to who will live in the property in the future. For example a sum of £20,000 could be provided to help with up to 75% of the refurbishment costs.

g) House renovation grant - first time buyers. The grant is intended to reduce the number of empty homes, by providing support to first time buyers to be able to meet refurbishment costs. The grant helps to bring empty properties back into residential use, or to convert properties into residential dwellings. There will be a condition imposed to live in the house for a period of 5 years.

h) Assist in the purchase of suitable land for affordable housing to meet local needs.

i) Provide a formal community group with a subsidy to help facilitate the development of an affordable housing scheme in discussion with the housing authority.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 6 Snowdonia National Park Authority 130 j) Provide a Registered Social Landlord with a subsidy to purchase a property and let it as an intermediate rented house. The property would have to meet the Government's Development Quality Requirements' (DQR) standards.

k) Help fund the infrastructure required to support self-build schemes through the Local Authority Self Build Scheme.

l) Assist the use of commuted sums as a lever to generate additional resources / funding from external sources in the provision of affordable housing.

m) Give a contribution towards the work of the Rural Housing Enablers - fund officers.

n) Give a contribution towards further research / feasibility work for a site suitable for affordable housing to meet local needs.

o) The Authority can also retain the right to contribute to any other innovative schemes that clearly demonstrate value for money and the ability to provide affordable housing within the National Park area.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 7 Snowdonia National Park Authority 131 5. Close collaboration with Gwynedd and Conwy Housing Authorities

5.1. In order to ensure that the most suitable schemes are considered for receiving the commuted sums there will be a need for close collaboration between the National Park Authority and the Gwynedd and Conwy Local Authorities housing strategy teams. In the first instance, affordable housing will be provided to meet local needs within the Community Council where the development takes place. The National Park Authority will share information on the commuted sums received and their location with the Housing Authorities. If an opportunity to assist the provision of affordable housing does not exist within the Community Council where the development takes place then a sequential process will be used within the wider National Park area.

5.2. In order to identify which schemes will be submitted for the commuted sums the Authorities housing strategy team is expected to complete their social housing grant (SHG) scoring matrix. The schemes will be selected in one of the following ways:  through the specialist housing panel e.g. Band 1 urgent priority need households which the Council has a statutory duty to provide for,  identified by social services,  a gap in funding for a committed scheme,  where there is no social housing grant available and the unit represents good value for money and is identified in the local housing market assessment or local housing survey as the type of property in need, or in an area where there is high demand, or  a low cost ownership scheme that is not eligible for social housing grant funding.

5.3. The housing strategy teams (Gwynedd / Conwy) will provide the Authority with relevant information, including details of the proposals, on how the scheme was chosen and the overall cost. If the proposal for expenditure meets the above criteria and is for less than £15,000, the Authority's planning manager will authorise it without consultation. For proposals over £15,000, we will consult with the head of service / Management Team and the chair of the Authority and the Planning and Access Committee. This will by e-mail, inviting comments.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 8 Snowdonia National Park Authority 132 6. Monitoring Expenditure:

6.1. There is a time limit on commuted sum expenditure. The 106 agreement states that any part of the commuted sum contribution which is not spent within ten years from the date of receipt of the contribution by the Authority must be repaid. Therefore, in order to ensure that the commuted sums money is received, used to meet the needs of the local communities of the National Park and within the timescale of the expenditure, it would be useful if a group was set up to monitor the expenditure of commuted sums. It is proposed that the monitoring group includes the Authority's finance, legal and planning officers.

Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Expenditure Protocol 9 Snowdonia National Park Authority 133


MEETING Planning and Access Committee

DATE 16th October 2019


REPORT BY Access Officer

PURPOSE To report for information on discussions and issues raised at meetings in September 2019 Northern and Southern Snowdonia Access Forums


1.1 There are two Access Forums in the Snowdonia National Park - one for Northern Snowdonia and one for Southern Snowdonia.

1.2 The Access Forums are statutory (with a term of three years) appointed under the CROW Act 2000 (Section 94.4) to advise the Authority on improvements in access in the area in order to facilitate recreation and enjoyment in the outdoors. The meetings are held every quarter - in March, June, September and late November / early December.

1.3 Representatives from the Authority are nominated for both Forums.

2. September 2019 meetings

2.1 Matters discussed in both Forums

2.1.1 Updates relating to the National Park Plan and the Warden Service strategy

2.1.2 Discussion around Welsh Government Consultation ‘Sustainable Farming and our Land’ – those statement pertinent to the access provisions only (i.e Public Rights of Way) and subsequent joint response by LAFs.

2.1.3 Information to members on the SNPA website location of SNPA visitor monitoring figures.


2.2 Matters discussed at the Northern Forum only (02/09/19)

2.2.1 Access to Water projects – brief update on previous work undertaken at Ysbyty Ifan and Rhydlanfair. 2.2.2 Discussion regarding changing line of PRoW on Moel Hebog, Beddgelert. 2.2.3 Update on the new updated Cambrian Way Guide book (received from Ramblers Cymru)

2.3 Matters discussed at the Southern Forum only (10/09/2019) 2.3.1 Discussion around the railway bridge issue at Bryn Llestair, Aberdovey. 2.3.2 Query about PRoW route through Ysgwrn area. 2.3.3 Question on CRoW access restrictions similar to the Traws Ranges issue in other National Parks in UK. 2.3.4 Tywyn- Bryncrug proposed flood embankment access improvements to the coastal path. 2.3.5 Brief update on the Bala Lake Railway development (for information).

135 ITEM NO. 9.0






Applications Approved

Application No. Proposed Location Decision Date Case Officer 1. NP2/14/LU18C Operational development consisting of the Land edged in red and 19/08/19 Mr Geraint construction of a single storey extension to the known as Nant Evans front elevation, Cwmbran Isaf, Nasareth. LL54 6DS 2. NP4/11/391A Retrospective application for alterations to access 2 Mill Street, Betws y 11/09/19 Mr Geraint Coed. LL24 0BB Evans 3. NP4/13/28K Siting of static caravan for temporary period (12 Cobdens Hotel Car 29/08/19 Mr Richard months) Park, Capel Curig, Thomas LL24 0EE 4. NP4/16/123F Proposed Discharge of Condition 4 (Landscaping) Ty Llwyd, Dolwyddelan. 05/09/19 Mr Richard and 17 (Construction compound) attached to LL25 0PQ Thomas planning approval notice NP4/16/123E dated 22/05/2019 5. NP4/16/123G Installation of external staircase Ty Llwyd, Dolwyddelan, 05/09/19 Mr Richard LL25 0PQ Thomas 6. NP4/29/477B Proposed construction of raised decking and 3 Bron y Waen, 05/09/19 Mr Richard glazed balustrade Penmachno. LL24 0YN Thomas 7. NP4/29/498 Removal of existing and erection of new bridge Land near Rhiw Bach 30/08/19 Mr Richard Quarry, Cwm Thomas Penmachno. 8. NP4/29/LB213 Listed Building Consent for external alterations, 3 Church View, 12/09/19 Mr. Arwel Ll new roof lights, internal alterations including Penmachno. LL24 0UR Thomas shutters to all existing windows, restoration of ground floor slate slab and the installation of a log burner and flue to chimney in main living room and all associated works

137 9. NP4/29/LB213A External alterations, new external light fittings, two 3 Church View, 12/09/19 Mr. Arwel Ll new roof lights to rear roof slope, quarter light to Penmachno. LL24 0UR Thomas upper panel stable door, removal of pre-fabricated garage removal of oil tank and replacement with ‘Harlequin’ type and relocated on Western side with planted screen 10. NP5/50/LB176B Listed Building Consent for the installation of a new 5 New Street, Aberdyfi. 12/09/19 Mr. Arwel Ll partition between lounge and bedroom on the first LL35 0EH Thomas floor, removal of partition, entrance and 2 doors to bedrooms 2 and 3 creating one bedroom on second floor, escape window to second floor bedroom of the North elevation and all associated Fire Regulations requirements 11. NP5/53/LB162E Listed Building Consent for demolition of existing Plas Teg, Tegid Street, 09/09/19 Mr. Arwel Ll rear extension and conservatory and erect a new Bala, LL23 7EN Thomas single storey extension including dining area, utility, shower room, additional outside shower under covered area with external chimney stack and open fire pit to South West corner of the extension. Creating hard standing area for vehicles to part of front garden – North East 12. NP5/53/LB162F Demolition of rear extension and erect new single Plas Teg, Tegid Street, 09/09/19 Mr. Arwel Ll storey replacement with alterations, creating hard Bala. LL23 7EN Thomas standing vehicle parking area to part front garden – North East. 13. NP5/53/LB67X Listed Building Consent to change the layout plans Aran Buildings, 88-96 29/08/19 Mr. Arwel Ll for ground and first floor plans as approved High Street, Bala. Thomas NP5/53/LB67A-Q so that store, utility ground floor, study/playroom and shower room frist floor unit 2 and will be included within unit 1 as shower room and utility on ground floor and creating ‘en-suite’ and dressing room first floor 14. NP5/54/567A Application to discharge Condition Nos. 3 Doluwchadda, 28/08/19 Mrs. Sara (Construction Method statement), 4 (Construction . LL40 2EH Thomas Environmental Management Plan), 5 (Restoration Plan), 6 (Ecological Clerk of Works) and 7 (Otter Survey) of Planning Consent NP5/54/567 dated 26/02/2019

138 15. NP5/57/L73B Alterations to shop front including introducing Bod Arran, Dolgellau. 17/09/19 Mrs. Iona hipped slate canopy roof, replace door with window LL40 1EU Roberts on southern elevation and replace existing upvc rain water goods with cast iron goods 16. NP5/58/156A Demolition of existing extension and garage and North Lodge, Ffordd 10/09/19 Mr Aled Lloyd erection of larger extension and garage, Gors, Dyffryn Ardudwy, LL44 2RJ 17. NP5/61/524A Erection of single storey front extension Llamedos, Old Llanfair 23/09/19 Mr Aled Lloyd Road, Harlech. LL46 2SS 18. NP5/62/LB238E Listed Building Consent to demolish single storey, Caergynog, Cwm 29/08/19 Mr. Arwel Ll stone walled slated roof dining room on South Nantcol, Llanbedr. LL45 Thomas gable and the erection of new kitchen/dining room 2PL stone walls with slate roof and ridge in North South direction, with window extending to floor level on South Elevation. New patio area to South East surrounded with stone walls. Enlargement of existing French window, snug room in lieu of kitchen, removal of partition between store and playroom and new bathroom in lieu of bedroom 3. External alterations and introduction of new lead works to verge and chimney North Elevation. New window opening East Elevation of rear extension 19. NP5/62/LB238F Demolition of existing single storey stone wall slate Caergynog, Cwm 29/08/19 Mr. Arwel Ll roof dining room and the erection of new kitchen Nantcol, Llanbedr. LL45 Thomas /dining room stone wall slate roof and ridge North 2PL to South direction with window extended to floor level South Elevation. New patio area to South East surrounded with stone walls, enlargement of existing French window and forming new window opening on South Elevation of the existing rear extension 20. NP5/65/LB117 Listed Building Consent for alteration to the Ty'n y Celyn, Llanelltyd. 19/09/19 Mr. Arwel Ll existing pedestrian entrance to form new vehicular LL40 2TA Thomas access and new drive at the front of the house, take down existing stone pillar and part of boundary wall and rebuild like for like in its new position and all associated works

139 21. NP5/65/LB117A Extend the existing pedestrian entrance to Ty'n y Celyn, Llanelltyd. 19/09/19 Mr. Arwel Ll vehicular access forming new drive at the front of LL40 2TA Thomas the house and all associated works 22. NP5/69/119D Construction of attached triple garage and re-roof Ty Croes Isaf, 17/09/19 Mrs. Iona existing conservatory with slate Rhoslefain. LL36 9NH Roberts 23. NP5/69/252B Construction of single storey and two storey Gelliwen, Llwyngwril, 10/09/19 Mrs. Iona extensions, erection of garage with lean-to shed LL37 2YJ Roberts and extend domestic curtilage including associated works to driveway. 24. NP5/69/401 Construction of single storey side extension Gwastadgoed Canol, 05/09/19 Mrs. Iona Llwyngwril, LL37 2QR Roberts 25. NP5/70/103A Construction of two storey rear extension, increase Encil Y Coed, 16/08/19 Mrs. Sara in eaves level of part of existing dwelling, insulation Llangower, Bala, LL23 Thomas of three dormer windows on front elevation and two 7BT rooflights on the front of the existing side extension. 26. NP5/70/6F Part retrospective application for retention of Maesafallen, 21/08/19 Mrs Jane Jones existing raised hardstanding area, proposed Rhosygwaliau. LL23 workshop & feed store, proposed slurry store and a 7EY proposed roof over yard and existing slurry reception pit and associated sediment pond 27. NP5/71/269H Construction of new reception building Bwch yn Uchaf, 25/09/19 Mrs. Sara Llanuwchllyn. LL23 7DD Thomas 28. NP5/71/AD479 Application for Advertisement Consent to display 5 Llanuwchllyn. 21/08/19 Mrs. Sara one sided non-illuminated interpretation panels Thomas 29. NP5/73/T417B Reconstruction of fire damaged dwelling Pen y Bont, Gellilydan. 10/09/19 Mr Aled Lloyd LL41 4EP 30. NP5/75/E254 Consultation under Section 37 of The Electricity Forest, Pennal, 28/08/19 Mrs. Iona Act 1989 to retain existing overhead electricity line Machynlleth, SY209DX Roberts 31. NP5/75/L129D Rebuilding of part of attached barn at the rear of Tywyll Nodwydd, 03/09/19 Mrs. Iona the dwelling and installation of two rooflights Pennal. SY20 9LF Roberts


Applications Refused

App No. Proposed Location Reason for Refusal Case Officer 1. NP4/23/50 Proposed erection of rear Treflys, Gwyllt 29/08/19 Mr Richard dormer extension Road, By reason of the proposed dormer extension Thomas Llanfairfechan. presenting a discordant feature on the rear LL33 0EF elevation of this traditional cottage to the detriment of its character this proposal is in conflict with Eryri Local Development Plan Policy 15 and design guide note E11. 2. NP4/30/156E Proposed siting of additional Trwyn-yr-Wylfa 05/09/19 Mr Richard 5 touring caravans with Camping Site, By reason of this proposal showing the Thomas associated hardstandings Conwy Old replacement of camping pitches with non- and access track. Road, camping pitches this proposal is in conflict Penmaenmawr. with Eryri Local Development Plan Policy LL34 6SF 23. By reason of this proposal showing an additional number of touring caravans with no on site environmental improvements or reduction of its impact on the surrounding environment resulting in harm to the special qualities of the Parc this proposal is in conflict with Eryri Local Development Plan Policies A, 2 and 23.

141 ITEM NO. 10.0

Penderfyniad ar yr Apêl Appeal Decision Ymweliad â safle a wnaed ar 13/08/19 Site visit made on 13/08/19 gan C MacFarlane BSc(Hons) MSc by C MacFarlane BSc(Hons) MSc MRTPI MRTPI Arolygydd a benodir gan Weinidogion Cymru an Inspector appointed by the Welsh Ministers

Dyddiad: 23.09.2019 Date: 23.09.2019

Appeal Ref: APP/H9504/A/19/3230836 Site address: Ar Y Bryn, Golan LL51 9YT The Welsh Ministers have transferred the authority to decide this appeal to me as the appointed Inspector. • The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission. • The appeal is made by Mr Richard Jones against the decision of Snowdonia National Park Authority. • The application Ref NP2/16/449A, dated 5 October 2018, was refused by notice dated 3 June 2019. • The development proposed is demolition of dilapidated block and stone built former barn/garage to create room for and erection of a 2 bedroom Scotframe rural bungalow.


1. The appeal is dismissed.

Main Issue

2. The main issue is whether the proposal would be sustainable development having regard to local planning policies relating to development in open countryside.


3. The appeal site is located within open countryside and adjoining the residential property ‘Llidiard y Cwpl’. A single storey building is situated within the site, which would be removed to facilitate the proposed new dwelling.

4. Strategic Policy C of the Eryri Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out a spatial strategy which seeks to maintain the viability and vibrancy of local communities in a sustainable way appropriate to the National Park. In order to achieve this aim, development is directed towards existing settlements where the need to travel in order to access facilities and services is reduced, with development in open countryside being restricted in recognition of the rural context. In relation to new build dwellings, this is limited to ‘housing which meets an essential need to live in the countryside in line with national planning policy’. However, there is insufficient evidence provided to demonstrate that the proposed development would comply with this requirement. LDP Policy 11 makes provision for new affordable housing in locations which are outside, but immediately adjoining, a development boundary. However, due to the appeal site being a considerable distance from any development boundary and a lack of evidence to demonstrate that the dwelling would be secured,

142 Appeal Decision APP/H9504/A/19/3230836

and retained, for affordable housing, the proposal would not meet the requirements of this policy. The proposed development would not therefore represent sustainable development in accordance the Authority’s spatial strategy.

5. I note the appellant’s comments that the proposed development would result in a visual improvement in the landscape due to the demolition of the existing dilapidated building on the site, and that the proposed dwelling would be located further away from ‘Llidiard y Cwpl’ thus providing greater privacy for the occupiers. Although the existing building appears in poor condition, its size and height give it a muted appearance. This would be in contrast to the proposed new dwelling with a defined residential curtilage, parking and associated domestic paraphernalia, which would be a more intrusive and permanent feature. Although privacy may be improved for the neighbouring occupiers, this would not outweigh the harm caused by the unsustainable location and visual impact of the proposal. With regard to the potential for the existing building to be re-opened as commercial premises, and the resultant increased activity, the building does not appear to have been used commercially for some time and there is no substantive evidence before me to indicate that this represents a realistic or viable fallback position. It does not therefore lead me to alter my decision.

6. I conclude that the proposed development would be an intrusive and unsustainable form of development in the countryside away from any established settlement. It would therefore conflict with the general purpose of Policy C of the LDP to maintain the viability and vibrancy of local communities in a sustainable way appropriate to the National Park.

7. In reaching my decision, I have considered the duty to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, in accordance with the sustainable development principle, under section 3 of the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (WBFG Act). I have taken into account the ways of working set out at section 5 of the WBFG Act and consider that this decision is in accordance with the sustainable development principle through its contribution towards one or more of the Welsh Ministers well-being objectives, as required by section 8 of the WBFG Act.


8. For the reasons given above, the appeal is dismissed.

Claire MacFarlane