Is Where Science, Art, and Religion Meet?

– An Ongoing Multimedia Zoom Class: A Syllabus-in-Progress – Starting 7 October 2020—Wednesdays, 7:00−9:00PM


II, Butterfly Black Stodart, Richard Presented By

In cooperation with The Unitarian Church in Westport, Connecticut.

Instructors & Hosts: Dr. Bart Stuck, Applied Mathematician & Physicist Rev. Marjorie Partch, Jungian Astrologer & Poet With Additional Special Guest Lecturers TBA The Tree of Life

A Kabbalistic Poem By the Ari

(“The Lion,” AKA Rabbi Isaac Luria, 1534–1572)

Behold that before the emanations were emanated and the creatures were created, The Upper Simple Light had filled the whole existence. And there was no vacancy, such as an empty air, a hollow, But all was filled with that Simple, Boundless Light. And there was no such part as head, or end, But everything was One, Simple Light, balanced evenly and equally, And it was called “The Light of Ein Sof” [“Without End”]. And when upon His simple will, came the desire to create the worlds and emanate the emanations, To bring to light the perfection of His deeds, His names, His appellations, Which was the cause of the creation of the worlds, Then the Ein Sof restricted Himself, in His middle point, precisely at the center, And He restricted that Light, and drew far off to the sides around that middle point. And there remained an empty space, an empty air, a vacuum Precisely from the middle point. And that restriction was equally around that empty, middle point, So that the space was evenly circled around it. And after the restriction, when the vacant space remained empty Precisely in the middle of the Light of Ein Sof, A place was formed, where the Emanations, Creations, Formations, and Actions might reside. Then from the Light of Ein Sof, a single line hung down from Above, lowered into that space. And through that line, He emanated, created, formed, and made all the worlds. Prior to these four worlds, there was one Light of Ein Sof, whose Name is One, in wondrous, hidden unity, And even in the angels closest to Him There is no force and no attainment in the Ein Sof, As there is no mind of a created that could attain Him, For He has no place, no boundary, no name.


The Big Bounce

In a cyclic universe, periods of expansion alternate with periods of contraction. The universe has no beginning and no end.

– Samuel Velasco/Quanta Magazine

More on the Big Bounce (vs. Big Bang) in Section VII. Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrology, Page 12.


About the Cover Artist, Richard Stodart Born in Trinidad, West Indies, in 1945, Richard Stodart is a self-taught artist with a Fine Arts degree from Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, in 1971. In 1973, he won a Canada Council Grant for a figurative series of paintings exploring the dynamic of self and reality, in and through presence. His work has been internationally exhibited.

While painting, I work my way to an expressible image of the whole through a push and pull with the embodying body (the expressive activity of ideas/feelings and symbols/images) and mind (the active expression of the full moon shape of reality), in and through emptiness. In this embodying process of radical relatedness, I weigh body and mind as orientational foci of opening and illumining, speaking and listening, encountering and making, the expressed and the inexpressible, ineffability and unnameability, for their dynamic equilibrium as unattainability.

Stodart has published three books on his work: Free and Easy Wandering: Markings On The Way, DreamMaking: The Intimacy of Picture/Reality, and The Someone In Painting/A Picture, a retrospective of his paintings, drawings, and reflections on nonduality, from 1973 to 2014.

Richard will present a guest lecture in January for Section IV, Mysticism East and West, see Page 11.


Introduction This course is designed to run weekly for one year, covering ten subjects for approximately one month apiece. Online meetings will be layered to build cumulatively, through overlapping, revisiting of subjects and historical figures on higher levels, in weekly sessions that can also stand alone. Approximately every fifth week will be devoted to an optional experiential session, augmented with meditation and chant, and assessing the previ- ous weeks’ lessons. Recordings will be available online, along with an ever-expanding website with links to supplemental bibliographic materials:

Table of Contents I. Foundational Questions and Issues 7

II. Reconnecting Mysticism and Science: Quantum Physics 8

III. Emerson on the Bhagavad Gita 10

IV. Mysticism East and West 11 Special guest lecture with our Cover Artist, more details to come:

V. Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss Psychoanalyst, Revisited 11 We have invited a former classmate of Marjorie’s at the Jung Inst., now an analyst, to give a special guest lecture, more to come.

VI. Synchronicity 12

VII. Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrology 12 We have invited Marjorie’s former astrology teacher, a practicing Quaker and Sufi, to Give a special guest lecture, more to come.

VIII. The Letters Between C.G. Jung and Austrian Physicist Wolfgang Pauli, 1932–1958 16

IX. Walking Meditation: Labyrinth – Sacred Geometry Meets Sacred Activism 17

X. Conclusion / Summary: Parallels and Intersections Where Mysticism Meets Science, Art and Religion 19


Is Mysticism Where Science, Art, and Religion Meet?

Overview of Projected Lecture Subjects (as of October 7, 2020)

The equivalence of various sacred geometries links Nature at all levels of reality.

It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human culture, in different times or different cultural environ- ments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developments follow …… Werner Heisenberg, Nobel Prize Winning German Physicist

Any path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you … Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself and yourself alone, one question … Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t, it is of no use …… Carlos Castaneda, Mexican-American Author of a fictional but autobiographical account of his training in shamanism: The Teachings of Don Juan

______Aleph = Alpha to Omega. In set theory in mathematics, the Hebrew aleph glyph is used as the symbol to denote the aleph numbers, which represent the cardinality of infinite sets. This notation was introduced by mathematician Georg Cantor. 6

Materials to Be Reviewed Before Class

Eric Whitacre: Deep Field Ferde Grofe: Grand Canyon Suite

I. Foundational Questions and Issues

Can the combined works of American Unitarian Founding Father Ralph Waldo Emerson and Swiss psychoanalyst, philosopher and expert authority on mythology, cross-cultural symbolism, religion and mysticism, Carl Gustav Jung, provide helpful context? o Eastern Mysticism: Hinduism, Yoga, Meditation, Buddhism, Taoism, I Ching, Sufism, Egyptian o Western Mysticism: Meditation, Prayer, Christianity (Jesus of Nazareth, St. Francis of Assisi), Gnosticism; Kabbalah (Hebrew, Christian, Hermetic); ; the work of C.G. Jung; Synchronicity; Astrology, etc. o Shamanism: Native American, Aztec, Inca, Mayan, Hopi, etc., Australian, African, etc., Lascaux, Gobekli Tepe (Ancient Turkey), etc. o Modern Science at a Crossroads: Cosmology, matter vs. dark matter vs. dark energy, string theory

Mysticism deals with concepts that cannot be expressed verbally, which are beyond language. Science deals with experiments, modeling, and also breaks down in verbal interpretation. o Andrew Harvey: Christian Mysticism and Spiritual Activism — More on Page 17. o Science language breakdown: How can matter be both a particle and a wave? o Introducing the space-time continuum: compactified dimensions, Calabi-Yau manifolds, the scale of the universe: Quantum space compartments to intergalactic spaces o Basic elements: Information, neutrinos, Higgs bosons, matter and dark matter, dark energy o Basic layering: Information, physics, chemistry, biology, matter and dark matter


II. Reconnecting Mysticism and Science: Quantum Physics

Western Science Key Disciplines o Astronomy (Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler) o Classical Mechanics (Newton, Lagrange, Laplace, Hamilton, Poincare) o Electro-Magnetism (Volta, Coulomb, Henry, Faraday, Maxwell, Tesla, Edison, Schwinger, Feynman) o Optics (Ibn al-Haytham, Huygens, Young, Fresnel,

Townes, Kao) o Quantum Mechanics (Planck, Einstein, Bohr, de Broglie, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Pauli, Dirac, Calabi-Yau Manifold Penrose, Bohm, Bell) o Solid State Physics (Helmholtz, Roentgen, Bragg, Calabi%E2%80%93Yau_manifold Omnes, Hall, Bloch, Anderson, Bardeen, Cooper, Stormer, McLaughlin) o Relativity (Michelson, Lorenz, Einstein E=MC2, Minkowski, Hawking) o Particle Physics (Hahn, Feynman, Schwinger, Dyson, Gellman, Weinberg, Salam, Higgs, Anderson, Bardeen, Witten, Verlinde) o Chemistry (, Lavoisier, Boyle, Dalton, Mendeleev, Gibbs, Boltzmann, Pauling) o Biology (Harvey, Priestley, Lamark, Darwin, Mendel, Morgan, Franklin, Watson, Crick, Margulis, Sharp, Mello) o Computing (von Neumann, Turing, Shannon, Grenander, Wolfram) o Mathematics: Numbers (Gauss, Cauchy, Hamilton, Hilbert), algebra (el-Khwarizmi), group theory (Galois, Skilling, Lie), calculus (Newton, Liebniz, Stokes), geometry (Euclid, Gauss, Riemann), functor (Hilbert, Eilenberg), ( ) o Fundamental Ingredients: Information-controlling geometry of space-time o Space Geometry: Symplectic geometry and Calabi Yau manifolds, entanglement, quantum space o Time and Synchronicity: Information flow, action at a distance vs field theory o Matter: Neutrinos and Higgs bosons for matter and dark matter, electrons for matter, magnetic monopoles and neutrinos for strings o Wave vs. Particle: o Dark Matter and Dark Energy: o The Ether: A Path Not Taken o Symmetry and Group Theory:


Non-Western Science o Traditional Chinese Medicine: Herbalism, meridians, and acupuncture o Ayurvedic Tradition: Herbalism, chakras, yoga o Other: Reiki, Pranic Healing o Alchemy o Egypt, China, Veddas, Sumeria, Patanjali, Dante, , Newton, Jung o Ancient spiritual practice and art form that . seeks purification of the soul and immortality; . in parallel with the transmutation of chemical elements where gold symbolizes perfection / enlightenment o Alchemists tried to understand the material basis of the world: Turning lead into gold symbolized a spiritual transmutation equivalent to an awakened consciousness, present in all forms (and which created the Universe). o : Book III, Sutra 26, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali o John Keely ( ), 1872 o Edwin Babbitt, The Principles of Light and Color, 1878 o , A New Era of Thought, 1888 o Nikola Tesla ( ), 1893 o Charles Leadbeater, 1903, In his The Other Side of Death wrote: “In effect, in our physical world we know only of three dimensions. It is not that only these three dimensions exist, but that they alone can be understood by the physical brain. In reality, we live in a space possessing a quantity of dimensions. The limits that are imposed on us for comprehending them in different states always exist only in our consciousness and consequently are truly subjective. We see only what we are susceptible to see, but there is much more to see” o , Charles Leadbeater, Chemistry, 1908 o Ronald Cowen (deceased 14 August 2019) . The Path of Love: The Future of Buddhism as Science, 2015 . Mindfulness Meditation, 2016 o Stephen M. Phillips . Extrasensory Perception of Quarks, 1980 . ESP of Quarks and Superstrings, 1999 . The Mathematical Connection Between Religion and Science, 2015


. The Holistic Nature of the Seven Musical Scales  Inner / Outer Tree of Life  Sri Yantra  Super String . Superstrings as Sacred Geometry  Tree of Life, Flower of Life, Seed of Life, etc.  Platonic Solids  I Ching  Sri Yantra Classical Sacred Geometry Forms:  Diskyakis Triacontahedron The Kabbalistic Tree of Life, within the Flower of Life. III. Ralph Waldo Emerson – A Founding Father of -tree-of-life-160.html American Unitarianism

“Standing on the bare ground,— my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space — all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball. I am nothing. I see all. The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me;

I am part or particle of God.”

Emerson’s Harvard Divinity School Address 1838

Emerson on the Bhagavad Gita

 The Meeting of East and West

 Who Inherits the Mantles of These Crossing Stars  The Turning of Emerson  The Song of God in America  Who is Krishna?  The Tradition of Conscience – Needed more now than ever before. articles/Emerson's%20Gita.pdf


IV. Mysticism East and West o Walt Whitman o Emily Dickinson } Acknowledged Unitarian Mystics and American Poets

o Special guest lecture from our Cover Artist, Richard Stodart, author of several books on creativity and spirituality

o The Tao of Physics (cf The Dancing of Wu Li Masters) o The I Ching / C.G. Jung’s Foreword o Buddhist Meditation o Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Excerpt from Book III o Rumi (Turkish Sufi Mystical Poet o What is Kabbalah? o Gnosticism, Jung and The Lost Gospels: o Acupuncture: meridians, body field

V. Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss Psychoanalyst, Revisited o Complex, Extraversion and Introversion o Archetypes, archetypal images, mythology o Persona, Shadow, Ego, Collective Unconscious o Anima/Animus, Self Individuation o Gnosticism and Jung: The Nag Hammadi Library o Joseph Campbell: The Hero and Mythology o Readings: o Liber Novus (The Red Book); and o Aion, Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self

We hope for a special guest lecture, exact topic TBA, to be given by a Jungian Analyst and former classmate of Marjorie’s – stay tuned for details.


VI. Synchronicity

o C.G. Jung, Ira Progoff, Robert Hopcke, et al o Divination: I Ching; Tarot (Hermetic Kabbalah); Astrology o Paul Foster Case, Aliester Crowley (incl. 777)

VII. Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrology

o Astronomy: planets, moons, stars, nebulae, clusters, galaxies o Cosmology: Big Bounce vs. Big Bang, o Astrology o History – Required study in church-run medieval universities, e.g., Dante, Paracelsus o o

o Hamlet’s Mill


– We have invited Marjorie’s former astrology teacher, a practicing Quaker and Sufi, to give a special guest lecture – more to come. o Gauquelin: Statistical Analysis of Astrology o Lois Rodden: Astrological Data Analysis o Jung and Astrology, Liz Greene (incl. Jung on Astrology) o What: Planets, How: Signs, Where: Houses, Why: Interpretation vs. Prediction o Natal chart: Time of birth to minute, date, place, and ephemeris


Astrological Symbolism in Christian Iconography — From St. John’s Vision of the Apocalypse — The Book of Kells (Irish Illuminated Manuscript) — The Four Evangelists as the Four “Fixed” Signs:

Most commonly: Matthew is associated with the man (Aquarius), Mark with the lion (Leo), Luke the ox (Taurus), and John the eagle (Scorpio).

14,ox%2C% 20and%20John%20the%20eagle.

As they appear in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck: And in Aliester Crowley’s Thoth Deck:


VIII. The Letters Between C.G. Jung and Austrian Physicist Wolfgang Pauli, 1932–1958

Background of Physicist Wolfgang Pauli (1945 Nobel Prize in Physics) archive/biography#:~:text=Wolfgang%20 Pauli%20was%20born%20in,Arnold%20 Sommerfeld)%20(5).

 Exclusion principle in quantum mechanics, uncertainty principle  Prediction of neutrino  Duality of particles and waves and observer impact on metrology

o Who said: “As the phenomenal world is an aggregate of the processes of atomic magni- tude, it is naturally of the greatest importance to find out whether, and if so how, the photons (shall we say) enable us to gain a definite knowledge of the reality underlying the mediative energy processes … Light and matter both behave like separate particles and also like waves. This obliged us to abandon, on the plane of atomic magnitudes, a causal description of nature in the ordinary space-time system, and in its place to set up invisible fields of probability in multidimensional spaces”? Pauli? No, Jung.

o Who said: “Division and reduction of symmetry, this then is the kernel of the brute. The former is an ancient attribute of the devil … If only the two divine contenders—Christ and the devil—could notice that they have grown so much more symmetrical!” Jung? No, Pauli.


IX. Where’s the Love? Sacred Geometry Meets Sacred Activism At The Unitarian Church in Westport (Connecticut) – A Proposed Sample Event: A Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk for Juneteenth 2021

Left: The Labyrinth at Chartres; the Solar Christ Surrounded By the 12 Disciples of the Zodiac

Chartres Cathedral and Sacred Geometry:

o Labyrinths and similar structures around the globe: Chartres, Stonehenge, Carnac, the Grange, Gobekli Tepe (Ancient Turkey)

Relax: The labyrinth is not a maze, that is, a puzzle designed to confuse you into losing your way. Labyrinths have no tricks or dead ends. It is a walking meditation. Everyone’s experience is unique, but a walk often has three stages:

 Releasing: on the way in, allow yourself to let go of daily preoccupations  Receiving: in the center, allow yourself to enter the moment, receive inner peace, intuition  Returning: on the way out, you may integrate what you received and learned

Sacred Activism

Labyrinths have been used as practical spiritual tools in conflict resolution and reconciliation work. Join us as we seek to invoke the Divine Inspiration to co-create a genuine instance of Sacred Activism in recognition of the traditional anniversary of the reiteration of the Declaration of Emancipation of the United States’ former slave population, in Texas in 1865. As we engage in a collective experience of inner peace with this intention, we send ripples emanating outward to create a symbolic but real step toward World Peace and Justice on a microcosmic level – e.g., potentially partnering with a local Racial Justice organization in order to have some definite impact. on-conflict-resolution


“A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, one devoid of an authentic political and social consciousness, does little to halt the suicidal juggernaut of history. On the other hand, an activism that is not purified by profound spiritual and psychological self-awareness and rooted in divine truth, wisdom, and compassion will only perpetuate the problem it is trying to solve, however righteous its intentions … Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radical action in the world. The large-scale practice of Sacred Activism can become an essential force for preserving and healing the planet and its inhabitants.” – Andrew Harvey Who Coined (and Trademarked) the Term in 2008


X. Conclusion / Summary: Parallels and Intersections Where Mysticism Meets Science, Art and Religion

o The Unity of All Things (The Theory of Everything, revisited) o Beyond the World of Opposites o Space-Time o The Dynamic Universe o Emptiness and Form o The Cosmic Dance o Neutrinos, Quarks, Subquarks, and Strings o Patterns of Change o Interpretation o The Unification of Physics (2014) by Fritjof Capra o The Holistic Nature of the Seven Musical Scales o Inner/Outer Tree of Life o Sri Yantra o Super String o Superstrings as Sacred Geometry . Tree of Life, Flower of Life, Seed of Life, etc. . Platonic Solids . I Ching . Sri Yantra . Diskyakis Triacontahedron


Here are names of solar gods [“Leo”] throughout history who were said to have been born of a virgin [“Virgo”] on 25th December:

HORUS An Ethiopian-Sudanese God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 3,000 YEARS before Jesus.

BUDDHA A Nepalese God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 563 YEARS before Jesus.

KRISHNA An Indian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 900 YEARS before Jesus.

ZARATHUSTRA An Iranian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 1,000 YEARS before Jesus.

HERCULES A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 800 YEARS before Jesus.

MITHRA A Persian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin- 600 YEARS before Jesus.

DIONYSUS A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 500 YEARS before Jesus.

THAMMUZ A Babylonian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 400 YEARS before Jesus.

HERMES A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.

ADONIS A Phoenician God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.

JESUS CHRIST A Jewish messianic figure, claimed by Christians c. 300 AD (at the Council of Nicea) to be a god born 25th December, by a Virgin – c. 7 BC

All of the foregoing are still to be confirmed – I think Krishna was a human avatar of Shiva, e.g., and Hercules was a human hero, e.g. – MAP.