
of Unbounded (revise at 10th August)

Hayato Arai (荒井駿) 321801019

1 Introduction

In some of exercises and scattering theory, functional calculus plays an essential role. That is because I proof functional calculus of version for my subject. Functional calculus says that any self adjoint operator (even if on infinity dimension or un- bounded) can calculus like complex . Therefore we regard spectral decomposition as a kind of integration, represent unbounded operator (such as differential operator or Hamiltonian) as a unitary group which is well-known as Stone’s theorem, and so on.

2 Proof of functional calculus

First, we check the notation. H ̸= (0) is and B(H) is a bounded linear operators on H. C(H) is densely defined closed linear operators on H which have a domain. σ(S) is the spectral set of S and ρ(S) is the of S. If λ ∈ ρ(S), then λ − S has inverse and this inverse −1 ˜ denoted by (λ − S) or Rλ. σ(S) is defined by onepoint conpactification when σ(S) is unbounded, 1 if σS is unbounded, σ(˜S) is defined by σ(S). We write e(s) ≡ 1 and r (s) = , λ ∈ ρ(S) for λ λ − s some S. At first, we show following proposition Proposition 2.1. Let S : H → H be densely defined and symmetric. The following are eauivalent: 1. S = S∗ 2. σ(S) ⊂ R 3. i ∈ ρ(S). Proof. Suppose 1 and suppose λ = µ+iν with µ, ν real and ν ≠ 0. When x ∈ D(S), |((λ−S)x, (λ− S)x)| ≥ |λ|2||x||2 ≥ |ν|2||x||2. Therefore λ − S is 1-1 and has closed range sinse S = S∗ is closed. Again R(λ − S)⊥ = N((λ − S)∗) = N(λ − S) = (0) with N(S) be a kernel of S. Thus λ − S is onto, so λ ∈ ρ(S). 2 ⇒ 3 is clear. Suppose 3. Then N(S∗ + i) = R(S∗ − i)⊥ = (0). This means that S∗ + i, which is an extension of the onto operator S + i, is 1-1. This is only possible if S∗ + i = S + i, which implies S∗ = S.

1 Next, we show the theorem which should be called the ”continuous” functional calculus.

−1 Theorem 2.2. Let S : H → H be a self adjoint operator. The map e 7→ I, rλ 7→ (λ − S) has a unique extension and this extension is an isometric algebra isomorphism f 7→ f(S): C(˜σ(S)) → B. Moreover, this extension preserves adjoint and order, i.e. f(S)∗ = f ∗(S), f(S) ≥ 0 if and only if f ≥ 0, on σ(S).

Proof. Let F be the algebra of functions on C generated by e and rλ. When such map exists and ··· let p be a in n-variables, then the function f defined by f(s) = p(rλ1 (s), , rλn (s)) ··· F correspond to the operator f(S) = p(Rλ1 , ,Rλn ). Conversely, this will extend the map to ··· ··· when it is well-defined, i.e. p(rλ1 (s), , rλn (s)) = 0 imply p(Rλ1 , ,Rλn ) = 0. ≡ ≡ To show this, we induce on n. For n = 1, p(rλ1 ) 0 imply p is zero polynomial, so p(Rλ1 ) 0. ≤ ··· ≡ Next, suppose the assumption is true in n m, and suppose p(rλ1 (s), , rλm+1 (s)) 0. Since ∞ each rλj = 0 at , the constant term of p is zero. Now,

1 − − (λm+1 s)rλj (s) = (λm+1 s) λj − s 1 1 = λm+1 + 1 − λj λj − s λj − s − = (λm+1 λj)rλj + 1, − ··· ··· so (λm+1 s)p(rλ1 (s), , rλm+1 (s)) = q(rλ1 (s), , rλm (s)), with q is polynomial in m-variables because p has no constant term. Similarly, − − (λm+1 S)Rλj = (λm+1 λj)Rλj + I, − ··· ··· so (λm+1 S)p(Rλ1 , ,Rλm+1 ) = q(Rλ1 , ,Rλm ) and this is equal to 0 by the assumption of − − induction. Finally, p has no constant terms, each Rλj has range D(S), and λm+1 Sis 1 1, so ··· ≡ these impies p(Rλ1 , ,Rλm+1 ) 0. Thus there is a unique extension to an algebra homomorphism f 7→ f(S): F → B(H). Next, we show that for f ∈ F,σ(f(S)) = f(˜σ(S)). To show this, note that F consists precisely of all bounded rational functions which are holomorphic on σ(S). Suppose x ̸∈ f(˜σ(S)). Then put (x − f(s))−1 = h(s) ∈ F and by homomophismness,

(x − f(S))h(S) = e(S) = I = h(S)(x − f(S)).

Thus x ̸∈ σ(f(S)). Conversely if λ ∈ σ(S) and x = f(λ), then s − f(s) = (λ − s)g(s), where g(s) ∈ F and g(∞) = 0byboundness. Therefore, using the fractions decomposition of g we get

g(S)(λ − S) ⊂ (λ − S)g(S) = s − f(S).

Since λ ∈ σ(S), λ − S is either not 1-1 or not onto, so the same is true of x ∈ σ(f(S)). Thus f(˜σ(S)) ⊂ σ(f(S)). Next, we show isometry and uniqueness. Recall that operator is specified its spectral. we get ||f(S)|| = sup{f(λ); λ ∈ σ(˜S)} = ||f||, f ∈ F

2 Therefore this map is an isometry of F, considered as a subalgebra of C(˜σ(S)), into B(H). On ⊂ R ∗ F σ(S) , rλ = rλ. Therefore is a closed complex conjugation. The Stone-Weierstrass theorem show that F is dense in C(˜σ(S)), so f 7→ f(S)has a unique extension to an algebra isometry. − ∗ −1 − −1 ∗ ∗ ∗ Finally, we show the other relations. (λ S ) = ((λ S) ) imply rλ(S) = rλ = rλ(S) . Thus f ∗(S) = f(S)∗, ∀f ∈ F. This relation is carried to C(˜σ(S)). suppose f ≥ 0, f ∈ C(˜σ(S)),, then there exists g ∈ C(˜σ(S)), g ≥ 0, such that f = g2. Then f(S) = g(S)2 = g(S)∗g(S) ≥ 0. Conversely if f(S) ≥ 0, then f(˜σ(S)) = σ(f(S)) ⊂ 0, ∞), (Recall that put a self adjoint operator S, then σ(S) ⊂ [α, β], where α = inf{(Sx, x); ||x|| = 1}, β = sup{(Sx, x); ||x|| = 1}.) Thus f ≥ 0.

Corollary 2.3. S is a self adjoint operator. Then S is bounded if and only if σ(S) is bounded.

Proof. If S bounded, σ(S) ⊂ [α, β], where α = inf{(Sx, x); ||x|| = 1}, β = sup{(Sx, x); ||x|| = 1} is bounded. Conversely suppose σ(S) is bounded. Let f(s) ≡ s. Then f ∈ C(σ(S)). Moreover, (f − λ)rλ = e,λ ∈ ρ(S), so (f(S) − λ)Rλ = Rλ(f(S) − λ) = I. Therefore f(S) − λ = S − λ, so S = f(S) ∈ B(H).

Now, we have functional calculus which have only continuous functions, so we extends this calculus for some general functions.

Definition 2.4. First, let σ be a closed subset of R, and let A0(σ) be the algebra continuous complex valued function on σ which is 0 at ∞. Next, let A+(σ) be the set of bounded functions on σ which are pointwise limits of increasing of non-negative functions in A0. Finally, let A1 be the algebra generated by A1.

If σ is a bounded, A0 equal to algebra of C(σ). All bounded continuous non- negative functions are written as pointwise limits of increasing sequence of non-negative functions, so A+ contains all of them. Similarly, A1 contained all bounded continuous function on σ. Write fn ↗ f is real valued and {fn(s)}n is increase sequence, all s ∈ σ. Definition 2.5. {S} ⊂ B(H) is called full if ∨R(S) = H

−1 Note that if S is self adjoint, {(λ − S) }λ is full. Then, next lemma is essential to extend functional calculus.

Lemma 2.6. Let σ is a closed subset in R, and let A0 : A0(σ) → B(H) be an isometric algebra isomorphism which preserve adjoints. Then A0 has a unique extension to an algebra homomorphism A1 : A1 → B(H) with property that if {fn} ⊂ A+ and fn ↗ f ∈ A+, then A1(fn) → A1(f). || || ≤ | | Moreover, the extention A1 also preserving adjoint and order, and A1(f) sups∈σ f(s) . The image of A0 is full if and only if A1(e) = I.

Proof. First, the same argument in theorem 2.1 shows that A0 preserves order. Now, we will define A1(f) which has uniqueness step by step, and then proof the other relation. Suppose 0 ≤ fn ↗ f, where fn ∈ A0, f is bounded. Then {A0(fn)} is a bounded increase sequence of operators in B(H), so A0(fn) → S ∈ B(H). Suppose also gn ∈ A0, 0 ≤ gn ↗ f. Then A0(gn) → T ∈ B(H). Let fn ∧ gm(s) := min{fn(s), gm(s)}. Then fn ∧ gm ↗ fn as m → ∞. These functions are continuous and 0 at ∞ (if σ is unbounded), so the convergence is uniform. Thus T = lim A0(gm) ≥ lim A0(fn ∧ gm) = A0(fn), all n, so T ≥ S. Also we get S ≥ T . Therefore the

3 limitS = T =: A1(f) is independent of the approximating sequence. If f ∈ A0 ∩ A+, set fn ≡ f. Then A1(f) = lim A0(fn) = A0(f). Suppose fn, gn ∈ A0, 0 ≤ fn ↗ f ∈ A+, 0 ≤ gn ↗ g ∈ A+. Then fn + gn ↗ f + g, fngn ↗ fg, so A1(f + g) = A1(f) + A1(g), A1(fg) = A1(f)A1(g). Similarly, if f ∈ A+, α ≥ 0, then A1(αf) = αA1(f). If f ≤ g, f, g ∈ A+, then we put the sequence fn ≤ gn. Thus A1(f) = lim A0(fn) ≤ lim A0(gn) = A1(g). Now, since A+ is closed under addition, multiplication, and multiplication by non-negative numbers, A1 contains precisely of all functions of the form f = f1f2 + if3 − if4, fj ∈ A+. Also if f = g1−g2+ig3−ig4, gj ∈ A+, then f1+g2 = g1+f2, f3+g4 = g3+f4. Thus by the algebraic property of A1, A1(f1)−A1(f2)+iA1(f3)−iA1(f4) = A1(g1)−A1(g2)+iA1(g3)−iA1(g4). Therefore A1 has a unique linear extension to A1, and extension is an algebra homomorphism.Moreover, this argument ∗ ∗ also shows A1(f ) = A1(f) . If f, g ∈ A1 and f ≥ g, then f = f1 − f2, g = g1 − g2, fj, gj ∈ A+, and f1 + g2 ≥ g1 + f2, so A1(f1 + g2) ≥ A1(g1 + f2). Therefore A1(f) ≥ A1(g). fn ∈ A+ andfn ↗ f ∈ A+, take {fn,m} ⊂ A0 ∩ A1 with fn,m ↗ fn. Let gn(s) := max{f1,n(s), ··· fn,n(s)}. Then gn ∈ A0 ∩ A+ andgn ≤ fn, gn ↗ f. Therefore A1(gn) ≤ A1(fn) ≤ ∗ 2 A1(f), and since A1(gn) → A1(f) we have A1(fn) → A1(f). If |f(s)| ≤ c, then (f f)(s) ≤ c , so ∗ 2 2 2 2 A1(f) A1(f) ≤ c A1(e) ≤ c I, so ||A1(f)|| ≤ c . Finally, we discuss about fullness. if {A0(f)} is full, then since A1(e)A1(f) = A1(ef) = A1(f), all f, we have A1(e) = I. Conversely, let H1 = ∨R(A0(f)) be a subspace of H. Then each A1(f) has range in H1. Therefore since A1(e) = I, H1 = H, this means fullness.

Finally, we extend functional calculus to the locally continuous function, so the image of func- tional calculus is extended to the unbounded densely defined closed operators.

Definition 2.7. Let eN be the characteristic function of (−N,N) and the restriction of en to σ (it N is in A+) also denoted by e . Let A be the algebra of functions on σ which are locally in A1, i.e. N N N those fsuch that e f ∈ A1, all N > 0. Write f := e f.

Theorem 2.8. Let σ be a closed subset of R and let A0 : A0(σ) → B(H) be an isometric algebra isomorphism onto a full subalgebra of B(H) of which preserve adjoints. There is an unique extension A : A(σ) → C(H), which has the properties: 1. A(αf) = αA(f), α ≠ 0; 2. A(f) + A(g) ⊂ A(f + g); 3. A(f)A(g) ⊂ A(fg);

4. A(f ∗) = A(f)∗; ⇒ || || ≤ | | 5. f is bounded A(f) supσ f(s) ; 6. f ≥ 0 ⇒ (A(f)x, x) ≥ 0, all x ∈ D(A(f));

7. fn ∈ A+, fn ↗ f ⇒ (A(fn)x, x) → (A(f)x, x) all x ∈ D(A(f)); 8. if s ∈ D(A(f)), then A(f N )x → A(f)x as N → ∞.

4 Proof. Lemma 2.6 give us a unique extension A1 : A1 → B(H). Given f ∈ A, let D(A(f)) = { || N || ∞} ∈ || N ||2 | N |2 x ; supN A1(f )x < . Suppose x D(A(f)). A1(f )x = (A1( f )x, x) is bounded and non-decreasing with N, hence convergent as N → ∞. For M < N,(f ∗)M f N = (f ∗)M f M , so

N M 2 N 2 M 2 ||A1(f )x − A1(f )x|| = ||A1(f )x|| − ||A1(f )|| → 0 (M,N → ∞). Let A(f)x be this limit. This is independent of choice of internal. By this extension, A(f) is linear. N N Since e ↗ e, A1(e )A1(f) = A1(f). Therefore if f ∈ A1, so that D(A(f)) = H, we have N N A(f) = lim A1(f ) = lim A1(e )A1(f) = A1(f).

N N In general, if f is bounded then the f are uniformly bounded; by the lemma ||A1(f )|| ≤ sup |f N (s)| ≤ sup |f(s)|. Therefore A(f) ∈ B(H), ||A(f)|| ≤ sup |f(s)|. Each EN := A(eN ) is projection whose range is clearly contained in D(A(f)) for any f ∈ A. Since EN → I, ∨EN (H) = H. Therefore each A(f) is densely defined. Suppose y ∈ D(A(f ∗)), x ∈ D(A(f)). Then (y, A(f)x) = lim(y, A(f N )x) = lim(A(f ∗)N x, y) = (A(f ∗)y, x). Conversely, suppose y ∈ D(A(f)∗) and A(f)∗y = z. Then (EN y, A(f N )x) = (y, A(f)EN x) = (z, EN x) = (EN z, x). Thus A((f)∗N )y = EN z → z, so y ∈ D(A(f ∗)∗) and A(f ∗)y = z. This proves 4 and it follows that A(f) = A(f ∗)∗ is closed. So far we have defined A, shown that A(f) ∈ C(H) and proved 4 and 7. Before show the other relations, let us show uniquness. If B is another extension of A0, it also extends A1. By 7, B(f) ⊂ A(f). Taking adjoint, B(f) = B(f ∗)∗ ⊃ A(f ∗)∗ = A(f). Therefore A(f) = B(f). Now, we show the other relations. 1 is trivial, Suppose f, g ∈ A.(f + g)N = f N + gN , (fg)N = N N N f g and ||A1((f + g) x)|| = ||A1(f)x + A1(g)x||. Thus D(A(f)) ∩ D(A(g)) ⊂ D(A(f + g)). For x ∈ D(A(f)) ∩ D(A(g)),

N A(f + g)x = lim(A1((f + g) x) = A(f)x + A(g)x. If x ∈ D(A(g)) and A(g)x ∈ D(A(f)), then ||A((fg)N )x|| = ||A(f N )A(g)x|| is bounded. Thus N M N D(A(f)A(g)) ⊂ D(A(fg)) and since A1(f )A1(g ) = A1((fg) ), N < M, N A(f)A(g)x = lim A1(f )A(g)x N N = lim A1(f )(lim A1(g )x) N = lim A1((fg) x) = A(fg)x.

N If f ≥ 0, then f ≥ 0, so 6 follows fram that A1 preserves order. Finally, suppose fn ∈ A+, fn ↗ f ∈ A. Then for x ∈ D(A(f)), N (A(fn) x, x) ≤ (A(fn)x, x) ≤ (A(f)x.x).

5 N → N N → By the Lemma 2.6, A(fn ) A(f ), and since (A(f )x, x) (A(f)x, x), we get 7.

Corollary 2.9. S is a self adjoint operator and σ isσ(S). Let A0 : A0(σ) → B(H) be given by A0(f) = f(S). Let A be the extension of theorem, and f(s) ≡ s. Then A(f) = S. Proof. Let h(s) = (s − i)−1. Then hf = 1 + if, so (S − i)−1A(f) ⊂ I + i(S − i)−1. Multiplication on the left by S − i gives A(f) ⊂ S. Then A(f) = A(f)∗ ⊃ S∗ = S, so A(f) = S.

Conbining Theorem 2.2, 2.8, and Corollary 2.9, we have a map from A(σ(S)) to C(H), which we shall denoted by f 7→ f(S). This is an abstract construction of Functional Calculus. Next, we see explicit construction of this functional calculus.

Proposition 2.10. Let {Et} be a spectral measure with support∫ σ and define et(s) := 1, s ≤ t, et(s) := 0, s > t. The map et 7→ Et has extension, written f 7→ f(s)dEs : A(σ) → C(H) and it satisfy the same consitions of theorem 2.8.

B B Proof. If B is a half-open (a, b], let e be the characteristic function. Then e = eb−ea. Let E(B) = Eb − Ea, and let E(∅) = 0. If B1,B2 are two such intervals, then the fact that Et increases with t implies E(B1 ∩ B2) = E(B1)E(B2), while E(B1 ∪ B2) = E(B1) + E(B2) − E(B1 ∩ B2), if B B1 ∪ B2 is again an interval. It follows that the map e → E(B) has a unique linear extension B which is an algebra∑ homomorphism from the algebra of functoins generated by the e into B(H). Bj Furthermore if f = αje where the Bj are disjoint and the sum is finitem then for x ∈ H, ∑ ∑ 2 2 2 || αjE(Bj)x|| = |αj| ||E(Bj)x|| ∑ 2 ≤ sup{|αj| ; R(Bj) ≠ 0} ||E(Bj)x|| ≤ sup{|f(s)|}||x||2. σ {| |} | | ̸ Conversely, supσ ∑f(s) = αk for some k such that E(Bk) = 0. Take x in∑ the range of E(Bk)with 2 2 2 ||x|| = 1. Then || αjE(Bj)x|| = ||αkx|| = |αk| . Thus the map f → αjE(Bj) has a unique extension to an algebra isometry into B(H) from the algebra A∗(σ)which is the closure in the sup norm on σ of the algebra generated by the eB. Moreover, this map is seen to preserve adjoint. Since A0(σ) ⊂ A∗(σ) we may restrict to A0(σ) and apply Theorem 2.2 to get a mapping A1 : A1(σ) → B(H). We assert that A1(et) = Et. Given t ∈ R, choose a sequence {fn} of 1 continuous functions with 0 ≤ f ≤ e, f ↗,f (s) = 0, s ≤ t, f (s) = 1, t + ≤ s ≤ t + n, and n n n n n 1 f (s) = 0, s ≥ t + n + 1. Then f ↗ 1 − e . Let B = (t + , t + n], and let F := A (f ). Our n n t n n n 1 n construction gives E(Bn) ≤ Fn ≤ I − Et. However, E(Bn) → I − Et, so A1(1 − et) = lim A1(fn) = I − Et, or A1(et) = Et. Thus A/1 extends the map et → Et; moreover Et ↗ I as t → ∞ implies that A1(A0) is full. The assertion now follows from Theorem 2.2.

Proposition 2.11. Let {Et} be a spectral measure and let ∫ its Ut := e dEt.

6 Then {U } is strongly continuous unitary group. t ∫ ∫ ist Proof. Let ut(s) := e . Ut = ut dEs is in the image of extension map f 7→ f(s) dEs in ∗ Proposition 2.10. Therefore Ut satisfies corresponding properties of ut. ut ut = 1 shows each Ut is unitary, and us+t = utus shows Us+t = UsUt. Now we have already ∨R(Eb − Ea) = H. Put x ∈ R(Eb − Ea), then ut(eb − ea) → us(eb − ea) uniformly as t → s. Thus Utx → Usx everywhere.

1 Proposition 2.12. Let {U } be a strongly continuous unitary group in H and let S := lim → (U x− t t 0 it t x). Then S is exists and self adjoint.

Proof. The existence is following meaning. {Ut} is unitary group, so the domain D(S) is defined as the set of all x such that limt→0(Utx − x) is exists, and letSx = y. This is well-defined.∫ ∞ ∞ | | Now, we proof self-adjointness. Suppose ϕ is a continuous function on [0, ) with 0 ϕ(s) ds < ∞. Define Tϕx, x ∈ H, as ∫ ∞ Tϕx = ϕ(s)Usxds. 0 Since Utxis continuous about t and has norm ||x||, this show the existence of the improper Riemann ′ integral, and so Tϕ ∈ B(H). Suppose also that the derivation ϕ is continuous and absolutely integrable on [0, ∞). For t > 0, ∫ 1 1 ∞ (U − I)T x = ϕ(s)[U x − U x]ds it t ϕ it s+t s ∫ 0 ∫ ∞ 1 1 t = [ϕ(s − t) − ϕ(s)]Usxds + ϕ(s)Usxds. t it it 0

Then we think about limit this fomula, and since Usx → x as s → 0 from Proposition 2.11, ∫ ∫ 1 ∞ 1 1 t lim (U − I)T x = lim [ϕ(s − t) − ϕ(s)]U xds + ϕ(s)U xds → t ϕ → s s t 0 it t 0 t it it 0 = iTϕ′ + iϕ(0)I, ∫ ∞ ′ { } so we get STϕ = iTϕ + iϕ(0)I. If ϕn is a sequence of functions as above with 0 ϕn(s)ds = 1 1,ϕ (s) = 0 for s ≥ , then T x → as n → ∞. Thus D(S) is dense. n n ϕn 1 1 Since ( (U − I)x, y) = (y, (U − I)x), S is symmetric, so we should show only that i ∈ ρ(S) it t it t −s from proposition 2.1. Take ϕ(s) = ie and consider STϕ = iTϕ′ + iϕ(0)I. Define R+ as ∫ ∞ −s R+x = −i e Usxds. 0 Then ∫ ∞ −s (S + i)R+x = (S + i) − i e Usxds 0 ∫ ∞ −s = −iSTϕx + e Usxds 0 = iTϕ′ x + iϕ(0)Ix − iTϕ′ s = Ix,

7 so (S + i)R+ = I and the domain is everywhere. Since UtUs = UsUt from Proposition2.12, D(S) is invariant under Ut and UtS ⊂ SUt. It follows that R+(S + i) ⊂ (S + i)R+ = I Therefore −i ∈ ρ(S) −1 −1 and R+ = (S + i) . Similarly, i ∈ ρ(s) and (S − i) = R−, where ∫ ∞ −s R−x = i e U−ssds. 0 Thus S is self adjoint.

Theorem 2.13. There are 1-1 correspondence between self adjoint operators S, spectral measure {Et} and unitary groups {Ut} given by: ∫

Et = et(S),S = s dEs;

1 Ut = ut(S),S = lim (Us − I); ∫ s→0 is ist Ut = e dEs.

Proof. We show first correspondence. If S is self adjoint and Et = et(∫S), then by uniqueness of the extensions to A(R) and the corollary of theorem∫ 2.8, S = f(s) = f(∫s)dEs, wheref(s) = s. −1 Conversely, if {Et} is a spectral measure and∫S = sdEs, them (λ−S) = rλ(s)dEs, λ ̸∈ R; this follows from the properties∫ of the map g 7→ g(s)dEs. Since the {rλ} generate a dense subalgebra of A0(σ), we get∫g(S) = g(S)dEs for every g ∈ A0(σ) and therefore for every g ∈ A1(σ). In particular, Et = et(S)dEs = et(S). 1 Now, we show second correspondence. If U = u (S) and T = lim (U − I), let {E } be the t t it t t 1 spectral measure associated with S. Now (u − e)(e − e ) → f(e − e ) unifomly as ϵ → 0, where iϵ ϵ b a b a f(s) = s. Therefore the range of Eb − Ea, a < b, is in D(T ) and T = S on this range. For any x ∈ D(S) → 0, xN := (EN − E−N )x → x and T xN = SxN → Sx as N → ∞. Therefore S ⊂ T . 1 However, S = S∗ ⊂ T ∗ = T , so S = T . Conversely, let {U } be a unitary group, S = lim (U − I), t it t 1 and V = u (S). Then we have also S = lim (V − I). If x, y ∈ D(S), then U x, V y ∈ D(S), all t. t t it t t t Therefore the scalar functionϕ(t) = (Utx, Vty) is differentiable, and ′ ϕ (t) = (iSUtx, Vxy) + (Utx, iSVty) = 0. ≡ ≡ ∗ Thus (Utx, Vty) (U0x, V0y) (x, y). Since D(S) is dence, this implies Vt Ut = I, or Vt = Ut, i.e. {Ut} and {Vt} are equivalent. ∫ its Finally, we show third correspondence. IfUt = e dEs where {Et} is a spectral measure. Let ∫ 1 S = s dE . Then we know U = u (S), and consequently S = lim (U − I). Then we know s t t it t 1 U = u (S), and consequently S = lim (U −I). Therefore we have already {U } and {E } uniquely t t it t t t from S.

8 This is the∫ explicit construction of functional calculus. For example, we want to calculous f(S), we calculus f(s)dEs. Moreover, this construction reveal the representation of S as unitary group. ′ 1 For example, we have S0f := if on C , and S is closure of S0. Then S is self adjoint unbounded operator. From theorem 2.12, there exists unitary group{Ut} which correspond to S. {Ut} must satisfy the relation Ut = ut(S), so we get Utf(s) = f(s − t) by simple calculus of Taylor’s formula. Therefore Ut is a .

3 Reference

[1] The lecture notes of this class [2] R. Beals, ”topics in ”, The University of Chicago Press Chicago and London, (1971).