
from The Conservative Caucus

National Headquarters 7111 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, Virginia 22043 (703) 893-1550 Project Office 47 West Street Boston, Massachusetts 02111 (617) 426-7188


For further information please contact: Larry Woldt (703) 893-1550



F. Andy Messing, Executive Director of The Conservative Caucus CTCC), today said, "Contrary to what some in government would like us to believe, the people of this country demand a balanced budget

and tax cuts." -v:

r.'T' Speaking at a joint press conference in the Capitol with Congress man Samuel Devine, Chairman of the House Republican Conference and a member of TCC's National Advisory Board, Messing added, "Earlier this year The Conservative Caucus launched our 'Tax Reduction Action Plan' (TRAP). One aspect of that program was a nationwide petitior^^drive. Today we are proceeding to send President Carter more than 40,000 peti tions collected by The Conservative Caucus from angry taxpayers nation wide. I think it is appropriate that we are taking this action on April 15. The American people are tired of footing the bill by paying higher taxes and higher prices to quench the appetite of Members of Congress and an Administration that refuses to put a lid on federal spending, clean up a bloated bureaucracy and eliminate the over-regulation of our

free enterprise system—the real causes of inflation." Messing continued, "At the same time of the petition drive TCC was polling more than 33,000 taxpayers from all over America asking them whether they wanted to 'increase', 'maintain' current levels; or 'decrease' government control over the spending of their tax dollars in 15 separate issue areas. The results showed that 83.7% of those responding wanted to - 2 -

decrease total federal spending. The poll pointed out specific areas such as food stamps and welfare where people wanted spending cuts and areas such as defense where those who replied favored an increase. (See attached Members Report, page 2 for complete poll results) Messing concluded, "I am particularly pleased that Congressman Devine has joined us today. During his career Congressman Devine has , continually fought along with other conservatives for fiscal responsi bility. He is not a*Johnny-come-lately*in an election year on this issue."

The Conservative Caucus maintains its national headquarters just,

outside Washington, D.C. in Vienna, Virginia. Field operations are

based in Boston, Massachusetts. Since its founding in November 1974,

TCC has grown to more than 350,000 members nationwide with volunteer leaders in all fifty states and most of the 435 Congressional Districts.

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: MEMBER'S REPORT ig Volume 4 April 1980• Published by The Conservative Caucus, Inc. Number 1 National Headquarters• 422 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, Virginia 22180 Crane, Armstrong, An Invitation to Leadership Hatch, Humphrey, Knight Dear Member; To Headline 1980 America needs leadership. Leadership Conferences And you're the one to provide it. This country will not be turned around by silent majorities, or even by cheering spectators. One person committed to leadership matters far more than millions who are passive. This year. The Conservative Caucus seeks to train or reactivate one thousand leaders-men and women who are needed to help lead the fight in their states and Congressional Districts.

Congressman Sen. Sen. Tfen three-day con/erences-in Seattle, St. Louis, Boston, Dallas, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Phil Crane William Armstrong Orrin Hatch , Atlanta, Denver, and Washington, D.C.-are scheduled,from March through December. %u should attend at least one of them. Our conferences concentrate on the solutions, not the problems. Learn what can be done to cut taxes and spending, to counter Soviet Imperialism, to preserve the family from bureaucratic assault. Find out how you can more effectively influence the way your state and Congressional District Sen. Brig. Gen. Albion Knight Gordon Humphrey USA (Ret.) are represented in Washington, D.C. Help us take back the government. Senators William Armstrong (R-Colo.), We are looking for leaders; candidates for State Coordinator and District Director assignments. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), and Gordon Hum Defeat SALT chairmen; Taxfighters; businessmen who want to enlist their colleagues and co- phrey (R-N.H.j, along with Congressman workers; media communicators; clergymen and laymen who want to help activate America's Phil Crane (R-Ill.) and Brig. Cen. Alhion moral majority. Knight USA (Ret.), are among the promi If you wont to moke things happen-not simply let them happen-Come to One of the Caucus nent conservatives who will discuss Leadership Schools (whichever is most convenient to you). "Leadership for the 1980's" at TCC's 10, three-day. Tax-fighting Haining Confer Your three-day/$65 investment could be very important for you-for The Conservative Caucus- ences tohe held during 1980 (see sched and for America. Please complete the coupon below, and return it to me today, with your ule below). registration fee. Participants in the conferences, whose theme is "Organizing to lead America through a decade of danger," will partici pate in workshops on Caucus strategy, co foward Phillips alition building, research, grass roots or National Director ganization, and other action-oriented top P.S. If you are unable to attend personally, your contribution con help underwrite the participa ics. Alternating with the workshops will tion of another potential TCC leader. be presentations on "Taxes, Spending, & Inflation—a Conservative Program," the Republican Study Committee of the received at least one week in advance of "Producing Energy Abundance," and U.S. House of Representatives. the conference you are planning to at "Preserving Family Values." TCC National Director Howard Phillips tend) at $65 each. Registration at the door Among the speakers at the weekend will conduct several workshops and cfe- is $80 per person. conferences will be , Di liver a keynote on "The Challenge of If you wish to participate in one of the rector of The Committee for the Survival 1980." General A1 Knight, Chairman of conferences, please fill out the coupon of a Free Congress; Connie Marshner, TCC's Campaign to Defeat SALT II will below and return it with your registration Chairman of the National Pro-Family Co discuss "The Geopolitical Challenge: Al fee to: The Conservative Caucus, Inc., alition; Raymond Shamie, President of ternatives to Surrender of Defeat." Administrative Office, 7777 Leesburg the Metal Bellows Corporation; and Advance registrations for the confer Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22043. Richard Dingman, Executive Director of ences are now being accepted (must be (related information on page four) Yes, I wish to register for the TCC Conference to be held in (circle one)

ST. LOUIS BOSTON DALLAS MINNEAPOLIS LOS ANGELES CHICAGO ATLANTA DENVER WASHINGTON, D.C. April 25-27 May 9-11 June 20-22 July 25-27 August 22-24 September 26-28 October 24-26 November 21-23 December 5-7 □ My registration fee of $65 is enclosed. The Conservative Caucus Inc. (Please make checks payable to ICQ—1980 Conference) Administrative Office TCC 7777 Leesburg Pike □ Please bill me for the $65. Jt. Falls Church, Virginia 22043

Name □ I am enclosing an additional $ . . to help underwrite the cost of the Conferences. Address

□ I am enclosing an extra $ to register additional persons. Business Address

□ Please send me additional brochures. Phone. MEMBER'S REPORT The Conservative Caucus, Inc. April 1980 page 2 F. AlKBT IMESSIKG APPOlIlilTED State Coordinator Profile EXECmVE DnCECTOROF POLLY JOHNSON DEFEATS thf cokserfjoiff caucus ANTI-FAMILY FORCES IN panded role with The Conservative Caucus." NEW HAMPSHIRE Polly Johnson Messing was commissioned a Second Lieutenant and advanced to Major in the Polly Johnson, TCC's New Hampshire U.S. Army Reserve. While in service. State Coordinator, successfully led the Messing saw action in Viet Nam in the battle to elect a pro-family delegation infantry, and from 1974-1977, served as from New Hampshire to the Congressional Liaison for the Army. He Conference on Families(WHCOF) which has served as Executive Director, Ameri will be held in Baltimore, Minneapolis, can Conservative Union (1977-1979); and Los Angeles in June and July. President, National Defense Council; Polly succeeded in spite of deliberate Consultant, American Security Council; attempts by the organizers of the Confer and as an independent lobbyist. ence to hold back vital information (as Mr. Messing is the recipient of many they have done in many other states F. Andy Messing military awards including the Purple around the nation), and to change the Howard Phillips, National Director of Heart twice. He also received the 1979 rules in the middle of the game with an The Conservative Caucus has announced Leadership Award of the American Con attempt to limit delegate voting at the the appointment of F. Andy Messing as servative Union. Christian Leadership meetings to one vote per family. Executive Director of TCC. Award by the Moral Majority, and was The National Chairman of the White Phillips said, "The Conservative nominated by Congressman Phil Crane House Conference on Families is former Caucus is pleased that Andy has agreed to for Outstanding Young American in 1979, liberal Congressman Jim Guy Hicker. The join our staff. Andy did an outstanding sponsored by the U.S. Jaycees, and ap National Advisory Committee for the job as Executive Director of our 'Cam pears in the 1980 edition of Who's Who in Conference includes Jesse Jackson, presi paign to Defeat SALT II,' and will bring America. dent of Operation PUSH; Patsy Mink, his organizational expertise, knowledge Mr. Messing is married to the former president of Americans for Democratic of the operations of the House and Senate, Susanne Marie Christian. They have two Action; Eleanor Smeal, president of the and personal friendships with the leaders children and reside in Alexandria, Vir National Organization for Women; and of the conservative movement to this ex ginia. Coretta Scott King. Noticeable by their absence are any national conservative leaders. TCC Polls 33,000 On Taxation Issues Mrs. Johnson believes that the manner in which the WHCOF's preliminary meet TCC has announced the results of a re benefits. ings were handled in New Hampshire cently completed Taxpayers Poll. 33,000 With respect to social security, 55.1% was an indication of the attempt by anti- taxpayers from all over America were wanted to maintain current levels, 22.9% family forces to use the Federal govern asked whether they wanted to "increase," wanted social security decreased or elim ment to break down traditional values. "maintain current levels," or "decrease or inated completely, and 22% favored an Mrs. Johnson stated: "The game plan of eliminate completely" government con increase in social security. the anti-family forces which woAed so trol over the spending of their tax dollars 84.6% wanted to decrease or eliminate well during the International Year of the in 15 separate issue-areas. completely Federal welfare and food Woman, was to develop 'agendas' which Here are the results: Of 3,104 respond stamp subsidies, 14.2% wanted to main then were touted as coming from the ing, 83.7% wanted to decrease total Fed tain current levels, and 1.2% favored an people of the state and the nation. The eral spending, as opposed to 15.9% who increase. same scenario is now being run on the wanted to maintain it at present levels, 58% wanted to decrease or eliminate WHCOF . . . unmarried parent and child; and .4% who favored an increase in Fed completely agricultural subsidies, 33% unmarried couple and child; homosexual eral spending. 89.3% of those who re favored keeping current levels, and 9% couple with child adopted legally or in sponded wanted to reduce the number of favored increases in such subsidies. formally; the commune family group all Federal employees, while none favored 77.6% of those who replied wanted to Tnarried to each other with children and an increase, and 10.7% were willing to decrease or eliminate completely Federal SO on." maintain Federal employment at its pres rent supplements and housing subsidies, By contrast, the conservatives elected ent levels. as against 19.6% who favored increases. from New Hampshire (including Kerry 92% of those who responded voted in 69.7% wanted to eliminate or decrease Moody of Dublin, N.H., TCC's New Eng favor of reducing the size of the Federal consumer product regulations, 25.2% land Field Director) strongly believe that debt, while 8% were prepared to see it wanted to maintain it at current levels, "a family consists of persons who are re continue at its present level. 66.8% and 5.1% favored an increase in such reg lated by blood, marriage, or adoption." wanted to decrease American support for ulation. the United Nations and other interna Concerning environmental regula tional agencies, whereas 2.9% favored an tions, 67.9% wanted a reduction, 27.5% Bequests for TCC increase in such support, and 30.3% were wanted to maintain such regulations at willing to see current levels of support their current levels, and 4.6% sought an We acknowledge with gratitude maintained. increase in environmental regulation. On the subject of national defense, 83.% of those who responded to the the recent $2,500 bequest from the 81.6% of those who replied favored an survey wanted to decrease or eliminate estate of the late Mr. Gordon Mc increase in national defense spending, as completely funding for Federal legal ser Donald of Detroit. against 14.7% who wanted to maintain vices staff lawyers, 15.2% wanted to Have you considered including current levels, and only 3.7% who wanted maintain current levels, and 1.8% sought The Gonservative Caucus in your will? Many of our members cannot to decrease defense spending. an increase. With respect to specific government 72.7% of those who replied wanted to afford to make large contributions programs, 74.3% favored decreasing decrease or eliminate completely "public during their lifetimes. Mr. McDon socialized health projects, as against service" jobs, such as those in the CETA ald's largest previous contribution to TCC was $20. A will provides a 21.6% who wanted to maintain them, and program. 22.3% wanted to maintain cur chance to give a more substantial 4.1% who sought an increase. 63.3% rent levels and 5% favored an increase. wanted to keep veterans benefits at cur The results of this survey have been amount, and help TCC to continue rent levels, 26.9% favored an increase, circulated to members of Congress and to its work. and 9.8% favored a decrease in veterans the President. MEMBER'S REPORT The Conservative Caucus, Inc. April 1980 pages T€€ BOARD MEMBER HOIVORED B¥EDIS»IO»r

J. Alan Mackay J. Alan MacKay, who has served as a Member of The Conservative Caucus Board of Directors since 1975, and who was formerly National Chairman for Young Americans for Freedom, was feted by the Charles Edison Memorial Youth Fund at a black tie dinner held on January ■ 25 at Washington's Mayflower Hotel. Among those who addressed the din Photo credit—Toby Pyle ner were Howard Phillips, National Di U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch, pictured here with TCC National Director Howard Phillips, recently rector of The Conservative Caucus; Con hosted a Washington Conservative Progress Briefing honoring Phillips,Paul Weyrich, Director of gressman Robert Bauman, Chairman of the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congresss; Daniel J. Popeo, National Executive Director, the American Conservative Union; and Washington Legal Foundation; and ,President of the Heritage Foundation. Senator Hatch said that the work of these organizations had played a key role in moving conservative Randall Tfeague, who serves with MacKay principles forward. on the legal staff of the Cabot Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts. DR. CARL DAVIS NAMED As Field Coordinator, Davis will be re Alan, his wife Helen, and their seven sponsible for the appointment of TCC Dis daughters live in Hingham, Massachu TCC FIELD COORDINATOR trict Directors in each of 's setts. During 1973, MacKay was General FOR CALIFORNIA forty-three Congressional districts. Counsel of the U.S. Office of Economic A graduate of Potomac State College, Opportunity, working with TCC National the University of Southern California, Director Howard Phillips to abolish that and Claremont Graduate School, Dr. agency. Davis has served as Director of Municipal Chairman of the Charles Edison Memo Research Projects at Claremont College rial Youth Fund is David R.Jones, Director and the University of Southern Califor of Development at Vanderbilt University. nia. He is taking a leave of absence from In his remarks at the testimonial dinner, Dr. Carl Davis his position as Associate Professor ofPub Phillips praised MacKay's "selfless com TCC National Field Director Peter lic Administration at La Verne University mitment to Codly principles ... his con Thomas has announced the appointment in order to work with TCC during 1980. sistent good judgement, his profound of Dr. Carl Davis of Claremont, California, In 1979, Dr. Davis coordinated TCC's moral perception, and his unwavering to serve as Conservative Caucus Field Campaign to Defeat SALT II throughout loyalty—to friends and principle alike." Coordinator in the Bear Flag state. southern California. National Leaclership Clouncil—■1980 Members

Air Rite Heating F. Gano Chance H. D. Freidag J. Jelks, Jr. S. Ornstein Society Printers & Cooling Inc. Earle A. Chiles Donald E. Fruelich George F. Johnson John D. Orr Charles W. Sommer, III Otto A. Alcaide Richard W. Christie Alton C. Fuos M. K. Johnson Robert L. Osgood R. E. Spagnola R. D. Alexander Mrs. W. S. Churchill J. D. Gay, Jr. Ralph Johnson Robert L. Palmer Julius F. Spen.ko S. V. Allen Rex S. Clark Nelson Gemmen Anna Jonas Roger Palmer William H. Shrunk Mrs. Ora R. Alt Richard D. Cole Eric A. Gentile Martin L. Jones Clif Paxson Theodore D. Starr Pierre Anderson Tom J. Connelly Elmer G. Gerken Forrest G. Judy Mrs. James B. Perry Ellsworth M. Statler George Andrews Earle M. Cralg. Jr. Fred G. Gist H. Kaemerle Mrs. John G. Pew Percy Staton Albert W. Applegath James Crass, III Goodman Tbyota, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Leland M. Kaiser Douglas K. Porteous Jeff D. Stirling P. D. Arkinson G. Z. Crocker John Gourley F. Keller P. C. Porter P. B. Stott John H. Armstrong Paul A. Davis W. T. Grace Frederick W. Kerr William C. Putnam, Jr. Spencer B. Street, Jr. Atlas Foundry & Mfg. Pete Dejong Norman A. Grimm R. L. Keyes H. E. Redmond Henry Sundermann Frank Atwater Richard Derham Joseph G. Grossman R. A. Keyworth William H. Reynolds. Jr. Georgea F. Sutch A. W. Averyt. Jr. Emily W. Deware Edmund A. Gschwind Carl H. Kinney Harlan Richards Jacquelin E. Tbylor N. R. Bailard Arthur D. Dickson Frederick W. Guardabass! William H. Korber C. L. Richardson L. N. Thomas R. T. Bartlett A. Richard Diebold Loren A. Gunther E. G. Lavino Charles W. Robinson Alice H. Tbrner Gene K. Baugh James A. Dobberpuni Hanel Lumber Paul Lerew Jessie Robinson Col. C. S. Hirner W. R. Baumgartner C. B. Doron The Hamby Company Howard Loveless James M. Rodney D. Abbott Hirner Charles Benge Katherine S. Dunbaugh Charles J. Harrington Harry Lucas, Jr. Robert D. Rowan Edgar J. Uihlein R. H. Bennett Col. T. L. Eastmond Pete Harshman George M. Luhn Henry Salvatori Allen C. Ulen Theodore W. Bennet Milton D. Ekstrom Mr. & Mrs. George Harvey George A. Madden Mrs. J. M. Samuel Dr. Edgar H. Underwood, Jr. Spencer Blackburn John J. Elliott Erna Hauler Stanley B. Malinowski Herb Sand M. R. Underwood Irving H. Bliss H. G. Elsam Verlyn L. Hayes Peter Maloy Robert J. Sansone Gleen Valentine John R. Boker. Jr R. L. Emmest John H. Hoarding, Jr. R. W. Mansfield Charles S. Satterthwait Dr. John C. Vann, Sr. Beulah Bondi Robert Evans T. P. Heffelfinger Stuart B. Marks Helen Seifirt Valley View Specialties Co. Darnall W. Boyd W. L. Ewart Robert E. Heizer, Jr. Wayne Martin Edwin A. Seipp, Jr. Hazel VanHoosear Scott Boynton John Fabick Harold Henigh Robert May E. D. Shaw, Jr. Dr. Thomas Vaughan Inman Brandon Ron F. Faia James E. Hester Mrs. R. W. McCormick E. B. Shawve ]. Waldo Richard Braren Elena B. Pant T. S. Hines Dr. William F. McCoy W. P. Shehee, Jr. Mrs. lohn M. Wallace TVoy B. Braswell Walter Fernandez George B. Hoadley Donald R. McLennan, Jr. Daniel W. Sherman, Jr. John M. Washburn Thomas R Brower Carl S. Fetzer, Jr. William B. Hodges Donald L. McPeck Stanley E. Short James O. Weldon Hal W. Brown, Jr. Florence Field Edward Holioway Frederic G. Miller Roland P. Sievers Pamela M. Wells Ruel Brown, Jr. Robert E. Fioretti Thomas J. Holmes Arthur C. Milot Esther A. Sinclair Arthur J. Wossoly Stanton Brown. Sr. Dr. Robert Fischer lohn R. Holt A. F. Minor W. R. Skousen Mrs. H. F. Whitney, jr. C. Burdette H. M. Fisher William J, Hopper M. H. Morgenstern Virgii W. Slade Ira Williams Howard Butcher. Ill Robert W Flagg James B. Howe!) 1. W. Morris. Jr. B. B. Smith Ben L. Wilson Paul C. Cabot Lyonel G. Fletcher Hunt Corporation Joseph Mucher B. W. Smith. Jr. Pauline Wohlford Tom P. Caldwell George A. Forman, Jr. W, W. Hunzicker. Jr. Joseph Neider Dean B. Smith Terry L. Wolfsberger W. Caperton R M. Francoeur Allen Husch Dr. Rhea L. Nichols Herbert R. Smith VI. D. Youngman Mary H. Carder

MEMBER'S REPORT: April, 1980: Vol. 4, No. 1: Published Quarterly by The Conservative Caucus, Inc. Publlsher-^Peter Thomas; Editor—Susan Phillips. Subscriptions available to members at $5.00 per year. MEMBER'S REPORT The Conservative Caucus, Inc. April 1980 page 4

TCC CONFERENCE HOST SEATTLE ST. LOUIS March 28-30th April 25-27th COMMTITEES NEED YOUR HELP Ashley Holden Donna Hearne Each Leadership Conference is being ar P.O. Box 238 318 Clion Lane ranged by a local host committee of vol Seattle, Washington 98111 St. Louis, Missouri 63141 unteer TCC leaders. Whether you wish to volunteer your help, or merely seek more (206) 622-1143 (314) 434-7028 information, they'll be happy to hear from you. Or, if it's more convenient con The Seattle Hilton Marriott Hotel tact Kerry Moody, Conference Coor 6th and University 1-70 at Lambert Int'lAirport dinator, at TCC Headquarters in Boston, Seattle, Wash. 98101 10700 Peartree Lane (617) 426-7188. St. Louis, Missouri 63134 Kerry Moody

BOSTON DALLAS MINNEAPOLIS LOS ANGELES May 9-llth June 20-22nd July 25-27 August 22-24

Mike Korbey DeWayne Dallas John Herman Dr. Carl Davis 14 LIppold Street 6262 St. Alban Dr. 6192 65th Street 2263 North Forbes Avenue Methuen, Mass. 01844 Dallas, 75214 Cottage Grove, Minn. 55016 Claremont, Calif. 91711 (617) 686-6950 (214) 824-2601 (612)459-3423 (714) 621-4406

Sheraton Rolling Green Marriott Hotel Marriott Hotel Hyatt Int'l Airport Hotel 311 Lowell Street 2101 Stemmons Freeway 1919 East 78th Street 6225 West Century Blvd. Andover, Mass. 01810 Dallas, Texas 75207 Bloomington, Minn. 55420 Los Angeles, Calif. 90045

CHICAGO ATLANTA DENVER WASHINGTON, Sept. 26-28 October 24-26 Nov. 21-23 D.C. December 5-7

Paul Cigna LaVoy Johnson Dr. Robert Hoehn Peter Thomas 489 Taft Avenue 923 Valleybrook Road 3851 Xanthia 47 West Street Glen Ellyn, 60137 Decatur, Georgia 30033 Denver, Colorado 80237 Boston, Mass. 02111 (312) 790-1600 (404) 634-6113 (303) 771-8746 (617) 426-7188

Sheraton O'Hare Marriott Hotel Airport Hilton Hotel Marriott Twin Bridges 6810 North Mannheim Rd. 165 Courtland & 4411 Peoria P.O. Box 240 Rosemont, Illinois 60018 International Boulevard Denver, Colorado 80229 Washington, D.C. 20024 Atlanta, Georgia 30303


Friday Saturday Noon-2 P.M.— LUNCH 4:00-5:30 P.M.— 3:00-6:00 P.M. 8:30-10:00 A.M.— "The Political Context: Rules of the "Mobilizing The Moral Majority In The REGISTRATION The Strategic Challenge Game—The Battles In Congress—The Churches and The Productive Majority in THE CONSERVATIVE CAUCUS 6:00-7:00 P.M. Battles for Congress—The Campaigns The Workplace" STRATEGY RECEPTION for President and Vice President" (Speakers to be announced) "Turning America Rightside Up" Paul Weyrich 7:00-8:00 P.M. • Congress 5:30-7:00 P.M.— DINNER • Coalition 2 P.M.-3:30 P.M.— Break 8:00-9:00 P.M.— • Constituency "The Caucus Strategy" • Legal Considerations 7:00-8:00 P.M.— CONFERENCE KEYNOTE Workshop conducted by Howard Phillips Conference Banquet "The Challenge of 1980" • Research Howard Phillips, National Director Refreshment Break • Family Membership 8:00 P.M.— The Conservative Caucus. Inc. 10:00 A.M.-Noon— • Resources "Leadership for the 1980's" • Finances 9:00-10:00 P.M.— "Picking the Issues for the 1980's/ (Speaker to be announced) Setting the Agenda for Public Debate" • Publications "The Geopolitical Challenge: • Leadership Schools 10:00 P.M.— ALTERNATIVES TO SURRENDER OR • "Taxes. Spending, & Inflation"—A • What You Can Do Main Speaker Reception DEFEAT" Conservative Program Workshop conducted by Howard Phillips Brig. General Albion Knight, (Speaker to be announced) Sunday • "Producing Energy Abundance" USA (Ret.) 3:30 P.M.-4 P.M.— 10:00-11:00 A.M.— (Speaker to be announced) Presidential Opinion Survey • "Preserving Family Values" Special Showing of an exciting Conservative film. "Where Do We Go from Here? (Speaker to be announced) —Local Action"