USPS5M.361I Yonr Home Town Newspaper Lions Qnb Pancake
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be 31untletr 9armilhe f .._Yonr Home Tow. n Newspape^ r USPS5M.361I TmrRSDAY. NOVEMBER 1.1964 VOLUME 25 - NUMBER 30 aieg^ THREE SECTIONS S3L lions Qnb Pancake Breakfast PartDistrlct Minutes The regular meeting of the Mr, Jurs made a motion to Huntiey Park District wu called build a garbage container with to order at 8 pm by President frame and wheels. After discus- Tures at the park office on sion, the motfon was tabled to Wednesday, October 24, 1984. che(A tato sizes and prioea. Ptesent were all five commis- Betsey Warrington ^ve her sioners; Tures, Jurs, Gumett, recreation report, whi^ indud- Olson and Mercer. Also attend- ed the park conference, skating faig were Attorney Cowlin, party, pumpkin carvfaig party LeRoy Wirsfaig, Betsey War- and Halloween party. She aaked rington and Mike Dominick ibr approval to Join the IDfaiois from the Huntiey Republican Park and Recreatfon Asaodatkm News. and got it. The minutes from September Mr. Gumett reported on 26 were read. Mrs. Mercer faisurance, stating tlie coverage made a motfon to approve the increase and change from minutes, seconded by Mr. depreciated cost to replacement Gumett. All CommissicMiers cost. voted aye and the motion Mr. Tures reported oo equip- carried. ment aad grounds oommittees, The Treasurer's repmt was oonceming fsll fertilizing, snow given. A motion to accept the removal, stump removal and report was made by Mr. Jurs, tree trimming. seconded by Mr. Olson. All ayes The board wiahes to thank and the motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barton tot The bills fbr the month were their tree donation. presented. Mr. Jurs made a Mrs. Mercer moved for motion to pay all bills, seamded adjournment, seconded by Mr. by Mrs. Mercer. All ayes and Gumett. The meeting was the motion carried. adjonmed at 10 pm. Mr. Vl^sfaig gave his report Theae mlnates are aohietct to on aiainteoaace. Otscoaaioo approval by the board at tfaeir Pictumi^iove left to right: sausages for tiie Pluicake enable them to help witii their followed covering e(|aipment next regular meeting. Warren Hansen, Jim Mattingly, Breakfast held last Sunday at various charities. repair, new battoy, grwuids, Don Tessmer and Oordy the Amerkan Legion. The This year the dub served signs, tables, muskrats, pond LoisPferisek Schuhz, members of the Hunt- annual event is one of the local approximately 300 people. More and garbage, Mr. Wirsfaig tfaen Secretary ley Lions Gub while they cooked clubs main money makers to pictures on inside page. left the meeting. Huntiey Park District Hnntley Hnntley PTOFunFah* The time haa finally come for Receives Conunnnity tiie Fun Fair. Mark your Huntley Trinity to Hold calendar for Sat. Nov. 3rd from $10,000 Library 11 an til 3 pm b tiie Grade Pengufais Soup-Sandwich Just a reminder that the Sdiool Gym. €k)ftware Grant Huntiey Community Library is Many new games, faidnding a Accepting Luncheon Last month Hnatiey reorived open <w Tuesdays from 3 to 5 dunk tank, strength tester, a grant for educational aoftwaie pm and on Thursdays from 7 to haunted house and a Cabbage Applications Bake Sale ttom a ftWate aottwate manu- 9 pm. We are located fai the PMdi Kid Drawfaig, promiae to facturer, Micio-Ed., of Mnaea- sdiool district media center. We make this our biggest and best The Haatiey Pcagntea Snow- &Bazaar poUs, Kfinn. are kicking furward to aeeing Fair ever. Refreshments will be mobile Oob la now aocepthag On Thursday, November 8tfa. This allows Frieda of the yontiiere. avaHaUe so that if yoo omie mempersmp appiicanoos spr me the Trinity Lutheran Chorch will Library to dwose among hon- ttom a soccer game yoo can 1984-85 aeaaon. sponsor its Aaanal Soop-Saad- dieds of titles of edncational Grade School have hmch at the Fair. The dob meetings are held at wicfa Luacheoo. software iHiidi the company Proceeds from tfae Fair win be the American L^foo oo the lat Serving will be from 11:00 am produces. The software iriiicfa Sponsors used additkiaal computer and 3rd Toeadaya of the moodi to 2:00 pm. the company produces. The and to toad tiie many programs atSpa. A BAKE SALE aad BAZAAR software is to be kept fai the Style Show spmisored by tfae PTO. The Peagnlns eaooorage aO win be held at the aaaie tiaie. library for student and commun- SBownoMIe owners to Join In Tickets are S2.50 fbr adnlts ity use bodi on the Media On November 15, 19M, at safe aad orfeanlzed snowmobOe- 7:00 the Sth tiirou^ Stii grades Lntra-mural aad $2.00 for thoae over 65 aad Center Apple Compntera and m faW. uaderl2. anymie's home oomp«ttef. of Huntley Elementary Sdiool Fbr OMire iaformatioo caU are presaiting a style sliow Basketiball The committee is only limited Students hi grades 4 -12 can 428-1467 or 669-5856. by die ftuds available to obtain featuring Karia Bires of Tots Lioness Minutes and Teens hi Marengo and sharpen up their skills and floppy disks ou which to record techniques fot tiie 84-85 baaket- The October aieetlng of tiie the software. Mrs. Carol Von Caria Walter of The Smart Shop Huntiey Uooeaa waa called to of Marengo and alao now in ball season by attending Hunt- BellChoh- Bosse is heading the Committee ley Park District's Intra-mural order I7 Preaident Gall Waaaer- to dwose software, ao if you Crystal Lake. The latest apparel straaa. She wetoomed Mary for misses, teens and young- basketbaU sessiona iriildi begin Brunch Nov. 11 know of a way to obtain free or on Nov. lOandoontiaaetikroagh Sigrlat aa a goest. Tbe pledge inexpensive disks, or have an sters will be presented and The Bdl Choira of tiie First waa said and two "Sfaig Along" modeled by focal "models". Dec. IS. The Saturday seastens opinion about the type of win be held fai Huntiey Grade Congregational Churdi are songs were led by May Cheaak aoftware that's needed, contact The dasses are preparing the School and will be fautmcted by htridfaig tiieir Bdl Chi^ Braadi at the piaao. Minotea were read her or Mrs. Kane. The gym with a fall theme, and tiiey Coach Kahl iriw will be aaalated oo November lltii flrom 8:30 to and appioved. Tkeaaorer's re- committee will be guided by the. win serve refreshments. Jtrin by Joyce Radoatilta. Tbe fee ia 12:30. The menu featnrea port waa headed oot. May Software Survey imed laat May them for a pleasant evening and S1.00 per week wfaidi nay be chi^en ala Idng, con beef Cheaak faivlted aB Uoaeaa to to aU Huntley residenta, whidi. door prizes! paid to Mr. Kahl at tiie gym or hadi. eggs, saoaage, aalada, atte&d xut NovwBoef o nieelni^ had a terrific reapooae. Over tiie lldceta cost S3.00 and are may be paid to the park fai coffee cakea, deaaetta aad of tiieL^lott AttzBlarjr to hear summer a oonunittee made up available from Sth, 6tii, 7tfa, and advance. The tfanea for eadi beveragea. Tldteta are 94.00 fbr nie lepotts of nie QM SCatffS. of Steve MadejewaU. PM Stfa graders or by calling the aeaakm are: 4tfa grade - 12.-00, adoha aad 12.00 for cUdrea MaB cMb flMflMon appfoved Lawlor, Jim CrabOl, Carol Von school ofBce, 669-510B. Yoa Stii * 6di grade - 1K». Ttii * Stii aad caa be porchoaed ftoai aqr gMng a doBatfoo to a MIod baby Boaae and Betty Conley wrote may alao porehaae tiiem at the grade • 2M and Hi|^ Sdiool • dioir member or at tlM door. boy ftom BaaaeBvlDa. A ftaad the origfaial grant. Cant ia now door. 3:00. Yoo may regtetar at tha Roceeda tieaa past bfoadioa baa boea started by tlie completing the prooeaa. The proceeda fttwn this stjiiah first sesakM, or by caffiag tiie have helped aaad choir aMm- looscorflla Ikmnaa to helR Thankatoallwfaopnrtklprted evening wOl fkind daaa field park offioe at M9^180 daring bers to the BaO Peatival. Yow de4ay the eoata el aoqisiy aad in maUng thia additkm to die trips, outdoor edncatfaa, and tegolar <ifliiie iMNua on week* neip aao soppon ta iraaaponanoa la aasBpaia, IniMlay Software Ubnty poaai- gmdnattea atllvltlea. Yow sop- days 9:00 - 3:00 or oo Sat. 9M • appredolod ao we ai^r ( Me. port la greatly appreciated. 12.-Q0. ooreflbcta. CoiittaMsedoapafle2 THE HUNTLEY FARMSIDE-ILLINOIS THURS. NOV. 1,1984 Page 7 SECOND CLASS QUIN O'BRIEhl m, SUZANNE POSTAGE PAID BROWN* OWNERS Ltoness Minutes Lions Onb SM PUBLISHED AT 11902 W. 4th St- Continued from page 1 AT HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS 60142 sight and sound fund for the EDnX>R& PUBLISHER HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS 60142 Meeting Conditioning QUIN O'BRIEN PHONE 312-669-56212 purpose of helping anyone in The Regular meeting of the need. If anyone knows where Workshop CITY EDITOR Subscription Price S8.00 Huntiey Lfons Gub was held GAIL WASSERSTRASS there is a need for medical or October 23rd at the American per year. corrective treatment to aid Get ready for the ski season Legfon in Huntiey. The meeting by attending Huntley Patk better sight or sound of any was caUed to order by President District's Ski Conditfoning aged individual the Lioness Chuck Dammyer. workshop on Tuesday, Nov. 20. Gub is wiUing to investigate the The club was led in song by You wUl learn flexibUhy and case to see where help is "Barney" Manning, accompan- conditfoning exercises that you needed. ied by May Chesak on piano. will be able to do on your own The Uoness are again plan- Dinner was served by the before hitting the slopes and ning their Senior Citizen Christ- Legfon AuxUiary.