^Ity F Hght Sjuc Dgm Nirr= Lent
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/ -------vvww.magic^cvalley.com ..... .. nirr= s, Idaho/94th year, Ni Thu)ursday. April 29. 19<i. - ■ E mm 5()5 ccncs : GOt>DM(* 4 0 R N I N G Wkaumkr- INEE - j --------- To* odayiTliEiH shothoweis mixed I withnthear^mom- shipm<nent ' V N N N ing!Qg snow. I ::. Aft€Lftemoon show- ers likely with winvinds 10-15 f m ph. High SS. QoiZlom^ tnnighr I arrives:S . w ith a chance oif f sisho|wers and I ■ thunderstonns. Low39.Lo Pag9A2 a tW nPP I . TTie Aasodttted Pressw______ . agic alV L L B Y ^ ^ ^ ^ - M V mauK C/VRLSBAD. N.M.M .—- A'ship- One breath at a tbrtta K H o w Omicatt:' ' munt of iiudciir wiistcste fromf a fed- one TWin I^Us wonK>inanliv«s I . umi lulrin Idxiiui muciuade it [lm>uKl> w ith qrstic fibrosis. f(>l4. protust iind anin inspectionit sis. I tteOnmin: lhi(c)ru arriving W«Un«!dnesday iiigtii P a ea C l Matiamoir iic/» Niftv .Mexico ruposicrasicory. *»«*»«<"" Till* siiD^lu inick rollcrolled ii’iio tlie Saving inigation waw aten I AVana Waste Isolation Pilott PhPlant vast of Breaching four fedc g : here ar “tS-r p.m. MDT■IDT. a WIPP ederal dams s i a ^ l S S . .sptjkesmuji said It hadlad jpulled out ; on th e lower SnakeikcRhrerin I of: thu rduiio Nationallal Engineer-I Washin^on ^b e t ^ b ^ I ins and-Environmcnta.mtal Labora- ' xrrigadon water, onione activist I ■ momiuK carrying th«he firstf inter- ■ I says. : -state sltipniuni fur \Vn>PTI'P. P ^ C l • n iu 1.4QU-miIi> trip■ip had> been im)ji.*ct(sd IH take aboutMut 32 hours ports fug (Ji*Iuy». The truckI aalsi l» enco un S tured a.Mcfprotcst in Wyoming.W H eldof “It took mugltly 3616 andai a half ' hours, and there was an 1 *dreams; I : an extended Fi stop in Fort CoUins (Cbli:Cblo.) for an • inspuctjon,” WIPP spokesmanspa Sc • Dan Boldiiini said uftcrfter the load newbase- ^ity fHghtsjucdgmlent arrived hciru. '*Basical]icolly we’re baUdia-ba T 9 - operating the site. Tliisus is the way , mondistfaenn |UTV J . : it?ssupposedtogD.'’ .productof '.I ^^’s $185,000 awward in land aX)ndemnanon•n unjusnified,al,aiiigniinieysays'I TSie truck travded1 acrossaer cast- p r ‘ tsmTdaho’s liifth . desert,err, dieni cut - eyvbtfnia involvement Ila S . Htitcbfais sought to buy thetl; land and settl'e for thee ddam* .....mm ttwiTfiK... J, I dtiwn to northern Utnliill orand soudi- ■»<wner. ______________ , ages and was unableu “to make a reasona I em. Wyoming, pickiicking up B l aiable caisto^KCmantlai^in^^^^^wuiturinup* bargain." eT3ble:tn;its>e:dcxxistxnR nwBtium. widi Clin'd: j: , Inrursmtu 25 at Cheycr.•ycrine just TWIN EAf a l l s - A iuiy$ an-ard of S185.000Sll Acourtheariiring is scheduled for &Iay 10 on 'Webb, attorney-iforIfor maanne Otaziizm: aniii Itur^ i north of-the-Coloradolo statesr line Smashed, again: iww ir n l^ U s ' for road widendening is the dty’s retrialal motion in its dyil suit agaiigatnst .hushandV^esBte. j ubouc 10 p.m. Tuusday. and uniustiSed, says the dty'sly's attor* Dianne R. DerriTicott and landowners Daleleand a A jur^'iinCDiscixiIM JttBge aiwarBU^dt’s-, ! . Two pickup trucks tnbrie ,n y tried I' to bludc tim .WIPP ii'uiJv S ilvester ^ n e r e d ^ harastCBltorsTetriaL--------------------------- BettyShelbyrDiDoiicDtraninia'ifiisii^aBma;— coun this monih 1 udr while-ic--------- ey Fritz Wonderlidi had askesked d ie WiUard Royce» D e rrtco tt. owned th e Sl I was parked ar a truckipk stop in discus record fbr th e : : SUm 510500:fardhellBnliani] iit ctadk ^^97>KSDCI)for tiefcmrtn Icountosetset tfae price tag at $12X60000 ini his M ce businesst anda leased the land fromm thei .dam apictp rthe nagtBScdftiheBmBuis,-and! bust-I : Qieyenneforadinncrbrc!r break, said : timeW^esday. I J«manrl991998 cocnplaint seddnglD condi■ndemn a Shdbys-at d iee nonfaeasti corner of AddisiHScfiw ness. I Baiduint. The inddentlent ended md a t Slim Price Gas and Carlir Wash and MomingsidedeDrtve. Thatis dosBTtExtiiprtfatrdi«tte n a ».»ggun»iaairro., I when* sheriffs deputies-aes-arrived %ddisao Avenue East. The 10-o nll.foot'strip : taken for road,ro ^tlwuty^ ; witliin-nnnuteSi he said.d. • The compDplaint » d the dty in goodK>d faith widening totalally 'disrupted the gas-putlump . I .."The transpormtionin managerm • fTniiii’ III innm if?m .ft^A a: I ffc; the trudt companyy wasWI balv- I O utdoors !Utting:.ic. It’s neveever left said.- “Two---------- pickup trucks pulled upip and.kindai 1 o£ blocked' him. !Iheree waswa some 9 . Ju rry acquititsn an rry i n shaakenbaliby trial kind: o£ comment made[e thatth th c^ didh^e wane the truckuck to go' ByJotaoT.HHoddy ■ ■ M kM e 'saidlie<ibevwBC&ziUtttiwdfcd>evsz>- through, bur thereI wwt ere no ■■■■ I TtwiiNiiHi• mtter ■ Tri‘^ii!iiiiBj 'dto. _ threats and no violence.” {m asd] (tsnniunnUr^ Tile shipment tiien wenwent down RUPERTIT - F o u r days before I B . 6usd h u r oanuwa. my;- C2Stlirou^ Denverandid Ininto New , . I wbat wouldId b av e been Anthony ■ 3 iia tihe jjntF TouiI -Mhxico to U.S. 265 soutln>utlieast of uttle fish, big fin: Spispring is Northhip*s»*s fourth birthday, 1 2 ? - * . TtDihdl^tB. QMbsHnilabiiut: Stmm Fe, and hom therere scsouth on the time of yev for’ anglers^ to I Mffhfllf BaB aldw in.,31. a Blaine ] ■ I rtaoeiBtJW- ' ttiKiane GlSi 285tO ^nVlchnrf grab a Ughtwei^t rod a*»d I C o tu ty nanny' |H | I d etlsiw lfci -abaurdia d ie w e ttandDidl tbuiir llhe- Idaho truck didlid not1 go sally forth in quest ofofbluegOL I Plailltifrit S accused of thraugh.the-Sahta Fe areairca. scene P H fiO l I p o e m- to shak in g An* SSloj-r u£ protests'against the: firstfirs ship ^ tfaony to death -' w o e * IBlainisine (Ouimsr Bhosucuiins: menc from. Los Alatnos's NationalN( A n tta n y_ -/ more than two |J Cuauuuuur. jbtDrmi;mvMDm«lltB^.Wtoh]andi Laboratory hist month. ■nieldnho-The 'O pinion _____ 3« ars ago, was ffW ■ -ttnUfcliulM inwtwfJ SbQuecuiins: shipment sparked a dem’clem’onstra- I found iancMtocent. by a jury in ■ Goarty -^Sntnznq Jlim'DBumuff oixusetli tion; Tuesday evening at ana {-25 Rolling, roiling, roIDng:l^Tbes- I WoidokaOC ounty Sth District 1 CothD— tBdUhnntnnug-tautttttii; Anhony- to> ■ tmdge-in. Albuquerque,t. aldiouBhalt d ay ^sh ip m en t EromtB i-MwiMttihtrBiiiliwuiuUag ■lu.^ Oie-shipmOTC never wenttit throughtt ^ iL*sj7"r^'d2did it's over,” Baldwin BxttBBn.lUIHSr. Albuqtierque..' INEEL was'more^mbmOOUC ; I -I |j,|,bink rm in shock. I -------- than substan^alfbut-it I • . BunthiTthedhanaaamriireaiitttiihe- The-SZ: billion repositorsitory was_____ ' t-it-wBs------ i-*Sunday'~wowo'iild—h ave—b'evri— ® ' I2yi5E5lesctouiiBlfaiHttUttBnisui^ designedlb bury pJutoniurnium-con- highly significant, tod«ixIjQr^edi- AnthoBT’sfofo u rth birthday. We iixn.B^JiiUmJJ.BUuikett;. taminated trash‘leftjft frbm ■ rorialsitys.______ ' I werehcy^t8 tfaat th is would be a Baldtaldwinsaid. - ^ __ - I didn’t ocpeaiCt an ear)3* 'ver- <a Sozsncensic {pir i iitUijjiiT 5 ^ 1 im nuclear weapons researearch. It ay jw esed rrertiin r'----------i-IrTeok-the^2.Taember*jtn3 r nya ---dlctrBddwhrald:iM.--ngTHtmro»-—M himmf — ^ogenaTMurcirzrwitirah' ash ip :-----“— wept a s ^ embraced Httliittle more than four hoursPS o f or however longS it itw as«rtien3 :ihBX.:antirnthoq^dlBtdiiaiumsiiuv^ m iincof waste from LosIS AJAlamos I her lawyers.rs. D o us Nelson and delileliberadon to reach the iunno* was standing thereere. waiting :for nwailtBafiBafTramaOte:.2»(.I<»6;faiL in.nurthem New Mexico,:o, andai on ACTION L centent verdict. Baldwin said shs: e the verdict, seemed;ediikefofttver.** ■ iin-.whisbiefattherniiiUlflrliiciiiiRheaiai W ednesday morning rccireceived ■ Section BY SEC illy this will give was'’as'shocked by the quick nuw n - Roark, w4k> gaveve the defenje^ its fifth , shipm ent fromrom Los ^ som e p ea ce now,” arou:nmnd. ■ dosing argumentslU Wednesday. »89»9s«S0UIS.Pa8eAZ^ Section A B S ....3 6 Almnos.__ _____ Weathef . i Com tui --------to io n . i i "Oeanw ce: Girlfiie t S ^ ~ Vtok) .4 endrbougi gpnsiHaWKeineassore lirrtitf Idaho/West . .5 *‘*afw/Wi Investigigators still | B Opinion ...& 7 S’ '1 miebaser ’ ^8 €3iilintiHi’’sp o>werin wa/ar ------------------------------ tS3tB3WS TteJh— d Section B Cotnics.^..... -3 of semi-i-automadc S ports . .1-4 ■^MiwCiltJTK Qf. Ol dial- More on Kosovo -E- E 3 ■ ^ ^ ^ SectioUonE »w port» P i ^ l B ^ B S i HsnftetmGCD tBiritiHtm: (Hinnur over Slc»vD.ai0 .0 1 .rtitiitiMH ISniStt- Vfltud: I Section C MotleyI -----. 12 UTTLETOl fii^iers. refuelers and othctithcr sup ON. Colo. — Ew iU t-I^' ^ethmdQKdEf\'ar)llxmt:tt>s-.uuhatity [4|fej planes — that NATOTO com- l^oral............1-4 The BalkasIKans 3 I Smigglingioa) cxjpe wiifa faundreds rtDoaKgnn; munders have requestedI in order< Oblluaties .. 2 Oassiliedfied .4-10 1 and confusca with- -Ueiptzeifas^ifas^ODjKBilfuirtiitMniticm: n>i accelerate the bombiribing of in their top Iq F . rmcpedL'*^ Yugoslavia. CanMagfiglQ ranks, Suggesting the House-puc-passe^ , investiga- ITpnvisii^e'roiUKL.waidil legislationI was a veto cancliimdidaie, PkMigqSilW V ^ y le a mIfi from tors prob- (OlintDCttccibnuir.tsngRa- DemocraricI leaders said:aid rhe _ fvf iog the ' aunuiliinn^mnmriiilitsiiimrsonainK. ''ground'•> elements" wordingling was o ------------ Uttieton?-! murderous I -^gmunauiia itifau m m a r nr guaovn (IT soh vague ir could even applapply to s h o o tin g nsinn5u;tniti\'im forcesfi already in the region,-i C l a s s if ieE i D I spree at Cdumm ibtne High School on,'OT to appOTDodoso »toiii!UDvmBkeci.lte still ' tileti use of U.S.