CARMEN BENITO-VESSELS CURRICULUM VITAE Professor of Spanish, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Maryland Jimén
CARMEN BENITO-VESSELS CURRICULUM VITAE Professor of Spanish, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Maryland Jiménez Hall, College Park, MD 20782 | 301.405.6445 PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION EDUCATION 1982-1988 PhD, Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of California, Santa Barbara. Major field of concentration: Spanish Medieval Literature. 1979-1981 English Philology, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain. 1977-1979 Portuguese Studies in Literature and Linguistics. University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. 1972-1977 BA & MA, Romance Philology, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain. Languages: Spanish (native); English, Portuguese and French (near native); German (conversational), Italian, Catalan and Galician (reading knowledge). ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS University of Maryland, School of Languages Literatures and Cultures (SLLC) 2006- present Full Professor, Medieval Spanish Literature and Spanish Philology, SLLC. 2006-2009 Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, SLLC. 2000-2005 Graduate Director, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, SLLC. 1999-2000 Associate Chair, Department of Spanish and Portuguese. 1994-2006 Associate Professor, Medieval Spanish Literature and Spanish Philology. 1988-1994 Assistant Professor, Medieval Spanish Literature and Spanish Philology. 1998-2011 Co-Director of the Summer “Study Abroad Program in Spain”, Salamanca-Barcelona. Visiting Professor 2012 Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg, Germany, Visiting Professor, Summer. 1993-1994 University of California, Santa Barbara, Visiting Assistant Professor at the “M.A Summer Institute in Hispanic Languages and Cultures”. 1 RESEARCH, SCHOLARLY, AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES I. BOOKS AUTHORED 2018 (In progress) “Earlier US Early Modern History Told by a Spanish Map Collection (1500-1570)”. 2018 España y la costa atlántica de los EE.UU. Cuatro personajes del siglo XVI en busca de autor.
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