ISP Technologies, LLC. 5479 Perry Drive, Suite B Waterford, MI 48329 Media Contact: Michelle Waller 248-673-7790
[email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ALLAN HOLDSWORTH FOR THE THETA PRO DSP Visionary Jazz/Progressive Rock guitarist, Allan Holdsworth, has endorsed the ISP Technologies Theta Pro DSP™ floor controlled guitar system. As an artist known for sculpting the guitar's voice into unfathomable textures and colors, Allan realized, after demoing the Theta Pro at a recent gig, just how easily he could shape his own tone. The ISP Technologies ThetaPro DSP™ is a Floor controlled guitar system with a fully programmable digital Theta preamp, Vintage preamp, plus Studio quality effects processing. While the buzz for many years has been “Modeling”, ISP takes a departure from the modeling processors and hands the guitar player the audio clay. Professional players like Holdsworth, want their own sound and the ThetaPro DSP delivers, allowing the artist to shape their own tone with limitless possibilities. With other great features, like the a 32 bit floating point processor, more usable gain than other processors on the market with no aliasing, and the ability to plug directly into the FOH system and/or record directly, more artists are discovering and using the Theta Pro both live and in the studio. Now with Ping Pong Delay, the Leslie Rotary Speaker Simulator, True Stereo, a Tuner (accurate to a 1/2 cent), the Theta Pro DSP is the ultimate guitar system. In Allan Holdsworth's continued quest for the perfect sound, he said, "The Theta Pro sounds simply amazing. Exceptional tone shaping abilities." To have Holdsworth, an inductee into Guitar Players Magazine's Hall of Fame, who has also been named as influential in their music by such renowned artists as Eddie Van Halen, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen, John Petrucci, Alex Lifeson, Michael Romeo and Greg Howe, choose the Theta Pro DSP was amazing.