Selected articles concerning Israel, published weekly by Suburban Orthodox Toras Chaim’s (Baltimore) Israel Action Committee Edited by Jerry Appelbaum (
[email protected] ) | Founding editor: Sheldon J. Berman Z”L Issue 8 5 5 Volume 20 , Number 3 4 Parshias Ki Savo September 5 , 20 20 A Geopolitical Earthquake Just Hit the Mideast By Thomas L. Friedman August 13, 2020 The Israel - United Arab Emirates deal will be felt Trump to block Bibi’s cherry - picking of the plan by taking throughout the region. annexation now. For once, I am going to agree with President Trump in This was causing Netanyahu to lose support from the his use of his favorite adjective: “huge.” settlers — and, at a time when he is on trial on corruption The agreement brokered by the Trump administration charges and facing daily protests outside his home over his for the United Arab Emirates to establish full poor performance in leading Israel out of the coronavirus normalization of re lations with Israel, in return for the epidemic, left him sinking in the p olls. Jewish state forgoing, for now, any annexation of the West So what Trump, Kushner, Prince Mohammed bin Bank, was exactly what Trump said it was in his tweet: a Zayed, the de facto leader of the Emirates, and Netanyahu “HUGE breakthrough.” did was turn lemons into lemonade, explained Itamar It is not Anwar el - Sadat going to Jerusalem — nothing Rabinovich, one of Israel’s leading Middle East historians could match that first big opening between Arabs and and a former ambassador to Washington .