Combo Campuses a Class Act. ~Ounaer Students Arc Kept Scparatt Parents Who Fought Combining Older
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TUF.SDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1988 .· Protest resumes againstjet·noiSe denteJy oooula1ed areu of Newpon months. waited until they saw the shoreline, took jell directly OVer' that neiab· ·.. ·.. Hundred~ of NB residents ask council Beach. iDcfudiaa Promontory Point, When the new takeoff penem was then pve their .Planes ••a bia blast. borbood. ..,. Balboe laland aDd Balboa Peninsula. e11ablisbed, many felt the node was ~: JWA directly over us. ••ff it's moved over to our place ·.to make takeoff pattern equitable "Wewboliveundertbistoutebave bearab&c, Mauter aid. It called for Dan Strin&er. iacomina president we're ~ to fiabt just u bard to been bearin& tbe brunt ... for 14 pi.lots to climb simply, tum left o~er of t.bc Balboa Island Improvement move It," be aid. BJ PAUL ARCBIPLEY fliaht peth system. .. SiJlllCtoa aid. · Upper Newport Bay and crwse Association, said more &baa 2.000 Others complained that ICpiCKO· .............. ~ laid the council should apply . quietly until they rad9ed the ocean. people Aaned peti tiOOJ for relief. talion on the city's ad hoc aviatiQA But some warned of future oeiah· the ume kind ofequity in the air-that ··But s.ince the belinnina of sum· - .. We consider it the most ~t comminee was weiabled apimt shattered and nerves Tbeif peace borbood battles should any attempt it teekl IO auain with its ground mer, it bas been mucb wone tba.o it q~tion r.clng the association,• be tboee ~erina the most. fra~ hundreds oC Newport Beach be made to reroute the aircraft.. tramp0r1ation policies by spreading bas ever been." Maurer aid. said. That broulbt rebuff's and laments resadenta livina under the John Headin& a_poup called Citizens for the burden. .. We'd like to know ifthe noile has But Willis Longyear oftbe Lido Isle fiom the O()Uncil . Wayne~ takeoff pettem peti· Air Route Equity,· Mimi SioaJeton CoUDCilman Phil Maurer, bimselfa increued, if there's been a relaxation Community AssociatiOI\ warned of ..It's 1arible when we have a sore • tioned the Cit}t (4uncil on Monday aid the takeoff route established in Balboe Island resident, aareed that by the pilots." war should &llY attempt be made to that pits one c0mmunity lllinst to bdp establish a more equita~e i 974 directed air traffic over the most aircraft noise bu increUed in recent Maurer aid it seemed as if pilots return to the oJd takeoff route that (Pl4iue Me .Jrl'S'/ A2) . Klller typhoon· .Copter . Mother ~ill get ·ctaSb·. custody of her ·itiI1s, ' ..oc ~ ... dePu.ty. · kidiiapped·girl _ DO problem with the motbcr.·Sbe is Teen located in married. She is wortiq. She hu bad By JONATllAf'l VOLZKE ·. another child. She bas a .,00 en Of ......,,... ... HB spertt 6 years vironment... A seven-year veteia.o ofthe Orante He said it does not appear that County Sberifrs Department 'fi&S with grandfather Qwity was abused. And amona eight people lciUed when an Divine said and her mother Anny National Guard belicopter on will need timea:nJ . Ult.. - an anti-drug mission slaUVJ:lcd into a ··v ou have to unden1aod that there mountainside i~ Imperial County is some trauma here ... You're not near the Mexican border, authorities TOLEOO, Ohio - A mother bas absent from your motbef' for a period aid toda . .. been poled custody of her 13-year ofsix to seven~ under false Marie ~teven. Tonkin, 31 , and th~ old dauabtcr who was found last week identities. without bavina some other seven people on the aircraft in H uot:ingtoo Beach, six years after trauma. .. be aid. were killed instantly when the craft she disappeared, a Lucas County Victor Gonzalez. Creswdl's law Ftllplno flood victims find erupted into ~cs after Mbnda(s jud&e ruled· Monday. • yer, aid Sunday's meetina between .refuge from Typhoon 9:30. J>.m. crash, Oranae County - Juvenile Court Judie Andrew mother and dauab11CrWent well. Ruby, which was blamed Sheriff's Lt. Dick Olson said. Divine rescinded bis order sjvina 'There was a lot of anxiety at the . Tonkin was a~ed to the career · for sinking a ship temporary custody of Charif)'. free· initial meetina. They did not know criminal apprehension team and,also wbat to expect after six years," be carryfng 500 ~pie . / A5 worked undercover fpr the sheriff's. man to the Lucas County Children's Services Board. said. But they p-ew close by the end of department. Olson said.·'s the meet.ins. be said. family was unavailable for comment.. ' In addition, Divjpe .terminated ri&hts to Cbariiy's ~irand Tbc cae, however, is not over. Sheriff Brad Gatct left for tl\e crash freeman can still file for custody. Bvt site early today, Olson said. father, Leroy Freeman. Owity was found at her grandfather's Hunt· Divine said be will dismi• thec::uc if Also killed were Los Angeles Freeman docs not file a motion with Bute.tin Board A3 Sheriff'·s Department Deputies Roy iQllOo Beach a~nt Friday. him within oat 30 Bualneu A7-8 A. Clester, 4J, and James D. When Owity is released from da.ys. Medical CoUcee ofOhio , where she is ..I cannot unilatcraily Ctismiu this Ctualfted 86-8 McSweeny,' 43, both 12-year depart· complaint wu by the ment veterans. Three National underp>ing psycholoeical and pbysi wbic:b siped Comlca A11 pandfatbet.... lfbe wants to Plocieed Entertainment Gua:rd..mcmbers also perished in the cal tcstina. she will be able to ao home A9 with her mother, Karen Creswell of with 1be beariaa. pinina antody of 85 crash. as did sheriff's deputies from Oaarity, 1 haveI"' to bar it," be llid. A10 Riverside-and Imperial counties; -------..,-----=----_......_,_-=----=-~~~.;;.-...- ~said. Sbecould be released authorities said. ...,,... ~-i.....,.. from the bospiw by Thursday, be Att!loalb Creswell .-Ii.-. ... POflce Log A3 Owity in ber fatber's home, Free Los· . Anaetcs Cou~ty s~eritrs · Memorial to Ylctlma · said. PubNc Notices 84,8 dral " It man claims be..,.,_ the one who railed = · -s~kesman Gabe. Ram1~ wd the Cra dot tlae aeu l!luranca lnlDe would appear at this time that Sport 81-4 1111 ••'"'8cape Parkwal,!:. there tbeaiJ'L a helicopter was .1mmed1ately . con- u a gllll., ,...,..._ Of tboee who died ~ - is no senous problem of any Weather A2 u.e kind with Charity," Divine said at a When Freeman's told !:ed by flames in the mountamous nlaa.d oa-la tbe la8t 20 aoatlaa la ~e CoantJ. The news conferenoe in bis chambers. him she was aoina to tet married. (PleUe ... C~B/µ) ...n.en are pUt of an anti...... campt'lp- S"tory la OD AS. " Everything seems to be fine. There's (PIH•-JIOM/il) · Wil~ .on acquitted in CM revenge killing remarked a police detective who He was charged with her murder caused lapses of memory around the Jurors not convinced that he shot down helped iovestipte the crime. wbeo an autopsy revealed that she time of the alleged confession., Parker, a 37-yeai--old television bad died of10juries due to blunt force although be maintained that be man accused of his girlfriend· s murder actor, was shot on the front steps of trauma. remembered the coofeaion clearly. bis mother's home on Aliso Drive Wilson, a Sao FranClSCO aocoun· Hale told the 0rante County shonly before midnight on Aug. 2. taot, was suspected of havtng killed Grand Jury at Wilson's indictment ByBOBVANEYUN murdered Wilson's ~end. 1983. Parker in rev enge for the death of that the defendant told him be tilled °' .............. But after delibcrauna two, jurors in He was to have appeared in court Mills. He was charged with the cnme Parker. Hale later recanted., however, A S-year-oJd Costa Mesa murder Superior Court in Westminster ac the foUowina day in connection with after two members of bis family told sayina be did not believe Wilson bad cue laced with sex.- ·dnlp and qwttcd Wilson of the crime. the beatina death of San Francisco Costa Mesa poJice invcsuptors that committed the crime. vcnpnce ended Monday when a Though jurors said they found the socialite Joan McSbane Mills. whom be confessed to them. Wilson·s attorneys, Joel Baruch Superior Court jury concluded that a evidence apinst Wilson to be thin Wilson said he planned to marry. But both witnesses; the defendant's and J. Tony Serra. repeatedly at· wealthy San Francisco accountant and convoluted, the prosecutor as Mills. 33, was found dead m a brother. Okel Wilson. and his tacked the testimony of the tw0 key was innocent. well as Costa Mesa police said they Beverly Hills hotel room in Apnl brother-in-law, Robert Hale. later witnesses. Richard Dale Wtlson 47, was believed there was enough evidence 1983. Parker was discovered bending admined to alcohol and ps)cbologi In bis concludin& argument on Oct accused oftbe revenge-Style killing of to convict Wilson. over her body and initially told pobcc cal problems. 17, Serra ridiculed the prosecution's Jeffre)"'Molloy Parker the day before ••Just because the guy's found not she hid aonc into convulsions follow Ok:el Wilson testified that hJS case. sayina at was built on "the Richard Dale Wu.o.i--- Parker was to face charaes that he pi.tty doesn't mean be didn't do it," in& a ni&bt of sex. druas and alcohol alcoholism and drug abuse had (Pleue ... WIL80N/A2) .. ShutdoWn. ·date. ·foi: H.~ ai_rport Combo campuses a class act. ~ounaer students arc kept scparatt Parents who fought combining older. from the traditional high school students as much as possible.