Healthy, radiant skin begins from within

 season of summer indulgences, whe- Niacin (B3) is found in avocado and turkey and ther it be swimming in chlorinated pools, helps to speed up skin regeneration - essen- A several weeks of rosé wine, or too much tial for repairing sun damage, acne hyperpigmen- sun bathing, our skin can look a little worse for tation, and reduces the symptoms of rosacea. wear. Once the summer holidays are over, we Niacin also helps your skin to retain moisture, so can be left with dehydrated and perhaps wrinkly make sure you are properly hydrated! Turkey has skin, sun damage, blocked pores and chapped 30 x more niacin than avocado. lips. So what´s the best remedy? Good nutrition Green Tea - Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the can help protect the skin not just pre-holiday antioxidant found in green tea has been shown season, but also post-holiday to help the skin re- prevent genetic damage in skin cells exposed to pair. UV radiation. A large mug of green tea (250ml) The skin can be thought of as the window to ove- with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to add the rall health of the body. It is the largest elimination vitamin C may help achieve that post-summer route for toxins, so an overworked liver from a glow! long summer of excesses can show up on the skin. The simplest step to a fresher complexion DON´T FORGET is to address water intake. Well-hydrated skin LIFESTYLE FACTORS! looks plump and less wrinkled. Aim to drink two Whilst skin damage can be a result of unprotec- litres of water or herbal teas each day, more if ted sunbathing and a high sugar diet, lifestyle you are exercising and perspiring. Add factors also play a significant role. lemon/lime, mint leaves, slices of apples or pear Exercise: move and get the heart pumping to to pep up your water and try to avoid drinking support skin health. High intensity bursts of water from plastic bottles by using a glass or exercise will also stimulate growth hormone stainless steel container. production, which can be used for stimulating Photo ageing from sunlight is responsible for up new cells. to 90% of thinning and wrinkling of the skin as Sleep: Getting enough “beauty sleep” encou- the ultra violet light affects the flexible , col- rages skin repair. Growth hormone influences lagen and elastin which helps skin regain its tissue growth and repair and is greatest at night shape. is the most abundant protein in during deep core sleep. Skin brushing supports the body and it helps give skin a youthful glow as the lymphatic system to rid the body of waste well as supporting strength and stability of skin cashews, spinach, asparagus, pumpkin, chick- and supports circulation.  tissue. Although we produce collagen it relies peas and grass-fed beef are rich in zinc; soy- upon several nutrients to do so such as vitamin beans and dark leafy vegetables are good C, zinc and copper. sources of copper. Every 35 days skin cells are replaced and new Vitamin A contains a plant chemical called Ca- cells created from what is consumed. A diet rich rotenoids which not only help support collagen in anti-oxidants, found primarily in fruits and ve- and elastin levels in the skin, but also support CHRISTINE getables, and essential fatty acids, will help sup- production of hyaluronic acid - our skin´s own na- port and repair skin tissue. Yet another reason to tural moisturiser. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid KJELDBJERG eat several portions of veggies and a little fruit found in plants, algae and seafood and gives the each day! red pigment. It has exceptional antioxidant acti- vity with evidence suggesting it may both prevent TOP NUTRIENTS FOR UV damage by acting as a natural internal suns- SUPPORTING SKIN HEALTH creen and also help to reverse these signs of ageing. Unlike sunscreen it offers protection wi- Collagen , collagen and yet more collagen! Be- thout blocking UV rays, so vitamin D can still be nefits of consuming collagen far outweigh topi- synthesised. Two other carotenoids supporting cal application. Throw together a pot of bone the skin are lycopene, found in tomatoes and wa- broth to stimulate your collagen levels and sup- termelon and beta-carotene found in carrots, port complexion. orange peppers and sweet potatoes. Christine has a BSc in nutrition Vitamin C is a fabulous skin booster that can Omega 3 This chain of essential fatty acids en- therapy, an MSc in personalised brighten skin tone and decrease appearance of sure flexible cell membranes enabling nutrients nutrition and is a Pilates & Xtend fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps to protect to enter cells and toxins to freely move out of Barre instructor. Originally from existing collagen. The best food sources are ci- them. It will also help protect skin cells in the cold Berkshire in the UK, Christine has trus fruits, strawberries, guava, kiwi, bell peppers, weather to come. Fatty fish such as salmon, been living in the Riviera for 12 years. broccoli and tomatoes. trout, mackerel, sardines and herring are the best She has a busy Etness and health Zinc And Copper (along with vitamin C) stimu- sources. The protein in fish also stimulates cell coaching business in Grasse and runs late collagen production. Sesame seeds, ca- renewal. Vegan sources are: flax/chia seed, sea- various educational workshops. shews and mushrooms are sources of both; weed and avocados. www.ck-health.com