MORPAC 2018 Year-End Report

MORPAC is the voluntary, non-partisan Political Action Committee (PAC) of the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA). It is the only PAC that directly represents the interests of the real estate finance industry in our nation’s political system.

MORPAC raises personal, voluntary contributions from eligible industry professionals to support election efforts of qualified federal candidates whose views and voting records reflect the interests of MBA and its members.


MORPAC Chair Letter 3

Mortgage Action Alliance (MAA) Chair Letter 4

MORPAC 2018 Election Cycle Stats 5

MAA 2018 Stats 6

2017–2018 Cycle MBA Advocacy Highlights 7

Burton C. Wood Legislative Service Award Winner 9

Schumacher-Bolduc Award Winner 9

MORPAC 2017-2018 Steering Committee 10

MBA Legislative and Political Affairs Staff 10

Get Involved Today 11

2018 MORPAC Contributors 16

2018 MORPAC Company Campaigns 33

2017–2018 MORPAC Disbursements 34 MORPAC CHAIR LETTER

The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) continues to be among the most sophisticated and effective trade associations in Washington, DC and that is in no small part because of your continued support of MORPAC, MBA’s political action committee. Due to your support, MORPAC, set single-cycle and single-year fundraising records during calendar years 2017 and 2018. Since January 2017, MORPAC raised over $2.1 million in individual donations —­ with almost $1.2 million raised in 2018 alone!

We are pleased to share our 2018 MORPAC Year-End Report that details our campaign’s progress through December 31, 2018 in the 2018 election cycle. As a show of gratitude to our dedicated contributors, this report lists all of the individuals and companies who have been a part of our 2018 campaign. In addition, we’ve highlighted advocacy and policy wins our political programs have been able to help support in the past year.

In 2018, MORPAC recruited 570 new contributors — a 70% increase over 2017. Over 20 companies ran a MORPAC campaign in 2018, including nine companies and one state association during the inaugural MORPAC Action Week. These efforts kept MORPAC ranked among the top-20 trade association PACs in the country, in both fundraising and contributions to federal candidates.

MORPAC is an essential advocacy tool that supports election efforts of qualified candidates whose views and voting records reflect the interests of MBA and its members. MORPAC allows us to build and strengthen our political clout among key elected officials in both congressional chambers and across the political spectrum. Unlike Super PACs, MORPAC is funded entirely through voluntary contributions from people like you. Every member of MORPAC has joined a team of dedicated industry professionals that drive and support the real estate finance industry.

We hope that you will see the great steps we are taking with our political action committee and on our legislative and political priorities. None of this is possible without your involvement in MORPAC and your continued support is imperative to our success. Together, we made the 2017–2018 fundraising cycle the finest in MBA’s history.

We hope you will take time to review the report and continue to stay involved with MBA’s Advocacy Programs and fight for our industry. We appreciate and thank you for your dedication to MBA, MORPAC and our collective public policy goals.


Rick Arvielo Eddy Perez, CMB CEO, New American Funding President, Equity Prime Mortgage 2017–2018 MORPAC Chairman 2019–2020 MORPAC Chairman


A strong MORPAC is essential, but the Mortgage Action Alliance (MAA) is our best way to educate policymakers at the federal and state level on issues that impact our members. MAA is the only free grassroots lobbying organization representing the interests of the entire real estate finance industry in Washington, DC and state capitals across the country. MAA is the best vehicle we have to put collective pressure on our elected officials to do the right thing for our industry when it is most important.

Federal and state governments continue to play an increasingly large role in our industry, which ultimately impacts our businesses. Through direct grassroots advocacy and relationship building, MAA enables you to play an active role in the creation of laws and regulations affecting your livelihood. Successful advocacy often boils down to a numbers game and we need more voices speaking on our behalf to make policymakers pay attention.

Like MORPAC, MAA broke records in the 2018 election cycle. Under the leadership of the 2017–2018 MAA Chairman Gene Lugat, MAA increased its membership by over 76% with over 27,000 industry-wide active members and counting. We’ve had more than 3,200 downloads of the MAA mobile app since launch and saw a 350% increase in communications to Congress. In fact, our advocates sent over 50,000 letters and tweets to Congress in the 2018 election cycle to 95% of House and Senate offices on key issues.

We are pleased to be featured in the 2018 MORPAC Year-End Report and are happy to highlight the companies who have played a major role in our record-breaking cycle. Targeted online fundraising for MORPAC to this growing group of MAA advocates continues to be a significant source of new dollars (often in smaller increments).

We hope that you will see the great steps we are taking with our grassroots advocacy efforts, which support broader legislative and political priorities of the MBA and its members.

We hope you will take time to review the report and continue to stay involved with MBA’s Advocacy Programs and fight for our industry. We encourage your staff, team members and industry colleagues to sign up and get active in MAA. Every voice counts and we need yours.


Gene M. Lugat Jeffrey C. Taylor Executive Vice President, PrimeLending Co-Founder & Managing Director, Digital Risk 2017–2018 MAA Chairman 2019–2020 MAA Chairman


Since January 2017, MORPAC raised more than $2.1 million


In 2018 alone, MORPAC raised nearly MORPAC raised $1.2 million $318,117


Other interesting statistics about our 2017–2018 cycle: $1,038 2,045 $52,904


2018 MORPAC OTHER dollars came COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL from all areas of the industry


3,220 95% 2


27,000 30,000 4,000




1,847 488

1,788 442

914 421

836 418

533 253


Over the past two years, MBA has worked relentlessly on behalf of our members and the industry at large. Below are key highlights of our efforts, emphasizing where we have made progress for you on at the federal and state level. Your advocacy makes a difference.

1. SECURING KEY TAX PROVISIONS engaged on Capitol Hill, educating lawmakers and provid- Due to MBA’s advocacy, H.R. 1, the final tax bill passed by ing congressional testimony on GSE reform. This effort Congress (now P.L. 115-97), included essential provisions culminated with MBA President and CEO Bob Broeksmit’s that preserved deferred tax treatment for mortgage ser- testimony before the House Financial Services Committee vicing rights (MSRs) and prevented adverse changes to at the December 21, 2018 hearing, “A Legislative Proposal capital gains rollovers on the sale of principal residences. to Provide for a Sustainable Housing Finance System: The We protected key tax provisions including business interest Bipartisan Housing Finance Reform Act of 2018.” The hear- deductibility, like-kind exchanges, the mortgage interest ing focused on the discussion draft released by outgoing deduction and the low-income housing tax credit. MBA Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) and retiring Rep. John continues to advocate with the Treasury Department and Delaney (D-MD). IRS for appropriate regulatory implementation of the tax legislation, including the scope of the pass-through deduction on qualified business income. 4. PREVENTING ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES TO THE RENTAL HOUSING MARKET Due to MBA’s advocacy and other industry efforts, California 2. ENSURING ECONOMIC GROWTH, REGULATORY ballot initiative Prop 10 was defeated, which will prevent RELIEF AND CONSUMER PROTECTION local jurisdictions in California from adopting counterpro- MBA’s advocacy efforts ensured that S. 2155 (now P.L. 115-174) ductive rent control ordinances that would discourage passed with numerous key mortgage provisions, including: rental housing development and limit the availability of affordable rental housing in the state. MBA also advo- • SAFE Act amendments that require the cated for important changes to Davis-Bacon split wage states to provide transitional licensing decisions that jeopardize the development of affordable authority for mortgage loan originators rental housing.

• Provisions to protect veterans from certain abusive VA refinance loans 5. WORKING TO ENSURE MORE BALANCED AND PRAGMATIC MORTGAGE REGULATIONS • Reasonable HVCRE risk-based capital regime MBA advocated for key regulatory reforms, including: for bank construction lending to support commercial real estate development • Responding with 12 comment letters to RFIs covering all aspects of CFPB’s operations • Requirements for PACE and other energy efficiency mortgage lenders to comply • Securing a broad coalition in support of key changes with Ability to Repay standards to the Loan Originator Compensation Rule

• Partial TRID and HMDA relief to reduce • Prompting key findings in Treasury’s report on the compliance costs for small depositories regulation of FinTechs and non-bank lenders

• Securing commitments from CFPB to do “diagnostic” 3. LEADING EFFORTS ON GSE REFORM HMDA examinations and refrain from enforcing MBA continued to advocate aggressively on GSE reform, penalties during the first year of implementation with two Board-level task forces — one focused on preserv- ing certain administrative reforms by FHFA and another • Persuading CFPB to close the TRID “black hole” focused on ensuring continued liquidity and stability as FHFA transitions to new leadership in early 2019. To this • Securing revisions to problematic FHA multifamily end, MBA led a coalition of 29 diverse groups with an “open energy benchmarking approach and federal flood letter to the Administration and Congress” that called for risk management standards, as well as improvements policies consistent with these goals. MBA was also heavily to the Capital Needs Assessment e-Tool

MORPAC 2018 YEAR-END REPORT PAGE 7 6. PREPARING FOR WHEN DISASTER STRIKES • Protect Affordable Mortgages for Veterans Working with government agencies, non-profits and Act of 2018 (H.R. 6737/ S. 3536) to address our members, MBA produced and distributed two the orphaning of existing loans and prevent impactful resources - “Disaster Recovery Resource for future problems regarding re-performing Homeowners” in both English and Spanish as well as loans, loss mitigation activities, and cash- “Insurance: Responding to Natural Disasters and other out refinances, while doing nothing to Catastrophic Events.” MBA also led advocacy efforts to weaken important anti-churning address the need for long-term reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). On December • GUIDE Act (H.R. 5534/S. 3443) to ensure CFPB 21, 2018, the House of Representatives and the Senate provides regular written guidance on key rules passed a six month extension of the NFIP. While this prevented a lapse in authorization for the program, the • On February 14, congressional leaders finalized a partial government shutdown temporarily suspended spending bill compromise on seven appropriations it until the Administration, under pressure from MBA bills that included a revised funding mix for nine and others, reopened this function of the government. Cabinet departments, including HUD, and dozens of other agencies, through September 30. President Trump signed the legislation, which 7. SETTING THE STAGE FOR LEGISLATIVE SUCCESS removes the immediate threat of another MBA also established bipartisan legislative records to build government shutdown. The spending package on in the coming year. Our advocacy efforts, along with included several of MBA’s priorities, as MAA members, raised the profile of legislative changes expressed in the letters we sent to the Senate, important to our membership, including: full Appropriations Committee, the T-HUD subcommittee, and most recently to the newly- • Housing Opportunities Mortgage sworn House of Representatives including: Expansion Act (H.R. 2890/S. 2361) to allow certain captive insurance companies ++ $44.2 billion in total programmatic to restore their FHLB membership funding, including $8 billion for new housing and public infrastructure. • Self-Employed Mortgage Access Act (S. 3401) to permit lenders to use existing income ++ No authority for an FHA administrative fee for documentation requirements from the GSEs, purposes of IT upgrades and quality assurance. FHA, VA, or USDA to comply with Appendix Q of the Qualified Mortgage standards ++ $280 million for HUD Technology, a $20 million increase from the President’s Budget which the accompanying Senate report directed to FHA technology upgrades.

++ Maintains the prohibition on federal funds being used to facilitate eminent domain seizures of performing mortgage loans.

++ Maintains prohibitions on Ginnie Mae securitizations in HUD’s risk sharing programs, Sections 542 (b) and (c), by Housing Finance Agencies.

++ Funds the HOME ($1.25 billion) and CDBG ($3.365 billion, with $65 million allocated to American Indian tribes) programs at the FY2018 levels rejecting the President’s proposal to eliminate funding for both programs.


The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Utah delegation and has helped MBA presented its annual Burton C. Wood achieve positive results on behalf of the Legislative Service Award to then-Primary industry through dedicated advocacy at Residential Mortgage CEO, David Zitting, both the state and federal levels. CMB at MBA’s 2018 Chairman’s Conference in Aspen, CO. The award is given annually to “David has been a consistent advocate for an MBA member employee in recognition MBA thanks to his tireless outreach to of his or her sustained superior service to policymakers and champion of key issues the association and the real estate finance affecting our industry,” said Dave Motley, industry as a whole. CMB, President of Colonial Savings F.A., and Chairman of MBA. “His deep involvement in Mr. Zitting has been a member of the MBA both MAA and MORPAC reinforce David’s Board of Directors and Residential Board commitment to advocacy.” of Governors (RESBOG). He is an active David Zitting, CMB participant in MORPAC and his company The award is named after the late MBA Chairman participated in our first-ever MORPAC Legislative Counsel Burton C. Wood, who Avenue, LLC Action Week raising a total of $37,291 to devoted more than 30 years of service to MORPAC. His company also has enrolled MBA’s advocacy efforts and passed away over 440 total Mortgage Action Alliance in 2010. Wood was the first recipient of (MAA) members, which is the eighth high- the award in 1990, and his lobbying skills est number in the country. He is actively gained the respect and attention of both engaged with key policymakers in the Republicans and Democrats alike.


The Mortgage Bankers Association Political Mr. Bright has been a MORPAC advocate Action Committee (MORPAC) awarded and personal contributor for over a decade. Edgar Bright, CMB, AMP, President of He is a regular at MBA’s National Advocacy Standard Mortgage Corporation, with the Conference (NAC) and makes it his duty 2018 Schumacher-Bolduc Award at the to involve his peers and colleagues in MBA association’s 2018 Annual Convention and advocacy. Mr. Bright and Standard Mortgage Expo held in Washington, D.C. The award have also been deeply involved with MBA was given to Mr. Bright in recognition of his for many decades, with Mr. Bright hav- outstanding work on behalf of MBA’s polit- ing previously served on MBA’s Board of ical advocacy programs and the mortgage Directors and Residential Board of Governors lending industry. (RESBOG).

“Edgar has been an extraordinary champion The award is named in honor of two of for MBA’s advocacy programs for many the most distinguished professionals in Edgar Bright, CMB, AMP years and has truly stepped up his game MORPAC’s history: Ernest P. Schumacher, President recently to help strengthen our important founder and first Chairman of MORPAC and Standard Mortgage outreach on behalf of the mortgage lend- Mark P. Bolduc, whose exemplary service Corporation ing industry,” said Chris George, 2019 MBA as MORPAC Director helped the PAC to Chairman, and Founder, President and CEO become the political force it is today. of CMG Financial. “I am incredibly honored to recognize Edgar as this year’s winner of the Schumacher-Bolduc Award. He demon- strates the very best in unwavering commit- ment and leadership to MORPAC and MBA.”


CHAIR James L. Bopp Patrick J. Harrigan, Christy Soukhamneut Rick Arvielo National Correspondent CMB, AMP SVP, National Sales CEO Sales Manager Divisional Vice Performance New American Funding Platinum Home President, West Starkey Mortgage, LLP TUSTIN, CA Mortgage Corporation Radian Guaranty Inc. SAVANNAH, GA CLIFTON PARK, NY SCOTTSDALE, AZ Amy Swaney, CMB VICE CHAIR Don Brown Gene M. Lugat Branch Manager Nathan Burch, CMB Managing Director, (2017–2018 Citywide Home Loans / Vellum Mortgage Secondary Services MAA Chairman) CHL Mortgage OAKTON, VA Optimal Blue, LLC Executive Vice President SCOTTSDALE, AZ PLANO, TX PrimeLending TIMONIUM, MD Jack Thompson VICE CHAIR Yvette Clermont CEO Jayson F. Donaldson Branch Manager J. David Motley, CMB Legacy Mortgage, LLC President Inlanta Mortgage Inc. President ALBUQUERQUE, NM NorthMarq Capital, LLC LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL Colonial Savings, F.A. WASHINGTON, DC WESTWORTH Jeff N. Walton Tracy Maynard Cole VILLAGE, TX President Vice President, Total Expert Inc VICE CHAIR Mortgage Production Kevin Popoli, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Eddy Perez, CMB Operations Manager CMB, AMP (Incoming 2019–2020 Colonial Savings, F.A. VP — National Accounts Sue Woodard MORPAC Chair) FORT WORTH, TX and GSE Relations (Incoming 2019– President Arch Mortgage 2020 MORPAC Equity Prime Mortgage LLC James Deitch Insurance Company Vice Chair ATLANTA, GA Chief Executive Officer ROSWELL, GA Chief Customer Officer Teraverde Financial Total Expert Inc LANCASTER, PA EDEN PRAIRIE, MN


Bill Killmer Dan Grattan Alden Knowlton Alexis Gurganious Senior Vice President, Associate Vice President, Associate Vice President, Senior Grassroots Legislative and Legislative Affairs Political Affairs Advocacy Assistant Political Affairs Tallman Johnson Jamey Ballo Hannah Hughes Erin Barry Associate Vice President, Assistant PAC Director Executive Assistant Associate Vice President, Legislative Affairs Legislative Affairs


We are always working on ways to make our industry and in-turn, our members stronger. Getting involved in MBA Advocacy is as easy as 1-2-3.

1. JOIN MAA 2. LEARN ABOUT MORPAC 3. ATTEND MBA’S NATIONAL ADVOCACY • The Mortgage Action • MORPAC, MBA’s political CONFERENCE Alliance (MAA) is MBA’s free action committee (PAC), is grassroots advocacy network. the only federal PAC that • The National Advocacy represents the entire real Conference is MBA’s largest • MAA members receive: estate finance industry. advocacy event of the year, held in Washington DC, ++ A Call to Action when an • MORPAC pools financial focused solely on the issues important piece of legislation resources to help elect facing real estate finance. is being considered by qualified federal candidates federal or state lawmakers whose views and voting • This lobbying day is the one records reflect the interests time during the year that we ++ A monthly newsletter of MBA and its members. can collectively show Congress, with legislative and including your elected officials, regulatory developments • Granting prior authorization just how impactful proposed allows us to reach out to your legislation and regulations ++ Free Quarterly Advocacy staff and discuss the enormous can be to our businesses, Update webinars hosted by impact that MORPAC has customers and the economy. MBA’s expert Legislative on the industry and your and Political Affairs team business through our political • Learn how to engage with engagement activities. your elected officials and • Join MAA at then attend pre-scheduled joinmaa and make sure to • For more information meetings with your download the MAA App! visit representatives and their staff.

• Learn more at




SAVE THE DATE MAA Action Week May 13–17, 2019


SAVE THE DATE MORPAC Action Week June 17–21, 2019


The Mortgage Action Alliance (MAA) App is designed to make standing up for the real estate finance industry easier than ever.

Download the App to:

• Receive updates on bills affecting • Find contact information for the real estate finance industry your members of Congress

• Let your elected officials • Join MAA, MBA’s free know how those bills will grassroots network impact you directly • Learn about MORPAC, MBA’s • Research bills that MBA is watching political action committee

To learn more or download for free, visit


MORPAC is incredibly grateful for the support of over 2,000 unique, industry-wide contributors from across the country. We’ve come a long way, more than doubling our contributions to MORPAC in the last decade, and we could not have done it without you and your continued generous investment. Thank you to each individual who was part of our 2018 campaign. We appreciate your support and are proud to recognize you.


Kelly Allison Kim Callas Ross P. Diedrich, CFA Michelle Herbst New American Funding CMG Financial Covered Insurance Solutions Equity Prime Mortgage LLC

Richard J. Andreano, Jr., Esq. Michelle Canter Jayson F. Donaldson William T. Hyman Ballard Spahr LLP Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, LLP NorthMarq Capital, LLC Hunt Real Estate Capital

Duane E. Andrews Stephen Carpitella Jim Driscoll Jr. Mark A. Jones Clear Capital Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Amerifirst Home Mortgage

Tim Arrington Michael Carvajal James E. DuBose Milton Karavites Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding

Patricia Arvielo Steve Chapman Debra Dunn Bill Killmer New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. SWBC Mortgage Mortgage Bankers Association

Rick Arvielo James Coffrini Brian Eisendrath Joseph Knudson New American Funding Sierra Pacific Mortgage CBRE Capital Markets Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Company, Inc. Thomas E. Black, AMP, Esq. William C. Emerson Kenneth Knudson Black, Mann & Graham, L.L.P. Jonathan Corr Quicken Loans, Inc. Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Ellie Mae, Inc. Albert P. Blank Jay Farner Shawn Krause Union Home Mortgage Bill Cosgrove, CMB Quicken Loans, Inc. Quicken Loans, Inc. Union Home Mortgage Byron L. Boston Jim Ferriter Desmond Ladd Dynex Capital, Inc. Paula Cosgrove Union Home Mortgage Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Union Home Mortgage Edgar Bright, III, CMB, AMP Brian K. Fitzpatrick Donald C. Lampe Standard Mortgage Corporation Clifton A. Crabtree LoanLogics Morrison & Foerster LLP First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Brian Brockman David N. Gahm Rodrigo Lopez, CMB Domus Asset Management, Inc. Elly Cummings, CMB Amerifirst Home Mortgage NorthMarq Capital, LLC Marketplace Home Mortgage Robert D. Broeksmit, CMB Andrew J. George William Lowman Mortgage Bankers Association Rose Marie David CMG Financial American Pacific Mortgage HomeStreet Bank Corporation Susan Broeksmit Christopher M. George Marcia M. Davies CMG Financial Edgar Lozada Michael Bryant Mortgage Bankers Association Equity Prime Mortgage LLC CBRE Capital Markets Brent L. Green, CMB Philip DeFronzo Lake Michigan Credit Union Gene M. Lugat Christy Bunce Norcom Mortgage PrimeLending New American Funding David W. Green James M. Deitch, CMB, CPA StoneHill Group, Inc., The Erik Lutz Nathan J. Burch, CMB Teraverde Financial AmeriFirst Financial, Inc. Vellum Mortgage William Griffin Chris DeMatteis ServiceLink James S. MacLeod Edward J. Burke Equity Prime Mortgage LLC CoastalStates Bank KeyBank Mortgage Patrick J. Harrigan, CMB, AMP William P. DiCapua, Jr. Radian Guaranty Inc. Benjamin Madick Jay Byars Union Home Mortgage Matic Equity Prime Mortgage LLC



Philip R. Mahoney Eduardo Perez, CMB Bradley Shuster Jaclyn Taylor American Security Mortgage Corp. Equity Prime Mortgage LLC National Mortgage Insurance Corp. Homemaker

Michael Manieri Shannon Perez Brian Smith Jack Thompson Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Union Home Mortgage Legacy Mortgage, LLC Robert B. Peterson, II Frank D. Martell Teraverde Financial John D. Socknat Steve Tiscione CoreLogic Ballard Spahr LLP Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Kurt Pfotenhauer Michael McFadden First American Title David H. Stevens, CMB Gregory S. Tornquist Riivos Inc. Insurance Company Mortgage Bankers Association Cenlar FSB

Leslie McGarry Julie Piepho, CMB, AMP Susan Stevenson Timur Tunador Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Union Home Mortgage Atlantic Coast Mortgage, LLC

Mark McGarry Kelly Powers Scott Van Stewart Robert Walters, Jr. Equity Prime Mortgage LLC AmeriFirst Financial, Inc. SWBC Mortgage Quicken Loans, Inc.

Stanley C. Middleman Jan Preslo Susan T. Stewart Fowler C. Williams, CMB, AMP Freedom Mortgage Corporation New American Funding SWBC Mortgage Crescent Mortgage Company

Pete Mills Jon Reed Debra W. Still, CMB Charles Williams Mortgage Bankers Association New American Funding Pulte Mortgage LLC Northpointe Bank

J. David Motley, CMB Gregory Robinson Brian F. Stoffers, CMB Richard Wolcott Colonial Savings, F.A. Union Home Mortgage CBRE Capital Markets Standard Mortgage Corporation

James R. Mountain Andy Sandler Curtis Swanson David Zitting, CMB ARMOUR Residential REIT, Inc. Treliant, LLC Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

Peter R. Norden Julie Sanford Nicholas Tantanella HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Equity Prime Mortgage LLC

Sam Patel Ryan Sanford Jeffrey C. Taylor Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Digital Risk, LLC


Daniel H. Aminoff, CMB, AMP Gary D. Clark, CMB Doug Danko Hamid Hamrah Citizens Bank Sierra Pacific Mortgage Old Republic National Title New American Funding Company, Inc. Insurance Company Teresa Bryce Bazemore John M. Hedlund SocialSurvey Yvette Clermont, CMB, AMP Judy Deitch AmeriHome Mortgage Company Inlanta Mortgage Inc. Richard Bennion Thomas S. Dennard Alexander Henderson, III HomeStreet Bank Marianne Collins Grandbridge Real Teraverde Financial Ohio Mortgage Bankers Estate Capital LLC Brian Binash Association, Inc. Mark Johnson First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. H. Burton Embry LRES Corporation Patrick A. Connor Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Tim Bullock Old Republic National Title Steve Johnson, CMB Union Home Mortgage Insurance Company Eli Fairfield Security National New American Funding Mortgage Company Barrett Burns Marcia Courson VantageScore Solutions, LLC Mark B. Fisher, CMB, CRE, CRI William T. Kennedy Henry V. Cunningham, Jr, CMB StanCorp Mortgage Investors, LLC CBRE Capital Markets Larry Cappelletti Highlands Residential Mortgage Alliance Home Loans Christopher Garza Mitchel H. Kider, Esq. James H. Danis, II, CMB, AMP New American Funding Weiner Brodsky Kider PC Maylin Casanueva Residential Mortgage Corp. Teraverde Financial Eric Gates Thomas T. Kim Apex Home Loans Inc. Mortgage Bankers Association



Jane C. King Sonya Luechauer Anita Padilla Steve Runnels Platinum Home Mortgage DHI Mortgage Company MegaStar Financial Corp Union Home Mortgage Corporation Jeffrey S. May Nathan Paff Terry L. Schmidt, CMB Donald P. King, III Cherry Creek Mortgage Union Home Mortgage Guild Mortgage Company Walker & Dunlop, LLC Mary Ann McGarry Robert K. Park, III Patrick Sinks Pat Kinsel Guild Mortgage Company Eagle Home Mortgage, LLC. Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Notarize Corporation (MGIC) John Mechem Andrew Perlman John Knowlton Mortgage Bankers Association First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Lisa Springer Inlanta Mortgage Inc. STRATMOR Group James M. Milano Catherine I. Pharis John V. Konyk Weiner Brodsky Kider PC Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Kathy Stoffers Weiner Brodsky Kider PC Linda Motley Daniel J. Phelan, CMB, CCMS, CRI Marsha L. Williams, Esq. Peter H. Lansing Pacific Southwest Realty Services Mortgage Resources Group, LLC/ Universal Lending Corporation Shekar Narasimhan, CMB MRG Document Technologies Beekman Advisors, Inc. Hilary Branson Provinse Michael P. Lau, CMB Berkadia Thomas L. Wind Pingora Asset Management Nelson Oyadomari U.S. Bank Home Mortgage Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Andrew Rippert Arch Mortgage Insurance Company


Terry A. Aikin, CMB, AMP Vicki Bonardi Kenneth C. Burnett Robert M. Couch, CMB Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Alterra Group, LLC dba Union Home Mortgage Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, LLP Corporation (MGIC) Alterra Home Loans Donald M. Burton Melanie Coulton Nicholas Barta John Bonner Evergreen Home Loans Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Candace Buzan Thomas P. Cronin, CMB Shawna Becker James L. Bopp New American Funding The Collingwood Group, LLC Union Home Mortgage Platinum Home Mortgage Corporation Timothy T. Cahill Mark Danahy Bill Beckmann South Pacific Financial Corporation KeyBank Mortgage MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. Phil Bracken, CMB VantageScore Solutions, LLC Richard Cardinali Scott Davies West Beibers, CMB, AMP Union Home Mortgage IBM The Commonwealth Group Jeff Brader NOIC / Concord Daniel Carrillo Joseph Della Torre Judith A. Belanger, CMB New American Funding Union Home Mortgage Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Scott Brader, CMB NOIC / Concord Peter Carroll Nicholas J. DelTorto Stephen L. Benedetti CoreLogic Inlanta Mortgage Inc. Dynex Capital, Inc. Larry Brewster Union Home Mortgage William J. Case Dan Diepenhorst Michael D. Berman, CMB American Mortgage Legacy Mutual Mortgage Michael Berman Consulting, LLC Scott Bristol Service Company New American Funding Brenda L. Dintino Dennis S. Bernard Todd Chamberlain New American Funding Bernard Financial Group Christopher Britton SunTrust Bank Union Home Mortgage Whitney Donaldson Ryan Berry Robert Chaney New American Funding J. Tol Broome, Jr FirstBank Leslie Duchene BB&T CBRE Capital Markets Teresa Betz Chad Church Mortgage Bankers Association Don Brown New American Funding Greg Duvall Optimal Blue, LLC NorthMarq Capital, LLC Anthony Blodgett, CMB Terry Connealy New American Funding Mutual of Omaha Bank



Samuel Ellsworth Greg Greene Olga Kirkland Christine Obermayer New American Funding CBRE Capital Markets New American Funding New American Funding

John Engvall Frank J. Groh-Wargo Alden Knowlton Stephen A. O’Connor Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Union Home Mortgage Mortgage Bankers Association Mortgage Bankers Association

Jeffrey Erxleben Scott Groves William Kooper, MPA Brady O’Donnell NorthMarq Capital, LLC New American Funding Mortgage Bankers Association CBRE Capital Markets

Scott Fenner Brad Groves Christopher LaBianca Michael A. Olden AmeriFirst Financial, Inc. Universal Lending Corporation UBS American Reporting Company

Kristy Fercho Marla Guillaume Marc Laird James Parker Flagstar Bank, FSB Century Mortgage Company Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Union Home Mortgage

Frank Fiore Brian M. Handal, CMB, AMP Dalia Lemus John W. Peterson Matchbox, LLC Wells Fargo Home Mortgage New American Funding New American Funding

Tari L. Flannery, CMB Michael Heagerty, CCMS Todd A. Lillo Michael F. Petrie, CMB M&T Realty Capital Corporation Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Union Home Mortgage P/R Mortgage & Investment Corporation Stephen A. Fogdall, Esq Steve Heffner David Link Schnader Harrison CBRE Capital Markets NorthMarq Capital, LLC Kevin Pezzani, CMB Segal & Lewis LLP Union Home Mortgage Davida Henson Robert Lotstein Michael Fontaine, CMB Union Home Mortgage LotsteinLegal PLLC A.W. Pickel, III Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. Waterstone Mortgage Corporation Debbie Higgins Tony Love Michael Fratantoni, Ph.D. New American Funding Rose Community Capital Laurence E. Platt, Esq. Mortgage Bankers Association Mayer Brown LLP David Houser Anthony Luzzi Greg Frost PrimeLending Sims Mortgage Funding, Inc. Smriti L. Popenoe Frost Mortgage Banking Group Dynex Capital, Inc. John W. Hummel Jeffrey .T Majewski Lawrence Gavett U.S. Bank Home Mortgage CBRE Capital Markets Kevin Popoli, CMB, AMP Union Home Mortgage Arch Mortgage Insurance Company Jeffrey Hurley Don A. Mann, AMP Marshall Gayden CBRE Capital Markets Mann Mortgage LLC Cecil Pounds Radian Guaranty Inc. First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Dean Inniss F. Allen Maulsby, CMB Rob Gillon Rocky Mountain Colonial Savings, F.A. Pamela Raeber New American Funding Mortgage Company Kings Mortgage Services, Inc. Jeff McEvoy Scott Goeden Dario Jimenez 12th Floor Group, LLC Mark A. Raskin Reference Point Union Home Mortgage PrimeLending Stephanie McFadden Marsha Goff Dean Johnson CBRE Capital Markets Dennis Dale Reed RICHMAC Funding LLC Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Union Home Mortgage Amy McGlone Jonathan H. Goldman Richard D. Jones, Esq. New American Funding Marc Rego M. Robert Goldman & Dechert LLP Pulte Mortgage LLC Company, Inc. Steven A. Milner Helen R. Kanovsky US Mortgage Corporation Christine C. Rhea Justin Grable Mortgage Bankers Association Mortgage Investors Group New American Funding Caleb Mittelstet, AMP Joel Katz New American Funding Haydn J. Richards, Jr. Peter Grace HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, LLP Mortgage Bankers Association Jeff Moyer Brian Keranen First American Mortgage Solutions Dawn Robinson Rex Grasz New American Funding PrimeLending Union Home Mortgage Robert S. Niemi, CMB Mishel Keshishian Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, LLP Benjamin Roelke Daniel Grattan New American Funding CBRE Capital Markets Mortgage Bankers Association Pamela Novak Tamara King First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Mordecai Rosenberg Mortgage Bankers Association Greystone



William Ross Erin Stafford Tammie VanDeusen Stuart J. Williams NorthMarq Capital, LLC DBRS, Inc. New American Funding First Continental Mortgage, Ltd.

Jill Ross Tony Stein William M. Walker Dawn Williams, AMP Union Home Mortgage CBRE Capital Markets Walker & Dunlop, LLC Mortgage Bankers Association

Becky Sandiland Marsha Stone Marina Walsh Kelley J. Williams First National Bank of Omaha Union Home Mortgage Mortgage Bankers Association Mortgage Bankers Association

David C. Schneider, AMP Roger D. Stotts, CMB Lisa M. Weaver, CMB Sheri Wise Stearns Lending, LLC. New American Funding Iron Mountain PrimeLending

Charles W. Sewright, CMA Robert M. Stout, CRI David Webb Alex Wish Quest Advisors, Inc. Q10 Capital, LLC CBRE Capital Markets First Heritage Mortgage, LLC

Chris Shamaly Meghan W. Sullivan Jeffrey A. Weidell, CMB Thomas D. Wood, Jr. CBRE Capital Markets Mortgage Bankers Association NorthMarq Capital, LLC Thomas D. Wood and Company

C. Stephen Shaw, Jr., CMB Michael Sullivan Brendon Weiss James R. Woodwell Phillips Realty Capital Pulte Mortgage LLC MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. Mortgage Bankers Association

Dottie Sheppick Troy W. Tegeler Candice Wendling Eric Wright Specialty Mortgage CBRE Capital Markets NOIC / Concord AmeriFirst Financial, Inc. Product Solutions, LLC Christopher Thomson Carolyn Whatley Connie T. Smith New American Funding Capital One Commercial Union Home Mortgage Real Estate Richard G. Thornberry Kevin Spinner Radian Guaranty Inc. Shellye Wiggins Embrace Home Loans First Continental Mortgage, Ltd.


David Abrahamson Doug Alexander Cindy Annis Andrew Ashmore Equity Prime Mortgage LLC Colliers International-Atlanta, Inc. Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Colonial Savings, F.A.

Alan Acker Jimmy Alexander Fernando Arboleda Kay R. Ashton New American Funding SWBC Mortgage New American Funding SWBC Mortgage

Peter Adams Tim D. Allen, CMB Elizabeth Arceneaux Phillip R. Askew Cenlar FSB First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. NorthMarq Capital, LLC

Katherine M. Adams Matt Allsopp Aaron Arechiga Janice Askew Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

Michael Afentoullis Alice Alvey, CMB Isabel Arellano Said Assam CBRE Capital Markets Union Home Mortgage New American Funding Union Home Mortgage

Scott Affre Sam Amine Brad Arendt Brian Augustine New American Funding Union Home Mortgage PrimeLending New American Funding

Ali Ahmad Lissa Anders Lynette Arrasmith Michael Augustine First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. New American Funding Union Home Mortgage Austin Alaniz, CMS New American Funding Bruce Anderson Kelly Arriaza Yamila Ayad Legacy Mortgage, LLC New American Funding New American Funding Patrick Alberson New American Funding Cheryl Anderson Dennis H. Ashcroft Michael P. Azzarello, CMB, AMP New American Funding Appraisal Logistic Solutions LLC Caliber Home Loans, Inc. Donald Albert New American Funding Daniel W. Andrews, CRU Graham Ashley Stephen Baack New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding



Robert Bachman Jon K. Baymiller Kenneth J. Block, CMB Susan G. Branscome New American Funding New York Community Bank New American Funding NorthMarq Capital, LLC

Steven Badovinac Shari Beals Susan Blumberg Andy Bratt New American Funding New American Funding NorthMarq Capital, LLC Newmark Realty Capital, Inc.

Bethany Bailey Tanehesi Bean Tony Bolanos Edward Brennan CBRE Capital Markets New American Funding New American Funding Union Home Mortgage

Mark Bailey Tony Bejar Rhiannon Bolen Lauren Bresky Merchants Mortgage First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Lenders One NorthMarq Capital, LLC

Glenda Bain Maida H. Bell, CMB Derek Bolls Robert Briggs Colonial Savings, F.A. Cenlar FSB Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. New American Funding

Dan Baker Chandra Bell Brian Bomar Thomas Briggs NorthMarq Capital, LLC Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. New American Funding

Shawn Baldwin Sean Lucien Bemis Heather Bomar Stephen P. Brink HomeStreet Bank New American Funding Cornerstone Mortgage Company First Southern Mortgage Corporation Andrew T. Ball Greg Benjamin Travis Bonner BB&T NorthMarq Capital, LLC First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Lisa Britton New American Funding Jamey Ballo Frank Bennett Chuck Bostian Mortgage Bankers Association Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. P/R Mortgage & Investment James A. Brodsky Corporation Weiner Brodsky Kider PC Kathy A. Bankert, AMP Allycyn Bennett Pulte Mortgage LLC Sandstone Financial Allen Bothwell James W. Brody, Attorney New American Funding Johnston Thomas Ed Barbier Anna Benz HomeStreet Bank New American Funding Renee Boulet Radley Brooks New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Michelle Barduca Eric Bergen Union Home Mortgage New American Funding Vickie V. Bourassa Brandon Brown Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding Patrick Barkley Leslie Bergen Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. New American Funding Tammy Bracken, CRU Debra Brown Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding Susan Barnhill Kate Besler Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Merchants Capital Corp. Scott D. Braden Ronald Brown New American Funding New American Funding Erin Barry Brenda Best Mortgage Bankers Association Colonial Savings, F.A. Noah Brader Chris Bruner, CMB, AMP NOIC / Concord Fiserv Robert Barry James Beutler NOIC / Concord Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Cindy Bradley Todd Brunner Kentucky Housing Corporation Members Mortgage Services LLC Jody Barry John Beveridge Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. US Bank Angela Bradley Francine Bryant NOIC / Concord Cenlar FSB Avi Bastajian Kristin Bickenbach Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding Richard S. Brady Christine M. Buchanan CBRE Capital Markets Hallmark Home Mortgage Rose Batacan John Scott Bickford HomeStreet Bank Colonial Savings, F.A. Erin Brady Julie Buckner Walker Guaranteed Rate, Inc. Union Home Mortgage Kathleen Battad Bernhard Binger Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding Kimberly Brady Christie Buff, AMP New American Funding Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Crystal Bauer Victor Biscoe Corporation (MGIC) New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Toni Bramley Informative Research Cynthia Buhr Justin Bayle Kevin Blankenburg PrimeLending New American Funding LeaderOne Financial Corporation Nancy Brannan Colonial Savings, F.A.



Matt Bukowski Mario Carrizales Sharon Church Daniel E. Cooper, CMB First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. New American Funding Pinnacle Financial Partners Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc.

Michael Bulfin Lisa Carter Lisa Church Elizabeth Cooper First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. NorthMarq Capital, LLC Union Home Mortgage New American Funding

Joseph T. Burke, II Diane Casey-Landry Kenneth C. Clarence Gordon Cooper NorthMarq Capital, LLC Cenlar FSB V.P. Clarence Company New American Funding

Ben Burkhardt Joanne Cavedine Amy Clarke Mark Cooper Mortgage Bankers Association NOIC / Concord New American Funding New American Funding

Teri Burks Dee Cayo Bradley Clayton Jack Cooper New American Funding Inlanta Mortgage Inc. Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. PrimeLending

Jennifer J. Burlison, CMB Ken Cesaro Lisa Clearman John W. Copeland Consultant Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A.

Michael Burroughs Meredith Chackel Donna Cline Eddie Correa Mortgage House of America, LLC New American Funding Union Home Mortgage New American Funding

Theresa Bustamante Patricia Chaffin Peggy A. Clingan James Costello New American Funding New American Funding P/R Mortgage & Investment Real Capital Analytics Corporation Andrew Byrne W. Gardiner Champlin, Jr. Dave Cotner Colonial Savings, F.A. NorthMarq Capital, LLC James Clymer New American Funding New American Funding Randi Cabrera Christine R. Chandler Tracie Cox Legacy Mortgage, LLC M&T Realty Capital Corporation Sandra Coffman First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Laura Cadahia Jeffrey Chaney Caroline Cranz Colonial Savings, F.A. NorthMarq Capital, LLC Michelle Cohen Colonial Savings, F.A. Union Home Mortgage Doug Calabrese Joe Chapman Lindsay Craven Eagle Home Mortgage, LLC. Colonial Savings, F.A. Kimberly Coleman Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Corporation (MGIC) Victor Calanog, Ph.D Blake Chavis REIS, Inc. Mortgage Bankers Association Brian Coleman Brian Cronin Union Home Mortgage NorthMarq Capital, LLC Raymond Callahan Jessica Cherepski Ray Callahan Consulting RICHMAC Funding LLC James E. Collins James Cross First Southern Mortgage New American Funding Suzi Campbell Julie M. Chester Corporation Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Union Home Mortgage Will Crossland Brian Collins New American Funding Emil Canchola Bill Chiles Union Home Mortgage New American Funding CBRE Capital Markets Ronald T. Crowe, AMP Steve M. Cone MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. Michele Cantrell Joey Chimenti Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding New American Funding Joe Cucchiara Kevin Conlon, CMB, AMP New American Funding Robert Cardwell Michael Chinn Mason-McDuffie Mortgage Capco New American Funding Corporation Nisha Cuellar P/R Mortgage & Investment Gregory Carll Dave Chorlton Jennie Connell Corporation Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. HomeStreet Bank Legacy Mortgage, LLC Keven W. Culp Candice Carlon Jenny Cho-Williams Michael Conway New American Funding New American Funding New American Funding Cenlar FSB Sherry Cunningham Margaret Carmony David Christel Timothy Cook Merchants Mortgage Merchants Mortgage Northpointe Bank New American Funding Wayne R. Curtis Rebecca Carpenter-Wertz Joseph Christensen Dollitta Cooke Cenlar FSB Union Home Mortgage Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. First Continental Mortgage, Ltd.



Chelsea Cutler Amanda Dewees Zack Duncan Sue Ericson CBRE Capital Markets Teraverde Financial New American Funding Union Home Mortgage

DeShone Dabney David Dexter Kip Dunkelberger Amber Ernst First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. New American Funding Venture Mortgage Corporation New American Funding

Jeff Dague Demetra DeYampert Chris Dunning Trevor Eschrich New American Funding P/R Mortgage & Investment CBRE Capital Markets New American Funding Corporation Diana Dale Jeremy Duran Laura Escobar P/R Mortgage & Investment Waunita Diem, CMB New American Funding Eagle Home Mortgage, LLC. Corporation Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Brad Durrer Miguel Estrada Laura Damiano Edward C. Dietrick KPMG LLP New American Funding Union Home Mortgage P/R Mortgage & Investment Corporation Michael R. Dury Angela Faber Lisa Daniels P/R Mortgage & Investment Inlanta Mortgage Inc. New American Funding Mary Dinkins Corporation Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Christina Fagan Jeffrey Daniels Teresa Eastham Union Home Mortgage Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Lin Dinsmore Colonial Savings, F.A. Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Donna Falzarano Phil Daubenmire Mimi Eaton CBRE Capital Markets The Merchants Bank and Trust Co John DiQuollo Arch Mortgage Insurance Company Down Payment Resource Helen Fang Elizabeth Daunis Angela Echard New American Funding Legacy Mortgage, LLC Robyn Dobbs P/R Mortgage & Investment New American Funding Corporation Erfun Fard Patrick Davidson New American Funding New American Funding James Dockstader Charles Edington Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding John Farrell, AMP Brent Davis Colonial Savings, F.A. Colonial Savings, F.A. Marangal Isleta Domingo, CMB Linda Edwards First Tech Federal Credit New American Funding Tom Faughnan Stephanie Lynn Davis Union - Residential Associated Bank Colonial Savings, F.A. Jeff Ehrlich, CMB, AMP Phillip Donoho Western Alliance Bank LaVerne Ferreira Gregory Dawes Genworth Mortgage Insurance New American Funding New American Funding Michelle Eischens Nathan Dooley Union Home Mortgage Nancy R. Ferrell Cindy Day New American Funding NorthMarq Capital, LLC HomeStreet Bank Kevin Ellis Mark Dorchen First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Gavin Fig Susan K. DeMattie Wolverine Real Estate Services, Inc. NorthMarq Capital, LLC Union Home Mortgage David Ellison Eric Douglas First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Paul Fitzsimmons Randy DeMott New American Funding X-Caliber Capital Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Michael Elmore Yvette Douwsma NorthMarq Capital, LLC Robert Fleischmann Ben J. Dempsey, CMB, CPA New American Funding SWBC Mortgage Colonial Savings, F.A. Glen Emmons Nancy Dragoo New American Funding Deb Fleming Brandon Dennis Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding New American Funding Brian Emmons Kevin Draughon P/R Mortgage & Investment Ken Fleming James Denton New American Funding Corporation New American Funding New American Funding Deborah Dubois Lucas Engle Harold J. Fletcher Andrew Deutschle Mortgage Bankers Association Union Home Mortgage Cenlar FSB NOIC / Concord Allen C. Dumlao Kevin English Daniel Flores Debra Leyva Dever, CMB, AMP Cenlar FSB New American Funding New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. Kristi Duncan Heather Enochs Lisa Flores-Estrella Dorothy Deveraux CBRE Capital Markets New American Funding New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.



Helen Floyd Barry Friedman Jeffrey Giger Rebecca Gosselin HomeStreet Bank Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding New American Funding

Eric Flyckt Joseph Fryer Meredith Gillespie Lori Graeff NorthMarq Capital, LLC Teraverde Financial Cenlar FSB HomeStreet Bank

Joseph Fong Frank Fuentes Alison Gillespie Vanessa Graham New American Funding New American Funding Evergreen Home Loans Colonial Savings, F.A.

Ricky Fong Craig Fujikawa William Gilmore Lori Gray New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. P/R Mortgage & Investment New American Funding Corporation Erin Forbes, CMB Rian Furey, CMB, AMP Kelley Grealis, CMB New American Funding Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. Joe Gilson Union Home Mortgage Mortgage Information Services, Inc. James Ford Devon Gallagher Marion S. Green Union Home Mortgage Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Mike Ginnever CBRE Capital Markets BlueMark Capital LLC Sharla Fore Matthew E. Galligan Shelton Green Colonial Savings, F.A. CIT Kari Girsch Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding Michael M. Forester, CMB Sharon Gallitz David B. Green, CMB CrossCheck Compliance LLC Union Home Mortgage David Givens, Jr. First National Bank of Pennsylvania Merchants Mortgage Eric Formiller Gabriel Garcia Helen Green New American Funding New American Funding Jeff Glick TowneBank Mortgage New American Funding Lori Foster David Gardner Patrick Green Caliber Home Loans, Inc. New American Funding Chip Glover Wells Fargo Home Mortgage TowneBank Mortgage Melissa Foster David Garfinkel Susan Greenwald Colonial Savings, F.A. NorthMarq Capital, LLC William R. Godfrey HomeStreet Bank Mason-McDuffie Mortgage Rachel Fowler Larry Garlutzo Corporation Marcia Gregorio Guild Mortgage Company New American Funding New American Funding Lisa Goldsmith, AMP Patricia Lane Fox Nancy H. Garren Pacific Union Financial LLC Timothy W. Greisman New American Funding NorthMarq Capital, LLC NorthMarq Capital, LLC Jared Goldstein Tricia Fox Chris Garrity NorthMarq Capital, LLC Tyler Griffin New American Funding Union Home Mortgage Dwight Capital LLC Grace Gomez Travis Francis Suzanne Garwood New American Funding Gregory Griffin First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Chase New American Funding Stephen C. Gomez Rogelio Franco Stephanie Garza New American Funding Donald G. Griffiths, CMB New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. Union Home Mortgage Daniela Gonzales Jeremy Frase Bernard P. Gawley New American Funding Kristina Grzywacz NOIC / Concord Ziegler Financing Corporation New American Funding Jessica Gonzalez Morgon Fraser Marie Gayo New American Funding Jesus Guerrero CBRE Capital Markets Trident Mortgage Company New American Funding Ofelia Gonzalez Lisa Frazier Deborah George New American Funding Vina Guerrero Colonial Savings, F.A. Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding Robert Gonzalez Stephen Freeland Tom George New American Funding Carmen Gundlach PrimeLending Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding Karen Goodell Amanda Freeman Roger Gettler New American Funding Ashley Gunn Colonial Savings, F.A. Legacy Mortgage, LLC Paul Gorske James Guzman Willie French Melissa Gibson PrimeLending New American Funding Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. New American Funding



Tania Guzman Shirley Hapner Blake Hering, Jr. Lindsay N. Hurtado New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. NBS Financial Services New American Funding

Nita Haas Barbara Harding Lisa Hernandez Aretha Hutchins Colonial Savings, F.A. Cenlar FSB Bear Creak Mortgage P/R Mortgage & Investment Corporation John Andrew Haberl Stacey L. Harding, CML Claire Herzog New American Funding Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc. Mortgage Bankers Association Michael Hyman, CMB Accenture, LLP Jami Haddad Jackie Hargraves Jeffery K. Hillman PrimeLending New American Funding Cenlar FSB Marie Iiams New American Funding Erin Halbert Kristi Harris David Hines Union Home Mortgage PrimeLending P/R Mortgage & Investment Lisa Ipek Corporation New American Funding Michael Hall Jason Hart Colonial Savings, F.A. Colonial Savings, F.A. Terri Hogerty Nancy Irwin HomeStreet Bank Cenlar FSB Brian Hall Sean Hashimoto, LLC Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. George Holcomb Wes Iseley First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC Jennifer Hall Krystal Haslam NOIC / Concord New American Funding Michelle Holley Ben Itkin New American Funding Mortgage Capital Trading, Inc. Rob Hallum Mary Hatch, CRU New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Brett Hood Greg Jackson NorthMarq Capital, LLC Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Don J. Halpern David Hatlen Weiner Brodsky Kider PC HomeStreet Bank Patricia Hooks Sarah Jackson Union Home Mortgage New American Funding Cheryl Halverson Ronette Hauser-Jones Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Great Plains National Bank Matt Hoover Robert H. Jackson NorthMarq Capital, LLC Vantage Point Jennette Halverson Lisa Haynes Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Mortgage Bankers Association Ron Hopkins Davin R. Jacquez Colonial Savings, F.A. Legacy Mortgage, LLC Tim Halverson Ritchy Haynes Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding Laura Hopkins Christie James Mortgage Bankers Association New American Funding Patricia L. Hamaker Robert Hedges P/R Mortgage & Investment HomeStreet Bank Wes Horne Jerry Jamieson Corporation Mortgage Bankers Association New American Funding Max Hedrick Terry Hamilton Colonial Savings, F.A. Bucky Houser Lisa Jangard First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Arvest Bank HomeStreet Bank Dominique Hekking Cynthia Hamilton New American Funding Kyle Howard John Jarvis New American Funding KBHS Home Loans New American Funding Richard Hekking Jan Hammond New American Funding John H.P. Hudson, CRMS Dawn M. Jasso HomeStreet Bank Mortgage Financial Services, LLC First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Kevin Helmick Brett Hamsher HomeStreet Bank Eugene Humphries Andrea Jenkins Teraverde Financial Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Cenlar FSB Cory Henderson, AMP Cass Hanafee Mann Mortgage LLC James C. Hunter Charles Jensen P/R Mortgage & Investment Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. New American Funding Corporation Vikie Henderson New American Funding Debra Hurford Matthew Johnson Tamara Hannum New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding Max Alan Hendrick Colonial Savings, F.A. Nancy Hurlston Vince Johnson Sarah Hanover New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. P/R Mortgage & Investment Justin Henry Corporation New American Funding Peter Hurst, CMB Dean Johnson Genworth Mortgage Insurance Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc.



Celina Johnson Mark Kelbaugh Jessica L. Knowles Megan LaForest First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Cenlar FSB Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding

Eric Johnson Rita Kelly Cameron Knudson Steve LaForest Inlanta Mortgage Inc. Mortgage Bankers Association Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding

Kurt Johnson Timothy Kelly Lorin Knudson Dave Landin Mr. Cooper Standard Mortgage Corporation Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. The Mortgage Company

Robert E. Johnson Kelly O’Brien Kennedy Timothy Knuppel Toby Lane Union Home Mortgage CBRE Capital Markets New American Funding New American Funding

Chris Johnston Kevin Kennedy Shelly Kobb Jane Larkin First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. New American Funding TIAA BANK Colonial Savings, F.A.

Terry K. Jones, CMB T.J. Kennedy Karen Konesky Cissy Larkin Cherry Creek Mortgage Universal Lending Corporation New American Funding DocProbe LLC

Suzanne Jones Leon Kerr David Kooner Kellye Lash NorthMarq Capital, LLC Cenlar FSB New American Funding NOIC / Concord

Christopher Jones Tess Kerr Jerome F. Koors Carryne Latada Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding Merchants Mortgage New American Funding

Manuela W. Jones Michael Y. Kieval Michael Koran Rex Lau Union Home Mortgage Weiner Brodsky Kider PC Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Capital Markets Cooperative, LLC

Viral Joshi Jason Kim Lee Korengold Chris Lauterbach C2 Financial Corporation New American Funding New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A.

Matthew E. Kaercher Paul Kim Kristina M. Kosak Amber Lawrence P/R Mortgage & Investment New American Funding Union Home Mortgage Mortgage Bankers Association Corporation William Kim Demetri Koston Maxi Leachman Jim Kaiser New American Funding Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. CBRE Capital Markets Cherry Creek Mortgage Uly Kim Gregory Kovtun Brigid Leahy Jane Kanan PrimeLending Blend Union Home Mortgage Draper & Kramer, Inc. - Commercial Brian Kimball Denise Kowalski Chris Lee Dean Karavites New American Funding MSource Financial Group New American Funding New American Funding Mark Kinder Marci Kreigh Jeffery Leggins Lisa Kassuba New American Funding P/R Mortgage & Investment Colonial Savings, F.A. Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Corporation Matthew King Bettina LeMere Kostas Kavayiotidis New American Funding Kurt Kremstein P/R Mortgage & Investment Pacific Southwest Realty Services Cenlar FSB Corporation Donna King Sharon Keating Union Home Mortgage Hugh Kretschmer, AMP Lisa Leonard, AMP New American Funding Customers Bank Mortgage Bankers Association Christina Klapprich Lanae Keen New American Funding Ernest Kubacak Ben Levine First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Colonial Savings, F.A. RICHMAC Funding LLC Finn Klemann Jeffrey Keeter LBA Ware Valerie Kulba Brian S. Levy New American Funding New American Funding Katten & Temple, LLP Sharon L. Kline Thomas A. Kehoe, Jr. CBRE Capital Markets Chip Kupferberg Jared Lewis Eustis Commercial BlueMark Capital LLC Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Mortgage Corporation Coleen Kline Colonial Savings, F.A. Beth LaChance Toni Lewis-Bennett, CAE Rita Keith AmeriFirst Financial, Inc. Mortgage Bankers Association P/R Mortgage & Investment Courtney Kline Corporation New American Funding Paul Lacy William M. Libercci, Jr. First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. NorthMarq Capital, LLC



Henry P. Lieb James Mack Lori Marzett David Meese Cenlar FSB New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. CBRE Capital Markets

Steve Lilley Julie Major Rhonda Mascarella Kevin Megli AmeriHome Mortgage Company P/R Mortgage & Investment Union Home Mortgage P/R Mortgage & Investment Corporation Corporation Sean Lindsey Jonathan Maxey New American Funding Vicki Major New American Funding Mahlon Meier P/R Mortgage & Investment Colonial Savings, F.A. Alice Lipkin Corporation Tracy Maynard Cole, AMP New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. Eva Melgarejo Thomas Malloy New American Funding Joni Liston Arch Mortgage Insurance Company Steve McAllister New American Funding D. Ansley Company, Inc. Jessica Melloway Ron Mammano New American Funding Dusty Lloyd Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Maureen McAllister New American Funding New American Funding Sue Melnick Michelle Manresa Bay Equity, LLC Katrina Loken New American Funding Lori McCaghren Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Mortgage Financial Services Pamela Mennie Connie L. Manuel Teraverde Financial Aldys A. London First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Sean Mccall Weiner Brodsky Kider PC New American Funding Nancie Merrick Leah Marchbanks Cenlar FSB Nan Long Citywide Home Loans/ Carolyn McCauley Priority Mortgage Corp CHL Mortgage Cenlar FSB Haley Merritt Guardian Mortgage, a Division Jerrod Longoria Ken Markison Debra McCloud of Sunflower Bank, NA New American Funding Weiner Brodsky Kider PC NOIC / Concord Jill Merwin Sammy Lopez Mark Maroon, CRU David Byron McCollam HomeStreet Bank New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Colonial Savings, F.A. Heather Messam Korina Lopez Murphy Kathy Marquardt Denise McConville Mortgage Bankers Association New American Funding Mortgage Bankers Association New American Funding Mark L. Meyer Alyssa Loughrin Ronni Jean Marrs Janice McDermott MLinc Mortgage Solutions, LP Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding NorthMarq Capital, LLC Richard Meyer Karen S. Lugar Molly Marsh Lindsey McDonald NOIC / Concord Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. New American Funding New American Funding Jonathan Mezzadri Kelly Lutz Cheryl L. Martin James McGee New American Funding Cenlar FSB P/R Mortgage & Investment Colonial Savings, F.A. Corporation Fran Mifsud Tom Lynch Joy C. McGee Union Home Mortgage Gateway Mortgage Group, LLC Jeanne E. Martin Partners Credit & Union Home Mortgage Verification Solutions Susan Milazzo Colleen Lynch California Mortgage Union Home Mortgage Lauren Martinelli Ron McKalik, Jr Bankers Association New American Funding Union Home Mortgage Tracey Lyons Vanessa Miles Cenlar FSB Catherine Martinez Jessica McLaughlin Merchants Mortgage Colonial Savings, F.A. Colonial Savings, F.A. Shaun Lyons Lisa Miller Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Delmy Martinez Mark McLeavy Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding New American Funding rachel maas James Miller New American Funding Robert Martini Shan McLendon New American Funding BofI Federal Bank Colonial Savings, F.A. Julie Mabie Lee Ann Miller SunTrust Mortgage Jason Martinson Shirley Medeiros New American Funding HomeStreet Bank HomeStreet Bank Barbara Mace Crystal Miller Union Home Mortgage Carol Marx Steven A. Medinger Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Bank of Hawaii BlueMark Capital LLC



Monica Millican Angela Muxworthy, CMB Jason Obradovich Bryan Parker PrimeLending Nusenda Credit Union New American Funding Union Home Mortgage

John T. Minton Nick Myers Collin O’Connor Leighton Parnell, III Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding P/R Mortgage & Investment InterFirst Capital, LLC Corporation Joyce Mirow Shelli Myers Ralph Parsons, AMP New American Funding New American Funding Timothy P Ofak Mr. Cooper Weiner Brodsky Kider PC Reid Mitchell Dawn Naya Sean Parsons Colonial Savings, F.A. HomeStreet Bank Jeffrey Ogden New American Funding NOIC / Concord George H. Mitsanas Deborah Ames Naylor, AMP Andrew Pasillas Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Pentagon Federal Credit Union Andrea Oh New American Funding Mortgage Bankers Association Jim Mitzel Austin Neal Monet and Andrew Pasillas Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Colonial Savings, F.A. Jo Olivar New American Funding New American Funding Per Moerkeseth Benjamin T. Nelson, AMP Dhaval Patel HomeStreet Bank D.L. Evans Bank Dan Olsen, CCMS New American Funding KeyBank Real Estate Capital Heather Molaison Debra Nesmith Saisha Patel First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. New American Funding Rudy Ondrus New American Funding NOIC / Concord Tigran Momdjian Kimberly M. Newell Andy Patterson New American Funding Mortgage Bankers Association Juan C. Ordaz, AMP Inlanta Mortgage Inc. Colonial Savings, F.A. Daniel F. Monte Adam Newman Laura Patterson Rose Hill Group OVM Financial Mark Orr New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. Jason Montgomery Anne Nguyen Jay Patterson New American Funding New American Funding Raymond Oshman Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Megamerica Mortgage Group Deborah J. Moore, CMB Huyen Nguyen Marc Patterson Capital Markets Cooperative, LLC New American Funding Mike Oswald Weiner Brodsky Kider PC New American Funding Katrina Moore Anthony Nguyen Andrew J. Patykula Legacy Mortgage, LLC Teraverde Financial Gail Oyadomari Sims Mortgage Funding, Inc. Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Shaun Moothart Aaron Ninness Cheryl A. Paul, CMB, AMP CBRE Capital Markets New American Funding Richard Paddock, CMB Settlers Bank Chase Isela Moran Tom Ninness Mary Peak Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding Pritesh Padhiar New American Funding New American Funding Stephanie Morris Lori Noack Sonja Pechal Merchants Mortgage New American Funding Wilson Pahud Advisa Mortgage P/R Mortgage & Investment Barry Mott Stephanie Noguerola Corporation Roberta Pek, CMB New American Funding HomeStreet Bank Cenlar FSB Christopher Paliska Miguel Mouriz Franco Krystal Norton New American Funding Jonathan Penniman New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. Mortgage Bankers Association John Pantalone Pam Murphy Carol Norton Union Home Mortgage David Perez New American Funding New American Funding First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Edgardo Parcutela Matthew Murphy, AMP Gary Norton New American Funding Daniel Perez The Commonwealth Group New American Funding New American Funding Bruce Park Patricia O. Muse Sabrina Nowling Union Home Mortgage Reina Perkins Grandbridge Real Elevations Credit Union HomeStreet Bank Estate Capital LLC Adam Parker Daniel Nunez Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Jason Perkins Jim Muth New American Funding NOIC / Concord New American Funding



Daniel Perreira Shane Prince Chelsey Rawley Lorraine Rodriguez Union Home Mortgage New American Funding New American Funding New American Funding

Ian Perry Todd Pruitt Rebecca Ray Manfret Roesner Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Cherry Creek Mortgage New American Funding New American Funding

Scott Peterson Regina Pruski Joan Reed Randall D. Rogers, Jr. CBRE Capital Markets First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. HomeStreet Bank P/R Mortgage & Investment Corporation Kevin C. Phelan Tammy Pullen John Reed Colliers International - New England Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. NorthMarq Capital, LLC Patrick Roman New American Funding Jeffrey Philibin Susan Putnam Scott Rego PrimeLending HomeStreet Bank New American Funding Art Romero New American Funding Debra Pierce Barbara Quick Nancy Rehse Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding New American Funding Geoff Rooker Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Lori J. Pinto, CMB Kristin Quintana Lisa Reid Cenlar FSB P/R Mortgage & Investment Pinnacle Financial Partners Kay Roper Corporation Colonial Savings, F.A. William Francis Piper Stephanie Rembert Colonial Savings, F.A. Scott E. Ractliffe, CMB, AMP Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Adam Rose Pinnacle Financial Partners New American Funding Andrew Podzolka Brett Reynolds New American Funding Tanya Radogna Guild Mortgage Company Teresa Rose, CMB New American Funding Western Ohio Mortgage Frank Poiesz Jeffrey Rice Teraverde Financial Alejandro Ramirez Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Dan Rosen New American Funding Colonial Savings, F.A. Richard Pollock Valerie Rich Union Home Mortgage Kevin Ramirez, AMP New American Funding Bill Rosenbauer New American Funding NorthMarq Capital, LLC Carolyn R. Poppe Melissa L. Richards, Esq., CMB HomeStreet Bank Tom Ramirez Mayer Brown LLP Nikki Rosenfeld New American Funding New American Funding Matthew Porter Sabrina Richardson Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Stacy Ramos Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Christine Ross New American Funding Inlanta Mortgage Inc. Geoff Potts Hilari Rinehart First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Alison Ramos Cenlar FSB Terry Ross Union Home Mortgage New American Funding Devin Powers Davis Diana L. Ringer, Master CMB, AMP New American Funding Troy Rampy Ruoff Home Mortgage E. Michael Rosser, CMB, AMP Arch Mortgage Insurance Company Bank of America T. Anthony Premer Mark C. Ritchie Pacific Life Insurance Company Maria Randall Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Mark Roszko New American Funding Teraverde Financial Michael Denson Prescott Jamie Roach Colonial Savings, F.A. Saddiyah Randle New American Funding Joyce T. Roth New American Funding NorthMarq Capital, LLC Marlene L. Price John Robertson HomeStreet Bank Robert W. Ranieri NorthMarq Capital, LLC Gloria Roumpakis NorthMarq Capital, LLC Union Home Mortgage Patrick Price John Roden Movement Mortgage Masuda Ranjber Colonial Savings, F.A. Alicia Roundy Mortgage Bankers Association Mortgage Bankers Association Scott Prichard Christina Rodriguez New American Funding Johnny W. Rankin Colonial Savings, F.A. Patrick Rowles NorthMarq Capital, LLC New American Funding Woodrow Priester Jay Rodriguez Cenlar FSB Brad Ratliff New American Funding Denise Royer Priority Mortgage Corp. Mortgage Bankers Association Yvonne Prince Jose Rodriguez Diamond Residential Travis Rawle New American Funding Adam Ruggles Mortgage Corporation PrimeLending First Continental Mortgage, Ltd.



Gerard Ruiz Tim Schmitz Kimberly Short Yolanda Snover New American Funding New American Funding New American Funding Union Home Mortgage

Javier Ruiz Joy Schneckloth Jack Shotbolt Greg Snow New American Funding New American Funding New American Funding HomeStreet Bank

Sandra Ruiz Tammy Schuller Richard G. Silva Brad Snyder New American Funding New American Funding Union Home Mortgage First Continental Mortgage, Ltd.

Sunshine Russell Mathew F. Schulz Peter Silver Jeremiah Snyder Alliance Home Loans Firelight Mortgage Consultants Bank of America New American Funding

James Russell Merrill Schulze Marilyn Silverman Brian Snyder P/R Mortgage & Investment New American Funding New American Funding NOIC / Concord Corporation Shannon Scott Armand Silvestre Jay Solverson Crystal Rustad NOIC / Concord New American Funding HomeStreet Bank American Reporting Company Lindsay Seith Cindy Simmons Cori Sorenson Sundy Rutkowski Union Home Mortgage Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. New American Funding First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Fortunat P. Semadeni Elizabeth Simone Wesley Sorenson Jerra Holford Ryan NorthMarq Capital, LLC New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. First Choice Loan Services Inc. Ron Sequeira Theresa Sinclair Michael Sorohan Mary Rzucidlo, CMB New American Funding Union Home Mortgage Mortgage Bankers Association USAA Federal Savings Bank Boris Sestan Sara Singhas, AMP David M. Souders Marc Sallette Colonial Savings, F.A. Mortgage Bankers Association Weiner Brodsky Kider PC CBRE Capital Markets Milica Sestan Karen Sjodin Christy Soukhamneut Mary Salsberry Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding Certainty Home Loans, LLC New American Funding Mitchell Severance Ellen Skaggs Deborah J. Sousa John Samuelson NOIC / Concord New American Funding Massachusetts Mortgage HomeStreet Bank Bankers Association, Inc. JP Sexton John M. Skoba Curt Samuelson Arvest Bank Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Jeffrey .T Spahn New American Funding P/R Mortgage & Investment Hovik Shahinian Robert L. Slatt Corporation Robert Sanchez New American Funding Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Legacy Mortgage, LLC Greg Spane Leena Shanthakumar Dortha Small HomeStreet Bank Delilah Sanchez SocialSurvey Merchants Mortgage New American Funding Brian Spehar Peter Shapiro Mike Smalling Colonial Savings, F.A. Metta Sanders First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Merchants Mortgage Brian Shelbourne Rob Spellman, CMB P/R Mortgage & Investment Clavis A. Smith Towne Mortgage Company Nick Santangelo Corporation Assurance Financial CBRE Capital Markets Jonathan Spiker Michael S. Sherman Matt Smith Union Home Mortgage Stephanie Sauvage CBRE Capital Markets Gateway Mortgage Group, LLC New American Funding Carla Spragg Vicki Shinn Stephen R. Smith, CMB, AMP PrimeLending Michelle Schartung New American Funding Mortgage Investors Group New American Funding Seth D. Sprague, CMB Mike Shirdel Megan Smith Phoenix Capital, Inc. Steve Schauer New American Funding New American Funding New American Funding Paul Stafford Steven J. Shore Vincent Smith New American Funding John Schiavo BlueMark Capital LLC Nusenda Credit Union AmeriFirst Financial, Inc. Tim Stafford Rochelle Shores Chandra Smock New American Funding Virginia Schlect P/R Mortgage & Investment New American Funding Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Corporation



Tom Stafford Geoffrey Sweeney Alan W. Thorup, CRMP Mauricio Valverde New American Funding Union Home Mortgage Indiana Mortgage Bankers Teraverde Financial Association, Inc. David Stagnitti, CMB Bridgette Sweet Mindy Van Woerkom, AMP Genworth Mortgage Insurance New American Funding Deborah Thumma Mortgage Bankers Association New American Funding Robert Stanfill A.J. Swope Robert VanderWaal New American Funding Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Christine Tieberg Union Home Mortgage CBRE Capital Markets Leonard J. Stanley John H. Swords Victoria Vandivier Cenlar FSB First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Maria Todorovic P/R Mortgage & Investment Union Home Mortgage Corporation Debra Starke Bonnye Sykes Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. New American Funding Kerrie J. Tomasiewicz Diana Vargas Sims Mortgage Funding, Inc. New American Funding Kim R. Starley, CMB Jean-Paul Szczyglowski LenderLive Union Home Mortgage Robert Tomlinson Marcos A. Viana P/R Mortgage & Investment New American Funding Sarah B. Stedfast Stephanie Tafoya Corporation TowneBank Mortgage New American Funding Steve Vicks Joel Torborg Union Home Mortgage Michael Steer Olivia Tague CBRE Capital Markets Mortgage Quality New American Funding Dave Vida Management & Research Melissa Torres Specialized Loan Servicing, LLC Jody Talick New American Funding David K. Stein, Esq. New American Funding Terry Jean Viera-Podorski Bricker & Eckler LLP April Tracy New American Funding Vernon Tanner, CRCM New American Funding Max Stephens Crescent Mortgage Company Aida M. Villanueva Academy Mortgage Corporation Katina Tran Berkeley Point Capital LLC Michael S. Tanner New American Funding William A. Stokes, CMB Pacific Southwest Realty Services Mark J. Vinciguerra American Security Mortgage Corp. Katie Traviglia NOIC / Concord Janet Tapia Valencia New American Funding Timothy Storey New American Funding Nicholas Viveiros Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Brad Trotter Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. H. Treak Tasker, CMB, AMP First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Peter Strahler Holliday American Mortgage, L.L.C. Eric Von Berg, CMB New American Funding Sara Trujillo Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Donna Tate New American Funding Teresa Strapp NOIC / Concord Sabine E. Wade Union Home Mortgage Michael Tucker Colonial Savings, F.A. Travis Taylor Mortgage Bankers Association Nicki Strickland Colonial Savings, F.A. Katheryne Walker SWBC Mortgage Jeffrey .T Tucker, CMB, AMP Mortgage Bankers Association Brad Taylor Studio Bank Paula Sulak New American Funding Jodi Wall Union Home Mortgage Wayne Tull First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. Kathie Thomas, CFE Cenlar FSB Brian Sullivan Security National Janet Walter P/R Mortgage & Investment Mortgage Company Braden C. Turnbull Colonial Savings, F.A. Corporation Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Pam Thompson Ed Walters Emily Sullivan Commonwealth Bank Regina Uhl Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Black, Mann & Graham, L.L.P. Aaron Thompson Timothy Walters Larry Sutton Legacy Mortgage, LLC Mark C. Unangst Teraverde Financial Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Gershman Mortgage Becky Thompson Jeff N. Walton Lisa Swaim New American Funding David Upbin Total Expert Inc New American Funding Mortgage Bankers Association Joe Thompson Jennifer Ward Meredith Swartz Dante PrimeLending Catherine Valsera PrimeLending Ballard Spahr LLP Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Michael A. Thorsland Beverlie Warling Venture Mortgage Corporation NorthMarq Capital, LLC



Sarah Warren Ken Whisler Angel Williams Lauren Wood Mortgage Bankers Association New American Funding Union Home Mortgage New American Funding

Scott D. Warren Justin White Robert Williams Sue Woodard New American Funding Legacy Mortgage, LLC Union Home Mortgage Total Expert Inc

Samuel C. Waters Kelli White Ryan Williamson Kelly Word Finkel Law Firm LLC Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Alliance Home Loans First Continental Mortgage, Ltd.

Mike Watkinson David White, AMP Kevin A. Williamson Trey Worley PrimeLending Southwest Funding Compass Mortgage, Inc Comerica Bank

Kimberly Watson Patricia W. Widerman John Willoughby Gary Wright New American Funding BB&T Union Home Mortgage BlueMark Capital LLC

Cassandra Wayman Pamela Widmann Bill Wills Susan Wright Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Cenlar FSB Colonial Savings, F.A. New American Funding

Jesse Weber Roy Wiedenhoeft Bradley Wilmot Ralph Wutscher CBRE Capital Markets New American Funding CBRE Capital Markets Maurice Wutscher LLP

Mike Weinbach Gretchen Wilcox Marcia Wilson, CMB, AMP Kevin Yamane, AMP Chase G. S. Wilcox & Co. Colonial Savings, F.A. MegaStar Financial Corp

Jesse Weinstock Christina V. Wiley Wendy Wilson Robert Ybarra New American Funding New York Mortgage Bankers DHI Mortgage Company CBRE Capital Markets Association, Inc. Natalie Welch Brian Wilson Ignacio Yogues, Jr New American Funding Pamela Wilkes New American Funding New American Funding NorthMarq Capital, LLC Wonida Welch Joseph Windels Sean Young New American Funding Aron Will Sims Mortgage Funding, Inc. New American Funding CBRE Capital Markets Peter Welsh Theresa Witz Janice Zabish Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Sabrina Williams CBRE Capital Markets Union Home Mortgage Colonial Savings, F.A. Steven Wendel Melissa Wivagg Mitchell Zeemont CBRE Capital Markets Cooper Williams Old Republic National Title Newmark Realty Capital, Inc. Essex Financial Group Insurance Company Vicky West Louis Zitting Guaranty Trust Company Raymond C. Williams Antoniette M. Wnorowski, CMS MonitorBase New American Funding Cenlar FSB Ronald E. West Cathy Zobel New American Funding Brittani Williams Joyce Wolf OnQ Financial NorthMarq Capital, LLC Cenlar FSB Mary Westlake Charlotte Zornes New American Funding Dennis M. Williams Brenda Womack First Continental Mortgage, Ltd. NorthMarq Capital, LLC New American Funding Kip Weston Brennan R. Zubrick New American Funding Loretta Williams Michael L. Wood Texas Dow Employees Credit Union NBS Financial Services George Wheeler New American Funding


Thank you to the following companies for running campaigns in 2018.

Is your company missing? Please let us know if you have run, or are planning to run, a campaign so you can be recognized. Email [email protected] to be counted.


Thanks to the generous support of our advocates, MORPAC contributed over $2.2 million to House and Senate candidates and national party committees in the 2018 election cycle, placing us among the top 20 trade association PACs nationally.

This marked growth of the PAC has significantly enhanced our political clout among key elected officials in both congressional chambers and across the political spectrum by:

• Providing maximum contributions • Strengthening relationships with national to congressional leadership and other party committees through providing notable committee Members. contributions for building and recount funds.

• Supporting more Members and candidates • Increasing our engagement with open outside of the leadership /committee- seat races and educating candidates early heavy structure we currently follow. about issues important to our industry.


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Adrian Smith For Congress Rep. Adrian M. Smith (R) $2,000 Alex Mooney For Congress Rep. Alex X. Mooney (R) $2,500 Andy Barr For Congress, Inc. Rep. Andy Barr IV (R) $10,000 Building America's Republican Representation PAC Rep. Andy Barr IV (R) $7,500 Kirkpatrick For Congress Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D) $5,000 Ann Wagner For Congress Rep. Ann L. Wagner (R) $10,000 Kuster For Congress, Inc Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D) $5,000 Anthony Gonzalez For Congress Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R) $2,500 Comstock For Congress Rep. Barbara J. Comstock (R) $5,000 Barbara Lee For Congress Rep. Barbara J. Lee (D) $2,500 Loudermilk For Congress Rep. Barry D. Loudermilk (R) $7,500 People For Ben Rep. Ben Ray Lujan Jr. (D) $6,000 Bill Foster For Congress Rep. Bill Foster (D) $10,000 Fostering Progress PAC Rep. Bill Foster (D) $3,500 Bill Flores For Congress Rep. Bill H. Flores (R) $2,500 Huizenga For Congress Rep. Bill P. Huizenga (R) $10,000 Upper Hand Fund Rep. Bill P. Huizenga (R) $5,000 Friends Of Bill Posey Rep. Bill Posey (R) $2,500 Blaine For Congress Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R) $10,000 Building Leadership And Inspiring New Enterprise PAC Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R) $10,000 Sherman For Congress Rep. Brad J. Sherman (D) $10,000 Southern California Fund Rep. Brad J. Sherman (D) $2,500 Wenstrup For Congress Rep. Brad R. Wenstrup (R) $2,500 Schneider For Congress Rep. Bradley S. Schneider (D) $2,000 Brian Fitzpatrick For Congress Rep. Brian K. Fitzpatrick (R) $3,000 Mast For Congress Rep. Brian Mast (R) $2,000 Pine Tree PAC Rep. Bruce L. Poliquin (R) $5,000


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Poliquin For Congress Rep. Bruce L. Poliquin (R) $10,000 Steil For Wisconsin, Inc. Rep. Bryan Steil (R) $2,500 Bunni Pounds For Congress Bunni Pounds (R) $2,500 Carlos Curbelo Congress Rep. Carlos L. Curbelo (R) $3,000 Maloney For Congress Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D) $10,000 Richmond For Congress Rep. Cedric L. Richmond (D) $2,500 Charlie Crist For Congress Rep. Charles J. Crist (D) $6,500 CHERPAC Rep. Cheri L. Bustos (D) $3,000 Friends Of Cheri Bustos Rep. Cheri L. Bustos (D) $7,000 Chip Roy For Congress Rep. Chip Roy (R) $2,500 Chris Pappas For Congress Rep. Chris Pappas (D) $2,500 Chrissy Houlahan For Congress Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D) $2,500 Claudia Tenney For Congress Rep. Claudia Tenney (R) $10,000 Dan Crenshaw For Congress Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R) $2,500 Friends Of Dan Kildee Rep. Dan T. Kildee (D) $10,000 Michigan's Future PAC Rep. Dan T. Kildee (D) $5,000 Donovan For Congress Rep. Daniel M. Donovan Jr. (R) $2,000 Friends Of Dave Joyce Rep. Dave P. Joyce (R) $4,000 Loebsack For Congress Rep. Dave W. Loebsack (D) $2,000 David Scott For Congress Rep. David A. Scott (D)) $10,000 Trott For Congress, Inc. Rep. David A. Trott (R) $4,500 Price For Congress Rep. David E. Price (D)) $3,500 Young For Iowa, Inc. Rep. David E. Young (R) $2,500 David PAC Delivering American Values in DC Rep. David F. Kustoff (R) $500 Kustoff For Congress Rep. David F. Kustoff (R) $5,000 Valadao For Congress Rep. David G. Valadao (R) $7,000 Friends Of David Schweikert Rep. David Schweikert (R) $3,500 Deb Haaland For Congress Rep. Deb Haaland (D) $2,500 Debbie Dingell For Congress Rep. Debbie Dingell (D) $2,500 Friends Of Dennis Ross Rep. Dennis A. Ross (R) $7,500 Denny Heck For Congress Rep. Denny Heck (D) $10,000 Helping Every Campaign Kickoff (HECK PAC) Rep. Denny Heck (D) $5,000 Friends of Denver Riggleman, Inc. Rep. Denver Riggleman (R) $2,500 People For Derek Kilmer Rep. Derek Kilmer (D) $6,500 Devin Nunes Campaign Committee Rep. Devin G. Nunes (R) $1,000 New PAC Rep. Devin G. Nunes (R) $3,000 Dino For Congress Dino Rossi (R) $2,500 Don Bacon For Congress Rep. Don J. Bacon (R) $3,000 Donna Shalala For Congress Rep. Donna Shalala (D) $4,000 Matsui For Congress Rep. Doris O. Matsui (D) $2,000 Friends of Dusty Johnson Rep. Dusty Johnson (R) $2,500 EDPAC Rep. Ed G. Perlmutter (D) $10,000 Perlmutter For Congress Rep. Ed G. Perlmutter (D) $10,000 Road To Freedom Political Action Committee Rep. Ed R. Royce (R) $5,000 Cummings For Congress Campaign Committee Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D) $2,500


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Cleaver For Congress Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D) $10,000 WOLF PACK Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D) $5,000 Swalwell For Congress Rep. Eric M. Swalwell (D) $5,000 New Energy PAC Rep. Eric Swalwell (D) $5,000 Friends Of Erik Paulsen Rep. Erik Paulsen (R) $2,500 Jenkins for Congress Rep. Evan H. Jenkins (R) $5,000 Filemon Vela For Congress Rep. Filemon B. Vela (D) $2,500 Lucas For Congress Rep. Frank D. Lucas (R) $6,000 French Hill For Arkansas Rep. French Hill (R) $10,000 In The Arena PAC Rep. French Hill (R) $7,500 George Holding For Congress Inc. Rep. George E.B. Holding (R) $2,000 Connolly For Congress Rep. Gerry E. Connolly (D) $2,000 Grace For New York Rep. Grace Meng (D) $2,500 Walden For Congress Rep. Greg P. Walden (R) $2,500 Greg Pence For Congress Rep. Greg Pence (R) $2,500 Stanton For Congress Rep. Greg Stanton (R) $2,500 Friends For Gregory Meeks Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D) $10,000 Guy For Congress Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (D) $2,500 Giving Willingly Empowering Nationally (GWEN) PAC Rep. Gwen S. Moore (D) $2,000 Moore For Congress Rep. Gwen S. Moore (D) $10,000 Jeffries For Congress Rep. Hakeem S. Jeffries (D) $2,500 Harley Rouda For Congress Rep. Harley Rouda (D) $2,500 Texans For Henry Cuellar Congressional Campaign Rep. Henry R. Cuellar (D) $2,500 Building Relationships In Diverse Geographic Rep. James E. Clyburn (D) $10,000 Environments PAC (BRIDGE PAC) Friends Of Jim Clyburn Rep. James E. Clyburn (D) $3,000 Jason Lewis For Congress, Inc. Rep. Jason M. Lewis (R) $4,000 Mr. Southern Missourian in the House PAC Rep. Jason T. Smith (R) $5,000 Jason Smith For Congress Rep. Jason T. Smith (R) $2,500 Friends Of Jeb Hensarling Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R) $5,000 Jobs, Economy And Budget Fund (JEB FUND) Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R) $10,000 Denham For Congress Rep. Jeff Denham (R) $2,000 Himes For Congress Rep. Jim A. Himes (D) $10,000 Jobs And Innovation Matter PAC (JIM PAC) Rep. Jim A. Himes (D) $10,000 Elect Jim Baird For Congress Rep. Jim Baird (R) $2,500 Texans For Jodey Arrington Rep. Jodey Cook Arrington (R) $5,000 Joe Morelle For Congress Rep. Joe Morelle (D) $2,500 Joe Kennedy For Congress Rep. Joe P. Kennedy III (D) $6,000 Culberson For Congress Rep. John A. Culberson (R) $5,000 Larson For Congress Rep. John B. Larson (D) $7,500 Synergy PAC Rep. John B. Larson (D) $2,500 John Chrin For Congress John Chrin (R) $2,500 Faso For Congress Rep. John J. Faso (R) $6,000 Friends Of John Delaney Rep. John K. Delaney (D) $2,500 Katko For Congress Rep. John M. Katko (R) $2,000 Citizens For John Rutherford Rep. John Rutherford (R) $2,500


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Crowley For Congress Rep. Joseph Crowley (D) $5,000 Jobs, Opportunities And Education PAC (JOE-PAC) Rep. Joseph Crowley (D) $5,000 Josh Gottheimer For Congress Rep. Josh S. Gottheimer (D) $7,000 Beatty For Congress Rep. Joyce B. Beatty (D) $10,000 New Voice PAC Rep. Joyce B. Beatty (D) $2,500 Vargas For Congress Rep. Juan C. Vargas (D) $4,500 Julia Brownley For Congress Rep. Julia Brownley (D) $2,000 Handel For Congress, Inc. Rep. Karen C. Handel (R) $4,000 Katherine Clark For Congress Rep. Katherine M. Clark (D) $2,500 Kathleen Rice For Congress Rep. Kathleen M. Rice (D) $4,500 Kay Granger Campaign Fund Rep. Kay N. Granger (R) $5,000 Rothfus For Congress Rep. Keith J. Rothfus (R) $10,000 Kelly Armstrong For Congress Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R) $2,500 Ken Calvert For Congress Committee Rep. Ken S. Calvert (R) $2,500 Kenny Marchant For Congress Rep. Kenny E. Marchant (R) $1,000 Kevin McCarthy For Congress Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R) $10,000 Majority Committee PAC--Mc PAC Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R) $10,000 Brady For Congress Rep. Kevin P. Brady (R) $5,000 Making America Prosperous PAC Rep. Kevin P. Brady (R) $5,000 Yoder For Congress, Inc Rep. Kevin W. Yoder (R) $8,500 Getting Stuff Done PAC (GSD-PAC) Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D) $5,000 Kyrsten Sinema For Congress Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D) $10,000 Lance Gooden For Congress Committee Rep. Lance Gooden (R) $2,500 Zeldin For Congress Rep. Lee M. Zeldin (R) $10,000 Committee To Re-Elect Linda Sanchez Rep. Linda T. Sanchez (D) $5,500 Democrats Reshaping American (DREAMPAC) Rep. Linda T. Sanchez (D) $5,000 Lisa Blunt Rochester For Congress Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D) $2,500 Lou Correa For Congress Rep. Lou Correa (D) $1,000 Luke Messer For Congress Rep. Luke Messer (R) $5,000 MAD4PA PAC Rep. Madeline Dean (D) $2,500 Marc Veasey Congressional Campaign Committee Rep. Marc A. Veasey (D) $2,500 Marcia Fudge For Congress Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D) $2,500 Maintaining All Republicans In Office PAC Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R) $2,500 Mario Diaz-Balart For Congress Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R) $10,000 Scanlon For Congress Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D) $2,500 Citizens For Waters Rep. Maxine Waters (D) $10,000 People Helping People Rep. Maxine Waters (D) $5,000 Friends Of Mia Love Rep. Mia B. Love (R) $4,500 Mike Bishop For Congress Rep. Michael D. Bishop (R) $10,000 Capuano For Congress Committee Rep. Michael E. Capuano (D) $7,500 Cloud For Congress Rep. Michael J. Cloud (R) $2,500 Mike Gallagher For Wisconsin Rep. Michael J. Gallagher (R) $2,000 Mike Bost For Congress Committee Rep. Mike Bost (R) $1,000 Mike Kelly For Congress Rep. Mike Kelly Jr. (R) $3,000 Quigley For Congress Rep. Mike Quigley (D) $5,000


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Mike Thompson For Congress Rep. Mike Thompson (D) $6,500 Mikie Sherrill For Congress Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D) $2,500 Walters For Congress Rep. Mimi Walters (R) $8,500 For Congress Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) $10,000 PAC To the Future Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) $5,000 Nita Lowey For Congress Rep. Nita M. Lowey (D) $5,000 Committee To Re-Elect Nydia M. Velazquez To Congress Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez (D) $8,000 Tiberi For Congress Rep. Pat J. Tiberi (R) $5,000 Pat Meehan For Congress Rep. Patrick L. Meehan Jr. (R) $1,000 McHenry For Congress Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R) $10,000 More Conservatives PAC (MCPAC) Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R) $10,000 Prosperity Action Inc. Rep. Paul D. Ryan (R) $10,000 Ryan For Congress, Inc. Rep. Paul D. Ryan (R) $5,000 People For Enterprise Trade And Economic Growth (PETE PAC) Rep. Pete A. Sessions (R) $5,000 Pete Sessions For Congress Rep. Pete A. Sessions (R) $5,000 CA LUV PAC (California Leadership United For Victory PAC) Rep. Peter Aguilar (D) $5,000 Pete Aguilar For Congress Rep. Peter Aguilar (D) $10,000 Roskam For Congress Committee Rep. Peter J. Roskam (R) $8,500 Randy Hultgren For Congress Rep. Randy M. Hultgren (R) $7,500 Dr. Raul Ruiz For Congress Rep. Raul Ruiz (D) $2,000 Richard E Neal For Congress Committee Rep. Richard E. Neal (D) $10,000 First In Freedom PAC Rep. Richard L. Hudson Jr. (R) $2,500 Hudson For Congress Rep. Richard L. Hudson Jr. (R) $2,500 Pittenger for Congress LLC Rep. Robert M. Pittenger (R) $7,500 Blum For Congress Rep. Rodney L. Blum (R) $1,000 Rodney For Congress Rep. Rodney L. Davis (R) $2,000 House Conservatives Fund Rep. Roger Williams (R) $5,000 Roger Williams For U S Congress Committee Rep. Roger Williams (R) $6,000 Kind For Congress Committee Rep. Ron J. Kind (D) $6,500 Ron Wright For Congress Rep. Ron Wright (R) $2,500 Ruben Kihuen For Congress Rep. Ruben J. Kihuen (D) $5,000 Ryan Costello For Congress Rep. Ryan A. Costello (R) $2,000 Salud Carbajal For Congress Rep. Salud Carbajal (D) $2,000 Sanford Bishop For Congress Rep. Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (D) $2,500 Scott Peters For Congress Rep. Scott H. Peters (D) $7,500 VoteTipton.Com Rep. Scott R. Tipton (R) $3,500 Scott Taylor For Congress Rep. Scott W. Taylor (R) $5,000 AX PAC Rep. Sean P. Duffy (R) $10,000 Duffy For Wisconsin Rep. Sean P. Duffy (R) $10,000 Sean Patrick Maloney For Congress Rep. Sean P. Maloney (D) $1,500 Moulton For Congress Rep. Seth W. Moulton (D) $3,500 AMERIPAC: The Fund for a Greater America Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D) $10,000 Hoyer For Congress Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D) $10,000 Stephanie Murphy For Congress Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D) $3,000 Stivers For Congress Rep. Steve E. Stivers (R) $10,000


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Support To Ensure Victory Everywhere PAC-Steve PAC Rep. Steve E. Stivers (R) $10,000 Scalise For Congress Rep. Steve J. Scalise (R) $10,000 The Eye Of The Tiger Political Action Committee Rep. Steve J. Scalise (R) $10,000 Steve Knight For Congress Rep. Steve T. Knight (R) $7,500 Horsford for Congress Rep. (D) $2,500 DelBene for Congress Rep. Suzan K. DelBene (D) $7,500 Sylvia Garcia For US Congress Committee Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D) $2,500 Ted Budd For Congress Rep. Ted P. Budd (R) $5,500 Terri Sewell For Congress Rep. Terri A. Sewell (D) $10,000 Together Everyone Realizes Real ImPACt Aka Terri PAC Rep. Terri A. Sewell (D) $5,000 Emmer For Congress Rep. Thomas E. Emmer Jr. (R) $10,000 Tom MacArthur for Congress Inc. Rep. Thomas MacArthur (R) $10,000 Suozzi For Congress Rep. Thomas R. Suozzi (D) $2,000 Tim Ryan For Congress Rep. Tim J. Ryan (D) $2,500 Electing Majority Making Effective Republicans Rep. Tom Emmer (R) $1,500 Georgia PAC Rep. Tom Graves Jr. (R) $2,500 Graves For Congress Rep. Tom Graves Jr. (R) $10,000 Tom O'Halleran For Congress Rep. Tom O'Halleran (D) $2,000 Tom Rice For Congress Rep. Tom Rice Jr. (R) $2,500 Tom Reed For Congress Rep. Tom W. Reed II (R) $2,000 Trey For Congress Rep. Trey Hollingsworth III (R) $10,000 Balderson For Congress Rep. Troy Balderson (R) $2,500 Val Demings For Congress Rep. Valdez B. Demings (D) $2,500 Van Drew For Congress Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D) $2,500 Van Taylor Campaign Rep. Van Taylor (R) $5,000 Veronica Escobar For Congress Rep. Veronica Escobar (D) $2,500 Vicente Gonzalez For Congress Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D) $5,000 Davidson For Congress Rep. Warren Davidson (R) $8,500 Hurd For Congress Rep. Will Hurd (R) $4,500 William Timmons For Congress Rep. William Timmons (R) $2,500 Xochitl For New Mexico Rep. Xochitl Torress Small (D) $2,500 Young Kim For Congress Young Kim (R) $2,500


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Midwest Values PAC Sen. Al Franken (D) $2,000 Follow The North Star Fund Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) $1,000 Klobuchar For Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) $2,500 Angus King For US Senate Campaign Sen. Angus S. King Jr. (I) $7,000 Ben Cardin For Senate, Inc. Sen. Ben L. Cardin (D) $5,000 Sensible American Solutions Supporting Everyone PAC Sen. Ben Sasse (R) $10,000 Bill Nelson For U S Senate Sen. Bill Nelson (D) $5,000 Menendez For Senate Sen. Bob Menendez (D) $10,000


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT New Millennium PAC Sen. Bob Menendez (D) $10,000 Bob Corker For Senate 2018 Inc Sen. Bob P. Corker (R) $2,500 Hawaii PAC Sen. Brian E. Schatz (D) $10,000 All For Our Country Leadership PAC Sen. Catherine M. Cortez Masto (D) $7,000 IMPACT Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D) $10,000 Victory Now PAC Sen. Chris J. Van Hollen Jr. (D) $10,000 Friends Of Chris Murphy Sen. Chris S. Murphy (D) $10,000 MURPHPAC Sen. Chris S. Murphy (D) $7,500 Blue Hen PAC Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D) $10,000 The Hawkeye PAC Sen. Chuck Grassley (R) $5,000 Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) $10,000 McCaskill For Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) $2,500 Purpose PAC Sen. Cory A. Booker (D) $2,500 Project West Political Action Committee Sen. Cory S. Gardner (R) $10,000 One Georgia PAC Sen. David A. Perdue Jr. (R) $10,000 Heller For Senate Sen. (R) $10,000 Hellerhighwater PAC Sen. Dean Heller (R) $10,000 Deb Fischer For US Senate Inc Sen. Deb Fischer (R) $5,000 Great Lakes PAC Sen. Debbie A. Stabenow (D) $5,000 Stabenow For US Senate Sen. Debbie A. Stabenow (D) $10,000 Feinstein For Senate 2018 Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) $1,000 Seeking Justice Committee Sen. Doug Jones (D) $5,000 Motor City PAC Sen. Gary C. Peters (D) $7,500 Dakota Prairie PAC Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D) $10,000 Heidi For Senate Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D) $10,000 Narragansett Bay PAC Sen. Jack F. Reed (D) $10,000 Smart Solutions PAC Sen. Jacklyn S. Rosen (D) $5,000 Leadership and Accountability are National Keys PAC Sen. James P. Lankford (R) $2,500 Families For James Lankford Sen. James P. Lankford (R) $2,500 A New Direction PAC Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D) $7,500 Jeff Flake For US Senate Inc Sen. Jeff L. Flake (R) $6,000 Free State PAC Sen. Jerry Moran (R) $5,000 Donnelly For Indiana Sen. Joe Donnelly (D) $10,000 Hoosiers First PAC Sen. Joe Donnelly (D) $10,000 Manchin For West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin III (D) $7,000 Common Values PAC Sen. John A. Barrasso (R) $5,000 Friends Of John Barrasso Sen. John A. Barrasso (R) $10,000 Alamo PAC Sen. John Cornyn III (R) $5,000 Alamo PAC Sen. John Cornyn III (R) $5,000 Dakota PAC Sen. John Hoeven (R) $5,000 John Kennedy For Us Sen. John N. Kennedy (R) $1,000 Pelican PAC Sen. John N. Kennedy (R) $5,000 Heartland Values PAC Sen. John Thune (R) $7,500 21St Century Majority Fund Sen. Johnny Isakson (R) $10,000 Montanans For Tester Sen. Jon Tester (D) $10,000


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Treasure State PAC Sen. Jon Tester (D) $10,000 Jobs, Opportunities and New Ideas PAC Sen. Joni Ernst (R) $2,500 Housley For Senate Committee Karin Housley (R) $1,000 Badlands PAC Sen. Kevin J. Cramer (R) $5,000 Gillibrand For Senate Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D) $1,000 Tenn Political Action Committee Inc (TENN PAC) Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) $5,000 Strange For Senate Sen. Luther J. Strange III (R) $5,000 Granite Values PAC Sen. Maggie Hassan (D) $5,000 Marco Rubio For Senate Sen. Marco Rubio (R) $5,000 Reclaim America PAC Sen. Marco Rubio (R) $3,500 Forward Together PAC Sen. Mark R. Warner (D) $8,000 Friends Of Sen. Mark R. Warner (D) $2,000 LOBO PAC Sen. Martin T. Heinrich (D) $1,000 Martin Heinrich for Senate Sen. Martin T. Heinrich (D) $7,000 Friends of Mazie Hirono Sen. Mazie K. Hirono (D) $1,000 Common Sense Colorado Sen. Michael F. Bennet (D) $10,000 Mike Braun For Indiana Sen. Mike Braun (R) $5,000 Freedom Fund Sen. Mike D. Crapo (R) $10,000 The Peter Norbeck Leadership PAC Sen. Mike Rounds (R) $10,000 Bluegrass Committee Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) $10,000 Believe in America PAC Sen. Mitt Romney (R) $5,000 Hatch Election Committee Inc Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R) $5,000 Opportunity and Responsibility Restored in our Nation PAC Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R) $1,000 Citizens For Prosperity In America Today PAC Sen. Pat J. Toomey (R) $10,000 Preserving America's Traditions (PATPAC) Sen. Pat Roberts (R) $5,000 Green Mountain PAC Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D) $7,500 M-PAC Sen. Patty Murray (D) $10,000 Defend America PAC Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R) $10,000 PORT PAC Sen. Rob J. Portman (R) $5,000 Promoting Our Republican Team PAC Sen. Rob J. Portman (R) $2,500 Wicker For Senate Sen. Roger F. Wicker (R) $5,000 Holding Onto Oregon's Priorities Sen. Ron Wyden (D) $3,500 Rely On Your Beliefs Fund Sen. Roy D. Blunt (R) $10,000 Wild And Wonderful PAC Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R) $8,500 America Works PAC Sen. Sherrod C. Brown (D) $10,000 Friends Of Sherrod Brown Sen. Sherrod C. Brown (D) $10,000 Big Sky Opportunity PAC Sen. Steve Daines (R) $5,000 Dirigo PAC Sen. Susan M. Collins (R) $10,000 Perimeter PAC Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D) $1,000 Together Holding Our Majority PAC Sen. Thom R. Tillis (R) $10,000 Tomorrow Is Meaningful PAC-Tim PAC Sen. Tim E. Scott (R) $10,000 Common Ground PAC Sen. Tim M. Kaine (D) $5,000 Kaine For Virginia Sen. Tim M. Kaine (D) $10,000 OORAH! Political Action Committee Sen. Todd C. Young (R) $5,000 Republican Majority Fund Sen. Tom Cotton (R) $10,000


COMMITTEE NAME CANDIDATE AMOUNT Carper For Senate Sen. Tom R. Carper (D) $10,000 Southwest Leadership Fund Sen. Tom S. Udall (D) $2,500


COMMITTEE NAME AMOUNT Democractic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) $45,000 National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) $45,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) $30,000 DSCC (Building Fund) $90,000 National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) $30,000 NRSC (Building Fund) $90,000 Blue Dog Political Action Committee $10,000 Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) BOLD PAC $10,000 Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) PAC $5,000 Elect Democratic Women $5,000 Moderate Democrats PAC $10,000 PAC $10,000 Tuesday Group Political Action Committee $5,000 Future Forum PAC $5,000