New Vice-County Records
NewRecords New vice-county records 13.1. Nowellia curvifolia. 61: on decorticated log in mixed woodland with Lepidozia reptans and Lophoclea Hepaticae bidentata, Brantingham Dale, N of Brantingham, 1.1. Haplomitrium hookeri. 103: rare on damp gravelly SE9486430846, 2007, Wall. ground by stream, 150 m alt., Poll nan Cracionn, 14.1. Cladopodiella fluitans. H23: with Sphagnum Auchnacraig, Mull, NM719298, 2007, Bosanquet. capillifolium and Odontoschisma sphagni in wet bryo- 3.2. Herbertus aduncus subsp. hutchinsiae. 112: On phyte carpet at edge of small unshaded hollow in grassy bryophyte-rich slopes, N-facing, ca 250 m alt., surface of raised bog, ca 65 m alt., W of Crosswood, Da Sneug, Foula, HT9497339829, 2007, Payne. N08084031, 2007, Holyoak 07-264. 7.2. Kurzia sylvatica. 103: peat at edge of loch, ca 15 m 17.3. Odontoschisma elongatum. H12: at edge of flush alt., NE shore of Loch Ba, NM575376, 2007, Kungu. in shallow S-facing valley, with Drepanocladus revol- 110: peat bank in blanket bog, ca 100 m alt., to N of vens and Riccardia multifida, ca 440 m alt., Croghan the Pentland Road, NB33773455, 2007, Kungu. H6: Mountain, T12597240, 2007, Hodgetts 7281. boulder on N-facing slope below lip of corrie, ca 450 m 18.4. Cephaloziella hampeana. 110: creeping amongst alt., Coum Iarthar, S3112, 2007, Hodgetts 7238. Sphagnum in blanket bog, ca 100 m alt., Allt Loch 8.3. Lepidozia cupressina. 92: in crevices of heathy nan Geadh, NB3236, 2007, Hodgetts 7157. H21: scree on steep, N-facing slope, 330 m alt., N-facing creeping through Sphagnum subnitens in degraded slopes of Creag Ghiubhais, Deeside, NO31059575, burned heath, ca 580 m alt., Seahan Mountain, 2007, Rothero 17027.
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