
Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static at fractal interfaces. International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016

Static friction at fractal interfaces

Dorian A. H. Hanaor, Yixiang Gan, Itai Einav

School of Civil , University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia



Tribological phenomena are governed by combined effects of material properties, topology and surface- . We study the interplay of multiscale-surface-structures with molecular-scale interactions towards interpreting static frictional interactions at fractal interfaces. By spline-assisted-discretization we analyse asperity interactions in pairs of contacting fractal surface profiles. For elastically deforming asperities, force analysis reveals greater friction at surfaces exhibiting higher fractality, with increasing molecular-scale friction amplifying this trend. Increasing adhesive strength yields higher overall friction at surfaces of lower fractality owing to greater true-contact-area. In systems where adhesive-type interactions play an important role, such as those where cold-welded junctions form, friction is minimised at an intermediate value of surface profile fractality found here to be in the regime 1.3-1.5. Our results have implications for systems exhibiting evolving surface structures.

Keywords: , friction, fractal, surface structures


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016

range of scales as described by Bowden and Tabor [20-23]. 1. Introduction: While for most purposes a constitutive A meaningful micromechanical understanding understanding of frictional behaviour as of the origins of static friction and the ability to captured by the Amontons-Coulomb theory is interpret its dependence on parameters of sufficient, we frequently seek to gain a surface structure, surface chemistry, bulk fundamental insight into the complex multi- material properties and environmental scale and multi- interplay between conditions is sought after in an extensive range surface structure, physico-chemical properties of applications including granular materials [1, of materials and resulting frictional interactions 2], electro mechanical devices[3], structural [24]. This is of particular importance in multi- components[4] and across the broader field of body systems such as granular materials, in applied mechanics. small scale applications such as micro- electromechanical systems (MEMS), as well as In earlier approaches to the problem, static in conditions of low loads where the resistance friction was considered to arise through the simple mechanical interactions of micro-scale to shear, as has been often observed, may not asperities at contacting surfaces [5, 6]. The exhibit linear dependence on normal forces [25, 26]. Importantly, couplings between structure broadly observed linear dependence of and physico-chemical interactions at surfaces frictional force on normal load of the Amontons Coulomb theory was often assumed to result are of significance in systems exhibiting surface from the presence of unseen surface features evolution and/or changing surface chemistry with a characteristic slope of α such that the through changing environmental conditions or other time-dependant phenomena [27-29]. coefficient of static friction follows μS=tanα [7]. Considering the significantly lower value of the Molecular scale contributions to frictional true contact area relative to the apparent or interactions have been analysed in a range of nominal contact area, alternative approaches materials and system configurations. Applying have considered friction arising from the to the scale below that of measurable asperity shearing or debonding (cooperative or structures, broadly this regime of effect can be otherwise) of chemically bonded or welded divided into normal load dependant behaviour, junctions occurring at the regions of true which can be considered as atomic or molecular contact [8-11]. A linear relationship between friction[10, 30-34], and contact area dependant the total area of true contact and the applied resistance to shear generally considered as load at an interface is ubiquitously found from junction shear strength, contact bonding or numerical and experimental analyses and is adhesion[35-38]. These interactions have been indeed often utilised as a benchmark to studied using nanoscale experimental tools ascertain the effectiveness of contact mechanics including friction force microscopy applied to models[12-17]. This is understood to arise as atomistically flat surfaces[39, 40]. Data the result of asperity hierarchies in elastically acquired through friction force microscopy is deforming surfaces[18], and following this frequently interpreted using the Prandtl- rationale the typical linear Amontons-Coulomb Tomlinson model, which correlates surface behaviour can be said to arise through shearing structure with frictional behaviour and the or debonding of these regions, which are occurrence of stick slip [41, 42]. Although assumed to exhibit a constant shear strength highly significant in the field of tribology and [19]. A more inclusive representation of the (AFM), this model is origins of frictional interactions is given by limited to kinetic conditions where a localised understanding this as an integration of body is traversing a rough surface, and is thus structural and molecular interactions across a


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 of limited applicability to the interpretation of frictional interactions in static conditions[43].

Various studies have investigated the dependence of frictional phenomena on parameters of mean (RA) and other surface roughness descriptors [44, 45]. Additionally, material properties and surface profile characteristics are often combined to give the indicative parameters such as the Plasticity Index, ψ, defined using parameters of hardness, asperity height distribution and asperity shape [46-48]. These studies have generally been constructed on the basis of a single distribution of asperity heights with assumed spherical features. However, naturally occurring surfaces tend to exhibit asperities at multiple scales in a fractal geometry exhibiting statistical self-similarity [49-52] and thus in recent years the fractal nature of surfaces has Figure 1. Two approaching fractal surfaces become a significant aspect in the field of showing a hierarchical structure typical of natural surfaces, as simulated in the present experimental and computational surface analysis and work. contact mechanics [53-56]. The importance of considering surface fractality in contact mechanics can be explained by the tendency of first order roughness descriptors to be dominated by highest 2. Methods: level features, while second order descriptors, such as 2.1. Generation of fractal surface profiles: mean slope or kurtosis, are dominated by the finest Static interactions between pairs of simulated scales of surface features. fractal surfaces, representative of engineering Using conventional finite element analysis (FEA) surfaces, such as those shown in Figure 1, are [38, 57, 58], Molecular Dynamics (MD) [33, 59] and considered where both surfaces are generated discrete element methods[60, 61], challenges arise in using the same value of fractality as described the computationally efficient modelling of fractal by the , Df . To avoid the surfaces and their contact mechanics, owing to the dominance of a small number of the highest difficulties in capturing multiple scales in a single surface features, rather than simulate a single framework. Moreover, a significant majority of pair of very long surfaces, simulations were studies involving the contact mechanics of fractal carried out with repetition where two- 5 surfaces have employed simplifications of rough to dimensional fractal surface profiles of 1.5×10 flat contact, limiting their applicability for studies (x,y) points were repeatedly generated (100 towards static friction. In the present work we repetitions) and analysed with results averaged examine static friction occurring at interfaces of across the repetitions for each surface condition fractal surfaces in mutual contact as illustrated by studied. With surface profiles of 40 microns in Fig. 1, using a method based on spline assisted length, the finest features are thus equivalent to asperity discretisation. 2.67 Å, a figure which is towards the lower end of values typical of the separation between lattice planes in many crystalline materials.

In similarity to previously reported work, fractal profiles at each repetition r (from r=1 to r=100) were generated through a method based


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 on the Ausloos-Berman variant of the Weirstrass Mandelbrot function [55, 62, 63].

M nmax  n1  (42D f ) 2(n1)(D f 2) 2 x  m   y(x)  L ln    cos m,n,r  cos cos    m,n,r  m1 n1   L  M  

(1) following the present method is independent of the profile amplitude which is scaled to a

Figure 2. Representative surface profiles over lengths selected height. of 5L, with constant rougness (RA=1), and varying D values. As with previous work, a stochastic length parameter, L, has been included in Eq. 1 to The fractal dimension of surface profiles Df ∈ account for higher level surface features, which (1,2) relates to the scale variance of the surface are present with typical wavelength. In real structure as described by its surface roughness surfaces the term L represents a characteristic power spectrum [64]. Hence through methods macro-asperity spacing such as that which may applied here Df = 1 corresponds to a smooth arise from a granular structure. The effect of continuous quasi-random curve and Df = 2 varying the parameter L is illustrated by the 1 corresponds to a hypothetical area filling micron profile sections shown in Figure 3. The profile, within constraints of the simulation profile used in contact simulations, with resolution. The effect of varying fractality is nominal lengths of 40 microns, were scaled in illustrated by representative profile sections the y-direction to yield a consistent amplitude shown in Figure 2. In the present work, for of asperities of 0.1 relative to the stochastic force evaluation we considered the Df values length parameter. In a separate set of between 1 and 1.7 as this interval represents the simulations, the amplitude was varied to range most relevant for real material surfaces, investigate effects of asperity aspect ratio. The while the use of surface profiles exhibiting parameter γ represents the density of higher fractal dimensions would be only of frequencies used to construct the fractal profile, theoretical interest. In contrast to the which on the basis of reported methods is determination of fractal parameters from real appropriately assigned as 1.5 [65-67]. The surfaces, the simulation of surface profiles randomised phase angle  is given by a uniform


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 distribution of size M x nmax x 100. which typically exhibit roughness features in this scale regime. m,n  U(0,2 ) . In the present work M and nmax values of 40 were chosen as these were 2.2. Spline assisted asperity discretization found to give sufficiently randomised surfaces.

Owing to the non-differentiability of fractal surfaces, surface normals and radii of curvature Figure 3. Effect of the stochastic length at discrete surface points on simulated profiles parameter (L) in the simulation of 2D fractal are extracted using a method of spline assisted profiles (upper) and equivalent 3D surfaces asperity discretization (SAAD) as applied (lower). previously [68]. This allows the global contact To represent macroscopically flat interfaces, problem to be treated as a series of local contact repeatedly simulated pairs of fractal surface events. Following this method surface points profiles were generated over a length of 40 L, are discretised using a cubic spline interpolation to give on average 40 largest scale surface passing through all simulated points to describe features per surface per repetition. To yield surface features in terms of meaningful values dimensional results (mN, μm) the value of L is of surface orientation and curvature radii, assigned as 1 micron. Surfaces of varying determined from the spline derived piecewise fractality were studied over 100 repetitions. For polynomial, f(x) at individual points(xi , yi) each repeated contact scenario studied, two T  2 0.5 2 0.5 simulated surfaces, upper and lower, were ni   f xi f (xi ) 1 ,f (xi ) 1  generated with differing randomised  sets. To (2) yield macroscopically similar profiles 3/ 2 comparable to the profiles illustrated in Figure 1 f  x 2      i   , O  x  R n Ri  i i i i 2, these sets of randomised phase angles , were f xi  conserved for each repetition across the (3) generation of 50 sets of surface pairs with  increasing fractal dimension, varied from Here ni is the surface normal represented by a th Df=1.0 to 1.7. That is to say the n repetition vector of unity magnitude the orientation of of surfaces generation is conducted with the which varies depending on whether the surface same upper and lower  sets regardless of the is upper or lower in the contact event. Ri is the Df value. Surface profiles are assumed to be of local surface radius and assumes negative unity thickness with micron dimensions used in values for concave regions of the surfaces and order to show results pertinent to tends towards infinity for a perfectly flat macroscopically flat engineering surfaces


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016

    surface, while O represents the position  Ou  Ol X i nc  i i   i , i u l vector of local sphere centres. Oi  Oi X i  Following this discretisation, points involved in  X Ru  Rl  c c  i  i i nc sgnRu Rl  contact events are treated as Hertzian spheres i 2 2 i i i where the relative positions of sphere centres (4) for contacting asperities are utilised in order to  compute the magnitude and orientation of Here X i is the vector separation of the localised normal and tangential forces as well contacting sphere centres. It should be noted as the areas of individual contact patches at that the contact normals differ from the surface active asperities. Forces and areas are then normals defined by SAAD. summed to yield global forces acting on the surface, which is assumed not to exhibit Thirdly, as the grid of the simulated surface is macroscopic flexure, as well as total true of sufficiently high resolution to exhibit locally contact area. A schematic illustration is given in smooth topology, the number of actual Figure 4. contacting asperities is lower than the count of intruding grid points satisfying the aforementioned condition. For this reason, to avoid the force evaluation at single contacting asperities being represented by fluctuating numbers of spheres we exclude contacts between spheres on opposing surfaces occurring at points distant from their respective surface profile coordinates and thus avoid mesh dependence and discontinuities in force evaluation. Thus contact points are accepted only when their centres are located within the domain defined by

 x x xc  x  , x  i  i 2 i 2  Figure 4. Diagram of forces, normals and incremental   displacements at a single contact point. (5)

2.3. Force evaluation c where xi is the global x-axis coordinate of the In the presently applied method we examine a contact centre and Δx is the grid x-spacing of static snapshot of discretised asperity the surface-profiles. In the absence of this interactions in normal and tangential criterion, a single peak to peak contact point orientations. Contact detection involves may be represented by a large number of initially the identification of points satisfying spheres corresponding to distant points, and consequently yield an erroneously high local the condition yu  yl , where superscripts u i i normal force. and l denote upper and lower surfaces. Secondly for each contact point a contact At individual accepted contact points local normal, in the form of a vector of unity normal forces and individual contact areas are c c resolved following the two dimensional magnitude ni , and a contact centre ci are Hertzian solution for elastic spheres [69, 70]. evaluated. However, alternative solutions can readily be


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 incorporated to accommodate divergent surface crystallographic orientation would be expected mechanics and material behaviour including to bring about inhomogenieties in this asperity elasto-plasticity[71]. In the presently parameter. Following this the maximal locally reported methodology an effective elastic tangential force that can be borne at an modulus of E*=10 GPa is utilised in order to individual contact patch is given as yield dimensional results relevant to   t n c engineering surfaces. Fi  0 Fi ti (6) 2.4. Friction evaluation c where ti is a unit vector in the local tangential We aim to quantify static friction arising from orientation. interactions of asperities in simulated interfaces of fractal surfaces, and to gain insights into Finally the global coordinate system force relationships between surface structure and balance is examined by summing the friction. Additionally we incorporate components of individual local forces at contact parameters meaningfully representing points in the global normal and tangential molecular friction and adhesion to account for directions. In the global tangential direction we known physico-chemical interactions at only sum forces corresponding to contact points material surfaces and examine the interplay n,T where Fi <0, that is to say where asperity between these parameters. In materials these interactions oppose an applied shear strain: interactions are governed by localised properties including surface , surface chemistry, the presence of adsorbates n,N t,N n,T t,T FN  Fi  Fi  , FT  Fi  Fi  and electrostatic interactions. (7) The contact of atomistically smooth surfaces involves frictional interactions despite the n,N n,T where Fi and Fi represent respectively absence of measureable asperities. These the global normal and global tangential interactions, referred to varyingly as atomic, components of the local normal force acting at molecular, phononic or interface friction arise contact point i. Inherent to this methodology is from intermolecular forces, electronic and van the simplified assumption that through der Waals interactions at interfaces and are processes of deformation or micro-slip [75, 76] profoundly affected by the presence of asperity contacts opposing shear reach their adsorbed species [72-74]. Additionally, maximum local tangential force while limitations to our ability to characterise asperity asperities that do not oppose shear become structures mean that surfaces may exhibit unloaded. roughness features smaller than the scale which we are able to measure or meaningfully simulate. In the present study of rough to rough contact conditions these considerations are 2.5. Adhesion type interactions addressed by including a molecular / atomic The forces contributing to observed frictional friction coefficient, μ , studied over the interval 0 phenomena across multiple scales arise from 0.1 to 1, to account for all interactions at scales combined mechanical, electrostatic and below the scale of simulated asperities in the molecular mechanisms. These have been present work. It is assumed that this atomic investigated in recent years in a range of friction coefficient is homogenous at all contact publications [59, 77-80]. In a constitutive points regardless of height, orientation or approach at the finest scales frictional stress τf contact length, although in natural surfaces can be described by a load dependent variations in surface chemistry and


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 component α (equivalent to μ0), and a material- relationship, with some deviation at low normal interface-dependant adhesive shear stress τ0 loads. Results here are dimensional owing to the assumption of a profile of 1μm thickness such that  f  0 P [81, 82]. With P being and 40 μm in total length, and an effective the contact pressure that is the sum of applied modulus10 GPa, however this is chosen only and capillary-induced components. The relative for illustrative purposes and non- significance of the material and load dependant dimensionalisation is readily possible. The components is strongly influenced by the dimensional value of true contact area is contact profile and fractality of surface underestimated if simulation resolution is structures. decreased, however this effect is negligible at Consequently for asperities involved in the resolution level employed here studied here, resistance to shear, we include in our force which is sufficiently high to allow the evaluation of frictional forces an adhesive representation of the scale regime of realistic A macroscopically flat engineering surfaces component of varied significance, Fi . This is  (surfaces with features at length scales from 10- A c 3 -10 evaluated as Fi  0 Aiti , with overall friction m to 10 m). The maximal FN values obtained

differ with Df as the simulations were n,T t,T A,T evaluated as FT  Fi  Fi  Fi . displacement driven. Overall the observed linear behaviour of true contact area is expected Similarly, normal forces are evaluated for hierarchical surface structures as predicted including the normal component of adhesive by Archard [18] and as confirmed in a range of forces in the global normal orientation. In the experimental studies and by computational methods including boundary element method present work we studied τ0 values of 500 KPa, 10 MPa, 100 MPa and 200 Mpa, to represent a (BEM) [86] and FEA[57, 87, 88]. The results range of natural adhesive interactions, such as shown in Figure 5 were acquired from those that might arise from can der Waals repeatedly simulated profiles with conditions of forces, micro-capillary forces or cold welded τ0=10 MPa and μ0=0.4, although these two junctions of engineering alloys [80, 83-85]. parameters have a comparatively insignificant Additionally we apply the current methods effect on the behaviour of true contact area and normal contact stiffness with applied normal without the inclusion of τ0 and the contact area dependent forces that arise from this parameter. load.

For varied conditions of fractality (Df), atomic friction (μ0) and adhesive shear strength (τ0) the macroscopic friction coefficient is evaluated in a straightforward manner by the overall ratio of

FT to FN in the global coordinate system.

3. Results 3.1. Frictional interactions of fractal surfaces

From the SAAD based analysis of contact events between pairs of amplitude-normalised fractal rough surfaces, conducted to a constant level of normal displacement, it is found that Figure 5. Variation of true contact area with the evolution of true contact area with applied applied normal load for simulated surface normal load closely follows a linear profiles generated with Df= 1 - 1.7.


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016

say the friction coefficient may be greater at a rough interface than at an atomically flat Following the methods described for the surface having the same material properties evaluation of macroscopically observed (bulk and surface). This can be explained by the friction, the significance of loading conditions fact that, unlike completely smooth surfaces, at and surface structure are studied for a range of rough interfaces, contact events are localised to systems differentiated by parameters of their a limited number of areas. In the present molecular scale friction coefficient (μ0) and method, while the normal load FN is contributed adhesive shear strength at regions of true to by forces at all asperities involved in the contact (τ0). As with all studies here, data points contact event, the maximal tangential force FT are established by averaging over the repeated is contributed to only by asperity contacts generation of 100 surface profile pairs, with oriented such that they resist shear. This result results shown in Figure 6. Although applied in is supported by experimental results from a simplified manner in the present method, various materials where the presence of these two parameters are intrinsically linked to increased roughness is often found to decrease conditions of surface chemistry, temperature the magnitude of frictional interactions within and environment and vary greatly with material certain regimes under given loads, although it type, surface orientation and environmental should be noted that this has been studied with conditions. Here we examine μ0 values in the respect to dynamic interactions [91, 92]. region 0.1-1.0, which covers the range of atomic friction coefficients typically reported Conditions where shearing of cold welded for the study of atomistically flat surfaces[89, asperity interfaces play a significant role, i.e.

90]. Adhesive (load independent) interactions high τ0 values, yield an increase in overall were studied by applying a shear strength τ0 in friction across all levels of fractality and at all the regime of 500 KPa to 200MPa. As expected applied loads, however this trend is most owing to the low value of true contact area evident towards low fractality and low applied relative to nominal contact, little difference was normal load. Under such conditions overall found between conditions of τ0 ≤1 MPa, and friction is found to exhibit a minimum at conditions where adhesion type interactions are intermediate fractal dimension values in the neglected i.e. τ0 =0. range ~1.3-1.5. Interestingly, this result demonstrates that for particular systems we As higher surface slopes result greater normal may observe a non-monotonous variation of forces at contact points, surfaces of greater static friction with surface fractality. An fractality unsurprisingly exhibit a general increasingly high molecular friction coefficient tendency towards higher resistance to shear and naturally manifests in higher overall friction a larger macroscopically observed friction under all conditions with this being most coefficient shown on the right side of the plots prominent for surfaces with Df >1.5. in Figure 6. At regions of both high surface fractality and low applied normal load, the apparent macroscopic friction tends towards higher values following a similar pattern for all studied systems shown in the bottom right corners of the plots. It is worth noting that the results here show that for particular surface structures and applied loads we expect to encounter certain conditions where the macroscopic friction is lower than the molecular scale friction coefficient. That is to


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016

asperity peaks relative to their horizontal size [93, 94]. Figure 6. Variation of macroscopic friction coefficient (μS, colour bars) with fractal The trend of higher static frictional strength dimension and applied normal load for towards regions of higher surface fractality is conditions of different adhesive strength (τ0) and less prominent for surfaces with broader atomic friction (μ0). asperities, that is to say a lower amplitude 3.2. Aspect ratio effects relative to the value of L. This may be the result of lower surface slope values resulting in large To study the effects of asperity aspect ratio, the number of contact points involved in frictional controlled amplitude was varied with respect to events. Moreover it can be seen that where the stochastic length parameter L. This has the adhesive interactions dominate the trend of effect of governing the approximate aspect ratio higher friction at low surface fractality is more of highest level asperities in terms of asperity pronounced for flatter asperities, as the result of height to asperity projection in the horizontal higher level of true contact area thus occurring. plane. In most engineering materials the aspect For surfaces dominated by contact bonding ratio is significantly less than 1 as asperity (higher adhesion) such those where static heights are generally significantly lower than friction is assumed to arise from cold-welded the mean spacing (approximate wavelength) of junctions (τ0 =200 MPa), it is further worth highest level features. As with molecular scale noting that with increasing relative asperity interactions, the typical aspect ratio of amplitudes, the friction coefficient across all asperities on macroscopically flat surfaces is surface types and loading conditions exhibits a highly dependent on the material type, with decreasing trend. This is the result of a ductile materials showing low aspect ratios decreasing true contact area at a given load, as while ceramics and harder alloys exhibit higher the asperity aspect ratio increases, and the


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 relative contribution of the adhesion to the 4. Discussion macroscopic friction coefficient decreases. This is further illustrated in Figure 8, which shows We have utilised the SAAD method for the the variation of true contact area with normal evaluation of contact mechanics and frictional load for different sets of fractal surfaces at 3 interactions between pairs of multiscale rough different controlled profile amplitudes. surfaces. While this study employed profiles simulated using procedures for the generation of realistic fractal surfaces, the methodology

Figure 7. Variation of macroscopic friction applied could be used in conjunction with coefficient (μS, colour bars) with fractal surface data acquired from AFM, surface dimension and applied normal load for different profilometry or through other surface conditions of asperity aspect ratio (A) and simulation algorithms. This approach involves adhesive strength (τ0). rough-to-rough analysis in contrast to the majority of comparable work that most often involves rough to rigid flat simplifications for the study of similar interactions. The methods employed here have the notable advantage of facilitating the examination of the integrated effects of surface structure and surface chemistry on frictional interactions at rough to rough interfaces, in a manner that is computationally efficient relative to comparable FEA methods. Despite advantageous aspects of this model, there exist notable limitations of the presently applied approach. Importantly the present method examines a static snapshot for given structures

Figure 8. Variation of true contact area (aS) with and material parameters, and does not consider applied normal load (FN) for surfaces of different time dependant surface evolution, temperature fractality across three data sets differed by their effects on molecular scale interactions, plastic relative amplitudes (A). deformation of asperities and the


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 discontinuously distributed tangential may not meaningfully capture the nature of displacement of the surfaces as may occur real surfaces in terms of random fractal through processes of deformation and microslip asperity structures. [33, 75, 76, 95, 96]. Furthermore, in studying mechanisms of bonding interactions (varied τ0) at regions of true contact, we assume these Results demonstrate the interplay between areas to be governed by Hertzian contact parameters of applied load, surface fractality mechanics whereas a more suitable approach and molecular mechanisms of friction. These would be to consider cold-welded regions and relationships are evident of the necessity to Hertzian regions through separate frameworks consider cross scale surface structures and [97]. surface chemistry in tandem with loading conditions to evaluate the development of frictional interactions, which for certain The linearity between true contact area and systems may indeed exhibit a non-monotonous applied load for surfaces of varied fractality is variation with surface fractality. The results of shown in Figures 5 and 8 and, as a commonly the presently applied methods have significance utilised benchmark, serves to validate the towards understanding the evolution of force methods applied here. Although, it is likely networks in multi body systems and under that frameworks incorporating elasto-plastic conditions of low normal load, where non- asperity deformation would yield a more linearity between normal load and frictional meaningful interpretation with respect to forces may be observed, and evolving surface engineering materials [65]. Importantly, the structure and interface chemistry can SAAD method facilitates the study of contact fundamentally alter bulk system behaviour. mechanics and friction interactions in Numerous simplifications are involved in the multiscale surfaces that would otherwise present work, such as an atomic/molecular necessitate computationally intensive analysis. friction coefficient that is independent of load and material orientation, where in fact friction For given values of τ0 and μ0 and Df the repeated analysis of contact events between at atomistically flat interfaces is generally two surface profiles consisting each of 1.5x105 reported to vary with load and crystallographic points, over 100 reiterations was achieved in orientation of the surfaces in contact, with the order of one minute. This computationally negative friction occurring under certain efficient approach thus facilitates parametric conditions [99]. studies including of a broad range of variables here chosen as fractality, adhesive strength, On the basis of the present method, for surfaces molecular friction and surface amplitude. The of greater fractality, we predict a higher execution of such a methodology in a finite macroscopically observed friction coefficient, element framework would be highly with this trend diminishing for surface problematic owing to the large number of conditions that are conducive to bonding and elements that would be necessary in order to the formation of adhered junctions. This trends mesh the structures adequately with are consistent with behaviour experimentally statistically significant surface generation. observed in certain systems [100]. Alternative approaches to the computational Additionally, an increase in lowest scale description of interfaces have utilised principal friction occurring through molecular component analysis, Fourier transforms or interactions, as represented by μ0, produces an other mathematical formulations to represent increase in the magnitude of macroscopic periodic multiscale surface profiles [98]. friction for all surface structures studied, with However, this approach, while enabling this trend expected to be somewhat greater for computationally efficient parametric studies, surfaces of greater fractality. Lower asperity


Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan and Itai Einav (2016). Static friction at fractal interfaces. Tribology International, 93, 229-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 aspect ratios, which generally are found optimisation of frictional interactions and following polishing treatments, naturally give interpretation of mechanical phenomena in rise to a higher true contact area under a given multi-body and micro scale systems. applied load, increasing frictional forces for surface of lower fractality and leading to greater significance of potential adhesive interactions. Acknowledgements:

It is worth noting that at rough interfaces the magnitude of load-independent bonding Financial support for this research from the strength may paradoxically depend on the Australian Research Council through grant no. nature of loading history. This is often the case DP120104926 is gratefully appreciated. for rough metallic interfaces where a high asperity-localised load may facilitate metal- metal bonding while oxide or hydration- References passivated layers exhibit weak van der Waals mediated interactions. For this reason the assumption that the value of τ0 is constant at all [1] Nemat-Nasser S. A micromechanically- contact regions merits revision in future work. based constitutive model for frictional deformation of granular materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 5. Conclusions 2000;48:1541-63. [2] Alonso-Marroquín F, Ramírez-Gómez Á, We have developed and demonstrated the González-Montellano C, Balaam N, Hanaor application of a computationally efficient DA, Flores-Johnson E, et al. Experimental and method for the study of rough to rough surface numerical determination of mechanical interactions towards the prediction of static properties of polygonal wood particles and their flow analysis in silos. Granular Matter. frictional forces on the basis of discretisation of 2013;15:811-26. a hierarchical surface structure. The present [3] Berman D, Krim J. , MEMS method involves simplifications in terms of and NEMS: Progress and opportunities for surface mechanics and phyisco-chemical surface science research performed on, or by, surface interactions but nonetheless facilitates microdevices. Prog Surf Sci. 2013;88:171-211. the interpretation of the dependence of [4] Blau PJ. The significance and use of the frictional forces on parameters of surface friction coefficient. Tribology International. 2001;34:585-91. fractality, molecular scale friction and adhesive [5] O'Connor J, Johnson K. The role of surface type interactions. Results show that under asperities in transmitting tangential forces certain conditions friction may be minimised at between metals. . 1963;6:118-39. an intermediate regime of surface fractality and [6] Students E, Rudzitis J. Contact of surface further confirm that the macroscopically asperities in wear. Tribology international. observed friction coefficient for a rough surface 1996;29:275-9. [7] Müser MH, Wenning L, Robbins MO. in a particular system can be lower than the Simple microscopic theory of Amontons's laws friction coefficient of an atomically smooth for static friction. Phys Rev Lett. 2001;86:1295. surface of the same material. [8] Filippov A, Klafter J, Urbakh M. Friction through dynamical formation and rupture of In conjunction with the characterisation of molecular bonds. Phys Rev Lett. specific material surface interactions and the 2004;92:135503. evaluation of multi-scale surface structures, the [9] Bowden F, Rowe G. The adhesion of clean methods developed have the potential to inform metals. Proceedings of the Royal Society of the modification of surface structures towards London Series A Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 1956;233:429-42.


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