The Roman Catholic Churches of Holy Name of Jesus St. Alphonsus Liguori 895 Memorial Drive, North Bay, Ontario 163 High Street North, Callander, Ontario Parish Office: 895 Memorial Drive, North Bay, Ontario, P1A 1X9 Phone: 705-495-1501 | Fax: 705-495-3079 | Email:
[email protected] Website: /holynamestalphonsus /holynamestalphonsus /holynameofjesusstalphonsusliguori Pastor: Rev. Daniele Muscolino (Cell: 705-358-9630) Deacon: Rev. Mr. Allan Charette Secretary: Ms. Geraldine Boland Business Administrator:Administrator: Ms. Judith King Diocesan Order of Service: Mrs. Maureen Carriere, Mrs. Mignonne DelGuidice Custodial Staff: Bob & Hether Pagé, Larry Carriere, Kas Pelc, Harley Park Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm (closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm) Sunday Mass Schedule New to the Parish? Welcome! Make sure to introduce your- self to our parish staff, and fill out a Parish Registration Form Saturday 4:00pm (Holy Name of Jesus) available at the back of each church or online on our website. Sunday 9:00am (St. Alphonsus Liguori) Sacrament of Baptism: Celebrated after a preparation program Sunday 11:15am (Holy Name of Jesus) is completed. Phone us, or fill out an online form to register. Sunday 4:00pm (Holy Name of Jesus) Sacrament of Matrimony: Please contact our Parish Priest at Weekday Masses least six months in advance of the intended date of marriage. Tuesday 9:00am (Holy Name of Jesus) Sacrament of the Sick: First Friday of the month at the Wednesday 9:00am (St. Alphonsus) 9:00am Mass, or please contact our parish office. Wednesday 9:00am (St. Alphonsus) Thursday 5:15pm (Holy Name of Jesus) Vocations to the Priesthood/Religious Life: Please speak to Friday 9:00am (Holy Name of Jesus) our Pastor or visit: Friday 9:00am (Holy Name of Jesus) Sunday Mass is also available on our Financial Support: Please consider supporting the works of website, social media and YouTube the parish through traditional Sunday envelopes, our Pre- Authorized Withdrawal Plan, online, or through E-Transfer.