Community Impact on Post 9/11 Urban Planning of Lower
COMMUNITY IMPACT ON POST 9/11 URBAN PLANNING OF LOWER MANHATwin TowersAN: FORM FOLLOWS VALUES by LAURA JANINE HOFFMAN (Under the Direction of HANK METHVIN) ABSTRACT Community response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center Twin Towers was immediate, and had indelible impact on subsequent urban planning in Lower Manhattan. Community and civic groups formed to do grassroots research and design in an inclusive and transparent process. Individuals’ hopes for the rebuilding of their city were collected through citywide workshops, town meetings, public forums, and websites. The resulting vision is a comprehensive and integrated view of urban infrastructure and human needs. It is a reflection of current cultural values, and necessitated a change in the guiding principles for rebuilding Lower Manhattan. The clarity and consistency of the community’s themes is uncanny, and was foreshadowed by post-modern urbanists: 1.Remembrance / memorial 2. Human capital/ jobs, job training, education 3. Affordable housing 4.Hubs and sub centers with links 5. Design Excellence 6. Sustainable: buildings, pedestrian friendly, transportation 7. mass transit improvements 8. Community = 24/7; connect neighborhoods; use waterfront and open spaces 9. Cultural diversity; institutions and incubator spaces INDEX WORDS: World Trade Center, Twin Towers, Manhattan, Lower Manhattan, September 11, 2001, 911, 9/11, community, values, principles, urban planning, post-modern urbanism, sustainable, 24/7, mixed use, pedestrian-friendly, cultural
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