Ohoyo Ikhana: a Bibliography of American Indian-Alaska Native Curriculum Materials
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 227 999 RC 013 957 AUTHOR Nelson, Margaret F., Comp.; Walton, M. Frances, 'Camp. IgTLE Ohoyo Ikhana: A Bibliography of American Indian-Alaska Native Curriculum Materials. INSTITUTION OHOYO Resource Center, ,Wichita Falls, TX. SPONS AGENCY Women's Educational Equity Act Program (ED), Washington, D. PUB DATE 82 GRANT G008006076 NOTE 264p. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Alaska Natives; American Indian Education; American Indian Historyv*American Indian Literature; *American Indians; Annotated Bibliographies; Audiovisual Aids; *Cultural Education; *Curriculum Development; Elementary Secondary Education; Females; Human Resources; Ihstructional Materials; Program Descriptions; *Resource Materials; Tribes IDENTIFIERS Journal Articles ABSTRACT The 1200-item annotated bibliography on American Indian and Alaska Native resources is presented in foursections: curriculum materials, resource materials, bibliographies, and periodical articles. The first three sections are listed alphabetically by souece showing the vait amount of materialsbeing developed by Indian tribal groups and organizations. Eachnotation includes the title of the resource, author(s), year ofpublication - (1970-1982), brief description, language written in (ifapplicable), number of pages, and grade level. For easier referencing,the _contents of the bibliography are indexedin three ways: regional, audio/visual, 'and bibliography. The regional index lists printed materials contained in the'curriculum, resource and periodical sections alphabetically by title, noting page number, gradelevel, and subject area (arts/crafts, bilingual, careereducation, extra curricular,.language arts, math/science, social studies) or resource applicability (curriculum development aid, resource reference, reversing stereotyping/bias in textbooks). Theaudio/visual index provides a title listing of cassette taPes, records, films,slides and videotapes available and appropriate for classroom use.
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