PETITION OF WILLIA1VI L. l\1ACKENZIE, ACTING EXECUTOR TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ROBERT RANDALL, ESQ., OF LINCOLN COUNTY, l\tI. P. P., Relative to the Sale of lot 40, in Nepetln, on the Ottawa, (Bytown,) at the suit of Hon. H. J. Boulton, Solicitor General of Upper Canada; together with Reports of Committees of the House of Assembly of Upper Oanada; copies of Bills passed for Randall's relief, and successively appointing Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau and others, as Umpire or Chan cellor in the case; also the evidence on which such Reports and Bills were founded. ORDERED BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY TO BE PRINTED,. / October 27, 1852. /t;~. '- /. '/Ff;:// . .t i j L-.c~/15 't/k.L.t L·/It ! lL-.tG J. 'QUEBEC, 27th October, ~852. ' To the onorable the Legislative Assembly of Canada, THE HUMBLE PETITION OF WILLIAM LYON MAOKENZIE, ACTING EXE CUTOR TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ROBERT RANDALL, OF OHIP PAWA, ESQUIRE, MEMBER FOR LINOOLN COUNTY, IN THE UPPER CANADA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, SHEWETH: That, in 1832, the House of Commons of Great Britain and Ireland un~nimously addressed the Orown for a copy of an Address to His Majesty King William IV, from the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, dated in 1829, which they ordered to be printed and placed among their Sessional papers. While describing the administration of justice in Canada, the Address tells the King, that" In Michael;mas Term last, Mr. Justice Hagerman, alone, constituted our Oourt " of King'sBench, wherein he confirmed his own questionedjudgment at the preceding Assizes, "in which Mr.
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