United Empire Loyalists Ado1phustown Burial Ground, XLVII, 195. Bates: Testimonial of Mr
- 167 - U United Empire Loyalists Ado1phustown Burial ground, XLVII, 195. Bates: Testimonial of Mr. Roger Bates, of Township of Hamilton, District of Newcastle, now living on his farm near Cobourg, VII, 146. Barker: A Brief history of David Barker, a United Empire Loyalist, III, 168. Black List: A List of those Tories who took part with Great Britain in the Revolutionary War and were attainted of High Treason ... Philadelphia, 1802, VII, 109. Bryce: The Quinte Loyalists of 1784, XXVII, 5. Burleigh: A Tale of Loyalist herOism, XLII, 92. Carscallen: Edward Carscallen, U.E. (circa 1730-1803), XXV, 26. Coleman: Robert Land and some frontier skirmishes, XLVIII, 47. Cruikshank: The Adventures of Roger Stevens, a forgotten Loyalist pioneer in Upper Canada, XXXIII, 11. Cruikshank: Captain John Walden Meyers, Loyalist pioneer, XXXI, 11. Cruikshank: The Settlement of the United Empire Loyalists on the Upper St. Lawrence and Bay of Quinte in 1784; a documentary record. Toronto: Ontario Historical Society, 1934. Fleming: Negro slaves with the United Empire Loyalists in Upper Canada, XLV, 27. Fraser: Sir John Johnson's rent roll of the Kingsborough patent, LII, 176. French: Jeremiah French, U.E. Loyalist, XXI, 181. Greeley: Sketches of the past, XXIII, 243. Green: "Frey" Family, XXXIII, 45. Green: Gilbert Tice, U.E., XXI, 186. Green: A Little study in Loyalist genealogy, XXXI, 114. Gundy: Gilbert Purdy, pioneer jack-of-all trades, XLIX, 181. Gundy: Molly Brant, Loyalist, XLV, 97. Locke: The Loyalists in Ontario, XXX, 181. McDonald: Memoir of Colonel Joel Stone, United Empire Loyalist and the founder of Gananoque, XVIII, 59. MacDonald: The U.E.
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