Section VI the JUDICIARY 1. Judical Systems and Legal Procedures ^
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WBS\l::f^-^^iy!^-<''':~^B Section VI '^ THE JUDICIARY 1. Judical Systems and Legal Procedures ^ -;.';vv-i.;i-- :..,^.- .51^3. Bii^lpPl t,.- . :> ^^ m WW^'-'"'-^--^'- •.U...J.UM ^ 1 .) Jtidicial Systems and Legal Procedures STATE JUDICIAL SYSTEMS* fe- V HE LEADING development In the judi- . meeting, but has not been abandoned by Tcial world during the past bierinium its-sponsors. The coniprehensive proposJals was the adoption of a new constitu- of the Judiciary Commission of Colorado tion by the voters of New Jersey in Novern- met a similar fate in the legislature, except** ber, 1947, and the reorgaiiizationvOf that for much-amended bills for judiciaVsalary state's judiciary under it, efFecti\j)^eptem- increases and pensions. Court reorganiza- ber 15, 1948. The riew^diciiP structure tion proposials of varying scope are under is as simple as the old one was complex. It consideration in Florida, Georgia, Ohio, consists of a seven-man Supreme Court, and Texas. superseding the former sixteen-man Court There have been no changes in methods of Errors and Appeals; a unified Superior of selecting judges, in spite of much effort Court, superseding the former Supreme to that end throughout the country. Defi- Court, Court of Chancery, Prerogative nite proposals for jiidicial selection reform Court, and Circuit Courts; and the County were being agitated for in Alabama, Ar- Court, superseding and succeeding to the kansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho,' jurisdiction of the former Common Pleas, Indiana, iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Ne- Orphans, Oyer and Terminer, Quarter braska. New York, iennsylvania, Texas, Sessions, and Special Sessions Courts. The Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wy- Supenor Court has a Law Division of eley- oming. Measures for Missouri-type plans, en judkes, a Chancery Division of nine providing for "appointment of judges upon judges,^nd an Appellate Division consist- nomination of a commission subject to sub- ing of two parts of three judges each. The sequent periodic confirmation at the polls, County Court h^s Law and Probate Divi- were introduced in the legislatures of Golo- sions, and may grant both legal (civil and rado and New York, but failed to pass, criminal) and equitable relief. The office Similar plans had been drafted and were of justice of the peace was completely abbl- being pushed by judicial councils, bar as- ished effective December 31, 1948.; sociations, or bar committees in Alabama, . A plan for just about as thorough an Arkansas,* Florida, Indiana, Pennsylvania, overhauling of the state judicial prganiza- Texas, and Wisconsin. In the other states tion of Arkansas, on which a special com- mentioned, individuals and groups were, mission had been at work for three years, attempting to stir up interest in the subject, failed to win the approval of the Bar Asso- Judicial salary increases were proposed, ciation! of Arkansas at its 1949 annual in manmosty ostatesf them, an. dThe wery e wercarriee nod tthroug so nuh •Prepared by Glenn R. Winters, Secretary- Treasurer, American Judicature Society. For a merous as in the last biennium, indicating more detailed account of state judicial systems, see less pressure for them after the large num The BoQk of the States, 7948-49, ,pp, 495-^. ber then., granted, as well as somewhat 505 ^^FF. _ J T "i isa o 506 THE BOOK OF THE STATES greater resistarice at this tirhe in the legis tive mandate, or by the court alone under latures. The most conspicuous'single ad its inherent power to regulate the practice vance in this respect was in Kentucky, of law. North Dakota was the first, in where judges, along with all other state 1923, and California was the; first big officials, were limited by the state constitu state, in 1926. Florida became th©»twenty- tion to a maximum of S5,000 a year. The fifth on June 7, 1949, when its Supreme 1948 legislature granted expense allow Court handed down a decision granting ances of $150 a year to the judges and com- the petition of the state bar association for rnissioners of the Court of Appeals to reim integration by rule of court. That was the burse them for the expenditures they would first addition to the list since the VVest Vir have to make if they commuted from their ginia bar was integrated in 1945. Other homes to Frankfort for the court sessionSj states in which interest in bar integration and $100 a month to the circuit judges to is or recently has been manifest include cover a long list of miscellaneous expenses, i Arkansas (which already has a partial inte A special Court of Appeals, necessary be-.; gration for disciplinary purposes only), cause of the disqualification of all the regu- '• Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Massa lar judges as interested parties, held the chusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Jer legislation constitutional.. sey, and Wisconsin. Iowa, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia A generation ago a half-dozen states de brought to thirty-six the number of states parted from the overwhelming majority to providing retirement pensions for their provide for less than unanimous jury veir- judges; Colorado broadened its pension pro dicts in certain cases; Their number .has visions to include more judges. Definite grown with the years until today they are eflforts to-that end failed in Indiana, Mich far in the majority. Most of t|iese provi igan; South Dakota, and, Wisconsin. Fur sions apply only to civil cases, on the theory ther efforts will be made in these states and . that a conviction by a less than unanimous also in Missouri, Ohio, and Virginia. verdict is not conviction beyond a reason No new judicial councils were established able doubt, as required by the criminal in the biennium, but the inactive councils law; but five of the states—Idaho, Louisi of Idaho and Virginia were revitalized. A ana, Montana, Oklahoma, and Oregon— bill for a judicial council was introduced iii have succeeded in applying them to minor the Colorado legislature, but did ftot pass. criminarcases as well. Latest addition to For the first time, state bar integration the list is New Jersey, which passed a stat data and references are here presented. An ute in June, 1948, providing for five-sixths integrated bar is a state-widb organization verdicts in civil cases. A list of the states, of vail the lawyers of a state, established by with tabular details of their varying provi act of the legislature, by rule of the state's sions, and statutory references, concludes highest court in compliance with a legisla the data here presented for the biennium. ^ { \ \ :- f m^mwmm^m^mm wmmtm • THE JUDICIARr 507 CLASSIFICATION OF COURTS AND TERMS OF JUDGES* Matis- Su- 'Court Chan Cir Dis Su Pro trate Munici- Jus- preme of cery cuit trict perior bate County or Police pal ticis Other Slate Court Appeals Court Court Court Court Court . Court Court Court. Court Courts Alabama...;.... 6 6 6 . Arlxona.. 6 4 4 • Arkansas 8 4* "2' 2 •"id California 12 '6* 1 .4-2 (0 Colorado.-. ;-rr;:r.--10 («) 2 (••) -Connecticut;-.-.. 8- 8 2 2 4' Ddaware 12 121 12 12k 41 . Florida 6 •(•)• 4 4"* 6 6 4-1 4 Idaho..... .. 6 2 2 Illinois.. 9 6 6 4 •(•)' 4 6 .4 6 4 .4 4 Iowa...;....... 6 4 4 2 6 « 4 2 2P 2 2 Kentucky...,. "8^ 4 4 12 .... .... er '4h6 4 (•) Maine 7 .... .... .... .7 4 4 (') Maryland....... IS" 15^ ...-" 15 4» 2- 2 Massachusetts.. Life ..., : .... .... Life life Life - Life 7 Michigan....... .8 .... 6 4 4 4 MinnMota 6 . .... 6 4 2 Mississippi...... 8 4 4 ..., (0) 4 Missouri 12 12 .... 6 4 Montana....... 6 .... .... .... 4 Nebraska 6 .... ..... 4 . (') • 4. Nerada 6 ;... .' 4 (^) 2 New Hampshire. (•) (.). (•) 5 New jersey..... 7« 7",»'> 7 (i) : 5 New Mexico..... 8 .... .... 6 2 2 New York. 14« lit .... .... '6«i 14.6" M 4 9»i North Carolina.. 8 ..." .... ; $') 4 2 6-4 North Dakota... 10 •••• 6 • («) 2 2 Ohio............ 6 6 .... 6ib .... 4 4-6 4 Oklahoma 6 6*> .... .... 4 4 2 2 Or^on 6 .... 6 {•> 4 2 Pennsylvania.... 21 .... .... -10»'' id' (•") 10 • 5 Rhode Island.".. Life .... .... 3 Life (•') 5 , South Carolina.. 10 .......: 4 •4 • . 2 South Dakota... 6 4 .... (») •2 •' 2 Tennessee 8 8 8 , 8 6 Texas..... 6 6 .... ..... 4 2 Utah. 10 ..;. -6 4 4. Vermont .... 2 .... .... .... 2 .12 2 2 Virginia... l>-»^ .... 8 8BO 6«p Washington..... 6 ;.. .... 4 4-2 West Virginia... 12 8 (») 4 Wisconsin. 10 6 («) 2 Wyoming ... 8 .... ..7^. 6 (y) 2 .•In certain counties. The probate judge is judge and cleric of ' y Probate jurisdiction exercised by district courts. the county court. • To age 70. 'i Recorder's courts—municipal jurisdiction in certain towns. *» First term—life tenure on reappointment, retirement at 70. ' Probate jurisdiction exercised by chancery courts. »>> Appellate Division of Superior Court. ^ Common pleas courts in certain counties. »« There is ah Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, serving . " Probate jurisdiction exercised by superior courts. ' as an intermediate appellate court. Itsjudges are appointed ' Juvenile courts. from among the judges of theSupreme Court by the governor ( Probate jurisdiction exercised by county courts. for five-year terms, except the presiding justices who remain .h Small claims courts in citie's over 100,000. for the duration of their term m the Supreme Court. f Common pleas. " Surrogates' Courts. Where no separate surrogate is elected, ' Chancellor. Vice-chancellor serves during pleasure of chan county judge is surtogate. cellor. *• Fourteen years in Brdhz. Kings, Queens, and Richmond k Court of Common Pleas, New Castle County. Coimties, elsewhere 6 years. ' Court of Common Pleas, Kent County. »' -Court of Special Sessions. " Civil and Criminal Courts of Record. : , ' »« Court of Claims. " Known as Court of Ordinary.