No 53, 1 August 1929, 1925
~umb. 53. 192.5 THBJ NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1929. RRATUM. - In a Proclamation dated 12th day of Additional Land at Timaru taken for the Purposes of the E June, 1929, allocating land reserved and taken for a Hurunui-Waitaki Railway, and for Street-diversion in railway to the purposes of a road in the County of Piako, at connection therewith. Waitoa, and published in the New Zealand Gazette, No. 46, of 20th day of June, 1929, 1688, in the Schedule, for "Portions of Railway Reserve," read" Portions of Railway [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. Reserve (part Waokauri No.1 Block)." A PROCLAMATION. -W HEREAS it has been fotmd desirable for the use, Additional Land at Horoti~£ taken for the Pnrpose of the convenience, and enjoyment of the Hurunui-Waitaki Kaiparar- Waikato Railway. Railway to take further land at Timaru, in addition to land previously acquired for the purposes of the said railway, [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. and to take land for street-diversion in connection therewith: Now, therefore, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, A PROCLAMATION. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise HEREAS it has been' found desirable for the use, of the powers and authorities conferred on me by sections . W convenience, and enjoyment of the Kaipara-Waikato thirty-foul' and two hundred and sixteen of the Public Works Rail way to take further land at Horotiu, in addition to Act, 1928~ and of every other power and authority in any la.nd previously acquired for the purposes of the said ra.ilway : wise enabling me in this behalf, do 'hereby proclaim and declare Now, therefore, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise taken for the purposes above mentioned.
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