Addressing the Causes of Terrorism The Club de Madrid Series on Democracy and Terrorism Volume I THE INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON DEMOCRACY, TERRORISM AND SECURITY 8 11March2005Madrid THE INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON DEMOCRACY, TERRORISM AND SECURITY 8 11March2005Madrid Addressing the Causes of Terrorism The Club de Madrid Series on Democracy and Terrorism Volume I The opinions expressed in individual papers are based on the discussions of the working groups at the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security. They reflect the views of their authors, but not necessarily those of the Club de Madrid or any of its members. The Club de Madrid Series on Democracy and Terrorism is available in Spanish and English. To order additional copies, please write to: Club de Madrid Felipe IV, 9 – 3º izqda. 28014 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 91 523 72 16 Fax: +34 91 532 00 88 Email:
[email protected] © Club de Madrid, 2005 Series editor: Peter R. Neumann Editorial Assistance: Henrik A. Lund and Milburn Line Production: ESC/Scholz & Friends Contents Introduction by Kim Campbell 5 Addressing the Causes of Terrorism Psychology By Jerrold M. Post 7 Political Explanations By Martha Crenshaw 13 Economic Factors By Ted Robert Gurr 19 Religion By Mark Juergensmeyer 27 Culture By Jessica Stern 35 The Club de Madrid Mission and Activities 41 List of Members 42 The Madrid Summit 45 The Madrid Agenda 47 Introduction to the Club de Madrid Series on Democracy and Terrorism Dear friend, I am delighted to introduce the Club de Madrid Series on Democracy and Terrorism. The policy papers that can be found in this volume are the result of an unparalleled process of debate which culminated at the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security in Madrid in March 2005.