--r~- ~-_.__..__._-_._--- - .... Fall/Automne 1998 No. 30 - A few words from the Managing Editor / Quelque mots du redacteur en chef - IEEE prepares for the future / IEEE se prepare pour I'avenir - Une nouvelle approche pour un nouveau dati de formation des informatici(e)nes au Canada - Teamwork creates "Made in Canada", next generation te/ecorp solution - Letters to the Editor / Lettres en voyer au redacteur - IEEE News / Nouvelles ~ ~ Bulk IEEE third class F1468 The Instituteof Electricaland ElectronicsEngineersInc. MONTREAL. P.Q. I Managing Editor IEEE Canada IEEE Canadian Review Redacteur en chef IEEE Canada is the Canadian Region of the Vijay K. Sood Institute of Electrical and Electronics General Information Hydro-Quebec (IREQ) Engineers, Inc. 1800 boulevard Lionel-Boulet The IEEE Canadian Review is published 3 times/year as follows: Varennes, Quebec Winter (to appear in March); Spring/Summer (to appear in July); tel: (450) 652-8089 Officers Fall (to appear in November). Its principal objective is to project an image of the Canadian electrical, electronics, communications and fax: (450) 652-8051 President - Dave Kemp email:
[email protected] Past President - Linda Weaver computer engineering professions and their associated academic and business communities to: President Elect - Celia Desmond Secretary -Om Malik (i) Canadian members ofIEEE; Treasurer -Bill Kennedy (ii) Canadian members of the profession and community who are Associate Editors non-members ofIEEE; Adjoints Ii la redaction Council Chairs (iii) the associated Canadian