Easter Flowers at Marlow’S Red, Green, Chaudron, Navy, Brown, Black, the Workers the Board Ordered Tho Resulting Death Were Caused By
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tAoa temenm m«url)»atnr lEimttng VmUt THURSDAY, ARRIL f, IBBS. e Member! of the Sunday achool of AVEBAOV DAILY OlBOULA'nON TUB WEATUCK the Emanuel Lutheran church who Bnilding lot for sale tor tbs Montb of Hareb, 19S6 Feiaeaat ot 0 . S. Weatber Bureau. ABOUT TOWN have part! In th Blaster pageant We Have A Large Hartford 50-fL frontage, sidewalk, gas, Vacuum Geaner aondy, probably sbowera tonight will meet for rehearsal at 10 o’clock waier, sewer, 42 Btrlckfauid St. tomorrow morning. The children's Assortment of 5 , 8 4 8 _ and Saturday, not mucb obange In H ia M pilar meetlnir o f Ulan- tomperature; Sunday, cloudy, poaol- teaonioh Tribe No. 58, t O. R. M., chorus is also asked to meet at that Fred H. Norton Repairs Get Your Easter Lilies Blember o( tbe Audit H anrljratfr ittif ntng will be held in Tinker hall tomor time. 180 Main St., Man cheater. Conn. Friday 3 to 6 Bureau of dreulattona. bly abowen In forenoon. row evening at 8 o'clock. EASTER MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (»A R M SPECIALS at Hale*s VOL. L V , NO. 164. (CUasUed Advertising on Page lA) (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS W aller N. Leclerc PLANTS look Frost Oanfecttonery MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 10,1936. GREAT WINDOW SHADE SUGAR OAK STREET Funeral Director SALE At Any of These Three; 3 Bud St9 No. Main 8L Phone 5269 High grade HoUond Shades. Made Locations: lb. pkg. to order and hung on GEN. CALLES EXILED In U. 5 . to Fight for Custody of PACKAGE your window!, complete 0 \ /C C Cor. Main and Birch Sts. Lilies THREAT OF SANCTIONS Also large lot of Shades con (Next to Wool worth’s) Any Flavor Royal sisting of Holland, Tontine, and $1500-a-Week Starlet ‘THE STORY OF Duplex, closing out at 25o each. • 21 Windemere Street Vacuum cleaners adjusted DESSERT BY HIS GOVERNMENT STORE New Rollers, lOc each. or repaired at a small cost. Closed All Day Friday! THE CROSS” Furnish Samples On Request. • 226 Woodbridge Street Cords cAn be replaced with 59c MADE BY THE LEAGUE Dudley Bock's Beantlful Oantata CAPITOL WINDOW SHADE smooth rubber cords that pi's- IN A SURPRISE MOVE (Xl.MPANY FOR IMMEDIATE CONCORDIA LUTHERAN will not pick up lint. Gorgeous CHURCH 46 Capen Street Hartford McCONVILLE’S Tan Can Campbell's League Body Adjourns Until DELIVERY NORTON 4 and 5 Bud FRIDAY, APRIL 10 BEANS Former Strong Man of Mex League Refused Data 7:30 P. M. GREENHOUSES ELECTRICAL Lilies SAYS BUSINESS Next Tuesday to Take Up Chorus of 85 Voices. INSTRUMENT CO. Call 6550 Phone 5947 Hilliard StTMt Phone 4000 ico and Three Advisers Fred Werner, Director. On Italy*s Use o f Gas Peace Tasks—Jf They * Louis Cervini. IS WHIPPING BOY AU Welcome! Ednoator Arrested, Placed On Plane Old Shoes Geneva, April 10.— (A P I—Tlie In-tirby Gulllame Favre, vice-president of Fail Action WiH Be Taken the International Red Cross. There Is No Place Liked— Like Home! CRAX POTTED CINERARIAS Bound for U. S. OF POUTICIANS ternational Red Cross refused today to turn over to the League of Na Attached to the Red Cross reply Against Italy. Made New POTTED TUUPS was a memorandum listing the White Shoes Cleaned. POTTED»HYACINTHS tions Conciliation Committee of IS number of contributions to Ethio pl<g* • Mexico City, April 10.— Gen Plu- C. of C. Head Protests *‘Pil- data which the committee had been pian Red Cross work. It Included a Pinehurst is a complete food market, with a stock as POTTED DAFFODILS Geneva, April 10.— (A P )—Now Prices Reasonable. tarco Ellas Calles, for 11 year! the informed the Red Cross possessed consignment of 100 folding stretch complete and varied as any food store in the larger cities on alleged Italian use'of ^ Ison gas negotiations for peace between Italy "atrong man" of Mexico, was arrest ers donated b y .. the German Red . Dial 4151 for prompt delivery. lorying"; Labor Leaders in Ethiopia. Cross. and Ethiopia may start in Geneva,:- ed today ;n a surprise coup by the Pinehurst Is the Manchester distributor for Birdseye Selwitz^Dell The text of the refusal, made Under "Correspondence (Concern next Tuesday under the threat that. government. public when the League committee ing Bombing from the Air,” the Frosted Foods. We gladly deliver Birdseye Foods with C^r. Main and Pearl Streets IN CASE With him were arrested three of CaH on Unions to Support resumed Its deliberations today, memorandum mertlons that assur If they fail, new aanctiona may ha decreed against Italy. any order for other groceries. The Birdseye Special 3 9 e - 5 9 « his principal advisers. pointed out that the Red Cross was ances have been received from the OF ACCIDENT All four were placed aboard an The League of Nations "Commit this week is: No Phone Orders or Deliveries. F. D. R.; Borah on Stomp. already engaged—at the request of Italian government. It takes a big responsibility both belligerents—In an Investiga The memorandum said: "From tee of 13,"' which adjourned todajf tion of alleged violations of Geneva these assurances. It may be Inferred to meet next Thursday, requeat4a: rioY Ormn off your mind to know you -a?Vx that Dr. Augilato Vasconcelloa of conventions. that if an Ethiopian or foreign am possess dependable automobile Washington, April 10.— (AP) Portugal, president o f tbe Leogutfa LIMA B E A N S .............. "Until a final decision, which we bulance should be attacked from the insurance. A Chamber of Commerce charge hope will achieve a positive result, air, this could only be due to a com sanctions committee, convoke that PUBLIC SETBACK EASTER CANDY has been reached, the International body "when he considers It useful in that business has been seixed upon bination of exceptional circums tbe Interest of peace.” ORANGE HALL as the "handy whipping boy of poli Red Cross committee cannot hand tances beyond the control of the Filled Easter over Its documentary material for Italian government which, deploring It was also decided that the JOHN L. JENNEY tics” and a labor leader's call for the members of the sanctions commit purposes of another inquiry, bearing any such contingency has been good TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8:30 10 Depot .Square Phone 6850 re-elcctlon of President Roosevelt tee should be warned that thaly, Repreaentlng BASKETS partly the same facts," the Red enough to declare it would make were added today to the growing Cross said. presence' may be required at aay.. FOUR CASH PRIZES THE TRAVELERS, Hartford, Conn. every effort to prevent its material- moment. BIRDSEYE FRUITS Tender Green Peas record of bis big campaign year. "Moreover, oven apart from the Ixlng. Blueberries Cut Com In a radio address In which he did negotiations now in progress In con "The heads of Ethiopian foreign Reports Vnoonflniied c to $ not mention any political party. Red Raspberries 1 0 1.00 nection With our inquiry, the neu ambulances, who were Inclined to Unconfirmed reports circulstM Asparagus President Harper Sibley of the Sliced Peaches Spinach trality which the International Rod abandon tbe use of any dlatingulsh- among the deleratea thrt Pram l^ Chamber of Commerce of the United "I came over here to get my boy and 1 won’t leave Cross committee Is bound to observe Ing sigr , decided, with conscious Mussolini intends to enthrona A Filled Easter States said business should serve Lined against Mrs. Bartholomew In the fight for without him," Insists Mrs. Llewellyn Bartholomew custody of the ymmg movie star la bliss Mllicont makes it necessary for the commit ness of the great Importance of Uie puppet Emperor of Ethiopia at Pinehurst Meat Department offers for the Ea.ster notice that "the misrepresentations pictured on arrival at New York from England. Mary Bartholomew, the aunt to whom ho Is pic tee to exercise very great discre osaurances received, to fly the Red Dessye when and if his soldiers sutf. and pillorying of business must be The mother of $1500-a-'.veek Freddie Bartholomew, tured clinging so affectionately. She Is credited tions." Cross flag with complete confi Jugate ho lost strongholds of week-end (last year we sold as much poultry Easter as CARTS 2 9 c stopped forthwith." at Christmas) . The True Gift At she said her trip to America was financed by do with having trained him and guided him to ilar- The communication was signed dence.’’ peror Halle Selassie's forces. : “Dragon's Teeth Barvest.” nations of Britons, who read her story of his life, dom, and was appointed his guardian In C!alifornla. The sessioa of the Committee ‘ He declared that "prejudices and Nut and Fruit Decorated 18, composed of every member i t : FANCY TURKEYS antagonists” have harvested "drag the League Council except Ital^i, CAPONS on's teeth in the form of hasty and -8 to 12 pounds was marked by wrangling betwe^ 7 pounds EASTER EGGS unwise laws, cumbersome restric Anthony Ekien, British foreign ee^ tion of legitimate enterprises, agita CRIPPLED GERMAN ZEP rotary, and Plerre-Etienne Flaadflj.' 42c lb. tion of needless Industrial strife, dis HINT DOUBLE MURDER NO RELIEF CASH 45c lb. Plutarrb Calles French foreign minister. Tc. location of goods and crops, and the Bkien insisted that tbe Oanutttt^ 5 c to 5 0 c heaping of still further burdeos of Roasting EASTER airplane carrying them tc forced tee of 18, through Salvador da taxes and public debt upon the backs FOR QUODDY OR ARRIVES AT HOME PORT dariaga, its preaidsnt, should bi-j exile in tbe United States.