On Purim Day, Yad Chessed partners with , minyanim, colleges, and day schools across New England to collect and distribute matanot l’evyonim (gifts to the poor) to over 1200 Jewish individuals in need. The special of matanot l’evyonim requires Jewish people of all ages to give more than customary to at least two people in need on the day of Purim. It also instructs to give to anyone who asks, without evaluating that person’s level of need. Yad Chessed has developed a unique community-wide program in support of this custom, helping to both identify Jewish people in need and ensure that your donation reaches them on Purim. Last year, thanks to your support, Yad Chessed distributed $115,000 in grocery card store gift cards on Purim Day. Like last year, 80% of your donation will be distributed for Purim and 20% will be allocated to the community emergency assistance fund to help Jewish individuals and families in need throughout the rest of the year.

Temple will collect funds for this purpose at our reading on March 9th. To participate:

 Bring your check payable to Yad Chessed (include Temple Aliyah in the memo) with you on Purim night or day, or

 Drop it off in advance at Temple Aliyah.

 Donate online at and indicate that your /School affiliation is Temple Aliyah.

We will tally the collection and inform Yad Chessed of the amount on Purim morning so that they can distribute the grocery store gift cards.

This year help us offer a hand of loving kindness to those in need on Purim.


Yad Chessed was founded in 1989 to provide financial assistance to local Jews in need. Yad Chessed now distributes more than $600,000 annually in emergency and ongoing aid to more than 800 Jewish households and individuals throughout New England. Learn more at