בס"ד Not the Whole Megillas ESTER

Mo’tza’ei Shabbos, February 27 – – Evening reading. Sunday, February 28 – Purim – Daytime Megillah reading. Monday, March 1 – Shushan Purim. 8:45 A.M. Day Care. 9:00 Opening. We will Daven in school. Lots of fun activities: ☺ 10:00 – 5G Purim Play. Female guests are welcome. ☺ 10:45 – Masquerade Parade. (See inside for unexpurgated official rules.) ☺ 1:00 and on - ** Exciting Entertainment – Tim Nolan – Amazing Basketball & More Show. ** Boys’ Choir Performance (around 2:00) ** More “Stuff” ☺ There will be P.M. Day Care. Wednesday, March 3 – Evening Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conferences. You can still sign up by calling Abby Pines in our office. Sunday, March 7 – 5B Siyum Mishnayos and receiving of Gemarros at 10:00 A.M. in our cafeteria. 5B Parents – Your sons should have letters with details. Wednesday, March 10 - KB/G Aleph Bais Siyum at 9:15.

Chemdas Point Accumulation Deadline is only 80 days away.

Mitzvah/Gadol Projects must be turned in by March 9 in order to receive full credit.

3M (A Repeat) (Mysterious Megillah Misconceptions) Quiz True/False/Maybe

1) The date of Ta’anis is the date of one of the Days of the three day .

2) and his sons were killed on the same day.

3)Haman’s sons were killed by being hung.

4) It took over three weeks from the time of Haman’s Lottery until Haman was killed.

5) The Megillah clearly states that was killed.

6) Haman’s lottery took place in .

7) Mordechai HaYehudi was Esther HaMalka’s uncle.

8) Chronologically, the miracle of Purim came after the miracle of Chanukah.

9) Based upon the Megillah, there was never a time that was permitted on Pesach.

10) The letter that the were allowed to defend themselves was sent as soon as Mordechai HaYehudi became Prime Minister.

11) From the beginning of the Megillah to the end, there was a period of 3 years.

12) From the time that Haman had his Pur until he was hung, there was a period of eleven months. If you answered True or Maybe to any of the above, please utilize this Purim for a fresh review of the Megillah.

(See inside for clarifications.) $”2" Erev Shabbos Parashas School of Greater Washington Parashas Zachor February 26, 2010 Licht Bentchen: 5:40 EE..SS..TT..EE..RR.. Volume XVI, Issue 23 Erev Shabbos “Torah” Events Report

all teachers for their guidance in this successful endeavor. Hopefully, we’ll continue to be “blessed” with Dear Parents, lasting effects from our Berachos unit. This week, we had the culminating activities of our One final thought (for now): We repeat this unit Berachos unit. On Monday, 55 (besides 1 who was each year – for all the above reasons. The following absent) qualifying finalists from 4th-6th Grades Mashal will give additional insight into the necessity participated in our Berachos Bees. Demonstrating their for such Chazarah. Yaakov Kaminetzky ZT’L thorough knowledge of the blessings which are recited was fond of the following metaphor. He told of the before and after eating a variety of foods, we went child whose parents bought him a Tallis Kattan at through many rounds before finding First Place the age of three. The small Tallis Kattan looked finishers. The kids really “knew their stuff”. All those adorable on the tiny tot. It fit him well. At the age of who participated received a certificate (thanks to Shirah four, the small Tallis Kattan no longer was a perfect Charner and her computer) and prizes, about which all fit, but the child could still wear it without great the kids were excited. The following were the “top” discomfort. If the child were to don the same Tallis finishers: Kattan at the age of ten or at Bar , he would rightfully be the subject of derision and scorn. For a mature adult to continue to wear the original Boys’ Bee Girls’ Bee garment would be unthinkable. Reb Yaakov notes First Place Avraham Gottlieb Ahuva Teitelbaum that our relationship to Torah and our performance Second Place Binyamin Broth Yael Fink of mitzvos require constant re-evaluation; they Third Place Aharon Katz Sarah Leah Danesh should reflect intellectual and spiritual growth. If Fourth Place Yaakov Kerchner Tzivya Graff we do not subject our appreciation of Mitzvos to Fifth Place Daniel Edinger Rena Harris searching analysis, we remain very much like the Sixth Place Binyamin Feldman Chaiky Backman adult who continues to wear his first Tallis Katan. Seventh Place Eli Kraiman Ashira Rosen Wednesday’s Girls’ Choir’s stellar performance at the Eighth Place Black Shoshana Garfield Ring House truly lived up to standards of excellence set Ninth Place Yitzchak Meir Winter Shoshana Myers by Mrs. Miri Gottlieb. More importantly, it gave Simcha to the elderly (female) residents of the Ring House and On Monday afternoon, all the kids in Grades 1st-3rd Landow House. In addition to serenading their competed in our team-formatted Berachos Bowl. They audience, the girls gave Ahavas Yisrael Mishloach also showed their well-rounded knowledge of these Manos (see below) to those in attendance. Many thanks Halachos, and, after the dust had cleared, we had the to Mrs. Gottlieb, our talented young ladies, and Naomi following scores (out of a maximum of 450 points): Schwartz, Yehudis Komarow, Rochel Rabinowitz, and their vans for driving the overflow from the bus. Team Anavim – 442 points – 98% Team Tapuzim – 408 points – 91% Team Tapuchim – 407 points – 90% Ahavas Yisrael All youngsters were then appropriately “certificated” Mishloach and prized. (We actually “prize” all of our kids.) Mazel Tov to ALL of our students for honing their Manos knowledge, skills, and Dikduk BeHalachah in blessings. Just in case it hasn’t reached In fact, I’ve often been told that this unit has a positive, your radar screens, Purim is this reinforcing, refresher effect on the entire family’s care in Mo’tza’ei Shabbos and Sunday. As we’ve written for a reciting Berachos. In addition, we are having an intense number of weeks, Baruch and Rochelle Wertenteil are focus on HaKaras HaTov which is one of the underlying once again sponsoring a special Mishloach Manos principles of these laws. Congratulations and thanks to project. Ahavas Yisrael and Achdus are among the underlying reasons for this beautiful Mitzvah, and the commemorating our fasting on the day of the battle more people who give/receive Mishloach Manos, the against our enemies. closer we come to achieving its goal. Our Art classes, 2) Haman was killed on the 16th of Nissan. His sons under the guidance of Mrs. Chaya Shinensky, have were killed on the 13th of Adar. decorated receptacles into which foods for the Mitzvah 3) Haman’s sons were killed and then hanged (see of Mishloach Manos have been placed. We ask you to Rashi) to put fear into the hearts of our enemies. facilitate having your sons and daughters delivering their 4) There were 3-plus days from Haman’s lottery until special packages to someone WHO WOULD NOT he was hanged. OTHERWISE BE A RECIPIENT of such a delightful gift. 5) tell us that Vashti was killed. The Megillah In the past, men and women who had not participated in does not state this clearly. this Yom Tov in decades were thrilled to once again be 6) Haman’s lottery took place in Nissan. included. 7) Mordechai HaYehudi was Esther HaMalka’s cousin. As we’ve written, families with multiple children in 8) Chronologically, Purim came before Chanukah. the school will not have to find as many recipients as the Purim occurred at the end of the Babylonian Exile. number of their kids because many boxes were brought Chanukah happened during the . to residents of the Ring House on Wednesday. (As a 9) One of the 3 days of Esther’s fast was during Pesach. change from what was already published, the ones 10) The letter that the Jews could defend themselves brought to the Ring House were the products of our was sent over two months after Mordechai HaYehudi older grades.) Therefore, only one or two Ahavas Yisrael became Prime Minister. This was done so the same projects will enter their portals of your homes. Please messengers would bring both letters. enthusiastically get our children involved in this 11) There were about ten years from the start of the Mitzvah. Megillah until its end. Many thanks to the Wertenteils, Mrs. Shinensky, Miss Tova Tolchinsky, Elaine Rubin, our office staff (especially Marlene Teichman), all our kids, and the following who volunteered to help pack the boxes during their lunch time: Sarah Leah Danesh, Jessie Franco, Nesha Sukol, Shoshana Garfield, Esther Bayla Young, Shani Breitstein, Yehudis Rabinowitz, Shayna Milgraum, Meira Yaffa Arzouan, and Shayna Gewirtz.

Parent Teacher Conferences Tuesday evening’s Parent Teacher Conferences were very productive and should really benefit our kids. If you couldn’t attend, you can still call and request a phone Snowballing Memories conference. Also, you should have had report cards Sunday, Dec. 20 – Snow – No Shiurim. st th brought home on Tuesday by your 1 -6 Grade progeny. Monday, Dec. 21 – Snow – No School. Tuesday, Dec. 22 – ☺ 10:00 opening. ☺ Parent Teacher Conferences postponed due to snow. Wednesday, Dec. 23 – 10:00 opening. Thursday, Dec. 31 – 10:00 opening. Conferences, Part II Friday, Jan. 8 – 9:00 opening. Next Wednesday night, March 3, Morah Rochel and Sunday, Jan. 31 – Snow – No Shiurim. Morah Mack will be meeting with their students’ Wednesday, Feb. 3 – Snow, parking lot not parents. You can still sign-up by contacting Abby Pines cleared, phones out of whack – No School. in our office. Friday, Feb. 5 – Snow – 12:00 dismissal. Sunday, Feb. 7 – Snow – No Shiurim. Clarifications of Answers to Our Monday, Feb. 8 – Tuesday, Feb. 9 – Megillah Quiz Wednesday, Feb. 10 - th th, th 1) Esther HaMalka’s fast was on the 13 , 14 and 15 of Thursday, Feb. 11 – th Nissan. Ta’anis Esther is on the 13 of Adar, Friday, Feb. 17 – 9:00 opening.

Total Casualties: when wearing costumes: All Tznius and good We’ve lost: taste requirements are in place, therefore: 6 full days of school, 3 Sundays, #’s of hours due to 4 • No pajamas delayed openings and 1 early dismissal! o No shorts No pants (for girls) and no skirts (for boys) No weapons (even of the plastic genre) No violent outfits No outfits representing violent We wish a heartfelt Mazel Tov to: people ♦ Morah Mack and her husband, upon the marriage No mermaid costumes of their daughter, Rachel, to Brian Finkelstein.

♦ Shlomo Yaakov Danesh, his parents, David and Fariba; his siblings, Sarah Leah, Rachamim Akeeva, Yes, We Are Learning Some Rivka Rachel, and Yosef Chaim; and his entire family, upon his Becoming a Bar Mitzvah. “Stuff” Around Here ♦ Ben and Yael Sugar, Danielle, Dahlia, Mirel, and Tuesday was Day 100 of the 2009-2010 school year. their entire family, upon the marriage of Ben’s (We reached it six days later than originally brother. scheduled.) It was marked in a number of classes May they continue to be blessed with Simachos. with math and other activities relating to the number 100. (I, personally, prefer to celebrate after Day 170.) We wish a Refuah Shelaimah to: As you will see in today’s classroom Close-ups, ♦ Tova Baars. writing is cross-curricular and almost all-pervasive in ♦ Reuvane Slater. our classes. For example, 4B have displayed, on a ♦ Mrs. Charner’s mother. hall bulletin board, delightful descriptive essays. ♦ Shani Breitstein. They are replete with a variety of adjectives and very graphic descriptions of some of the boys’ favorite things. On Monday’s Docket On the 3B hall bulletin board, you’ll find maps of Monday is Shushan Purim and, as Mexico and drawings of the Mexican flag. In this usual, we have a heavily concentrated unit, they even studied some Spanish and played academic program planned. Here’s Spanish Dominoes, Bingo, and Scrabble. what can be expected. 1B/G/G visited the Locust Grove Nature Center in 10:00 - 5G original Purim play in two shifts on Wednesday and Thursday. The theme Ivrit in Room 260. 3G, 3G, 6G, and other members of was “Animals in Winter.” The boys and girls learned the female persuasion are all invited. how different animals cope with winter, felt real 10:45 – Masquerade Parade. Although, on Shushan animal furs (e.g. fox, skunk, raccoon, deer), and saw Purim, we don’t have themed costumes, we do have a bunch of live creatures all around them. (Editor’s Rules and Regulations (see below). Note: The species the kids observed did not have 1:00 – Special entertainment. school closings two weeks ago.) Many thanks to our Around 1:50 – 3M Assembly. chaperones/drivers: Michelle Kraiman Gross, Sharon Around 2:00 – Boys’ Choir Performance. Shimoff, Shmuel Robinson, Stephanie Savir, Around 2:00 – Our Purim Shpiel. Jonathan Levin, Ron Kavanagh, Mindy Kotek, Dena Kotek, Carolyn Fanaroff, Ariel Lutch, and Elisheva Miller. Obviously, Purim, its Halachos, the Megillah, and the many beautiful lessons we derive from them have had priority in all classes. Additionally, many Yom Tov projects should make it to your houses today. Included in our Purim study is its historical Masquerade Parade Rules background. This has required going back to at Uniforms are not required for those students least 70 years before Neis Purim. 1G have become ornithologists and are sharing their who participate. However, students who choose not to expertise with each other. come in costume MUST WEAR UNIFORMS. Even 1B went for the gold in the Math Olympics Event. (This is somewhat safer than the luge.) 3G are into landforms and original poetry Od Yosef Chai composing. Thanks to your contributions and our year-long 5G have been very busy writing their own Purim daily Tzedaka collections, we are sending $1,481.15 story in Ivrit. This has been in preparation for their to Od Yosef Chai for Matanos LaEvyonim. thespian debuts on Monday. 5B/G have studied a number of Revolutionary War battles (i.e. Battles of Lexington, Concord, Saratoga, Pesach Coming Right Up and Bunker Hill). They will be really well-versed and With the first Seder only 31 days from tonight, it’s prepared for Thursday’s visit to the Museum of time to think about Maos Chitim to Od Yosef Chai. American History. 1B are into recycling and have designed some very interesting things from recyclables (e.g. cars, buses, airplanes, houses, sports memorabilia). They also wrote ads encouraging recycling. KB/G are finishing their first round of the Aleph Bais and are very excited about their March 10th Aleph On the Calendar Bais Siyum. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday – March 2, In the Hebrew skills department, we’ve learned ( in 3, and 4 – Full post-3:30 schedules, including Sports depth, of course) Vav HaHipuch, Semichus, Avar, for Girls on Wednesday. Hoveh, Asid, Dageishim. Wednesday, March 3 – Nut House pizza. Todah for In math, we’re into triple digit long division, short this week to many staff members. division, even shorter division, decimals and Thursday, March 4 – 5B/G to Museum of American properly naming them, geometry, solid figures, History. regrouping (A.K.A. – in the mid-twentieth century – Wednesday, March 14 – Kindergarten Aleph Bais borrowing), interpreting remainder word problems, Siyum at 9:15. estimating, graphs, and other fun-filled concepts and Monday, March 22 – 5B/G to Capitol. skills. Wednesday, March 24 – Last day of classes before 4G now know how to (not) write run-on sentences Pesach. and fragments, how to compare and contrast essays, Wednesday, April 28 – Md Science Center again tries with focus on the writing traits of organization, to make it here. sentence fluency, and word choices and are learning about Native Americans and are making generalizations based on details and are reading Car Pool Safety Etiquette aloud. Predicting, inferring, reviewing. (Just a run- To ensure the safety of all our children, on sentence and a fragment.) please adhere carefully to the following 2B/G are comprehending how to compare and guidelines. When dropping off your kids, please: contrast, learning linking verbs, getting directions for Instruct them to walk behind the barriers map skills. to the front door. Instruct them not to walk through the Coming Home Today parking lot. Do not drive away until all youngsters in Your progeny. your car pool are behind the barriers. Ooroo LaTefillah. Thank you for your compliance with these SOVEYA newsletter. crucial precautions. Classroom Close‐ups by Mrs. Malka. Chosen Words. 3M News This week, our HaKaras HaTov focus has been: Mishloach Manos to Go Always remember that everything belongs to We thank Aviva Rosen for chairing Mishloach Manos Hashem, and it is our obligation to thank Him to Go. Obviously, the final deadline has passed, and the continuously. Mishloach Manos have gone. This week, contemplate the meaning of your

Berachos by saying them out loud and slowly, with feelings of appreciation towards Hashem.

Totals Updates ™ Parshathon donations are up to $14, 631.23 ™ 6B Masmid Govoha minutes have risen to 31,038 (517.3 hours). ™ 5B just finished Week I of MTT (Maximizing Time for Torah). This is Rabbi Hoffman’s program which encourages voluntary Torah. Totals after one week – 1,849 minutes (30.81666 hours).

Chessed Opportunity

We are still looking for girls and ladies to donate their hair (10 inches or more) to Chai Lifeline’s program to make a hairpiece for a child in need of one. Appointments are still available for a FREE haircut with Debbye White from Cartoon Cuts. Please call Jennifer Stiber (301-691-9091) for more information and to schedule an appointment.

Have Extra Chometz? We will be participating in the Capital Area Food Bank Food Drive from March 1st through the 24th. 2010‐2011 Reminder: Early registration deadline is a week from this coming Monday, March 8.

Good Shabbos and have a Freilichen Purim,

Rabbi Yitzchak Charner Headmaster


v¨kh ¦p§T©k UrUg ______Volume III, Issue 18 February 26, 2010

Berachah of the Week ohpupf ;euz “Who straightens those who are bent.”

This is another blessing which almost microscopically analyzes the wakening process. After we’ve spent hours in lying down in bed, we thank Hashem for enabling us to once again stand up.

“My Prayer” (page 27) adds the following thoughts:

Think of these words in the sense that King David wrote them, namely that G-d raises up those who are “bowed down” under various burdens, economic or spiritual, or are “weighed down” by worry and anxiety. For G-d knows everybody’s burdens, and He is kind and merciful in helping everyone carry one’s burden or lifting the burden altogether. We also think of those who are “bowed down” in the sense of being humble and subservient to G-d. Humility and obedience are qualities which G-d holds in high esteem, and He “raises up” those who cultivate these fine qualities.

A Project of the Torah School of Greater Washington בס"ד February 26, 2010

Classroom Close-ups Writing across the Grades Mrs. Malka Volume III, Issue 17

Remember the first time your youngster proudly proclaimed, “Look! I can write my name!”? For some time after, s/he was hooked on the novelty of this newfound skill. How thrilling to put pencil to paper to form letters, sound out words, and, finally, string them together into meaningful sentences! How do we continue to motivate and guide that enthusiastic youngster into becoming a lifelong writer? Torah School students learn the craft of writing analogous to the way one would learn to cook. Of course, all chefs, no matter how creative, must refer to recipes, with their lists of ingredients and directions. However, a cook should also have a well-equipped kitchen, a discerning palette, and, last, but not least--satisfied and appreciative diners! No matter what delectable ‘form’ the writing will take, whether it be an expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive, or process paragraph or essay, poem, story, research report, or even a friendly letter, our young writers familiarize themselves with a special blend of ‘ingredients’-- the traits of effective writing. Beginning with kindergarten and spiraling through the sixth grade, our teachers guide their students to recognize and incorporate ‘six traits’ that define effective writing: stimulating ideas, logical organization, personal voice, original word choice, smooth, fluent sentences, and conventions of correct and accurate writing. From kindergarten through second grade, these budding writers learn that it is necessary to present a clear message or purpose in their writings. During these years, they gradually transition from writing simple sentences to formulating paragraphs. Not only do they learn to organize their ideas, but they also make use of their developing ‘robust vocabulary’ and their growing storehouse of ‘conventions.’ With many and varied opportunities to write throughout the grades, our students’ repertoire of writing traits, as well as their sophistication in how they utilize them, grows. For example, our third graders demonstrate their mastery of the traits of ‘ideas’ and ‘organization’ by composing five-paragraph personal narratives! In fourth grade, descriptive essays become the vehicle for the traits of ‘word choice’ and ‘sentence fluency,’ whereas, in fifth grade, the same form of writing allows fifth graders to hone their use of ‘voice.’ By sixth grade, following a review of all six traits, our students are expected to demonstrate all of them in all their writing assignments. Just as essential as skillfully flavoring a dish is that a good chef must work methodically. Similarly, our teachers guide their students through the writing process. This is a step-by step routine to which all good writers adhere: brainstorming/prewriting (the planning stage, which often makes use of graphic organizers), writing the first draft (getting all one’s ideas down on paper), revising (changing and improving the writing), editing and proofreading (a careful word-by-word, line- by-line check for errors), and, finally, publishing (sharing one’s writing). Each week, our five-year olds eagerly participate in two centers devoted to writing, as well as a whole-class activity that includes brainstorming, prewriting, drafting, editing, and sharing. The process continues in first grade as students brainstorm to generate word banks, draft, and revise, based on teacher-student conferencing. Subsequent mini-lessons are driven by the teacher’s observations during these conferences. Students become accustomed to peer editing and self-editing, using a rubric or checklist stored in their writing folders. From second grade on, students routinely proceed through each stage of the writing process until they have successfully completed their final drafts. As previously noted, every chef should be equipped with proper cooking utensils for measuring, mixing, slicing, and dicing. For our writers, these instruments take form in the subjects of spelling, vocabulary, and grammar. Our teachers not only instruct their students in these skills, but they also seize opportunities to emphasize and demonstrate how expertise in these areas can both clarify and enliven one’s writing. Many a sixth grader would passionately debate the merits of a grammar lesson on independent and dependent clauses! However, once the teacher models how manipulating the structure of a sentence can enhance sentence fluency, these students perceive the valuable connection between understanding grammatical nuances and effective writing. Good chefs develop sophisticated palettes which enable them to concoct their mouthwatering sensations. To be an effective writer, as well, one must develop a ‘taste’ for good writing. By reading authentic literature, students can discover and internalize how skilled authors use language to bring their ideas to life. Our new reading programs, assigned book reports, teacher read-alouds, and incentive programs, such as Read to Succeed, afford our youngsters many opportunities to do this. Gary Paulsen, celebrated children’s author, advises young writers, “Read. Read like a wolf eats. …The writing itself is only an extension of reading.” Finally, what good is a sumptuous feast without guests? Writing is a form of communication, and, therefore, to complete the process, it must be shared. Our teachers provide their students with a multitude of varied opportunities. The weekly ‘Writer’s Suitcase’ in kindergarten motivates our five-year olds to write, allowing them to subsequently share with their classmates what is important to them. Earlier this year, first graders enthusiastically presented their autobiographies to parents and friends, while our second grade naturalists reported to their audiences about various mammals that they had researched. Currently working on assorted original fiction stories, our third grade boys will send the finished products off to be published as a beautifully bound class anthology! In conjunction with the fifth grade unit on colonial times, students displayed original brochures that persuasively advertised each of the Thirteen Colonies. The girls even celebrated Colonial Day! During this event, parents and classes toured a classroom (colonial village!) lined with booths that displayed narratives about a day in the life of a colonist and carefully researched information about various colonial trades. Even our hallway bulletin boards regularly attract passers-by to read what our students write about musical instruments, Mexico, the Chesapeake Bay, and so much more! Parents, what should your roles be in motivating your children to be lifelong writers? Provide them with a ‘balanced and wholesome diet’ of good reading. Be encouraging and responsive listeners as your children share their literary masterpieces with you. Bon appetit!

Rabbi Eli Glaser, CNWC – Director p 1-888-8-SOVEYA (876-8392) * f 443-379-0665 * www.soveya.com * [email protected]

Volume 3, Issue 22 6209 Western Run Drive, Baltimore, MD 21209

SWITCHH Newsletter (Soveya Wellness Initiative To Create Healthy Habits)

Copyright © 2010 by Soveya, Inc. SPECIAL PRE PURIM EDITION (part 3) Feasting at the Banquet of Achashverosh

Based on a shiur by HaRav Yitzchak Sorotzkin, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva Telz and Mesivta of Lakewood

The in his commentary on Megillas Esther “Layehudim haiysa orah v’simcha sasson v’yikar – The mentions that the Jewish People had two goelim Jews had light and gladness and joy and honor.” (redeemers) – Mordechai and Esther. Each played a unique role. Mordechai redeemed the people for the sin (post script) As Rabbi Sorotzkin so eloquently points of avoda zara – he didn’t bow down to the evil Haman. out, the chag of Purim directs us to focus on our Through his teaching and leadership, he brought Klal ruchniyus and to moderate our gashmiyus – therefore Yisroel back from the transgression of idol worship. identifying ourselves as a distinct and holy nation.

Esther redeemed the people for the sin of eating at the The mitzvah of Mishloach Manos is a wonderful seuda of Achashverosh. She’s the one who instituted the opportunity to express our unity and love for our fellow unprecedented three-day fast as a tikun for their Jews, while still maintaining our priorities as a spiritual indulgence, “Go assemble all the Jews and fast for me people. for three days,” she said. Why did she enact such an overwhelming decree? Never in was there What could be better than sending a beautiful basket of a requirement to fast for three consecutive days. HaShem-made treats (e.g. fruits or nuts) and healthy, homemade delicacies? Do we really need to indulge To eradicate the taiva for Olem Hazeh, she had to move ourselves, friends and family in the plethora of candy and the nation to the other extreme in order to end up in the junk food which has unfortunately become so part and right place when it came to their attitude toward parcel of this joyous time? gashmiyus in this world. And that, in turn, also addressed the issue of avoda zara. The Sifri on parshas Eikev Are chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered explains the connection of the verses which we say in peanuts, chocolate covered cherries, chocolate Krias Shema: “. . . you will eat and be satisfied. Beware, cigars, chocolate truffles, Belgian bon bons, lest your heart be seduced and you turn away and serve marzipan rumballs, vanilla nougats, cappuccino other gods and bow down to them.” The sequence of pralines, manhattan mints, and strawberry events progress from physical indulgence (overeating, as marshmallows really what Mordechai and Esther had the Sifri learns this verse) to turning away from HaShem, in mind to fulfill this mitzvah? to turning toward other gods. We feel comfortable and

our heart forgets. By indulging in this behavior, are we not in fact

regressing to the state of affairs for which Esther had to The miracle of Purim was that the Jews came to realize enact an unprecedented three-day fast? Please, for our – in the face of impending annihilation – that they were a sake and the sake of our children, let’s make an effort to treasured nation. They came to understand that their have unbounded simcha and sasson; to educate our purpose in the world was to overcome physical cravings families about the miracle of Purim, and the incredible and strive for higher, spiritual pursuits. They saw that the tshuva our nation succeeded in achieving. And let’s do it only true light was that of Torah, and that lasting by the example of our actions, so we too can merit these happiness and joy come from mitzvos and a connection great spiritual heights –“kein tihiyeh lanu.” to the Ribono Shel Olam. .and a fraylichen Purim שבת Good


Practical Steps for Mothers to Make the Most of Purim

Faigy stares in a trance at what must be her kitchen table, hidden beneath teetering mounds of bags and baskets and boxes, overflowing with candy, chocolate, cookies, cake, soda, and chips. The floor is sticky, covered with cellophane, ribbons and confetti. Her one- year-old waddles through the mess, his face, hands, hair, and clothes smeared with chocolate, and promptly lays his filthy face on her lap, wailing. Faigy desperately wishes she could wail right along with him. She is using every last ounce of inner strength to hold it together amidst all the chaos, noise — and piles of goodies tempting her.

Faigy understands the incredible spiritual potential of Purim and yearns to tap into it. But Faigy, like so many * Get out of the house. Deliver mishloach manos with your of us, gets dragged down by the abundance of food. family — ideally, on foot, so you can get exercise and fresh air. Walking and moving around will help you feel good and be in a There are many steps we can take throughout this happy mood. Volunteer to deliver mishloach manos for your shul special day to maintain a sense of balance and free or school. Bring Purim cheer and visit a nursing home, a hospital, ourselves to use Purim as it is meant to be used. Take a or a lonely widow. look at the following array of suggestions and see which ones you can implement in your own home. * Have a friend or family member be with you while sorting through all of the mishloach manos you receive. This should be * If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Plan your entire Purim someone in front of whom you would be embarrassed to nosh. day in advance by writing out a schedule. Have a family Take out any healthy items and store them in your kitchen. meeting to discuss each person’s needs and agenda for the day. Figure out who’s davening when and where, who’s * Make a tremendous Kiddush HaShem and bring all the excess watching the kids so you can daven and hear megillah in junk food to your local fire house as an expression of hakoras peace, when you are delivering mishloach manos, when the hatov. Bring your children with you so they can feel the joy of seudah will begin, etc. If you have a schedule and you know doing the mitzvah and won’t feel the resentment of giving away what to do next and what to expect, you won’t feel so the candy. Don’t send it to your kid’s yeshiva - it certainly won’t harried and you’ll be less likely to stick something in your help their learning. mouth. * Take a 20 minute power nap. Force yourself if you have to. * The yetzer hara makes sure we stay too busy on Purim, a When we are tired we’re vulnerable to making bad food choices day when no prayer goes unanswered, to take the time to and we often confuse fatigue for hunger. daven. Arrange to go to shul a half hour before the megillah reading so you can daven a good Shacharis, or stay * When faced with a food challenge or temptation that requires after the reading to daven. Among your other bakashos on great effort, think of Esther Hamalkah. Just as Esther showed this powerful yom tefillah, ask HaShem for help to get you tremendous courage and strength and risked her life by through the day without overeating, and for the strength approaching the king, so too, we can ask HaShem for that same to set limits and boundaries for your children. courage and strength at our moment of challenge.

SWITCHH is underwritten in part by:

SWITCHH is presented by Soveya, providing nutrition & wellness coaching, educational programs, teleconferences, seminars, and newsletters for the Jewish community concerning health, nutrition, and obesity prevention.

Changing the Jewish World – One Pound at a Time 2