Somalia Joint Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment – October 2017 Somalia Joint Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment – October 2017 About REACH REACH is a joint initiative of two international non-governmental organizations - ACTED and IMPACT Initiatives - and the UN Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT). REACH aims to strengthen evidence-based decision making by aid actors through efficient data collection, management and analysis before, during and after an emergency. By doing so, REACH contributes to ensuring that communities affected by emergencies receive the support they need. All REACH activities are conducted in support to and within the framework of inter-agency aid coordination mechanisms. For more information please visit our website: You can contact us directly at:
[email protected] and follow us on Twitter @REACH_info. 2 Somalia Joint Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment – October 2017 SUMMARY Ongoing drought conditions have contributed to a rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Somalia throughout 2017. Many areas of the country have experienced four successive seasons of below average rainfall, and the resultant water shortages have contributed to crop failures, loss of livestock, extreme food insecurity for at least a quarter of the country’s population1, and outbreaks of cholera and acute watery diarrhoea (AWD)2. Simultaneously, there has been an intensification of conflict in the latter part of the year, particularly concentrated in the South Central Region3. Both the drought and the ongoing conflict have exacerbated displacement trends across the country, with an estimated 1.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) as of October 2017, of whom 949,000 displaced since November 20164,5.