Hydrobiologia 216/217: 699-706, 1991. R. B. Williams, P. F. S. Cornelius, R. G. Hughes & E. A. Robson (eds), 699 Coelenterate Biology: Recent Research on and Ctenophora. @ 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Titles of presentations given during the conference but not included in the Proceedings

The abbreviated address of the first author only is given. L = Lecture; P = Poster; F = Comprised or included film or video.

CELLULAR BIOLOGY Structure and development of the bell rim of Aurelia aurita (L) D. M. Chapman (Dept An at. , Dalhousie Univ., Canada) On the development of tentacles in the ontogenesis of ctenophores (L) M. F. Ospovat (Isto Anat. Comp., Univ. Genova, Italy) & M. Raineri Tracing nerve processes in Hydra's tentacles: an ultrastructural journey begins (L) L. A. Hufnagel (Dept Microbiol., Univ. Rhode Island, USA), M. B. Erskine & G. Kass-Simon Analysis of the locomotion of Hydra cells in an in vitro system with special emphasis on the distribution of cyto-skeletal proteins (L) R. Gonzales-Agosti (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland) & R. P. Stidwill A comparative analysis of sperm-egg interactions in hydrozoans with reference to egg envelopes and sperm enzymes (L) T. G. Honegger (Dept Zool., Univ. Zurich, Switzerland) & D. Zurrer Gametogenesis and early development in Hydra (F) M. Rossi (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland) & P. Tardent Muscle cells in ctenophores (L) M.-L. Hernandez-Nicaise (Cytol. Exper., Univ. Nice, France) Membrane currents in a population of identified, isolated neurones from a hydrozoan jellyfish (L, P) J. Przysiezniak (Dept Zool., Univ. Alberta, Canada) & A. N. Spencer Voltage-dependent ionic currents of sea anemone myoepithelial cells (P) R. E. Hice (Whitney Lab., Univ. Florida, St Augustine FL, USA), M. C. McKay & P. A. V. Anderson Fine structure of gastrodermal gland cells of Tubularia larynx (P) A. Aguirre (Depto BioI. Anim., Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain) & P. Garcia-Corrales New SEM observations in the morphology of Tubularia larynx (P) A. Aguirre (Depto BioI. Anim., Univ. Compiutense, Madrid, Spain) & P. Garcia-Corrales Structural comparative analysis between the mesogleal fibrillar collagen of Veretillum cynomorium () and the interstitial collagen of vertebrates (P) S. Franc (Lab. d'Histol. Exp., Univ. Claude Bernard, Villeurbanne, France) Isolation of cell types of Hydra by flow sorting (P) A. Maurer (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland), R. Gonzales-Agosti, M. Condrau & P. Tardent DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Medusa bud formation in relation to the site and mitotic activity in two colonial hydrozoans, Cladonema uchidai and Zanclea sp. (L) K.-I. Kato (Dept BioI., Osaka Kyoiku Univ., Japan), Y. I. Nakajima, S. Tahara, K. Hatada& K. Noda Random displacement of I-cells into buds and maintenance of the I-cell popUlation in Hydra (L) T. Fujisawa (N at! Inst. Genet., Mishima, Japan) 700

The neuropeptide head activator stimulates differentiation of a nerve cell-battery cell complex in hydra (L) E. Hobmayer (Zool. lnst., Univ. Munchen,FRG) & c. N. David Structure, formation and maintenance of nerve ring in hydra (L) O. Koizumi (Physiol. Lab., Fukuoka Women's Univ., Japan), M. Itazawa & H. Mizumoto Sex determination in Hydra oligactis: a conflict between egg- and sperm-producing interstitial cells (L) C. L. Littlefield (Devl BioI. Cent., Univ. California, Irvine CA, USA) Multiheaded hydras produced by interference with transmembrane signal transduction (L) W. A. Muller (Zool. lnst., Univ. Heidelberg, FRG) Stimulation of regeneration by injury in the regeneration-deficient mutant strain, reg-16 (L) T. Sugiyama (Natl lnst. Genet., Mishima, Japan) & E. Kobatake Minimum tissue size for hydra regeneration (L) H. Shimizu (Natl lnst. Genet., Mishima, Japan) & T. Sugiyama Microenvironment in morphogenesis of polyps in Cytaeis sp. and symbiotic relation between Cytaeis sp. and Niotha livescens (P) Y. Kakinuma (Dept BioI., Kagoshima Univ., Japan) & J. Tsukahara Development of planuloid buds of Cassiopea (P) J. S. van Lieshout (Dept BioI. Sci., Univ. Notre Dame, USA) & V. J. Martin Tissue movement in strobilating of Aurelia aurita (P) K.-1. Kato (Dept BioI., Osaka Kyoiku Univ., Japan) & M. Y. Kato Histoincompatibility reaction in colonial (P) R. G. Lange (Zool. lnst., Univ. Heidelberg, FRG), G. Plickert & W. A. Muller Substratum preferences and metamorphosis of the planulae of the scyphozoan jellyfish Cotylorhiza tuberculata (P) W. Lorenz (lnst. Zool., Univ. Wien, Austria) Tentacle development in the hydromedusa Polyorchis penicillatus and its relationship to the development of neurons with RF-amide-like immunoreactivity (P) N. A. McFadden (Dept Zool., Univ. Alberta, Canada)

REPRODUCTION Sea anemones Reproduction in deep-sea anemones (L) M. Van Praet (Mus. Natl d'Hist. Nat., Paris, France) The dynamics of gonadal development in Bunodosoma caissarum Correa, 1964 (Actiniaria) (P) M. J. Costa Belem (Mus. Nacl, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) & E. Schlenz Sexual reproduction of the sea anemone Anthopleura asiatica in clonal populations (P) H. Fujii (Mukai shima Mar. BioI. Statn, Hiroshima Univ., Japan)

Life cycles Metamorphosis of Tripedalia (Cubozoa) (F) G. Jarms (Zool. Inst., Univ. Hamburg, FRG) A complex cycle in Eucheilota paradoxica (Hydrozoa, Leptomedusae) with medusae, polyps and frustules produced from the medusa stage (P) D. Carre (Statn Zool., Villefranche-sur-Mer, France) & c. Carre Dispersal in Cnidaria (P) M. O. Zamponi (Depto Cienc. Mar., Univ. Mar del Plata, Argentina), G. N. Genzano & A. C. Excoffon 701

ECOLOGY A mathematical optimization theory of hydra ecology and evolution (P) M. Gatto (Dipto Elletron., Politecnico Milano, Italy), C. Matessi & L. B. Slobodkin Structural role of cnidarians in sublittoral Mediterranean benthic communities (P) J.-M. Gili (Inst. Cienc. del Mar, Barcelona, Spain) & E. Ballesteros The effect of distance and a unidirectional current on the settlement of the actinula larva of Tubularia larynx (P) R. J. Trott (Epsom CoIl., Surrey, UK) Populational growth of acroporid corals in the western Gulf of Mexico (L) E. Jord<'lll-Dahigren (Insto Cienc. del Mar, UNAM, Cancun, Mexico) The recovery of solitary corals from burial in sediments (L) J. B. Wilson (lnst. Oceanogr. Sci., Wormley, UK) Wave action and shape in fungiid corals (L) G. A. Horridge (RSBS at ANU, Canberra, Australia) Distribution, habitat and life cycle of the lagoonal edwardsiid Nematostella vectensis Stephenson (L) M. Sheader (Dept Oceanogr., Southampton Univ., UK), A. Al-Suwailem & P. Tyler Experimental analysis of the symbiosis between anemone fish and sea anemones (L, F) K. Miyagawa (Dept Zool., Kyoto Univ., Japan) Sweeper tentacle formation in Erythropodium caribaeorum: morphological and histological modifications for defense (L) J. Miles (Mar. Sci. Cent., Northeastern Univ., Boston MA, USA) Long-term association of Cancer sp. crabs with scyphomedusae in Monterey Bay (P) W. M. Graham (Santa Cruz lnst. Mar. Sci., Univ. California, USA)

PELAGIC COELENTERATES Initial studies on the biology of mesopelagic ctenophores (L, F) G. R. Harbison (Woods Hole Oceanogr. lnst., MA, USA) Coelenterate bioluminescent displays: video recordings from a midwater submersible (L, F) E. A. Widder (Mar. Sci. Inst., Univ. California, Santa Barbara CA, USA) Oriented swimming in the jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris L. Agassiz (Scyphozoa, Rhizostomida) (L) A. L. Shanks (lnst. Mar. Sci., Univ. N. Carolina, USA) & W. M. Graham Seasonal occurrence of coelenterates in the western Dutch Wadden Sea: their impact on the zooplankton community (L) H. W. van der Veer (Neth. lnst. Sea Res., Texel, The Netherlands) & R. Daan Pelagic coelenterates: research at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen (P) S. J. Hay (DAFS Mar. Lab., Aberdeen, UK) Some aspects of the biology of Aurelia aurita in the coastal lagoon Mar Menor, SE Spain (P) F. Navarro (Depto BioI. Anim. Ecol., Univ. Murcia, Spain) & J.-M. Gili Observations on ctenophore abundance and repartition in the water intake channel of Gravelines Nuclear Power Station (P) F. Travade (Electricite de France, Dir. Etud. Rech., Chatou Cedex, France), M. Khalanski & D. Davoult The impact of gelatinous predators on the zooplankton community structure of Southampton Water (P) J. A. Williams (Dept Oceanogr., Southampton Univ., UK) Gastra lacta (Mayer, 1912), a ctenophore associated with Salpa cylindrica Cuvier, 1804, lacks a planula larva (P) G. R. Harbison (Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., MA, USA) 702

Biochemical and stable isotopic composition of Pelagia noctiluca (Scyphozoa) (L) A. Malej (Mar. BioI. Statn Piran, Univ. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia) & J. Faganeli

ENDOSYMBIOSIS The role of host feeding in nutrient supply for zooxanthellae symbiotic with cnidarians (L) C. B. Cook (Bermuda BioI. Statn, Ferry Reach, Bermuda), G. Muller-Parker, W. K. Fitt & C. F. D'Elia The uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen by Anemonia viridis (Forskal) (Anthozoa, Actiniaria) (L) L. M. Davies (Mar. BioI. Statn, Millport, UK) & P. Spencer Davies Uptake of glucose and glycerol by isolated zooxanthellae from the scyphomedusa Cassiopea xamachana (L) A. M. McDermott (Dept BioI., Georgetown Univ., Washington DC, USA) & R. S. Blanquet Transfer of gastrodermal symbiotic algae into ectodermal oocytes of Hydra: pathway and mechanism of movement (L) R. D. Campbell (Devl BioI. Cent., Univ. California, Irvine CA, USA) Host reproduction and algal symbiont acquisition in temperate Anthozoa (L, P) J. R. Turner (Mar. Sci. Lab., Menai Bridge, Anglesey, UK) By what mechanism does low temperature shock evoke exocytosis of symbiotic algae in the sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella? (L) L. Muscatine (Dept BioI., Univ. California, Los Angeles CA, USA), D. Weissman & J. Doino Recent developments in hydra symbiosis research (L) R. L. Pardy (Sch. BioI. Sci., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln NE, USA) The intracellular environment of hydra determines host/symbiotic specificity in algal/hydra symbioses (L) M. Rahat (Dept Zool., Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, Israel) Some new views on the productivity of corals (L) L. Muscatine (Dept BioI., Univ. California, Los Angeles CA, USA) Hyperoxic enhancement of the rate of oxygen consumption in symbiotic sea anemones, zoanthids and corals (L) J. M. Shick (Dept Zool., Univ. Maine, USA) Enzymic mechanisms against oxygen toxicity in the dinoflagellate algae spp. (L) J. L. Matta (Dept BioI. Sci., Univ. California, Santa Barbara CA, USA) & R. K. Trench Induction of carbonic anhydrase activity in symbiotic cnidarians (L) V. M. Weis (Dept BioI., Univ. California, Los Angeles CA, USA) The ecology of temperate symbiotic Anthozoa (L, P) J. R. Turner (Mar. Sci. Lab., Menai Bridge, Anglesey, UK) Upper and lower boundaries of algal densities in coelenterate hosts: intrinsic constraints and environ• mental factors (L) Z. Dubinsky (Dept Life Sci., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel)

SKELETOG ENESIS On the identification of skeletal organic material and of the crystalline form of calcium carbonate in marine organisms by the application of modern physico-chemical techniques (L) R. W. A. Oliver (Dept BioI. Sci., Univ. Salford, UK) & F. A. A. Tirkistani Growth rate determination of the antipatharian Antipathes fiordensis using in situ 14C protein labelling of the growing skeleton (L) K. R. Grange (NZ Oceanogr. Inst., Wellington, New Zealand) & W. M. Goldberg Preliminary observations on Corallium rubrum (L) D. Allemand (Cent. Scient. Mus. Oceanogr., Monaco) & M.-C. Grillo 703

PALAEONTOLOGY Palaeoecology of stromatoporoids and related fossils (L) S. Kershaw (West London Inst., Isleworth, Middlesex, UK) Growth and form in corals and trees: parricidal budding and Leeuwenberg's model (L) B. R. Rosen (Dept Paiaeont., Nat. Hist. Mus" London, UK) & c. T. Scrutton Paedomorphosis evolution in some rugose corals E. Poty (Lab. Paleont. Anim., Univ. Liege, Belgium) Heterocorals - strange corals indeed (L) T. Wrzolek (Dept Paleont. Strat., Silesian Univ" Sosnowiec, Poland)

EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS The origin of the Cnidaria and the possible course of hydrozoan evolution S. D. Stepanjants (Zoo!. Inst., Acad. Sci. USSR, Leningrad, USSR) Phylogenetic analysis and biogeography of Western Australia coral (L) J. M. Pandolfi (Aust. lnst. Mar. Sci., Townsville, Australia) Crossbreeding experiments on European and American popUlations of Sarsia with an evaluation of Fl and F2 generations: preliminary results (P) A. Brinckmann-Voss (Dept Invert. Zoo!., Royal Ontario Mus., Canada)

REGIONAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY Zoogeography of Mediterranean hydromedusae (L) F. Boero (Dipto Bio!., Univ. Leece, Italy) & J. Bouillon The contribution of Octocorallia to the Antarctic biocoenosis (P) T. A. S. Brito (Dept Oceanogr., Southampton Univ .. UK) Hydroida (Athecata and Thecata) from the coast of Sao Sebastiao, Sao Paulo, Brazil (P) A. E. Migotto (Centro Bio!. Mar., Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil) On the presence of Pleurobrachia rhodopsis Chun, 1880 (Ctenophora, Pleurobrachiadae) in the Valencian littoral (Spain) (P) D. G. Olivares (Depto Bio!. Anim., Univ. Valencia, Spain) The rediscovery of Corymorphajanuarii (Steenstrup, 1854) (Hydrozoa, Athecata) on the southeastern and southern coasts of Brazil (P) F. L. da Silveira (Depto Zoo!., Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil)

GENETICS Molecular aspects Anthozoan histoincompatibility and immunological responses (L) C. H. Bigger (Dept Bio!. Sci., Florida Int. Univ., Miami FL, USA) & L M. Salter-Cid

Population structure and behaviour of sea anemones Aggression and competition for space in sea anemones (L) K. P. Sauer (Lehrst. Evolutionsforsch., Univ. Bielefeld, FRG) Modes of reproduction in Actinia equina and phenotypic variation among a small group of individuals (L) M. A. Carter (Sch. Bio!. Sci., Portsmouth Polytechnic, UK), R. Healy, A. Griffin & D. Fox 704

PHYSIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR Transmitters Classical neurotransmitters in Hydra: a progress report (L) G. Kass-Simon (Dept Zoo!., Univ. Rhode Island, USA) Electrophysiology of Aglantha (L) R. W. Meech (Dept Physio!., Univ. Bristol, UK) Ultrastructure of the radial neuromuscular system of Liriope tetraphylla () (P) E. Scemes (Depto Fisiol. Gen., Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil) & J. C. McNamara FMRF-amide-like immunoreactivity in nerves of Aurelia ephyrae (P) D. B. Spangenberg (Dept Pathol., Eastern Virginia Medical Sch., Norfolk VA, USA) & M. Hughes-Fulford

Bioluminescence The biochemistry of coelenterate bioluminescence (L) A. K. Campbell (Dept Med. Biochem., Univ. Wales ColI. Med., Cardiff, UK) Chemical mechanism of bioluminescence in the hydromedusan Aequorea victoria: new insights into the biochemistry of aequorin and green-fluorescent protein (L) W. W. Ward (Dept Biochem. Microbiol., Cook ColI., Rutgers Univ., NJ, USA), E. E. Drouin, M. A. Surpin, C. W. Cody & D. C. Prasher

Sensory systems Hydromedusan photic behaviour: is there any relationship between diel vertical migration, shadow responses and spawning? (L) S. A. Arkett (Dept Physio!., Med. Sch., Univ. Bristol, UK) Structural and functional organization of the nervous system in Hydra (L, F) B. Marcum (Dept BioI., California State Univ., Chico CA, USA) The feeding response of Hydra: a biological laser mechanism of amplification for various growth factors and biologically active peptides (P) K. Hanai (Dept BioI., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka, Japan)

NEMATOCYSTS Hydrodynamic phenomena associated with the discharge of isolated stenoteles of Hydra attenuata (L) J. Gerke-Drolet (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland), J. Weber & P. Tardent Micromanipulations of Hydra nematocytes and their cysts (L, F) P. Fluckiger (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland), J. Gerke, J. Weber & P. Tardent N ematocyst morphogenesis: immunocytochemical and biochemical analysis of a nematocyst capsule wall protein in hydra (L, F) T. Holstein (Zool. Inst., Univ. Munchen, FRO) & C. N. David Physical and ultrastructural properties of the wall of the stenotele nematocysts of Hydra attenuata and H. vulgaris (L) J. Gerke-Drolet (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland), J. Weber & P. Tardent Tissue distribution and cellular localization of a sea anemone polypeptide cytolysin (L) W. R. Kem (Dept Pharmacol. Therapeut., Univ. Florida ColI. Med., Gainesville FL, USA) & C. Ostman The possible ways of cnidarian nematocyst evolution (L) o. V. Bozhenova (Acad. Sci. USSR, Petropavlovsk Kamchatskyi, USSR), S. D. Grebel'nyi & S. D. Stepanjants 705

The cnidome of Goniopora species (L) R. Tilbury (Dept Zool., Univ. Queensland, Australia) & A. M. Cameron Nematocyst discharge in Hydra is independent of nerve cells (P) B. L. Aerne (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland), R. P. Stidwill & P. Tardent Cnidarian nematocysts (P) C. Ostman (Dept Zool., Uppsala Univ., Sweden) Dermotoxicity of northern Adriatic Sea jellyfish (P) P. Del Negro (Mar. BioI. Lab., CIMAM, Trieste, Italy), F. Kokelj, A. Tubara, C. Scarpa & R. Della Loggia Regeneration of the stereovillus-cnidocil complex in Hydra after decnidocilation (P) R. Golz (Lchrst. Neurophysiol., Univ. MUnster, FRG) & U. Thurm The stored nematocysts in aeolid nudibranchs: their adaptive significance and morphological evidence (P) K. Okawa (Dept Gen. Educ. BioI., Univ. Hirosaki, Japan)

CONSERVATION AND POLLUTION Conservation of reef corals (L) E. Wood (Hollybush, Chequers Lane, Eversley, Basingstoke RG27 ONY, UK) & S. M. Wells The community structure of mined and non-mined coral reefs in the Maldives (L) B. E. Brown (Cent. Coast. Trop. Management, Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) & S. M. Wells Hong Kong's scleractinian coral community (L) B. Morton (Dept Zool., Univ. Hong Kong) Gorgonian resources of the east coast of India and methods of their conservation (L) K. Venkataramanujam (Fish. ColI., Tamil Nadu Agric. Univ., Tuticorin, India) & R. Santhanam Anthozoa in Lough Hyne, Europe's first marine reserve (L) J. R. Turner (Mar. Sci. Lab., Menai Bridge, Anglesey, UK) Ecotoxicological tests based on strobilation inhibition in Aurelia aurita (L) H. Thiel (lnst. Hydrobiol. Fischereiwiss., Univ. Hamburg, FRG) & G. Jarms Marine Conservation Society: 'Let coral reefs live' campaign (P) E. Wood (Hollybush, Chequers Lane, Eversley, Basingstoke RG27 ONY, UK) Use of the buds of the anemone A iptasia pallida in marine toxicity tests (P) B. M. H. Walter (Cent. Coast. Trop. Management, Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

HISTORICAL ASPECTS Regeneration and the immutable order of nature: has death itself grown pale? (L) V. P. Dawson (History Dept, Oberlin ColI., Ohio, USA) A decisive improvement of the experimental method in biology: Trembley's research with Hydra (1740-1744) (L) M. Buscaglia (Whittier lnst., Scripps Mem. Hosp., La Jolla CA, USA) Abraham Trembley: nature's observer (L) H. M. Lenhoff (Dept Devl Cell BioI., Univ. California, Irvine CA, USA) & S. G. Lenhoff Under Athena's aegis: women and the Hydra (L) G. Kass-Simon (Dept Zool., Univ. Rhode Island, USA) Ethel Browne, Hans Spemann and anthropomorphism in the awarding of the Nobel Prize (L) H. M. Lenhoff (Dept Devl Cell BioI., Univ. California, Irvine CA, USA) The green hydra symbiosis: most of the history is recent (L) M. Burnett (Sch. BioI. Sci., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln NE, USA), B. Simpson, A. Schultz, C. Schweitzer & R. L. Pardy 706

A century of nerve nets: the interpretation of sea anemone behaviour (L) E. A. Robson (Dept Pure App!. Zoo!., Univ. Reading, UK) The classification of medusae by Peron and Lesueur in 1810 (L) J. Goy (Mus. Nat! d'Hist. Nat., Paris, France) Research on coelenterate biology in Canada: the early twentieth century (L) M. Needler Arai (Dept Bio!. Sci., Univ. Calgary, Canada) John McCrady: pioneer student of North American Hydrozoa (L) L. D. Stephens (Dept History, Univ. Georgia, Athens GA, USA) & D. R. Calder History of the identification of cubomedusae in North Queensland (L) P. J. Fenner (Ambrose Med. Group, POB 34, North Mackay, Queensland 4740, Australia) Historical development of systematics (P) L. Beauvais (Inst. Paleont., Mus. Natl d'Hist. Nat., Paris, France) The history of biological research on coelenterates at the Stazione Zoologica of Naples (P) S. Piraino (Isto Sper. Talassografico CNR, Taranto, Italy) & M. De Nicola History of siphonophores and scyphomedusae in the Mediterranean (Adriatic Sea) (P) L. Rottini Sandrini (Dept Bio!., CIMAM, Trieste, Italy) & M. Avian Coelenterology in Brazil (P) E. Schlenz (Inst. Biocienc., Univ Sao Paulo, Brazil) & M. J. Costa Belem Coelenterate research in Argentina (P) M. O. Zamponi (Depto Cienc. Mar., Univ. Mar del Plata, Argentina) & H. W. Mianzan Hydrobioiogia 216/217: 707-718, 1991. R.B. Williams, P.F.S. Cornelius, R.G. Hughes & E.A. Robson (eds.), 707 Coelenterate Biology: Recent Research on Cnideria and Ctenophora.

Author index

Alphabetization follows the Hydrobiologia house style: hence, 'van der Spoel' appears under 'V', and 'Le Tissier' under 'L'. The page references of all contributions to this volume appear in bold type and are listed first. Authors or editors of works cited in the texts have page references in roman type. All the names implicit in abbreviated text citations such as Smith et al. are indexed and can be identified by consulting the corresponding full end references. The synonyms of any author or editor who has pub• lished under different family names, or with different initials; or any different transliterations of a name originally in a non-Roman alphabet are listed as such and are not cross referenced. Whilst every attempt has been made during the editorial process to eliminate errors from the end references, their accuracy ultimately remains the responsibility of the author(s) citing them. Authorities for scientific names are not indexed unless of special significance, as in a taxonomic paper. R.B.W.

Abel, E. F. 540, 541 Andrews, J. C. 258 Baker, J. T. xii Ache, B. W. 291 Angel, M. V. 311,327-329,331-333 Balasch, J. 291, 294 Achituv, Y. 285-290, 125, 126, 129, 146, Annett, C. 274, 275 Balduzzi, A. 233 147 Antonius, A. 115, 249, 250, 254 Balfe, A. 565 Adamo, S. 16 Arai, M. 582 Ball, 1. R. 419, 420 Adams, C. 263-269 Arai, M. N. 363-366, 706, 305, 335, 337, Ballesteros, E. 701 Adams, E. 4, 8 338, 365 Bally, A. 3-10, 4, 7-9 Adiga, K. M. 632 Archer, W. 75,77,81,82 Bamstcdt, U. 343-349 Adiyodi, K. G. xi Arkett, S. A. 704, 363, 365, 555, 557, Bandel, K. 441 Adiyodi, R. G. xi 568 Barnes, D. xii Aerne, B. L. 705 Arneson, A. c., 171, 177 Barnes, D. J. xii, 401 Afzelius, B. A. 20, 131, 134 Ates, R. M. L. 305-307, 277, 305, 306, Barnes, H. xii Agassiz, A. 343 541 Barnes, H. S. 109-116 Agassiz, L. 46, 71, 73, 471, 475 Atoda, K. 106, 107, 137, 142 Barnes, J. H. 181 Aguirre, A. 699, 437 Audley, 1. 637-639 Barnes, R. D. 40 Ahmed, S. I. 374 Aumailley, M. 4, 7 Barry, C. K. 279 Aiello, E. 320, 324 Aurelian, L. 632 Barzansky, B. 8 Alberti, G. K. B. 420, 421, 423 Avian, M. 189-195, 197-202,615-621, Bassot, J.-Iv!. 581, 587 Alder, H. 9, 12, 13, 16 706,194,197,198,200,201,615,617, Batham, E. J. 35, 37, 566 Alfa, M. 671, 672 620 Battey, 1. F. 288 Ali,M.A.xi Axiak, V. 197, 198, 201 Batty, R. S. 363 Alino, P. M. 123,254 Ayre, D. J. 144,460,520,522-524,541 Bavestrello, G. 233 Alldredge, A. L. 337 Bayer, F. M. xii, xiii Allemand, D. 702 Babcock, R. C. 117-123, 101, 102, 106, Bayoneto, R. P. 254 Allman, G. 1.71,463 107,109,113-115,117,119,121,123, Bazgar, S. 13 AI-Suwailem, A. 701 131, 144, 146, 239, 258 Beal, M. F. 550 Alvarifio, A. 335, 337-339, 355, 497, B acetti, B. 134 Bear, R. S. 403 498, 500 Baden, H. P. 632 Beardmore, 1. A. 144,522 Amerongen, H. M. 41,48 Badenko, L. A. 61, 62, 64 Beauvais, L. 706 Amos, W. B. 647, 661, 667, 668, 671 Bailey, J. B. 422 Beck, K. 3-10, 4, 7-9 Amsden, T. W. 419,420 Bailey, K. M. 339, 363 Bellini, L. 365 Anctil, M. 552, 565, 568, 581 Bak, R. P. M. 408, 541, 542 Bellwood, O. xii Andersen, S. O. 405 Baker, A. de C. 311, 328 Beloussov, L. V. 61-67, 61-64 Anderson, P. A. V. 699, xii, 557, 565, Baker, A. N. 298 Benayahu, Y. 125-130, 125, 126, 128, 581, 673, 675, 676 Baker, G. 3 129, 145-147, 241, 254 708

Bennett, I. 245 Bossert, P. 377-382, 377, 379 Buss, L. W. xiii, 217 , 267, 268 Benos, D. J. 589 Boto, K. 408 Butler, J. N. 110, 114 Benovic, A. 201 Bouche, M. 16 Benwitz, G. 29, 30 Boucot, A. J. 422, 423 Caffa, B. 233 Berhaut, J. 351 Bouillon, J. 151-157,703, xii, 3, 72, 151, Cairns, S. D. xiii, 115, 483 Berking, S. 58, 83, 84, 88, 96, 378 155,156,162, 163,227,353,441,443, Calder, D . R. 221-228, 706, lSI, 227, Berner, T. 125, 126, 129, 146, 147 444,448, 495 437,441,615 Bernstein, S. A. 573, 587 Boulay, D. 522, 565 Callanan, V. 633, 637-639 Berrill, N. J. 53, 71-73, 229 Bourget, E. 408 Callanan, V. I. 632, 639 Bessonov, L. S. 497 Boyarchuk, V. P. 305 Calton, G. J. 553, 630-633, 639 Biela, C. 48, 49 Boyd, A. J. 356, 357 Cameron, A. M. 257-262,705, xii, 257, Bigelow, H. B. 315,448,463,471 Bozhenova, O. V. 704 261,262 Bigelow, R. P. 53 Brace, R. C. 533-537, 264, 267, 268, Campbell, A. K. 704 Bigger, C. H. 703, 512, 533, 535, 536, 305, 523, 533-536, 540, 541 Campbell, B. M. xii 540-543, 619, 653 Bracher, D. F. 573, 587 Campbell, R. D. 702, 53-55, 57, 58, 84, Biggs, C. 201 Braconnot, J.-c. 311, 353 137, 189, 625, 662, 680, 689 Biggs, D. C. 338, 358 Bradbury, R. H. 257 Campos, H. A. 497 Biggs, W. D. 441 Brancati, A. 655-660 Cantor, C. R. 506 Bilbaut, A. 573, 578, 581, 587 Brand, U. 53 Cargo, D. G. 337 Bird, E. 549, 550 Bratina, F. 615,617,620 Carlberg, M. 552, 565 Bird, E. D. 550 Braverman, M. 229 Carlgren, O. 264, 267, 459, 486, 540, Birenheide, R. 421 Brehm, P. 581 541, 692-696 Birkeland, C. 274 Brennen, C. 320, 324 Carlyle, R. F. 552 Birkeland, C. E. xii Brewer, R. H. 471-477, 337, 476 Carolei, A. 552, 565 Black, R. 144,460, 522-524 Briand, F. 283 Carr, W. E. S. 365 Blake, A. S. 627 Brinckmann-Voss, A. 703, 163, 351, Carraway, R. E. 565 Blake, J. R. 319, 320, 324 353, 354,441,448, 582, 607 Carre, C. 700, 177,201,311 ,351,353, Blanquet, R. 655-657, 671, 672, 675 Brito, T. A. S. 703 354, 625 Blanquet, R. S. 702, 46, 48, 627 Brongersma, L. D. 305 Carre, D. 700, 177,353,566, 567, 625 Blaxter, J. H. S. xii Bronstein, B. R. 632 Carter, M. A. 703, 144, 194, 460 Bleakney, J. S. 305 Brooks, W. R. 291-295, 291, 292, 294 Carter, R. M. xii Bleeker, J. 498, 491, 495 Brown, B. E. 705, 401 Carthy, 1. D. 543 Blobel, G. 513 Brown, C. H. 403, 408 Cary, L. R. 241 . Block, M. L. 102 Brown, R. D. 514 Casanova,J. P. 355 Blumberg, P. M. 11 Brown, W. D. 370, 372 Case, J. F. 573, 575, 581, 587 Boaden, P. J. S. xiii Brown, Z. N. xii Castagna, M. 11, 13 Boag, D. A. 329, 333 Browne, E. T. 151 Castano, P. 552, 553, 565 Boag, T. S. 369 Buchal, G. 84, 85 , 96 Caslro, P. 279, 282, 283 Boardman, R. S. xii Bucklin, A. 144,271,272,277,527,531 Caswell, H. 236 Bode, H. 8, 82, 84 Buddemeier, R. W. xii Cattaneo Vietti, R. 233 Bode, H. R. 88, 513-515, 680 Budelmann, B. 48 Cemichiari, E. 286 Bodenmiiller, H. 83, 569 Bull, G. D. 106, 109, 110, 113-115, 117, Chadwick, N. 275 Boer, G.l. 565 123, 144, 239 Chadwick, N. E. 263-269, 264, 265, Boero,F.151-157, 703,xii, 72,151,155, Bultynck, - 421 267, 268 156,205,206,208,209,212,227,233 Burgeson. 6 Chaet, A. B. 174 Boesch, D. F. 222 Burgess, D. R. 679 Chand, R. P. 632 Boletzky, S. 291, 294 Burke, W. D. 305, 337, 497 Chandross, R. J. 403 Bonnett, R. 316 Burnett, A. L. xii, 3, 4, 174, 558, 590, Chang, H. T. 241, 242 Bonnin, J.-P. 533, 541 592 Chang, K. H. 242 Boothby, K. M. 599, 600, 602, 603 Burnett, 1. W. 629-635, 475, 553, 615, Chapman, D. M. 699, 189, 463, 467 Borner, M. 590 630-633, 637-639 Chapman, G. 3, 4 Borowitzka, M. A. xii Burnett, M. 705 Chapman, G. B. 625, 627, 688 Borum, J. 208 Burnett, W. C. 453 Chapman, V. J. 221 Bosch,!. 146 Burrell, D. C. 297 Charnov, E. L. 134 Bosch, T. C. G . 513-517, 378, 513-515 Burris, R. H. 289 Cheetham, A. H . xii Boschma, H. 165, 168 Buscaglia, M. 705 Cheng, T. C. xii 709

Cheng, W. C. 241, 242 Cotugno, A. 589-593, 590, 592 Deshaies, R. J. 513 Cheng, Y. M. 242 Coupland, R. E. 552 Deutzmann, R. 4, 7 Chet, I. 249 Couturier, A. 13 DeVantier, L. M. 257-262, 257, 261, Chia, F. 41, 48, 75 Craddock, 1. E. 311, 315 262 Chia, F.-S. xii, 137, 142-147, 527 Craig, E. A. 513-515, 517 De Vincentiis, D. M. 365 Chiang, Y. M. 242 Cranefield, P. F. 630 De Wachter, R. 506 Child, C. A. 315 Cribb, A. B. xii De Waele, J.-P. 552,565 Chillemi, S. 589 Croop, J. 16 De Weerdt, W. H. 168 Chiquet, M. 8, 9 Crossland, C. 241 Dewel, C. W. 134 Chirico, W. J. 513 Crowell, S. 69-73, ix, xii, 61, 69, 71, 221, Dicquemare, L'Abbe 306 Chlupac, 1. 421, 424 229 Dierickx, K. 565 Choat, J. H. xii Currey, 1. D. 441 Dillon, D. F. 408 Chornesky, E. A. 131, 264, 267, 268, Cutress, C. E. 144, 540, 691-694, 696 Dillon, J. R. 403 541, 542 Di Maio, V. 589, 590, 592 Chung, J. M. 552, 565 Daan, R. 701 Dinesen, Z. D. 129, 245, 383 Ciacco, P. 655--660 Daddow, L. Y. M. 641-648, 642 Dlugosz, A. 16 Cicogna, F. xii Dahl, E. 552, 565 Doak, W. T. 298 Clareboudt, M. 155 Dai, C.-F. 241-246, 241, 242, 245 Dobson, S. B. xiii Clark, G. R. 408 Dalby, T. 604 Dockray, G. J. 557, 565, 566 Clark, S. D. 607, 612 Dallot, S. 351, 353, 354 Doctrow, S. R. 11 Clark, W. H. 134 Dalyell, J. G. 540 Dodge, R. E. 115 Clarke, M. R. 328 Daniel, R. 498, 500 Dodson, S. 378 Clarkson, S. G. 58 Daniel, T. L. 276 Doino, J. 702 Claus, C. 194 Da Silveira, F. L. 437-442, 703, 437- Domanski, P. 311 Clausen, C. 623-628, 623 441,612 Donaldson, S. 177, 340 Claycomb, W. C. 16 Davenport, D. xiv, 291, 292, 543, 581 Done, T. 1.261 Cleland, 1. B. 181,637 Davey, D. F. 658 Donoghue, A. M. 305, 533, 534 Coates, A. G. xiii David, C. N. 700, 704, 83, 84, 88, 378, Doolittle, D. F. 506 Coats, J. A. xiii 550 Dar, I. 221 Cobbs, C. S. 630-632 Davies, L. M. 702 Dorfman, J. G. 62, 63 Cochrane, J. D. 497 Davies, P. J. xii Dougherty, E. C. xii Cody, C. W. 704 Davis, L. E. 3, 4, 558 Douglas, A. E. 380 Cohen, R. 604 Davis, L. V. xiii Doumenc, D. xii, 552 Coil, J. C. xii, 123, 241, 264, 541 Davis, N. D. 397 Dow, T. 497 Collins, J. D. 146 Davoult, D. 701 Drinnan, R. E. 69, 216, 217 Collins, N. M. xiv Dawson, V. P. 705 Drouin, E. E. 704 Colquhoun, D. M. 631, 637, 638 Day, R. M. 3, 8, 676 Dubatolov, V. N. xiv Combaz, A. 420 Dayton, P. K. 274 Dubiak, G. 16 Conant, F. S. 177, l78 De Baere, R. 506 Dubinsky, Z. 702, xii, 289, 383,384,386, Condrau, M. 699 Dekker, R. 541, 542 389, 392 Conklin, E. J. 619, 672 De la Cruz, A. 497 Dubois, J. M. 630 Connell, J. H. 258, 264, 267 De Lafontaine, Y. 363 Dubois, M. 404, 405 Cook,C.B.702,369,370,378,607,612 Delap, M. J. 337, 339 Duchemin, C. 641, 642, 647 Cook, P. A. 285-290 Delesalle, B. xii Duerden, J. E. 114, 115, 165, 168, 413, Cook, R. E. xiii D'Elia, C. F. 702, 289, 369, 370 414 Cooke, I. M. 581 Della Loggia, R. 705 Dulhunty, A. F. 658 Cooke, W. J. 117, 121, 122 Del Negro, P. 615-621,705 Dumas, R. 283 Cordella, L. 589, 590, 592 Denaro, M. G. 617, 655, 658, 661, 668, Dumestrc, A. 421 Cormier, S. M. 649, 653 671,672 Dunker, A. K. 656 Cornelius, P. F. S. xii, 71, 72, 208, 216, Den Hartog, J. C. 264, 267, 305, 539, Dunlap, K. 22, 581 217,227 540, 542, 543, 694, 695 Dunn, D. F. 144, 146, 147, 264, 266, Corning, W. C. xii De Nicola, M. 706, 229, 233 271,459,524,527,531 Corriel, R. 91, 92, 94 Denny, M. W. 276 Dunn, K. 377-379 Cossu, G. 16 Denton, E. 1. 3 Dunne, J. F. 680 Costa Belem, M. J. 700, 706 De Olazabal, S. 197,201 Durante, M. 590 Cottrell, G. A. 569 DePeyer, 1. E. 23 Dustan, P. 542 710

Dyal, J. A. xii Fasham, M. J. R. 327, 329 Fujii, K. 549 Fatkin, D. 658 Fujisawa, T. 699, 379, 549 Eakin, R. E. 590 Fautin, D. G. 143-149, 453-461, 143, Fujita, H. 541, 542 Ebling, F. J. 543 459 Fujita, T. 302 Eckardt, M. J. 510 Fawcett, D. W. 679, 680 Fujiwara, K. 680 Eckert, R. 23 Fedorowski, J. 413-418, 414, 415 Fukui, Y. 137-142, 137, 146, 542 Edmunds, M. 599, 603 Feigenbaum, D. 335 Fulton, C. 229 Edwards, C. 151 Feller, C. 221, 227 Fulton,J.321 Ehrenberg, C. G. 459 Fenner, P. J. 637-640, 706, 631, 632, Furthmayr, H. 4 Eichele, G. 83 637-639 Ekman, S. 489 Ferraro, S. 590-592 Gabrie, C. xii Elgershuizen, J. H. B. W. 541, 542 Ferronniere, G. 421 Gahm, K. H. 552, 565 Elizarov, A. 497 Fewkes, J. W. 459 Gallagher, M. 370, 372 Elliott, J. 604 Filing-Katz, M. R. 632 Galois, R. 283 Ellis, 1. C. 403 Finley, K. J. 306 Galzin, R. xii Ellis, V. 1. 590 Fiorentini, M. 197 Gamache, P. G. 550 Ellstrand, N. C. 523 Fischman, D. A. 16 Gamache, P. H. 549, 550 Elmhirst, R. 69 Fishelson, 1. 254, 255 Garcia-Corrales, P. 699, 437 Emilsson, 1. 497 Fisk, D. A. 261 Garcia Rubies, A. 211-214, 206, 208, Emson, P. C. 565 Fitt, W. K. 453-461, 702, 460 209 Emson, R. H. 27-33, 300 Fitzgerald, D. C. 590 Garrity, 1. K. 671-677 Endean, R. 257-262, 641-648, xii, xiii, Fitzpatrick, P. F. 637-639 Gasca, R. 497-502,497, 500 245,257,261,262,629,630,632,639, Flick, E. 378 Gashout, S. E. 144 641, 642,645,647 Flood, P. xii Gatto, M. 377-382, 701, 380, 381 Engel, J. 4, 7 Florez Gonzalez, 1. 221 Gaur, P. K. 630, 632 England, K. W. 691-697,459,541,695, Florkin, M. xii Gean, C. J. 639 696 Flower, N.E. 36 Gelfand, V.I. 336, 338 Enos, P. D. 42 FlUckiger, P. 704 Genzano, G. N. 700 Epp, 1. G. 41 Folkman, J. 11 George, J. D. xiii Erben, H. K. 424 Folsom, B. 656 Georgi, D. T. 485 Erez, J. 286 Folsom, T. R. 498 Gerke, I. 661-669, 662, 668, 671 Ermak, V. D. 384 Fonda Umani, S. 201 Gerke, J. 704 Erskine, M. B. 699 Fontaine, M. 408 Gerke-Drolet, J. 704 Ertman, S. C. 543 Ford, C. E. 527 Germain, G. 565 Eshleman, J. 16 Fox, D. 703 Germer, T. 679 Espinosa, C. T. 1. 497 Frakes, 1. A. 491, 492 Gerritsen, J. 363 Evans, C. R. 306 Franc, J.-M. 19 Gerrodctte, T. 146 Ewing, M. 483, 486 Franc, S. 699, 4 Ghiseiin, M. T. 131 Excoffon, A. C. 700 Francis, 1. 271, 275, 276, 512, 519, 523, Gibbs, R. H. 311, 315 Exton, D. R. 639 533, 536, 540, 541 Gibson, R. xiii Franke, W. W. 16 Gierer, A. 58, 83, 84, 88 Fadlallah, Y. H. 101, 107, 109, 115, Franqueville, C. 197,201,202 Giese, A. C. xii, 531 121-123,129,131,144,146,237,265, Franzen, A. 134 Gilchrist, S. 1. 280, 282, 283 267 Fraschetti, S. 151-157 Gili, J.-M. 211-214,355-362,701,208, Faganeli, J. 702 Fraser, C. M. 71, 305, 306 209,227,351,501 Fage,1. 353 Fraser, E. H. 641, 642, 647 Gilles, K. A. 404, 405 Fager, E. W. 520 Fraser, J. H. 338 Gilmer, R. W. 311, 315, 337, 453, 458 Falck, B. 552, 565 Freeman, G. 75, 96 Giorgi, R. 197, 201 Falkowski, P. G. 289, 383, 384, 386, Frei, E. 590 Gislen, T. 302 389, 392 Fresi, E. 205, 209 Gladfelter, E. H. 397,401,402 Falzea, G. 617, 655, 658, 671, 672 Frest, T. J. 422 Gladfelter, W. B. 4, 8 Fan, K. 1. 242 Fricke, H. 383 Glimelius, G. 11 Fancett, M. S. 336, 337 Fricke, H. W. 389-394, 383, 389-393 Glynn, P. W. 279, 280, 282-284 Farr, A. 1. 370 Fritsch, E. F. 514 Gobel, G. 36 Farrant, P. A. 128, 145 Fronhiifer, H. G. 83 Godfrey, S. 631, 637, 638 Farris, J. S. 510 Fujii, H. 527-532, 700, 527, 528, 540 Godknecht, A. 641, 653, 655, 659 711

Gohar, H. A. F. 125, 126, 129, 147 Habermehl, G. G. 553 Healy, R. 703 Goldberg, M. 404 Haberstroh, P. R. 374 Hebert, D. N. 378 Goldberg, R. D. 485 Hach-Wunderle, V. 632 Heckel, P. H. 423 Goldberg, W. W. 403-409, 702, 403, Hackman, R. H. 404 Hecker, B. 377, 380 408 Hadzi, J. 508, 555 Hedgecock, D. 144, 272, 277 Goldfuss, G. A. 437 Haeckel, E. 481-485 Heimfeld, S. 82 Golz, R. 705 Hagiwara, S. 584 Heine, J. 320 Gomez, E. D. xii Hahn, M. 559, 566, 567 Henderson, D. H. J. 209 Gomez, E. P. 254 Hale, L. J. 229 Hendler, G. 298, 299, 302 Gonzales-Agosti, R. 699 Hall, T. A. 649,653,655,658,660,661, Hendriks, L. 506 Gonzalez, H. xiii 665, 667, 668, 671 Hendrix. R. 515 Gonzalez, O. 497 Haller, M. 3-10, 7, 8 Henne, K. 53 Gooday, A. J. 333 Halstead, B. W. 629 Hepper, K. P. 632 Gordon, A. L. 485 Ham, R. G. 590 Herdman, W. A. 575 Goreau, N. I. 383 Hamilton, J. K. 404, 405 Herman, Y. 491 Gareau, T. F. 383, 397, 402 Hamner, P. P. 320, 337, 453, 458 Hernandez-Nicaise, M.-L. 699, 19,30, Gosline, J. M. 441 Hamner, VV. M.320,324,335-338,340, 31 Gosse, P. H. 540, 692 365, 453, 458 Hernroth, L. 201 Gottlieb, M. 53-59 Hamond, R. 339, 531 Herring, P. J. 573-579, 316, 574, 575 Goy,J.351-354,706,311,314,351-354 Hanai, K. 704 Hershey, A. 378 Graff, D. 555-563, 557, 559, 561, 562, Hancock, D. A. 69, 216, 217 Hertwig, O. 194,558 566-568 Hand, A. R. 36 Hertwig, R. 194, 558 Graham, W. H. 701 Hand, C. 137, 144,443,447,448, 540, Hess, K. W. 472 Grange, K. R. 297-303, 702, 297, 298, 543, 649 Hessinger, D. A. xiii, 624, 629, 649, 653, 300, 302, 403-405 Hann, C. 378 672, 676 Grant, P. T. xii Hanson, E. D. xii, 505, 507 Heuser, J. E. 36 Grant, W. C. 291 Harbison, G. R. 311-317, 701, 311, 314, Heyman, R. P. 489, 494 Grasshoff, M. 573 315,324,337,339 Heyward, A. J. 101, 102, 106, 107, 109, Gravier, N. 227 Hargrave, B. 498 113-115,117,123,131,144,146 Gray, J. S. 624 Hargreaves, P. 311 Hiatt, R. VV. 283 Grebel'nyi, S. D. 704 Harmelin, V. M. xii Hice, R. E. 699 Green, C. R. 36 Harper, 1. L. xii, 235 Hicks, S. D. 472 Greenberg, M. 557 Harriott, V. J. 147 Hickson, S. J. 165, 167, 168 Greene, C. H. 319,328,333,348 Harris, L. G. 271-278, 271, 273, 274, Hidaka, M. 542, 671, 672, 675, 676 Greengrove, C. L. 485 276, 277, 672, 676 Highsmith, R. C. 254 Greenwood, P. G. 671-677, 672, 675 Harris, M. 328 Hildemann, W. H. 536, 539, 543 Greve, W. 321, 335, 338, 348 Harris, W. N. 69, 216, 217 Hill, D. 397,414,417 Griffin, A. 703 Harrison, N. M. 305 Hill, P. J. 297 Griffith, W. P. 408 Harrison, P. L. 106,109,113,115,117, Hincks, T. 151 Grigg, R. W. 298, 403, 408 123, 131, 134, \35, 144, 239 Hirai, E. 160, 161, 163 Grillo, M.-C. 702 Hartman, W. D. xii Hirohito, The Emperor 437, 441 Grimm, P. 305 Hartnoll, R. G. 144, 146 Hirokawa, N. 36 Grimme1ikhuijzen, C. P. J. 555-563,13, Hartwick, R. 171, 172, 175, 177, 181, Hirota, J. 338, 339 84, 378, 557-559, 561, 562, 565-568 182, 633, 638 Ho, M.-W. 67 Groeger, A. 559, 567 Hartwick, R. F. 171-179, 181-188,175, Hobmayer, E. 700 Grondahl, F. 476 177, 181, 637-639 Hodas, S. 92 Grosberg, R. K. 217 Harvey, P. F. 311 Hoe, L. Y. 632 Grove, B. H. 419,420 Hastings, A. 381 Hoffmann, R. J. 239, 271, 273, 519, 520, Grover, J. J. 339 Hatada, K. 699 522-524 Grund, C. 16 Hatcher, B. G. xii Hoffmeister, S. A. H. 83, 88 Gunawardane, K. 631,637,638 Hauri, I. R. 453-458 Hofmann, D. K. 53-59, 53, 54, 58 Gnnn, M. A. 632 Hay, S. J. 701 Hofmann, E. E. 485 Giinzl, H. 233, 685 Haynes, J. F. 3,4,558 Holley, M. C. 35-38, 35-37 Gnpta, B. L. 649, 653, 655, 658, 660, Hayward, P. J. xiii Holstein, T. 704, 83, 88, 627, 641, 649, 661, 665, 667, 668, 671 He, Z. 656 650,653,661,665,667,668,679-682, Head, E.J. 316 685, 688 712

Holt, R. D. 335, 340 Jell, J. S. xii Kern, W. 607-613, 441 Holtzer, H. 16 Jell, P. A. xiii Kern, W. R. 704 Honegger, T. G. 699, 679-683 Jenkins, M. D. xiv Kerfoot, P. A. H. 581 Hopkins, T. L. 316 Jennison, B. L. 527 Kershaw, S. 703 Hopley, D. xii Jentsch, G. 683 Kessel, R. G. 189, 190 Hori, H. 505-508, 505, 506, 507-8 Johannes, R. E. xii, xiv, 286 Khalanski, M. 70] Horridge, G. A. 701,19,30,31,45,319, Johnson, A. S. 247-248 Kikinger, R. 191 339 Johnson, J. W. 569 Kikkawa, U. 11, 13 Houde, E. D. 339 Johnson, M. S. 144,460,522-524 Kimura, S. 8 House, M. R. xiii Johnson, M. W. 498 Kinchington, D. 146 Hoverd, W. A. 171, 173 Johnson, S. 205-210, 211, 213 King, M. G. 568, 585 Huang, c.-L. 11 Johnston, G. J. 444 Kinnamon, J. C. 557, 558 Huang, 1.-L. 656 Johnston, I. S. 401, 402, 536, 543 Kinne, O. xiii, 201, 229 Hubold, G. 483 Johnston, M. F. 584 Kinsey, D. xii Hudson, R. G. S. 413 Johnstone-Papenfuss, E. 615 Kinzie, D. W. 397, 402 Hufnagel, L. A. 699, 679 Jokiel, P. L. 392 Kinzie, R. A. 389, 392 Hughes, R. G. vii, 205-210, 211-214, Jolley, E. 379 Kirkpatrick, P. 311 69, 71, 205, 208, 209, 211, 213, 214, Jones, E. C. 497 Kirkpatrick, P. A. 332 217,441 Jones, O. A. xii, xiii Kirkpatrick, R. 464 Hughes, T. 245 Jordan-Dahlgren, E. 701 Kitting, C. L. 519, 523, 542 Hughes, T. P. 236, 239, 258, 261, 264, Josephson, R. K. 584 Klahn, J. 485 267 Juarez, F. M. 497 Klein, J. 535 Hughes-Fulford, M. 704 Jukes, T. H. 506 Kleinhaus, A. L. 630 Hujer, A. 91-97 Kleinman, M. 147 Hulings, N. C. 624 Kageyama, T. 558 Klemm, N. 552 Humphries, C. 1. 495 Kagey-Sabatka, A. 630 Klug, M. 641, 649, 650, 653, 655, 658, Hundgcn, M. 48, 49, 679 Kaibuchi, K. 11, 13 660-663, 665, 667, 668, 671 Hung, T. C. 242 Kakinuma, Y. 700 Kluge, A. G. 510 Hunt, A. S. 421 Kaneka, M. 16 Knight, D. P. 73 Hunter, C. L. 239 Kang, A. H. 9 Knudsen, J. W. 279, 280, 282, 283 Hunter, T. 389, 392 Kankel, D. R. 58 Kobatake, E. 700 Huss, V. A. R. 380 Kaplan, I. R. 290 Koch, B. D. 513 Hutchings, P. A. xii Kaplan, S. W. 542 Koehl, M. A. R. 245, 271, 276 Hyman, L. H. 40, 165, 168, 178, 338 Karlsen, A. G. 443 Koizumi, O. 555-563, 700, 88, 558, 567 Karlson, R. 121-123 Kojis, B. L. 106, 131, 146, 147 Ikegami, S. 92 Karlson, R. H. 235-240, 121-123,235- Kokelj, F. 705 Illing, L. V. 421 237 Kolberg, K. J. S. 553 Inaba, A. 527 Karnovsky, M. J. 404 Kollicker, A. 463 Irons, K. P. 271, 276 Kase, H. 15, 16 Kolosvary, G. 285 Isaacs, 1. D. 327 Kass-Simon, G. 699,704,705, 679 Koltun, V. M. xiii Isdale, P. 408 Katchurin, A. L. 61, 64 Komai, T. 463, 464 Isdale, P. J. 261 Kato, K.-1. 699, 700 Koss, R. 75, 142 Itazawa, M. 700 Kato, M. Y. 700 Kostas, A. 45 Ivanovski, A. B. xiv Katzman, R. L. 9 Kramp, P. L. 46, 151, 155, 189, 197, Ivanovskii, A. B. 413 Kawaguti, S. 39-43, 39, 392 201,202,351,466,469,471,472,475, Ives, H. E. 11 Kawakatsu, M. 508 476,495 Iwahashi, K. 15, 16 Kazakova, N. I. 61, 62 Krasinska, S. 619 Iwata, F. 137 Keegan, B. F. xiii Krebs, J. C. 498 Keeling, T. F. 533, 534 Kroiher, M. 75, 77, 84, 88 Jackson, J. B. C. xiii, 237,239,245,263, Keene, D. R. 267, 268 Krupp, D. A. 143, 146, 147 277 Keener, E. J. 305, 337 Krylow, S. M. 513-515 Jacobs, J. R. 335,337,338 Keller, D. 12 Kubota, S. 159-164,429-436,429,430, James, P. T. 311, 315, 316 Keller, S. R. 320, 324 434,435,443,447,448 Janssen, J. A. 311, 315 Kelly, M. 335 Kuenning, W. 46, 48 J arms, G. 463-470, 700, 705, 464, 468, Kelman, S. N. 632 Kuh1, W. 322 469 Kelty, M. O. 378 Kuhn, A. 444 713

Kuhn, L. J. 11 Lewis, J. B. 165-169,541,542,596 Madin, L. P. 311, 315, 324, 333, 337, Kumazaki, T. 506 Liang, N. K 241,242 339 Kunth, A. 413, 415, 417 Lichtenstein, L. M. 630 Maidhof, A. M. 250 Kurilo, L. F. 61, 64 Lien, S. L. 241, 242 Main, W. DeL. 297 Kurz, E. 11-17, 4, 5 Lin, W. W. 630 Mainitz, M. 37 Kwietniewski, C. 459 Lin, Z. 16 Malej, A. 702, 197, 198,201 Lincicome, D. R. 284 Manderscheid, G. 420 Laakso, G. 271 Linck, R. W. 680 Mandojana, R. M. 631 Laane, R. W. P. M. 408 Lindquist, S. 513, 514 Mangin, K. L. 443-451, 445, 447 La Barre, S. 241,264, 541 Lindstedt, K. J. 365 Maniatis, T. 514 Labas, J. A. 61, 62 Linthicum, D. S. 539 Mano, Y. 92 Lacassagne, M. 623 Liran, N. 320, 324 Mansson. T. 631 Lakirev, A. V. 62 Littlefield, C. L. 700, 680 Mantyla, A. W. 486 Lakkis, S. 351-353 Littleford, R. A. 337 Marcum, B. 704 Lamb, A. N. 221, 273, 519, 520, 522, Liu, T. Y. 404 Marcum, B. A. 549 523, 531 Liubischev, A. A. 67 Maretic, Z. 631 Landing, W. M. 453 Lo Bianco, S. 197, 201, 202 Margalef, R. 500 Landry, M. R. 319, 348 Lochhead, J. H. 333 Margotta, V. 562, 565 Lang,J.C. 264, 267, 539, 542 Logan, A. 110, 115 Margulis, R. 443 Lange, R. G. 700 Loginova, N. P. 337 Margulis, R. Y. 500 Langlais, R. J. 549, 550 Lonardi, A. 483, 486 Marian, R. E. 384 Lardeux, H. 421 Lang, K. O. 475 Marino, A. 306 LaRiviere, L. 552, 565 Loomis, W. F. ix, xiii, 229, 662 Mariscal, R. N. xiii, 264, 267, 291, 292, Larkman, A. U. 194 Lorenz, W. 700 294,542,596,617,619,627,641,649, Larson, R. 221, 227, 437 Lowell, E. D. 4 653,655,661,671,672,675,676,693 Larson, R. J. 311-317, 197, 311, 314, Lowry, O. H. 370 Mark, K. A. 549, 550 315,337-339 Loya, Y. 101-108, 279-284, 101, 106, Marraccini, J. V. 632 Larwood, G. xiii lO7, 109, 115, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, Marsh, J. A. xii La Spada, G. 655-660, 617, 655, 658, 145,146,224,241,249-251,254,264, Marshall, N. 472 661, 668, 671, 672 267, 268, 280 Martin, E. J. 306 Lathigra, R. 515 Lubbock, R. 533, 543, 647, 649, 653, Martin, S. M. 549, 565 Latypov, Y. Y. 384 655, 658, 660, 661, 667, 668, 671 Marlin, V. 75, 77, 81, 82 Latz, M. I. 575 Lue, K-Y. 508 Martin, V. J. 75-82, 700, 553, 569 Laval, P. 311, 353 Lugo, A. E. 221 Masaki, T. 16 Lawn, I. D. 595-598, 599-604, 596, 597, Lugt, H. J. 323 Maso M. 356, 357 599, 600, 603 Lukat, R. 408 Massa, D. 420 Lebour, M. V. 337-339 Lukes, P. 421, 424 Masuda-Nakagawa, L. 8,9 Lee, C. Y. 630 Lumley, J. 637, 638 Matessi, C. 377-382, 701, 380, 381 Leggett, W. C. 363 Lundberg, J. G. 510 Mather, P. xii Lehman, R. 83 Lutz, R. A. 403 Mathis, A. P. 552 Leloup, J. 408 Liitzen, J. 147 Matson, W. R. 549, 550 Leletkin, V. A. 386 Lyon, M. K. 679 Matsuda, Y. 16 Le\oup, E. 221 Lyons, W. B. 453 Matsumoto, G. 1. 319-325, 320, 324 Lenhoff, H. M. 705, ix, xiii, 3, 8, 365, Matsuno, A. 39-43, 39, 43 514, 550, 596, 607, 612, 624, 662 Maas, 0., 495 Matsuno, T. 558 Lenhoff, S. G. 705 Machemer, H. 22, 23, 36 Matta, J. L. 702 Lenicque, P. M. 552 Macintyre, I. G. xiii Matthai, G. 115 Lentz, T. L. 549, 552, 565 Mackay, B. 19 Mattox, N. T. 221 LeRay, L. E. 632, 638, 639 Mackay, N. C. 3 Matusow, R. J. 631 Lesh-Laurie, G. E. 91-97, 91, 92, 94, 96 Mackie, A. M. xii Mauchline, J. 311 Lessard, E. J. 146 Mackie, G. O. ix-x, 581-588, ix, xiii, Maurer, A. 699 Lester, L. J. 509, 510 27,30,267,311,314,315,327, 329, Maurer, F. 421 Le Tissier, M. D'A. A. 397-402, 107, 333,340,355,365,471,486,555,557, Mauzey, K. P. 274 401 566, 567, 581, 582, 584-587 May, R. M. 238 Leuckart, F. S. 459 Mackie, G. V. 581, 587 Mayer, A. G. 168, 169, 189, 471, 475, Levin, D. A. 523 Macnae, W. 221 476 714

Maynard, R. 590-592 Moguilevsky, A. 333 Nicholson, D. N. 146 Mayne, R. 6 Molinaro, M. 16 Nico~ J. A. C. 578, 581 McAuley, P. J. 369-376, 369, 370, 374, Moller, H. 201, 337 Niedel, 1. E. 11 375, 379 Monger, B. C. 319, 348 Nielson, A. J. 408 McCarthy, B. J. 514, 515 Montesano, R. II Nishihira, M. 208 McCarthy, R. A. 8, 9 Moody, W. J. 102 Nishimura, S. ix, xiv McCloskey, L. R. 384, 386 Moore, H. B. 497 Nishizuka, Y. 11, 13 McCohn, D. 641, 642, 647 Moore, P. G. 316 Noda, K. 699 McCommas, S. A. 509-512, 509-511 Morales, J. T. 254 Novak, P. L. 679, 680 McCullough, C.B. 589, 590,592 Moran, P.l. 257 Nilsslein-Volhard, C. 83 McDermott, A. M. 702 Morand, P. 201, 311, 353 Nutting, C. C. 71 McEwen, G. F. 498 Morgenthaler, U. 679 Nyhohn, K.-G. 137, 143, 146 McFadden, C. S. 247, 267, 268, 539 Morin, J. G. 573, 575, 578,581, 587 McFadden, N. A. 700 Morris, S. C. xiii 6 Ceidigh, P. xiii McFarland, M. J. 267 Mortensen, T. 343 O'Connor, R. J. 227 McFarlane, I. D. 555-563, 595-598, Morton, B. 705 Ogura, A. 22 599-604,557,561,562,568,596,597, Morzadec, P. 421 Oguro, M. 92 599, 600, 602, 603 Moses, R. L. 16 Ohama, T. 506 McGowan, J. A. 495 Moss, A. G. 19-25, 19-23, 319 Ohashi, M. 92 McKay, M. C. 699, 673, 675, 676 Moyse, 1. 285 Ohmori, M. 374 McLean, R. 291 Mrosovsky, N. 316 Ohta, S. 302 McLean, R. B. 291, 649, 653 Muirhead, A. 121, 123 Oiestad, V. 365 McMurrich,J.P.459 Mukundan, C., xiii Okabe, K. 374 McN amara, J. C. 704 Miiller, I. 250 Okada, T. S. 11 Meech, R. W. 704 MUller, M. 533, 535, 536, 540-543 Okada, Y. K. 183 Meier-Menge, H. M. 96 Muller, W. 229 Okawa, K. 705 Meinhardt, H. 83 MUller, W. A. 700, 55, 58, 84, 85, 88, 96 Olivares, D. G. 703 Meischner, D. 383 MUller, W. E. G. 250 Oliver, J. K. 106, 109, 110, 113, 115, Mengual, V. 291, 294 Muller-Parker, G. 702, 370, 393 117, 123, 144, 239, 258, 397 Mergner, H. 102, 441 Munck, A. 75, 88 Oliver, R. W. A. 702 MetschnikotI, E. 151, 152,464 Murakata, C. 16 Oliver, W. A. xii, xiii, 413, 422, 423 Mews, L. K. 374 Muramatsu, S. 527 Omori, M. 306 Meyer, J. L. 289 Murillo, 1. 227 Opresko, D. M. 403 Mianzan, H. W. 706, 365 Murray, 1. 481 Orci, L. 11 Micali, F. 194 Murtha, W. 631, 637, 638 Orem, W. 453 Micall, A. 683 Muscatine, L. 702, xiii, 286, 288-290, Orme, G. R. xii Migotto, A. E. 437-442, 703, 437-441, 369,383,384,386,389,392,397,402, Ormond, R. F. G. 144,249,254 612 550, 595 Orr, 1. 144, 460 Miles, J. 701 Musik, K. 578 Osawa, S. 505-508 Millard, N. A. H. 227,437,438,441 Muto, A. 508 Osborne, K. 261 Miller, J. E. 298,299, 302 Myers, C. A. 335, 340 Osin6lska, H. xiii Miller, R. J. 337, 339 Myhrberg, H. 552, 565 Osmond, C. B. 369 Miller, R. L. 311, 315, 339 Ospovat, M. F. 699 Mills, C. 443, 447, 448 Nagano, H. 92 Ostman, C. 607-613,704,705,441,607, Mills, C. E. 311-317, 27, 30, 311, 314, Nagao, Z. 163,443,447,448 611,615,619,620 315, 336, 338-340, 353, 365 Nakajima, Y. I. 699 O'Sullivan, N. 86 Minasian, L. L. 144,264,267 Nakamura, S. 23 Othman, I. B. 632, 639 Minei, M. 106, 107, 144, 146 Naumov, D. V. xiii, 71, 151 Ott, J. A. 206, 211 Mitchell, R. 249 Navarro, F. 701 Ottaway, J. R. 264,266,267,524,527, Mitze, A. 96 Navin, K. F. 261 540, 541 Miura, S. 8 Nelson, T. C. 339 Otto, 1.1.53,57,58 Miyachi, Shigetoh 374 Neuberger, M. R. 404 Owre, H. 497 Miyachi, Shizuko 374 Neumann, R. 53, 54, 58 Miyagawa, K. 701 Neville, A. C. 408 P acifici, M. 16 Miyake, R. 13 Newman, W. A. 285 PatIenhofer, G. A. 201, 229 Mizumoto, H. 700 Newth, D. R. xiv Pages, F. 355-362, 351, 501 715

Palladini, G. 552, 565 Plickert, G. 83-89, 700, 9, 75, 77, 84-88 Reutter, M. 131 Pandolfi, J. M. 703 Plotnikova, E. D. 337, 338 Reverberi, G. xiii Pantin, C. F. A. 35, 566 Pocta, P. 421 Reynolds, H. A. 534-536 Pardy, R. L. 702, 705,607,612 Polis, G. A. 335, 340 Rhoads, D. C. 403 Parent, A. 552 Pontier, P. J. 291 Rice, M. E. xii Parker, G. H. 319 Por, F. D. 221 Rice, N. E. 475, 615 Parker, S. P. xiii Porter, J. 247 Rich, P. H. 282 Parry, G. 459 Porter, J. W. 248, 289, 290, 383, 384, Richardson, C. A. 542 Parsons, T. R. 498 386, 389, 392, 598 Richardson, J. R. 297 Passano, L. M. 45, 581, 582, 584, 585, Portielje, A. F. J. 540 Richmond, R. 107 587, 589, 590, 592 Potts, D. C. 239, 261, 524 Richmond, R. H. 146, 486 Patel, N. G. 3 Potts, G. W. 599, 603 Ridgway, E. 96 Patterson, M. R. 247, 248 Poty, E. 703 Riedel, W. R. 37 Patton, J. S. 288 Powell, A. W. B. 298 Riegl, B. 249-256,251,254 Patton, W. K. 279, 280, 283 Powell, D. 565 Riemann-Ziirneck, K. 481-487, 137, Pauls son, M. 4, 7 Powell, W. A. 475,615 142, 143, 147,483,485,486 Pavans de CeccaUy, M. 581, 587 Praetzel, G. 513-517 Rifkin,J. F. 641-648, 629, 641, 642, 645, Pavey, J. 264,267, 268, 533, 535 Prasher, D. C. 704 646 Pax, F. 459 Price, D. A. 557 Riggs, L. 131 Pearse, A. G. E. 647 Price, W. S. 541, 542, 596 Rinehart, K. L. 559, 566, 567 Pearse, J. S. xii, 129, 146, 531 Prusch, R. D. 589 Rinkevich, B. 279-284, 106, 131, 146, Pearse, V. B. 397,402 Przysiezniak, J. 699, 568 249, 254, 264, 267, 268, 280, 284 Pedrali-Noy, G. 92 Pugh, P. R. 327-334, 311, 315, 327-329, Ritchie, J. 151 Pelham, H. 513 332,333,355,357,358,481,485,486 Rivkin, R. B. 146 Peplinska, A. M. 374 Purcell, J. E. 335-342, 271, 275, 315, Robbins, E. 683 Percy, J. A. 343, 348 327,328,333,335-340,355,358,363, Roberts, A. 340 Peres, J. M. 311 486, 519, 523, 542 Robison, B. H. 573, 587 Perez, M. 280, 282, 283 Pyle, R. M. xiv Robson, E. A. 706, 35, 566, 599, 603, Perzova, N. M. 337 653, 655 Peters, E. C. 131 Quelch, J. J. 165 Roche,J.408 Petersen, K. W. 447 Quicke, D. L. J. 264, 305,523,533-535, Roe, H. S. J. 311,315,316 Peteya, D. J. 41, 48 541 Riikaeus, A. 565 Pctrusenko, A. A. 305 Quinn, N. J. 106, 131, 146, 147 Romanes, G. J. 45 Philbert, M. 206 Ros, J. 227 Phillips, P. J. 305, 337 Rahat, M. 702, 380 Ros, J. D. 501 Phillips, R. 45 Rainbow, P. S. 316 Rosebrough, N. J. 370 Philpott, D. E. 174 Raineri, M. 699 Rosen, B. R. 703, xii, xiii Piccinetti, C. 197, 198 Ram6n, F. 584 Rosengren, E. 552, 565 Piccinetti Manfrin, G. 197, 198 Randall, H. 631 Ross, A. 285 Pichon, M. xii, 258 Randall, R. J. 370 Ross, D. M. 291, 292, 294, 552, 597, Pickard, G. L. 187 Rankin, J. J. 27, 28, 33 603, 604 Picken, L. E. R. 649, 688 Rasmussen E, 306 Ross, G. J. S. 216 Pickett, J. W. xiii Razouls, S. 351 Rossi, L. 144 Pickrill, R. A. 297 Rebers, P. A. 404, 405 Rossi, M. 699 Pierotti, R. 274, 275 Reed, K. M. 632 Rossi, S. 552, 553, 565 Pierrot-Bults, A. C. 489, 491 Rees, J. T. 443, 447, 448 Rossov, V. 497 Pillai, C. S. G. xiii Rees, T. A. V. 369, 371, 372, 374, 375 Rostron, M. A. 147, 527 Pilson, M. E. Q. 101,102,106,131, 134, Rees, W. J. ix, xiii, 144, 151, 163,443, Rotschild, N. E. 632 146 444, 447 Rottini Sandrini, L. 189-195, 197-202, Piola, A. R. 485 Reeve, M. R. 315 615-621,706,194,197,198,200,201, Piraino, S. 229-234, 607-613, 706, 229, Reich, V. 380 615, 617, 620 233,441 Reichelt, R. E. 257 Roushdy, H. M. 147 Pires, D. de O. 541 Reid, J. L. 486 Rozengurt, E. 11, 569 Pitelka, D. R. 37 Reisenbichler, K. R. 573, 587 Ruben, P. 569 Platt, H. M. xiii Remane, A. 623 Rubinstein, H. 633 Plattner, H. 22 Resing, J. M. 144,460 Rueppell, E. 459 716

Riuz, L. 497 Schmidt, H. 132, 134, 543, 691-695 Simpson, R. 1. 404 Rushforth, N. B. 590, 592 Schmidt, H. E. 351 Sims, D. E. 557 Russell, F. E. xiii Schmidt, T. 378 Sims, R. W. xiii Russell, F. S. xii, xiii, 144, 151, 152, 189, Schmitz, M. 662, 671 Singer, R. H. 590 191,197,201,202,471,472,475,476, Schneider, B. 3 Singla, C. L. 27, 30, 314, 557, 566, 567 495, 615, 619 Schot, L. P. C. 557,566 Singleton, R. J. 297, 298, 300, 302, 403 Russo, A. J. 630, 632 Schouppe, A. 413 Sirenko, L. A. 384 Riltzler, K. xiii, 221, 227 Schuhmacher, H. 389 Sissenwine, M. B. 472 Ryland, J. S. 117-123, xiii, 119, 121, Schultz, A. 70S Sisson, R. F. 597 144, 212, 213, 216, 522 Schultz, E. T. 289 Skaer,R. 1. 68S-689, 649, 685, 687-689 Schultz, L. P. 337 Skei, 1. M. 297 Sabates, A. 501 Schulze, F. E. 464 Skinner, R. 637-639 Sager, W. W. 492 Schwab, W. E. 45, 48, 553, 557, 584, Slautterback, D. B. 624, 679, 680 Saila, S. B. 472 586 Sleigh, M. A. 36, 37, 319, 320, 324 Saint-Hilaire, K. 61 Schwartz, B. 378 Sloan, N. A. 306 Sala, F. 92 Schweitzer, C. 70S Siobodkin, L. B. 377-382, 701, 377-381 Salat, J. 356, 357 Sciancalepore, M. 194 Smith, B. L. 239, 524 Sale, P. F. xii Scatese, C. R. 492 Smith, D. C. xiv, 379 Salleo, A. 655-660, 617, 655, 658, 661, Scrutton, C. T. 703 Smith, F. 404, 405 668, 671, 672 Sears, M. 498 Smith,!. D. 205-210, 211, 213 Salter-Cid, L. M. 703 Sebens, K. P. 247-248, 121-123, 144, Smith, K. L. 311, 315 Salvat, B. xii 237,267,271,274,276,523,524,527, Smith, S. R. 109-116 Sambrook, J. 514 531, 541 Sneadaker, S. C. 221 Sammarco, P. xii Seed, R. 205, 208, 227 Snyder, H. A. 291 Sammarco, P. W. xii, 241, 264, 541 Seghers, G. 151-155 Snyder, N. F. R. 291 Sand-Jensen, K. 205 Sellah, K. 632 Soares Moreira, M. G. B. 351 Sando, W. J. xiii, 414 Severov, D. N. 486 Sokolov, B. S. xiv Sano, K. 11 Shafir, A. 283 Soloff, B. L. 404 Santer, S.-I. 533-537, 541 Shah, N. 369 Sorauf, 1. E. xiii Santhanam, R. 70S Shanks, A. L. 701 Sorokin, Y. 1. 383, 384 Sara, M. 155 Shannon, L. V. 356 Soumia, A. 289 Sato, A. 16 Shaposhnikova, M. G. 383, 386 Southcott, R. V. 181, 637, 638 Sato, M. 146 Shaw,P. W.SI9-S2S,144,519,520,522 Southward, A. J. xii Satow, Y. SOS-S08 Sheader, M. 701 Spadari, S. 92 Satterlie, R. A. 557-567 Shelton, G. A. B. xiii, 533, 543, 596, 597 Spangenberg, D. B. 4S-49, 704, 45, 46, Sauer, K. P. 703, 533, 535, 536, 540- Sheppard, C. xiii 48 543 Sheppard, C. R. C. 541 Spaulding, J. G. 137, 147 Scarpa, A. 16 Shibley, G. A. 589 Specchi, M. 201 Scarpa, C. 70S Shick, J. M. 702, 271, 273, 519, 520, Spencer, A. N. S65-S71, 699, 340, 549, Scemes, E., 704 522, 523, 531 552,553,555,557,559,565,566,567, Schachter, M. 552 Shifrin, M. A. 336, 338 568, 584-586 Schilfer, W. 144, 146 Shimizu, H. 700 Spencer Davies, P. 702 Schalk, P. H. 489, 491 Shimomura, A. 586 Spracklin, B. W. 221,227 Schaller, H. C. 83, 84, 88, 378, 569 Shimomura, O. 586 Stacul, P. 413 Scheer, B. T. xii Shlesinger, Y. 101-108, 101, 104, 106, Stark, K. P. xii Schekman, R. 513 107, 109, 115 Stebbing, A. R. D. 201, 212, 229, 230, Scheltema, R. S. 217 Shostak, S. 3, 58 232,233 Schertenleib, U. 679-684 Shushkina, E. A. 311 Stechow, E. 443, 448 Schlage, W. K. 3-10, 6, 8, 9 Siebert, A. E. 146 Steele, R. E. 513-515 Schlenz, E. 700, 706 Silander, J. A. 235 Steen, R. G. 369 Schlichter, D. 389-394, 146, 383, 389- Silei, O. 552, 565 Stefani, R. 447 393 Silvester, N. R. 37 Stein, M. R. 632 Schmahl, G. 53, 54, 58 Simkiss, K. 40 I Steiner, S. C. C. 131-13S Schmid, B. 3 Simon, S. A. 584 Stell, W. K. 557, 566, 567 Schmid, V. 3-10, 11-17,3-9, 12, 13, 16 Simoncini, L. 102 Stepanjants, S. D. 703, 704, xiii Schmidt, G. H. 21S-219, 215, 216 Simpson, B. 70S Stephens, L. D. 706 717

Stephenson, T. A. 137, 142, 519, 540, Talbot, F. H. xii Tranter, P. R. G. 146,523 543,692 Tamm, S. 20 Travade, F. 701 Stephenson, W. 245 Tamm, S. L. 19-23,30,31,319 Trench, R. K. 702, 369 Stewart, B. A. 285-290 Tan, T. H. 242 Trenkner, E. 84 Stewart, G. R. 369 Tanaka, Y. 13 Trott, R. J. 701 Stiasny, G. 171, 173,472,475 Tanguy, J. 630 Tsuda, R. T. xii Stidwill, R. 3 Tapscott, S. J. 16 Tsuda, T. 13 Stidwill, R. P. 679-684, 699, 705, 679- Tardent, P. 661-669, 699, 704, 705, x, Tsukahara, J. 700 683 xiii, xiv, 189,590,611,627,641,649, Tubaro, A. 705 Stimson, J. S. 280, 282 650,653,655,658-663,665,667,668, Turner, J. R. 702, 705 Stockner, J. 321 671,679,680,682,683,688 Tursch, A. 241, 245 Stoddart, D. R. xiv Tardent, R. x, xiv Tursch, B. 241,245 Stoddart, J. A. 144 Taylor, D. L. xiv Tyler, P. 701 Stoliczka, F. 540 Taylor, G.!. 324 Tyler, P. A. xiii, 121, 123 Strand, S. W. 320, 335-337, 340, 365 Taylor, H. W. 485 Strasburg, D. W. 283 Tchindonova, Y. G. 316 Uchida, T. 137, 163, 171,443,447,448, Strathmann, R. R. 147 Teissier, G. 623,624 527 Stravisi, F. 199,201 Ter Kuile, B. 286 Uehara, T. 146 Strickler, J. R. 363 Termaat, R. M. 541, 542 Usherwood, P. N. R. xiv Strimple, H. L. 422 Termier, G. 419 Studebaker, J. P. 177, 178, 183 Termier, H. 419 Valie1a, I. 345 Stumm, E. C. 421 Thaller, C. 83 Vandenbark, G. R. 11 Su, C. C. 242 Thiel, H. 705 Vandenberghe, A. 506 Suarez, E. 497-502, 497, 500 Thiel, M. E. 469, 471, 473, 475, 476 Van der J\haden, H. 472, 475, 476 Suchy, P. 91-97 Thiriot, A. 351 Vandcrmeersche, G. 3 Suddith, R. L. 61 Thomas, 1. M. 267 Vandermeulen, J. H. 107, 142, 397 Sugiyama, T. 700, 379, 549 Thomas, M. 75 Van del' Spoel, S. 489-496, 311,489, Summons, R. E. 369 Thomason, J. C. 649-654, 651,652,654 491-495 Sund, P. N. 603 Thomassin, B. A. 283 Van del' Veer, H. W. 701 Snndler, F. 565 Thompson, S. 569 Van Leeuwen, - 541 Surpin, M. A. 704 Thompson, T. 649, 653 Van Lieshout, J. S. 700 Sutton, L. 603 Thomson, D. A. 444 Van Moorsel, G. W. N. M. 146, 541 Svane, 1. 147 Thorne, B. L. 523, 524 Vann, D. C. 539 Svendsen, C. N. 549-554 Thorp, C. H. 144, 216, 217 Van Nierop, M, M. 305 Swanberg, N. 343-349, 340, 348 Thorpe, J. P. 144,460 Vannucci, M. 351,437,439-441 Swanberg, N. R. 324, 337-339 Thorpe, W. H. xiv Van Praet, M. 700 Swedmark, B. 623, 624 Thurm, U. 705 Vareschi, E. 390, 391 Sweetser, D. 515 Thursfie1d, S. 151 Vasiliev, V. 497 Swinfen, R. C. 599, 603 Thurston, M. H. 121, 123,311,315,316 Velimirov, B. 249-256, 403 Syrett, P. J. 374 Tiffon, Y. xiv Venkataramanujam, K. 705 Syvitski, J. P. M. 297 Tilbury, R. 705 Venturini, G. 552, 565 Szmant, A. 147 Timpl, R. 4, 7 Vernberg, W. B. xiv Szmant, A. M. 109, 113, 115, 131, 134 Tirkistani, F. A. A. 702 Veron, 1. E. N. 258 Szmant-Froe1ich, A. 101, 102, 106, 131, Titlyanov, E. A. 383-387, 383, 384, 386 Verrill, A. E. 540 134, 146, 408 Toffart, J. L. xii Vervoort, W. 71, 227,441 Togias, A. J. 630 Vinogradov, M. Y. 311 Taddei-Ferretti, C. 589-593, 589, 590, Tokioka, T. ix, xiv Viva Banzon, P. 254 592 Toneby, M. I. 552 Vives, F. 351 Taguchi, T. 92 Toot, P. 654 Voinstvenskii, M. A. 305 Tahara, S. 699 Topachevsky, A. V. Volicer, L. 549, 550 Takahashi, K. 584 Toppe, O. 448 Vollbrecht, E. 413, 417 Takahashi, M. 16, 498 Topping, T. B. 656 Von Mecklenburg, C. 552, 565 Takai, M. 508 Torres, J. J. 573, 587 Von Reitzenstein, E. 216 Takai, Y. 11 Totton, A. K. 329, 333, 357, 498 Von Salvini-Plawen, L. 623 Takeda, K. 581 Tourneur, F. 419-425 Vukovic, A. 201 Takeda, N. 549-554, 549 Toyama, T. 16 718

Wada, T. 655, 656 Wheeler, B. M. 472 Yaffee, H. S. 631, 632 Wadsworth, S. C. 514,515 White, J. xii Yamada, K. 11, 15, 16 Wainwright, S. A. 403, 441 Whitfield, P. J. 27-33 Yamada, M. 159-164, 160, 161, 163, Waite, J. H. 405 Wickhorst, J. P. 96 429 Walder, G. L. 365 Widder, E. A. 701, 573, 575, 587 Yamada, S. B. 147 Walker, D. I. 249, 254 Widersten, B. 137, 189, 194 Yamaguchi, M. 171,172,175,177,181, Walker, W. F. 506 Wiebe, W. J. 286 182 Wallace, C. C. xii, 106, 109, 113, 115, Wiedenmann, G. 408 Yamataka, S. 42 117, 123, 144, 239 Wijsman-Best, M. 258 Yamazato, K. 106, 107, 117, 121-123, Walter, B. M. H. 705 Wilkerson, F. P. 369 144, 146, 542 Walter, M. A. 315 Wilkinson, C. xii Yanagita, T. M. 649, 653, 655, 656 Ward, W. W. 704 Williams, D. McB. 258 Yanaihara, N. 565 Warner, G. F. 215-219, 209, 215 Williams, G. B. 217 Yang, R. T. 242 Warnick, J. E. 630, 639 Williams, J. A. 701 Yap, H. T. 254 Wasscrthal, L. T. 233 Williams, R. B. viii, xi-xiv, 539-545, Yates, G. T. 320 Wasserthal, W. 233 264, 305, 339, 365, 523, 531, 536, Yeemin, T. 106, 107, 144, 146 Watabe, D. N. 107 539-543 Yevich, P. 101, 102, 106, 131, 134, 146 Waters, M. G. 513 Williams, S. L. 542 Yip, S. Y. 20 Waters, V. L. 599,603 Williamson, J. A. 631-633, 637, 638, Yonge, C. M. 383, 595 Watson, G. M. 542,629,655,672,676 639 Yonge, M. xii, xiii, xiv Weber, C. 3-10, 4-6, 8, 9, 12, 557 Williamson, J. A. H. 637-639 York, R. 392 Weber, F. 408 Willis, B. 241, 264 Yoshida, M. 45 Weber, J. 661-669,704, 641, 649, 650, Willis, B. J. 110,258 Yoshihara, N. 117, 121-123 653-655,658,660-663,665-668,671 Willis, B. L. 106, 109, 113, 115, 117, 123, Yoshimoto, F. 117, 121-123 Weber, M. 533, 535, 536, 540-543 144,239 Yoshino, Y. 45 Weber, W. 383, 398, 391, 393 Willows, A. O. D. xii Young, C. W. 92 Weddige, K. 421 Wilson, J. B. 701 Young, D. 515 Wedi, S. E. 527 Wilson,J.D. 558, 567 Young, R. A. 515 Wedler, E. 221, 227,437,441 Wilson, L. B. 590 Youngbluth, M. J. 311,312,315 Weil, D. 147 Withers, R. G. 216, 217 YO, C. C. 413 Weill, R. 438, 448, 607, 612, 615, 619, Witzke, B. J. 422, 423 Yund, P. 0.233 642, 691, 692, 694-696 Wohlfart, M. 632, 638, 639 Weiner, A. 249, 250 Wolanski, E. xii Zachary, I. 569 Weinheimer, A. J. xii Wolanski, L. E. 258 Zahn, R. K. 250 Weis, V. M. 702 Woll, P. J. 569 Zamer, W. E. 371 Weissman, D. 702 Wolodarsky, Z. 279-284, 280, 283 Zamponi, M. O. 700, 706, 365 Wellington, G. M. 541,542 Wolpert, L. 58, 83 Zanelli, R. 201 Wells, J. W. 397 Wood, E. 705 Zar, J. H. 287 Wells, S. M. 705, xiii, xiv, 109, 115 Wood, J. G. 549, 552, 565 Zaraisky, A. G. 61, 62 Welsh, J. H. 549, 552, 553 Wood, R. L. 679, 680 Zeidane, R. 351-353 Werner, B. 163, 171, 175, 176, 178, 182, Woodley, J. D. 300 Zelickman, E. A. 336, 338 183,463,464,466,467,469,623,693 Wright, A. J. 413 Zenk, W. 485 Werner-Washburne, M. 513 Wrzolek, T. 703 Zierold, K. 661-669, 662, 665, 668, 671 West, C. M. 16 Wu, T. Y. 320, 324 Zikmundova, J. 421, 424 Westfall, I. A. 555-563, 41-43, 557, 558, Wyers, S. C. 109-116, 100, 114, 115, Zissler, D. 132, 134 567, 649 131 Z Urrer, D. 699 Weston, J. 11 Wyman, K. D. 389, 392 Zvalinsky, V. I. 383, 386 Wetzel, B. 46, 48 Wyttenbach, C. R. 61, 67, 229 Zyryanov, V. N. 486 Weyer, D. 414, 415, 417 Hydrobiologia 216/217: 719-728, 1991. R.B. Williams, P.F.S. Cornelius, R.G. Hughes & E.A. Robson (eds.) , 719 Coelenterate Biology: Recent Research on Cnideria and Ctenophora.

Taxonomic index

The names of newly described genera and species appear in bold type. All taxa indexed are cnidarian or ctenophoran unless otherwise indicated, when the four-kingdom classification is used, following the New Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edn, 1979). All spellings in the text remain the responsibility of the author(s) using them. No distinction is made between valid and invalid names. Those above family level are indexed only where some general discussion occurs. Occurrences in text and illustrations are not distinguished. Taxa mentioned in titles of end references are not indexed. Vernacular names appear in the Subject Index. R.B.W. & P.F.S.C.

Abietinaria 63, 66, 67 Aequorea 8, 223, 337, 573, 581, 586 Abyla haeckeli 499 A. victoria 6, 336, 337, 363-365, 566, 703, 704 A. ingeborgae 359 Agalma elegans 499-500 A. schmidti 359 A. okeni 358, 359, 499-500 A. trigona 499 Agaricia 541 Abylopsis 6 A. agaricites 146, 541 A. eschscholtzi 498-501 A. fragilis 114 A. tetragona 358, 359, 360, 498-501 Agariciidae 541 Acanella 578 Agatltiphillidae 135 A. arbuscula 573-578 Aglantha 495, 586, 703, 704 Acanthaster planci (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) 257-262, A. digitale 4-5, 336, 339, 340, 566 254 Aglaophenia harpago 205-209, 211 Acetes australis (Crustacea: Decapoda) 188 A. latecarinata 223 Acontiaria 539, 540, 691 Aglaura hemistoma 353 Acropora 249, 254, 255 Aiptasia 675 A. cervicornis 109 A. diaphana 695 A. hemprichi 251,252 A. mutabilis 655-660, 661 A. humilis 252 A. pallida 370, 627 A. hyacinthus 251, 252 A. pu/Chel/a 393, 453, 458, 702 A. nusata 252, 253 Alcyonium 247 A. paiifera 144 A. digitatum 146 A. squarrosa 251, 252 A. hibernicum 144 A. tenuis 252 Amphicaryon 499 A. valida 251, 252 A. acule 359 Acryptolaria elegans 70-72 Amphinema 223 Actinia 512 A. dinema 336, 338, 339 A. equina 144,267, 305, 506-507, 533-536, 540, 541, 552, A. rubra 352, 353 599-603, 668, 695, 703 A. turrida 352, 353 A.fragacea 194 Amphogona 313 A. quadricolor 459 A. apicata 313 A. tenebrosa 144, 266, 267, 510-512, 540 A. pusilla 352 Actiniidae 509-512 Anemonia inequalis 459 Aegina citrea 313, 336 A. sargassensis 540 313 A. stimpsonii 459 grimaldii 312,313,315 A. sulcata 540, 541-542, 655, 662, 667, 692 Aeolidia papillosa (Mollusca: Nudibrancltiata) 271, 274, 277, A. viridis 536, 599-603, 649-654, 702 599-603, 672-676 Ankhelasma 415 720

Antennella secunda ria 223, 226 A. serratula 421 Anthelia 125, 128 Aurelia 39, 41, 43, 45-49, 91-96, 703, 704 A. fishelsoni 126 A. aurita 53, 58, 189-194,201, 305, 306, 314, 335, 336, A. glauca 126 337, 339, 340, 363-365, 505-507, 667, 668, 699, 700, Anthopleura 137,239, 273, 274, 276, 649 701, 705 A. artemisia 540 A. asiatica 527-532, 540, 700 Bainbridgia 419-424 A. ballii 540, 541, 599-603 B. alternans 421, 423 A. carneola 510-512 B. conferta 420, 423 A. elegantissima 273-277, 523, 531, 540, 541, 543, 555, B. greifensteiniensis (see also Pustilopora greifensteiniensis) 559, 561, 567, 667, 668 420, 421, 423 A.japonica 506-507 B. typicalis 419, 420, 423 A. krebsi 535, 540, 541, 542 Balanophyllia elegans 146 A. pallida 510-512, 705 Barbatia virescens (Mollusca: Lamellibranchiata) 430 A. stellula 510-512 Bassia bassensis 358, 359, 360, 499, 501 A. xanthogrammica 267, 271, 274-276, 531, 540, 541 Bathypallenopsis (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) 315 Anthoptilum grandiflorum 577 Beaumontia cf. venelorum 421 Anthozoa 143-147 Beroe 319-323, 336, 338, 340, 552 Antipathes aperta 404 B. cucumis 321, 323, 336, 338, 345, 348 A.fiordensis 297-303, 403-408, 702 B. gracilis 335, 339 Apolemia uvaria 336, 338, 339, 359 B. ovata 321, 323, 336, 339 Arctapodema 313 Bolinopsis infundibulum 336 A. ampla 353 B. vitrea 336 A. australis 313 Boltenia villosa (Protochordata: Tunicata) 102 Arenaria interpres (Aves: Charadriiformes) 305 Boscia anglica (Crustacea: Cirripedia) 285 Arion (Mollusca: Pulmonata) 48 Botrynema brucei 313 Artemia (Crustacea: Anostraca) 152, 161, 174, 175, 185, Bougainvillia 223, 336 230,247,264,363-365,370-373,430,444,453,460, B. superciliaris 339 551 (brine shrimp), 607-612, 662 Bunodactis 510-512 A. salina 264 B. stelloides 510-512 Asteronyx loveni (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) 300 B. texaensis 510-512 Astrangia danae 13 2 Bunodeopsis medusoides 144 A. lajollaensis 263-268 Bunodosoma biscayensis 540 A. poculata 132, 134 B. caissarum 700 Astroboa nuda (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) 302 B. californica 510-512 Astrobrachion constrictum (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) B. cavernata 509-512, 540 297-302 B. granulifera 510-512 Astrocoenidae 541 Bytho tiara murrayi 313 Astrocoeniina 541 Astrophyton muricatum (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) 298, Calanus (Crustacea: Copepoda) 343-348 302 C. glacialis 344 Astroporpa annulata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) 298, 302 C. hyperboreus 348 Athorybia rosacea 339 Calliactis 568 Atolla 314, 573, 578 C. parasitica 294, 552, 560-561, 599, 655-660, 668 A. parva 313 C. tricolor 291-294 A. vanhoeffeni (see also Atorella) 313 Ca/lyspongia vaginalis (Parazoa: Porifera) 302 A. wyvillei 314,316 Calycella syringa 71 Atollidae 468, 470 Calycopsidae 313 Atorella 470 Ca~vcopsis simplex 352 A. japonica 39-43 Campanularia 67, 441 A. octogonos 314 C. asymmetrica 205-209, 211 A. vanhoeffeni (see also Atalla) 463, 467, 470 C.flexuosa (see also Laomedeafiexuosa) 67, 69 Atorellidae 468 Campanulariidae 66 Aulopora 419 Campanulina lacerata (see also Opercularella lacerata) 62 A. alternans 421 Campanulinidae 66 A. conferta 421 Cancel' (Crustacea: Decapoda) 701 721

Capnella gaboensis 145, 146 c. macro theca 223 Caretta caretta (Reptilia: Chelonia) 305 C. noliformis 223 Carukia 640 C. paulensis 223 C. barnesi 629, 637-640 Codium (Protista: Algae) 241-245 Carybdea 638-639 Coeloseris 596 C. alata 177, 313 Colobonema sericeum 312, 313 C. marsupialis 177, 313 Colpomenia (Protista: Algae) 172, 254 C. sivickisi 171-178 C. sinuosa 254 Carybdeidae 638 Conchoecia borealis (Crustacea: Ostracoda) 331 Caryophyllia smithii 146, 285, 397-402 C. curta 329, 331 Caryophylliidae 541 C. elegans 329, 331 Caryophylliina 541 C. giesbrechti 329 Cassiopea 53, 58, 700 C. haddoni 331 C. andromeda 53-59, 662, 667 C. hyalophyllum 331 C. xamachama 53, 54 C. obtusata 331 Catablema 336, 338 C. prucera 331 Ceratocymba leuckarti 499 C. teretivalvata 331 C. sagittata 359 Corallium rubrum 702 Cereus 541 Corvus frugilegus (Aves: Passeriformes) 305 C. pedunculatus 144, 315, 540, 542 Corymorpha 163 cerianthid sp. 696 C. januarii 703 Cespitularia 125 Corymorphidae 313 C. exigua 126 Corynactis californica 263-268, 275 Cestum 319-323 C. viridis 692 C. veneris 321-322, 336 Coryne loveni 62 Chelophyes 586 C. sargassicola 223 C. appendiculata 336, 355, 358, 359, 360, 498-500 Corynoidea 444 C. contorta 500 Coryphella trilineata (Mollusca: Nudibranchiata) 672-675 Chirodropidae 637 Cosmetira pilosella 336, 338 Chironex 639, 640 Cotylorhiza tuberculata 191, 700 C.fleckeri 172,177,181-188,629,637-640,641-647 Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca: Lamellibranchiata) 430 Chiropsalmus quadrigatus 629 Crenomytilus grayanus (Mollusca: Lamellibranchiata) 430 Chlorella (Protista: Algae) 369-374 Crocethia alba (Aves: Charadriiformes) 305 Chlorohydra viridissima (see also Hydra viridissima) 552 Crossota brunnea 489 Chromatonema rubrum 312, 313, 314 C. pedunculata 312, 313 Chrysaora 46, 48, 337, 339 C. rufobrunnea 312, 313 C. hysoscella 336, 337, 339 Cuspidella 151, 152 C. melanaster 336, 337 C. costata 151 C. quinquecirrha 335, 337, 505-507, 629, 633, 662, 667 Cyanea 337,489, 615, 619, 620 Cirrholovenia tetranema 352 C. arctica 471 Cladocera caespitosa 132, 134, 135 C. capillata 336, 337,471-476, 615 C1adochoniidae 421 C. capillata vaL fulva 475, 476 Cladochonus 419 C.ji/lva 471, 472, 475-476 C. siluriensis 420 C. lamarckii 337, 471-476 Cladonema radiatum 223 C. versicolor 472 C. uchidai 699 Cyphastrea 596 Clavidae 160 C. micraphthalma 253 Clavopsella michaeZi 229-233 C. seraiZia 253 Clavularia hamra 145, 146 Cystoseira (Protista: Algae) 273 Clythia poterium (see also Orthopyxis integra) 70-71 C. osmundacea 275 Clylia edwardsi 208 Cytaeis 700 C. gregaria 336 C. tetrasyla 353 C. hemisphaerica (see also PhiaZidium hemisphaericum) 208, 221-227, 336, 338, 339 Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera) 378 C. lati/heca 223, 227 D. magna 378 C. Unearis 223 Dardanus arrosar (Crustacea: Decapoda) 294 722

D. venosus 291-294 E. medusivOI'a sp. nov. 453-460 Dendrogyra cylindricus 131-13 5 E. quadricolor 459, 696 Dendropora reticulata 421 Enteromorpha (Protista: Algae) 254 Dermasterias (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) 271, 603, 604 Eperetmus typus 336, 566 D. imbricata 274, 275, 277, 602-603 Epiactis 459, 512 Dermochelys coriacea (Reptilia: Chelonia) 305 E. australiensis 695 Diadumene 541 E. georgiana 483 D. cincta 540, 542, 692 E. prolifera 137, 144, 146,266,273,275,277,510-512 D. kameruniensis 540 Epitonium (Mollusca: Prosobranchiata) 274 D. leucolena 540 Epizoanthus 121 D. neozelanica 540 E. abyssorum 121 D. schilleriana 540 E. paguriphilus 121, 123 Diadumenidae 541 Eretmochelys imbricata (Reptilia: Chelonia) 305 Dichocoenia 541 Erignathus barbatus (Mammalia: Pinnipedia) 306 D. stokesi 541, 542 Errina labiata 483 Dichotrix (Protista: Algae) 254 Erythropodium caribaeorum 701 Dictyota spathulata (Protista: Algae) 162 Escherichia coli (Monera: Enterobacteriaceae) 514-515, 517 Dimophyes arctica 336 Eubranchus rustyus (Mollusca: Nudibranchiata) 672-675 Diphasia 64 Eucheilola intermedia 429-435 D. margareta 72 E. paradoxica 353, 700 Diphyes bojani 359, 498-500 Eudendrium 84 D. dispar 358, 359, 499 E. bermudense 223, 224, 226 Diploastrea 135 E. boreale 162 D. heliopora 134, 135, 257-262 E. rameum 62 Diploria clivosa 596 Eudoxoides mitra 359, 498-499, 501 D. labyrinthiformis (see also Meandrina labyrinthica) 109- E. spiralis 359, 498-501 115 Eugymnanthea inquilina japonica 429-435 D. strigosa 109-115, 131-135 Euphausia (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) 489 Diplosoma listerianum (Protochordata: Tunicata) 219 Euphausiidae (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) 489 Dipurena 685 Euphyllia 541, 595 D. reesi 233 E. ancora 541 Discomedusa lobata 189-194 Euphysa 163, 573, 581, 584 Distichoptilum 578 E. aurata 353 D. gracile 574, 576-577 E.flammea 582 Drosophila (Insecta: Diptera) 83, 514, 515, 516, 517 E. japonica 336, 581-587 Drymonema dalmatinum 336, 337 Euplokamis 27, 30 Dualipora 419-424 Eurhamphaea vexilligera 336 D. preciosa 419, 421, 422, 423 Eusmilia 597 D. reticulata 421, 423 E.jastigiata 596 D. roemeri (see also Pustilopora roemeri) 421, 423 Eutiara mayeri 313 D. serratula 423 Eutima 223 D. spiralis 422 E. gracilis 336, 338, 339 Dynamena crisioides 221-227 E. japonica 429-435 D. disticha 223 Eutonina indicans 336, 338 D. pumila 62-65 E. scintillans 352

Echinopora 595 Fasciolan'a tulipa (Mollusca: Prosobranchiata) 292 E. gemmacea var. fruticulosa 252 Favia 595 E. lamellosa 253 F.favus 101-107 Ectocarpus (Protista: Algae) 254 F.fragum 114, 135 Ejjiatounaria 129 F. pallida 252, 253 Eirene 556-557 F. stelligera 252 E. hexanemalis 155, 156 Faviidae 541 Endomyaria 539, 540 Faviina 135, 541 Enneagonum hyalinum 359, 499 Favites abdita 253 Entacmaea 459 F. complanata 253 723

Favosites bohemicus 421 H. groenlandicum 70-71 F. bohemicus grandis 421 H. minutum 70-71 F. svagercus 421 H. nanum 223, 227 Favositidae 420 H. tenellum 223 Ficopomatus (Annelida: Polychaeta) 185 Halicreas minimum 312, 313 Filellum serpens 72 Halimeda (Protista: Algae) 222 curvatum 483 Haliotiv (Mollusca: Prosobranchiata) 264 F. mcandrewi 693 Haliplanella 541 Flosmaris 541 H. lineata 137-142 F. bathamae 540 H. luciae (see also Sagartia luciae) 137,267, 540, 542 Forskalia 339 Haliplanellidae 541 F. leuckarti 359 H aliscera bigelowi 313 Fukaurahydra anthoformis 159-163 H. conica 313, 353, 489-490 Fulmarus glacialis (Aves: Procellariiformes) 305 H alistaura 6, 581 Fungia actiniformis (see also Heliofungia actiniformis) 596 Halistemma rubrum 359, 566 F.fungUes 253 Halitiaraformosa 352, 353 F. granulosa 253 Halitrephes maasi 313, 314 F. scutaria 146 H. valdiviae 313 Fungiina 135, 541 Halocordyle disticha (see also Pennaria disticha) 437-441, Funiculina 578 448, 569, 607-613 F. quadrangularis 300, 302, 573, 574, 575-576 H.fragilis (see also Pennariafragilis) 437-441 Halopteris diaphana 221-227 Galaxea 541 Hataia parva 159-163 G. fascicularis 253, 541 Heliofungia 596, 597 Gardinoseris planulata 253 H. actiniformis (see also Fungia actiniformis) 596, 597 Gastra lacta 701 Heliopora coerulea 397-402 Gonactinia prolifera 272, 273 Heteractis aurora 695 Goniastrea palauensis 393 Heteroxenia 125, 129 G. pectinata 253 H. coheni 126, 129 G. retiformis 253 H. fuscescens 125-129 Gonionemus 163 H. ghardagensis 126, 129 G. vertens 338, 566 Hippasterias phrygians (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) 275, Goniopora 595, 705 277 Gonothyraea loveni 62, 64 Hippopodius 327-333, 573, 581, 586, 587 Grammaria abietina 72 H. hippopus 327-333, 359, 499 Gyrostoma 459 Hoekia monticulariae (Crustacea: Cirripedia) 285 G. dubia 459 H ormathia pectinata 483 G. dysancritum 459 Hormiphora palmata 339 G. incertum 459 Hybocodon profifer 336, 339 G. monodi 459 Hydnophora exesa 253 G. sanctithomae 459 H. microconus 252, 253 G. selkirkei 459 Hydra 8,41-42, 54, 58, 83, 84, 163, 174, 553, 555, 557, G. tristis 459 558, 565-567, 569, 589-592, 649, 661, 667, 668, 679, G. tulearense 459 685, 688, 699, 702, 703, 704, 705 H. attenuata (see also H. vulgaris) 53, 54, 58, 84, 514, Habrosanthus 541 552, 558, 589-592, 661-668, 703, 704 H. bathamae 540 H. cauliculata 377 Haeckelia 340 H. littoralis 58, 552, 558 H. beehleri 339 H. magnipapillata 380, 549-553, 589-592 H. rubra 339 H. oligactis 88, 377, 513, 552, 553, 556-557, 558, 700 Halammohydra 623 H. viridissima (see also Chlorohydra viridissima) 369-374, H. intermedia 623-627 377-380 H. octopodides 623 H. vulgaris (see also H. attenuata) 83-88, 513-517,661- Haleciidae 66, 67 668, 679-683, 703, 704 Halecium 223 Hydractinia 96 H. corrugatum 71 H. echinata 83-88, 267, 539, 566 724

Hydroclathrus (Protista: Algae) 254 Liriope tetraphylla 336, 353, 703, 704 Hydrocoryne 447, 448, 450 Lobophyllia cOlymbosa 252 H. bodegensis 443 Lobophytum sarcophytoides 242-245 H. miurensis 443, 448 L. solidum 242-245 Hydrocorynidae 444 Loligo (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) 276 Hydroides (Annelida: Polychaeta) 185 Lophbillidium 416-417 L. distortum 416-417 Inferiolabiata 483 Lophohelia pertusa 693 Isacmaea euchlora 459 Isarachnanthus panamensis 693 Madracis 541 Isognomon (Mollusca: Lamellibranchiata) 184 M. decactis 247-248, 541 Isophelliidae 541 M. mirabilis 248, 541 Isosicyonis alba 483 Margelopsis 163 Mastigias papua 453, 458 lassafalcata (Crustacea: Amphipoda) 219 Meandrina 597 M. labyrinthica (see also Diploria labyrinthiformis) 115 Koellikerina fasciculata 352 M. meandrites 247-248, 597 Kophobelemnon stelliferum 574, 577 Meandrinidae 541 K. stroemi 552 Melicertum octocostatum 336, 338 Krampe/la dubia 352, 353 Mertensia 319-323 M. ovum 321-322, 343-348 Lafoeidae 66 Merulina 541, 596 La/oeina amirantensis 223 M. ampliata 541 Laodicea brownei 151 Merulinidae 541 L. indica 151-156 Metridiidae 541 L. undulata 151, 152,336 Metridium 273, 274, 276-277, 541 Laomedea angulata 205-209 M. exilis 272, 273, 274, 276 L. jlexuosa (see also Campanularia jlexuosa) 69, 72, 73, M. senile 35-38, 239, 272-277, 521-522, 523, 540, 542, 229, 233 552, 654, 672-673, 676 Lebrunia danae 692 Millardiana longitentaculata 223 Lensia campanella 499 Millepora 165-168,251,254,692 L. conoidea 358, 359 M. alcicomis 223 L. cossack 499 M. complanata 165-168,223 L.fowleri 499 M. dichotoma 285-290, 397-402, 249, 251, 252, 253 L. hardy 359 Mitrocoma cellularia 336 L. hotspur 499 Mitrocomella polydiademata 336 L. meteori 499 Mitrocomidae 313 L. multicristata 359, 499 Mnemiopsis leidyi 335, 336 L. subtilis 359, 499 M. mccradyi 336 Lepidisis olapa 578 Monotheca margaretta 223 Leptastrea 596 Montastrea 541 L. transversa 253 M. annularis 109-115, 131-135 Leptocarpus (Plantae: Angiospermae) 495 M. cavemosa 109-115, 135,247, 541 Leptoria phrygia 257-262 M ontipora 106 Leptoseris explanata 393 M. vallenciennesi 252 L. fi'agilis 383, 389-393 Muggiaea atlantica 336, 359 L. gardineri 393 M. kochi 359, 499 Leuckartiara 223, 336 Mycedium elephantotus 393, 253 L. nobilis 338 Mycetophyllia ferox 135 L. octona 338 Myrionema amboinense 223, 224, 227 Leucothea 319-323 Mytilus (Mollusca: Lamellibranchiata) 162 L. multicomis 336 M. edulis gal/oprovincialis 162, 430 L. pulchra 320-323 Limax (Mollusca: Pulmonata) 48 Nanomia 573 Linuche unguiculata 463, 467 N. bijuga 339, 358, 359, 499-500, 566 Linuchidae 468 N. cam 336 725

Nausithoe 463, 469 O. pileus 313 N. albatross! 468 Orthopyxis integra (see also Clythia poterium) 70-71, 447 N. antiqua 468 O. sargassieola 223 N. atlantica 314, 468 Ostroumovia 163 N. challengeri 468 Otohydra 623 N. clausi 468 N. eumedusoides 463, 464 Paehyeerianthus multiplicatus 693 N. globifera 468 Pachycordyle napolitana 223 N. indica 468 Pachyporidae 421 N. limpida 468 Pachyseris 596 N. maculata 465-467, 468, 469 P. speciosa 253, 254 N. marginata 464, 466-467, 468, 469 Paguristes oculatus (Crustacea: Decapoda) 294 N. pe/agica 468 Pagurus pollicaris (Crustacea: Decapoda) 291-294 N. pieta 468 Palephyra 314, 469 N. planu/ophora 463, 464, 466-467, 468, 469 Pallenopsis scoparia (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) 315 N. punctata 177,463,466,467,468,469 P alythoa 11 7 N. racemosa 464, 467 P. caribaeorum 121, 123 N. rubra 468 P. tubercu/osa 121, 122-123 N. thieli 464, 466-467, 468, 469 Pandea rubra 312, 313, 314 N. werneri 464, 466-467, 468, 469 Pantachogon haeckeli 312, 313, 490 Nausithoidae 463, 468 Paraeoryne 163 Nemaleeiwn 221-227 Paraeyathus stearnsii 146 N. lighti 223 Paraeytaeis oetona 352 Nematostella vectensis 701 Paraduplophyllum tubaeJormis tubaeJormis 416-417 Nemertesia antennina 213 Paragotoea bathybia 352, 353 Nemopsis bachei 336 Paramecium bursa ria (Protista: Ciliata) 370 N. dofleini 505-507 Paraphyllina intermedia 314 Nephthea erecta 245 P. ransoni 314 Niotha livescens (Mollusca: Prosobranchiata) 700 Paraphyllinidae 468, 470 NothoJagu.\· (Plantae: Angiospermae) 495 Parathemisto gaudichaudi (Crustacea: Amphipoda) 314-315 Notostomus (Crustacea: Decapoda) 316 Parerythropodium Julvum Julvum 145, 146 N. robustus 314 Pavona varians 253 Nowakia barrandei (Mollusca: Dacryoconarida) 420, 421 Peetinia (see also Tridacophyllia 596 N. cancellata 420, 421 Pegantha clara 313 N. elegans 421 Pelagia 573, 578 N. praecursor 421 P. noctiluca 189-194, 197-202,314,337,339,615-620, N. richteri 421 629, 702 N. sulcata 421 Penilia avirostris (Crustacea: Cladocera) 201 Pennaria distieha (see also Haloeordyle distleha) 607 Obelia 336, 338, 339,441,581 P.Jragilis (see also Halocordyle /ragilis) 437 O. bidentata 223 P. tiarella 75-82, 168,607,612 O. eommissuralis 70-71 Pennatula 573 O. diehotoma 223, 226 P. aculeata 574, 577 O. geniculata 69-72 P. phosphorea 578 OctophialuciumJunerarium 352, 353 Pennatulacea 573 Octopus joubini (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) 291-294 Pennatulidae 573 Octotiara violacea 352 Periphylla periphylia 312, 314, 315 Oeulina varicosa 302 Periphyllidae 468, 470 Ocu1inidae 541 Periphyllopsis braueri 314 Ocyropsis crystallina 336 P. galatheae 314 O. maculata 336, 339 Persa incolorata 353 Opercu/arella 71 Phacellophora camtschatica 335, 336, 337 O. lacerata (see also Campanulina lacerata) 70-71 Phialella 223 O. pumila 70-71, 73 Phialidium 96, 566, 581 Ophiothrix lineata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) 302 P. hemisphaericum (see also elytia hemisphaerica) 566 Orchistoma 338 Phoea richardii (Mammalia: Pinnipedia) 306 726

P. vitulina 306 Ptilosarcus 573 Phyllactis 512 Ptychogastriidae 313 P. conquilega 510-512 Ptychogena lactea 151 Phymactis clematis 540 Pustilopora greifensteiniensis (see also Bainbridgia Physalia physalis 339, 629, 662, 667 greifensteiniensis) 421 Physophora 685 P. roemeri (see also Dualipora roemeri) 421 P. hydrostatica 336, 359 Pycnogonum (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) 274 Planocera (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria) 507 Platyctenea 27-33 Rathkea octopunctata 336 Platygyra 393 Renilla 568, 573, 581 P. deadalea 253 R. kollikeri 552, 559, 566, 567 P. lamellina 10 1-1 07 Renillidae 573 P. sinensis 107 Restionaceae (Plantae: Angiospermae) 495 Plerogyra 541 Rhabdoon singulare 352, 353 P. sinuosa 253, 541 Rhizophora (Plantae: Angiospermae) 184, 224, 227, 441 Pleurobrachia 19-24, 30, 339 R. mangle 224, 227 P. bachei 336 Rhizophysa eysenhardti 336, 359 P. pileus 19-24, 335 Rhizostoma octopus 339 P. rhodopsis 703 R. pulmo 189-194,615-620 Pleuroploca gigantea (Mollusca: Prosobranchiata) 292 Rhodactis 695 lagenifera 672 R. rhodostoma 647, 667 P. setacea 213, 214 Rhodalia miranda 481-486 P. strictocarpa 223 Rhopalonema velatum 353 P. undulata 208 Rhopilema verrilli 615 Plumulariidae 66 Rosacea cymbifomlis 338, 339, 685-689 Pocillopora 255, 541, 596 R. plicata 357, 358, 359 P. damicornis 107, 384-386, 397-402, 251, 252, 253, 541 Rugosa 413-408 P. robusta 541 P. verrucosa 107, 384-386, 252 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Protista: Fungi) 514 Pocilloporidae 541 Saccostrea (Mollusca: Lamellibranchiata) 184 Podabacia crustacea 254 Sagartia 541 Podocoryne carnea 4-5, 7-8, 11-16, 539, 556-557, 566, 662, S. elegans 519-524, 540, 542, 692, 695 667,668 S. ludae (see also Haliplanella ludae) 552 Polinices duplicatus (Mollusca: Prosobranchiata) 292 S. ornata 540 Polyorchis 568, 569, 584, 585 S. troglodytes 540, 542, 695 P. penicillatus 4-6, 552,555, 559, 561, 566, 567, 569, 700 S agartiidae 541 PoraNa 312, 314,315 Sagartiomorphe carlgreni 540 P. rufescens 315 Sagartiomorphidae 541 Porites 261, 541, 596 Salpa cylindn'ca (Protochordata: Tunicata) 701 P. andrewsi 541 Samuraia gen. nov. 443-450 P. astreoides 114, 115, 135 S. tabularasa sp. nov. 443-450 P. compressa 239 Sarcophyton crassocaule 242-245 P. lutea 253 S. glaucum 146 P. porites 596 S. trocheliophorum 242-245 Poritidae 541 Sargassum (Protista: Algae) 162, 172, 222, 224 Posidonia oceanica (Plantae: Angiospermae) 205-209, 211- Sarsia 581, 703 214 S. princeps 336 Praya dubia 358, 359 S. resplendens 448 Proboscidactyla 584 S. tubulosa 336 P.flavicirrata 177, 336, 339, 340, 566 Savignium milleporum (Crustacea: Cirripedia) 285-290 P. stellata 339 Seriatopora 255, 596 Protomacgeea 414 S. caliendrum 107 Protopalythoa 117-123 S. hystrix 107, 144,252, 253 P. vestitus 121, 122, 123 Sertularella 66 Protoptilidae 576 S. peculiaris 223 Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Pisces: Teleostei) 275 Sertularia 66 727

S. argentea 216-217 S. quadrivalvis 359, 499-500 S. cupressina 215-219 S. turgida 359 S. perpus/lla 205-209, 211-214 Symbiodinium (Protista: Algae) 702 Sertulariidae 62-67 S. microadriaticum 389-393 Siderastrea radians 135 Symmetroscyphus intermedius 223, 227 S. siderea 131-135 Sympodium 125, 129 Simacephalus (Crustacea: Cladocera) 378 S. caemleum 126, 128, 129 Sinularia grandilobata 242-245 S. granosa 245 Tamoya 639 S. numerosa 242-245 T. virulenta 639 S. polydactyla 242-245 Tealia (see also Urticina) 271 Sminthea eurygaster 353 T.jelina (see also UrticinafeUna) 552 Salmaris corona 313 T. piscivora (see also Urticina piscivora) 604 S. flavescens 313 Tedania ignis (Parazoa: Porifera) 227 S. leucastyla 352, 353 Tetraselmis suecica (Protista: Algae) 287 Salmissus 336, 338 Thalassia (Plantae: Angiospermae) 222, 227 S. albescens 352, 353 Thecata 61-67, 69-73 S. incisa 312, 313, 314 Thecoscyphus zibrowii 467 S. marshalli 313 Thuiaria 64, 66, 67 Solmundella bitentaculata 313 Thysanoessa (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) 489 Sphaerocoryne bedoti 223 Tiaropsis 313, 314 Sphaeronectes gracilis 335, 358, 359 T. multicirrata 336, 338 Spirocodon saltatrix 505-507 Trapezia (Crustacea: Decapoda) 279-284 Spangicola fistularis 464 T. cymodoce 279-284 Sporadopora dichotoma 483 Tricnidactis 541 Spurifla (Mollusca: Nudibranchiata) 274 T. errans 540 Squatarola squatarola (Aves: Charadriiformes) 306 Tricyclusa 163 Staurophora 338 Tridacophyllia (see also Pectinia) 596 S. mertensi 151 Tridentata distans 223, 224 Stephanocoenia 541 T. marginata 223 S. michelinii 541, 542 T. turbinata 223-226 Stephanoscyphistoma gen. nov. 463, 464 Tripedalia 176, 700 Stephanoscyphus 463 T. eystophora 171-172, 176, 177 S. corni/ormis 464 Tubastrea coceinea 252 S. eumedusoides 464, 467 Tubularia indivisa 552 S. mirabilis 463, 464 T. larynx 699, 701 S. planulophorus 464 T. mesembryanthemum 208 S. racemosus 464 Turbinaria (Protista: Algae) 222, 224 S. simplex 464 Turritopsis fascicularis 223 Stomolophus meleagns 701 T. nutrieula 223, 226 Stomotoca atra 6, 336, 338 Turritopsoides brehmeri 221, 223, 227 Stomphia coccinea 272, 273, 599, 603 Striatopora spiralis 420 Ulva (Protista: Algae) 254 Striatoporidae 420, 421 Umbellula huxleyi 574, 575 Stygiomedusa fabulosa 144 U. magniflora 575 Stylactana arge 223 Urticina (see also Tealia) 271, 273, 275 Stylaster densicaulis 483 U. columbiana 273 Stylatula 573, 575 U. coriaeea 273, 275, 276 Stylocheiron (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) 489 U. crassicornis 272, 273, 277 Stylophora 254, 255, 596 U.jelina (see also Teatia fetina) 599, 603, 695, 696 S. pistil/ata 107, 146, 267, 279-284, 289, 384-386, 392, U. lofotensis 273, 274, 275 251, 252, 253 U. piscivora (see also Tealia piscivora) 273, 274, 275 Sulculeolaria 339 S. biloba 500 Vacoea 416-417 S. chuni359,499-500 Vallicula multiformis 27-33 S. monoica 359, 499 Velella velella 305 728

Ventromma halecioides 221-227 X. kukenthali 126 Veretillidae 573 X. lillieae 126 Veretillum 573 X. macrospiculata 125, 126, 128, 146 V. cynomorium 578, 699 X. membranacea 126 Verrillactis 541 X. novaebritanniae 126, 129 V. paguri 540 X. obscuronata 126, 128 Virgularia 573 X. umbellata 125-129, 146 Vogtia 332 X. viridis 129 V. glabra 329-331, 358, 359, 499 Xeniidae 125-129 V. pentacantha 329-331 V. serrata 329-331 Zanclea 699 V. spinosa 329-331 Z. alba 223 Z. costala 353 Xenia 125 Zoanthus 117 X. biseriata 126 Z. pacificus 121, 122, 123 X. blumi 126 Z. pulchellus 121, 122 X. farauensis 126 Z. sociatus 121, 123, 235-238 x. garciae 126 Z. solanderi 121, 122-123, 235-238 X. grasshoffi 126, 129 Zostera marina (Plantae: Angiospermae) 205-209 X. hicksoni 126 Zyzzyzus warreni 223 X. impulsatilla 126 Hydrobiologia 216/217: 729-742, 1991. R.B. Williams, P.F.S. Cornelius, R.G. Hughes & E.A. Robson (eds.), 729 Coelenterate Biology: Recent Research on Cnideria and Ctenophora.

SUbject index

The few vernacular names in the volume are included here rather than in the Taxonomic Index, but further reference to them, if appropriate, may be found there under their scientific names. Taxonomic names newly introduced are in bold type. Presentations at the Conference noted only as titles (pp. 699- 706) are indexed so far as possible. P.F.S.C., assisted by E.A.R.

absorption spectrum (of photosynthetic pigments) see spec• neurotransmitters) tral activity amino acids acrorhagi (of Actiniidae anemones; see also aggression) composition 365 (Cnidaria), 403-408 (Antipathes skele• 509-512, 539-543, 692 ton) actin 679-683 (Hydra nematocyte) feeding response to 365 (Cnidaria), 599-604 (anemo• actinula 159-163 (Fukaurahydra, Hataia, Alhecala), 701 nes), 704 (Hydra) (Tubularia) nitrogen source 369-375 (Hydra) action spectrum (of photosynthetic pigments) see spectral ammonia supply 369-375 (Hydra with Chlorella) activity antibodies 3-9 (hydromedusae) activators, feeding response to see amino acids, feeding re• antipathin 403-408 (Antipathes skeleton) sponse to antisera 555-562 (Cnidaria), 565-569 (Hydrozoa) adaptation (see also photoadaptation) apical flaps, of nematocysts 655-660 (Calliactis and environmental 241-245 (Alcyonacea) Aiptasia, Actiniaria) evolutionary 205-209 & 211-214 (hydroids associated apical organ; apical tuft see balance organ; cilia, ciliary tuft with seagrass leaves) aquarium methods see culture methods phenotypic 229-233 (Clavopsella, Hydroida), 513-517 asexual reproduction 142 (anemones), 211-214 (Sertularia), (heat-shock response in Hydra), 533-536 (habitua• 235-239 (zoanlhid), 263-268 (Corynactis), 519-524 tion of Actinia), 589-592 (light and Hydra exten• (Sagartia), 527-531 (Anthopleura, Actiniaria) sion), 700-701 (several titles) ash content 403-408 (Antipathes skeleton) sensory 597 (Scleractinia) assimilation rate 369-375 (Hydra and amino acids) adhesion associations (see also Chlorella; adhesive pads 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) endosymbiosis;zooxanthellae) 279-284 (coral and by cells 3-9 (hydromedusan mesogloea) crab), 285-290 (Millepora and barnacle), 291-294 by zygotes, blastulae and planulae 181-188 (anemone and hermit crab), 297-302 (antipatharian ( Chironex,Cubozoa) and ophiuroid), 429-435 (hydroids commensal on aggression (see also acrorhagi) 241-245 (Alcyonacea), 263- bivalves), 453-460 (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., 268 (Corynactis, Corallimorpharia), 271-277 (anemo• Actiniaria, does not take up zooxanthellae), 466 nes), 275 (Corynactis), 443-450 (Samuruiu gen. nov., (Nausithoe punctata polyp, Coronatae, with sponge), Athecata, on barnacles), 512 (Actiniidae anemones), 460 (zooxantbellae uptake and loss in Cnidaria), 700 523 (Sagartia), 533-536 (Actinia), 539-543 (anemones (Cytaeis and Niotha), 70 I (anemone fish and anemo• and Scleractinia), 703 (anemones) nes; Cancer crabs and scyphomedusae; ctenophore alars 413-417 (Rugosa) and salp), 702 (zooxanthellae taking up food from alizarin red-S, use in skeletogenesis studies 398 host; symbiotic algae in Hydra; same, in Anthozoa; allergic reactions (of humans to envenomation) 629-634 same, in Cnidaria; exocytosis of symbionts in Aiptasia;

Uellyfish stings), 637-639 (cubomedusae) productivity in corals; O2 in symbiont hosts; toxicity of allogeneic recoguition 533-536 (Actinia), 539-543 (anemo- symbiotic Symbiodinium; carbonic anhydrase in host nes) cnidarians; ecology of alga-hosting Anthozoa); 705 alternation of generations 151-156 (Hydroida) (aeolids and nematocysts; historical aspects of green amastigophore, mesobasic 691-696 (Anthozoa: Zoantharia) Hydra symbiosis) American Society of Zoologists ix asynchrony (see also synchrony), 125-129 (intraspecific re• amides 11-16 (effect on Podocoryne), 83-88 (effect on productive, lunar, in alcyonaceans) Hydractinia), 565-569 (Hydrozoa, as attraction to lights see behaviour 730 autoradiography 12-13 (Fodocoryne), 75-82 (Pennaria) cnidarians); 489-495 (hydromedusan distribution and autotrophy see production, primary palaeozoogeography), 701 (Nematostella, Actiniaria), 703 (Scleractinia in W Australia; Mediterranean Bainbridgia-Dualipora association 419-424 (tabulate corals) hydromedusae; Bazilian hydroids; Pleurobrachia balance organ 19-24 (Pleurobrachia) rhodopsis off Spain; Corymorpha januarii off Brazil) behaviour (see also aggression; bioluminescence; locomo• bioluminescence 573-578 (pennatulids and related groups), tion; tropisms) 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa), 701 (midwater attraction to lights 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), 311- cnidarians), 704 (biochemistry) 316 (midwater medusae) biomechanics (see also fluid mechanics) chemical recognition and response 291-294 (by hermit cell shape 35-38 (Metridium) crabs to symbiotic sea anemones and predatory coral shape and wave action 701 (Fungia) octopus) swimming 319-324 (ctenophores) crumpling response to electrical stimulus 581-587 birds preying on cnidarians 305-306 (Euphysa, hydromedusa) blastocoel 102 ( Scleractinia) ctenophore 19-24 (Fleurobrachia), 27-33 (Vallicula), blastula 137-142 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria), 151-156 701 (various topics) (Laodicea, Hydroida) cubozoan 171-178 (Carybdea), 181-188 (Chironex) books, multi-author, on cnidarians and ctenophores, xi-xiv feeding (see also main entry for feeding) 181-188 branching, colony see colony branching (Chironex, Cubozoa), 297-302 (ophiuroid on brine shrimp see Artemia in Taxonomic Index antipatharian), 319-324 (ctenophores), 344 (cteno• brooding phores on copepods), 363-365 (medusa accwnula• Anthozoa 143-147 tion in response to ammonia), 453-460 embryos 125-129 (alcyonacean) (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria, on Cubozoa 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) scyphozoan), 595-597 (raptorial feeding and phys• planulae 125-129 (alcyonacean), 453-460 (Entacmaea iological control in Scleractinia), 599-604 medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria), 486 (and (Actiniaria), 607-612 (Halocordyle, Athecata, on 'viviparity', actinians) Artemia), 704 (Hydra) bud light, vertical migration and spawning 704 formation and development 53-58 (Cassiopea) (hydromedusae) hydranth 61-67 (thecate hydroids) mating 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) size and evolution 377-381 (Hydra) orientation 701 (Stomolophus, Scyphozoa) orthokinesis 363-365 (medusae and ammonia) 14C see labelling, isotope pair formation 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) calcification 397-402 (cnidarian compared) pattern recognition 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), calcium dependence 533-536 (Actinia) action potential 19-24 (ctenophore) periodic shortening-elongation 589-592 (Hydra) bioluminescence 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa) photoresponse, vertical migration and spawning 704 calice anatomy and ontogeny 413-417 (Rugosa) (hydromedusae) calicoblastic ectoderm 397-402 (cnidarian compared) predatory 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 340 carbohydrate 403-408 (Antipathes skeleton) (midwater tentaculate siphonophores and cteno• catch tentacles 539-543 (anemones) phores), 344 (ctenophores and copepods), 443- cations 661-668 (in nematocysts of Hydra) 450 (Samuraia gen. nov., Athecata, on barnacles) cell raptorial 595-597 (actiniarians and scleractinians) adhesion 3-9 (hydromedusae) settlement 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 215-219 contraction 35-38 (Metridium) (Sertularia), 249-255 (Acanthaster, on reefs) epithelial 35-38 (Metridium), 53-58 (Cassiopea) startle response 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa) gastrodermal 699 (Tubularia) swimming (see also main entry) 181-188 (Chironex, interstitial 75-82 (Fennaria), 549-553 (Hydra), Cubozoa), 319-324 (ctenophores), 581-587 699(Hydra) (Euphysa, hydromedusa), 599-604 (anemones), isolation by flow sorting 699 701 (Stomolophus, Scyphozoa; ctenophoes) junctions (see also neurotransmitters) 35-38 tentacle posture 314 (midwater medusae), 343-348 (Metridium), 565-569 (Hydrozoa), 581-587 (Mertensia, Ctenophora) (Euphysa, hydromedusa) vertical migration see migration, vertical locomotion and cyto-skeletal proteins 699 (Hydra) betaine 599-604 (responses of anemones to) membranes, intracellular 35-38 (Metridium) biogeography (see also distribution) 471-476 (Cyanea), 481- migration 61-67 (Hydroida), 75-82 (Pennaria) 486 (Rhodalia (Siphonophora) and other deep-sea myoepithelial 35-38 (Metridium), 699 (actinian) 731

receptor see receptor cells colony sensory see receptors; sensory cells branching 437-441 (Halocordyle, Athecata), 469 (pol• shape, changing 35-38 (Metridium) yps of coronate medusae) cellnlar biology 1-49, 699 (various topics) degeneration see degeneration, colony cement lines see growth rings form (see also growth) 247-248 (Scleractinia), 437- chemical and biochemical composition 702 (Pelagia) 441(Halocordyle, Athecata); 703 (corals and trees) chemoreception and chemoreceptors 291-295 (hermit habit see growth crabs, sea anemones and octopus), 363-366 (Aurelia; colour see morphs; pigment Aequorea, Hydrozoa), 541-542 (anemones), 597 comb plates and rows 19-24 (Pleurobrachia), 319-324 (Scleractinia), 599-604 (anemones) (ctenophores) chitin 403-408 (Antipathes), 463-469 (polyps of coronate metachrony etc. see cilia medusae) commensalism see association Chlorella (in Hydra) 369-375, 377-381 community 221-227 (hydroid community on mangroves), chromatography, high performance liquid, 370 (Hydra), 497-501 (Caribbean siphonophores) 549-553 (Hydra), 565-569 (Hydrozoa) competition chromatophores (see also pigment) 389 (Leptoseris, interference see aggression Scleractinia, and zooxanthellae) interspecific 263-268 (Corynactis) cilia (see also flagella) intraguild 335-340 (predatory gelatinous planktivores) balance organ, of 19-24 (Pleurabrachia) space 703 (anemones) beating and metachrony 19-24 (Pleurabrachia), 319- conductive 324 (ctenophores) pathway 19-24 (Pleurobrachia) epithelial 36 (Metridium) tissue 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa) giant 319-324 (ctenophores) conferences, cnidarian and ctenophore, past, ix-x, xi-xiv kinocilia 45-49 (Aurelia) conservation 249-255 (tourist reef damage), 705 (reef cor• locomotory 19-24 (Pleurobrachia), 319-324 (cteno• als; Hong Kong reefs; Maldive reefs; E coast India phores) gorgonians; Anthozoa in nature reserve in SW Eire; myoepithelial cell, of 36 (Metridium) Let Corals Live campaign) ciliary tuft 139 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria) contraction cladistics 509-512 (Actiniidae anemones) cellular 35-38 (Metridium), 699 (ctenophores) classification (see also nomenclature; systematics; taxon• pulses of body 589-592 (Hydra) omy) 143-147 (Anthozoa), 623-627 (nematocysts of tentacular 28 (ctenophore), 41 (Atarella, Coronatae) . Halammohydra, Hydrozoa), 706 (medusae, by Peron crabs see Decapoda and Lesueur) crossability, interspecific 429-435 (of hydroids commensal cleavage 75-82 (Pennana), 137-142 (Haliplanella, on bivalves), 703 (intercontinental, Sarsia) Actiniaria), 152 (Laodicea, Hydroida, as segmentation), cryosection 661-668 (nematocysts of Hydra) 699 (Hydra) crystalline skeleton 397-402 (cnidarian compared) c1eptocnidae see nematocysts, cleptocnidae ctene rows see comb plates and rows clinical symptoms of jellyfish stings to humans 629-640, culture methods 637-640 planula 137-138 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria), 84 clonal organisms 235-239; 703. (Hydractinia), 76 (Pennaria), 102 (Scleractinia), clones (see also asexual reproduction; modular organism) 110 (Scleractinia), 263-268 (Corynactis), 429-435 519-524 (Sagartia population), 527-531 (Anthopleura, (hydroids commensal on bivalves), 443-450 Actiniaria, population) (Samuraia gen, nov" Athecata) cnida(e) see nematocyst; spirocyst tissue 4-6 (hydromedusae), 12 (Podocoryne), 92 cnidocil see nematocyst, cnidocil (Aurelia tentacles), 549-553 (Hydra, nerve-free) cnidome see nematocyst, cnidome whole 45-46 (Aurelia), 92 (Aurelia), 171-178 co-occurrence of predators and prey 327-333 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), (planulae, primary polyps), (siphonophores and planktonic crustaceans), 343-348 53-58 (Cassiopea), 229-233 (Clavopsella, (ctenophores and copepods) Athecata), 280 (Stylophora, Scleractinia), 463-469 coeloblastula see blastula (coronate medusae), 549-553 (Hydra, nerve-free), colchicine 75, 77 (effect on Pennaria) 661-668 (Hydra) collagen 3-9 (hydromedusae), 699 (Veretillum, zooxanthellae 702 Pennatulacea) currents and distribution 481-486 (deep sea cnidarians), collective works xi-xiv 489-495 (hydromedusan distribution and colloblast 27-33 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) palaeozoogeography), 497-501 (Caribbean coloniality see clone; colony; modular organism siphonophores) 732 cyst see resting stage reduced (see also philopatry) 177 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), cytoskeleton 35-38 (Metridium), 679-683 (Hydra 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 458, 460 nematocyte), 699 (Hydra) (Entacmaea medusivom sp. nov., Actiniaria), 481- 486 (Rhodalia, Siphonophora, and other deep-sea damage (see also disease) 249-255 (to reefs by Acanthaster cnidarians) dissolved organic matter see organic and humans) maller, dissolved deaths (human) 629-634 (from jellyfish stings), 637-639 distribution 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 351-354 (Medi• (from cubomedusae), 641 (from Chironex, Cubozoa) terranean hydromedusae), 497-501 (Caribbean Decapoda 188 (box jellyfish (Chironex) feeding on siphonophores) shrimp), 291-294 (anemones recognising hermit-crab patchy 343-348 (ctenophores and copepods), 501 hosts), 316 (Notostomus feeding on Atolla (Caribbean siphonophores) (Scyphozoa», 701 (long-term association with patterns 489-495 (hydromedusan palaeozoogeography) Scyphozoa) vertical (see also migration, vertical) 311-316 deep-sea fauna 481-486 (Rhodalia, Siphonophora, and (midwater medusae), 343-348 (ctenophores and other cnidarians); 701 (reproduction in deep-sea anem• copepods), 351-354 (Mediterranean ones) hydromedusae), 355-361 (siphonophores), 704 degeneration, colony, 211-214 (Sertularia), 241-245 (hydromedusae) (Alcyonacea) distributional ecology see ecology delamination, skeletal 403-408 (Antipathes) DNA 11-16 (Podocoryne) density, population see population density synthesis 91-96 (Aurelia), 5\3-517 (Hydra) development (see also deVelopmental patterns; differentia• DOM see organic matter, dissolved tion; morphogenesis; various topics 699-700) dopamine 549-553 (Hydra) amides in 565-569 (Hydrozoa) Cubozoa 171-178 (Carybdea), 181-188 (Chironex) ECM (extracellular matrix) see mesogloea edwardsia stage 104 (Scleractinia) ecology 203-307 (see also environmental factores; predator• halcampoides stage 104 (Scleractinia) prey relations; trophic levels; various topics 701) hydromedusa 151-156 (Laodicea, Hydroida) associations 279-307, 701 ncmatocyst 685-689 (Rosacea, Siphonophora) community 703 (Octocorallia in antarctic) planula distribution 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 241-245 actiniarian 137-142 (Haliplanella) (Alcyonacea), 271-277 (anemones), 351-354 cubozoan 171-178 (Carybdea) (Meditenanean hydromedusae), 471-476 (Cyanea) hydroidan 151-156 (Laodicea), 159-163 hydroids 205-234, 70 I (Fukaurahydra, Hataia) resource partitioning for space and substrate 241-245 scleractinian \07-108 (Alcyonacea) developmental substrate 159-163 (Fukaurahydra, Hataia, Athecata), biology 51-97, 699-700 (various topics) 205-209 (thecate hydroids), 215-219 (Sertularia), patterns 271-277 (anemones), 221-227 (hydroids on man• evolutionary 143-147 (Anthozoa) groves, Sargassum, Turbinaria) seasonal 151-156 (Laodicea, Hydroida), 527-531 theoretical 701 (Hydra) (Anthopleura, Actiniaria) zoanthids, corals and sea anemones 235-278 Devonian 419-424 (tabulate corals) ectoderm, calicoblastic and skeletogenic 397-402 (calcare• die! migration see migration, diel ous, cnidarian compared) diet see feeding egg see also oocytes; ova; spawning differentiation (see also development) bundles 113 (Scleractinia), 121 (zoanthid) interstitial cells 75-82 (Pennaria) electrical stimulation nematocyte 679-683 (Hydra) endogenous, and comb-row beating 21-24 (cteno• neurons 700 (Polyorchis, Hydrozoa) phores) nerve cells 83-88 (Hydractinia) experimental, and bioluminescence 573-578 digestion rate 369-375 (Hydra and Artemia) (pennatulids and related groups), 581-587 dimorphism (see also morphs), sexual 171-178 (Carybdea, (Euphysa, hydromedusa) Cubozoa) electron microscopy dinoflagellates see zooxanthellae scanning 3-9 (hydromedusae), 165-168 (Millepora), directed growth see orientation 397-402 (calcareous skeletons, cnidarian com• disease 249-255 (Black Band, of Scleractinia) pared), 463-469 (polyps of coronate medusae), dispersal 650-651 (Anemonia) cnidarian 700 transmission 76-77 (Pennaria) 733

Coronatae 39-43 epithelial fixing of tissues 28 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) conduction 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa) mesogloea 3-9 (hydromedusae) Hydra, nerve-free 549-553 muscle 39-43 (Atorella, Coronatae) escape response 599 (actinian) nematocysts 607-612 (Halocordyle, Athecata), eumedusoid 443--450 (Samuraia gen. nov., Athecata) 623-627 (Halammohydra, Hydrozoa), 641- eversion, nematocyst see nematocyst, discharge 647 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 661-668 (Hydra, evolution (see also systematics) 427-477; 703 (various top• X-ray micro-analysis), 680 (Hydra), 704 ics) (Hydra) aggression 539-543 (anemones and Scleractinia) nerves 39-43 (Atarella, Coronatae) Cnidaria 703 neuromuscular junctions 39-43 (Atarella, Hydra 377-381 (body- and bud-size and algal symbi- Coronatae) ont) oocytes 189-191 (Pelagia), 197-202 (Pelagia) Hydrozoa 61-67, 703 scyphopolyp 39-43 (Atorella, Coronatae), 48 isoenzymes 509-512 (Actiniidae anemones) (Aurelia) RNA sequencing 505-508 (cnidarian classes) skeleton 397--402 (calcareous, cnidarian com- Scleractinia in W Australia 703 pared), 403-408 (chitinous, Antipathes) theoretical 701 (Hydra) sperm 132 (Scleractinia) exoskeleton (see also skeletogenesis) 397--402 (calcareous, strobila 39-43 (Atorella, Coronatae) cnidarian compared), 403-408 (Antipathes), 463--469 synapses 39--43 (Atorella, Coronatae) (polyps of coronate medusae) electrophoresis see isoenzymes extracellular matrix see mesogloea electrophysiology 19-24 (Pleurobrachia), 565-569 (Hydro• eyes 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) zoa), 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa), 589-592 (Hydra), 595-597 (Scleractinia), 599-604 (actinians), facilitation response 573-578 (flashing, in pennatulids and 699 (membrane currents, two titles), 704 (Aglantha, related groups) Trachymedusae) fatalities, human see deaths embryogenesis (see also morphogenesis) 75-82 (Pennaria) fate map 53-58 (Cassiopea) emission spectrum 573-578 (pennatulids and related fauna (see also community) 221-227 (hydroid fauna on groups) mangroves), 351-354 (Mediterranean hydromedusae), encounter frequency with prey (see also predation) 247-248 497-501 (Caribbean siphonophores) (Scleractinia), 333 (siphonophores with planktonic fecundity (see also survivorship) 119 (zoanthid), 458 crustaceans), 343-348 (ctenophores with copepods), (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria) 363-365 (medusae with prey) feeding (see also associations; behaviour; encounter fre• endosymbiosis (see alsa associations) 369-394, 702 (various quency; predation) topics) behaviour activators see amino acids, feeding response energy flow 279-284 (coral-crab association) ciliary 19-24 (Pleurobrachia) England, K. W., obituary note 697 dissolved inorganic nitrogen, on 701 (Anemonia) envenomation (see also nematocysts; stings) experiments 343-348 (ctenophores and copepods) and syndromes, in humans 629-634 (jellyfish), 637-639 filter feeding 205-209 (thecate hydroids), 247-248 (cubomedusae), 641-647 (Chironex, Cubozoa) (Scleractinia) mechanism 649-654 (Anemania) medusae, on 335-340 (gelatinous cnidarians and environmental factors (see also main entries) ctenophores), 453--460 (Entacmaea medusivora sp. depth 271-277 (anemones) nov., Actiniaria) storms, mortality due to 241-245 (Alcyonacea) mucus, on 279-284 (crabs on scleractinian mucus), stress 513-517 (Hydra heat-shock protein), 549 (Hydra, 297-302 (ophiuroid on antipatliarian mucus) heat) polyp size and 595-597 (Scleractinia) water movement, effect of 247-248 (Scleractinia and selective 327-333 (siphonophores) reefs), 271-277 (anemones) raptorial 595-597 (actiniarians and scleractinians) enzymes 16 (Podocoryne) rate 343-348 (ctenophores on copepods) ephyra 45-49 (Aurelia) fertilization 102 (Scleractinia), 131 (Scleractinia) culture of strobila 39-43 (Atorella, Coronatae) delayed 177 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) release see strobilation in vitro 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa) rhopalium development 45--49 (Aurelia) fibrillar peg receptors 30-31 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) epiphytes fibrils, mesogloeal 27-33 (Va/licula, Ctenophora), 699 thecate hydroids on seagrasses 205-209, 211-214 (Veretillum, Pennatulacea) epithecal grooves 413--417 (Rugosa) fibronectin 3-9 (hydromedusae) 734 filter feeding see feeding, filter ation; tropisms) fjord biology 297-302 colony form 205-209 (thecate hydroids), 211-214 firing of nematocysts see nematocyst discharge (Sertularia), 229-233 (Clavopsella, Athecata), 247- fission see asexual reproduction 248 (Scleractinia), 437-441 (Halocordyle, fjord biology 297-302 Athecata) flagella (see also cilia) 11-16 (Podocoryne) enhancement see hormesis fluid mechanics (see also biomechanics) 319-324 (cteno• hydranth 69-73 phores) laminae see growth rings fluorescence 573-578 (pennatulids and related groups) light, influence of 247-248 (Scleractinia) microscopy see immunohistology pattern see colony; growth rings; morphogenesis food (see also feeding) pulsation in hydroid stolon 61-67 chain, web, see trophic level rate capture see predation antipatharian 298 cnidarians as 305-306 hydroid colony 212 (Sertularia), 215-219 formic acid, use in delaminating Antipathes skeleton 403- (Sertuiaria), 229-233 (Ciavopsella, Athecata) 408 rings 403-408 (Antipathes skeleton) fossils see palaeo- guild, predatory 335-340 (gelatinous cnidarians and cteno• fouling 215-219 (Sertularia) phores) gametes see gametogenesis; oocytes; spawning; sperm 3H labelling see labelling, isotope gametogenesis (see also gonads; oocytes; ova; sperm; vitel• habitat (see also environmental factors) 181-188 (Chironex, logenesis) Cubozoa), 205-209 (thecate hydroids on seagrass), 0' and ~ 117-123 (zoanthid), 125-129 (alcyonacean) 221-227 (hydroids on mangroves), 271-277 (anemo• spermatogenesis 125-129 (alcyonacean), 531 nes), 701 (Nematostella, Actiniaria) (Anthopleura, Actiniaria), 699 (several papers: habituation 533-536 (Actinia), 599-604 (anemones) anemones, Hydra), 700 (sex determination, Hydra) heat-shock protein(s) 513-517 (Hydra) gap junctions (see also intercellular junctions) 581- heavy metals see toxic substances 587{Euphysa, hydromedusa) hermaphroditism (see also sex allocation, gonochorism) 121 gastrula (see also morphogenesis) 102 (Scleractinia), 107- (zoanthid), 125-129 (alcyonacean), 131-135 108 (Scleractinia), 151-156 (Laodicea, Hydroida) (Scleractinia) gastrulation 137-142 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria) histo(in)compatibility 700 (Hydrozoa), 702 (endosymbiont gating mechanisms 91-96 (Aurelia) of Hydra), 703 (Anthozoa) generations, alternation of 151-156 (Hydroida) histology, light microscope (see also electron genet 235-239 (clonal organisms) microscopy) 11 8-11 9 (zoanthid), 125-126 genetics 503-545; 703 (various topics) (alcyonacean), 132 (Scleractinia), 198-199 (Pelagia) gene flow 519-524 (Sagartia) historical aspects 705 (regeneration; Abraham Trembley; isolated populations 471-476 (Cyanea) women and Hydra; anthropomorphism in awarding of genetic diversity (see also variation) 519-524 (Sagartia) Nobel Prize; green Hydra symbiosis), 706 (nerve nets, genome (see also DNA) 513-517 (Hydra heat-shock pro• anemones; Peron and Lesueur's medusa classification; tein) Canadian cnidarian biology in early 20th Century; genotype 519-524 (Sagartia) McCrady's hydrozoan work; discovery of N molecular aspects 505-517, 703 Queensland stinging Cubozoa; systematics of popUlation structure and behaviour of sea anemones Scleractinia; biological research at Stazione Zoologica, 519-545,703 Naples; siphonophores and scyphomedusae in Medi• giant axon 555 terranean and Adriatic; cnidarian research in Brazil; cilia see cilia, giant same, Argentina) fibre see nerve net holophagy 145 (anthozoan larvae) gonad development (see also gametogenesis) 527-531 hormesis 229-233 (Clavopsella, Athecata) (Anthopleura, Actiniaria), 700 (Bunodosoma, Actiniaria) host specificity see associations gonochorism (see also hermaphroditism) 117-123 HPLC see chromatography (zoanthid), 125-129 (aicyonacean), 131-135 hsp see heat-shock protein (Scleractinia), 134 (evolution in Scleractinia) human grafting 75-82 (planula of Pennaria) damage to reefs 249-255 graviceptor 45-49 (rhopalium of Aurelia) death 629-634 Gellyfish stings), 637-639 grazing 279-284 (coral-crab association) (cubomedusae) growth (see also degeneration; genet; growth rings; regener- eating of Cnidaria 306 735

illness from 632 labelling (see also immunohistology) hybrids, 'interspecific' 429-435 (hydroids commensal on chemical ('non-isotope') 84 (Hydractinia) bivalves), 703 (Sarsia) India ink 53-58 (Cassiopea) hydranth isotope (see also radioimmunoassay) 279-284 ct 4c, description 607-612 (Halocordyle, Athecata) scleractinian-crab fceding association), 285-290 growth, resorption and replacement 69-73 ct4 c, 32p, Millepora-barnade feeding association), hydromedusa 165-168 (Millepora, description, 369-375 (3H, Chlorella and Hydra), 513-517 development,reproductive season, release), 151-156 (Hydra heat-shock protein), 702 e4 C, skeleton of (Laodicea, release) A ntipathes) hydrotheca 69-73 (development, evolution, function, struc• laminae see growth rings ture) laminin 3-9 (hydromedusae) larva, absence of, 70 I (Gastra, Ctenophora) identification 463-469 (coronate medusae and polyps, larval (settlement, etc.) see planula keys), 637-639 (of venomous jellyfish from nematocyst larval slicks see spawning residues on skin), 691-696 (of nematocyst types in larviparity 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) Anthozoa: Zoantharia) learning see habituation immune reactions (see also immunohistology) of humans to lecitrophy 145 (anthozoan planulae) envenomation 629-634 Gellyfish stings), 637-639 life cycle (see also life history) (cubomedusae) Acti niaria 70 I (Nematostella) immunocytochemistry; immunofluorescence labelling; Cubozoa 171-178 (Carybdea), 700 (Tripedalia) immunohistochemistry; see immunohistology Hydroida 151-156 (Laodieea), 159-163 (Fukaurahydra, immunohistology (see also labelling) 3-9 (hydromedusae), Hataia), 215-219 (Sertularia), 700 (Eueheilota) 11-16 (PodocOIyne), 58 (Cassiopea), 84-85 suppression of stages from 151-156 (Laodicea), 443- (Hydractinia), 555-562 (Cnidaria), 565-569 (Hydro• 450(Samuraia gen. nov., Hydrocorynidae, zoa), 679-683 (Hydra nematocyte), 700 (Hydra; Poly• Athecata), 463-469 (coronate medusae) orchis, Hydrozoa) 703 (Anthozoa, immune response), life history (see also life cycle) 101-107 (faviid scleractinia), 704 (Aurelia; Hydra) 117-123 (zoanthid), 125-129 (xeniid alcyonaceans), immunolabelling; immunoreactivity see immunohistology 235-239 (zoanthid) India ink marking 53-58 (Cassiopea) light (see also bioluminescence; photoadaptation; photosyn• indicator species 437-441 (Halocordyle, Athecata) thesis; spectral activity) indoleamine 549-553 (Hydra) absorption, reflecting, transforming wavelength and insertion, septal see septal insertion scattering 389-393 (Leptoseris, Scleractinia, and intercellular junctions (see also gap junctions; zooxanthellae) neurotransmitters) 35-38 (Metridium), 565-569 (Hy• response and sensitivity 589-592 (Hydra) drozoa), 581-587 (Euphysa, hydro medusa) shadow response 704 (hydromedusae) interference competition see aggression lipid content 403-408 (Antipathes skeleton) interpopulational and interspecific fertility 429-435 lithocytes 48 (Aurelia) (hydroids commensal on bivalves) locomotion (see also behaviour; swimming) interstitial cell see cell, interstitial ciliary 19-24 (Pleurobrachia), 319-324 (ctenophores) intertidal hydroid 443-450 (Samuraia gen. nov., Athecata) creeping 28-30 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) intraguild predation 335-340 (gelatinous cnidarians and gliding 28-30 (Val/ieu/a, Ctenophora) ctenophores) planula 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa) intraspecific variation see variation, intraspecific sedentary forms 263-268 (Corynactis and Actiniaria) Irukandji 629-634, 637-639 traction 28-30 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) isoenzymes 509-512 (Actiniidae anemones), 513-517 longevity (see also planula; polyp) 524 (Sagartia, clones and (Hydra heat-shock protein), 519-524 (Sagartia) individuals) isotope see labelling, isotope; see also C, H, P luminescence see bioluminescence lunar spawning see spawning, synchrony junctions see intercellular junctions juvenile see brooding mammals preying on Cnidaria 305-306 mangal, mangroves (see also Rhizophora in Taxonomic keys see identification Index) 221-227 (hydroid epifaunal kinase 11-16 (Podocoryne) marking (see also labelling) 53-58 (Cassiopea, vital) kinocilia see cilia mechanoreceptors (see also receptors) 30 (Vallicula, kleptocnidae see nematocyst, c1eptocnidae Ctenophora), 45-49 (Aurelia), 599-604 (Actiniaria) Kunth's Rule 413 Mediterranean hydromedusae 351-354 736 medusae (see also hydromedusa) 311-316 (midwater) morphogenetic factor 83-88 (Hydraetinia planula) medusivory 335-340 (by gelatinous cnidarians and cteno• multi-headed hydras 700 phares), 453-460 (by Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., nerve cell-battery complex 700 Actiniaria) ocelli 45-49 (Aurelia) meetings see conferences planula 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), 83-88 membrane (see also cell, membrane) (Hydractinia), 137-142 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria) currents 699 (anemones; Hydrozoa) polarity 58 (Cassiopea) potential 565-569 (Hydrozoa) polyp 53-58 (Cassiopea), 107-108 (Scleractinia), 700 memory see habituation (Cytaeis) meso basic amastigophore 691-696 (Anthozoa: Zoantharia) primary polyp 107-108 (Scleractinia), 175 (Carybdea. mesogloea 3-9 (hydromedusae), 27-33 (fibrils, Vallicula, Cubozoa), 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa) Ctenophora), 699 (fibrillar collagen, Veretillum, proportion altering factor 83-88 (Hydraetinia planula) Pennatulacea) pulsing 61-67 (Hydroida) mesopelagic ctenophores and medusae see ctenophores, repair after injury 700 midwater; medusae, midwater rhopalium 45-49 (Aurelia) metabolic rate 383-386 (hermatypic Scleractinia) skeleton 397-402 (calcareous, cnidarian compared) metachronal etc. beating see cilia statocyst 45-49 (Aurelia) metals, heavy, see toxic substances stolon tip 61-67 (Hydroida) metamorphosis (see also development; morphogenesis; tentacle 91-96 (isolated, from Aurelia), 699 (cteno• planula) 53-58 (Cassiopea, scyphistoma buds), 84 phores), 700 (Polyorchis, Hydrozoa) (Hydractinia, induction of planula), 137-142 transmembrane signal transduction 700 (Hydra) (Haliplanella, Actiniaria, embryo and planula), 151-156 morphs, colour 533-536 (Aetinia) (Laodieea, Hydroida, life cycle), 700 (Cassiopea, morula 102 (Scleractinia), 151-156 (Laodicea, Hydroida) planuloid buds), 700 (Cotylorhiza, Scyphozoa, planula) movement see cilia; contraction; locomotion metaplasia see transdifferentiation mucus as food 279-284 (coral-crab association), 297-302 methods see culture; electron microscopy; immunohistol• (ophiuroid-antipatharian association) ogy; light microscopy; etc. multi-author books xi-xiv methylserotonin 549-553 (Hydra) muscles and musculature microtubule (see also tubule) 30 (Val/ieula, Ctenophora), cells 16 (Podocoryne), 53-58 (Cassiopea), 565-569 (Hy- 679-683 (Hydra nematocyte) drozoa), 699 (ctenophore) microvilli 36 (Metridium), 46 (Aurelia), 679-683 (Hydra hydromedusae 3-9 nematocyte) myoblasts and myofibrils 16 (Podocoryne) midwater forms 311-316 (medusae), 701 (ctenophores) myoepithelial cells 35-38 (Metridium), 699 (actinian) migration myotubes 16 (Podocoryne) cell 61-67 (Hydroida), 699 (Hydra), 700 (Aurelia pol• striated 11-16 (Podoeoryne) yps) subcellular structure 16 (Podocoryne) diel and vertical 355-361 (Siphonophora), 703 tissue 16 (Podocoryne) (hydromedusae and lighl), 704 (hydromedusae) mutant strain 700 (regeneration-deficiency, reg-16) mineralization see skeletogenesis mutualism see associations mitosis 58 (Cassiopea, mitotic index), 91-96 (Aurelia), 699 myoepithelial see muscles (Hydrozoa) myofilaments 39-43 (Atorella, Coronatae), 48 (Aurelia), modelling populations by computer 235-239 (zoanthid), 343-348 (ctenophores and copepods) necrosis 241-245 (Alcyonacea) modular organism 235-239 (zoanthid) nematoblast see nematocyst, nematoblast molecular characters 509-512 (Actiniidae anemones) nematocyst (including nematocyte; different types are not in• monoamines 549-553 (Hydra) dexed unless newly described herein; see also envenoma• Morbakka 638-639 tion; spirocyst: stings), pp. 605-697, 704-705 (various morphogenesis (see also development; differentiation; meta• topics) morphosis; regeneration) aggressive use (see also main entry for aggression) 539- bell rim 699 (Aurelia) 543 (anemones and Scleractinia) bud 53-58 (Cassiopea), 699 (Cladonema and Zanclea, amastigophore, mesobasic 691-696 (Anthozoa: Hydrozoa) Zoantharia) gonads 700 (Bunodosoma, Actiniaria) ampulla, of nematocyst tubule 623-627 historical aspects 705 (Halammohydra, Hydrozoa) hydroid stolon 61-67 (Hydroida) Anthozoa 456-457 (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., injury and repair 700 Actiniaria), 691-696 (Anthozoa: Zoantharia), 705 737

(Goniopora, Scleractinia) new type described 691-696 (Anthozoa: Zoantharia) apical flaps 655-660 (Calliactis and Aiptasia, nomenclature of types 691-696 (Anthozoa: Actiniaria) Zoantharia) cation distribution 661-668 (Hydra) Scyphozoa 45-49 (Aurelia), 615-620 (Pelagia, classification 623-627 (Halammohydra, Hydrozoa), Rhizostoma, Scyphozoa) 691-696(types and their nomenclature in spirocyst see main entry Anthozoa: Zoantharia) structure see ultrastructure c1eptocnidae 649, 653; 671-676, 705 (accumulation by , use in, 691-696 (Anthozoa: Zoantharia) nudibranchs) terminology of types 691-696 (Anthozoa: Zoantharia) cnidocil 46 (Aurelia), 623-627 (Halammohydra, Hydro• types (see also cnidome) 623-627 (Halammohydra, Hy- zoa), 646 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 681, 682 (Hydra), drozoa), 691-696 (Anthozoa: Zoantharia) 705 (regeneration in Hydra) tubule development 685-689 (Rosacea, Siphonophora) cnidome 437-441 (Halocordyle, Athecata), 448 ultrastructure 623-627 (Halammohydra, Hydrozoa), (Samul'Uia gen. nov., Athecata), 453--460 641-647 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 679--683 (Hydra), (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria), 607- 685-689 (Rosacea, Siphonophora), 704 (Hydra) 612 (Halocordyle, Hydroida), 615-620 (Pelagia, venom see stings to humans Rhizostoma), 623-627 (Halammohydra, Hydrozoa), volume change on discharge 620 (Pelagia, Rhizostoma, 705 (Goniopora, Scleractinia) Scyphozoa), 704 (Hydra) cytolysin 704 (actinian) nematocyte see nematocyst, nematoblast cytoskeleton 679-683 (Hydra), 685-689 (Rosacea, nerve-free Hydra 549-553 Siphonophora) nervous system and nerve cells (see also behaviour; density 609 (distribution in Halocordyle, Athecata) conduction; electron microscopy; electrophysiology; development and differentiation 679-683 (Hydra), 685- neuron; sensory systems) 689 (Rosacea, Siphonophora) cells 11-16 (PodocOIyne) discharge differentation 83-88 (Hydractinia) cnidarian theories compared 649-654 (Anemonia) ganglion 48 (Aurelia), 75 (Pennaria) in vitro 617 (Pelagia, Rhizostoma, Scyphozoa), giant axon 555 (siphonophore), 704 (Aglantha, 641-647 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 649-654 Trachymedusae) (Anemonia), 655-660 (Calliactis and Aiptasia, giant fibre 48 (Aurelia) Actiniaria), 661-668 (Hydra), 671-676 motor neuron, swimming 565-569 (Hydrozoa) (nematocysts in nudibranchs), 704 (Hydra) net 567 (Hydrozoa), 599-604 (anemones), 706 (histori• in vivo 629-634 (jellyfish stings to humans), 641- cal aspects) 647 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 649-654 neuron(c)s 555-562 (Cnidaria) (Anemonia), 668 (Hydra) sensory 565-569 (Hydrozoa) distribution 607-612 (Haloeordyle, Athecata), 615-620 ocellar nerves 565-569 (Hydrozoa) (Pelagia, Rhizostoma, Scyphozoa), 705 (Hydra) ring 700 (Hydra) eversion, firing see discharge SSI system (anemones) 599-604 evolution 704 synapses 39-43 (Atorella, Coronatae), 565-569 (Hy• extrusion, undischarged, in vitro (see also isolation) drozoa) 655-660 (anemones) system 599-604 (anemones), 704 (Aglantha, Liriope, functions 607-612 (Haloeordyle, Athecata) Trachymedusae; Aurelia; Hydra) Hydrozoa 159-163 (Fukaurahydra, Hataia, Athecata), neuritcs 48 (Aurelia), 699 (Hydra) 437-441 (Halocordyle, Athecata) neurociliary effector systems see comb plates identification of types 691-696 (Anthozoa: Zoantharia) neurohormones 555-562 (Cnidaria) ionic content and localization 661-668 (Hydra) neuromuscular junctions 39-43 (Atorella, Coronatae), 555- isolation techniques 656 (Calliactis and Aiptasia, 562 (Cnidaria) Actiniaria), 673 (nematocysts in nudibranchs), 704 neuron(s) see nervous systems, neuron (Hydra) neuropeptides (see also peptides) 555-562 (Cnidaria), 565- kleptocnidae see cleptonidae 569 (Hydrozoa), 700 (Hydra; Polyorchis, Hydrozoa), mesobasic amastigophore 691-696 (Anthozoa: 704 (Aurelia) Zoantharia) neurotransmitters 555-562 (Cnidaria), 565-569 (Hydrozoa), micromanipulation 704 (Hydra) 704 (Hydra) morphogenesis 623-627 (Halammohydra, Hydrozoa), nitrogen source 369-375 (Hydra with Chlorella) 679-683 (Hydra), 685-689 (siphonophore), 704 Nobel Prize 705 (Hydra) nomenclature (see also classification; systematics; taxon• nematoblast (nematocyte) 53 (Cassiopea), 75 (Pennaria) omy) 463--464 (Stephanoscyphistoma gen, nov_, 738

Coronatae), 691-696 (of nematocyst types in phalloidin 679-683 (Hydra nematocyte) Anthozoa: Zoantharia) phenotypic nucleotide sequences see RNA adaptation see adaptation, phenotypic nudibranchs harbouring nematocysts 671-676 variation see variation, phenotypic nutrition see feeding; digestion; production, primary; see philopatry (see also dispersal, reduced) 159-163 also 702 (several titles) (Fukaurahydra, Hataia, Athecata), 458, 460 (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria) obituary 697 (K. W. England) photo adaptation 383-386 (hermatypic Scleractinia), 389- ocellar nerves 565-569 (Hydrozoa) 393 (Leptoseris, Scleractinia, and zooxanthellae) ocelli 45-49 (Aurelia) photoresponse (see also entries under behaviour) 589-592 octanol 581-587 (effects on Euphysa, hydromedusa) (Hydra) olfaction see chemoreception photosynthesis (see also light; PAR; production, primary; ontogenesis see morphogenesis spectral activity) ontogeny 413-417 (Rugosa) accommodation to low light 383-386 (various oocytes (see also gametogenesis; gonads; oocytes; ova; Scleractinia), 389-393 (Leptoseris, Scleractinia) sperm; vitellogenesis) 117-123 (zoanthid), 189-194 pigment see pigment; spectral activity (Pelagia) products 279-284 (food for coral predator), 285-290 oogenesis, oogonia see gametogenesis (food for Millepora associate) organic matter, dissolved 143-147 (uptake by Anthozoa), phototransduction 589-592 (Hydra) 383-386 (uptake by hermatypic Scleractinia) phylogeny see evolution orientation 211-214 (Sertularia) physiology see various main entries; 547-604 (main section); orthokinesis 363-365 (medusae and ammonia) 704 (additional titles) ova (see also gametogenesis; gonads; oocytes; ova; sperm; pigment (see also spectral activity) vitellogenesis) 137-142 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria), 171- chromatophores 389 (Leptoseris, Scleractinia, and 178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), 699 (egg envelopes, zooxanthellae) hydrozoans), 702 (Hydra; Anthozoa) pigmentation 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), 311-316 overgrowth see smothering (midwater medusae), 473-476 (Cyanea spp.) oxygen level planula 471-476 (Cyanea) high, effect of 702 (Anthozoa), toxicity of 702 scattering of light and wavelength change by, 389-393 (dinoflagellate symbiont) (Leptoseris, Scleractinia, and zooxanthellae) measurement, experimental 390 planula (see also brooding; culture methods; life cycle; metamorphosis) 32p see labelling, isotope cellular development 75-82 (Pennaria), 83-88 paedomorphosis 156 (Hydroida), 703 (rugose corals) (Hydractinia) pair formation see behaviour colour 473 (Cyanea) palaeoecology, palaeogeography 419-424 (tabulate corals), locomotion 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa) 703 (stromatoporids and related forms) longevity 140 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria), 175 (Carybdea, palaeontology 411-425; 703 (various topics) Cubozoa), 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa), 152 palaeozoogeography 489-495 (hydromedusae) (Laodicea, Hydroida), 159-163 (Fukaurahydra, PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) see photosynthe• Hataia, Athecata), 453-460 (Entacmaea sis; production, primary medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria) paraovular body 189 release 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), 453-460 parthenogenesis 429-435 (hydroids commensal on (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria), 471- bivalves), 460 (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., 476 (Cyanea) Actiniaria, planulae) synchronous 125-129 (alcyonacean) particle capture see filter feeding settlement 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), 181-188 pattern recognition see behaviour (Chironex, Cubozoa), 215-219 (Sertularia), 151- pedal laceration see asexual reproduction 156 (Laodicea, Hydroida), 102 (Scleractinia), 109- pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores 309-366; 701-702 (vari• 115 (Scleractinia), 215-219 (Sertularia), 471-476 ous topics) (Cyanea), 700 (Cotylorhiza, Scyphozoa), 701 peptides (see also neuropeptides) 365 (as feeding response (Tubularia) activators in Cnidaria), 555-562 (in Cnidaria), 565-569 planulation see planula release (in Hydrozoa) planulocyst 471-476 (Cyanea) periodic behaviour 589-592 (Hydra) polarity, bud 58 periodicities, skeletal see growth rings pollution (see also toxic substances; various topics 705) phacellae 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) ecotoxicological testing 705 (Aurelia srobilation; 739

Aiptasia, Actiniaria, budding) production, primary (see alw photosynthesis) 383-386 reefs and tourists 249-255 (Scleractinia) (hermatypic Scleractinia), 389-393 (Leptoseris, polyp (see also scyphistoma; strobilation; ultrastructure) Scleractinia, and zooxanthellae), 702 (several refer• longevity 175 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) ences to symbiotic algae) primary 83-88 (Hydractinia), 171-178 (Carybdea, proline 599-604 (effect on anemones) Cubozoa) protein scleractinian 107-108 content 403-408 (Antipathes skeleton) population (see also survivorship; various topics 701) translocation 513-517 (Hydra heat-shock protein) clonal organisms 235-239 pulsing morphogenesis see growth pulsation density 241-245 (Alcyonacea), 343-348 (arctic cteno• phores), 497-501 (Caribbean siphonophores), 701 radioactive isotope labelling see labelling, isotope (coastal ctenophores) radioimmunoassay 555-562 (Cnidaria) distribution, patchy 343-348 (arctic ctenophores) ramet 235-239 (clonal organisms) dynamics raptorial feeding 595-597 (Scleractinia) actiniarian 519-524 (Sagartia) receptor cells (see also sensory cells) 48 (Aurelia) antipatharian 297-302 fibrillar peg 30-31 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) clonal populations 235-239 graviceptors 45-49 (Aurelia) predation, impact of 70 I (cnidarians in Wadden mechanoreceptors 30 (Vallicula, Ctenophora), 45-49 Sea; gelatinous predators in Southampton (Aurelia) Water) touch plate 45-49 (Aurelia) reef corals 257-262 (affected by Acanthaster), 701 vibroreceptors 30 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) (acroporids) recognition, allogeneic 533-536 (Actinia), 539-543 (anemo• siphonophore 497-501 nes) genetic diversity (see also variation) 519-524 (Sagartia) recruitment 235-239 (zoanthid), 257-262 (reef coral) growth 701 (acroporid corals) reefs isolated 471-476 (Cyanea) fossil 419-424 (Bainbridgia-Dualipora association) patchy distribution 343-348 (arctic ctenophores) regeneration 257-262 (after Acanthaster attack) recruitment 235-239 (zoanlhid), 257-262 (reef coral) scleractinian corals 247-248 (and water movement), seasonally adapted 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa) 249-255 (incidence of natural damage), 705 (sev• structure 297-302 (antipatharian) eral titles, see main entry for conservation) theoretical aspects of clonal populations 235-239 regeneration (see also morphogenesis) (zoanthid) chemical stimulation 92 (effect of caesium chloride on Portuguese man-of-war see Physalia in Taxonomic Index Aurelia) post-metamorphic juveniles, brooded, see brooding colony 211-214 (Sertularia) predation (see also associations; behaviour, predatory; en- injury, after 700 counter frequency; mucus; predator-prey relations) minimum size for 700 (Hydra) 205-209 (by thecate hydroids), 247-248 (by philosophical aspects 705 Scleractinia), 257-262 (by Acanthaster on reef corals), reef 257-262 (after Acanthaster attack) 271-277 (by nudibranchs and asteroids on regression 69-73 (of hydranth), 229-233 (of colony, actiniarians), 300 (by ophiuroid on pennatulid), 305- Clavopsella, Athecata) 306 (by vertebrates, except fish, on cnidarians), 311- replacement 69-73 (of hydranth) 316 (on and by midwater medusae), 327-333 reproduction 99-202; 700 (various topics) (see also sexual (siphonophores on crustaceans), 335-340 (gelatinous reproduction; asexual reproduction), 10 1-149 (corals cnidarians and ctenophores), 343-348 (pressure, by and sea anemones), 117-123 (zoanthid), 519-524 ctenophores and copepods), 443-450 (by athecale (Sagartia), 703 (modes of reproduction, Actinia) hydroid Samuraia gen. nov. on barnacles), 453-460 timing (see also asynchrony; spawning synchrony) 197- (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria, on 202 (Pelagia), 215-219 (Sertularia), 471-476 scyphozoan), 607-612 (by Halocordyle, Athecata, on (Cyanea), 527-531 (Anthopleura, Actiniaria), 700 Artemia), 595-597 (Scleractinia), 701 (gelatinous pred• (in deep-sea anemones; in clones of Anthopleura, ators of zooplankton) Actiniaria) predator-prey relations (see also predation) 327-333 reproductive isolation 471-476 (Cyanea) (siphonophores and planktonic crustaceans), 343-348 resorption (see also necrosis; regression) (ctenophores and copepods) hydranth 69-73 prey capture see predation stolon tissue 209 (thecate hydroids) primary polyp see polyp, primary tissue 211-214 (Sertularia) primary production see production, primary respiration see entries under oxygen 740

rate see metabolic rate 604 (anemones) response (see also under each stimulus, e,g, feeding) SMN see swimming motor neuron feeding 704 (Hydra) smothering by shadow 704 (hydromedusae) algae 241-245 (Alcyonacea, by Codium), 249-255 startle 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa) (Scleractinia) to stimuli 599-604 (anemones) sediment 241-245 (Alcyonacea), 249-255 resting stage (Scleractinia), 297-302 (antipatharian), 701 (soli• Hydroida 163 (Fukaurahydra, Hataia, Athecata) tary corals) Reynolds number 319-324 (ctenophores) solitary polyps 159-163 (Fukaurahydra, Hataia, Athecata) RF amide see neurotransmitters; immunohistology spawning (see also asynchrony; reproduction, synchrony) rhopalium, development and ultrastructure 45--49 (Aurelia) 102, 107-108 (Scleractinia), 109-lI5 (Scleractinia) RNA, 5S ribosomal 505-508 (relation between cnidarian double spawning 151-156 (Laodicea), 174 classes) (Carybdea,Cubozoa), 201 (Pelagia), 432 (hydroids commensal on bivalves) salinity tolerance see tolerance, salinity egg bundles 113 (Scleractinia) scanning electron microscopy see electron microscopy eggs 137-142 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria) scattering of light by pigments 389-393 (zooxanthellae in gametogenic changes 191 (Pelagia), 527-531 Leptoseris, Scleractinia) (Anthopleura, Actiniaria) scyphistoma (see also polyp; strobilation) 39--43 (Atarella, larval slicks 109-115 (Scleractinia) Coronatae), 45-49 (Aurelia), 53-58 (Cassiapea, ova 137-142 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria) Scyphozoa), 91-96 (Aurelia), 463--470 (Coronatae) synchrony (see also main entries for asynchrony; reproduc• seagrass, hydroids on, see epiphytes tion; synchrony) 527-531 (Anthopleura, Actiniaria) seals (preying on cnidarians) 306 induction 142 (Haliplanella, Actiniaria) seasonality 351-354 (Mediterranean hydromedusae), 70 I lunar 109-115 (Scleractinia), 125-129 (absence of, (cnidarians in Wadden Sea) Alcyonacea) sediment, ecological effect, see smothering Scleractinia 109-115 segmentation see cleavage suppression 201 (Pelagia, by temperature) self/non-self see aggression; histoincompatibility time of day 111 (Scleractinia), 117-123 (zoanthid), SEM see electron microscopy 151-156 (Laodicea, Hydroida) sensory cells (see also receptor cells) 13 (Podocoryne) speciation 471--476 (Cyanea), 489--495 (hydromedusan dis• cilia 19-24 (Pleurobrachia), 565-569 (Hydrozoa) tribution and palaeozoogeography) sensory systems (see also main entries for major aspects) spectral activity of photosynthetic pigments 389-393 589-604 (main section), 704 (various topics) (zooxanthellae in Leptoseris, Scleractinia) septal insertion and ontogeny 413-417 (Rugosa) sperm (see also gametogenesis) septate junction 35-38 (Metridium) bundle 173 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) sequencing 5S ribosomal RNA 505-508 (cnidarian classes) eggs and fertilization 699 serotonin 549-553 (Hydra) morphology 131-135 (Scleractinia) settlement see behaviour; planula spermatophore transfer 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) sewage, effect on reefs 249-255 spermatozoa 117-123 (zoanthid), 171-178 (Carybdea, sex Cubozoa) allocation (see also hermaphroditism) 121 (zoanthid) spermozcugma 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) determination 700 (Hydra) vesicle 119 (zoanthid) sexual spikes 565-569 (Hydrozoa) reproduction 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), 181- spirocyst (and spirocyte) 652, 653 (Anemonia) 188( Chironex, Cubozoa), 527-531 (Anthopleura, SSI nerve net 599-604 (anemones) Actiniaria) startle response 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa) dimorphism 171-17 8 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) starvation 549-553 (effect on Hydra) skeletal periodicities see growth rings statocyst skeletogenesis and skeleton 165-168 (Millepora, Hydrozoa), ctenophore 19-24 (Pleurobrachia) 397-402 (calcareous, cnidarians compared), 403--408 development 45--49 (Aurelia) (Antipathes), 463-469 (polyps of coronate medusae), ephyra 45--49 (Aurelia) 702 (techniques to demonstrate organic and inorganic stimuli and stimulation (see also chemoreceptors; environ• components; growth rate, Antipathes; skeleton of mental factors; light; receptor cells; response) Corallium) electrical, and flashing 573-578 (pennatulids and re• slicks of larvae see spawning lated groups) slow system (SS I nerve net) 595-597 (Scleractinia), 599- of growth rate see hormesis 741 stings (to humans; see also envenomation; nematocysts) yps), 471-476 (Cyanea) 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa), 181-188 (Chironex, TEM see electron microscopy Cubozoa), 471-476 (Cyanea), 629-634 Gellyfish), 637- tentacle (see also behaviour, tentacle posture; morphogene• 639 (cubomedusae), 705 (N Adriatic jellyfish) sis, tentacle) stolon growth 61-67 (hydroids, comparative), 211-214 catch 523 (Sagartia), 539-543 (anemones) (Sertularia) development 700 (Polyorchis, Hydrozoa) storms see environmental factors, storms ctenophore 27-33 (Vallicula) strategy see adaptation posture in midwater medusae 314 strobila, strobilation (see also electron microscopy; medusa regeneration of polyp from 91-96 (Aurelia) release; scyphistoma; ultrastructure) sweeper 539-543 (Scleractinia), 701 (Erythropodium, ecotoxicological testing 705 (Aurelia) Alcyonacea) induction 46 (Aurelia) tentillum 29-32 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) tissue movement during 700 (Aurelia) tentillum see tentacle substrate (see also ecology, substrate) 271-277 (anemones), thecate phylogeny and bud morphogenesis 61-67 700 (Cotylorhiza, Scyphozoa) thermocline and vertical migration 355-361 (siphonophores) summation (of flashing response) 573-578 (pennatulids and tissue see under cell type, e.g. muscle; see also necrosis related groups), 581-587 (Euphysa, hydromedusa) tolerance (see also adaptation) suppression of life cycle stages see life cycle salinity 181-188 (Chironex, Cubozoa) survivorship (see alm fecundity) touch plate see receptor cells; rhopalium planula 107-108 (Scleractinia) tourism, effect on reefs 249-255 whole animal in adverse environment 241-245 toxic substances (environmental etc.; see also pollution; (Alcyonacea), 533-536 (Actinia) stings; toxins), reaction to Cu, Hg 229-233 suspended matter as environmental hazard, see smothering (Clavopsella, Athecata) suspension feeding see filter feeding toxins, ncmatocyst (see also stings) 553 (cnidarian) swarming (see also behaviour; spawning) 189-194 (Pelagia), trans differentiation 11-16 (Podocoryne) 235-239 (zoanthid), transfonnation of light 389-393 (zooxanthellae in sweeper tentacle see tentacle, sweeper Leptoseris, Scleractinia) swimming (see also biomechanics; locomotion) translocation of photosynthatcs from zooxanthellac (see anemone 599 (Stomphia) also production; zooxanthellae) 279-284 (Scleractinia), ctenophore 19-24 (Pleurobrachia) 285-290 (Millepora) motor neuron 565-569 (Hydrozoa) transmission electron microscopy see electron microscopy directed 701 (Stomolophus, Scyphozoa) transmittance spectrum see spectral activity symbiosis see associations; endosymbiosis; zooxanthellae transmitters see neurotransmitters symmetry, bilateral and radial 505-508 (in cnidarian transplant, whole animal 241-245 (Alcyonacea) classes) Trembley, A., historical aspects 705 symposia see conferences tritiation see labelling, isotope symptoms, clinical, of jellyfish stings to humans 629-634, trophic levels 279-284 (coral-crab association), 297-302 637-639 (New Zealand fjords) synapses 39-43 (Atorella, Coronatae), 565-569 (Hydrozoa), tropisms (geo-, photo- and rheo-) 212 (Sertularia) 699 (Hydra) trypsin 655-660 (in vitro nematocyst discharge) synchrony, spawning see spawning synchrony tryptophan 549-553 (in Hydra) systematics (see also classification; nomenclature; taxon• tubule development 685-689 (nematocyst of Rosacea, omy; variation, intraspecific) 427-477, 703; 61-67 Siphonophora) (comparative stolon growth patterns), 429-435 tubulin 679-683 (Hydra nematocyte) (hydroids commensal on bivalves), 443-450 (Samuraia tumor promoters 11-16 (effect on cells of Podocoryne) gen. nov., Athecata), 453-460 (Entacmaea medllsivora turtles, preying on cnidarians 305 sp. nov., Actiniaria), 463-469 (coronate medusae), 509- type 512 (Actiniidae anemones), 706 (history of Scleractinia material 447 (Samuraia tuhularasa gen. et sp. nov., systematics) Hydrozoa), 457-458 (Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria) tabulate corals 419-424 species Dualipora 419-424 (tabulate corals) taxonomy (see also classification; nomenclature; systemat• ics) 429-435 (hydroids commensal on bivalves), 437- ultrastructure (see under organelle or cell type, e.g. 441 (Halocordyle, Athecata), 443-450 (Samuraia gen. nematocyst; see also electron microscopy) nov., Athecata), 453-460 (Entacmaea medusivora sp. uptake rate 369-375 (anlino acids by Hydra); 702 (several nov., Actiniaria), 463-469 (coronate medusae and pol- titles) 742 upwelling 481-486 (Rhodalia (Siphonophora) and other sperm) 189-194 (Pelagia), 197-202 (Pelagia) deep-sea cnidarians), 497-501 (Caribbean viviparity see brooding siphonophores) voltage clamp 565-569 (Hydrozoa), 699 (neurons of hydromedusae; myoepithelial cells of anemone) variation (see also population, genetic diversity) intraspecific 437-441 (Halocordyle, Athecata) waste discharge see sewage phenotypic 437-441 (Halocordyle, Athecata), 449-450 wave action and shape 701 (fungiids) (Samuraia gen. nov., Athecata), 703 (Actinia) wavelength (of light) change by pigments 389-393 vegetative reproduction see asexual reproduction (zooxanthellae in Leptoseris, Scleractinia) venom, venomosity see stings to humans women and Hydra 705 delivery see envenomenation mechanism; stings verapamil (use in treatment of jellyfish stings to humans) x-ray microanalysis, microprobe 661-668 (nematocysts of 629-634, 637-639 Hydra) vertical distribution and vertical migration see distribution, vertical and migration, vertical zoochlorellae see ChIarella vibroreceptors 30 (Vallicula, Ctenophora) zoogeography see biogeography; distribution vicariance 489-495 (hydromedusan distribution and zooxanthellae (see also associations) 53 (Cassiopea), 101- palaeozoogeography) 107 (consequence of absence from planula of faviid vision 171-178 (Carybdea, Cubozoa) corals), 107-108 (Scleractinia), 279-284 (scleractinian), vital marking (see also labelling) 53-58 (Cassiopea) 285-290 (Millepora), 389-393 (Leptoseris, Scleractinia), vitelline membrane 189 397-402 (role in calcareous skeletogenesis), 453-460 vitellogenesis (see also gametes; gonads; oocytes; ova; (not in Entacmaea medusivora sp. nov., Actiniaria)