Hydrobiologia 216/217: 699-706, 1991. R. B. Williams, P. F. S. Cornelius, R. G. Hughes & E. A. Robson (eds), 699 Coelenterate Biology: Recent Research on Cnidaria and Ctenophora. @ 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Titles of presentations given during the conference but not included in the Proceedings The abbreviated address of the first author only is given. L = Lecture; P = Poster; F = Comprised or included film or video. CELLULAR BIOLOGY Structure and development of the bell rim of Aurelia aurita (L) D. M. Chapman (Dept An at. , Dalhousie Univ., Canada) On the development of tentacles in the ontogenesis of ctenophores (L) M. F. Ospovat (Isto Anat. Comp., Univ. Genova, Italy) & M. Raineri Tracing nerve processes in Hydra's tentacles: an ultrastructural journey begins (L) L. A. Hufnagel (Dept Microbiol., Univ. Rhode Island, USA), M. B. Erskine & G. Kass-Simon Analysis of the locomotion of Hydra cells in an in vitro system with special emphasis on the distribution of cyto-skeletal proteins (L) R. Gonzales-Agosti (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland) & R. P. Stidwill A comparative analysis of sperm-egg interactions in hydrozoans with reference to egg envelopes and sperm enzymes (L) T. G. Honegger (Dept Zool., Univ. Zurich, Switzerland) & D. Zurrer Gametogenesis and early development in Hydra (F) M. Rossi (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland) & P. Tardent Muscle cells in ctenophores (L) M.-L. Hernandez-Nicaise (Cytol. Exper., Univ. Nice, France) Membrane currents in a population of identified, isolated neurones from a hydrozoan jellyfish (L, P) J. Przysiezniak (Dept Zool., Univ. Alberta, Canada) & A. N. Spencer Voltage-dependent ionic currents of sea anemone myoepithelial cells (P) R. E. Hice (Whitney Lab., Univ. Florida, St Augustine FL, USA), M. C. McKay & P. A. V. Anderson Fine structure of gastrodermal gland cells of Tubularia larynx (P) A. Aguirre (Depto BioI. Anim., Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain) & P. Garcia-Corrales New SEM observations in the morphology of Tubularia larynx (P) A. Aguirre (Depto BioI. Anim., Univ. Compiutense, Madrid, Spain) & P. Garcia-Corrales Structural comparative analysis between the mesogleal fibrillar collagen of Veretillum cynomorium (Anthozoa) and the interstitial collagen of vertebrates (P) S. Franc (Lab. d'Histol. Exp., Univ. Claude Bernard, Villeurbanne, France) Isolation of cell types of Hydra by flow sorting (P) A. Maurer (Zool. Inst., Univ. Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland), R. Gonzales-Agosti, M. Condrau & P. Tardent DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Medusa bud formation in relation to the site and mitotic activity in two colonial hydrozoans, Cladonema uchidai and Zanclea sp. (L) K.-I. Kato (Dept BioI., Osaka Kyoiku Univ., Japan), Y. I. Nakajima, S. Tahara, K. Hatada& K. Noda Random displacement of I-cells into buds and maintenance of the I-cell popUlation in Hydra (L) T. Fujisawa (N at! Inst. Genet., Mishima, Japan) 700 The neuropeptide head activator stimulates differentiation of a nerve cell-battery cell complex in hydra (L) E. Hobmayer (Zool. lnst., Univ. Munchen,FRG) & c. N. David Structure, formation and maintenance of nerve ring in hydra (L) O. Koizumi (Physiol. Lab., Fukuoka Women's Univ., Japan), M. Itazawa & H. Mizumoto Sex determination in Hydra oligactis: a conflict between egg- and sperm-producing interstitial cells (L) C. L. Littlefield (Devl BioI. Cent., Univ. California, Irvine CA, USA) Multiheaded hydras produced by interference with transmembrane signal transduction (L) W. A. Muller (Zool. lnst., Univ. Heidelberg, FRG) Stimulation of regeneration by injury in the regeneration-deficient mutant strain, reg-16 (L) T. Sugiyama (Natl lnst. Genet., Mishima, Japan) & E. Kobatake Minimum tissue size for hydra regeneration (L) H. Shimizu (Natl lnst. Genet., Mishima, Japan) & T. Sugiyama Microenvironment in morphogenesis of polyps in Cytaeis sp. and symbiotic relation between Cytaeis sp. and Niotha livescens (P) Y. Kakinuma (Dept BioI., Kagoshima Univ., Japan) & J. Tsukahara Development of planuloid buds of Cassiopea (P) J. S. van Lieshout (Dept BioI. Sci., Univ. Notre Dame, USA) & V. J. Martin Tissue movement in strobilating polyp of Aurelia aurita (P) K.-1. Kato (Dept BioI., Osaka Kyoiku Univ., Japan) & M. Y. Kato Histoincompatibility reaction in colonial Hydrozoa (P) R. G. Lange (Zool. lnst., Univ. Heidelberg, FRG), G. Plickert & W. A. Muller Substratum preferences and metamorphosis of the planulae of the scyphozoan jellyfish Cotylorhiza tuberculata (P) W. Lorenz (lnst. Zool., Univ. Wien, Austria) Tentacle development in the hydromedusa Polyorchis penicillatus and its relationship to the development of neurons with RF-amide-like immunoreactivity (P) N. A. McFadden (Dept Zool., Univ. Alberta, Canada) REPRODUCTION Sea anemones Reproduction in deep-sea anemones (L) M. Van Praet (Mus. Natl d'Hist. Nat., Paris, France) The dynamics of gonadal development in Bunodosoma caissarum Correa, 1964 (Actiniaria) (P) M. J. Costa Belem (Mus. Nacl, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) & E. Schlenz Sexual reproduction of the sea anemone Anthopleura asiatica in clonal populations (P) H. Fujii (Mukai shima Mar. BioI. Statn, Hiroshima Univ., Japan) Life cycles Metamorphosis of Tripedalia (Cubozoa) (F) G. Jarms (Zool. Inst., Univ. Hamburg, FRG) A complex cycle in Eucheilota paradoxica (Hydrozoa, Leptomedusae) with medusae, polyps and frustules produced from the medusa stage (P) D. Carre (Statn Zool., Villefranche-sur-Mer, France) & c. Carre Dispersal in Cnidaria (P) M. O. Zamponi (Depto Cienc. Mar., Univ. Mar del Plata, Argentina), G. N. Genzano & A. C. Excoffon 701 ECOLOGY A mathematical optimization theory of hydra ecology and evolution (P) M. Gatto (Dipto Elletron., Politecnico Milano, Italy), C. Matessi & L. B. Slobodkin Structural role of cnidarians in sublittoral Mediterranean benthic communities (P) J.-M. Gili (Inst. Cienc. del Mar, Barcelona, Spain) & E. Ballesteros The effect of distance and a unidirectional current on the settlement of the actinula larva of Tubularia larynx (P) R. J. Trott (Epsom CoIl., Surrey, UK) Populational growth of acroporid corals in the western Gulf of Mexico (L) E. Jord<'lll-Dahigren (Insto Cienc. del Mar, UNAM, Cancun, Mexico) The recovery of solitary corals from burial in sediments (L) J. B. Wilson (lnst. Oceanogr. Sci., Wormley, UK) Wave action and shape in fungiid corals (L) G. A. Horridge (RSBS at ANU, Canberra, Australia) Distribution, habitat and life cycle of the lagoonal edwardsiid Nematostella vectensis Stephenson (L) M. Sheader (Dept Oceanogr., Southampton Univ., UK), A. Al-Suwailem & P. Tyler Experimental analysis of the symbiosis between anemone fish and sea anemones (L, F) K. Miyagawa (Dept Zool., Kyoto Univ., Japan) Sweeper tentacle formation in Erythropodium caribaeorum: morphological and histological modifications for defense (L) J. Miles (Mar. Sci. Cent., Northeastern Univ., Boston MA, USA) Long-term association of Cancer sp. crabs with scyphomedusae in Monterey Bay (P) W. M. Graham (Santa Cruz lnst. Mar. Sci., Univ. California, USA) PELAGIC COELENTERATES Initial studies on the biology of mesopelagic ctenophores (L, F) G. R. Harbison (Woods Hole Oceanogr. lnst., MA, USA) Coelenterate bioluminescent displays: video recordings from a midwater submersible (L, F) E. A. Widder (Mar. Sci. Inst., Univ. California, Santa Barbara CA, USA) Oriented swimming in the jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris L. Agassiz (Scyphozoa, Rhizostomida) (L) A. L. Shanks (lnst. Mar. Sci., Univ. N. Carolina, USA) & W. M. Graham Seasonal occurrence of coelenterates in the western Dutch Wadden Sea: their impact on the zooplankton community (L) H. W. van der Veer (Neth. lnst. Sea Res., Texel, The Netherlands) & R. Daan Pelagic coelenterates: research at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen (P) S. J. Hay (DAFS Mar. Lab., Aberdeen, UK) Some aspects of the biology of Aurelia aurita in the coastal lagoon Mar Menor, SE Spain (P) F. Navarro (Depto BioI. Anim. Ecol., Univ. Murcia, Spain) & J.-M. Gili Observations on ctenophore abundance and repartition in the water intake channel of Gravelines Nuclear Power Station (P) F. Travade (Electricite de France, Dir. Etud. Rech., Chatou Cedex, France), M. Khalanski & D. Davoult The impact of gelatinous predators on the zooplankton community structure of Southampton Water (P) J. A. Williams (Dept Oceanogr., Southampton Univ., UK) Gastra lacta (Mayer, 1912), a ctenophore associated with Salpa cylindrica Cuvier, 1804, lacks a planula larva (P) G. R. Harbison (Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., MA, USA) 702 Biochemical and stable isotopic composition of Pelagia noctiluca (Scyphozoa) (L) A. Malej (Mar. BioI. Statn Piran, Univ. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia) & J. Faganeli ENDOSYMBIOSIS The role of host feeding in nutrient supply for zooxanthellae symbiotic with cnidarians (L) C. B. Cook (Bermuda BioI. Statn, Ferry Reach, Bermuda), G. Muller-Parker, W. K. Fitt & C. F. D'Elia The uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen by Anemonia viridis (Forskal) (Anthozoa, Actiniaria) (L) L. M. Davies (Mar. BioI. Statn, Millport, UK) & P. Spencer Davies Uptake of glucose and glycerol by isolated zooxanthellae from the scyphomedusa Cassiopea xamachana (L) A. M. McDermott (Dept BioI., Georgetown Univ., Washington DC, USA) & R. S. Blanquet Transfer of gastrodermal symbiotic algae into ectodermal oocytes of Hydra: pathway and mechanism of movement (L) R. D. Campbell (Devl BioI. Cent., Univ. California, Irvine CA, USA) Host reproduction and algal symbiont acquisition in temperate Anthozoa (L, P) J. R. Turner (Mar. Sci. Lab., Menai Bridge,
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